forkids 2010 summer newsletter

family MATTERS I was working late on a Friday night a couple months ago in the middle of this recession that is sending so many more people to our door but daily brings news of more govern- ment funding cuts. Defeat was creeping in, which I rarely allow to happen, when Ellie, my Education Coordinator, stopped by my office and told me that a student at ODU had just interviewed her for a class project. She said, “This student stayed at Haven House when she was a little girl. She thought you might be the only one who would remember her. Her name is Vincenza Jones. Do you remember her?” I did remember Vincenza Jones. I hadn’t heard that name in about a dozen years. There are a handful of families that taught me some of my biggest lessons in my 14 years at ForKids. Vincenza Jones and her mother Susan were one these families. Susan taught me about bi-polar disorder and crippling depression when she wanted to end her life in the Chesapeake Bay one cold January afternoon. Yes, I remember Vincenza Jones very well. She was 11 years old the last time I saw her and only five the first time she came to Haven House, our Norfolk emergency shelter. Her mother, a bright woman with a Bachelor’s degree, struggled with her bi-polar dis- order, an illness that her family refused to accept. ForKids was a young program just learning how to work with mentally ill home- less adults. We didn’t do it very well yet, but we made some progress and Lord knows we tried hard. Then Susan went in to a manic phase and they disappeared. In the last two months Vincenza and I have struck up an email correspondence and one afternoon she told me what happened after she left us. ForKids did not prevent her much pain. Her story is that of so many homeless children whose parents suffer with mental illness. She slipped in and out of homelessness and then finally went in to the foster care system. Her stories from that time are extraordinary and difficult to hear. But somehow, as Vincenza tells it, she always held on to her memories of Norfolk and her big dream of going to college. In 2006, she graduated from high school and was one of 100 students from across the country to be FROM HAVEN HOUSE TO ODU A ForKids Newsletter Winter 2010 Spring 2010 Summer 2010 Breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty for families and children ForKids, inc 4200 Colley Avenue, Norfolk, VA 757-622-6400 ForKids has a budget gap of $300,000 that must be closed by June 30. If the gap is not closed, ForKids will be forced to make tough choices by cutting programs to balance its budget. In April 2007, ForKids helped 66 people. In April 2010, ForKids helped 610. (We’re a little behind!) We need your help! Now that I’ve got your attention...These are, as they say, “interesting times.” After fourteen years at ForKids I will confess I would not have predicted the last three. In April 2007 ForKids assist- ed 66 individuals, including 36 children and we thought that was a lot. But we turned away another 134 people. So, working with the cities of Virginia Beach, Norfolk and Chesapeake we started our prevention and rapid re-housing programs, then we added more Supportive Housing units, and then we took on the shelter for Suffolk and Western Tidewater. Then the recession hit. In April 2010 ForKids as- sisted 610 individuals including 459 children. But we turned away 248. (cont. on page 2) (cont. on page 2) FREE STUFF!

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Our 2010 Summer newsletter


family MATTERS

I was working late on a Friday night a couple months ago in the middle of this recession that is sending so many more people to our door but daily brings news of more govern-ment funding cuts. Defeat was creeping in, which I rarely allow to happen, when Ellie, my Education Coordinator, stopped by my office and told me that a student at ODU had just interviewed her for a class project. She said, “This student stayed at Haven House when she was a

little girl. She thought you might be the only one who would remember her. Her name is Vincenza Jones. Do you remember her?”

I did remember Vincenza Jones.

I hadn’t heard that name in about a dozen years. There are a handful of families that taught me some of my biggest lessons in my 14 years at ForKids. Vincenza Jones and her mother Susan were one these families. Susan taught me about bi-polar disorder and crippling depression when she wanted to end her life in

the Chesapeake Bay one cold January afternoon. Yes, I remember Vincenza Jones very well.

She was 11 years old the last time I saw her and only five the first time she came to Haven House, our Norfolk emergency shelter. Her mother, a bright woman with a Bachelor’s degree, struggled

with her bi-polar dis-order, an illness that her family refused to accept. ForKids was a young program just learning how to work with mentally ill home-less adults. We didn’t do it very well yet, but we made some progress and Lord knows we tried hard. Then Susan went in to a manic phase and they disappeared.

In the last two months Vincenza and I have struck up an email correspondence and one afternoon she told me what happened after she left us. ForKids did not prevent her much pain. Her story is that of so many homeless children whose parents suffer with mental illness. She slipped in and out of homelessness and then finally went in to the foster care system. Her stories from that time are extraordinary and difficult to hear. But somehow, as Vincenza tells it, she always held on to her memories of Norfolk and her big dream of going to college. In 2006, she graduated from high school and was one of 100 students from

across the country to be


A ForKids Newsletter

Winter 2010Spring 2010

Summer 2010

Breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty for families and children

ForKids, inc4200 Colley Avenue, Norfolk, VA


ForKids has a budget gap of $300,000 that must be closed by June 30.

If the gap is not closed, ForKids will be forced to make tough choices by cutting programs to balance its budget.

In April 2007, ForKids helped 66 people. In April 2010, ForKids helped 610.

(We’re a little behind!)We need your help!

Now that I’ve got your attention...These are, as they say, “interesting times.” After fourteen years at ForKids I will

confess I would not have predicted the last three. In April 2007 ForKids assist-ed 66 individuals, including 36 children and we thought that was a lot. But we turned away another 134 people. So, working with the cities of Virginia Beach, Norfolk and Chesapeake we started our prevention and rapid re-housing programs, then we added more Supportive Housing units, and then we took on the shelter for Suffolk and Western Tidewater. Then the recession hit. In April 2010 ForKids as-sisted 610 individuals including 459 children. But we turned away 248.

(cont. on page 2)

(cont. on page 2)


awarded the Horatio Alger National Scholarship which assists high school students who have overcome great obstacles in their young lives. Oprah presented her award. She then made a beeline back to Norfolk and headed to college.

Vincenza graduated from ODU on May 8th with a Bachelors degree in Inter-national Studies. Maybe even more

extraordinary, her mother Susan has been stable for 6 years in Section 8 hous-ing. She has a full-time job as a librarian and was just promoted to supervisor.

I don’t think ForKids can take credit for Vincenza’s success. It is very much her own and she is an extraordinary young woman. But, one cold January day we kept her mom from

walking into the Chesapeake Bay and we gave 5-year-old and then 11-year-old Vincenza a home at Haven House and a feeling of safety that helped sustain her for decade.

There are thousands of children like Vincenza in this community and they are the reason ForKids exists. They are bright, talented, funny, thoughtful,

and homeless or living in grinding poverty.

Yes, I remembered Vincenza Jones, What is remarkable to me is that YOU did too and you never even met her. Through your contributions to ForKids you help thousands of Vincenzas and others with complex needs.

I am grateful to Vincenza for allowing me to share her story and for the timely reminder of why we are here. Recessions can be tough when your goal is ending homelessness but I am better equipped now for the fight. I may not know how all the stories will end for our children but I do know that all children deserve the chance for an ending like Vincenza’s.

Taken from a speech ThalerMcCormick, ForKids CEO, presented to the Hampton Roads Community Foundation. ForKids is grateful for their support over the last 22 years.

Our goal wasn’t growth, it was outcomes, it was ending homelessness. It still is.

I have never been more optimistic about ForKids’ ability to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty in our community. However, and this is a big however, despite achieving 85% permanent housing placement for families exiting our programs in the midst of a recession we are facing government cuts in funding across the board. Despite creating stability for 84% of the families in danger of imminent homelessness in our new prevention programs at a fraction of the cost of emergency shelter, the City of Norfolk is reduc-ing funding for the program by over 90%. Despite a tenfold increase in capacity we turned away nearly 250 people in April. Despite the increasing generosity of our community each year, we face a budget gap of over $300,000 to close by June 30.

In this environment, ForKids has figured out an endless number of a ways to be even more efficient. Our overhead is now at 17% headed to 15%. The community and our tireless Board have all stepped up in remarkable ways. But the fabric of ForKids is stretched to the breaking point. Our ability to provide the core services that end the cycle homelessness is

eroding while we struggle to provide basic services to an exploding population.

Our government and institutional partners must meaningfully join the battle to end homelessness, not just when there is a grant available, but because they understand that homelessness erodes the foundation our community at its very core, exacting an exorbitant economic and human toll. We can fix the problem through thoughtful, efficient solutions like prevention, education and affordable housing. Or, when we are really horrified by what our foolish neglect has caused, we can shovel money into costly emergency shelters, prisons, emergency room healthcare, and remedial education.

They say nothing in life is free. Our services are. If you are reading this newsletter chances are good you care about homelessness. Call and email your elected officials and tell them to invest in sensible long-term solutions to homelessness. Chances are also good that you have donated to ForKids this year. Please give again. More families than ever need us and we depend more than ever on you.


Thaler McCormick,Executive Director

“They say nothing in life is free. Our services are.”

Thaler McCormick, Executive Director

Hot Meals & Homework is ForKids’ afterschool tutoring/mentoring program that helps kids, Monday through Thursday from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Most students have exited one of ForKids’ residential program and are living in independent housing while remaining connected to

ForKids through our aftercare services. Others are receiving prevention services through our In-Home Case Management teams. Four nights a week, ForKids provides transportation to the kids at the Marie and Paul Finch Center for Families and Children on Colley Avenue in Norfolk where they receive one-on-one tutoring and mentoring, as well as cultural and arts enrichment activities. Every night, an area restaurant prepares a hot meal for the entire family of each child partici-pating in Hot Meals & Homework. We are excited to announce that the program has just expanded to the Cuffee Center in Chesapeake through an innovative partnership with the city of Chesapeake funded by the Dragas Grants.

“HM&HW is so much more than just homework,” says volunteer tutor, Jessie Winship. “It is about cooperation and understanding. The kids know they have someone to trust and open up to when they arrive at HM&HW. It is about helping the kids with homework, but the time is also spent getting to know them and letting them have an outlet to talk and feel comfortable with others.”

HM&HW students also get a chance to participate in enrichment and recreational activities outside of tutoring, like visiting the Chrysler Mu-seum, making gingerbread houses, and going ice-skating. Our aftercare case management services help our students with a multitude of issues that could interfere with academic performance.

According to the National Center on Family Homelessness, children who

are homeless are four times more likely to repeat a grade in school, and in Virginia, less than 25% will graduate from high school. Equipping our kids to not just stay in school but to do well in school is at the core of our mission to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty. We are deeply grateful to our volunteer tutors and to !our restaurant partners who help us make this program possible.

Please Support Our Restaurant Partners!

37th and Zen

Baker’s Crust Bread Market

Baron’s Pub & Restaurant

Baxter’s Sports Lounge

Brutti’s Restaurant and Catering

Buster’s Bistro

Carraba’s Italian Grill

Coastal Catering Co.

Colley Cantina

Gourmet Gang

Here’s What’s Cooking

HK on the Bay


O’Sullivan’s Wharf


Red Dog

San Antonio Sam’s Texas Grill

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Taphouse Grill at Ghent

Taste Unlimited

Westminster-Canterbury on Chesapeake Bay


Now in Chesapeake!


The SuperKids program was created by ForKids and has been

refined over the last 5 years (thanks to seed funding provided

by the Virginia Beach Foundation and the Virginia Community

Organization Grant). The program features an in-depth look at

ten important character traits (see sidebar). All children in the

ForKids’ residential services, ages 5 – 13, participate in the pro-

gram that takes place once per week at each ForKids location.

Brooke Mathias, a member of the

children’s service team, maintains

the curriculum and creates lesson

plans, engages with the children

on a weekly basis, chaperones chil-

dren on a monthly outing and trains

5 other shelters in South Hampton

Roads on the curriculum so they

can implement the program in their


The character trait of the month is

displayed at each residential site

and includes book selections that

demonstrate the trait. Children are

encouraged to read several books

during the month.

Each month a

“SuperKid of

the Month” is

selected and it is

a big deal because it demonstrates the use of

the month’s trait through their daily actions, by

reading the most books pertaining to the trait,

and by maintaining good grades and behaviors

in school. A SuperKid of the month is selected

from each ForKids site and the reward is a fun

outing with a children service team member to

a restaurant or movie and a gift card.

The cur-

riculum was


in the

summer of

2009 and

several lo-

cal shelters

are actively

using the


in their


ForKids provides on-site training for The Dwelling Place, Park

Place Shelter, Our House, Samaritan House and the YWCA.

To further expand its impact, ForKids hopes to identify funding to

copyright and publish the curriculum in the future. This program

is a great example of an innovative children’s program with a big













Send in your donations of small trinkets to give

our SuperKids.

Examples: stickers, toy cars/trucks, pencils/erasers, lip gloss/chap-stick, candy as well a gift cards for use in

outings (restaurant/cinema) and incentive gifts ($10 Wal-Mart or Target).

Help us stock the SuperKids

“Treasure Chest”!

ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAMIt is hard enough to become self-sufficient if you are well and it’s even harder if you are sick. A new partnership with Old Dominion

Nursing School is underway with the assistance of Karen J. Higgins, RN, MSN, FNP to address this issue. Nursing program students

are developing lessons on health education that will be invaluable to ForKids’ clients. Topics include healthy eating/portion control,

smoking cessation, flu precautions and hypertension education. The students will then present the lessons to residential clients

and further refine the content based on their experiences. The curriculum will be maintained by ForKids and it is hopeful that

incoming ODU students will contribute new subjects to create a comprehensive health education curriculum.

ForKids believes that homeless children and those at risk of homelessness should be exposed

to the breadth of culture in the world around them. As a result, ForKids works with numerous

partners to immerse our kids in the arts. Winter break was filled with art activities for our

ForKids children. Time off from school provided the opportunity to take in a special tour of “To

Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures of the Brooklyn Museum” with Director of Education, Scott

Howe, at the Chrysler Museum. Artist and educator, Helena Navarro, treated the kids to

a screen printing workshop, teaching them the basics of silk screening and fabric printing.

ForKids’ own Josh Conner led a landscape painting class, aided by resources provided by

Norfolk Public Schools’ art department, and the families at Suffolk House experienced “The

Nutcracker” courtesy of the Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts.

As the new year began, Old Dominion University and the Chrysler Museum paired up

once again to provide hands-on art lessons and gallery tours, and the Virginia Symphony

Orchestra education team offered an expanded course on music composition.

Please support the restaurants that provided lunch to the children

during winter break:


Baker’s Crust Bread Market

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Colley Cantina

Taste Unlimited

Baxter’s Sports Lounge

Baron’s Pub


ForKids and the Arts

Helena Navarro

Help us stock the SuperKids

“Treasure Chest”!

ARE yOU INTO THE ARTS? If you are interested in volunteering your skills to teach a workshop or provide an educational opportunity, please contact our volunteer coordinator, Megan Iacobellis at [email protected] or 622-6400 ext. 103.

ForKids welcomed volunteers from Virginia Natural Gas; Signature Financial Management; Tidewater Community College-Portsmouth

Campus; Wall, Einhorn, & Chernitzer, P.C.; Willcox & Savage, PC; and the United Way’s Women’s Leadership Council. Volunteers and staff were busy throughout the day landscaping, cleaning, painting, and working on maintenance projects at both of our emergency shelters in Norfolk and Suffolk as well as at our tran-sitional and permanent supportive housing properties located throughout Norfolk. ForKids relies heavily on the support of volunteers and donors for such projects. Their hard work helped ForKids in its goal of being a good neighbor by always having the best looking property on the block!


Wall, Einhorn & Chernitzer Volunteers at Morgan Place

Janet and Victoria Mansfield from Virginia Natural Gas at Elizabeth Place(Janet’s 20th year!)

Left: Students at Suffolk House

ForKids was honored to host approximately 130 volunteers for the 2009 United Way Day of Caring.

Thomas Goodwin (right) assisted with landscaping the front garden at Haven House, which needed a lot of TLC. Goodwin said, “The existing garden had a lot of potential but it needed some attention. By the end of the day, we had completely re-done and re-planted it. The results from one day’s work were amazing!” Day of Caring was Goodwin’s first introduction to ForKids and he has since become a dedicated volunteer for the Development team!

ForKids’ CEO Thaler McCormick with volunteers from Signature Financial at Suffolk House

DAy OF CARING SPONSORS5 Points Community Farm Market; Absolute Bot-tled Water Co.; Anderson Summer Garden; BB&T;

Bennet’s Creek Nursery; Borjo Coffee House; Boston Market; CCI Lawn & Landscape; Celebration Christian Church; Daniel’s Garden Center Portsmouth; Distinctive Event Rentals; Donut Dinette; Dunkin Donuts; East Coast Home & Garden; Farmer’s Bank; Garden Gazebo, Inc.; Harbour Graphics Apparel, Inc.; Home Depot; John Deere Landscaping; Mt. Ararat Church; Nansemond Lawn and Garden, Inc.; Red Dog Saloon; Sherwin Williams; Shi-loh Landscaping; Target, Great Bridge; Taste Unlimited; Taylor Do-It Center; Trainor Rentals; White’s Old Mill Garden Center; Willoughby Gardens; Winn Nursery.

Gail Bachman,

Hot Meals & Homework Tutor

Investing in her com-

munity is nothing new

for Gail Bachman. After

devoting 31 years to

teaching in Norfolk

Public Schools, Gail

joined the Hot Meals

& Homework tutoring

team four years ago and began volun-

teering two nights a week. For Gail, the

ForKids mission of breaking the cycle

of poverty is aligned with her dedication

to education. She has spent 16 years

as the principal of the Ohef Sholom

Temple Religious School and believes in

the power of community schools. Her

roles as both ForKids tutor and religious

leader allow her to respond to barriers

that prevent children from thriving, such

as hunger and lack of basic services.

Gail organizes food and supply drives

and offers her support to several com-

munity agencies. “I enjoy working with

the ForKids staff and the other tutors,”

she says, “but mostly, I just like being

able to be a part of this organization,

helping the students learn.”



Wall, Einhorn & Chernitzer Volunteers at Morgan Place


Mid-Atlantic District Veterinary Command ForKids is privileged to have the deep support of the wonderful men and women in the armed services. Over the past several months, ForKids has established a strong partnership with volunteers from the Mid Atlantic District Veterinary Command (MADVC). Volun-teers have participated in much needed painting and maintenance projects, dona-tion sorting, and the operation of our Holiday Shop. In addition, three supply drives hosted by the MADVCid Atlantic District Veterinary Command brought in

more than $1,000 in donated goods to benefit the families and children of ForKids. The staff and families of ForKids thank the MADVC their support! Swedish Women’s Education Association

ForKids transitional housing programs provide families with the essential time and intensive services needed to reduce debt and build a path toward a self- sufficient future. When a family exits transitional housing, we rely on volunteer groups

to help clean and decorate the unit for the next family to move in. In October 2009, volunteers from the Swedish Women’s Educational Association (SWEA) donated their time and over $800 in IKEA furnishings to turn a vacant ForKids apartment into a loving home for a family in need.

Did you know?ForKids helps over 200 families every day including 75 families in Chesapeake.

ForKids turned away 248 people in just the month of April due to lack of capacity.

We need your help.

Before (top) and After shots



A rite of summer for many children, summer camp is

something children raised in poverty rarely experience.

Indeed many have never been out of their neighborhoods.

At ForKids, we believe summer camp is essential. At

camp our kids learn to swim, go to the zoo and the

beach, fish, paint, plant seeds, row a boat, and have

picnics, usually for the first time.

Many individuals and organizations help make this

possible (Seventeen camps donate or discount camp fees). One individual stands out

from the rest. Caroline McCartney has become the personal shopper for ForKids kids

getting them ready for camp each summer. Single mothers living in poverty, working

non-traditional hourly jobs or living with disabilities like mental illness and suffering

from addiction, are often simply too overwhelmed and too broke to make sure their

children have all the supplies necessary for summer camp. Without help, kids with

camp scholarships can show up on the first day of camp in jeans and a sweatshirt (no

bathing suit, no towel, no lunch box). They feel embarrassed and isolated.

Instead, our staff handles transportation and lunches and Caroline and friends outfit

more than 50 children for camp. Our kids fit right in with new tennis shoes, trendy

summer clothes and bathing suits that fit. It really makes a difference.

Thanks Caroline from all of us at ForKids!

ForKids Kid Jeanette; Caroline McCartney, Realtor, Prudential Towne Realty and ForKids Board Member


HO,HO,HO, THE 2009 HOLIDAy SEASON IN REVIEWThe holiday season is a time to give thanks and appreciate the many joys in life; however, this is an especially stressful and challenging time for families in need. Fortunately, ForKids has amazing donors and volunteers who make this time of year a joyous occasion for our families. Volunteers assisted with sorting and organizing food and toy donations and helped parents with shopping for toys for their children. The ForKids Holiday Shop provides parents with the opportunity to find the perfect gift for their children while teaching them the importance of budgeting through our voucher program. Every gift is purchased through earned vouchers by ForKids parents and is another example of our philosophy of giving a hand up rather than a handout.

In November, ForKids served approximately 180 families with a traditional Thanksgiving meal and a month later provided new toys to approximately 550 children! We are extremely thankful for the community’s support of these drives that mean so much to the parents in ForKids’ programs, many of whom would not be able to provide for their families during these tough economic times.

Employees from Dominion Virginia Power and Ameri-group not only donated toys and gift cards, but also showed their support by volunteering their time at the ForKids Holiday Shop!

What Can You Do?HOST A SUPPLy DRIVEForKids has 9 separate facilities housing its clients. With 40 residential units, it takes lots of “stuff” to make it through each day. When a family enters our shelters or housing programs, they often have little more than the clothes on their backs. ForKids needs help with the everyday items needed to make a household run. Hosting a supply drive for anything from toilet paper to cleaning supplies is a great way to get involved with ForKids and truly help our families. For details, please visit or contact Megan Iacobellis at 757-622-6400 ext. 103.

HOST A FUNDRAISERWith exploding demand for our services and reduced government funding, ForKids relies heavily on community support to provide its vital services. Have a yard sale, start a lemonade stand, hold a spaghetti dinner and donate the proceeds to ForKids. Get creative to help raise money and awareness to benefit the families and children of ForKids! Visit for additional fundraising ideas.

Amerigroup volunteers at the Holiday Shop

Stocked shelves at the Holiday Shop

Employees from Wardell Orthopaedics, P.C. delivering thousands of dollars worth of new toys.

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FOUNDATION GRANTS AWARDEDJuly 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010Beazley FoundationRichard Bennett TrustBike & BuildCapital Group CompaniesCity of Chesapeake Hot Meals & HomeworkCommunity Action Coalition of VirginiaJoshua P. and Elizabeth D. Darden FoundationDominion FoundationFamily and Children’s Trust Fund of VirginiaFOOTPrint PrintingHelen GiffordGwathmey Memorial TrustHaddad FoundationJosten’s Larchmont United Methodist Church FoundationLewis Family Fund of the Norfolk FoundationMary Ludlow Home FoundationThe Norfolk Foundation

Norfolk Southern FoundationObici Healthcare FoundationThe Pruden FoundationRonald McDonald House CharitiesRotary Club of NorfolkSentara Health FoundationSimon Family Foundation of the Tidewater Jewish FoundationSuffolk 60 CareSuffolk FoundationTarget FoundationTidewater Children’s FoundationUnited Way Women’s Initiative GED ProgramVerizonWachovia FoundationWards Corner Lions Club FoundationWilliam E Wood Foundation

PUBLIC FUNDSJuly 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009City of Chesapeake Family Intake & Rapid Re-housing GrantCity of Norfolk Rapid Re-housing GrantCity of Norfolk Human Services GrantCity of Norfolk HPRP sub-grantee for Case ManagementCity of Suffolk HPRP Sub-grantee for Case Management and HMIS administrationHUD Supportive Housing Grant for Morgan PlaceHUD Supportive Housing Grant for Elizabeth PlaceHUD Supportive Housing Grant for LegacyHUD Supportive Housing Grant for Emergency & Transitional Support ServicesWestern Tidewater HPRP sub-grantee for HMIS Administration

R. Mike & Sondra AbbottTerrence & Paula AbbottCarolyn Abron-McCaddenActive NetworkJohn & Heather AdamsChristine AgbuyaAGL Resources-Virginia Natural GasRon & Sharon AgrestaMajorie AlbertiDoug AlexanderSusan Alper & Steven HarwoodSteve & Jody AlperinAlpha Iota Chapter Omega PSI PHIAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority-Zeta Epsilon Omega ChapAlpha Lambda ADKAlpha Xi DeltaCynthia AmaroAmerican FundsAmerican Legion AuxiliaryAmerican Red Cross Southeastern Virginia ChapterAmerican Systems CorporationAmerigroup - Treasury DepartmentAudrey AmerskiJ. Fender Wray & Serena AmersonAnn AmundsenAmy Pesesky, P.L.C.Anders Williams & CompanyLeila AndersonJames & Shelley AndersonJill & Scott AnglinAntioch United Church of ChristMacKenzie ArbogustClarke & Carey ArmentroutChristina Arnesen

Ashman Distributing CompanyAssociation of Legal AdministratorsAT&TFrank & Wendy AuerbachAustin VillageClark & Kelly AveryMike BabashanianTanya BacalisGene & Carole BachmanWilliam J. Baker, Jr.James & Barbara BakerJill & Patrick BakerSandra L. BallardSara H. BallengerBank of AmericaBank of Hampton RoadsTom Baragona & Arlene Klinedinst BaragonaMichelle BargerJoseph H. BarlowWesley & Diana BarnesRichard F. Barry IIIJoan Louise BarryJane & Fred BasharaDavid Baudoin & Karla MontanoBaylake Pines Private SchoolBayview United Church of ChristBB&TBBG, IncorporatedDavid & Christine BeattyCraig & Johanna BeckerJeff & Stephanie BeckerRoss BeebeTodd BeenJohn & Joanne BenedictCarlton Bennett, Esq.

Berea Womens FellowshipSally BergerRosemary & Benyam BerhaneRob & Lei Lei BerzBeta Alpha PsiBethlehem Christian ChurchPeter & Angela BialobrzewskiBirdsong CorporationStuart Birkel & Nathalie CassisBishop Sullivan Catholic High SchoolKristie BissellJonathan Blackwell & Lisa ClayAnthony BlewerBloomBody of Christ Community Church

Jim & Joy BolanderRoger & Ann BolenBottom Dollar FoodRichard & Frances BoueyKristin BowenCynthia BranchBroome Real Estate Properties, LLCJames & Anne BuggBullis Lawn Care, Inc.William C. BunchSusan BurnettJoni BursteinPatricia Butler & Dennis HusteadAlice BuxbaumMia N. ByrdMike & Cher Byrum

FRIENDS OF ForKids (THROUGH APRIL 30, 2010)Pictures from the 2010 ForKids Art Auction

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R. Mike & Sondra AbbottTerrence & Paula AbbottCarolyn Abron-McCaddenActive NetworkJohn & Heather AdamsChristine AgbuyaAGL Resources-Virginia Natural GasRon & Sharon AgrestaMajorie AlbertiDoug AlexanderSusan Alper & Steven HarwoodSteve & Jody AlperinAlpha Iota Chapter Omega PSI PHI

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority-Zeta Epsilon Omega ChapAlpha Lambda ADKAlpha Xi DeltaCynthia AmaroAmerican FundsAmerican Legion AuxiliaryAmerican Red Cross Southeastern Virginia ChapterAmerican Systems CorporationAmerigroup - Treasury DepartmentAudrey AmerskiJ. Fender Wray & Serena AmersonAnn AmundsenAmy Pesesky, P.L.C.Anders Williams & CompanyLeila AndersonJames & Shelley AndersonJill & Scott AnglinAntioch United Church of ChristMacKenzie ArbogustClarke & Carey ArmentroutChristina ArnesenAshman Distributing CompanyAssociation of Legal AdministratorsAT&TFrank & Wendy AuerbachAustin VillageClark & Kelly AveryMike BabashanianTanya BacalisGene & Carole Bachman

William J. Baker, Jr.James & Barbara BakerJill & Patrick BakerSandra L. BallardSara H. BallengerBank of AmericaBank of Hampton RoadsTom Baragona & Arlene Klinedinst BaragonaMichelle BargerJoseph H. BarlowWesley & Diana BarnesRichard F. Barry III

Joan Louise BarryJane & Fred BasharaDavid Baudoin & Karla MontanoBaylake Pines Private SchoolBayview United Church of ChristBB&TBBG, IncorporatedDavid & Christine BeattyCraig & Johanna BeckerJeff & Stephanie BeckerRoss BeebeTodd BeenJohn & Joanne BenedictCarlton Bennett, Esq.Berea Womens FellowshipSally BergerRosemary & Benyam BerhaneRob & Lei Lei BerzBeta Alpha PsiBethlehem Christian ChurchPeter & Angela BialobrzewskiBirdsong CorporationStuart Birkel & Nathalie CassisBishop Sullivan Catholic High SchoolKristie BissellJonathan Blackwell & Lisa ClayAnthony BlewerBloomBody of Christ Community ChurchJim & Joy BolanderRoger & Ann BolenBottom Dollar Food

Richard & Frances BoueyKristin BowenCynthia BranchBroome Real Estate Properties, LLCJames & Anne BuggBullis Lawn Care, Inc.William C. BunchSusan BurnettJoni BursteinPatricia Butler & Dennis HusteadAlice BuxbaumMia N. ByrdMike & Cher ByrumJohn & Julia CalderCalifornia Pizza KitchenStephanie CalliotKat CalziniBrian CamdenPaul Campsen & Carrie WhiteRob & Shannon CandlerAlison & Pete CarrR. Scott & Heather CarrBill & Carol Ann CaryCash Converters United, LLCClaire CasonCatherine’s CafeCelebration Christian ChurchCenter for Hope & New BeginningsCeridian Cobra ServicesEllie CesarioKathleen ChanceChapel of the Good ShepherdLatisha ChatmanCheckered FlagElouise CheeksJames & Marilyn ChenMichael CherryCherry, Bekaert & HollandChesapeake Athletic ClubChesapeake Montessori SchoolChesapeake United Soccer Club, West Ham United U-1Christ the King Catholic SchoolChrist United Methodist ChurchAmanda R. ChristonMegan Christopher & Jon Sheele

The Chrysm InstituteMarguerite ChurchChurch of the AdventThe Episcopal Church of the AscensionEileen ChurchillCITI Commercial Card ServicesPete & Pam CiulaMadeline ClarkJack ClarkMichelle ClayClaramont & Cynthia CliftonVerizon WirelessPam CoerseDarren CoffeySidika ColakogluColdwell Banker Professional RealtorsMittie ColemanCathy Coleman & Jay MastonDavid & Carrie ColemanSamantha ColemanLynn ColeyCharles ColleyMichelle & Aldon CollierColonial Webb ContractorsMary CommanderCommonwealth Employee Benefit SolutionsCommunity Action Coalition of VirginiaCommunity Associations Institute, SEVA-CAI



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Dana ConstableConsumer Portfolio ServicesDaniel CooganChris & Paula CookChris CoolbaughFinley Cooperwood & John MillerJeff CorriveauCosmopolitan Club of Norfolk Foundation, IncDonna CountsCovel Family Services, LLCMary CovellStephen Cox & Jean WebsterBetty Wade & Tim CoyleJeff CraigAdrienne CrayEdward Credle & Gene ParkerLeslie CreechKatie & Clifford CreechMary & Jeff CreekmoreQueen CrittendonStan & Nancy CrockettHarry & Alicia Cross

Kate & Lee CrossSamuel & Laverne CrownRichard & Katherine CulbrethJudy CulliferThom & Becky CurtisCynthia CutlerMaryrose CutrinoKatherine & Georg DahlRichard & Rosemarie DalianisLauren D’AmicoLinda DanielMark & Elizabeth DanleyBonnie DarnellDAVCON, Inc.Philip DavidsonPatti DavidsonMarie DavisStephen & Gale DavisConstance G. & Stuart DavisHarry & Theresa DavisDonald & Margaret DavisStephen & Erin DeBoerSarah DechristoforoDecker, Cardon, Thomas, Weintraub & Neskis

Delta Kappa GammaDelta Sigma Theta- Suffolk Alumnae ChapterRyan & Amber DennisDesigns by RubyDaniel & Dudley DeStefanoJohn & Sally DeVanLaura DevineWilliam & Alicia DevineDIA, Inc.Shante DickersonDouglas & Marianne DickersonCindy DillonDominion Employee Giving ProgramJane DoughDowntown Norfolk CouncilJ. Robert & Vicky DoxeyJody & Laura DrapJoyce DrewDriver Chapter 149-Order of the Eastern StarStephen & Kimberly DrummBarbara DryerRobert DucoteAmelia DullWilliam J. DunganWayne & Cheryl DunnCharles & Susan EdmonsonXia EduardoEdward JonesDan & Susan EdwardsLisa EdwardsRalph & Patty EdwardsRob & Jen EdwardsDavid & Shelly EdwardsElectronic SystemsLaura BellerRaymond & Diane EllisBurna EllisKarl & Mary EricksonElizabeth EtheridgeRobert & Elizabeth EvansJackie EvansJohn & Pamela FaberAya FadahunsiRebecca FaganFaith Lutheran ChurchFaithers Class of Faith Wesleyan ChurchJeff & Linda FarlowFarm FreshFarm Fresh PharmacyFarmer’s BankPaul & Jean FarrellRoger & Charlotte FederoPamela A. FergusonMary FergusonJulianne R. FetterlyBemjamin FinchPaul & Marie FinchBruce FingerEdward FinkRobert FinkAndrew & Kim FinkFirst Baptist ChurchFirst Colonial Inn

First State Insurance Agency, IncFirst United Methodist Church UMWFitness TogetherFlir Systems, Inc.Katherine FogleFood Lion LLCFood Lion Shop & ShareLashawn FortesAlice FortierMatthew & Jenna FosburgJennie FossAndra FosterScott FowlerWilliam & Linda FoxPam & Graham FoxRobert & Alice FradyFraming SuccessPaul Francois & Lynn GoodmanShelby FrankFranklin Presbyterian WomenFraternal Order of PoliceLeslie FriedmanFriends of Barclay WinnDanielle FritzRowena & Peter FullinwiderJohn H. FurrShannon GabrielTasos GaliotosTom & Bug GallagherMarcia GarrRon & Paula GarrisonG. Carlisle GatjeGeicoDennis & Robin GilbertDeborah Gill & Kenneth StepkaJackie GingrichGirls on the RunSusan GitlinGlebe Episcopal ChurchJoseph GlessnerGlobal Education Settlement AdministratorGlobal Supply Solutions, LLC

Frances GloverTanya GoldenEthel GoldmanJane Goldman & Ron DyerGold’s GymMichael GomezPeter GoodeDavid & Susan GoodeBarbara GorntoGarry GouldT. Winston & Eleanor GouldinPatricia GrahamScott & Kimberly GrahamDick & Elizabeth GrayGreat Bridge Middle SchoolGreenbrier Presbyterian Church - Golden TreasuresDouglas & Sandra GreeneAndy & Ashley GreeneRichard & Joan GriffeyRay & Deb GromelskiGromelski & AssociatesFred & LauraBob & Becky GulledgeGreta GustavsonConrad & Marie HaasLaura HackettDebbi HaddawayChristine HajzakLynn S. HaleBarbara HallThe Hallmark Ornament Gift Bear Col-lectors ClubJohn & Patricia HanawaltEric & Yvonne HansonHarbor Front Kiwanis Club Civic ActionJim & Susan HardestyKaty HareBob & Pearl HarrellJohn & Mary Lawrence HarrellHarris Teeter #278Carol HarryEdward & Joan Hart

Mindi & Judge HaugenChris HawsEdward & Thelma Haycox, IIITracy HayesBeverly HelmsCarolyn HendersonVikki HendersonCharlie & Donna HendersonJoyce HendleyCharles & Erlene HendrixLeslie & William HennesseyBrian HennessyFrank & Patricia HennessyHerff Jones, Inc.Jens & Cheryl HermannSylvia HernandezJames & Mary Herndon Jr.John HessManuel & Roberta HidalgoErness HillMartha HillegasGrant HillierPaul & Susan HirschbielHK on the BayGeorge & Betsi HnathKatherine HobbsPatricia HodgeJohn K. HogueWilliam HollandHoly Neck Christian Church

Erin E. HookerMike & Liz HopkinsMarge & Mike HouseChristopher & Susan HowlettStacie Lee Huck & Michael KevinBrenda & Ruben HudsonMichael & Barbara HughesLarry & Sally HullHinton D. Hurff Sr.Hustead’s Canvas CreationsMike & Cathy IacobellisRobert & Brenda IkeIssueTrak, Inc.ITA International LLC

J T Fisher Funeral ServicesJack & Jill of America - Chesapeake ChapterTara JacksonJarred JacksonBernard JaffeKaren JaffeDebra JaggardRobert & Cherie JamesJames L. Mclemore Bible ClassDavid & Kendra JarrellJoel JasonReginald & MonicaJohn JenkinsJeffrey & Stephanie JenneyPam & Carlton JewettMarie M. JohnsSarah JohnsonLinda & James JohnsonBrianna JohnsonMark & Shonder JohnsonMatthew & Rosezina JonesJoshua & Stephanie JonesDewey JonesSam & Anne JonesPhilip JordanMartin & Rebecca JosephJust GiveKimber & Sandra KalbCraig Kampen

John KanarasJohn & Judith KaneDavid KassirKatec, Inc.KBCWilliam Keenan Jr.Shari KellarGeorge & Dotty KelloWilliam & Amanda KellyLoriane KellyH. Taryn KempGraham & Helen KesslerSara KilgoreSuan & Colin KilrainJason & Jamie KimballEdward & Anne KimpleGail & Gary KingKing’s Fork High SchoolBeatrice KinlawRobin KinseyNancy Kinzinger

Stephen & Alice KissellKiwanis Club of PungoJay & Jodi KlebanoffJohn & Roz KleinFrances Knudson & Nancy JenkinsEugene & Jennifer KodolitschKelly KoonsEdward & Anne KramerDiana KrellTom & Candy KropMatthew & Kendra KroupaMichaela KubicekEleanor M. KubicekDottie Laderoute

Lakeview Medical CenterLee & Janet LaMonicaRalph & Susan LampertJohn & Maria LapetinaLarrymore Lawns Civic LeagueJoe & Pamela LassiterL. Robert Layton & Betty Beryl SchenkMaynard LeeTommy LeemanDavid B. LegoJane B. LegoTyler & Sunshine LeinbachJimmy & Susan LeonardBarbara LesterFaye LevenstonWillie LevenstonKenneth & Johnna LevinsLevoc Family ServicesCathy LewisPenelope & Donald LewisLewis & Compant PCLiberty Spring Christian ChurchLifeNet HealthJoAnne LillisLindab, Inc.Frances & Harvey Lindsay, Jr.Lorene LingleLittle AngelsRyan LivingstonDavid & Barbara Livingston

John LohndorfLondon & Norfolk, LTDDon L. LongLonnie LongtinDuane & Randy LougeeRichard & Phyllis LougherySteve & Emily LoweHank LuhringDebi LuptonNicole LusterShanae LyttleKathy MaaloufArthur & Jane MacConochieMagnolia United Methodist Church MissionsR. Michael MaherJenna MaloneNancy MaloyKatie ManaughKelly ManaughMark & Ellen ManionPhilip & Meg MannMannequin ProductionsMarilyn & Marvin Simon Family Jewish CommunityMarket Velocity, Inc.Loli & Bjorn MarshallFiesta MartinLisa MartinEverett & Nancy Martin


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14 15

Janet MarvelMichael & Susan MatchettBrian & Rebecca MatthewsGreg & Christina MatthewsCecil MaysJoanne McCaffrey-Albero & Frank AlberoMike & Caroline McCartneyPeter McCormickNat & Thaler McCormickShelia McDanielKeith McGhee & Leanne CurrieGrace McGheeMcGuireWoods LLPLaRhonda McLeanRobert & Cindy McNallyJ. Phil McPhailCarolyn McPhersonJoan M. McQuadeMark & Julie MedleyChristina MeierLisa & Robert MelanconDarlene MellottMerrimack Elementary SchoolMarty MerzwaMetAmericaAnthony MiaMiars PlantationManny MichealsDonald & Sharon MiddlebrooksMiles Memorial United Methodist ChurchMiles Memorial United Methodist WomenDeborah MillerJohn M. MillerYvonne B. MillerKim MillerMitch & Mary MillerBrian & Tammy MillikenMichael MilteerLuther Milteer Jr.Ralph & Judith MinerEdwin & Patricia MitchellKrystal Mizzell

Devina MohanPeter & Kara MolinMonarch BankMontagna Klein Camden LLPVivian MontanoRebekah MonteithPriscilla MontiMichelle MooreNeusa MorenoRonald & Penny MorganJoe & Nancy MorganBrent & Charlene MorringSheila & Richard MorrisJennifer MorrisJeffrey MossMount Gilead Missionary Baptist ChurchJim & Sheila MoynihanMt. Ararat Christian ChurchPhyllis A. MullaneyDenise Rae MullinsDonald & Judy MusacchioDawn & Albert MyersMary & Clarence MyersNancy Nale & Brian KueblerSpencer NatielloNaval Medical Center PortsmouthNaval Station Norfolk Religious Offering FundDarryl & Bridget NemethNew Life SuffolkNew Paul’s Temple Holiness ChurchNew York Life InsuranceNew York Times Shared Services CenterLeonard & Elizabeth NewcombNewsome United Methodist ChurchThe NIA CorporationBilly NicholsMarietta & Chris NicholsRichard & Chris NickelRobert & Ann NienstedtRandal & Barbra NoeNorfolk Academy ClubsNorfolk Collegiate Middle SchoolNorfolk Ice Cream CompanyNorfolk Life Underwriters AssociationNorfolk Sertoma ClubNorth Suffolk Rotary ClubNorthside Norfolk Rotary ClubBrenda NortonNorview Presbyterian ChurchSheilah L. NorwoodJames & Carol NottinghamNuckol’s Tree ServiceRobert NusbaumHannah O’BoyleJim & Dianna O’BrienOcean View Baptist ChurchOcean View Democratic & Social ClubJack & Marilyn O’DonnellThomas O’GradyJohn & Heather OkenkaBarbara OlderOlive Garden Italian RistoranteSteven OlsonPhyllis O’Quinn

David & Lisa OrtonHugh & Evelyn OsborneKaitlyn O’ShaughnessyJames & Linda OvertonOxford United Methodist Church- UMWParish of the Holy SpiritHana ParkJohn & Darlene ParrFred & Winston PaschallMichael & Geraldine PavlockSharon PayneMary PaynterRon PeacockDavid Peak & Liza TosocKathleen Pearce & Cynthia SchmidJoyce PellenbergTrina & Watt Perley

Virginia PerryAmy & Scott PeseskyKatherine PeseskyKevin PetersenCarl & Abigail PetersonJennifer & Travis PfitznerRoger & Andrea PhelpsElizabeth PhilpottLaShonda Phoenix-VillegasCynthia PickensSusan & Vince PilatoVince & Susan PilatoPilato & Counts Interior DesignPilot Club of SuffolkInger B. PincusJulie PlasenciaSteve & Amy PollariClaire PolleySusan PollockStephanie PooleDon & Nancy PooleWilliam M. Pope & Linda L. LewisAmanda PopeSebrina PorterKathy B. PottsMarc & Allyson PoutassePress 626 Cafe & Wine BarRosalyn PriceJennifer & Jonathan PriestChris & Maggie PrinceMichael Prodan

Professional Sales Est LtdCharles & Elizabeth ProutyTheresa ProvostClaire PuckettNorma Purcell-SchultzPure EnglishMelanie Comer & Kevin PyleFaye PylesQVCGary Radtke & Christine KnorrJennifer RaffertyJames & Gretchen RandallKenneth & Patrice RaumIna RawlsRaymond Key Commerical ContractingRazorback Pub N GrubCapt. Joseph & Clare Reagan

Thomas ReedBill & Pam ReedRyan & Meghan ReganWilliam ReidJudie ReidJohn & Mary ReinhartGary & Carolyn RichardAnne RichardsonWalter RiddleJames & Martha RitchieMelanie & Reginald RiveraSam & Priscilla RoadyEsther RobertThe Robert W. Hayes Company, Inc.Leah RobertsYasmine RobinsonCalvin & Iris RobinsonBrenda RobinsonThomas & Chandra RogersRon & Bari RoistacherRoland VaultsKevin & Margaret RoomsbergTerry RoseCarol B. RosenblattSue & Patrick RosierTyler & Rebecca RossRotary Club of NorfolkArwen S. RothMarcia RoyalSusan RuhlRichard & Mary Rumble

Devon RupardDavid & Debbie RussellThomas RyanSacred Heart Catholic ChurchAda SalsburyHeidi SalwayBrad & Anne SauerWhitney & Ellen SaundersChuck & Judy SaundersSaunders & Matthews, PLLCJohn & Elisabeth SawyerJohn & Angie SayAmy SchabotBrian & Jacqueline ShaefgenAlvin & Virginia SchexniderDavid & Michelle SchinderleTravis & Cheryl SchweizerMargaret W. ScurlockScott SechristSecond Presbyterian ChurchSentara Healthcare Materials Management DepartmentSERVPRO of Newport NewsDenise SessomsNicholas & Shabrayle SetliffMohammed ShakirStephanie SharkGrant & Carolyn ShawAlina SheelyJane ShortCourtney A. ShoupLeon & Beth ShultzSigma Sigma SigmaSignature Financial Management, IncAnthony Sison & Elissa Waldman-SisonMark & Rosemary SkeesDel & Brenda SlaughterLisa Smith & Maurice JonesCleteus & Catherine SmithMelissa SmithDavid & Elaine SmithHenry & Mary Ann SmithEmilie SmokeKevin & Brenda SnashallAlan SonnerSons of American Legion Post 327Martha & Doug SorensenSouthern ExpressSpaceMakers, Inc.Bruce & Sandy SpiroSpring Branch Community ChurchRob & Sybil SpurgeonSt. Andrew’s Episcopal ChurchSt. Paul’s Episcopal ChurchSt. Paul’s Episcopal ChurchKenneth & Pamela StaggsJeffrey & Kathryn StarkP. Lee & Earlene StarkeyGary & Susan StarkeyKelly StefankoKathryn SteffensTom & Ellie SteffensMark SteinerNeil Stevens & Karen DuncanStihl, IncJanet Stokley

Tom StowellJennifer StricklandCarl & Ginny StringerTom StromoskiStudio Bamboo Institute of YogaAlonda SuberSuffolk 60 CareSuffolk Center for Cultural ArtsSuffolk Christian ChurchSuffolk Rotary ClubSuperior Auction SalesAliyya SuraleighCharles & Barbara SutelanCraig & Rita SutherlandLarissa SutherlandClint SutterfieldAndy & Pam SweetMichelle & Jeff SwingleCorinne Christine SykesT. J. Crooks, Inc.TargetMatthew TarpeyGeorge & Nancy TattersonEarvin TaylorTaylor Johnson Group, Risk Management ServicesKathlyn & Kurt Taylor-GaubatzTaylor’s Do-It CenterThomas TempletonCaroline & Tom TernesSandra TeWaltJanice M. ThalerJames ThomasMary Barta ThomasRony & Kavitha ThomasAngela ThompsonDaniel & Deborah ThompsonEmily ThompsonJames M. Thorne IIISusan ThorntonLinda & Clarke ThrasherTidewater Quilters Guild, Inc.Tile & Terrazzo, LLCChristopher & Carrie TilleyDale & Sandra TingleyTitan AmericaDan & MaryAnn TobozFrederick & Carolyn TodyAngelo & Elaine TorreHernani TosocHenrisa Tosoc-Haskell & Jerry HaskellGuy & Winship TowerTowneBankTowneBank Virginia Beach Community RelationsTroutman & Sanders LLPH.C. Turner, Jr.Karen TwiddyTymark EnterprisesFaye UberJeanne & John UllianMacall UnderwoodDavid & Kim UnderwoodUnited Methodist Women of Community Meth. ChurchUnited Way of South Hampton Roads

United Way of the Virginia PeninsulaJohn UptonMichael & Teresa UrbaniakVA Alpha Gamma Master Chap. of Beta Sigma PhiSuzette ValentineJerry & Kathy ValianosValianos Grading & SeedingBarbara Van BurenGrace & Robert Van DerveerYolanda VenableBenedict VenutoVerizon Business LinkSharon VigueAlbert E. ViolaTony & Marvetta ViolaVirginia Chapter of NATPVirginia Council Daughters of ElksVirginia School Counselor AssociationRalph & Sallie VolkJan & Heather Von DobeneckWilliam & Mara Vorachek-WarrenRich & Cris VoterAlan & Jody WagnerDale WalkerWalking Bear Photography LLCWall, Einhorn & Chernitzer, PCWalmart (Suffolk)Neil & Pat WalshElizabeth WardTeresa WardellWardell Orthopedics, P.C.Wards Corner Lions ClubMichelle WashingtonCatherine Jordan WassJames & Miriam WatrousGordon Weaver & Terri LandauCapt. Thomas Weaver, USN, RETThomas & Sharon WeeksTommy & Ruthie WeigleinBraden & Krystal WeldyRobert & Janice WellsAlice & Eric WernerWestminster Reformed Presbyterian ChurchShelton & Donna WetheringtonEmily Whitaker & Rob BantaPatricia White

Glen & Cindy WhiteArchie WhitehillWayne & Melinda WiedenhoeftWilbanks, Smith & Thomas Asset Management LLCWilliam E. Wood & AssociatesSarah WilliamsLaura WilliamsWilliams MullenWilloughby Civic LeagueKen & Melanie WillsMonica WilmotKaren WilsonYeVetta Wilson-WorstWindsor Congregational Christian ChurchWindsor Ruritan ClubRobert & Carolyn WintersPamela WiresAndrea & Chuck WistarCherry & Hans WittelsbergerJeff & Lynn WolfeWomen of Third Presbyterian ChurchDonis WoodallLee WoodardMary M. WoodruffStephen & Lynn WoodsRhonda WoodyCarl & Gloria WrayJeffrey & Terri WrightEdith WrightDeborah & John WyldKatherine WynneJennifer Yarde-DoyleyPatricia YeiserPamela YoungJack & Norma YoungBill & Sabra YoungRose ZawistowskiGordan Andrew McCartneyZel Technologies, Inc.Jennie ZellScott ZentzAaron & Lisa ZielinskiZonta Club of Hampton Roads


14 15

Non-ProfitOrganizationU.S. Postage


Norfolk, VA

EMERGENCy SHELTERSHaven House 131 D View Ave, Norfolk, VA 23503 P 757-587-4202 l F 757-587-3626Suffolk House 400 Finney Ave, Suffolk, VA 23434 P 757-934-1353 l F 757-934-8853

TRANSITIONAL & PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSINGMorgan Place 9600 7th Bay, Norfolk, VA 23518 P 757-587-5365 l F 757-587-1839Elizabeth Place 840 West 38th St, #2 Norfolk, VA 23508 P 757-423-0863 l F 757-423-0865

P.O. Box 6044 4200 Colley Ave, Norfolk, VA 23508P 757-622-6400 l F 757-622-3837

July 10, 2010Norfolk Botanical Garden6700 Azalea Garden RoadNorfolk, VA 23518 To register online, go to and search “ForKids” or register in person at any Onelife Fitness location.

To benefit the families and children of ForKids

3rd Annual

Onelife FitnessRun ForKids

5K & Fun Runs

757-622-6400 •

6,400 children will slip into homelessness in Hampton Roads this year.

Government funding has fallen from 80% to 48% of our budget.

ForKids has a budget gap of $300,000 that must be closed by June 30.

If the gap is not closed, ForKids will be forced to make tough choices by cutting programs to balance its budget.

ForKids served 63 people in March, 2007 and 613 people in March, 2010.

We need your help!