format kertas teknikal ppd

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7/21/2019 Format Kertas Teknikal PPD 1/4

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PAPER TITLE (Times New Roman 14, centered)

Student as Main Author, Supervisor as Co-Author [Author’s full name, Time New Roman 10, entred!

"epartment, Name of #niversit$, Cit$, Countr$ [Times NR 10!

Correspondin% &-mail ' main-author(we)mail*om [Times NR 10! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 

Abstract [Times NR 12]

A)strat of the paper should not eeed 00 words in len%th. para%raph should )e /ustified with 1m indent on )othsides* #se Times New Roman 10* The a)strat should summarise the main ontents of the paper* t should fous on

literature /ustifiation, main o)/etive, methodolo%$ and results of the researh* [Times NR 10!

 Keywords: word, term, phrase [ 3 to 5 keywords, Time NR 10, Italic ]


1. Introd!ction [Times NR 12]

This doument serves as a template as well as a %uide to authors for the su)mission of a tehnial

 paper as partial reuirement of ompletin% the final $ear diploma pro/et*


The paper must )e of si2e A3* The )od$ of paper should )e formatted in a sin%le 4one5 olumn, with

mar%ins set at 6*73 m 4185 at the top, )ottom, left and ri%ht* #se Times New Roman font pt 11, /ustified

on )oth sides* #se sin%le spain%* The main headin% must )e Times New Roman font pt 16*

The tehnial paper must N9T &:C&&" si 4;5 pa%es and an )e written either in &n%lish or 

<ahasa Mala$sia* Authors must ompl$ with the tehnial paper format determined )$ the department*

Read the instrutions arefull$* Authors are responsi)le for all the material presented in the paper*

The paper must )e su)mitted in hardop$, as well as in MS =ord doument format to theCoordinator )$ =ee> 16 of the aademi alendar* [Times NR 11!

2. Para"ra#$ [Times NR 12]

The first line is to )e indented 1 m to indiate the )e%innin% of eah para%raph* "o not han%e

$our font si2es or line spain%, and tr$ to avoid usin% headers, footers and footnotes* The referene should

 )e mentioned with num)er in losed )ra>et [1!* ?or multiple referenes in seuene it should )e used as

[6-7!* ?or referenes not in seuene it should )e separated )$ omma [1, , 7!* [Times NR 11!

2.1 %i"!res and Tab&es [Times NR 12]

All fi%ures must arr$ num)ers in the tet 4e*%* ?i%* 15 and aptions* Captions should )e omplete

enou%h to allow understandin% of the illustration without referrin% to the tet* n addition, a soure of the

ima%e other than the author’s own arhive should )e plaed diretl$ under the ima%e 4author, $ear5 and the

font si2e of the soure desription should )e 1pt smaller than the aption, i*e* pt 10* #se sin%le )lan> lines

 )efore and after the ima%e* [Times NR 11!

Page 3: Format Kertas Teknikal PPD

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[Times NR 11]%i"!re 1' The roses 4ma%es entred on the pa%e5[Times NR 10!Soure' 4Rose, 60115

f ta)le data is from another soure, ite the soure at the )ottom-ri%ht of the ta)le and inlude it in

the Referene Setion 4see eample5* &ah ta)le should )e %iven a )rief title and onseutivel$ num)ered*

@lae them as lose as pratia)le to the relevant part of the tet* nsert sin%le )lan> lines )efore and after the ta)le* Avoid usin% olors unless it is neessar$ for the proper interpretation of $our fi%ures* [ Times NR 


[Times NR 11!Tab&e 1' @rodutivit$ of arious Ma/or 9ils Crops 4entered on the pa%e5

9il rop 9il seeds $ield, 4tha-1$r -15 9il ontent


Calulated oil $ield ,

4tha-1$r -15

Content ?ont Si2e Time NR 10 - 11

@alm 9il 1*0 60*1 *D6

Eernel 9il 1* 37*3 0*37

Cottonseed 1*6D 13*F 0*1Groundnut 1*03 3*6 0*37

Sunflower 1*67 31*6 0*76

Rapeseed 1*F7 *F 0*;

[Times NR 10!Soure' 4Author, Hear5

'. ateria&s and et$ods [Times NR 12]

Materials and methods eplained here*

4. Res!&ts and isc!ssions [Times NR 12]

Results and disussions provided here*

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*. +onc&!sions [Times NR 12]

@lease ma>e sure that $ou do not op$ and paste parts of $our final report and all it a tehnial

 paper* f $ou do so, then $ou will %et low mar>s from $our supervisor and $our eamination panel* [Times

 NR 11!

Acnow&ed"ement [Times NR 12]

This setion is optional* [Times NR 11!

Re-erences [Times NR 12]

Referenes should )e num)ered onseutivel$ throu%hout the tet* Referenes should )e listed in

order of itation, at the end of the paper, after one lear line, num)ered in suare )ra>ets [ ! in Times

 New Roman pt 10* Refer simpl$ to the referene num)er, as in [!, do not use IRef* [!8 or Ireferene [!8

eept at the )e%innin% of a sentene' IReferene [! was the first * * *8 @lease ensure that ever$ refereneited in the tet is also present in the referene list 4and vie versa5* Referenes will )e %iven in the

ori%inal lan%ua%e, usin% onl$ Roman alpha)et 4use transliteration if neessar$5* ?or referenes with more

than one author, inlude the names of all authors 4do not use et al or other a))reviations5*

The list of all soures referred should )e arran%ed aordin% to num)ers in asendin% order usin%

&&& ?ormat as follows'

[1! J* Memon, * A* Rahman, M* R* A)dullah, and A* A* A* A2is, K?ators Affetin% Constrution Cost in Mara

Lar%e Constrution @ro/et' @erspetive of @ro/et Mana%ement Consultant,K nternational ournal of 

Sustaina)le Constrution &n%ineerin% Tehnolo%$, vol* 1, pp* 30-7, 6010*

[6! * Cohen, IStatistial power anal$sis for the )ehavioral sienes,8 6nd ed*, 1DD*

[! O* M* "aud, M* J* Ahmad, and ?* Husof, I&lementar$ Statistis,8 @rentie Jall, @earson 4M5 Sdn <hd, 600*

[Times NR 10!