fosdem2012 mariadb-5.3-query-optimizer-r2

Notice: MySQL is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sergey Petrunya MariaDB FOSDEM 2012 MariaDB 5.3 query optimizer Taking the dolphin to where he's never been before

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Notice: MySQL is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Sergey PetrunyaMariaDB


MariaDB 5.3 query optimizer

Taking the dolphin to where he's never been before

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What is MySQL currently

MySQL is● “World's most popular database”● Used for

●Websites●OLTP applications

at the same time●“a toy database”●“cannot handle complex queries”

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When does one use MySQL

Web apps● Mostly reads● Point or narrow-range select queries:

● SELECT * FROM web_pages WHERE key=...● SELECT * FROM email_archive WHERE date BETWEEN ...● SELECT * FROM forum_posts WHERE thread_id=34213 ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 10

OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) applications● Same as above but more writes and ACID requirements

● SELECT balance FROM users WHERE user_id=...● UPDATE user_id

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When does one not use MySQL

Decision support / analytics / reporting● Database is larger

● think “current state” data → “full history” data

● Queries shuffle through more data● “get data for order X” → “get biggest orders in the last month”

● Queries are frequently complex● “get last N posts” → “get distribution of posts by time of the day”● “get orders for item X made today” → “which fraction of those who ordered item X also ordered item Y” ?

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What exactly is not working

Reasons MySQL is poor at decision support/analytics

● Large datasets● Reading lots of records from disk requires special disk access strategies

● Complex queries● Insufficient subquery optimizations

● On many levels● Insufficient support for big joins

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What exactly isn't working?

Let's try running an analytics-type query● Take DBT-3 (ad-hoc, decision-support benchmark)● Load the data for scale=30 (75 GB)● And try some query:

“average price of item ordered in a certain month”

select avg(lineitem.l_extendedprice) from orders, lineitem where lineitem.l_orderkey=orders.o_orderkey and

orders.o_orderdate between date '1992-07-01' and date '1992-07-31';

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What exactly isn't working? (2)

● Query time: 45 min● Why?

● Let's explore

select avg(lineitem.l_extendedprice) from orders, lineitem where lineitem.l_orderkey=orders.o_orderkey and

orders.o_orderdate between date '1992-07-01' and date '1992-07-31';

id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra

1 SIMPLE orders range PRIMARY,i_o_orderdate

i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 1165090 Using where; Using index

1 SIMPLE lineitem ref PRIMARY,i_l_orderkey, i_l_orderkey_quantity

PRIMARY 4 orders.o_orderkey


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What is the problem?

● Check “iostat -x”avg­cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle           2.01    0.00    2.26   23.62    0.00   72.11

Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s     r/s     w/s    rkB/s    wkB/ssda               0.00     0.00  229.00    0.00  3952.00     0.00

avgrq­sz avgqu­sz   await r_await w_await  svctm  %util   34.52     0.95    4.15    4.15    0.00   4.15  95.00

● IO-bound load● 229 reqests/sec● 4.15 msec average● It's a 7200 RPM hdd, which gives 8 msec disk seek. ● Not random disk seeks but close.

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What is the problem (2)

● Check “SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS”...--------FILE I/O--------...

1 pending preads, 0 pending pwrites206.36 reads/s, 16384 avg bytes/read, 0.00 writes/s, 0.00 fsyncs/s

● Possible solutions:● Get more RAM● Get an SSD

● These are ok to speedup OLTP workloads● Speeding up analytics this way is going to be costly!

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MySQL/MariaDB solution

Improved disk access strategies● Multi-Range Read● Batched Key Access

Multi Range Read● Access table records in disk order (MySQL, MariaDB)● Enumerate index entries in index order (MariaDB)

Batched Key Access● Group ref/eq_ref accesses together● Submit them to storage engine (e.g. InnoDB) as batch,

● So that Multi Range Read can do its job

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Let's try the query with MRR/BKA

● Enable MRR/BKA

● Re-run the query

set optimizer_switch='mrr=on,mrr_sort_keys=on';set join_cache_level=6;set join_buffer_size=1024*1024*32;set join_buffer_space_limit=1024*1024*32;

select avg(lineitem.l_extendedprice) from orders, lineitem where lineitem.l_orderkey=orders.o_orderkey and

orders.o_orderdate between date '1992-07-01' and date '1992-07-31';

● Query time: 3 min 48 sec● Was: 45 min, 11.8x speedup

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Let's try the query with MRR/BKA

● Explain is almost as before

*************************** 1. row *************************** id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: orders type: rangepossible_keys: PRIMARY,i_o_orderdate key: i_o_orderdate key_len: 4 ref: NULL rows: 1165090 Extra: Using where; Using index*************************** 2. row *************************** id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: lineitem type: refpossible_keys: PRIMARY,i_l_orderkey,i_l_orderkey_quantity key: i_l_orderkey key_len: 4 ref: dbt3sf30.orders.o_orderkey rows: 1 Extra: Using join buffer (flat, BKA join); Key-ordered Rowid-ordered scan2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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Check what is doing

● Check “iostat -x”avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle 15.13 0.00 2.82 9.74 0.00 72.31

Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rkB/s wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-szsda 0.00 0.00 1936.00 0.00 88112.00 0.00 91.02 0.45

await r_await w_await svctm %util 0.23 0.23 0.00 0.23 44.20

● Got some CPU load● svctm down to 0.23 ms (random seeks are 8ms)● SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS...0.00 inserts/s, 0.00 updates/s, 0.00 deletes/s, 10450.55 reads/s

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Use systemtap to look at io patterns

bash# stap deviceseeks.stp -c "sleep 60"

Regular Batched Key Access

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Data from a bigger benchmark

● 4 GB RAM box● DBT-3 scale=10 (30GB dataset)

Before After

avg 3.24 hrs 5.91 min

median 0.32 hrs 4.48 min

max 25.97 hrs* 22.92 min

● Can do joins we couldn't before!● NOTE: not with default settings

● Will publish special “big” configuration on

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What exactly is not working

Reasons MySQL is poor at decision support/analytics

● Large datasets● Reading lots of records from disk requires special disk access strategies

● Complex queries● Insufficient subquery optimizations

● On many levels● Insufficient support for big joins

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Subquery optimizations

Status in MySQL 5.x, MariaDB 5.2

● One execution strategy for every kind of subquery

● If it is appropriate for your case – OK

● If it is not – query is too slow to be usable● 10x, 100x, 1000x slower

● There are cases when even EXPLAIN is very slow● FROM subuqeries● .. and other less-obvious cases

● General public reaction

● “Don't use subqueries”

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Subquery handling in MySQL 5.x

● One strategy for every kind of subquery

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Subquery handling in MySQL 5.6

● Optimizations for a couple of cases

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Subquery handling in MySQL 6.0

● But look, this is what was in MySQL 6.0 alpha

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Subquery handling in MariaDB 5.3

● And we still had to add this to provide enough coverage

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Subqueries in MariaDB 5.3

Outside view● Execution can be 10x, 100x, 1000x faster than before● EXPLAIN is always instant

A bit of detail● Competitive amount of strategies● Optimizer quality: can expect what you expect from join

optimizer● There is @@optimizer_switch flag for every new

optimization● Batched Key Access supported in important cases

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Where to look for more detail

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Q & A

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