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How to find support for Open Source Software


  • 1. NOSI/NTEN Webinar The Key Is the Community: How to Get Support for Open Source Software Michelle Murrain, Coordinator Nonprofit Open Source Initiative

2. What we'll cover

  • Models of support for software
  • Models in FOSS vs. Proprietary
  • Paid support for FOSS
  • The Key is Community
    • Types of community support
    • Strengths and weaknesses of community support
    • Examples of FOSS community support
    • How to find community support
  • What you need to know now

3. Software support models

  • If you look at every type of software or online service, there are varied types of support, although not all are available for all software.
  • This can depend on the type of software, the cost of the software, and the company or developers
  • It is almost always possible to find some support for software but the timeliness and appropriateness of that support may differ

4. In-person support

  • This type of support is most common when an organization contracts with a hardware/network support consultant or company, for support of their servers and desktops. It generally includes both hardware and software support. Some large-scale software installations also offer in-person support. This is the most expensive kind of support available.

5. Phone support

  • This is being able to call someone on the phone, speak to an actual human being, and get help for whatever the problem might be.
  • This might be support directly from a software vendor, or it might be support from a consultant or company

6. Live Chat support

  • This can be an individual chat with a support person via a website or instant messenger

7. Email or ticket system

  • Many companies, developers and consutants have ticket systems. An email to them, or a form on a website, will enter a ticket system, which tracks support requests
  • Some work just by email, without a ticket system

8. IRC

  • IRC = Internet Relay Chat
  • IRC is community chat many people are in a channel, and can provide answers to questions
  • This can be run by developers/companies, or independent

9. Email list

  • This can be official, or unofficial. It can be just a community of users, or it can include support from the developers/company

10. Web Forum

  • This can also be official, or unofficial.

11. FOSS vs. Proprietary

  • At this time, all of these methods of support are available for both types of software.
  • Historically, support for FOSS was based in the community of users and developers of FOSS projects.
  • Because of this, it is often easiest and most direct to get support from the community for FOSS
  • However, it is possible to pay for support for FOSS

12. Paying for FOSS support

  • Linux vendors, such as RedHat, Novell (SUSE) and Canonical (Ubuntu) have plans where you can get phone support.
  • IBM, Sun and others provide paid support for their FOSS products
  • More and more companies are getting into the business of providing support for FOSS in the private sector
  • Increasing avenues for support in the nonprofit sector, including NTAPs

13. How to find paid support

  • Buy a version of Linux from a commercial vendor which comes with support
  • Buy a version of a FOSS application (database, CMS, CRM, etc.) from a commercial vendor that comes with support
  • Find a vendor that supports FOSS (see

14. However ... Although it is possible to pay for support for FOSS, getting support from the community is not only a viable, cost-effective source of support, but it has other positive side-effects 15. The Key is Community

  • History
  • Types of community support
  • Strengths of community support
  • Weaknesses of community support
  • Becoming a part of a community

16. History

  • circa 1995: Just about all open source software was used by enthusiasts and academics. If you needed help, you had to find others that had used the software support communities were born.
  • circa 2000: Use of FOSS broadens beyond enthusiasts and academe. A few companies were beginning to offer support like RedHat for Linux, MySQL AB for MySQL, and others. Community support matures.
  • circa 2008: Hundreds of companies provide support for FOSS. FOSS is used by large and small companies and organizations. Communities of support thrive.

17. Types of community support

  • Support by application or Linux distribution
    • User groups (in person)
    • Email lists
    • Web forums
    • IRC channels
    • Developers/company staff are often present

18. Types of community support

  • By interest area or other
    • Educational users
    • Nonprofit users (like NTEN-Discuss, NOSI-Discussion)
    • Other groups
    • Linux User Groups (LUGS)
  • These cut across different software applications. More applied to a particular kind of use, but less specific.

19. Strengths of Community Support

  • Can get answers almost immediately
  • As you get to know a community, you get to know individuals who can help in particular situations
  • Communities of popular applications are large, and have users with a wide variety of technical savvy.
  • There are usually multiple avenues of support (IRC/Email lists/Web forums)
  • It is almost always possible to contact a developer
  • Support by issue area can be very friendly and useful

20. Weaknesses of Community Support

  • Unpredictable whether or not your problem can be solved
  • Unpredictable how long it will take
  • A very few communities are unfriendly to newbies, or reply to questions with RTFM (Read the ****ing Manual)

21. And remember ...

  • When you do a Google search on a problem you are having with FOSS software, most of the time what you get is a result of someone else using community support

22. 23. 24. How to find community support

  • Use communities you are already in

25. How to find community support

  • Go to the website of the application you are using

26. Examples of community support

  • forums
  • ProjectPier forums
  • Ubuntu IRC
  • Joomla Forums
  • Joomla Wiki
  • Mailman mailing lists
    • Mailing lists
    • IRC

27. Becoming Part of a Community

  • The key to community is contribution and collaboration a good general rule is the more you give to a community, the more you will recieve.
  • User communities really need contributions by members ofalllevels this provides support for the widest range of users.
  • Youcan influnce the direction of the software

28. NPTECH examples

  • NTAPs and Consulting firms getting involved in FOSS communities (Drupal, Plone, OpenACS, Joomla)
    • Provide organizational support for the community
    • give back code and resources
    • get back support that helps clients
    • FOSS communities benefit
    • providers benefit
    • ulimately, clients benefit

29. Rules to make it all work

  • These are people who are, generally, doing this out of generosity and their own interest. Dont treat them like you are paying them.
  • For IRC, dont ask to ask your question just ask it.
  • When answering others questions, a great rule is: be polite, be helpful.
  • Give back as much as you can.

30. So what you need to know now...

  • Youcanfind helpful support for most FOSS applications
    • paid support is becoming quite common
    • community support is very rich
  • Check out the support during your evaluation process
    • Read mailing list archives
    • lurk in IRC channels
    • Read forums
  • Join a list/forum immediately its amazing how much you can learn by osmosis, even before you have a problem