foss4g 2010 presentation: "postgis raster, an open source alternative to oracle georaster"


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My presentation in FOSS4G congress (2010)


Page 1: FOSS4G 2010 Presentation: "PostGIS Raster, an Open Source alternative to Oracle Georaster"

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Page 2: FOSS4G 2010 Presentation: "PostGIS Raster, an Open Source alternative to Oracle Georaster"

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Page 3: FOSS4G 2010 Presentation: "PostGIS Raster, an Open Source alternative to Oracle Georaster"

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10gR1 (2003) First versionInterleavingGeoreferencingPyramidsRaster loader, viewer and exporter

10gR2 (2005) Raster compression/decompressionGeoRaster objects in other schemasEnhaced GeoRaster tools

11gR1 (2007) Automatic DML trigger creation

11gR1 (2007) Automatic DML trigger creationSDO_GEOR_ADMINBitmap masksNODATA rangesEmpty raster blocksRandom blocking sizeNew functions, procedures and other features

11gR2 (2009) Java APIGCP SupportRaster reprojectionsOptimized blockingGrid interpolationsPolygon-based clipping in queriesNew functions, procedures and other features

Page 4: FOSS4G 2010 Presentation: "PostGIS Raster, an Open Source alternative to Oracle Georaster"

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0.1.6d (Feb 2009) First versionType definitionCanonical input/outputGiST index supportRaster loader (gdal2wktraster)

0.1.6k (Aug 2010) Get/Set raster propertiesIntersect raster&geometriesRegister out db rastersGet metadata for raster and bandsConvert between world and raster coords.Set and know true nodata values

Set and know true nodata valuesGet/Set pixel valuesGDAL r/o basic driver

0.2.4 (Pred. Nov 2010) Set raster rotationReproject rastersExport raster to standard formatsValidate raster dataTopological operatorsMapAlgebra, reclassify...Edit raster data on dbFull GDAL driver

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Page 5: FOSS4G 2010 Presentation: "PostGIS Raster, an Open Source alternative to Oracle Georaster"

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Page 19: FOSS4G 2010 Presentation: "PostGIS Raster, an Open Source alternative to Oracle Georaster"

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Page 27: FOSS4G 2010 Presentation: "PostGIS Raster, an Open Source alternative to Oracle Georaster"

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Requirements Oracle GeoRaster PostGIS WKT Raster

Specific Data Type SDO_GEORASTER WKT Raster

Multidimensional Support

Up to 3 Up to 3

Georeferencing Fullfilled Fullfilled

Image pyramids Fullfilled Fullfilled

Partitions Only regular Only regular

Raster compression Fullfilled Fullfilled


Raster compression Fullfilled Fullfilled

Scan order Not Fullfilled Not fullfilled

Analysis capability Not fullfilled Fullfilled (+ r&v)

Slicing Only get 1 layer Only get 1 layer, planned

Subsetting Fullfilled Not Fullfilled (planned)

Content-based search

Using vector MBR Partially (topological planned)

Spatial Indexing Fullfilled (over MBR) Fullfilled (over cells)

Open specification Fullfilled Fullfilled

Page 28: FOSS4G 2010 Presentation: "PostGIS Raster, an Open Source alternative to Oracle Georaster"


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Page 29: FOSS4G 2010 Presentation: "PostGIS Raster, an Open Source alternative to Oracle Georaster"

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