fostering entrepreneurial foresight about the project 04.1096, funded by the latvian council of...

Fostering Fostering Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial Foresight Foresight About the Project 04.1096, funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004

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Page 1: Fostering Entrepreneurial Foresight About the Project 04.1096, funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004

Fostering Fostering Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial Foresight Foresight

About the Project 04.1096,

funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004

Page 2: Fostering Entrepreneurial Foresight About the Project 04.1096, funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004

VALUES Knowledge-based societies


Knowledge economy

Futures studies

Foresight exercises


Sustainable development



Project’s panels

Identification and understandingan entrepreneur’s interactions with...

Outputs for reflexive self-identity

Page 3: Fostering Entrepreneurial Foresight About the Project 04.1096, funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004

Our identities and interpretations of the external world are constructed and

reconstructed from our continuing experiences of that world.

Reflexive self-identity = what are we, what business are we in and

why? (Ted Fuller)

Page 4: Fostering Entrepreneurial Foresight About the Project 04.1096, funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004

Our identities and interpretations of the external world are constructed and

reconstructed from our continuing experiences of that world.

Reflexive self-identity = what are we, what business are we in and

why? (Ted Fuller)A continuous rethinking process

Page 5: Fostering Entrepreneurial Foresight About the Project 04.1096, funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004

Domāšanas un jaunu zināšanu radīšanas procesi ir daudz sarežģītāki nekā fiziskās iedarbības un izpildes aktivitātes, kas

pieprasa kompetences galvenokārt sekmīgai parauga atveidošanai

Mūsdienu Latvijas vērtības un to interpretācija varas elitē 1991-2004

Politika, bizness, izglītība, zinātne

Zināšanas un, kas ir īpaši svarīgi, tādas jaunas zināšanas, kuras ved uz inovācijām, cilvēks rada sevī pašā – iekšējā un mijiedarbības ar vidi procesā, kura būtisks priekšnoteikums ir reflektējošās personības apņemšanās (commitment). Process ietver sistēmiskas un komplicētas reflekcijas par sevi un vidi, kurā pašidentitāte darbojas un turpmāk attīstīsies, refleksijas par pašidentitātes attīstības iespējām, riskiem un izvēlēm nākotnē. Tās ir reflekcijas, kas rada indivīdam alternatīvo nākotņu priekšstatus, kuri savukārt ir svarīgi komponenti procesā, kas veido indivīda un sabiedrības nākotnes realitātes.

Page 6: Fostering Entrepreneurial Foresight About the Project 04.1096, funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004 contemporary societies across the world, the self, and our own individuality,

increasingly becomes reflexive.

The key pathology of late modern culture is the lack of a sense of identity, the lack of a sense of self, the sense of an empty space where the self

should be. (Anthony Giddens)

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Domāšanas un jaunu zināšanu radīšanas procesi ir daudz sarežģītāki nekā fiziskās iedarbības un izpildes aktivitātes, kas

pieprasa kompetences galvenokārt sekmīgai parauga atveidošanai

Mūsdienu Latvijas vērtības un to interpretācija varas elitē 1991-2004

Politika, bizness, izglītība, zinātne

Ja par parauga, kaut vai potenciāli nederīga, atveidošanu indivīdam maksā daudz vairāk (ieskaitot augstu sociālo statusu) nekā par zināšanu jaunradi, kuras īstenosies materiālā vērtībā un tirgus precē tikai pēc īsāka vai ilgāka laika, tad nav brīnums, ka zināšanas kā tādas zemu kotējas sabiedrībā.

Izaicinājumi uzņēmējdarbībai

Zināšanu mārketingsZināšanu vadīšanas mārketings

ES zināšanu sabiedrība ?

Ceļš uz zināšanu sabiedrību

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Latvia towards Knowledge Latvia towards Knowledge Societies of Europe:Societies of Europe:

new options for new options for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship and employment achieving the goals employment achieving the goals of the of the Lisbon strategyLisbon strategy

Full title of the interdisciplinary project

Page 9: Fostering Entrepreneurial Foresight About the Project 04.1096, funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004

Team/ResourcesTeam/Resources (January – March, 2004) (January – March, 2004)

Forward Studies Unit , Latvian Union of Scientists– Larisa Grigorjeva– Tamāra Puga– Andris Puriņš

in collaboration with

– Jānis Stabulnieks, Jānis Štrauhmanis,– Arnolds Ūbelis, Mikus Veismanis, – Tatjana Volkova

Project leader Arturs Puga mailto:[email protected]

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Project (process and reports) providesProject (process and reports) provides

to researchers and various kinds of stakeholders – networking– learning space– knowledge creation– knowledge consuming– enhancing social capital – outputs to shape preferred futures– studies on entrepreneurial foresight

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Forward view of entrepreneurs – advancedForward view of entrepreneurs – advanced

enquiry of research in Europe and the worldenquiry of research in Europe and the world

How to think about futures in useful ways?

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Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship isis multi-dimensional and multi-dimensional and it can occur in different contexts, economic or other, it can occur in different contexts, economic or other,

in all types of organisationsin all types of organisations

Entrepreneurship is the mindset and process to create and develop economic activity by blending risk-taking, creativity and/or innovation with sound management, within a new or an existing organisation.

Green Paper Entrepreneurship in Europe, EC, 2003

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Maybe trust in the Almighty, Maybe trust in the Almighty, luck, or fate ? luck, or fate ?



Or to take more appropriate stance towards the future ?

Page 14: Fostering Entrepreneurial Foresight About the Project 04.1096, funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004

The concept provided by Jim Dator.

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Forward view


Ir dažādas nākotnes varbūtības

“Nākotnes paredzēšanas” joma ??? Anti-zinātne

Īpaša zināšanu iegūšanas unizmantošanassistēma

Kāda būs nākotne, paredzēt rezultātu nav iespējams




Nākotņu projekcijas

Vēlamo nākotņu veidošanas process


Page 16: Fostering Entrepreneurial Foresight About the Project 04.1096, funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004

Work in progress

To try understand the relationships between entrepreneurs and the future

Becoming is a process of experiments(from existingpatterns/models to create new patterns), that are designed according to the environment or context they take place in.

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Insight Insight

European Commission (1998). Fostering Entrepreneurship in Europe: Priorities for the Future, Communication from the Commission to the Council, COM (98) 222 final, Brussels.

Fuller, Ted (2003). "If you wanted to know the future of small business what questions would you ask?" Futures 35(4): 305-321.

IBRD, World Bank. Latvia Knowledge Economy Assessment 2002-2003.

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Insight Insight

Nonaka Ikujiro, Konno Noboro.“The concept of “Ba”: Building a foundation for Knowledge Creation“. California Management Review. Volume 40/3, Spring 1998: 40-54.

Handbook of Knowledge Society Foresight (2002). Authors: Ian Miles, Michael Keenan, Jari Kaivo-Oja. Prepared by PREST and FFRC for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.

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Insight Insight

Latvia’s SMEs : needs for innovative growth Innovation support services Latvian research institutions in 2002

Situation in research institutions is not supporting in setting-up enterprises.

Students lack entrepreneurial spirit.

Analysis of survey results (March, 2004) by RIS Latvia project

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Entrepreneurship and EmploymentEntrepreneurship and Employment

It is not enough to rightly point to the central role of the SMEs in creating new jobs reqiured to achieve the Lisbon targets of employment rates.

SMEs can only play their role if they have options and access to new competencies for entrepreneurs to have skilled staff.

Page 21: Fostering Entrepreneurial Foresight About the Project 04.1096, funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004

Entrepreneurship and EmploymentEntrepreneurship and Employment

It is not enough to rightly point to the central role of the SMEs in creating new jobs reqiured to achieve the Lisbon targets of employment rates.

SMEs can only play their role if they have options and access to new competencies for entrepreneurs to have skilled staff.

“From a business point of view it is difficult to understand why Member States are blocking the progress when there is a quite simple precooked recipe to make Europe 2010 a reality.” Jan Herin, Director, Brussels Office, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, “Speed up the Lisbon process”, 2003

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The Lisbon strategy and The Lisbon strategy and Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship

The Lisbon strategy is a commitment to renewal .

How about the Lisbon process

in Latvia?

Page 23: Fostering Entrepreneurial Foresight About the Project 04.1096, funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004

The Lisbon strategy and The Lisbon strategy and Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship

The Lisbon strategy is a commitment to renewal .

How about the Lisbon process in


Arturs Puga. Social challenges facing Latvia : problems of identification. Foresight research outputs. (In Latvian)

Latvija Eiropā: nākotnes vīzijas. Rīga: LZA BSPC, 2004, 118.-141.lpp.

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The Lisbon strategy and The Lisbon strategy and Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship

The Union has still not managed to achieve all its objectives, in particular due to Member States’ inadequate implementation of the reforms.

The Lisbon strategy’s potential lies in both its integrated and targeted approach as regards the policies and reforms to be implemented, with each element reinforcing the others.



Page 25: Fostering Entrepreneurial Foresight About the Project 04.1096, funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004

VALUES Knowledge-based societies


Knowledge economy

Futures studies

Foresight exercises


Sustainable development



Project’s panels

Identification and understandingan entrepreneur’s interactions with...

Outputs for reflexive self-identity

Lifelong learning

Page 26: Fostering Entrepreneurial Foresight About the Project 04.1096, funded by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004

A clearer understanding of the knowledge-based economy and of the importance ofinnovation and innovativeness within it, must continue to be developed, and should becommunicated widely and across all policy areas.  

A new generation of innovation policy is required. Elements of this third generationpolicy are visible, but further development of the key ideas should be a strategic goal.The third generation innovation policy will result in innovation concepts being embedded in many policy areas. This requires much more than the issuing of pronouncements about a new policy.

It will be necessary to identify and involve key stakeholders in theprocess, and to develop interfaces that allow for pooling of knowledge, learning from experience and evidence, and further co-ordination of policy initiatives. Though the third generation policy will need to be developed interactively, rather than imposed form on high, this process will require leadership and vision, with high profile and high level innovation “champions” sustaining it.

INNOVATION TOMORROWLouis Lengrand & Associés

PREST (University of Manchester)ANRT - France

European Commission, Innovation papers No 28, 2002

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Riga, March, 2004

Thanks for your attention

The presentation designed by Tamāra Puga and Arturs Puga

[email protected]