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  • 8/8/2019 Four Steer


    A non-linear dynamic approach to the motion offour-wheel-steering vehicles under various operationconditionsQ Han1 and L Dai2*

    1Department of Mechanics, College of Traffic and Communications, South China University of Technology,Guangzhou, Peoples Republic of China2Industrial Systems Engineering, University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada

    The manuscript was received on 24 February 2005 and was accepted after revision for publication on 11 January 2008.

    DOI: 10.1243/09544070JAUTO43

    Abstract: This research aims to analyse systematically the non-linear dynamic behaviour offour-wheel-steering (4WS) vehicles. A practical non-linear dynamic model of multiple degreesof freedom for 4WS vehicles is established. The non-linear model presented is shown to befeasible for the vehicles under normal and the other operation manoeuvres. Compared withthose of documented investigations, this model may be employed to analyse the motions ofthe vehicle and motions of the vehicle wheels in turning and braking processes together withthe consideration of the effects of air drag and wind. Numerical simulation for the motion ofthe 4WS vehicles under various operation manoeuvres is performed with the modelestablished. Comparison of the behaviours of 4WS and two-wheel-steering vehicles is alsopresented with respect to the inputs on the steering system, the manoeuvrability, the stability,and the relationship between the steering phase and vehicle speed.

    Keywords: vehicle dynamics, manoeuvrability, non-linear motion, four-wheel-steeringvehicle, two-wheel-steering vehicle, numerical simulation, non-linear tyres


    Four-wheel-steering (4WS) vehicles show advan-

    tages of smaller turning radius, tight-space man-

    oeuvrability, and reduction in driver fatigue. Re-

    cently, companies such as General Motors and

    Chevrolet have pushed and promoted the use of

    4WS techniques, and investigations on the behaviour

    of 4WS vehicles have attracted great attention from

    the scientists and engineers [14]. Linear manoeuvr-

    ing equations were reported for analysing the

    motion of 4WS vehicles [5]. Itoh et al. [6, 7]

    developed a numerical approach for the steady state

    turning of a 4WS tractor. The numerically deter-

    mined forces on the tractor tyres were compared

    with those obtained in field tests. The stability of a

    4WS vehicle is crucial for the operations of positive

    and negative phase steering. Lateral motion stabili-

    zation for a 4WS vehicle has been reported [8].

    Stability and non-linear behaviour of 4WS vehicles

    such as Hopf bifurcation were also found among the

    recent studies [9, 10]. However, a systematic and

    thorough investigation on the response of 4WS

    vehicles subjected to the tyre forces generated by

    the road surface, the aerodynamics resistance, and

    the loadings caused by operation conditions of the

    real world is still needed.

    The present research proposes an approach for

    accurately and effectively analysing the motion of

    4WS vehicles. A complete 4WS vehicle model with

    multiple degrees of freedom in counting non-linear

    effects is presented. The non-linear model estab-

    lished is shown to be a feasible 4WS vehicle model

    for various manoeuvres (greater lateral accelera-

    tions, possibly combined with longitudinal accelera-

    tion or braking). The non-linear coupling effects of

    sprung and unsprung parts are taken into considera-tion. The model counts the joint effects of operations

    *Corresponding author: Industrial Systems Engineering, Uni-

    versity of Regina, 3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, SK, S4S 0A2,Canada. email: [email protected]


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    and road conditions to the motions, such as the

    translation, surge, sway, yaw, pitch, and roll of the

    vehicle body under the conditions of various opera-

    tion manoeuvres. The four rotational degrees of

    freedom of the vehicles four wheels are taken into

    account. To obtain a systematic and accurate

    analysis of the non-linear dynamics, the high-value

    lateral and longitudinal accelerations, the accelerat-

    ing and braking processes, the aerodynamic drag of

    the vehicle, and the shift of vertical loads due to the

    pitch and roll of the vehicle body are investigated in

    the present research. The non-linear terms are

    naturally introduced into the dynamic system with

    considerations of the lateral wheel forces and

    geometric relationships relating to the kinematic

    motion and slip angles. Based on the analytical

    model established, numerical simulations for thedynamic response of the 4WS vehicle are carried out.

    The characteristics of 4WS vehicles in comparison

    with two-wheel-steering (2WS) vehicles are demon-

    strated and analysed.


    2.1 Model of the vehicle

    The 4WS vehicle studied in this research is assumed

    to be a symmetric body of mass Mwith four wheels,

    as shown in Fig. 1. For such a vehicle system, the

    total mass of the vehicle is considered to consist of

    Ms and Mu, the masses of vehicle body and the

    unsprung part of the vehicle respectively. Also, O9 is

    designated as the mass centre of the whole vehicle

    Os as the mass centre of the vehicle body, and Ou as

    the centre of the unsprung mass, as shown in Fig. 2.

    Assume that the vehicle is symmetric about the

    longitudinal midplane and all the three mass centres

    are located in the symmetric plane.

    With the vehicle thus defined, based on Fig. 3, the

    velocity relationships can be obtained from Fig. 1 as

    U~ _XX~u cosy{vsiny

    V~ _YY~u sinyzvcosy1

    where u and v are the longitudinal and lateralvelocities of the vehicle in the x and y directionsrespectively, Uand Vare the vehicle velocities in the

    X and Y directions respectively, and y is the yawangle. Differentiating both sides of equation (1) gives

    ay~YY cosy{XXsiny~ _vvzru

    ax~YY sinyzXXcosy~ _uu{rv2

    In the above equations, ax and ay are the

    projections of the absolute acceleration of point Ou

    on the moving coordinate system x, y, z, and r is the yaw angular velocity. The unsprung part is consid-

    ered as a rigid body with translational motion and

    the sprung part is considered as a mass point, which

    is articulated with the unsprung part by a crank. The

    crank can rotate with respect to the xaxis and yaxis

    to simulate the roll and pitch of the sprung part of

    the vehicle.

    Figure 1 also shows the relationship between the

    roll and pitch of the sprung part of the vehicle. At an

    arbitrary moment, the crank is at position AC, which

    can be obtained by rotating the crank twice. The

    crank is first rotated an angle w with respect to the xaxis, and it is then rotated an angle h with respect to

    the y0 axis. Accordingly, the angular velocities of the

    three rotations can be expressed as

    r~ _yy

    p~ _ww

    q~ _hh3

    Assuming that i, j, and k are the three unit vectors

    along the coordinate axes x, y, and z, the position ofthe centre of mass of the sprung part of the vehicleFig. 1 A simplified model of the vehicle body

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    can be expressed by a vector rAC. Now

    rOC~rOAzrAC~cizrAC 4


    rAC~h {sinh cosw izsinw j{cosh cosw k 5

    The acceleration ac of the centre of mass of the

    sprung part is composed of three parts, namely the

    acceleration of Ou, the relative acceleration arc, andthe Coriolis acceleration akc, i.e. ac5aec+arc+akc.

    From equation (2)

    aec~ _uu{rv iz _vvzru j 6

    or, in another form




    2{sin hzw _hhz _ww


    zcos hzw hhzww

    {sin h{w _hh{ _ww

    2zcos h{w hh{ww


    zh cosw ww{sinw _ww 2 !



    2cos hzw _hhz _ww


    zsin hzw hhzww

    zcos h{w _hh{ _ww 2

    zsin h{w hh{ww i

    k 7

    Fig. 2 A model of the 4WS vehicle

    Fig. 3 Two frames of coordinates

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    It should be noted that



    2cos hzw _hhz _ww

    zcos h{w _hh{ _ww

    h ii

    zh cosw _wwjzh2sin hzw _hhz _ww

    hzsin h{w _hh{ _ww

    ik 8

    Therefore, the Coriolis acceleration akc can be

    expressed in the form





    ~{hr cos hzw _hhz _ww h

    zcos h{w _hh{ _ww i

    j{2hrcosw _wwi 9

    Finally, the acceleration ac, of the centre of mass of

    the sprung part can be written as

    ac~aeczarczakc~AiizAjjzAkk 10



    2{sin hzw _hhz _ww


    zcos hzw hhzww

    {sin h{w _hh{ _ww 2

    zcos h{w hh{ww i

    {2hrcosw _wwz _uu{rv 11

    Aj~h cos w ww{sin w _ww 2 !

    {hr cos hzw _hhz _ww hzcos h{w _hh{ _ww

    iz _vvzru 12


    2cos hzw _hhz _ww

    2zsin hzw hhzww

    zcos h{w _hh{ _ww 2

    zsin h{w hh{ww !


    The inertia force of the unsprung mass can beexpressed as

    Fu~{Mu _uu{rv iz _vvzru j 14

    The inertia force of the sprung mass is

    Fs~{Ms AiizAj jzAkk


    The moment about the z axis can be expressed as

    Mz~{ Iz_rr{Is


    k 16

    where Iz is the moment of inertia of the whole

    vehicle with respect to the z axis, and Isxz is the

    product of the inertia of Ms, and angular velocities r

    and p are as defined in equation (3).

    The moment about the x axis is

    Mx~{ Is

    x _pp{Is


    i 17

    where Is

    x is the moment of inertia of the sprung masswith respect to the x axis.

    The moment about the y axis is


    y_qqj 18

    where Isy is the moment of inertia of the sprung mass

    with respect to the y axis.

    2.2 Model of the tyre force

    The additive turning of the rear wheels can be the

    turning in either the negative phase or the positivephase. In the negative phase, the rear wheels turn in

    the opposite direction to the front wheels whereas,

    in the positive phase, the rear wheels turn in the

    same direction as the front wheels. To express this

    relationship quantitatively, the turning angle ratio Klis introduced. It is defined as the ratio between the

    turning angles of the rear wheel and front wheel and

    is given by



    where dr is the turning angle of the rear wheel and dfis the turning angle of the front wheel.

    In Fig. 4, the velocity of the front right wheel is

    expressed as


    ~uizvjzrk| ajzd


    ~ u{d


    iz vzar j 20

    As such, tan(df+




    d/2r). Similarly,the lateral slip angles of all four wheels of the vehicle

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    can be given by













    21Using the non-linear tyre force model [11]

    Ffi~{ C1fafi{C3fa3fi

    Fri~{ C1rari{C3ra



    where Ffi and Fri (i5R, L, i.e. the subscripts for rightand left respectively) are the tyre forces of the frontand rear wheels respectively. This model is empiricaland the parameters of the model are to bedetermined in the experimental measurements

    corresponding to the tyre and road conditions.Variation in the parameters can be easily implemen-ted in the numerical calculations in vehicle beha-viour analysis. With this tyre model, the tyre forcedirections are perpendicular to the centre-lines ofthe tyres. This tyre force model is widely used forvehicle behaviour analysis. In this research, thethree-dimensional non-linear response of 4WS ve-hicles under normal and other operation man-oeuvres of high accelerations is the main focus.Therefore, this model is suitable for the research.However, other tyre force models with considera-

    tions of the factors such as dynamic response andslip force [12], tyre saturation [13], pavement effects

    [14], and tyre friction [15] can be easily implementedin the vehicle model established in the presentresearch, if so desired.


    A straight-line driving vehicle is influenced by the

    side wind and the wind caused by the travelling

    velocity of the vehicle. The side wind can be

    ignored under normal weather conditions and the

    travelling wind can be considered as obeying the







    where Cx and Cy are the coefficients of aerodynamic

    resistance in the x and y axes respectively, and Axand Ay are the projected areas of the vehicle.

    Equation (23) therefore governs the aerodynamic



    4.1 Starting, accelerating, and normal driving

    In these cases considered, the governing equations

    for the driving wheel (Fig. 5) can be expressed as

    Ir _vvrL~T{RFtrL{eFzrL

    Ir_vvrR~T{RFtrR{eFzrR 24

    Fig. 4 Top view of the vehicle

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    and for the driven wheel (Fig. 6)

    If _vvfL~RFtfL{eFzfL

    If _vvfR~RFtfR{eFzfR25

    4.2 Braking

    In braking, the equations of dynamics are

    If _vvfL~RFtfL{eFzfL{TbrkfL

    If _vvfR~RFtfR{eFzfR{TbrkfR

    Ir _vvrL~RFtrL{eFzrL{TbrkrL

    Ir _vvrR~RFtrR{eFzrR{TbrkrR26

    In the above equations, Ii (i5 f, r) are the moments of

    inertia of the front wheel and rear wheel, vij(i, j5 f, r,

    L, R) are the angular accelerations of the four wheels,the subscripts L and R designating the left and right

    wheels respectively. In equation (26), R is the tyre

    radius, Trepresents the driving torque, Tbrkij(i, j5 f, r)

    are the braking torques, Fzij(i, j5 f, r, L, R) are the

    normal loads on the tyres, e is the offset distance of

    the normal load, and Ftij(i, j5 f, r, R, L) are the

    tangential loads on the tyres. These tangential loads

    are directly determined by the driving torque.

    It should be noted that

    Ir~IfzjIt, j~0 T~0 12 T=0


    where It is the total moment of inertia of all themoving parts connected to the driving wheels.

    The total braking torque Tbrk is controlled by the

    driver and distributed on the front and rear wheels

    according to the rules


    TbrkrL~TbrkrR~ 1{Kbf Tbrk28

    The driving torque T on the driven wheels istransmitted from the torque output of the engineby the transmission system. If the torque output ofthe engine is denoted by Me, the transmission ratioof the transmission system is given by ig, thetransmission ratio of the main reducer is designatedbyi0, and the mechanical efficiency of the transmis-

    sion system is represented bygT, then


    2igi0gTMe N m 29



    N m 30

    In the above equations, pe and ne are the power andthe corresponding rotating speed of the engine.Their values can be found from the corresponding

    engine characteristics curve. Taking only the max-imum power pemax and the corresponding crankrotating speed np, the external characteristics curveof the engine of pe versus ne can be given by theexpression

    pe~pemax c1nenpzc2




    3" #kW 31

    In equation (31), the units of pe are kilowatts andthe units of ne are revolutions per minute. In the

    equation development, only the pure rolling of thetyres is considered. The velocity of the wheel centre

    Fig. 6 Free-body diagram of the driven wheel

    Fig. 5 Free-body diagram of the driving wheel

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    and therefore the velocity of the centre of mass ofthe vehicle can be given by the relations










    2z vzar 2






    2z vzar 2






    2z v{br 2






    2z v{br 2



    The pitch and roll of the vehicle body actually

    redistribute the normal loads among the wheels.This redistribution of the normal loads has a greatinfluence on the vehicle performance. The normalload on the tyre exerted by the ground can bedivided into two portions: the static and dynamicloads. These normal loads on the four tyres can bedescribed by the equations












    _vvzruzMs=Mh _pp

    g {Msh

    Md sin w !'














    _vvzruzMs=Mh _pp



    Mdsin w




    2L 35










    { 1{KRSF hcg


    _vvzruzMs=Mh _pp




    sin w !'z












    z 1{KRSF hcg


    _vvzruzMs=Mh _pp



    Mdsin w




    In the above equations, L5a+b, hcg is the

    distance from the centre of mass of the vehicle to

    the ground, hsg is the distance between the centre of

    mass of the sprung part and the ground, and KRSF is a

    stiffness coefficient.


    On the basis of the models and related equations

    developed, the governing equations of the vehicle

    are as follows. The motion in the ydirection is givenby

    Mu _vvzru zMsAj{ FfLzFfR cos df

    { FrLzFrR cos dr

    z FtfLzFtfR sin df

    z FtrLzFtrR sin dr~0 38

    The rotation about the z axis is given by



    xz _pp 39

    The moment caused by the weight of the sprung

    part is

    Mmg~h {sin h cos w izsin w j{cos h cosw k

    |Msgk~Mshg sin h cosw jzsin w i 40

    The rotation about the x axis is given by

    Isx _pp{Is

    xz_rr~{Msh Aksin wzAjcos h cosw zMshgsinw{Kww 41

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    The rotation about the y axis is given by

    Isy _qq~Mshgsin h cos w

    zMsh {Aksin hzAicos h cos w{Khh 42

    where Kh and Kw are the additional resilience

    moments caused by the unit roll angle and the pitch

    angle respectively.


    Implementing the governing equation derived

    above, the motion of a 4WS vehicle can be

    quantified. The responses of the vehicle to three

    types of turning displacement input are numerically

    investigated and compared with that of a 2WSvehicle. Any existing numerical methods, such as

    the RungeKutta method for solving differential

    equations, can be utilized for stimulating the motion

    of a 4WS vehicle with implementation of the

    equations developed. For good convergence and

    high accuracy of the numerical calculations, the

    numerical computations are carried out with the

    newly developed PT method [16], though other

    numerical methods can also be used. Numerical

    values of the parameters expressed in the governing

    equations and utilized in the numerical computa-

    tions are listed in Table 1.

    6.1 Dynamic responses of vehicles under a linearangular turning displacement input

    The turning angular displacement for this case is

    exhibited graphically in Fig. 7. Corresponding to

    such a step input on the steering system, the motion

    of the vehicle is quantified with the governing

    equations derived previously.

    Figure 8 shows the paths of the 2WS and 4WS

    vehicles for this case. Figure 9 illustrates the varia-

    tion of the lateral velocity of the vehicle with respectto time. The angular velocities in the yaw plane are

    shown in Fig. 10 for the two types of vehicle.

    Figures 11 and 12 exhibit the variations in roll

    angular velocity and pitch velocity respectively with

    respect to time. The comparisons of the relations

    between yaw angular velocities and the correspond-

    ing yaw angular displacements are illustrated in

    Fig. 13. Figure 14 compares the angular velocities in

    roll and pitch planes. Comparison of the angular

    velocity and angular acceleration in the pitch plane

    is given in Fig. 15. The figures are presented in a way

    to help readers to make comparisons conveniently.However, readers may need to note the different

    scales, especially the scales of the vertical axes, and

    the ranges of the variables involved in the figures.

    The results obtained above are for the motions of

    2WS and 4WS vehicles in both positive-phase

    steering and negative-phase steering. From the

    numerical calculations performed, the following

    conclusions can be made corresponding to Figs 8

    to 15.

    1. Taking R* as the turning radius, it can be

    observed from Fig. 8 that the magnitudes of

    Table 1 Parameters used in the calculation

    Symbol Value Units

    c 0.026 mh 0.2 m

    Mu 670 kg Ms 1160 kg Iz 2500 kg m


    Isxz 0 kg m2

    Izx 750 kg m2

    Isy 1600 kg m2

    a 0.9 md 1.33 mb 1.7 mC1f 44 400 N/radC3f 44 400 N/rad


    C1r 43 600 N/radC3r 43 600 N/rad


    r 1.2258 N s2/m4

    Cx 0.32 Cy 0.35

    Ax 2.1 m2

    Ay 5.7 m2

    hsg 0.556 mKw 85 000 N/radKh 76 185 N/radIf 2.1 kg m


    It 0.136 kg m2

    R 0.3 me 0.014 mKbf 0.55 hcg 0.5 mKRSF 0.444

    Me 170 N mig 13.7 i0 0.85

    gt 0.97 Fig. 7. Turning angle versus time

    542 Q Han and L Dai

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    Fig. 8 Paths of 4WS and 2WS vehicles

    Fig. 9 Velocity v of the vehicle versus time

    Fig. 10 Yaw angular velocity versus time

    Fig. 11 Roll angular displacement versus time

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    Fig. 12 Pitch angular displacement versus time

    Fig. 13 Yaw angular velocity versus yaw angular displacement

    Fig. 14 Roll angular velocity versus roll angular displacement

    Fig. 15 Pitch angular velocity versus pitch angular displacement

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    the turning radii satisfy the inequality of

    RKl~{0:3vRKl~0vRKl~0:3. Based on the numerical

    calculations made for the present research, the

    turning radius of the vehicle is also proportional

    to the travelling speed of the vehicle. It may thus

    be stated that the 4WS vehicle has the smallest

    turning radius in negative phase steering; hence

    the steering is relatively easy. This implies that the

    4WS vehicles have better manoeuvrability than

    2WS vehicles do. However, 4WS vehicles have the

    largest turning radius in positive-phase steering,

    as shown in Fig. 8. As such, the vehicles present

    the characteristics of insufficient turning in the

    positive-phase steering case. The 4WS system is

    therefore suitable for enhancing the manoeuvr-

    ability at low driving speeds and for increasing the

    stability at intermediate and high speeds. Inknowing this, negative-phase steering should be

    employed for the cases in which low speed and

    large turning angle are required, whereas posi-

    tive-phase steering should be used for improving

    the driving stability in the cases of high speeds.

    2. The transverse velocities of the vehicles are not

    constant, as they should not be corresponding to

    the input given. This can be seen from Fig. 9. In

    fact, all the motions with the given input are not

    constants. The displacements of roll, yaw, and

    pitch varied for a while and then stabilized.

    3. When a 4WS vehicle is in negative-phase steering,the lateral forces on the front and rear tyres

    generate the moments in the same rotating

    direction with respect to the vehicles centre of

    mass. Therefore, the vehicle has relatively large

    yaw angular velocities for 2WS and 4WS negative-

    phase steering as time increases whereas the yaw

    angular velocity is smaller in positive-phase

    steering, as can be seen from Figs 10 and 13. It

    should be noted, however, that the lateral force

    acting at the vehicles centre of mass is relatively

    large in the case of positive-phase steering.

    Additionally, in comparison with 2WS vehicles,

    the increase in the yaw angular velocity of 4WS

    vehicles is slower in positive-phase steering, andthe vehicle response time is longer with a

    decrease in the yaw velocity. These are the

    preferred turning characteristics for vehicles

    operating at high speeds.

    4. For 4WS vehicles in positive- and negative-phase

    steering, the pitch and roll motions of the sprung

    portion of the vehicle are very smooth and the

    variation in the displacement of the 4WS vehicle

    are small, especially for the negative-phase steer-

    ing as shown in Figs 14 and 15. This is beneficial

    for improving ride comfort.

    6.2 Dynamic responses of vehicles under a saw ora half-saw angular turning displacementinput

    Sawteeth angular turning is common in vehicle

    operations, such as in turning and lane changes.

    The dynamic responses of vehicles with a saw

    angular turning displacement input are shown in

    Figs 16 to 19.

    Fig. 16 Turning angle versus time

    Fig. 17 Moving paths of the vehicles

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    The dynamic responses of vehicles to a given half-

    saw angular displacement input are shown in Figs 20

    to 23.

    Again, in reviewing the figures, readers may need

    to pay attention to the different scales of the vertical

    axes in the figures.

    With the analysis of the results plotted in Figs 16

    to 23 for the two types of saw angular turning

    displacement input, together with the stability

    analyses performed by the present authors for the

    4WS and 2WS vehicles [10], the following conclu-

    sions can be drawn.

    1. When a straight-line driving vehicle passes frontal

    obstacles or turns, it can be observed from the

    Fig. 18 Yaw angular velocity versus time

    Fig. 19 Lateral acceleration versus time

    Fig. 20 Turning angle versus time

    Fig. 21 Moving paths of the vehicles

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    motion trajectories that 4WS vehicles are more

    manoeuvrable than front-wheel turning vehicles.From Figs 17 and 18, 4WS vehicles require tighter

    space manoeuvrability. The better manoeuvrabil-

    ity and stability of 4WS vehicles over that of 2WS

    vehicles may also be seen from Figs 18 and 22. In

    examining the peak values of the yaw angular

    velocities in the figures for the 4WS and 2WS

    vehicles, the following can be concluded as the

    positive contributions to the manoeuvrability and

    stability of the 4WS vehicles.

    (a) The absolute peak values of the yaw angular

    velocity of the 4WS vehicle in positive-phasesteering are the smallest for the two types of


    (b) The yaw angular velocity of the 4WS vehicle

    in positive-phase steering varies in a smaller

    range in comparison with that of the 2WS

    vehicle, for the two input cases.

    2. The better manoeuvrability and stability of 4WS

    vehicles over that of 2WS vehicles may also be

    observed from Figs 19 and 23. Although the saw

    and half-saw angular turning displacement inputs

    may generate a slightly higher transient accelera-

    tion, however, the lateral accelerations of the

    vehicle are stabilized in a short transient time as

    shown in Figs 19 and 23. It may also be interest-ing to evaluate the peak values of the lateral

    accelerations shown in Figs 19 and 23. The

    following can be found from the figures.

    (a) The peak values of the lateral acceleration of

    the 4WS vehicle in positive-phase steering are

    much more symmetrically and smoothly

    distributed during the transient period of

    time in comparison with that of the 2WS

    vehicle, as shown in Figs 19 and 23. This also

    contributes to the stability, safety, and man-

    oeuvrability of 4WS vehicles, although the

    transient period is short.

    (b) The total variation range of the peak values of

    the lateral acceleration for the 4WS vehicle in

    positive-phase steering is smaller than that of

    the 2WS vehicle corresponding to the saw

    input, during the transient period. However,

    the lateral acceleration of the 4WS vehicle

    varies in a larger range than that of the 2WS

    vehicle for the half-saw case owing to the

    larger lateral force acting on the 4WS vehicle

    in positive-phase steering, although the range

    is much smaller than that in the saw inputcase. It should be noted, however, that the

    Fig. 22 Yaw angular velocity versus time

    Fig. 23 Lateral acceleration versus time

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    distribution of peak values of the lateral

    acceleration of the 4WS vehicle is much

    smoother and is concentrated in two loca-

    lized areas in comparison with that of the

    2WS vehicle, which has an acceleration that

    varies sharply, as shown in Fig. 23. All these

    have positive influences on the stability,

    safety, and manoeuvrability of 4WS vehicles

    during the transient period.

    3. Figure 21 shows how easy the turning operation

    graphically described in Fig. 20 is for a 4WS

    vehicle. 4WS vehicles can therefore be easily

    controlled to respond to the road surface condi-

    tions and the curvatures of the road. This results

    in higher manoeuvrability for the driver of a 4WS

    vehicle in operating the vehicle.

    4. 4WS vehicles are generally more stable in opera-tions (larger stable regions) in comparison with

    2WS vehicles. The conditions for the stability of

    4WS and 2WS vehicles were given in reference


    5. Under the condition of low vehicle speeds, the

    lateral velocity and angular velocity are all in the

    controllable ranges for 2WS vehicles and 4WS

    vehicles in both positive- and negative-phase

    steering. In the cases of intermediate or high

    vehicle speeds, however, 4WS vehicles in positive-

    phase steering provide the highest manoeuvr-

    ability and therefore higher safety.

    On the basis of the analysis above, it may be

    observed that the model established in the present

    research can be used to analyse the three-dimen-

    sional non-linear behaviour of a vehicle under

    various operating and environmental conditions. In

    fact, such a non-linear dynamic model with multiple

    degrees of freedom for the 4WS vehicles including

    the effects of the non-linear tyre force, the air drag

    and the wind, together with motions of the vehicle

    and vehicle wheels in turning and braking man-

    oeuvres has not been found in the current literature.

    In the current literature, there are limited research

    results available for dynamic responses of 4WS

    vehicles; very few archived documents show the

    characteristics of the 4WS vehicles with a compar-

    ison with those of 2WS vehicles. The numerical

    results obtained from the model in the present

    research show a good coherence with the results

    reported in the limited investigations on the

    dynamic behaviours of 4WS and 2WS vehicles found

    from the archived documents. A study on the

    behaviours of 4WS and 2WS vehicles was reportedby Itoh et al. [6], with a validation on the basis of a

    detailed experimental analysis. The 4WS and 2WS

    vehicles analysed in the research by Itoh et al. are the

    vehicles of identical bodies. This is also the case for

    the research in this paper. The research by Itoh et al.

    is therefore suitable for qualitative comparison with

    the present research results, which are generated

    including considerations of the vehicle motion and

    vehicle wheels in turning and braking manoeuvres,

    together with other factors and the joint effects of

    the non-linearities as described in the context of this

    paper. Although the research by Itoh et al. is an

    investigation on a tractor, it is still appropriate for a

    qualitative comparison with the results of the

    present research as the research is on turnability

    and the difference between the turnabilities of 4WS

    and 2WS vehicles, and the turnability of 4WS and

    2WS vehicles is one of the main research topics of

    both the research studies.

    Itoh et al. found from their investigations that the

    yaw angular velocity in 4WS vehicles decreased

    because of the steering of the rear tyres in the same

    direction as the front tyres and that the yaw angular

    velocity increased by means of steering the rear tyres

    in the opposite direction to that of the front tyres.

    This agrees exactly with the conclusions made on

    the basis of the present model, with the numerical

    results exhibit in Figs 10, 13, 18, and 27. The

    conclusions of Itoh et al. on the higher manoeuvr-

    ability of 4WS vehicles in positive-phase steering

    over that of negative-phase steering and the sharp

    turning characteristics of 4WS vehicles in negative-

    phase turning also agree with the discussions given

    on the numerical results that are generated by the

    present vehicle model.

    Additionally, the higher manoeuvrability and

    stability of 4WS vehicles over that of 2WS vehicles

    are recognized by Furukawa et al. [4]. This also

    matches the conclusions and results made on the

    basis of the model and numerical simulations of the

    present research.


    This research analyses the non-linear behaviour of a

    4WS vehicle via an accurate and effective approach.

    With the development of the approach, the kine-

    matics of the sprung vehicle body and the unsprung

    part of the vehicle can be conveniently studied. A

    non-linear vehicle model with multiple degrees of

    freedom coupling the sprung and unsprung compo-

    nents of the vehicle is developed such that the

    effects of non-linear tyre forces, aerodynamic resis-tance, negative- and positive-phase steering, turning

    548 Q Han and L Dai

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    torque output of the vehicle engine, and mechanical

    efficiency of the transmission system can be inte-

    grally taken into consideration in vehicle motion

    analysis. Such an approach for non-linear vehicle

    behaviour analysis has not been found in the current

    literature. The non-linear model shows the feasibility

    and efficiency for analysing the behaviour of the

    vehicle under normal and other operation condi-

    tions with high accelerations. The numerical results

    generated by the model established show good

    agreement with those of the existing investigations

    available in the literature. With a specified operation

    manoeuvre, the model established allows calcula-

    tions of the vehicle path, and the force and moments

    acting on the vehicle in three-dimensional aspects.

    Considering the sensitivity of the safety and stability

    of 4WS vehicles to the operation conditions, e.g.

    negative-phase steering at high speeds would be

    dangerous because of the very high yaw rates

    produced, it is significant to quantify the kinetic

    and dynamic parameters for the proper operation of

    a 4WS vehicle. The advantages of 4WS vehicles over

    2WS vehicles in terms of the ease of turning,

    manoeuvrability, stability, smaller turning radius in

    negative-phase turning, tight-space manoeuvrabil-

    ity, ride comfort, and safety are evident based on the

    quantitative analysis and numerical simulations

    presented in this research.


    The authors wish to acknowledge, with thanks, thefinancial support from the Natural Sciences andEngineering Research Council of Canada, the Can-ada Foundation for Innovation, the National NaturalScience Foundation of China (10272046), and theNational Natural Science Foundation of GuangdongProvince (020858).


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