fourth and gill neighborhood newsoct 04, 2010  · fourth and gill – neighborhood news spring 2011...

SPRING 2011 Save the Dates! Fourth and Gill Neighborhood News What’s Going On? City Brings Curbside Recycling Program The City of Knoxville has been working for several years on a plan for a single- stream, curbside recycling program in response to numerous requests to increase recycling options for its citizens, and in an attempt to reduce landfill use. “Our research shows that 75- 80% of Knoxville’s household garbage can be recycled, and this is a direct way to make an impact,” says David Brace, deputy director of public service for the City. Continued on Page 2 Update on the Neighborhood Center About 50 people came to the neighborhood meeting on April 11 and most of them had something to say about the future of what used to be called the Fourth and Gill Neighborhood Center, more recently The Birdhouse. The purpose of the meeting was to get input from neighbors and others about the board recommendation that we sell the building. For several years the board has struggled with the question of what to do with the building. The recommendation to sell it was not easy to reach. Continued on Page 2 Greenway/1 st Creek Clean-up May 28 th 9am-12pm Old North Knoxville is hosting a clean up at First Creek Greenway and Park. Potluck lunch afterwards, so bring a dish to share!. Bring hip-waders if you have them. Kids welcome! We’ll meet at Hoitt Ave. & Luttrell St. Potluck Picnic in the Park June 13 th 6:30pm Come and join your neighbors for fun, food, and entertainment. Have some fun in the sun! Bring a dish to pass and just relax and socialize. Mama Artists Show – Call for Submissions! July 1 st If you’re a resident of 4 th and Gill, a Mother and a visual artist send a few images of your work. Chosen art will be on exhibition in the “Mama Artists Show” through the month of August. By Bill Murrah Beth Booker, [email protected] , or Lauren Rider, 524 4267 or [email protected]

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Page 1: Fourth and Gill Neighborhood NewsOct 04, 2010  · FOURTH AND GILL – NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS SPRING 2011 Committee Updates! Social Committee The newly formed Social Committee met to frame

S P R I N G 2 0 1 1

Save the Dates!

Fourth and Gill

Neighborhood News What’s Going On?

City Brings Curbside Recycling Program

The City of Knoxville has been working for several years on a plan for a single-stream, curbside recycling program in response to numerous requests to increase recycling options for its citizens, and in an attempt to reduce landfill use. “Our research shows that 75-80% of Knoxville’s household garbage can be recycled, and this is a direct way to make an impact,” says David Brace, deputy director of public service for the City.

Continued on Page 2

Update on the Neighborhood Center

About 50 people came to the neighborhood meeting on April 11 and

most of them had something to say about the future of what used to be called the Fourth and Gill Neighborhood Center, more recently

The Birdhouse. The purpose of the meeting was to get input from neighbors and others about the board recommendation that we sell

the building. For several years the board has struggled with the question of what to do with the building. The recommendation to

sell it was not easy to reach.

Continued on Page 2

Greenway/1st Creek Clean-up

May 28th 9am-12pm Old North Knoxville is hosting a clean up at First Creek Greenway and Park. Potluck lunch afterwards, so bring a dish to share!. Bring hip-waders if you have them. Kids welcome!

We’ll meet at Hoitt Ave. & Luttrell St.

Potluck Picnic in the Park

June 13th 6:30pm Come and join your neighbors for fun, food, and entertainment. Have some fun in the sun! Bring a dish to pass and just relax and socialize.

Mama Artists Show – Call for Submissions! July 1st If you’re a resident of 4th and Gill, a Mother and a visual artist send a few images of your work. Chosen art will be on exhibition in the “Mama Artists Show” through the month of August.

By Bill Murrah

Beth Booker, [email protected], or Lauren Rider, 524 4267 or [email protected]

Page 2: Fourth and Gill Neighborhood NewsOct 04, 2010  · FOURTH AND GILL – NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS SPRING 2011 Committee Updates! Social Committee The newly formed Social Committee met to frame



Continued from Page 1 Update on the Neighborhood Center

The board has identified four main issues that need to be resolved about the building. They are: 1. The costs of owning the building 2. How to assure needed repairs and on-going maintenance 3. Management of the building, and 4. Future use of the building.

At the meeting two relatively new organizations asked that the board give them a chance to address the four issues. They submitted some general proposals to cover the issues and their ideas had enough substance to cause the board to take pause and give them consideration. A number of people at the meeting voiced support for the proposals, at least to give them a chance. At the April 18 board meeting a decision was reached to enter discussions with the new organizations to see if an agreement could be reached to everyone’s mutual benefit. The board is now in the middle of that process. If it does seem like a win-win situation, the new groups would take over responsibility for management and upkeep of the building and conduct community-serving programs there. The two new organizations, Melange and Knoxville Art Awareness Workshops, propose to provide “community space where active skill sharing, DIY workshops, participatory media production, historical documentation, and artistic creation and exhibition can contribute to the life of the immediate community and the general public.” Many of the key issues still need to be resolved, but new life may be breathed into the historic, 125 year old building. Stay tuned to see what happens.

The City of Knoxville Brings Curbside Recycling to Residents

The program features: • No sorting – all recyclables go in the cart together

(single stream) • A rolling cart will be provided in September • Pick up at the curb every other week will begin in

October • No additional charge to City residents • RecycleBank – participants can earn points toward

discounts on goods and services through this rewards program

• Initially, the program is for the first 20,000 households to sign up

Citizens can sign up by visiting or by calling 311.

Households in the City limits of Knoxville that receive weekly garbage collection are eligible for the program. Apartments of more than four units are not eligible for this program but may continue to use the drop centers for their recycling needs.

As of May 5, 2011, approximately 6100 households have signed up for the new curbside, single-stream recycling program, which will begin in the fall of this year.

When the cart is delivered in September, details on the following will be included: • List of recyclable items that can be included in the cart (also available on the web site) • Pick-up schedule (every other week) • RecycleBank rewards program • How to take care of your cart • Other details pertaining to recycling and the new program

Citizens are encouraged to sign-up and to tell their friends, family and neighbors about this new opportunity. More details on the program can be found on the web site at

Continued from Page 1

Page 3: Fourth and Gill Neighborhood NewsOct 04, 2010  · FOURTH AND GILL – NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS SPRING 2011 Committee Updates! Social Committee The newly formed Social Committee met to frame



The Neighborhood Center – aka The Birdhouse

It’s an exciting time at the Historic 4th and Gill Neighborhood Center. Presently, The Birdhouse is in a period of transition. Programmatic changes, repairs and community events are being organized for this summer and we’ll be looking for your input, labor and support! What is The Neighborhood Center? In the interest of fortification and preservation of community space, The Neighborhood Center is a venue for the building and strengthening of the 4th and Gill neighborhood of Knoxville, Tennessee. The overall goal is the preservation, renovation and viable operation of the building known as the 4th and Gill Neighborhood Center. We aim to partner with the residents of the community in providing community space where active skill sharing, DIY workshops, participatory media production, historical documentation, and artistic creation and exhibition can contribute to the life of the immediate community and the general public. Our website can be found at Current Work: We are organizing, scanning and archiving the historic documentation of the 4th and Gill Neighborhood Center. If interested in what we’ve found, come by the July 2nd Open House.

We are working closely with the Knoxville Housing Co-operative and are pulling resources and hands-on assistance from the residents of 4th and Gill to repair the roof, upstairs bathroom and remove two large trees in the backyard. Those interested in assisting while learning should contact the Neighborhood Center at [email protected]. Gardening space is also being revived and those interested in participating in a Garden Work Day should contact [email protected] Space Rental: The Neighborhood Center is your space and it is open for use by the community. For more information on using the Neighborhood Center for fundraisers or events, contact: [email protected] Call for submissions: 4th and Gill’s artist Mamas! If you’re a resident of 4th and Gill, a Mother and a visual artist send a few images of your work (jpg or tiff), dimensions, and brief artist statement to [email protected]. Chosen art will be on exhibition in the “Mama Artists Show” through the month of August. Submission deadline is July 1st.

Continued on Page 4

Congratulations Graduates! Three of Fourth and Gill's finest are graduating high school this spring. Macy Parker is graduating from Webb High School, Sam Talman and Claire Coker from West High School. Macy is going to Davidson College. Sam is going to University of Pittsburgh Honors where he will also be guaranteed a spot in graduate school. And Claire will be deferring a year at LSU to travel as the DECA president.

By William Isom, II

Page 4: Fourth and Gill Neighborhood NewsOct 04, 2010  · FOURTH AND GILL – NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS SPRING 2011 Committee Updates! Social Committee The newly formed Social Committee met to frame



The Neighborhood Center – aka The Birdhouse

Events: JUNE

First Friday Friday, June 3rd, 6pm – 12am Artist C.C. McBride will be exhibiting a series of paintings, photos, drawings, ceramic sculptures and an installation with 2 life size figures. Several local musicians will provide live music. C.C. McBride says:

“I have long worked to understand and reinterpret the refined nature of traditional ceramics, especially American folk pottery and Korean pottery, through experimenting with glazes and various firing methods such as raku, saggar, and sawdust. More recently, I have worked on a series of figurative busts, which provides the perfect opportunity to explore the endless facets of human experience, of which culture, history, and humor figure prominently in my work, as well as manipulate what is often termed traditional and revive how one can engage with such work.”


Open House Saturday, July 2nd, 11am – 3pm Round up the family and get to know your Neighborhood Center. Come see what’s happening at our Open House, as we embark upon our mission to build community. First Saturday Saturday, July 2nd, 6-9pm Join us at the Neighborhood center for our very first "First Saturday" We are honored to have recent UTK, Master's Graduate, Steph Untz. You may preview her work at: This is a little of what Steph has to say about her work:

"The face of a person is the first thing that we use to identify someone. By stripping away all of the outside factors like the subjects’ context and body shape, viewers are able to focus on the face of the individual. The only "noise" represented are the thought and frustrations of the artist. In these paintings we see the different states of the person, but also the perceptions of the artist."

Wine Social Wednesday, July 27, 2011 6p – 9pm "Bring one of your favorite bottles of wine, a wine glass and a small block of cheese. This will be a great opportunity to share your new, old, or not yet found love for wine! We will show a movie in conjunction with the social. Everyone can share in the different wines and cheeses! Please bring your ID as we do plan to card those who are drinking - otherwise everyone is welcome! We will provide cards for you to take notes if you like on the wines you do/don't enjoy! We will also provide plates and knives for the cheese! We look forward to seeing you!"

AUGUST First Saturday August 6th, 11am – 3pm “Mama Artists Show” An exhibit by Tovah Greenwood, Mandy Burnside and the Mothers of 4th and Gill. Evening Opening, 6pm – 10pm Screening the film “Who Does She Think She Is?” There will also be performance art by Knoxville mamas. Childcare will be provided.

Continued from Page 3

Page 5: Fourth and Gill Neighborhood NewsOct 04, 2010  · FOURTH AND GILL – NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS SPRING 2011 Committee Updates! Social Committee The newly formed Social Committee met to frame



Committee Updates! Social Committee The newly formed Social Committee met to frame out activities for the coming year. Next big event is the Potluck-Picnic at Fourth and Gill Park on Monday, June 13; watch fourthandgill listserv for more details. Committee members will develop some new activities; if you have suggestions, please email the chair, Carol O at [email protected].

Parks and Beautification Committee We had a very successful Clean Up Day in April. About 15 or so hardy souls canvassed the neighborhood and really spiffed it up. We had some new neighbors join the fray--always a welcome sight. The 'hood never looked better. The Dogwood Walking Trail has been a success also. Everyday during the event, you would see visitors walking the trail up and down Luttrell St. A special thanks to Gordon for organizing and keeping everyone busy, worker bees inlcuded Sam C, Aiden S, Pete & Celeste, Bill M, Robert R, Judith &

John N, Carol N, Chris J, Brett B, Dwight G, Barbara S, Liz U, Chris & Ruby W, Melynda W, Tim P, Stephen & Margaret & Althea B, Bill N, Lo P, Piper M,and Jackson W!!

Communications Committee The Communications Committee met in April and framed out work for the coming year. We aim to keep current structures going reliably in the next several weeks. In the future we hope to improve the newsletter, the website, and methods of reminding neighbors of important issues/events.

Codes Committee Peter K has just recently been appointed our new chair of Codes. Here is a bit about him!

“After a round about trip through the United States I have finally settled back at the base of the Appalachian Mountains. I grew up in North Carolina, graduated from Appalachian State University and then bounced around the east coast while my wife finished school. Currently I am a full-time student (again) at Pellissippi State Community College, studying audio and video production and in my spare time I enjoy cooking, gardening and hiking. I heard help was needed for the board and I agreed when asked to serve because I really like the neighborhood, and don't mind trying to help keep it going in the same direction. I have worked in many of the building trades including an apprenticeship under a home inspector and I actually have fun going down-town to do research.”

We look forward to having updates in future newsletters!

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Board Welcomes New Members, Salutes Those Who Step Down

Congratulations to the following neighbors who have been elected to the board of directors for the neighborhood organization: Bess Connally, Carol O'Donnell, and Margaret Baumgardner, and to Peter Kuntz who was appointed by the board to fulfill the seat vacated by Mike and Shannon Reynolds. A special thanks goes to the hard work of retiring board members Gavin Luter, Susan Schottin and Mike and Shannon. The Board of Directors meets at 7:00pm on the third Monday of each month (check neighborhood calendar or newsletter for locations) and is open to all neighbors interested in attending.



President Carol Nickle

Looks to Goals and Budget for 2011-2012 By Melynda Whetsel

Vice President Bess Connally

Secretary Melynda Whetsel

Treasurer Robert Rogers

Communications Committee Chair Judith Neff

Social Committee Chair Carol O'Donnell

Codes and Development Committee Chair Peter Kuntz*

Parks and Beautification Committee Chair Gordon Coker

Welcome Committee Chair Margaret Baumgardner

Neighborhood Center Chair Bill Murrah

Youth Outreach Committee Chair Claire Coker

Page 7: Fourth and Gill Neighborhood NewsOct 04, 2010  · FOURTH AND GILL – NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS SPRING 2011 Committee Updates! Social Committee The newly formed Social Committee met to frame



Magical Mystery Gables of Fourth and Gill

Can you guess the address of the house that this gable belongs to? Email your answer to [email protected] and you’ll win....


We’ll announce the winner and post another photo in the next newsletter. Good luck!

Photo taken by Nancy R.

Guess the Gable and Become Famous in the ‘hood!

Thank You

I would like to thank everyone in the neighborhood who came out to cheer on marathon participants on April 3rd. For those who were there, it was great fun. For those that weren't, please join us next year. I want to thank, especially, those who helped with the kids' chalking event on Saturday, gathering materials for the race on Sunday and for set-up and breakdown on the day of the race. This event continues to be one of the great annual events for both the City and our great neighborhood and it's because of the effort of all of you. Thanks and see you next year!

By Jonathan Wimmer

Page 8: Fourth and Gill Neighborhood NewsOct 04, 2010  · FOURTH AND GILL – NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS SPRING 2011 Committee Updates! Social Committee The newly formed Social Committee met to frame

Claire Coker was elected National President of DECA at The DECA International Career Development Conference (ICDC) held in Orlando, FL the last week of April. DECA is an international association for high school and college students in marketing, management and business. Claire came into the election having the smallest budget of all the candidates following a tight race for the state nomination in Nashville. During the 7-day event, Claire presented her speech before 15,000 students, caucused, and survived several rounds of voting and interviews. The election came down to two candidates--Claire and a boy from Virginia (which happens to have the largest contingency). Claire won! For the next year she travels across North America, promoting DECA events and meeting with DECA chapters.

Sam Coker traveled to Williamsburg, VA for a school band trip the last weekend in April. Although the bus ride was long there and back, his band placed first in the event! Of course, the highlight of the trip was the many roller coaster rides at Busch Gardens--including the ride with the 250-foot drop. Suffice it to say that Mom and Dad listened to the stories with horror and admiration.

In Other News:


By Gordon Coker