foxtel imc

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  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    IMC Campaign


    Lucy Bellomarino S3237483Patrick Blaikie S3410825Callum Clarke S34123!

    "mma #arri$on S3440!2Bro%ie #iggin$ S33805Laura &e'(ol% S3284084

    Lauren )an *eulen S340!!0



  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    Executive Summary Page: 3

    Company Overview Page: 3

    Market Overview Page: 4

    Environmental Analysis Page:

    Micro Page:

    Macro Page: !

    S"O# Analysis Page: $

    %uyer %e&aviour Page: '

    Market Segmentation Page: ()

    Competitive Positioning Page: ((

    Marketing Communication O*+ectives Page: ((

    Communication Strategy Page: (,

    Creative Execution Page: (3

    #-C Script Page: (4

    Me.ia Page: (!

    %u.get Page: ($

    Evaluation / Control Page: (0

    Conclusion Page: ('

    Appen.ix Page: ,)

    Creative %rie1 Page: ,(

    2e1erences Page: ,3Executions / mages Attac&e.

    Executive Summary


  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    +,i$ report outline$ t,e -%)erti$ing -gency -LLC-PS.$ propo$al /or

    otel.$ C,ri$tma$ campaign it,in t,i$ report t,ere i$ an accurate

    an% $uccinct %e$cription an% analy$i$ o/ otel.$ in%u$try en)ironment

    eternally an% internally a (reak%o'n o/ (uyer (e,a)iour market

    $egmentation competiti)e po$itioning an% communication o(ecti)e$

    pertinent to t,i$ campaign

    +,e cru o/ t,i$ report i$ outline% 'it,in t,e communication $trategy

    creati)e eecution me%ia an% (u%get $ection$ o/ t,e report In t,e$e

    $ection$ t,e in$piration an% impetu$ /or our creati)e %irection i$

    eplaine% an% our creati)e eecution i$ t,oroug,ly %e$cri(e% an%

    pre$ente% -t -LLC-PS 'e /eel t,at t,e $ucce$$ an% o(ecti)e$ otel i$

    $tri)ing /or 'ill (e capa(ly met (y our eecution

    Company Overview

    otel e$ta(li$,e% in 15 i$ an -u$tralian pay +6 company /orme% a$

    a oint )enture (et'een +el$tra an% &e'$ Corp Since merging 'it,

    -u$tar in 2012 otel pro)i%e$ t,eir 23 million $u($cri(ing ,ome$ 'it,

    more t,an 200 c,annel$ -u$tralia 'i%e )ia ca(le $atellite an%

    (roa%(an% %i$tri(ution +,ey %irectly employ aroun% 2500 people an% a

    /urt,er 2000 'orker$ are in%irectly employe% nationally in $ale$ an%

    in$tallation $er)ice$ otel $tri)e$ to oer t,eir cu$tomer$ a (etter

    entertainment eperience t,roug, t,e %eli)ery o/ eclu$i)e an%in$piring program$ acro$$ all genre$ t,e 'orl%.$ mo$t popular c,annel

    (ran%$ an% in)e$tment in ,ig, uality local content In a%%ition to t,i$

    t,e $u($cription tele)i$ion $ector in)e$t$ an e$timate% 9!00 million

    e)ery year into original -u$tralian content +,ey oer t,eir cu$tomer$ a

    c,oice o/ /our package %eal$: "$$ential$ Mo)ie$ ; Premium allo'ing t,em to recor% pau$e an%

    re'in% li)e +6> otel ?o> allo'ing t,em to 'atc, $,o'$ on compati(le


  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    $martp,one$ ta(let$ an% computer$> an% mo$t recently otel Play> a

    no lock@in contract internet +6 $er)ice a)aila(le acro$$ a range o/


    Market Overview

    +,e pay tele)i$ion in%u$try in -u$tralia i$ a $tea%ily gro'ing mo$tly

    monopoli$e% market t,at ,a$ ,a% no particular Auctuation$ in it$

    $tea%y epan$ion It ,a$ ,a% an annual gro't, on a)erage o/ 24

    $ince 2008 an% contri(ute$ 934 (illion annually to t,e country.$ ?

  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    +,ere are $ign$ t,at t,e in%u$try ,a$ reac,e% a mature $tate In 2011

    otel (oug,t out it$ maor ri)al -u$tar in a mo)e t,at greatly

    increa$e% otel.$ market@$,are +,i$ acui$ition $ugge$t$ t,at t,e pay

    tele)i$ion in%u$try ,a% $tagnate% an%Eor mature% %ue to t,e /act t,at it

    $eem$ t,at only real epan$ion can (e gaine% t,roug, acui$ition

    rat,er t,an inno)ation

    it, /ree to air tele)i$ion oering more t,an e)er (e/ore in coalition

    'it, t,e online market (ecoming muc, more t,reatening pay tele)i$ion

    pro)i%er$ are caug,t in a %iFcult $ituation ',ere t,ey mu$t a%u$t

    rapi%ly to $ecure /uture proDta(ility

  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    player a$ t,e C" ',ile C,airman Bruce -rk,ur$t i$ al$o an e$$ential


    otel.$ yearly re)enue i$ o)er 92 (illion per year 200@2010J (ut

    proDt$ amount to only 920! million a year 200@2010J 'it, licen$ing

    /ee$ taking up a ,uge percentage o/ income per year

    Porters ive orces C&art:

    Macro Analysis



    Su*stitutes:- Illegal %o'nloa%ing o/ &etAi- ree to air +6- Illegal %o'nloa%ingE$treaming

    #&reat o1 new entrants:- &o %irect Kpay +6 competitor- &etAi pro)i%ing legal acce$$ to

    -u$tralian$- Po$$i(le &etAi $u($titute

    Suppliers:@ otel purc,a$e$ licen$e$

    %irectly /rom pro%uctioncompanie$ an% $tu%io$

    @ Co$t can )ary an%Auctuate %ramatically

    @ Co$t o/ purc,a$e i$relati)e to t,e package

    %uyers:- otel i$ u$e% /or

    re$i%ential an% (u$ine$$purpo$e$

  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC




    - &o maor competition at t,e current time a$ t,ey (oug,t outt,eir main competitor G -u$tar earlier t,i$ year

    - Currently t,eir (igge$t pai% /orJ competitor i$ &etAi ',ic, i$n.tacti)ely intere$te% in epan%ing to -u$tralia (ut i$ $till illegallyJacce$$i(le

    - It ,a$ (een $ugge$te% t,at /ree@to@air c,annel$ are attempting to(lock &etAi.$ a(ility to pro)i%e t,eir $er)ice in -u$tralia


    - Illegal %o'nloa%ing i$ a c,eaper /reeJ option /or anyone 'it,

    acce$$ to t,e internet- otel a%%@on package$ are epen$i)e in compari$on to /ree@to@

    air illegal %o'nloa%ing an% &etAi- Hecent economic climate ,a$ ma%e people reluctant to purc,a$e

    Kluury item$-

  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    S"O# Analysis


    @ Strong (ran% an% /airly ,ig,(ran% a'arene$$

    @ ?oo% reputation

    @ Mi o/ c,annel$ 'it, (a$ice$$ential$ pack

    @ ?oo% to time market in ,oli%ay$ea$on

    @ -or%a(le entertainment

    @ Multiple u$er$ on one %e)ice

    @ i%e target market

    @ otel ?o or otel PlayJpro)i%e$ etra Aei(ility 'it,)ie'ing time$ an% recor%ing

    @ S,o'$ are o/ ,ig, uality an%$ome are /a$t@tracke% /rom t,eSE* pro)i%ing a point o/%ierence

    @ I= (oe$ pro)i%e t,e opportunityto recor% anyt,ing an% any time

    @ ption to purc,a$e #< c,annel$meaning t,at t,e )ie'ingeperience i$ at it.$ (e$t


    @ +oug, economic climate

    @ People 'anting to $pen% le$$ morecon$ciou$ o/ ,o' t,ey $pen% t,eirmoney

    @ ngoing epen$e mont,lypayment$J

    @ -%%itional optional epen$e not a(a$ic nee% /or a ,ou$e,ol%J

    @ Price point epan$ion pack$e$pecially can (e epen$i)e al$oco$t o/ in$tallation

    @ Many o/ t,e $,o'$ an% mo)ie$ areal$o a)aila(le on ree@to@airtele)i$ion

    @ - percentage o/ people alrea%y,a)e otel an% 'e aren.t pu$,ing/or t,e etra c,annel package$ $ono room in our a% /or potentialupgra%e$

    @ &ot a)aila(le to all ,ome$


    @ C,ri$tma$ a$ a goo% opportunityto market

    @ ?i/t /or t,e ',ole /amily

    @ Somet,ing e)eryone can enoyall year roun%@ practical gi/t t,at'ill (e u$e% regularly

    @ Call to action@ get people to callup to $ign up /or otel t,en


    @ Illegal %o'nloa%ing $ite$ eg+orrent Butler

    @ Li)e $treaming

    @ C,ange in main$tream me%iau$eEepo$ure@ young people not'atc,ing a$ muc, t) more relianton internet

    @ "ten$ion o/ /ree to air tele)i$ion


  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    ma$$i)e opportunity to up $ello)er t,e p,one to a%% a%%itionalpackage$ $port$Emo)ie$ etcJ

    @ pportunity to appeal to t,e

    mot,er a$ primary targetau%ience @ a$ primary Dgure /ort,e O$ign o. on maor ,ou$e,ol%%eci$ion$ an% Dnancial $pen%ing/or /amily

    @ pportunity to rai$e $ale$$igniDcantly %uring t,i$ perio% o/t,e a% campaign

    a$ a t,reat to pay +6@ )ie'er$ arealrea%y getting more at noa%%itional co$t

    @ Intro%uction o/ +6@)ie'ing $ite$

    $uc, a$ &etAi ',ic, ,a)e a$maller $u($cription /ee an% acce$$to a 'i%er )ariety o/ entertainment@ 'it, no preci$e )ie'ing time$',ile &etAi $peciDcally i$ nota)aila(le legally in -u$tralia t,ereare $till 'ay$ to acce$$ itJ

    %uyer %e&aviour

    -t pre$ent a t,ir% o/ -u$tralian ,ou$e,ol%$ ,a)e otel currently

    in$talle% one t,ir% ,a)e al$o at one $tage ,a% otel (ut ,a)e $ince

    remo)e% it an% a /urt,er t,ir% ,a)e ne)er ,a% otel in$talle%

    Con$umer$ purc,a$e otel /or t,e a%%itional entertainment t,e

    %i)er$e $election o/ c,annel package$ an% t,e )ariety o/ program$

    t,e$e package$ pro)i%e +ele)i$ion $,o'$ an% $port$ c,annel$ are a

    maor rea$on people purc,a$e otel -$ (ig (u%get tele)i$ion $,o'$

    (ecome more an% more popular -u$tralian$ 'ant to ,a)e t,e

    opportunity to 'atc, t,e epi$o%e$ a$ t,ey are relea$e% in ot,er part$ o/

    t,e 'orl% an% not ,a)e to 'ait /or t,em to (e relea$e% 'eek$ or

    mont,$ later /or purc,a$e on -u$tralian $,ore$ -lt,oug, illegal

    %o'nloa%ing i$ a /a$t gro'ing plat/orm /or o(taining )ariou$ type$ o/

    entertainment inclu%ing mo)ie$ an% tele)i$ion $,o'$ it i$ u$e%

    pre%ominantly (y t,e younger generation$ l%er generation$ ',o


  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    ,a)e young c,il%ren %o not typically utili$e torrent 'e($ite$ a$ muc,

    an% 'oul% pre/er to ,a)e an ea$y to operate met,o% o/ )ie'ing t,e$e

    tele)i$ion $,o'$ /or a price -%%itionally t,e a(un%ance an% )ariety o/

    c,annel$ oere% (y otel pro)i%e a great %eal o/ %i)er$ity in program$

    an% entertainment ',ic, i$ $omet,ing t,at purc,a$er$ )alue a$ t,ey

    %e$ire more )ariety t,an ',at i$ oere% t,roug, /ree@)ie' tele)i$ion

    urt,ermore a$ t,e current campaign i$ centere% aroun% C,ri$tma$ an

    in$ig,t 'e ,a)e /oun% to (e uite )alua(le i$ t,at people o/ten Dn%

    C,ri$tma$ $,opping to (e uite an e,au$ting an% $ometime$ $tre$$/ul

    eperience it, t,e pre$$ure o/ Dn%ing t,e per/ect gi/t$ a$ 'ell a$ t,e

    o)ercro'%e% an% ,a$ty en)ironment o/ t,e $,opping center$ C,ri$tma$

    $,opping can (ecome uite a %aunting ta$k

    Market Segmentation:

    -$ t,e otel C,ri$tma$ campaign i$ targete% to'ar%$ mi% /amily

    ,ou$e,ol%$ 'it, young c,il%ren t,e market can (e $egmente% into

    t,ree group$ a$ /ollo'$> c,il%ren mum$ an% %a%$

    +,e$e t,ree $egment$ all ,a)e %iering intere$t$ an% pre/erence$ an%

    eac, can (e a%)erti$e% to on a %ierent le)el -$ t,e otel "$$ential$

    Pack inclu%e$ a plet,ora o/ entertainment /or all age$ an% $peciDc

    c,annel$ /or $peciDc type$ o/ entertainment it 'ill (e ea$y to target

    eac, o/ t,e$e market $egment$ 'it,in t,e $ame creati)e


    it, ne'$ li/e$tyle an% %rama c,annel$ ',ic, are targete% mo$tly

    to'ar%$ 'omen $port$ ne'$ an% racing c,annel$ ',ic, are targete%

    more to'ar%$ men a$ 'ell a$ c,annel$ $uc, a$ &ickelo%eon an%

  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    appeal$ to eac, o/ t,e t,ree market $egment$ 'it, t,e a%%ition o/

    entertainment mu$ic an% %ocumentary c,annel$ /or all au%ience$

    tili$ing t,e$e c,annel$ in t,e +6C component o/ t,e otel C,ri$tma$

    campaign 'ill allo' /or eac, o/ t,e market $egment$ to (e

    communicate% to $eparately 'it,in a $ingle a%)erti$ement

    Segmenting t,e market a$ $uc, 'ill a$$i$t in reac,ing t,e marketing

    goal o/ increa$ing (ran% con$i%eration a$ it 'ill clearly %emon$trate

    t,e )alue an% (eneDt$ otel can pro)i%e /or eac, an% e)ery mem(er

    o/ t,e /amily +,i$ 'ill al$o /ollo' t,e $ingle@min%e% propo$ition o/

    otel to (e Ot,e $mart C,ri$tma$ gi/t t,e ',ole /amily 'ill enoy.

    Competitive Positioning

    otel i$ eperiencing a marketplace t,at i$ more competiti)e t,an it

    ,a$ e)er (een a$ gro'ing online me%ia %o'nloa%ing only gro'$ year

    a/ter year -long 'it, t,i$ t,e u$e$ o/ online tele)i$ion repeat$ (y eac,

    %igital tele)i$ion c,annel allo'$ more Aei(ility t,an e)er in t,e 'ay in

    ',ic, au%ience$ con$ume t,eir tele)i$ion otel nee% to /urt,erepre$$ t,e i%ea o/ t,eir pro%uct (eing /or e)eryone a$ t,i$ i$ t,e

    a%)antage t,ey ,a)e o)er t,eir oppo$ition

    Su($cri(ing to a otel OBa$ic. package allo'$ enoug, entertainment

    /or an entire /amily %ue to t,e %i)er$ity o/ c,annel$ a)aila(le +,e

    competiti)e po$itioning o/ t,e (ran% $,oul% ,ig,lig,t t,i$ t,oroug,ly a$

    all competitor$ %o not pro)i%e t,i$ a$ t,oroug,ly


  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    Marketing Communication O*+ectives


    ur marketing o(ecti)e$ are to increa$e $ale$ o/ t,e otel e$$ential$

    package (y 5 an% o)erall $ale$ (y 4 e al$o 'ant an increa$e in

    con$umer inuiry (y 10 at eit,er otel kio$k$ in $,opping centre$

    online or (y p,one


    Increa$ing con$umer$. acceptance o/ t,e otel (ran% i$ at t,e core o/

    our campaign it, a lo$$ o/ intere$t %ue to online competition 'enee% to gain not only acceptance (ut al$o pre/erence /or /amily

    )ie'er$ Increa$ing a'arene$$ a(out t,e e$$ential$ package i$ al$o an

    important communication o(ecti)e ',ic, link$ %irectly to our

    marketing o(ecti)e$


    Me%ia o(ecti)e$ /or t,i$ campaign are to en$ure t,at t,e %e$ire%

    au%ience appropriately recei)e$ t,e me$$age /rom t,e creati)e

    eecution an% communication $trategy I/ 'e $ucce$$/ully ac,ie)e t,i$

    goal it i$ only a $,ort leap o/ /ait, to a$$ert t,at t,e com(ination

    (et'een appropriate me%ia planning an% our creati)e eecution t,at

    all communication$ o(ecti)e$ 'ill (e com/orta(ly met

    Communication Strategy



    - CamoAague outDt$ on t,e /amily gi)e t,e impre$$ion o/ a

    $truggle or a mi$$ion

    - a$t camera $,ot$ t,roug,out t,e a% emp,a$ie t,e $tre$$ o/

    $,opping /or C,ri$tma$ pre$ent$ -l$o contra$t$ 'it, t,e relae%

    /amily at t,e clo$ing o/ t,e a% in$tilling a $en$e o/ relaation an%

    entertainment 'it, otel


  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    - &ot $,o'ing ',at t,e (alloon$ are until near t,e en%

    emp,a$ie$ %i$co)ery an% keep$ t,e )ie'er gue$$ing until t,e



    oxtel amily Poster:

    - $e$ geometric $,ape$ to %ra' t,e con$umer.$ eye Dr$t /rom t,e

    top o/ (ottom

    - C,ri$tma$ colour$ create )i$ual contra$t %ra'ing attention

    oxtel n.ivi.ual Poster:

    - Bur$t$ o/ colour an% tetural contra$t$ on $,ape$ again$t a ',ite

    (ackgroun% %eman%$

    - "lement$ o/ %i$co)ery in t,e eplo$ion$ o/ $,o'$ an% o(ect$ are

    particularly attracti)e /or c,il%ren


    -Balloon$ po$ter$ an% ot,er relate% me%ia rein/orce t,e me$$age

    o/ t,e t)c an% (ring$ t,e t)c Oto li/e. in $,opping centre$


    - Simple an% po'er/ul campaign i$ ea$ily epan%a(le to ne'

    campaign$ an% many ot,er me%ium$ $uc, a$ online an% mo(ile

    Creative Execution

    -$ mentione% pre)iou$ly otel nee%$ to %ierentiate t,em$el)e$ /rom

    competitor$ (y emp,a$i$ing t,at t,ey ,a)e $omet,ing /or e)eryone

    an% t,at purc,a$ing t,e "$$ential$ package i$ t,e per/ect gi/t /or t,e

    ',ole /amily +,e $ingle@min%e% propo$ition /or t,e (ran% re$pon$e

    a%)erti$ing i$ t,at otel i$ Ot,e $mart C,ri$tma$ gi/t t,e ',ole /amily

    can enoy.


  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    In our creati)e eecution 'e ,a)e en%ea)ore% to communicate t,i$

    t,roug, t,e i%ea o/ a /amily $earc,ing /or t,e per/ect gi/t /or eac, ot,er

    in a $,opping centre an% Dn%ing t,at otel i$ $omet,ing t,ey all can

    enoy eually In t,e +6C ',ic, i$ t,e Dr$t a% t,at 'ill launc, an%

    pro)i%e$ a$ t,e (a$i$ /or t,e campaign a /amily arri)e$ at a $,opping

    centre %rea%ing t,e ta$k a,ea% @ e)eryt,ing i$ (u$y an% c,aotic +,e

    mu$ic o/ ingle (ell$ uickly tran$ition$ into t,e t,eme /rom mi$$ion

    impo$$i(le a$ t,e o)erlaying mu$ic track a$ t,e /amily mem(er$

    tran$/orm into O'arrior$. 'it, /ace paint an% (an%ana$ an% t,e uick

    camera angle$ $,o' eac, o/ t,em $pringing o in %ierent %irection$

    ma%ly $earc,ing /or Ot,e per/ect gi/t. "ac, o/ t,em return in t,e mi%%le

    'it, a $ecret item@ re)ealing t,em to eac, ,a)e /oun% a giant letter

    ',ic, ',en oine% toget,er $pell out OQ+"L. "ac, o/ t,e letter$ are

    ma%e up o/ +6 $creen$ /eaturing t,eir o'n /a)ourite $,o'$>

    repre$enting t,e intere$t$ o/ eac, /amily mem(er +,i$ $ym(oli$e$ ,o'

    otel i$ $omet,ing t,at e)eryone can enoy +,e $cene t,en c,ange$

    to $,o' t,e /amily at ,ome all in /ront o/ t,e tele)i$ion enoying otel

    toget,er at C,ri$tma$ time +,e tagline: 6Somet&ing 1or everyone7

    /urt,er emp,a$i$e$ t,i$ me$$age t,at otel i$ in%ee% t,e $marter gi/tto gi)e your /amily t,i$ C,ri$tma$

    +,i$ moti/ 'it, t,e otel Oletter$. i$ t,en u$e% in t,e /ollo'ing print

    an% out%oor a%)erti$ing /eaturing eac, /amily mem(er an% t,eir

    corre$pon%ing letter ',ic, t,e target market 'ill i%enti/y 'it, a/ter

    (eing /amiliar 'it, t,e +6C +,e OIgnite. po$ter an% print a%$ 'ill t,en

    /ollo' re/erencing t,i$ earlier moti/ in imagery otel (alloon letter$J

    (ut 'it, t,e retail call to action copy O?et t,e otel "$$ential$package /rom le$$ t,an 911 a 'eek.

    +,e u$e o/ a%)erti$ing kio$k$ 'ill al$o (e implemente% 'it, Q+"L

    letter (alloon$ /eaturing a$ marketing collateral a$ a /urt,er eten$ion

    on t,e original campaign i%ea Sta at t,e kio$k$ 'ill (e %re$$e% in t,e

    $ame O'arrior. co$tume$ a$ t,e c,aracter$ /rom t,e +6C to link again

    (ack to t,e $tory


  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    +,i$ creati)e i%ea i$ $trong a$ it 'ork$ acro$$ a range o/ me%ium$ an%

    i$ a $imple me$$age t,at 'ill cut t,roug, to t,e target market )ia t,e

    )ariou$ me%ia c,annel$

    #-C Script

    O8#ELKSomething for everyone

    Setting:Cro'%e% $,opping centre

    Scene (: 9MS;

    amily 'alk into a $,opping centre looking c,eer/ul +,eir /ace$ %rop

    Soun% o/ $leig, (ell$ in t,e (ackgroun%

    Scene ,: 9"S;

    Cut to $,o' /amily /rom (e,in% re)ealing a c,aotic an% cro'%e%

    $,opping centre packe% 'it, /ello' C,ri$tma$ $,opper$

    Scene 3: 9MS;

    Back to t,e /ront )ie' o/ t,e /amily +, 'earing camouAage /ace

    paint an% %etermine% epre$$ion$ +,ey ,u%%le toget,er an% $u%%enly

    $print o in %ierent %irection$

    Cue %ramaticEmi$$ion impo$$i(le mu$ic

    Scene 4: 9MS;

  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    Mum run$ into a ,ome@'are$ $tore $omet,ing catc,e$ ,er eye S,e

    race$ to'ar%$ it pulling a large item o t,e $,el/ only moment$ (e/ore

    anot,er cu$tomer can

    Scene $ 9MS;

    Son run$ into a toy $tore #e $li%e$ un%er anot,er $,opper along t,e

    Aoor to gra( a large o(ect o a (ottom $,el/ #e run$ o 'it, t,e

    o(ect %ragging it along t,e groun%

    Scene 0 9MS;

    +,e /amily %og appear$ #e run$ into a pet $tore $niFng out a large

    o(ect #e gra($ it in ,i$ mout, an% run$ o

    Scene ' 9"S;

    S,o' /amily running (ack toget,er comically %o%ging C,ri$tma$

    $,opper$ all carrying large o(ect$ in t,eir arm$

  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    +,e me%ia u$e% in t,e campaign $prea% acro$$ a )ariety o/ mean$ an%

    allo' t,e campaign to connect $eamle$$ly t,roug,out t,e a%)erti$ing

    run ur Dr$t me%ia u$e 'ill (e a +6C promotion ',ic, 'ill (e t,e

    large$t met,o% o/ a%)erti$ing In conunction 'it, t,i$ t,ere 'ill (e a

    po$ter campaign ',ic, 'ill in)ol)e imagery t,at mirror$ t,e +6C

    pro%uct +o create /ace@to@/ace connection 'it, cu$tomer$ 'e 'ill al$o

    pro)i%e a kio$k $tyle a%)erti$ing approac, -$ all t,ree me%ia outlet$

    'ill relate 'it, one anot,er t,e campaign 'ill (e $trengt,ene% an% t,e

    key (eneDt 'ill re$onate appropriately 'it, t,e con$umer

    +,e +6C me%ia 'ill run /or t,e entirety o/ t,e campaign an% generate

    t,e $ource o/ t,e key (eneDt /or t,e au%ience -$ t,i$ a%)erti$ement

    e,i(it$ t,e u$e$ o/ large (lo' up letter$ u$t like our ot,er me%ia

    u$e$ t,e con$umer 'ill (e a(le to relate t,e key (eneDt 'it, all me%ia

    outlet$ %ue to t,e original +6C me$$age -$ t,i$ i$ t,e central /ocu$ o/

    our campaign it i$ important t,at t,e /ocal point$ 'e nee% to ,ig,lig,t

    are epre$$e% clearly to t,e au%ience It i$ al$o nece$$ary /or t,e +6C

    to continue it$ run t,roug,out t,e campaign a$ it 'ill con$tantly (e t,e

    re/erence point /or our ot,er t'o me%ia u$e$

    In conunction 'it, t,e +6C u$age 'e 'ill al$o eerci$e t,e u$e o/

    po$ter a%)erti$ing to eten% our otel campaign /urt,er it, t,e

    a(ility to eten% t,i$ me%ia type into out%oor an% pu(lic $pace$ 'ill

    allo' t,e con$umer to ,a)e acce$$ to anot,er campaign re/erence

    point in t,eir %aily li)e$ It 'ill al$o contact t,o$e ',o ,a)e not (een

    a(le to acce$$ t,e +6C me%ia an% encourage t,em 'it, t,e telep,one

    num(er in/ormation to entertain t,e i%ea o/ otel o'ner$,ip +,e u$e

    o/ po$ter me%ia compoun%$ t,e campaign to t,o$e epo$e% to t,e +6C

    an% al$o eten%$ t,e key (eneDt to a ne' au%ience ',o may not ,a)e

    (een in contact 'it, t,e original +6C pro%uction

    +o in/orm t,e con$umer to t,e utmo$t %egree 'e 'ill al$o inclu%e kio$k

    me%ia 'it,in (u$y $,opping area$ o/ -u$tralia +,e$e kio$k$ 'ill (e in

    t,e t,eme o/ our +6C an% po$ter me%ia material an% 'ill run in

    conunction 'it, t,e campaign +,e a%)antage$ o/ t,i$ me%ia type are

    many (ut mo$t importantly it allo'$ /or a /ace@to@/ace approac, 'it,


  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    our potential con$umer$ -t t,e$e kio$k$ our au%ience 'ill (e a(le to

    acce$$ t,e etra in/ormation t,ey may nee% to make t,e Dnal proce$$

    in oining otel a$ a $u($cri(er In a%%ition to t,e in/ormati)e approac,

    'e 'ill al$o pro)i%e t,e $,opping pu(lic O/ree(ie$. $uc, a$ (alloon$ in

    t,e $,ape o/ our otel letter$ $o t,at t,ey can eten% t,e campaign

    /urt,er t,roug,out t,e $,opping centre t,er $,opper$ may $ee t,e$e

    letter$ an% re/erence (ack to out +6C or po$ter me%ia an% $eek out t,e

    kio$k a$$i$tance in $igning up in a /ace@to@/ace capacity in$tea% o/ o)er

    t,e p,one

    it, me%ia $election $uc, a$ t,i$ t,e campaign 'ill (e a(le to run a

    connecting key (eneDt t,roug,out an% maintain rele)ance 'it, our

    target au%ience con$tantly +,e regular interaction 'it, our otel

    a%)erti$ing 'ill keep t,e con$umer t,inking i/ un$ure an% ena(le t,em

    to act ',en t,ey are rea%y to +,i$ approac, 'ill $ucce$$/ully ena(le

    otel to gain greater $u($cription rate$ an% al$o /urt,er (ran%

    a'arene$$ %ramatically


    #otal Expen.iture:

    Pro%uction (u%get: 9700000Me%ia (u%get: 92000000

    #elevision Commercial:

    Pro%uction Co$t: 9550000

    Me%ia Co$t: 91500000


    Pro%uction Co$t: 90000Me%ia Co$t: 9200000

  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    Pro%uction Co$t: 930000Me%ia Co$t: &E-

  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC



    +,i$ targete% IMC campaign i$ %e$igne% to con)ince mot,er$ age% 35@

    45 t,at otel.$ Oe$$ential$ package. i$ t,e per/ect C,ri$tma$ gi/t /or

    t,eir /amily t,i$ year +,roug, t,e campaign t,ere i$ an impetu$ put in

    place t,at en$ure$ (ran% con$i%eration 'ill increa$e an% t,ere(y

    increa$ing $ale$ o/ t,e package (y at lea$t 4 (y e(ruary 2014

    Currently t,e primary target au%ience /or t,i$ package al'ay$ t,oug,t

    t,at otel i$ epen$i)e an% %i%n.t repre$ent a reali$tic or 'ort,',ile

    epen%iture /or t,eir /amily at t,i$ time +,roug, our care/ully ,one%

    creati)e eecution an% communication $trategy at -LLC-PS 'e /eel

    conD%ent t,at t,e target %emograp,ic 'ill (e con)ince% t,at otel i$

    t,e per/ect C,ri$tma$ gi/t /or t,eir /amily an% 'ill re$pon% to t,e call to

    action (y making a p,one call going to t,e 'e($ite or )i$iting a kio$k

    to /urt,er eplore an% ,ope/ully eecute a tran$action


  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC



    Creative %rie1


    Executions / mages


  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC



    C2EA#-E %2E

    CLE?C#SE2-CE: Su*scription #elevision

    >A#E: ,)t& Septem*er ,)(3

    CA#E@O2 A %2A

  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    +,e inten%e% me$$age o/ t,e creati)e a%)erti$ing (ran% re$pon$eJ i$ t,at oteli$ t,e $mart C,ri$tma$ gi/t t,e ',ole /amily can enoy +,e inten%e% me$$age /ort,e Ignite component o/ t,e campaign i$ O?et t,e otel "$$ential$ package /romle$$ t,an 911 a 'eek.


    +,e "$$ential$ Pack inclu%e$ 35 c,annel$ 'it, $omet,ing /or t,e ',ole /amily +,ec,annel categorie$ inclu%e: entertainment %rama an% cla$$ic mo)ie$ ki%$%ocumentary mu$ic ne'$ an% 'eat,er li/e$tyle $port$ ne'$ an% racing an%)ariou$ ot,er c,annel$


    +,e otel "$$ential$ Pack i$ t,e per/ect gi/t /or t,e /amily t,i$ C,ri$tma$ it, 35c,annel$ t,ere i$ $omet,ing /or e)ery mem(er o/ t,e /amily to enoy

    %2A PE2SOA: "&ic& me.ia are likely to *e involve.

    +ele)i$ion Commercial:

    Pro%uction Co$t: 9550000

    Me%ia Co$t: 91500000


    Pro%uction Co$t: 90000

    Me%ia Co$t: 9200000


    Pro%uction Co$t: 920000

    Me%ia Co$t: 9200000

    otel *io$k:

    Pro%uction Co$t: 930000

    Me%ia Co$t: &E-

    &e'$paper Ayer$:

    Pro%uction Co$t: 910000

    Me%ia Co$t: 9100000

    %?>@E#: "&at is t&e *u.getD

    Pro.uction *u.get: $))F)))

    Me.ia *u.get: ,F)))F)))


  • 8/12/2019 Foxtel IMC


    MAA#O2ES: "&at are t&e * propertiesD

    +,e otel logo In Dne print at t,e (ottom o/ all a%)erti$ement$ mu$t (e t,e+;CR$ $u($cription an% in$tallation co$t$ contract %etail$
