fp 6 priority 7: citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society

FP 6 Priority 7: Citizens and Governance in a knowledge-based Society Polish FP6 Launch Conference Warsaw, 26 November 2002 Dr. Peter Fisch DG Research K.4 Please note: PRELIMINARY INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE

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FP 6 Priority 7: Citizens and Governance in a knowledge-based Society. Polish FP6 Launch Conference Warsaw, 26 November 2002 Dr. Peter Fisch DG Research K.4 Please note: PRELIMINARY INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Roadmap. Priority 7 Context, Research Areas, Key Elements Implementation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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FP 6 Priority 7:Citizens and Governance in a

knowledge-based SocietyPolish FP6 Launch Conference

Warsaw, 26 November 2002

Dr. Peter Fisch

DG Research K.4

Please note:



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Roadmap• Priority 7

– Context, Research Areas, Key Elements

• Implementation– Instruments, Budget

• Evaluation– Procedures, Criteria

• First Call– Structure, Research topics

• Info

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Priority 7

General Context• European Research Area (ERA)

– Long-term strategic policy objective for EU and Member States

• 6th Framework Programme (FP6)– Main EU instrument to support ERA

• “Integrating” Programme– Focus on Thematic Priorities

• Priority 7 “Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society”– Focal point for social sciences and humanities

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Priority 7

Objectives of the programme

• Support and develop Social Sciences and

Humanities to produce high quality research

in areas of policy relevance ...

• … while structuring Social Sciences and

Humanities in such a way to fully exploit the

opportunities of the emerging European

Research Area

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Priority 7

Political Context

• Lisbon Summit 2000 fixed ambitious objectives for EU

• Knowledge base for managing the transition process …

• … and identification of new challenges

• Comparative dimension

• Multidisciplinarity; integrative approach

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Knowledge-based Society(1) Generation, Distribution, Use of


(2) Options & Choices for the development of a knowledge-based Society (KBS)

• Quality of Life; Social Cohesion;Labour Market Policies; Life-long Education;Sustainable Development …

(3) Variety of Paths towards KBS• Transition Processes at EU, national, regional Level

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Priority 7

Citizens and Governance

(4) Implications of European Integration and Enlargement for Governance and the Citizen

(5) Areas of Responsibility and new Forms of Governance

(6) Resolution of Conflicts and Restortion of Peace and Justice

(7) New Forms of Citizenship and cultural Identities

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Priority 7

New features

• Embedded in the Lisbon Process: Comparative research as key ingredient for open method of coordination

• Integration of additional research communities: Humanities, Law, Peace and Justice ...

• Foster deeper and broader cooperation in broad research areas

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Priority 7

Key Elements in view of the ERA (1)

• Rigorous comparative research (IP and STRP)• Meaningful cooperation within and between disciplines• Common/Shared infrastructures (NoE and IP mainly)• Reviews of the state-of-the-art for broader dissemination• Scientific knowledge base for policy making (Provide

evidence on topical issues)(NoE and IP mainly)

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Priority 7

Key Elements in view of the ERA (2)

• Mapping of research competencies

• Links with national programmes or activities (NoE and IP)

• Involvement of users and stakeholders

• Keep consortia open for new partners (NoE and IP)

• Specialised training programmes (NoE)

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The instruments to be used

• Networks of Excellence (NoE)

• Integrated Projects (IP)

• Specific targeted research Projects (STRP)

• Coordination Actions (CA)

• Specific Support Actions (SSA)

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Networks of Excellence

• Structuring the European Research Area

• Integrating research capacities from national


• Long-term perspective

• “Top-down” area definition

• Duration: 5 years

• Financial support: 3 - 7 Million Euro

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Integrated Project

• Ambitious, targeted research endeavour

• Clearly defined objectives

• Aiming at results of “direct relevance”

• “Top-down” definition of key issues

• Duration: 5 years

• Financial support: 3 - 7 Million Euro

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Specific Targeted Research Project

• Basic features similar to “traditional” RTD Projects in FP4

and FP5

• Emphasis on developing excellence

• Preparing the ground for future NoE/IP

• “Bottom-up” definition of specific topics

• Duration: 3 years

• Financial support: around 1 Million Euro

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Coordination Actions

• Basic features similar to “traditional” Thematic Networks

in FP4 and FP5

• Emphasis on cordination of activities (meetings,

information system etc.)

• “Bottom-up” definition of specific topics

• Duration: 3 years

• Financial support: around 0.7 Million Euro

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Specific Support Actions

• Basic features similar to “traditional”

Accompanying Measures in FP4 and FP5

• Direct link to programme activities

• “Top-down” definition of issues

• Duration: 3 years max.

• Financial support: around 0.1 Million Euro

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Some first reflections on the budget• Total Budget: 225 Million Euro

A possible scenario(for “intelligent illustration”)Instrument Number Expenditure

of Projects in Million Euro

• NoE 20 80 • IP 20 80• STRP 45 45• CA 15 10• SSA 30 3

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General Aspects

• Priority 7 will continue to use a “one-stage” procedure until further notice

• Greater diversity of instruments will lead to greater diversity in evaluation procedures

• More flexible system to invite high quality evaluators• All blocks of criteria with equal weighting• Thresholds per block and overall (x out of 5)

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Networks of Excellence

• Relevance to the objectives of the (3)programme

• Potential Impact (3)

• Excellence of participants (3)

• Degree of integration and the joint programme of activities (4)

• Organisation and management (3)

Overall threshold: 4

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Integrated Projects

• Relevance to the objectives of the (3) programme• Potential Impact (3)• S&T Excellence (4)• Quality of the consortium (3)• Quality of the management (3)• Mobilisation of resources (3)

Overall threshold: 4

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Specific Targeted Research ProjectsCoordination Actions

• Relevance to the objectives of the (3) programme• STRP: S&T Excellence / CA: Quality of coordination (4)• Potential Impact (3)• Quality of the consortium (3)• Quality of the management (3)• Mobilisation of resources (3)

Overall threshold: 3.5

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First Call


Three parts - Two deadlines:

• Part A: NoE and IP 15.04.2003

• Part B: STRP and CA 15.04.2003

• Part C: NoE and IP 10.12.2003

Each part is only “open” for a limited number

of research topics:

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First Call

Part A - Research TopicsNoE and IP Deadline: 15.04.2003(1) Science and Technology in the knowledge based


(2) Societal trends in the KBS and their implications for quality of life

(3) Migration immigration and multiculturalism as challenges for KBSs

(5) Multilevel governance, democracy and new policy instruments

(6) New approaches to security and the role of Europe

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First Call

Part B - Research Topics (1)STRP and CA Deadline: 15.04.2003(1) Understanding of KBS(1) Knowledge based entrepreneurship(1) New knowledge and integration of social sciences and

humanities in Europe(2) Education challenges for the KBS(2) Links between science and education(2) Intergenerational inheritance of inequalities(2) Insecurity(3) Historical development of socio-economic models(3) Citizens attitudes and civic values(3) Sustainable development and KBS(3) “Knowledge for Humankind” Initiative

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First Call

Part B - Research Topics (2)

STRP and CA Deadline: 15.04.2003

(4) Transformations in the candidate countries(5) Corporate social Responsibility(6) Human rights(6) Roots of violent conflicts(7) Active civic participation(7) European public sphere

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First Call

Part C - Research Topics NoE and IP Deadline: 10.12.2003(1) Understanding knowledge(1) Knowledge dynamics and economic development in Europe and its

regions(2) Social cohesion in the KBS(2) Changes in work in the KBS(2) Promoting the KBS through life-long-learning(4) Deepening and widening of the EU(4) Global governance, regulatory frameworks and the role of the EU(5) Public interest(5) Towards a European contract law(7) European citizenship and multiple identities(7) Cultural dialogue and European society(7) New perspectives on European history

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• Information on ERA and FP6:

www.cordis.lu/fp6• Publication of EoI submissions

http://eoi.cordis.lu/search_form.cfm• Helpdesk for Priority 7

[email protected]• Direct contact to colleagues

[email protected]