fra g6 tatacoffee

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  • 8/10/2019 Fra G6 Tatacoffee



  • 8/10/2019 Fra G6 Tatacoffee


    Acknowledgement ..................................................................................... 3

    1. Company Introduction: .................................................................... 4

    2. SWOT snapshot: ............................................................................... 5

    3. SWOT - Analysis ............................................................................... 5

    a. Strengths ........................................................................................ 5

    b. Weakness ....................................................................................... 6

    c. Opportunity ................................................................................... 6

    d. Threats ........................................................................................... 7

    4. Financial Statements ....................................................................... 8

    i. Balance Sheet ................................................................................ 8

    ii. Profit And Loss Statement ........................................................... 85. Ratio Analysis ................................................................................... 9

    a. Profitability ratio ......................................................................... 10

    i. Net Profit Ratio: .......................................................................... 10

    ii. Operating profit ratio: ................................................................. 10

    iii. Return on equity ......................................................................... 10

    b. Liquidity Ratio .............................................................................. 11

    ii. Liquid ratio .................................................................................. 11

    c. Solvency Ratio ............................................................................. 12

    i. Debt Equity ratio ......................................................................... 12

    ii. Operating coverage ..................................................................... 12

    d. Turnover Ratio ............................................................................. 12

    i. Inventory turnover ratio .............................................................. 12

    ii. Inventory holding period ............................................................. 12iii. Debtor turnover ratio ................................................................... 13

    iv. Average collection period............................................................. 13

    v. Credit turnover ratio .................................................................... 13

    vi. Average payment period .............................................................. 14

    i. Dividend yield ratio ...................................................................... 14

  • 8/10/2019 Fra G6 Tatacoffee


    ii. Dividend payout ratio .................................................................. 14

    iii. Price earnings ratio ...................................................................... 15

    6. Vertical Analysis ............................................................................. 15

    i. Balance Sheet ............................................................................... 15

    ii. Profit And Loss Statement ........................................................... 17

    j. Horizontal Analysis ........................................................................ 18

    i. Balance Sheet ................................................................................ 18

    ii. Profit And Loss Statement ............................................................ 19

    AcknowledgementWe would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks and

    regards to our Professor, Puja Aggarwal, for her exceptional guidance

    throughout the project as well during the course of the subject Financial

  • 8/10/2019 Fra G6 Tatacoffee


    Reporting and Analysis(FRA). Her teachings shall remain deeply rooted

    within us and will help us in all our endeavors.

    We would like to thank all the department point of contacts and students

    who took precious time out of their busy schedules and helped us in this

    project by providing relevant information.

    Last but not the least, we would like to thank friends and family of all ofus who directly or indirectly helped us to complete this project report.

    It goes without saying that we do not mean lack of gratitude for those,

    whom we may have omitted in this brief acknowledgement.

    1. Company Introduction:The company was officially formed in 2000, but its operations date back

    to 1922. With 19 coffee estates in southern India, the company is

    Sl. Roll No. Name

    1 140102065 Krishna Ravi Shankar Karanam

    2 140101026 Ankush Kunzru3 140103066 Harneet Singh Bahri

    4 140101139 Saiyam Arora

    5 140101144 Sanchita Krishna

    6 140103166 Sudheshna Sampathkumar

    7 140103169 Suneet Raj Gantayat

  • 8/10/2019 Fra G6 Tatacoffee


    arguably one of the largest manufacturers and is the second exporter ofcoffee. The company has won several awards for its social initiatives.

    Quick Facts

    Revenue INR 650.92

    Profit(PAT) - INR 106 crores

    Production - 145.7 million bags

    Cultivated land - 8037 hectares

    2.SWOT snapshot:


    Brand value Strong presence

    Exclusive partnerships

    Largest integrated coffee

    business in the world


    New markets exploration

    Market competition


    No significant competitor

    in India

    Potential for growth with

    introduction of state of the

    art machinery

    Rain water harvesting


    Weather dependence

    Major environmentalchallenges in Brazil

    Price-demand fluctuations

    Fall in harvested crop


    Dumping in international


    ForEx loss

    Workforce issues

    Crop diseases

    3. SWOT - Analysis

    a. Strengths

  • 8/10/2019 Fra G6 Tatacoffee


    Tata Coffee enjoys a good brand value which is boosted by several

    international standardizations for quality and its processes

    Strong presence across multiple geographies makes the demand

    resistant to local downturns (as witnessed recently in the Russian


    Recent tie up with Starbucks India has been helpful in promoting

    products via the use of Tata coffee beans in the products sold by

    Starbucks India

    Tata coffee is the largest integrated coffee business in the world.

    They stretch across growing, curing, to manufacture and marketing

    of value added coffee products.

    Better business prospects, after consolidation in Japan.

    Starbucks India is also helping Tata Coffee with process know-how

    b. Weakness

    Significant dependence on Indian temperature conditions and

    rainfall for growing the product. The product quality gets affected

    and becomes prone to diseases with a variance in temperature Significant environmental challenges in Brazil has lead to a

    degradation of the soil quality leading to significant fall in current

    and potential future production levels

    Reduction in output in the last financial year lead to a deficit

    situation in the Closing stock value(buffer stock) across the market

    in Brazil. This lead to a significant rise in the prices of the Arabica

    beans, adversely affecting demand

    Poorer production levels due to poor rainfalls in the past year in

    India to the tune of 30%

    c. Opportunity

    Expansion into new markets like the middle east will lead to better

    business prospects, revenue and eventually profits

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    With a significant increase in the price in the coffee beans in Brazil

    there has been a reduction in competition in instant coffee

    business due to their lack of ability to stay afloat

    Potential for growth with the introduction of state of the art

    machinery at Kushalnagar plant for coffee curing which has

    brought about better efficiency

    The company has started rain water harvesting projects to help

    bridge the gap between water available vs water required.

    d. Threats

    Dumping from Ecuadorian players leading to market loss in

    certain countries

    As Tata Coffee works across several geographies and its

    transactions Dependency on dollar valuation for profitability(INR

    31 Lakhs)

    The company faces a ever rising challenge of lack of skilled

    workers. To the add to the aging of the existing labour is a concern

    point for future operations

    Threat to output with rising White stem borer incidents in

    Arabica crop due to changing weather in the Coorg district, which

    is one of the largest plantations for Tata Coffee

  • 8/10/2019 Fra G6 Tatacoffee


    4. Financial Statements

    i. Balance Sheet

    Particulars31-Mar-13 (In

    lakhs)31-Mar-12(In lakhs)

    LiabilitiesEquity And Liabilities

    Share Capital 1867.7 1867.7

    Reserves And Surplus 50577.64 43858.02

    52445.34 45725.72

    Non Current Liabilities

    Long Term Borrowings 4411.87 2416.8

    Deferred Tax liability 721.79 1056

    Other Long Term Borrowings 168.2 149.02

    Long Term Provisions 2390.48 1521.1

    7692.34 5142.92Current Liabilities

    Short Term Borrowings 5530.66 1662.27

    Trade Payables 2913.73 1237.8

    Other Current Liabilities 6814.42 6811.41

    Short Term Provisions 4431.62 5086.13

    19690.43 14797.61

    Total Liability 79828.11 65666.25


    Non Current Assets

    Fixed Assets 24211.9 22912.36

    Capital Work In Progress 5384.29 228.67

    Non Current Investments 14563.44 14564.09

    Long Term Loans And Advances 1999.76 4180.77

    Other Non Current Asset 8.49 19.03

    46168.5 41904.94

    Current Assets

    Inventories 15920.44 12395.28

    Trade Receivables 4959.95 4434.72Cash And Bank Balances 2655.33 1407.05

    Short Term Loans And Advances 10189.22 5416.91

    Other Non Current Assets 234.67 107.35

    33659.61 23761.31

    Total Asset 79828.11 65666.25

    ii. Profit And Loss Statement

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    ParticularsFY2013-14(in lakhs)

    FY2012-13(in lakhs)


    Revenue from Operations 65,091.63 59,807.96

    Other Income 3,518.07 2,220.68

    Total Revenue 68,609.70 62,028.64


    Cost of Material Consumed 20,936.80 18,968.94

    Purchase of Stock-in-Trade 3,396.10 3,137.25

    Change in Inventories of Finished

    Goods/Work-in-progress/ stock-in-

    trade -3,054.62 -1,584.39

    Employee Benefits Expense 13,823.92 12,022.99Finance Costs 491.31 454.96

    Depreciaton and amortization

    expense 2,050.74 1,477.76

    Other Expenses 16,142.28 13,477.45

    Total Expenses 53,786.53 47,954.96

    Profit before exceptional items and

    taxes 14,823.17 14,073.68

    Exceptional items 0 -958.78

    Profit before tax 14,823.17 13,114.90

    Tax expenses

    Current tax 3,860.12 4,188.00

    Excess Tax provision written back -669.8 -108.15

    Deferred tax 975.84 -334.21

    Total 4,166.16 3,745.64

    Net Profit for the Year 10,657.01 9,369.26

    5. Ratio Analysis

    Ratio analysis is a tool which helps in making comparisons anddraw relationships between components of financial statements.

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    a. Profitability ratio

    i. Net Profit Ratio:

    It measures the amount of net profit earned per each rupee of revenue.

    An increased net profit ratio indicates a greater overall efficiency of the

    business. The ratio has increased even though the net sales has gone up,implying the Net profit has increased more than the revenue.

    ii. Operating profit ratio:

    Operating profit ratio indicates operational efficiency of the business.

    This could be on the account of increased profits or reduced costs. A

    greater OPR shows that the company has greater operational efficiency.

    iii. Return on equity

    RoE indicates the profits generated as a result of the shareholders fundsthat have been invested. The increase in this ratio indicates betterreturns for the shareholders of the business on their capital invested.

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012

    Net Profit ratio PAT/Netrevenue fromOps

    16.37% 15.67%

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012

    Operating profitratio

    EBIT/Netrevenue fromOperations

    23.53% 22.68%

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012

    Return onequity


    17.65% 17.87%

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012Return on EBIT/Shareholders 24.01% 23.87%

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    iv. Return on capital employed

    ROCE ratio shows the firms profitability as a proportion of the funds

    that have been invested. The funds invested have increased by almost

    17% during the period. However the profitability has gone up by 24%

    showing better returns on the capital.

    v. Return total assets

    This ratio shows the utilization of the assets as a function of the

    profits earned by the company. Then increase in the ratio on an

    increased base shows a better utilization. This has been helped by an

    almost 20% increase in profits YoY.

    b. Liquidity Ratio

    i. Current ratio

    The current ratio indicates the liquidity available in the company. The

    CR of the company has improved however this has been on the account

    of greater Stock levels and an increase in short term advances. Which

    may not be a desirable position for the firm.

    ii. Liquid ratio

    This test helps in assessing the companys ability to pay its current debts

    as they are due. There has been a marginal increase in this as a result ofbetter cash balance.


    fund + Long termborrowings

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012

    Return on total




    12.06% 11.74%

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012

    Current ratio CurrentAssets/CurrentLiabilities

    2.01:1 1.71:1

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012

    Return on totalassets


    1.03:1 0.9:1

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    c. Solvency Ratio

    i. Debt Equity ratio

    This ratio has improved as firm has a larger equity reserves and surplusbase in comparison to the previous year.

    ii. Operating coverage

    This ratio indicates the company ability to pay its interest obligations. A

    very high ratio is a favourable position to be in implying that the firm can

    take more debt.

    d. Turnover Ratio

    i. Inventory turnover ratio

    This measure helps in assessing the number of times the inventory is

    being sold during a period. This ratio is better than several competitors.

    ii. Inventory holding period

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012Return on totalassets


    5.58:1 8.41:1

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012Interestcoverage ratio


    31.17:1 29.82:1

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012

    Inventoryturnover ratio


    1.08:1 1.29:1

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012

    Inventoryholding period

    365/ITR 338.2 days 283.1days

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  • 8/10/2019 Fra G6 Tatacoffee


    vi. Average payment period

    It is the time period taken to pay back the suppliers of goods.A lower

    value indicates that it is paying off its debts faster. This may be due to the

    fact that it has strong financials or it might be unable to get long termcredit from suppliers.

    The average payment period decreased from 48.109 days to 35.711 days

    .Looking at the financial statement company looks in a strong position to

    pay off its debt and this is why there is a decrease in the number of daysfor payment period.

    e. Investment valuation ratios

    i. Dividend yield ratio

    *Market prices as on 14 Aug. 2013 and 14

    It represents the current cash return to shareholders. The dividend yield

    increased from 1.25% to 1.45 % this year making the stock moreattractive for investment purpose.

    ii. Dividend payout ratio

    The ratio tells how much company is paying its shareholders out of the

    earnings made by it. The ratio has decreased from previous year

    indicating the company is sharing fewer amounts of earnings as dividendas it did in the previous year.

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012

    Averagepayment period

    365/creditturnover ratio

    35.71114 48.10922

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012

    Dividend yield


    Dividend per

    share/Marketprice per share

    1.45 1.25

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012Dividend payoutratio

    Dividend pershare/Earningsper share

    22.783 24.9203

  • 8/10/2019 Fra G6 Tatacoffee


    iii. Price earnings ratio

    *Market prices as on 14 Aug. 2013 and 14

    The PE ratio tells how much an investor is willing to pay per rupee for

    companys earnings. A lower value of PE would make a share more

    attractive to invest in as higher returns and less of risk is assumed.PE

    ratio of the company decreased from 20.175 to 16.018 in FY13-14indicating that stock is more attractively priced to invest in.

    6. Vertical Analysis

    i. Balance Sheet

    Particulars31-Mar-13(in lakhs) Percentage

    31-Mar-12(in lakhs) Percentage


    Equity And Liabilities

    Share Capital 1867.7 2.34% 1867.7 2.84%Reserves And Surplus 50577.64 63.36% 43858.02 66.79%

    52445.34 65.70% 45725.72 69.63%

    Non Current Liabilities

    Long Term Borrowings 4411.87 5.53% 2416.8 3.68%

    Deferred Tax liability 721.79 0.90% 1056 1.61%

    Other Long Term Borrowings 168.2 0.21% 149.02 0.23%

    Long Term Provisions 2390.48 2.99% 1521.1 2.32%

    7692.34 9.64% 5142.92 7.83%

    Current LiabilitiesShort Term Borrowings 5530.66 6.93% 1662.27 2.53%

    Trade Payabales 2913.73 3.65% 1237.8 1.88%

    Other Current Liab 6814.42 8.54% 6811.41 10.37%

    Short Term Provisions 4431.62 5.55% 5086.13 7.75%

    19690.43 24.67% 14797.61 22.53%

    Total Liabilities 79828.11 100.00% 65666.25 100.00%


    Non Current Assets

    Fixed Assets 24211.9 30.33% 22912.36 34.89%Capital Work In Progress 5384.29 6.74% 228.67 0.35%

    Ratio Formula 2013 2012

    Price earningsratio

    Market price ofshare/Earnings

    per share

    16.01823 20.17544

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  • 8/10/2019 Fra G6 Tatacoffee


    ii. Profit And Loss Statement

    ParticularsFY2013-14(in lakhs) Percentage

    FY2012-13(in lakhs) Percentage

    IncomeRevenue from Operations 65,091.63 94.87 59,807.96 96.41991

    Other Income 3,518.07 5.13 2,220.68 3.580088

    Total Revenue 68,609.70 100.00 62,028.64 100.00


    Cost of Material Consumed 20,936.80 30.52 18,968.94 30.58094

    Purchase of Stock-in-Trade 3,396.10 4.95 3,137.25 5.057744

    Change in Inventories of

    Finished Goods/Work-in-

    progress/ stock-in-trade -3,054.62 -4.45 -1,584.39 -2.55429

    Employee Benefits Expense 13,823.92 20.15 12,022.99 19.38297

    Finance Costs 491.31 0.72 454.96 0.733468

    Depreciaton and amortization

    expense 2,050.74 2.99 1,477.76 2.382383

    Other Expenses 16,142.28 23.52769 13,477.45 21.72779

    Total Expenses 53,786.53 78.39 47,954.96 77.31

    Profit before exceptional

    items and taxes 14,823.17 21.61 14,073.68 22.689

    Exceptional items 0 0 -958.78 -1.54571

    Profit before tax 14,823.17 21.61 13,114.90 21.1433

    Tax expenses

    Current tax 3,860.12 5.63 4,188.00 6.75172

    Excess Tax provision written

    back -669.8 -0.97625 -108.15 -0.17435

    Deferred tax 975.84 1.422306 -334.21 -0.5388

    Total 4,166.16 6.07 3,745.64 6.038565

    Net Profit for the Year 10,657.01 15.53 9,369.26 15.10473

    Total expenses were 77.3%of revenues in fy12 wheras, they were 78.39%

    of the revenues in fy13 indicating expenses increased more in

    comparison to the revenues. Purchases in comparison with revenue

  • 8/10/2019 Fra G6 Tatacoffee


    remained almost at same levels. Profit before tax in comparison to the

    revenues has also remained at same levels. This happened due to the fact

    that there was an exceptional item in fy12 which brought down the profit

    ratio to 21.5%.The current taxes as compared with revenues declined this

    year from 6.75% to 5.63%.However the overall tax level remained the

    same as there was an increase in deferred tax payments from -.5%of

    revenues to 1.4% of revenues.Net profit also remained as compared torevenues was in line with previous year.

    j. Horizontal Analysis

    i. Balance Sheet



    (in lakhs)


    (in lakhs)



    % change


    Equity And Liabilities

    Share Capital 1867.7 1867.7 0 0.00%

    Reserves And Surplus 50577.64 43858.02 6719.62 15.32%

    52445.34 45725.72 6719.62 14.70%

    Non Current Liabilities

    Long Term Borrowings 4411.87 2416.8 1995.07 82.55%

    Deferred Tax liability 721.79 1056 -334.21 -31.65%

    Other Long Term Borrowings 168.2 149.02 19.18 12.87%

    Long Term Provisions 2390.48 1521.1 869.38 57.15%7692.34 5142.92 2549.42 49.57%

    Current Liabilities

    Short Term Borrowings 5530.66 1662.27 3868.39 232.72%

    Trade Payables 2913.73 1237.8 1675.93 135.40%

    Other Current Liabilities 6814.42 6811.41 3.01 0.04%

    Short Term Provisions 4431.62 5086.13 -654.51 -12.87%

    19690.43 14797.61 4892.82 33.06%

    Total Liability 79828.11 65666.25 14161.86 21.57%


    Non Current Assets

    Fixed Assets 24211.9 22912.36 1299.54 5.67%

    Capital Work In Progress 5384.29 228.67 5155.62 2254.61%

    Non Current Investments 14563.44 14564.09 -0.65 0.00%

    Long Term Loans AndAdvances 1999.76 4180.77 -2181.01 -52.17%

    Other Non Current Asset 8.49 19.03 -10.54 -55.39%

    46168.5 41904.94 4263.56 10.17%

    Current Assets

    Inventories 15920.44 12395.28 3525.16 28.44%

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    Trade Receivables 4959.95 4434.72 525.23 11.84%

    Cash And Bank Balances 2655.33 1407.05 1248.28 88.72%

    Short Term Loans AndAdvances 10189.22 5416.91 4772.31 88.10%

    Other Non Current Assets 234.67 107.35 127.32 118.60%

    33659.61 23761.31 9898.3 41.66%Total Asset 79828.11 65666.25 14161.86 21.57%


    There has been an increase in reserves and surplus by 15.32% leading to

    increase in equity and liabilities section.Non current liabilities have

    increased by 49.57%.The reason for this is long term borrowings have

    gone up by 82.55% and also long term provisions have increased by57.15%.However there is a decrease of deferred tax liabilities by 31.65%.

    Current liabilities have gone up by 33.06%.The reason being short termborrowings have increased significantly by 232.7%.This shows that

    company is increasing its liabilities in a great way by taking loans.Also

    trade payables are up by 132%.As a result of rise in both non current and

    current liabilities there has been a significant increase of 21.57% inliabilities.

    Non current assets have gone up by 10.17%.This is due to increase in

    capital work in progress which has gone up by 2254%(from 228 to 5384

    lakhs).But there is a significant decrease in long term loans and advancesand other non current assets.

    Current assets have gone up by 41.6%.Almost all the sub section have

    shown a good increase .Inventories have increased by 28% and cash

    balances have increased by 88% indicating the strong financial positionof company.As a result of this total assets have increased by 21.57%.

    ii. Profit And Loss Statement

    Particulars FY2013-14 FY2012-13 Change %Change


    Revenue from Operations 65,091.63 59,807.96 5,283.67 8.834393

    Other Income 3,518.07 2,220.68 1,297.39 58.4231

    Total Revenue 68,609.70 62,028.64 6,581.06 10.60971


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    Cost of Material Consumed 20,936.80 18,968.94 1,967.86 10.37412

    Purchase of Stock-in-Trade 3,396.10 3,137.25 258.85 8.250857

    Change in Inventories of FinishedGoods/Work-in-progress/ stock-in-trade -3,054.62 -1,584.39 -1,470.23 92.7947

    Employee Benefits Expense 13,823.92 12,022.99 1,800.93 14.97905Finance Costs 491.31 454.96 36.35 7.989713

    Depreciaton and amortizationexpense 2,050.74 1,477.76 572.98 38.77355

    Other Expenses 16,142.28 13,477.45 2,664.83 19.77251

    Total Expenses 53,786.53 47,954.96 5,831.57 12.16051

    Profit before exceptional itemsand taxes 14,823.17 14,073.68 749.49 5.325473

    Exceptional items 0 -958.78 958.78 -100

    Profit before tax 14,823.17 13,114.90 1,708.27 13.02541

    Tax expenses

    Current tax 3,860.12 4,188.00 -327.88 -7.82904

    Excess Tax provision writtenback -669.8 -108.15 -561.65 519.325

    Deferred tax 975.84 -334.21 1,310.05 391.984

    Total 4,166.16 3,745.64 420.52 11.22692

    Net Profit for the Year 10,657.01 9,369.26 1,287.75 13.74442

    The revenue from operations increased by 8.8% and total revenue

    increased by 10.6% indicating that sales are increasing and company is at

    a stable position as far as sales is concerned. Cost of purchase of raw

    materials went up by 10.37 % which is in line with the growth in sales.

    Stock in trade grew by 8.25%.This was mostly due to purchase was coffee

    this year which was missing last year.Depreciation went up by 38.77%

    adding to the expenses. Other expenses went up by 19.77% . Fuel and

    power ,repair of machinery and foreign exchange fluctuations led to thisrise.Overall the expenses increased by 12.16% indicating the companies

    costs have gone up as well. There is a 5.3% increase in profit before tax

    and exceptional items . Even though revenue increased by 10.6% the

    profit before tax and exceptional items has increased just by 5.3%indicating the increase in expenses of the company.

    This year there is no exceptional item .However, last year there was aprovision for Contractual Obligations for retired and continuingdirectors. As a result 958 lakhs were deducted from previous yearsprofit. As a result profit before tax increased by 13.02%.

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    Current tax expenses decreased by 7.8% .However,deffered tax paymentsincreased by 391.8% .As a result tax payments increased by 11.22%.As aresult the net profit for the year increased by 13.74%

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