fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications juan bisquert...

Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume I, Spain València, 2 february 2005

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Page 1: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications

Juan BisquertDepartament de Ciències ExperimentalsUniversitat Jaume I, Spain

València, 2 february 2005

Page 2: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume


•Fractional diffusion equation with decaying probability density

•Interpretation of the FDE in the time domain: meaning of the decay law in multiple trapping transport

•Transient diffusion photocurrent

•The frequency domain: anomalous diffusion

Page 3: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

The fractional diffusion equation FDE

We discuss the physical interpretation of a FDE based on the replacement of the time derivative in the diffusion equation with a derivative of noninteger order


is the fractional Riemann-Liouville derivative operator. The fractional time derivative can be written

and its Laplace transform is








t tdtt









)0()()(0 fufutfDL t

Page 4: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Initial condition of the FDE

Eq. (1) was discussed as a possible generalized diffusion equation describing anomalous diffusion process, but the feasibility of this application was doubted because the f is not a normalized function. Indeed, Eq. (1) requires an initial condition for the Green function of the form


is the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator. This is a nonlocal initial condition. It implies the divergence of f as t-> 0 [R. Hilfer, J. Phys. Chem. B 104 (2000) 3914 ].

)()0,( ,01

0 xfxfI t


axa dyyfyxxfI )()(


1)( 1

Page 5: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Decay of the probability

The expression of the FDE in Laplace-Fourier space (u, q) is

Note that for q =0

Hence the time decay of the probability in spatially homogeneous conditions (without diffusion) is given by

Here we aim to provide a physical interpretation of this decay law and the implications for an anomalous diffusion process.





ufuf 1,0)0,(






Page 6: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume


The mathematical properties of Eq. (1) have been amply studied in the literature:

the solutions in different dimensions of space, the behaviour of the initial conditions the moments of the distribution

W.R. Schneider and W. Wyss, Journal of Mathematical Physics 30 (1989) 134.

M.M. Meerschaert, D.A. Benson, H.-P. Scheffler and B. Baeumer, Physical Review E 65 (2002) 041103.

M.M. Meerschaert, D.A. Benson, H.-P. Scheffler and P. Becker-Kern, Physical Review E 66 (2002) 060102(R).

J.-S. Duan, Journal of Mathematical Physics 46 (2005) 013504. E.K. Lenzi, R.S. Mendes, K.S. Fa, L.R. da Silva and L.S. Lucena, Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 (2004) 3444.

A.A. Kilbas, T. Pierantozzi, J.J. Trujillo and L. Vázquez, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37 (2004) 3271.

Page 7: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume


Hilfer described Eq. (2) as a fractional stationarity condition related to a dissipative dynamics. Feldman et al. considered Eq. (1) as the fractional generalization of the Liouville equation for dissipative systems. Tarasov provided a fractional analog for the normalization conditions for distribution functions. Eq. (1) was used by Nigmatullin to define a non-exponential relaxation process

R. Hilfer, Fractals 3 (1995) 549 Y. Feldman, A. Puzenko and Y. Ryabov, Chem. Phys. 284 (2002) 139 V.E. Tarasov, Chaos 14 (2004) 123 R.R. Nigmatullin and Y.E. Ryabov, Phys. Solid State 39 (1997) 87

Page 8: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

CTRW model

Another FDE has been amply studied in the literature of anomalous diffusion


Space-time Fourier-Laplace

Eq. (3) is rigurously related to the Continuous Time Random Walk formalism of Scher and Montroll. Compare


Eq. (3) has the initial condition and the probability is conserved

Eqs. (1) and (3) are not equivalent


210 tx


















)()0,( 0 xfxf

Page 9: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

The time domain

Recently it was shown J. Bisquert, Physical Review Letters 91 (2003) 010602 that the FDE in Eq. (1) describes the diffusion of free carriers in multiple trapping (MT) with an exponential distribution of gap states.

The present work develops the previous one with the goals:

•To present a concrete instance of a physical system with an intrinsic dissipative dynamics leading to a shrinking phase space.

•To study the physical behaviour in experimental techniques: Transient photocurrents, frequency techniques.

Page 10: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Multiple trapping

Multiple trapping model has been widely used to describe carrier transport in amorphous semiconductors. In 1970s MT model explained long tails of the electrical current observed in time-of-flight experiments and the time dependence of transient photocurrents.

Page 11: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Multiple trapping

Propagation of a gaussian packet by drift transport and the result current

Page 12: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Multiple trapping

Propagation of a packet by drift transport in CTRW, the predicted current and the current measured in amorphous semiconductor

H. Scher and E.W. Montroll, Phys. Rev. B 12 (1975) 2455.

Page 13: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Multiple trapping

More recently, starting in 1995, MT has become very popular for explaining different kinds of experimental results in nanostructured semiconductors such as networks of TiO2 nanoparticles used in dye-sensitized solar cells.

Page 14: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Multiple trapping

MT applies to a semiconductor with a band of extended states where transport is fast and a tail of localized states, which usually takes the exponential form



NEg /)(exp)(

Page 15: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Multiple trapping

The probability of trapping is similar for all the bandgap states, but the probability of release of a trapped electron is exponentially decreasing with the depth of the trap (detailed balance).

TkEEE Bc /exp)( 0

Page 16: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Transient photocurrent spectroscopy

A fast laser pulse excites electrons to the conduction bandThe carrier density is homogeneous and will be detected by measuring the photocurrent.Initially the electrons will be trappedThen equilibrium will be established at states above a demarcation energy level that depends on time:

TktEEt Bdc /)(exp10

Page 17: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Multiple trapping

Evolution of trapped electrons:Thermal distribution above Ed

Increasing occupancy, with the same shape as the exponential distribution below Ed.

The carrier concentration sinks deeper in the bandgap.The free carrier concentration is given by the Boltzmann tails of the peak, and decreases with time

Page 18: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Experimental results

transient photocurrent in a-As2Se3

Only free electron density is measured

The decay law is given by

The fractional exponent depends on temperature as

110)( ttn

1/ cTT

Page 19: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Interpretation of the decaying probability density

The measurements of transient photocurrent showed the decay law that is predicted by the FDE

The decay of the probability is associated to the removal of some degrees of freedom (trap levels) in the model.The disappearance of the probability takes on a perfectly valid physical meaning, in correspondendence with the requirements of the experimental technique.






Page 20: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Interpretation of the decaying probability density

It has been remarked in the literaure the divergence of the solution of the FDE as t -> 0

In the system described above the decay law cannot be extrapolated to t = 0, because the decay makes no sense without a minimal time for initial thermalisation. This time is typically in the ps range. In normal experiments there is an initial time associated with the injection or photogeneration pulse, which is much longer than this, in the ns range. Transport experiments resolve the evolution of a large ensemble of electrons and not individual electronic transitions. Therefore the divergence of the initial condition is not an impediment for the application of the FDE of eq. (1) in the description of experiments.






Page 21: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

The frequency domain

Impedance spectroscopy is a common experimental technique that measures the impedance in a material system, i.e. the relation between ac voltage and ac current

Page 22: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Equivalent circuit of physical processes

Charge storage is represented by capacitorsIn general capacitor is a reversible energy storage

Interfacial charge-transfer, transport, recombination is represented by resistancesIn general resistance is an irreversible process

Page 23: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Diffusion impedance

Equivalent circuit

Boundary conditionsBlocked diffusion

J. Bisquert, J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 325-333 (2002)

Impedance of diffusion is obtained by solving the diffusion equation in Laplace domain

Page 24: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Diffusion impedance

2/ LDd



2/1)( iAZ

Impedance of diffusion is obtained by solving the diffusion equation in Laplace domain

Page 25: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Two state model

Page 26: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Impedance of nanostructured TiO2

Z' ()

0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Z'' (





Z' ()0 200 400

Z'' (





substra te so lu tion

TiO 2



Page 27: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Mg2+ and Li+ ion insertions into Mo6S8

Nyquist plots for Mg-ion insertion into the Chevrel phase, covering the whole frequency domain

M. D. Levi, H. Gizbar, E. Lancry, Y. Gofer, E. Levi and D. AurbachJ. Electroanal. Chem. 569, 211-223 (2004)

Page 28: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Anomalous diffusion model

Fractional time diffusion

2/)( iAZ




J. Bisquert and A. CompteJ. Electroanal. Chem. 499, 112-120 (2001).

Page 29: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

Anomalous diffusion impedance

J. Bisquert, G. Garcia-Belmonte, A. PitarchChemPhysChem, 4, 287-292 (2003).

Model of 8 traps following an exponential distribution in energy

Page 30: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

lithium transport through vanadium pentoxide film

The Nyquist plots of the ac-impedance spectra measured on the V2O5 xerogel film electrode in a 1 M LiClO4–PC solution at the lithium content, , 0.75, 1.25 and 1.55 which corresponds to the electrode potential, E, 2.8, 2.5 and 2.2 VLi/Li+, respectively.

Kyu-Nam Jung, Su-Il Pyun and Jong-Won Lee, Electrochim. Acta 49, 4371-4378 (2004)

Page 31: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume

lithium transport through vanadium pentoxide film

The anodic current transients theoretically calculated for lithium transport by using random walk simulation in consideration of the residence time distribution with =1.3, 1.5 and 1.8. For comparison, the current transient simulated without considering the residence time distribution ( =0) is also presented.

Kyu-Nam Jung, Su-Il Pyun and Jong-Won Lee, Electrochim. Acta 49, 4371-4378 (2004)

Page 32: Fractional diffusion equations in time and frequency domain: models and applications Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume


• The FDE equation with decaying probability density has been interpreted in terms of multiple trapping transport.

• The solutions of the FDE appear as a new tool for the analysis of important experimental problems, both in time and frequency domain

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