fractional partial differential equations for conservation ......fractional partial differential...

George Em Karniadakis Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University & Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT The CRUNCH group: Fractional Partial Differential Equations for Conservation Laws and Beyond

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Post on 17-Jul-2020




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  • George Em KarniadakisDivision of Applied Mathematics, Brown University

    & Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITThe CRUNCH group:

    Fractional Partial Differential Equations for Conservation Laws and Beyond

  • Tomorrow’s Science

    19th & 20th Centuries 21st Century and Beyond

  • Empirical PDFs for complex processes are non-Gaussian and non-Poisson.

    Complexity in systems/networks: self-similarity, hence no characteristic space/time scales.

    Boltzmann believed that microscopic dynamics should be described by continuous but not differentiable representations e.g. using Weierstrass function.

    Jean Perrin (Nobel prize, Avogadro’s number): we need curves without tangents (derivatives), which are more common to the physical world.

    Mandelbrot: “…the emperor had no clothes” lightening does not come in straight lines…Clouds are not spheres…and most physical phenomena violate the underlying assumptions of Euclidian geometry, in agreement with Da Vinci’s observations and sketches.

    Once complexity enters by the door, Normal statistics leaves by the window!

  • Klafter (Physics World, 2005)

    The clear picture that has emerged over the last few decades is that although these phenomena are called anomalous, they are abundant in everyday life i.e.,

    Anomalous is Normal! Fractional diffusion,Meerschaert et. al 2010

    Fractional order tissue electrode ,Ovadia, et al. 2006

    Levy flights (Özarslan et al., JMR, 183;315, 2006)

    Anomalous Transport

  • Anomalous Dispersion of Particles: Mixing Layer

    Super-diffusion along y-axisstandard-diffusion along x-axis

    Notion of Enhanced (super-diffusive) Mixing!

  • x














    X Y





    Dimensions in nmZ is not scaled as X,Y

    S. Pooya and M. Koochesfahani, MSU

    39.7 μm

    28.4 μm

    Experimental Evidence: Near-Wall Measurement

    Observation of Stochastic Levy Flights !

    BrownianLevy Random Walk

    Single-Particle Quantum Tagging

  • 7

    Fractional Modeling of Soft Materials

  • Continuous Time Random Walks - CTRWs

    Credit: B. Henry, UNSW

  • Standard Diffusion or Fractional Diffusion

    Credit: B. Henry, UNSW

  • Fractional calculus

    The first published results are in a letter from L’Hospital to Leibniz in 1695!


    What if in the general expression for the nth derivative, of x, dn(x)/dxn we let n=1/2?


    Thus it follows that d1/2 (x)/dx1/2 = 2(x/pi)1/2, an apparent paradox, from which one day useful consequences will be drawn.

    The basic mathematical ideas were developed in the 17th century by the mathematicians Leibniz (1695), Liouville (1834) and Riemann (1892). Later, it was brought to the attention of the engineering world by Oliver Heaviside in the 1890s.


  • Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative of order

    Riemann-Liouville Fractional integration of order

    Riemann Liouville

    Fractional calculus

  • Caputo fractional derivative of order

    Riemann Liouville vs. Caputo fractional derivative:

    Riemann Liouville

    Fractional calculus

    Gerasimov, 1948

  • Fluid Mechanics: Stokes Problems


    Solving the ODE and eliminating the constants

    Inverse transform:


    Time-Fractional Advection Equation

    : viscous property as the transport velocity!

    This is exact! No assumptions!No approximations!

    Laplace Transforms

  • 1st Stokes problem: (U is constant)

    2nd Stokes problem:

    UnsteadyPeriodic Steady

    Fresnel function

    ASME JFE, Kulish and Lage (2002)

    As time evolves, the unsteady part vanishes, and the known analytical shear stress is obtained (by expanding the sin term)

    Fluid Mechanics: Stokes Problems(continued)

  • , (Jacobi polynomials)

    , (Quadratic)

    Local Operator

    Local Boundary Conditions

    Singular Sturm-Liouville Problem(Integer-Order):

    Jacques François Sturm(1803-1855)

    Joseph Liouville(1809-1882)

  • Singular Fractional Sturm-Liouville problem:

    i =1: SFSLP of Kind-I i =2: SFSLP of Kind-II

    Global Operator

    Non-local Boundary Conditions

    M. Zayernouri and G.E. Karniadakis, Fractional Sturm-Liouville Eigen-Problems: Theory and Numerical Approximation, J. Comput. Phys. vol. 252, (2013), Pages 495–517

  • Theorem: The exact eigenfunctions of SFSLP-I (i=1) and SFSLP-II(i=2) are given respectively as

    and corresponding the exact eigenvalues are given as

    Jacobi Poly-fractonomials

    Singular Fractional Sturm-Liouville problem:

  • • The same number of zeros• Sharp gradient near Dirichlet end

    Eigen-solutions of RFSLP-I

    Eigen-solutions of RFSLP-II

  • Approximation Properties of the Poly-fractonomials

  • • Model Problem: Fractional Initial-Value Problem

    (RL derivative)

    Diagonal Stiffness MatrixExpansion:

    Test Functions:

    Fractional Differential Equations

  • • Zhiping Mao

  • H-refinement + H-matrix, Xuan Zhao et al, 2016(ICFDA Riemann-Liouville award)

  • Fractional Conservation Laws

    1 2 21 2, 0 , 1

    1 ( ) 2

    ,t x x xa a xu D uD uβ β ε β β= <

  • Zhiping Mao (2016)


  • Fractional Fluxes1 22 ,0, ( ) ( ) 0,a ax xD t Dt u tuβ β− ±∞ ±> ∞∀ = =

    1 1( ) 1 ( , )xaI D u x t dxβ β∞ −

    −∞= ∫

    1( )



  • Fractional Phase-Field Modeling of Multi-Phase Flows

    Fractional Allen-Cahn equation in conserving form

    Surface Tension effect

    Variable viscosityVariable density

    Fractional Laplace operator(1)



    The mixing energy density

  • Interfaces and Singularities

  • One-Dimensional ModelingWe solve the 1D fractional Allen-Cahn equation:

    in domain (-1, 1) ×(0, T], the above equation is discretized in time by the following scheme

    Here, we use spectral method for space discretization. Inspired by the results in the extreme case 1, we conjecture that the equilibrium solution, denoted by , would behave like

    which coincides with the solution of Allen-Cahn equation in case of s=1.

  • Numerical and Analytical Results of 1D problem agree very well.

    Fractional Model Sharpens the Interface

  • Yiqing Du, and George Em Karniadakis Science 2000;288:1230-1234

    Fractional Turbulence Modeling

  • Fully-Developed Turbulent Channel Flow

  • Turbulent Channel Flow: Discretization

    The Grünwald–Letnikov Fractional-Order Derivative

  • Fractional Order: Universal Scaling?

  • Fractional Order: Universal Scaling!

  • Predictive Fractional Model – Law of the Wall

    Re ~ 100,000

  • Alternative Model:

  • Princeton Super-pipe Experiment

    Variable fractional order

    Re = 35,000,000

  • That’s great! But how do I know the order?

    Answer: BIG DATA/Regression

    What about noisy data and uncertainty?

    Answer: Distributed-Order Derivatives

  • Petrov-Galerkin Variational Form

    Distributed Fractional Sobolev Space Petrov--Galerkin and Spectral Collocation Methods for Distributed Order Differential

    Equations, E Kharazmi, M Zayernouri, GE KarniadakisSIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (3), A1003-A1037

  • arXiv:1808.00931

  • Data of groundwater solute transport

    from Macro-dispersion

    Experimental(MADE) site

    at Columbus Air Force Base

    Green: Tritium concentration data from MADE site

    Red: Prediction in the literature using trial and error

    Blue: Prediction from machine learning

    Machine Learning Discovered New Equations!

  • 0.75 2 0.0028

    0.75 2 0.0028

    ( , ) ( , ) ( , )0.14 0.14x


    u x t u x t u x txt x

    ∂ ∂ ∂= − × + ×

    ∂∂ ∂

    0.73+0.00053 1.87 0.0029

    0.73+0.00053 1.87 0.0029

    ( , ) ( , ) ( , )0.14 0.14x x

    x x

    u x t u x t u x txt x

    ∂ ∂ ∂= − × + ×

    ∂∂ ∂

    Old fractional model (One example)

    New fractional model

    Comparison Old fractional modelNew fractional

    modelHow to identify

    parameters Trial and error Machine learning

    Extension to a large number of parameters Difficult Easy

    Prediction accuracy Low High

    Machine Learning Discovered New Equations!

  • When to Think Fractionally?

  • stochastictheory




    plasma physicsheat conduction

    ergodic properties


    nonlinear maps,Hamiltonian systems

    disordered fractals

    porous material

    molecular diffusion,NMR spectroscopy

    glasses, gels


    biophysics:cells, migration


    fractional calculus

    superstatistics,Levy flights

    fluid, turbulence

    Slide Credit: “Anomalous Transport”

    Fractional Modeling: A New Meta-Discipline?


  • • Integer-Order Calculus • Fractional-Order Calculus

    Discrete gears vs. constantly-variable transmission

  • Slide Number 1Slide Number 2Slide Number 3Slide Number 4Slide Number 5Slide Number 6Fractional Modeling of Soft MaterialsSlide Number 8Slide Number 9 Fractional CalculusFractional CalculusFractional CalculusFluid Mechanics: Stokes ProblemsSlide Number 14Slide Number 15Slide Number 16Slide Number 17Slide Number 18Slide Number 19Approximation Properties of the Poly-fractonomials�Slide Number 21Slide Number 22Slide Number 23Slide Number 24Slide Number 25Slide Number 26Slide Number 27Slide Number 28Slide Number 29Slide Number 30Slide Number 31Slide Number 32Slide Number 33Slide Number 34Slide Number 35Fractional Conservation LawsSlide Number 37Fractional FluxesFractional Phase-Field Modeling of Multi-Phase FlowsSlide Number 40One-Dimensional ModelingSlide Number 42Slide Number 43Slide Number 44Slide Number 45Slide Number 46Slide Number 47Slide Number 48Slide Number 49Slide Number 50That’s great! But how do I know the order?Slide Number 52Slide Number 53Slide Number 54Slide Number 55Slide Number 56Slide Number 57Slide Number 58Slide Number 59Slide Number 60Slide Number 61Slide Number 62