fractures sprains and dislocations

Fractures, Sprains, and Dislocations

Upload: ahmad-emara

Post on 16-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine

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Fractures, Sprains, and Dislocations

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Bones and muscles

Skeletonbonesligamentssupport, protection, movement

Musclesmuscletendonsmovement, vital functions

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A break or a crack in a bone is called a fracture.

Many types of fractures are difficult to determine.

If a fracture is suspected, it’s wise to get it checked out

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Fracture Categories All fractures are one of two types

1) Closed – skin over fracture is not broken

2) Open/Compound – where the skin over the fracture is broken. The bone may be visible.

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Types of Fractures

Hairline Stress Complete Greenstick Comminuted

Depression Complicated Transverse Oblique Spiral

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Hairline Fracture

A very thin crack or break in the bone

Hairline fracture of the foot

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Stress Fracture

Fracture caused by repetitive stress to a bone

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Complete Fracture

When a bone breaks into two separate pieces

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Greenstick Fracture

When the bone cracks on one side only, not all the way through

Ulnar greenstick fracture

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Comminuted Fracture When the bone is broken into more

than two pieces or is crushed

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Spiral Fracture

Bone is broken by twisting

Spiral fracture of femur

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Depression Fracture

When the skull is fractured inward

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Complicated Fracture

When a broken bone may have caused damage to internal organs

There is more concern than the fracture itself

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Transverse Fracture

When the bone is broken straight across

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Oblique Fracture

When the bone is broken on a steep angle


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Signs or Symptoms of a Fracture Pain and tenderness Loss of function A wound (with bone sticking out) Deformity Unnatural movement Shock Crepitus (grinding) (don’t test for this) Swelling and bruising

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What is sprain?

The bones at a joint are held together by tough bands called ligaments.

A sprain is an injury to a ligament 1st degree – stretched 2nd degree – partially torn 3rd degree – completely torn Most common are the fingers, wrist,

ankle, and knee

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Signs and Symptoms of a Sprain

Pain that may be severe and increase with the movement of the joint

Loss of function Swelling and discoloration

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Treatment Sprains

Therefore, they should not try to treat the injury other than by immobilization and elevation.

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Involves a stretching and/or tearing of muscles or tendons. Strains most often involve the muscles in the neck, back, thigh, or calf.

May be difficult to distinguish from sprains or fractures.

When uncertain whether an injury is a strain, sprain, or fracture, treat the injury as if it is a fracture.

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What is a dislocation?

When the bones at a joint are no longer in proper contact.

Can be caused by severe twisting or indirect force, or even a muscular contraction

Most frequently dislocated joints Shoulder Elbow Thumb Finger Jaw Knee

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Signs and Symptoms of a Dislocation

Deformity or abnormal appearance Pain and tenderness aggravated by

movement Loss of normal function Joint may be locked in one position Swelling of the joint

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Treatment Dislocation

Do not try to relocate a suspected dislocation. They should immobilize the joint until professional medical help is available.

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General Treatment Principles

Stop the activity.

Survey the injured area.

First Aid if qualified.

Get help if not.

Determine if additional medical attention is necessary.

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R - Rest I - Ice C - Compression E - Elevate

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Splinting is the most common procedure for immobilizing an injury.

Cardboard is the material typically used for “makeshift” splints but a variety of materials can be used.

Cardboard are turned up to form a “mold” in which the injured limb can rest.

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Possible items for Splinting

Soft materials. Towels, blankets, or pillows, tied with bandaging materials or soft cloths.

Rigid materials. A board, metal strip, folded magazine or newspaper, or other rigid item.

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Soft Splints Splinting Using a Towel Splinting using a towel, in which the

towel is rolled up and wrapped around the limb, then tied in place.

Pillow splintPillow splint, in which the pillow is wrapped around the limb and tied.

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Blanket as a Soft Splint

Splinting using a blanket in which the victim’s legs are immobilized by tying blankets at intervals from mid-thigh to feet.

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Anatomical Splints

Created by securing a fractured bone to an adjacent unfractured bone.

Anatomical splints are usually reserved for fingers and toes but, in an emergency, legs may also be splinted together.

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Guidelines for Splinting

1. Support the injured area.

2. Splint injury in the position that you find it.

3. Don’t try to realign bones.

4. Check for color, warmth, and sensation.

5. Immobilize above and below the injury.

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