framework agreements csr guf

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  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF



    Agreements in UNIBy Hashim Lobe

    Director Trade Union Development

    and Information

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Definition ofFramework Agreements

    A framework agreement is an agreement

    negotiated between a MNC and a Global

    union federation concerning the international

    activities of that company. The main purpose of a

    framework agreement is to establish a formal on

    going relationship between a MNC and the GUF

    which can solve problems and work in the interestof both parties.

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Multinational framework agreements

    1. Telefnica (2000)

    2. Carrefour (2001)

    3. OTE (2001)

    4. ISS (2003)

    5. H&M (2004)

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Multinational framework agreements

    1. Telefnica (2000)

    2. Carrefour (2001)

    3. OTE (2001)

    4. ISS (2003)

    5. H&M (2004)

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Why We Have FA?

    Concerns that increasing number of MNCs areunilaterally adopting Code of Conducts.

    Many codes of conduct do not not contain specific

    reference to ILS. Many do not provide acceptable minimum

    protection for workers.

    Codes are formulated, implemented and

    monitored without the involvement of tradeunions.

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF



    Recognises the significant influence of employersin shaping labour policies and practices.

    Recognises the importance of fair and effective

    national and international legislation to protecttrade union and other human rights.

    Establish constructive social dialogue, soundindustrial relations and sustainable development

    of our industries.

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Framework Agreements Strategies

    Policy to develop framework agreements in

    enterprises representing UNI sectors

    Development and establishment of FA will

    establish best practices

    FA is not alternative to national laws and

    collective bargaining

    UNI to develop clear and persuasive arguments toconvince MNCs

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Framework Agreement Strategies(2)

    Dialogues and agreements should be developed

    by UNI and UNI Apro in close cooperation with

    affiliates concern.

    Build alliance and provide information to

    other international trade unions, inform them of

    new developments.

    Campaigning - educating and creating awareness

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Framework AgreementStrategies (3)

    Encourage affiliates to use framework

    agreements as tools in organising and to

    build workers/ trade union strengths. To improve working conditions beyond

    minimum levels provided in the agreement.

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    UNI Telefonica Code of Conduct

    Preambleto maintain trade union rightand workers rights in Telefonica

    Parties common recognition of fundamentalhuman rights in the community and theworkplace

    - employment freely chosen

    - there is no discrimination, equal pay forwork of equal value.( ILO Con 100 and111)

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Abolition of Child Labour- No child labour,

    above 15, ILO Convetion 138.

    - Children under the age of 18 shall notperform work that can harm health,safety

    and education

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Recognise Freedom of Association and theRight to Collective Bargaining

    All workers have the right to form and and

    join trade unions (ILO Con 87)

    Right of union to Collective Bargaining

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    The Right to represent workers

    Company guarantee workersrepresentatives shall not be discriminatedCon 135

    Minimum wages

    - Wages and benefits that are at least asfavourable as those establishes by national

    legislation or agreements.No worker shallbe paid less than minimum wage. Con 94,95 and 111.

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Working day- Working day will meet as

    minimum the requirements as national


  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Recognition of the need to contribute to improvementof conditions of workplace

    Guarantee that workplace are safe and do

    not imply risk for the security and health of

    workers ( Con 155 ) Best occupational health and safety


  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Respect for others at work- workers should

    observe harmonious relations avoiding any

    behaviour that implies lack of respect orscorn towards other employees.

    TrainingAll workers shall be given the

    opportunity to participate especially those

    meant to improve workers skills to use new


  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Respect for the Environment

    Share concerns about the impact of the

    companys business may have upon the

    environment and will commit to taking allefforts to ensuring that all environment

    concerns are met.

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Telefonica will provide information

    concerning the agreement to all companies

    of the group Both parties responsible administration and

    implementation and dispute settling

    mechanism in place.

    Duration is for five Years

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    H & M ( Hennes and Mauritz )

    Support UN Global Compact as well as the OECD

    Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

    Support fundamental human rights, freedom of

    Asssociation and the right to collective bargaining

    as well as ban on child labour, forced labour and

    all types of discrimintion in all H&M workplaces.

    Joint responsibility for full implementation in goodfaith.

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Agreement is based on the following:

    Con 29Forced Labour

    Con 87

    Con 98

    Con 100

    Con 105

    Con 111

    Con 135 Con 138

    Con 182

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    UNI-Carrefour Code of Conduct

    Both parties agreed that every enterprise

    needs peace and social consensus in order

    to develop. To that end Carrefour undertakes to

    menitor jointly with UNI the proper

    application of ILO conventions 87,98 and


  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Those international standards define:

    The rightof employees to join a trade union

    of their choice. The right to collective bargaining

    The protection of employees and their

    representations againts any act ofdiscrimination tending to infringe upon

    trade union freedom.

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF


    Respect for union rights and recognition of

    fundamental rights are part of the corporate

    culture of the Carrefour Group Carrefour has also condemned child labour

    in order to prevent slavery and forced

    labour, and It intends tha the principles

    establish by the ILO are respected by its

    suppliers .

  • 8/10/2019 Framework Agreements CSR GUF



    Global Company councils

    Corporate Campaigns

    Regional Works councils

    Liaison Councils

    Trade Union Campaigns

    International instruments and guidelines

    Dialogues with employers organisation Proactive trade union organisations

    Global bargaining