framework for international business strategy formation advisory case study for netflix mia arola...

Framework for international business strategy formation Advisory case study for Netflix Mia Arola Peter Babicz Daniel Bukovszky Ida Elisabeth Sorlie Managing in a Global Context Team 1 January 27, 2015

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Framework for international business strategy formation

Advisory case study for Netflix

Mia Arola

Peter Babicz

Daniel Bukovszky

Ida Elisabeth Sorlie

Managing in a Global Context

Team 1

January 27, 2015

Agenda for today

1. Presenting framework for international business strategy formation

2. Using the framework on the case study of Netflix

Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Attention! Interactive session!

Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Strategies for international business are evaluated based on thourough internal an external analysis

Forming international business strategy with a comprehensive framework

Internal Analysis

• Core Competency

• Product Offering

• Value Chain

External Analysis

• PESTLE (macro)

• 5 Forces (meso)

• Stakeholder (micro)

SWOT Analysis




Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Comprehensive internal analysis is conducted using the Core Competency, Product Offering and Value Chain theories

Execution of internal analysis based on 3 theories

Internal Analysis

• Core Competency

• Product Offering

• Value Chain

External Analysis

• PESTLE (macro)

• 5 Forces (meso)

• Stakeholder (micro)

SWOT Analysis




Internal analysis (I) – Determening core competencies of the company

• Theory – C.K. Prahalad and G. Hamel

• Combination of resources – competitive advantage

• Criteria• Difficult to imitate, replicate

• Access to markets

• Contribute to customer benefits

• Create new markets - tablets

• Core competency ≠ product

Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Core competencies are a source of competitive advantage

• Problem Solution

• Value creation, satisfying needs

• Product mix - balance

• Depth, length, width

• Upward stretch

Internal analysis (II) – Determening product offering of the company

Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Product selection is as important as the product you are selling

• Michael Porter (1985)

• Activities value

• Inputs vs outputs

• Strategically important

• Cost drivers

• Maximize value – minimize costs

• Transfer - effectiveness

Internal analysis (III) – Determening the value chain of the company

Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• By breaking down the model into activities, we can examine the strategically important elements

Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Comprehensive external analysis is conducted based on the PESTLE, 5 Forces and Stakeholder theories

Execution of external analysis based on 3 theories

Internal Analysis

• Core Competency

• Product Offering

• Value Chain

External Analysis

• PESTLE (macro)

• 5 Forces (meso)

• Stakeholder (micro)

SWOT Analysis




Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• PESTLE analysis provides a comprehensive view on the external macro forces affecting a company

External Analysis (I) – Exploring the firm’s macro level with PESTLE



EEconomical Environment




al Environment

• Framework can be expanded to PESTLE (Adds the legal and environmental factors)

• PESTLE often forms the threats and opportunities of the SWOT analysis

• Analyses the company’s environment on a macro level

Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Porter’s 5 Forces analyses the industry and its competitiveness, provides support for business strategies

External Analysis (II) – Exploring the firm’s meso level with 5 Forces

Industry Rivalry

Threat of New Entrants

Buyer PowerThreat of


Bargaining Power of Suppliers

• Threat of New Entrants• Barriers to entry, industry profitability,

brand equity

• Bargaining Power of Suppliers• Strength of distribution channel

• Buyer Power• Customer’s sensitivity to price changes

• Threat of Substitutes• Switching costs, ease of substitution

• Industry Rivalry• Advertising expenses, innovativeness etc.

• Level of rivalry

Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Stakeholder analysis explores the firms micro level and focuses on relationships, encompassing ethical and social issues

External Analysis (III) – Exploring the firm’s micro level with Stakeholders







Trade Associations

• Analyses external environment from the aspects of various stakeholders

• Highlights the relationships between the firm and its stakeholders

• Takes ethical and social dimensions into consideration

• Some stakeholders are of more importance than others

Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• SWOT analysis is conducted and strategies are formed based on findings in the internal and external analysis

Conducting SWOT analysis and forming strategies based on findings

Internal Analysis

• Core Competency

• Product Offering

• Value Chain

External Analysis

• PESTLE (macro)

• 5 Forces (meso)

• Stakeholder (micro)

SWOT Analysis




Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Strengths and weaknesses are determined by internal analysis

• Opportunities and threats are embedded in external environment

Combining internal and external findings into a SWOT analysis Strenghts




Basis of strategy formation

Internal Analysis



Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• SWOT analysis serves as basis of generic strategy formation

• Make decisions based on strategy and don’t get stuck in the middle

Forming generic strategies based on the SWOT analysis

Cost Leadershi



Cost Focus

Differentiation Focus







w C


Broad Scope

Narrow Scope

Porter’s Generic Strategy

Ansoff’s Generic Strategy

Market Developm



Market Penetratio


Product Developm


Existing Markets

New Markets



g P








Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Tradeoffs such as decomcratization/globalization and digital/linear make Netflix an interesting company to do case study on

Netflix case study (I) – Presenting client’s Q & hot topics of the company

• Video on demand - the streaming sector overlap others

• Media convergence: behaviorial shift from linear mediums

• Video consumption & Internet TV on the rise (multiscreen)

• License rights & «window» distribution system inviting piracy

GLOCAL industry &


Client’s Question:How can Netflix monetize content under Web 2.0 &

keep capturing value internationally?

Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Comprehensive external analysis is conducted based on the PESTLE, 5 Forces and Stakeholder theories

Execution of external analysis based on 3 theories

Internal Analysis

• Core Competency

• Product Offering

• Value Chain

External Analysis

• PESTLE (macro)

• 5 Forces (meso)

• Stakeholder (micro)

SWOT Analysis




Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Pairing the right people with content through effortless interface

• Alliviating search costs for the consumer

Netflix case study (II): Examining external environment and market trends

• The content business: cultural offerings are the driving force

• Business models selling access – advertising avoidance

• Digital marketplace: unlimited shelf place & offerings

• Tribes not segmentation: personalization is the next frontier

Leveraging long tails: NICHESvs. HITS

Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Many different types of players intertwined

• Ultimately, the consumer wins: unlimited & varied offerings

Netflix case study (III): Analysing the 5 Forces in the firm’s environment

Direct competitors:Amazon Prime, HBO,

YouTube, iTunes, Apple TV



Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Comprehensive internal analysis is conducted using the Core Competency, Product Offering and Value Chain theories

Execution of internal analysis based on 3 theories

Internal Analysis

• Core Competency

• Product Offering

• Value Chain

External Analysis

• PESTLE (macro)

• 5 Forces (meso)

• Stakeholder (micro)

SWOT Analysis




Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Combined competencies: recycling cheaper, older or niche content + high quality Netflix Original Series + superior platform experience

Netflix case study (IV): Analysing the internal competencies of the firm

• Large content library (2 billion hours) + superior platform (4K)

• Recently producer of high quality content (House of Cards, Orange is the New Black)

• Strategic partnerships to reissue old content (Dreamworks, Miramax) + assuring digital quality & usability (Microsoft, Google)

Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• SWOT analysis is conducted and strategies are formed based on findings in the internal and external analysis

Conducting SWOT analysis and forming strategies based on findings

Internal Analysis

• Core Competency

• Product Offering

• Value Chain

External Analysis

• PESTLE (macro)

• 5 Forces (meso)

• Stakeholder (micro)

SWOT Analysis




Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

Netflix case study (V): Presenting the SWOT analysis

STRENGHTS:• High brand recognition • Large content library• Producer of HQ series• Sophisticated digital interface

WEAKNESSES:• Lacking up-to-date titles• Balancing local & global taste• Costly international expansion

(license rights paid per country)

OPPORTUNITIES:• Exponential growth in IP video

market• Personalization of content &

services: successful recommendation systems

THREATS:• Increased competition, rivalry,

free models, piracy• Outdated content distribution

system• Expensive license rights• Net Neutrality

• Well-timed growth & expansion gives a solid market position

• Threats cannot guarantee long time leading position in market

Managing in a Global Context – Team 1

• Service value and international branding facilitates value capture

• The best strategy focuses on Netflix Experience

Netflix case study (VI): Differentiation strategy recommended for client



• Content creation: netflix originals

• Content variation: digital catalogue

• Content curation: browsing technology, recommendation systems