framework for learning from home stage 1- week 3, term 2 · 8framework for teaching (non-digital)...

| NSW Department of Education Adapted for use by Lugarno Public School PLAN B Framework for Learning from Home Stage 1- Week 3, Term 2 You will need help from a parent/carer. Show each completed activity to your parents so they can check. These activities are designed to be completed over the next five school days. Challenge activities are optional. Please keep the Maths resources in a safe place so they can be referred to in future if needed. At School Day 1 Learning from Home Day 2 Learning from Home Day 3 Learning from Home Day 4 Learning from Home Task Practise or learn to tie your shoe laces. Ask a parent or grandparent to tell you what school was like when they were your age. Use the Go Noodle ‘Think about it’ channel and select an activity that promotes positivity and mindfulness. /channels/think-about-it (works best on Google Chrome) Alternatively Name 5 things that make you happy. Play scissors, paper rock with a family member. Do a jigsaw puzzle or create your own cut up the front of a cereal box into different shapes and sizes then put it back together again. Learning Superpower of the Week: Reflective A reflective learner thinks about what they have read, done or learned. They ask questions and think deeply about their own ideas. PBL Focus of the Week: Showing Respect Using good manners - waiting turn, sharing, listening to others. Morning English / Literacy Spelling Review sounds and spelling choices High frequency words Writing Imaginative narratives - adjectives and adverbs Guided Reading Read with your teacher. English / Literacy Spelling Read your sorts and concentrate on the sounds or rule you are learning, Choose 2 - 3 High Frequency words and learn how to spell them. Guided Reading Activity - WUSHKA Read your next text and answer the questions. English / Literacy Spelling Write 2 - 3 sentences using as many of your list as you can. Shared Reading - Lesson 5. See the lesson at the end of the Framework. English / Literacy Spelling Choose an activity from the Spelling Grid or Literacy Planet. Guided Reading Activity - WUSHKA Read an imaginative text and answer the questions. Optional: Write sentences to describe the characters and English / Literacy Spelling Glue/write your sorts into groups and write how you have sorted them. eg These words have a short a sound. Test yourself on your spelling list. Guided Reading Activity - WUSHKA Choose an imaginative text to read on Wushka. Read your text

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Page 1: Framework for Learning from Home Stage 1- Week 3, Term 2 · 8Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1 Term 2 Activities Grid Orange Red, Yellow 1. Write your words on your

| NSW Department of Education Adapted for use by Lugarno Public School PLAN B

Framework for Learning from Home – Stage 1- Week 3, Term 2

You will need help from a parent/carer. Show each completed activity to your parents so they can check. These activities are designed to be

completed over the next five school days. Challenge activities are optional. Please keep the Maths resources in a safe place so they can be referred

to in future if needed.

At School Day 1 Learning from Home

Day 2 Learning from Home

Day 3 Learning from Home

Day 4 Learning from Home


Practise or learn to tie your

shoe laces.

Ask a parent or grandparent to tell you what school was like when they were your age.

Use the Go Noodle ‘Think about it’ channel and select an activity that promotes positivity and mindfulness. (works best on Google Chrome) Alternatively – Name 5 things that make you happy.

Play scissors, paper rock

with a family member.

Do a jigsaw puzzle or create your own – cut up the front of a cereal box into different shapes and sizes then put it back together again.

Learning Superpower of the Week: Reflective A reflective learner thinks about what they have read, done or learned. They ask questions and think deeply about their own ideas. PBL Focus of the Week: Showing Respect Using good manners - waiting turn, sharing, listening to others.

Morning English / Literacy Spelling Review sounds and spelling choices High frequency words Writing Imaginative narratives - adjectives and adverbs Guided Reading Read with your teacher.

English / Literacy Spelling Read your sorts and concentrate on the sounds or rule you are learning, Choose 2 - 3 High Frequency words and learn how to spell them. Guided Reading Activity

- WUSHKA Read your next text and answer the questions.

English / Literacy


Write 2 - 3 sentences

using as many of your list

as you can.

Shared Reading - Lesson

5. See the lesson at the

end of the Framework.

English / Literacy Spelling Choose an activity from the Spelling Grid or Literacy Planet. Guided Reading Activity

- WUSHKA Read an imaginative text and answer the questions. Optional: Write sentences to describe the characters and

English / Literacy Spelling Glue/write your sorts into groups and write how you have sorted them. eg These words have a short a sound. Test yourself on your spelling


Guided Reading Activity - WUSHKA

Choose an imaginative text to read on Wushka. Read your text

Page 2: Framework for Learning from Home Stage 1- Week 3, Term 2 · 8Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1 Term 2 Activities Grid Orange Red, Yellow 1. Write your words on your

© NSW Department of Education, Mar-201

Instruction and feedback Shared Reading - Lesson 4. Please see the lesson at the end of the Framework.

setting of the text you read on Wushka.

and answer the questions. Optional: What is the main event (or complication) of the story you read on Wushka? Write about it.

Break including physical activity

Middle Mathematics Warm up: Buddies of a group of ten. Which buddies do you know? (buddies of 10, 20, 30, 50, 100) Revise the buddies that you know. Start learning the next set of buddies – eg If you know the buddies to 20, start learning buddies to 30. Multiplication - relating multiplication to addition Introducing new strategies 3D Objects -features and properties

Mathematics Warm up: Name some even numbers. What makes them an even number? You may like to write these down. Multiplication Equipment: Two Dice Level 1 Roll 2 dice and draw the number of circles and number of objects in each circle. Work out the total. Eg If 3 and 2 are rolled, draw 3 circles with 2 objects in each circle. Record as 2+2+2=6 Do 5 sums. Level 2: Roll 2 dice, double one of the numbers and draw the number of circles and the number of objects in each circle. Calculate the total.

eg If 3 and 2 are rolled, double the 3 (=6) and draw 6 circles with 2 objects in each circle. Record as 6 groups of 2 =12 Do 5-10 sums.

Mathematics Warm up: Name, draw or write 3 things that are likely, unlikely, certain and probably going to happen today. Multiplication Equipment: Two Dice If you have tried Level 1 then try level 2, if you did level 2, try the challenge option and so on. Do some Mathletics.

Mathematics Warm up: Think of three or four single digit numerals (eg. 3, 7 and 2). Using all of these numerals, what is the highest and lowest number you can make? Eg the highest is 732 and the lowest is 237. Choose three or four new numerals and repeat this activity. Space Go on a hunt around your home and find as many 3D objects as you can. Hint: Look for boxes, round or pointy objects. Draw and label 5 items you have found and name the 3D object you have identified. Discuss/Write sentences about them. eg A tissue box is a rectangular prism. A pencil is a cylinder. Once you start you will find so many! Can you find a less common object like a pyramid? Do some Mathletics.

Mathematics Warm up: Start from 5 and count by 5s to 100 (or higher), both forwards and backwards. Now start from a random number and count on by 5s from it. Eg. 4, 9, 14, 19… Describe the It is going up by __ . I am adding__ to each number. Space Choose two 3D Objects from your hunt yesterday and draw the view you see from the top, side and front. Label your drawings.

Page 3: Framework for Learning from Home Stage 1- Week 3, Term 2 · 8Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1 Term 2 Activities Grid Orange Red, Yellow 1. Write your words on your

2Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1

Challenge Option: Roll 2 dice, add them up and double the number. Roll 1 dice again and work out that times table fact by using a diagram (circles, arrays) or mental strategy. Eg if 3 and 2 are rolled; add them (=5); double (=10) roll again (say you get 5); then record as 10x5=50 Do at least 10. Extra Challenge Option: Instead of dice use 0-9 numeral cards. Turn over 2 cards and work out the times table fact. eg if you have turned over 3 and 9 record 3x9

Physical Education

Fundamental Movement Skills, Running, Skipping

Physical Education

Choose an activity to complete from the Physical Education grid.

Physical Education

Choose an activity to complete from the Physical Education grid.

Physical Education

Choose an activity to complete from the Physical Education grid.

Physical Education

Choose an activity to complete from the Physical Education grid.

Break Break Break Break Break


Bounce Back - Courage With a family member take turns to name one dangerous creature you have seen and why it is dangerous. What should you do if you see a dangerous creature?

Activity: Create a poster about dangerous creatures and write why these animals are dangerous. You can use drawings or pictures from magazines to complete this


Built Features – ‘Our School’ Watch the game show video about natural and built features. Worksheet - Draw and label three natural and built features around your school. For e.g. play equipment (built)

Creative Arts Song / Dance / Drama / Art and Craft Choose an activity to complete from the Creative Arts grid.

Science Start collecting recyclable materials around the home that may be used to make a toy. Eg cardboard, paper rolls, string, elastics, tape. Store them for later. Investigation: Find three different sized balls. eg tennis ball, rubber ball, ping pong ball, basketball, soccer ball, bouncy ball. In a bucket of water,

Family Time / Catch up

Page 4: Framework for Learning from Home Stage 1- Week 3, Term 2 · 8Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1 Term 2 Activities Grid Orange Red, Yellow 1. Write your words on your

© NSW Department of Education, Mar-203


PBL Activity Write, draw or tell a family member what makes a good listener.

investigate what happens when you push those balls into the water. Can you feel a force? Do they bounce back up? Which balls were harder to push under water? The bigger balls or the smaller balls? Write a reason why you think there was a greater upward force with the larger balls.

Page 5: Framework for Learning from Home Stage 1- Week 3, Term 2 · 8Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1 Term 2 Activities Grid Orange Red, Yellow 1. Write your words on your

4Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1

Lesson 4 - Events - What happens to the characters?

We are learning about how narratives are structured. This means, how narratives are put together to make an interesting story.

So far, we have looked at the setting and the characters. (This can also be called the orientation)

Now, we will learn about the events, that is, what happens to the characters.

Watch this clip to learn more:

Can you tell an adult at home what makes a good narrative?

Use the template on the next page to retell the story of The Bear and the Bees. You can replay the clip to help you.

Think about your favourite imaginative book. Can you think about the events in the story? Does something go wrong? (This can also be called the complication.)

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© NSW Department of Education, Mar-205

Lesson 4 - A Structure of a Narrative - The Bear and the Bees

(How a Narrative may be written or told)

There are different ways to write or tell an imaginative narrative (a made up story). We are going to start with the following way:

1. Setting

2. Characters

3. Events

In the template below, write the setting, characters and events of The Bear and The Bees.

The Setting (where does the story take place?)

Main Characters (who is in the story?)

Events (What happens in the story. Remember it needs to

be in the correct order.)




Page 7: Framework for Learning from Home Stage 1- Week 3, Term 2 · 8Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1 Term 2 Activities Grid Orange Red, Yellow 1. Write your words on your

6Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1

Lesson 5 The Structure of a Narrative - The Hare and the Tortoise

Please click on the link below to view the story, The Hare and The Tortoise.

In the template below, write the setting, characters and events of The Hare and the Tortoise

The Setting (where does the story take place?)

Main Characters (who is in the story?)

Events (What happens in the story. Remember it needs

to be in the correct order.)




For fun, you may like to view the Disney Classic version of The Hare and The Tortoise.

Challenge: The author, Aesop, wrote stories with a message. We call these stories “fables”. What message (“moral”) is Aesop giving us in The

Hare and the Tortoise?

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© NSW Department of Education, Mar-207

Term 2, Weeks 2 and 3

Find your Spelling Group. Use the words to complete the activities on your Learning Framework

Orange Group Red Group Yellow Group Green Group Lime Group

High Frequency Words Technical Words
























Spelling Focus:

C, h, ch

Spelling Focus:

k, ck

Spelling Focus:

Short and long e

ee, ea

Spelling Focus:

Unusual Past Tense


Spelling Focus:

-or, -er, -ar






































Page 9: Framework for Learning from Home Stage 1- Week 3, Term 2 · 8Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1 Term 2 Activities Grid Orange Red, Yellow 1. Write your words on your

8Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1

Term 2 Activities Grid Orange Red, Yellow

1. Write your words on your

driveway in chalk

2. Write your words and next to each word

write if it is an adjective, noun or verb or


3. Write a rhyming word for your spelling


Eg shake / make

4. Star Jump Spelling: Spell your

words while doing star jumps.

5. Type your spelling words on the computer

and print them.

6. Write your spelling words using two


7. Trace your words on a partner’s

back. Can they guess which word it


8. Write your words in alphabetical order.



10. Record yourself spelling your


11. Segment your words into syllables

Eg again = a/gain

12. Using your own words write a meaning

for 4 of your words.

Page 10: Framework for Learning from Home Stage 1- Week 3, Term 2 · 8Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1 Term 2 Activities Grid Orange Red, Yellow 1. Write your words on your

© NSW Department of Education, Mar-209

Spelling Activities Grid Green, Lime

1. Write your spelling words on

your driveway in chalk.

2. Use a dictionary and find

the meaning of 5 words.

3. Create a find-a-word using some

or all of your words.

4. Trace your words on a

partner’s back. Can they guess

your word?

5. Type your spelling words on

the computer and print them.

6. Write your spelling words using

two colours.

7. Spell your words while

throwing a ball against a wall

and catching it.

8. Write your words in reverse

alphabetical order.

9. Write your words out and next to

each word write whether it is a

noun, verb, adjective or adverb or


10. Record yourself spelling

your words

11. Write each spelling word

and a word opposite in meaning.

12. Think of more words that follow

your spelling rule.

Page 11: Framework for Learning from Home Stage 1- Week 3, Term 2 · 8Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1 Term 2 Activities Grid Orange Red, Yellow 1. Write your words on your

10Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1

Creative Arts Grid Activities

Mother’s Day Craft – Complete before

Sunday, 10 May

Create a card and artwork for a special

female in your life.

Card - You may like to create the card from:

mothers-day-card/ or make your own card

Ideas for an artwork gift –

● Draw/paint a picture of yourself with this

special person

● create an origami flower from www.origami- or

You may like to check the Week 1 Newsletter

to order a Mother’s Day Gift from the LPS

P&C’s stall before May 6. Thanks LPS P&C!

Paper sculpture - tower

Create a paper sculpture of your

choice. Cut strips of paper at

least 6cm in width (use any paper,

magazines, brochures etc). Join

the two edges of the paper

together with glue, sticky tape or

a stapler to form a cylinder. Cut a

slit on the top and bottom of each

cylinder about 2cm in length.

Insert each cylinder into the slit

of another cylinder and get


Drawing Games:

Practise your drawing skills by playing a

drawing game:


Play Pictionary with your family. You will need

at least 2 teams of 2 players. Each player

takes it in turns to draw something and their

team member needs to guess what it is. The

team with the highest point score wins.

Sketch challenge

Have a sketch challenge with someone else.

Silly Drawing Activities



Create an origami

creation of your choice.

A website you may like

to use is:

● https://www.origami- - select

‘Orginami for Kids’ in

the ‘Origami

instructions’ tab

● https://www.artforkidsh

Directed drawing activity

Complete a directed drawing activity of your

choice. A website you may like to use is:

Select ‘How to draw’ from the options up the


Focus on line style and technique.

3D sculpture

Use recycled materials or items

you find around the house to

create a 3D sculpture of your

choice. You may like to use:

recycled boxes, bottles or caps,

paper, blocks, Lego, playdoh,

craft, construction materials etc

Painting/Paper Cut out

Choose a painting activity to complete from ‘Painting for kids’ tab or

create your own.

Paper Cut-outs

In the search bar on

type ‘paper cut out’ and choose an activity

or create your own.

Shoe box diorama

Use a shoe box and toys or

other items to create a

diorama of your choice.

Get your mime on

Mime is a type of acting that does not use words

or speech. It is all about physical movement and

exaggerating your expressions. Mimes must use

their actions to send a message or tell a story.

Watch this clip about mime:

Vs Create your own mime act . You may

like to perform it to your family. Remember to

focus on facial expressions and body movement.


Play a game of charades with

your family. Focus on facial

expressions and body movements.

You may like to play the board

game, make up the actions as you

go or write some down and pick

them from a hat to act out.

Choreograph a dance

Create your own dance moves to your

favourite song or favourite part of a song. Try

to move your body in different ways – make

big, small, high and low body movements.

Practise it a few times.

Can you teach the dance steps to someone

else in your family?

Make a musical


Create a musical instrument

with resources you have at

home. Play the instrument to

a song by following the

rhythm and beat.

Page 12: Framework for Learning from Home Stage 1- Week 3, Term 2 · 8Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1 Term 2 Activities Grid Orange Red, Yellow 1. Write your words on your

© NSW Department of Education, Mar-2011

K-2 Physical Education Grid Activities Term 2, 2020

GoNoodle – Dance Fitness

Participate in dance fitness using the GoNoodle app for devices or the website. Free app download: GoNoodle- Kids Videos Free website access: Alternatively, play your favourite songs and dance away! You may like to play musical chairs, limbo or musical statues with your family.

GoNoodle – Mindfulness, Yoga

Check out GoNoodle’s newest page for games, yoga and mindfulness activities to help bring positivity to your day! Complete some fitness activities. Free app download: GoNoodle Games Free website access: (website works best with Google Chrome)

Create your own outdoor/indoor games

- Hopscotch: Use charcoal, chalk or tape to mark out a hopscotch course

- Elastics: use a long elastic to play - Bowling: use bottles of water as the pins and any ball (You

can add a glow stick to each bottle and play at night time!) - Throwing and catching games: use a balloon or water

balloon - Play a virtual sport game on your Xbox/Playstation - Scavenger hunt: have someone hide items around the

home or yard for you to find - Hand tennis/ping pong: use a small ball and something as a

net (boxes, rope) to play hand tennis/ping pong - Mini golf: use a ball and something to strike it with and

guide it into a hole/goal

- Skee ball: use different sized buckets/containers (worth different points) and a small ball

Obstacle Course

Use items that you find around your home and yard to create an obstacle course. Complete it a few times and time yourself. What is your fastest completion time? Create a new course and time yourself to complete it. Challenge your family members. Who records the fastest time? Items you might use: balls, gym balls, skipping ropes, hoops, rope ladder, buckets, trampolines, boxes, etc. Add fitness activities such as: do 10 star jumps, 5 leaps, 3 running laps, 2 push ups, 6 ball tosses, 5 ball dribbles etc

PE with Joe

Ask an adult to search ‘PE with Joe’ on Youtube and access one of the daily kid’s workouts. Alternatively, create your own home fitness workout. For example: 10 jumps, 10 star jumps, 10 side steps, 10 hops, 2 push ups, repeat.

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Access Cosmic Kids Yoga

Select a yoga experience from the tab at the top of the page ‘Watch the episodes’. Yoga experiences include: Frozen, Star Wars, Minecraft, etc

Wall-ball games

Play ball games against a wall. You may like to: kick a ball to the wall, throw a ball and catch it back, bounce it to the wall and catch it back, use a racquet or bat to strike a ball to the wall, etc. Challenge: How many times can you throw/bounce/kick a ball to the wall continuously without dropping it or missing it? Tip: Find a safe area away from windows and breakable items!

Ball games

Complete physical activity that involves using a ball. You might play the game or practise ball skills for this game. Some examples include: hand ball, basketball, netball, cricket, softball, football, oztag, tennis, volleyball. Tip – use a net or bucket as a hoop to shoot balls into

Free choice

Complete 30 minutes of your own choice of physical activity.

Ride along

Complete physical activity on something you can ride or that has wheels. Eg. scooter, bicycle, roller skates/blades, skate board

Visit your local park

Walk to your local park and complete physical activity there. Activities might include: Frisbee, ball games, running games, riding a bike, chasing games, etc

Walking or jogging

Go for a walk or jog with an adult (and your dog if you have one!) around your neighbourhood or local park. Challenge yourself by choosing paths that have hills or stairs.

Page 13: Framework for Learning from Home Stage 1- Week 3, Term 2 · 8Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1 Term 2 Activities Grid Orange Red, Yellow 1. Write your words on your

12Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1