frankfurt 2010 business english teacher or management trainer.... or a bit of both? alun phillips -...

Frankfurt 2010 Business English Teacher or Management Trainer .... Or a bit of both? Alun Phillips - [email protected]

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Page 1: Frankfurt 2010 Business English Teacher or Management Trainer.... Or a bit of both? Alun Phillips -

Frankfurt 2010

Business English Teacher or Management Trainer .... Or a bit of both?

Alun Phillips - [email protected]

Page 2: Frankfurt 2010 Business English Teacher or Management Trainer.... Or a bit of both? Alun Phillips -

Roles and identity

Frankfurt 2010

Page 3: Frankfurt 2010 Business English Teacher or Management Trainer.... Or a bit of both? Alun Phillips -

Frankfurt 2010

Why use management training materials in Business English? Development of manager’s skill set Content-driven CLIL approach –

can challenge learners on cognitive and affective level

Balance language focus in coursebook materials

Familiarity breeds…. Trainer status

Page 4: Frankfurt 2010 Business English Teacher or Management Trainer.... Or a bit of both? Alun Phillips -

Frankfurt 2010

Yes, but… Unfamiliar topics Not my role

Too much material to get head round No interest in subject matter Language level

Page 5: Frankfurt 2010 Business English Teacher or Management Trainer.... Or a bit of both? Alun Phillips -

Frankfurt 2010

Yes and… Easily available/adaptable Up-to-date and relevant Of immediate interest to learners Within trainer’s sphere of

competence BE trainer well placed to work on

‘soft’ skills for example

Page 6: Frankfurt 2010 Business English Teacher or Management Trainer.... Or a bit of both? Alun Phillips -

Frankfurt 2010

Underdeveloped areas in BE Coaching Mentoring Teamworking Leadership Managing change

Page 7: Frankfurt 2010 Business English Teacher or Management Trainer.... Or a bit of both? Alun Phillips -

Frankfurt 2010

Sources Newspaper articles – Sunday

supplements Business TV programmes: Dragon’s

Den, Trouble at the Top, I’ll show them who’s boss, The Money Programme.

Your learners Ebay

Page 8: Frankfurt 2010 Business English Teacher or Management Trainer.... Or a bit of both? Alun Phillips -

Conclusions Give it a go…

Frankfurt 2010