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any years ago before I came to the Lord in 1953, and having been raised in a “re-

ligious” home, it was very difficult for me to accept a “know so salvation.” My understanding of verse three of our text was one reason for this. It seemed to me that one had to keep all the commandments which would put it on the “salvation by our works” (Satan’s) plan. That meant that no one could possibly know for sure whether they were saved or not.It was only when I did come to the Saviour and received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that I came to understand the word “keep” had a broader meaning than to perform the doing of them all, which I found to be impossible.According to the Greek dictionary the word “keep” as it is used in our text means to guard from loss or injury, keeping the eye upon; and to hold fast, watch. To keep God’s command-ments as principles to guide us and pattern our

lives after, holding them fast and guarding against losing them, is what is taught here.However, it is when we “keep” His commandments as indicated in the definition, that we prove our love for God and will find ourselves performing, obeying and fulfilling the will of our Heavenly Father. This is not to prove our love, but is the result of our love for Him, giving assurance of a proper relationship with our Heavenly Father and helping us to walk in the light as He is in the light (1 John 1:7) and to walk even as He walked (1 John 2:6).

Sunday, May 1


1 John 2:1-6

We Know That We Know

And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.

– 1 John 2:3

Today’s Through the Bible Readin 1 Kings 1,2, Luke 22:54-71


Missionary Paul Mohler, Faith Baptist Church, Spokane, MO

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ho would be considered a champion for Christ and how can someone become one?

I have known many champions for Christ, in my short lifetime, who have been considered faithful to the end! Some have been pastors, great preachers, missionaries, and evangelists. Some have been Sunday School teachers or have just been a faithful servant of the Lord in churches throughout our state and country. In 2 Timothy 4:7 the Apostle Paul said, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” Therefore, a champion is one that has fought a good fight for the Lord. No, it’s not someone who runs around picking fights and such, but one that has fought the spiritual battles and, with the help of the Lord, had the victory!

Paul also said, “…I have finished my course…” Finishing to the end is important. A champion will press on to the end, no matter the cost. It

will cost you something to be a champion for Christ, but the sad thing is most Christians do not want to pay the price or make the sacrifice! How does one become a champion for Christ? By keeping the faith! By being faithful to the end! I know the way may seem steep and pebbled with problems, but it is the end result that is worth becoming a champion for Christ!Will you be a champion for Christ?

Monday, May 2

Read:2 Timothy 4:1-8

Are You a Champion?

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.

– 2 Timothy 4:7

Today’s Through the Bible Reading 1 Kings 3,4,5, Luke 23:1-26


Pastor Tim Hallett, Jr., Birch Street Baptist Church, Eau Claire, WI

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ecently at Wabash Valley Correctional Facil-ity, one of the men introduced his brother

to me. The man had recently received Christ and been baptized on a Sunday evening. Both men are currently attending a class I teach on pastoring. This gentleman made the comment that his brother is now his spiritual brother as well as his physical. What a joy it is to see fam-ily members come to know Christ! Our pastor was speaking about a comment made by another pastor of a local church. He didn’t want former prisoners to attend his church. He only wanted those in his congregation who had never broken man’s law. What a shame, for this pastor will miss out on one of God’s greatest blessings: seeing those caught in the grasp of crime set free by the blood of Christ. These dear people who have known the depths of sin can now experience the heights of glory.

In addition, they are a wonderful asset to the church in helping others escape Satan’s clutches. One who has experienced sin is more able to help those addicted to drugs or alcohol. I recently heard of a man incarcerated in an Illinois state prison. He was soon to be released and so he wrote to a local pas-tor offering to start a Christian drug rehab program in his church. Now the church is teaching a successful course in rehabilitation. Only God knows how many will be saved from Hell because of the actions of this one individual. Possibly God can use you and your church in an outreach to the jails and prisons. Let’s not be guilty of overlooking anyone due to their past for with God anyone can change.

Tuesday, May 3

Read:Colossians 4:7-12

Brother Beloved

Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that he might know your estate, and comfort your hearts;

– Colossians 4:8

Today’s Through the Bible Reading 1 Kings 6,7, Luke 23:27-38

Missionary Darrell Case, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Farmersburg, IN


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any times I have heard, “do not let the cart go before the horse,” meaning first things

first! Our verse is teaching us first things first. Jesus called and ordained the twelve disciples that they first “should be with him.” Before they went to preach, before they performed any miracle, before they were ever effective in their Christian life, they first spent time with Him!

Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ! As a Christian I must realize that before I do anything for Christ, I must spend time with Him! Have you noticed that the more time you spend with someone the more you begin to act like them? Oh, for that to be said about us with our Saviour! The more time we spend with Christ the more we would know of His passion! Many Chris-tians have lost the passion for serving Christ, witnessing to the lost, and being found faithful! They have forsaken the most important matter:

spending time with Him. As we spend time with Him we know of His passion. This passion is vital to continuing and succeeding in our Christian walk. Let us spend time with Him so we can continue with passion! The more time spent with Him the more we will know of His power! We do not need more manpower, we need more of God’s power! We have no power to help anyone or any circumstance within ourselves. It only comes from being dependent upon Him. So let us get first things first. Passion and power are byproducts as we spend time with Him. Let us desire to grow closer to Him by reading His word and speaking often with Him in prayer.

Wednesday, May 4

Read:Mark 3:13-21

Who Before What

And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach.

– Mark 3:14

Today’s Through the Bible Reading 1 Kings 8,9, Luke 23:39-56

Pastor Mark Brandon, Tiftonia Baptist Church, Chattanooga, TN


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ebster’s Dictionary gives the following definition for the word “long-suffering:”

bearing injuries, insults, trouble, patient for a long time, etc. Our Lord gives a description of Himself to Moses and in this description, long with other descriptive words, is “long-suffering” (Exodus 34:6). Dear friends, our Lord wants us to know that He is long-suffering and that He is this way on our behalf. Note God’s desire toward us: “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” Our wonderful, loving gracious God has provided salvation for mankind (John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-20) and then He demonstrates long-suffering (see above definition) while He presents His salvation to us as He did in Noah’s day (1 Peter 3:20).In our development as a Biblical Christian, our

Lord again exercises long-suffering. When a person is born again, the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in that person to do a specific work as directed by the heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (John 14:15-17; 16:4-15) In Galatians 5:22-23 the fruits of the Spirit are listed and one of those fruits is long-suffering. Oh how often must He exercise this fruit as He helps us in our Christian development?Dear Christian, we need to thank our Lord for His long-suffering on our behalf, but we need to heed His instructions in His word so that we will not cause Him to have to exercise His long-suffering so much. The design of the Lord is for us to exercise long-suffering in our lives. (Colossians 3:12)

Thursday, May 5


Psalm 86


But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.

– Psalm 86:15


Pastor Richard Brasser, Palmyra Bible Baptist Church, Palmyra, NY

Today’s Through the Bible Reading 1 Kings 10,11, Luke 24:1-35

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eople are always looking for more than they deserve. The unbeliever expects God to

agree with them and accept them the way they are (in sin). The Believer expects God to give them everything they need plus some.

Israel expected God to give the increase of the seed that was planted but instead God blew upon it and yielded very little. They gave too little to their efforts, they took too long in doing it and it was too late for God to deliver them for their sin overwhelmed them.When we come to God, we must bring noth-ing but Christ with us. Any ingredients, or any previous qualifications of our own, will poison and corrupt faith. He that builds upon duties, graces, etc. knows not the merits of Christ.

You must everyday denounce as dung and dross your privileges, your obedience, your baptism, your sanctification, your duties, your graces, your tears, your meltings, your humblings, your

workings, and your self-sufficiency must be destroyed. You must take all from God’s hand. Christ is the gift of God. You have too little to give and if you wait too long you will be too late for the salvation that awaits you. So my friend why wait?All for Jesus! all for Jesus! All my being’s ransomed pow’rs:All my tho’ts and words and doings, All my days and all my hours.All for Jesus! all for Jesus! All my days and all my hours;

Friday, May 6

Read:Haggai 1:7-12

Too Little, Too Long, Too Late

Ye looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it...

– Haggai 1:9

Today’s Through the Bible Reading 1 Kings 12,13, Luke 24:36-53


Dr. David N. Smeltz, Missionary to Eastern Europe, Asia and the World

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have lived all my life in the Piedmont regions of the eastern United States: rolling hills, lots

of trees. I have also traveled along the coastal plains of the east coast and still you can’t see a great way in the distance because trees still dominate the landscapes. This summer I trav-eled to Colorado Spring, CO and saw a sight I had never seen. I saw a railroad train, a long railroad train, in its entirety all at the same time--engine to caboose, all at once. I had watched long trains go by me at railroad crossings, car by car, and I had seen short “amusement park” trains all at once. But this was a “real” long train--I saw it all. I was where it had been and where it was going. And I saw it all in one mo-ment of time—amazing!Christians live their lives day by day and mo-ment by moment and that is good and proper. But because the past fades, some live in fear of who they were and whether God has really

forgiven us. And because our vision of where God is leading us is obscured by the hills and trees of doubt and the unknown, we fear tomorrow. Comfort yourself with his marvelous truth. God has seen the whole train of your life, and has always seen it. God has seen it all. When He saved you, He knew all the sins you would ever commit and He forgave them all: those in the past, present and future, the moment you asked Him to save your soul. And no matter how dark the trial you are going through, God has seen you glorified with Him in eternity. He has saved you to the uttermost. He is the beginning and the ending!

Saturday, May 7

Read:Hebrews 10

The Security of the Saved

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. – Revelation 1:8

Today’s Through the Bible Reading 1 Kings 14,15, John 1:1-28


Dr. Ray Love, Tri-State Baptist Church, Charlestown, WV

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