free presentation reveals how you can lose 18 to 22 pounds ·...

FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds in the Next 28 DaysWhile Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is Neil and in this short video, you’re going to learn a fat burning system so powerful, it's guaranteed to help you lose anywhere from 13, 18, even 22 pounds of unwanted fat in just 28 days. What’s more, it involves a way of eating and exercising that lets you ENJOY your life and not have to deal with dieting or boring exercise. That’s right… as you watch this short video until the end… you’ll discover a way to get rapid, safe, and permanent fat loss WHILE enjoying your favorite foods. You can also work out in a way that’s fun and exciting... so you actually look FORWARD to doing it. Forget starving yourself with diets, using dangerous fat burners, or killing yourself with hours of exercise.

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Post on 20-Jun-2020




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Page 1: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds in the

Next 28 Days… While Still Eating all the Foods You Love!

(Start of video script)

Hi, my name is Neil and in this short video, you’re going to learn a fat burning system so

powerful, it's guaranteed to help you lose anywhere from 13, 18, even 22 pounds of

unwanted fat in just 28 days.

What’s more, it involves a way of eating and exercising that lets you ENJOY your life

and not have to deal with dieting or boring exercise.

That’s right… as you watch this short video until the end… you’ll discover a way to get

rapid, safe, and permanent fat loss WHILE enjoying your favorite foods.

You can also work out in a way that’s fun and exciting... so you actually look

FORWARD to doing it.

Forget starving yourself with diets, using dangerous fat burners, or killing yourself with

hours of exercise.

Page 2: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

When you combine this way of eating that’s NOT restrictive… with a way to exercise

that’s fun and not a chore… you’ll skyrocket your metabolism and lose 13, 18, even 22

pounds of unwanted fat that’s hanging around your buns, belly, and thighs…all in just

28 days from now!

Just a quick warning, though.

I don’t know how long this video will be up. I’m giving away a LOT of valuable

information and it’s going to piss off a lot of those million dollar fitness, magazine, and

supplement companies who RELY on selling you the magic pill.

And when they find this site, they’ll probably try and shut it down. They don’t want the

truth being spread because it affects their profits.

So, as a word of warning, this video may not be up for long.

I've been doing personal training for over 13 years now… but I’ve always given my fat

loss formula to clients in person. This is the first time I’ve ever given it out online, to a

Page 3: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

huge audience. So if the million dollar companies with fat-cat lawyers find this video,

they’ll try to take it down.

So please, watch this video now while it’s still online.

By the way, this is the same rapid fat loss method that movie stars use when they have

to lose weight and get "photo ready" fast.

Now it’s your turn to use them to get your metabolism unstuck and losing 4 to 5 pounds

of fat each week.

Look, there’s no doubt that movie stars and celebrities get to enjoy certain perks… like

eating out at the best restaurants. And because they’re always on set, they don’t have a

lot of time to work off all those calories.

But they have a certain image or look they want to uphold… so they need to stay in

“photo ready” condition. Well, they use these same fat loss secrets I’ll share with you to

get in “beach ready” shape in a moment’s notice.

Page 4: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

Now, maybe you’re not a movie star or celebrity who gets followed around by

photographers who want to take your picture. But I’m sure you still want a lean, trim,

sexy body, right?

No worries, you can use this same formula to get a flat belly and toned body… and do it

in a month. And it won’t involve long exercise sessions or starvation diets. I’ll show you

how to “eat well” most of the time and then eat whatever you want SOME of the time.

When you do… you’ll keep losing fat until you’ve got the lean, sexy, attractive body

you’ve always wanted. You’ll LOVE showing off your new and improved hot bod and

toned midsection at the beach, walking the sand with your new 2-piece bikini.

Look, I’m sure you want to feel good about your appearance, right?

As much as we hate to admit it, we are ALL judged by the way we look. We live in a

world where people are taking pictures with their smartphones and uploading them on

Facebook all the time.

I’m sure you don’t want to see yourself on Facebook looking bloated, chunky, and

overweight... where you look at yourself and think “I don’t like the way I look”.

Page 5: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

If you’re like most… you want to look good with a lean, toned, sexy bod, right? Let’s not

kid ourselves… you want to look hot. You want your lover staring at you and telling you

how good you look.

So if you’re ready to make this happen… and you’re ready to do the fun, simple things it

takes to get the results you want… let’s make it happen.

And it’s not going to take long, boring cardio, or restrictive diets, or dangerous pills.

Nope, just a brand new approach that’s fun, effective, efficient… and it WORKS.

Now, before we get started, I have to warn you. What you hear and see on this video

will probably seem “different” to you because it’s almost the EXACT OPPOSITE of what

you THINK you have to do to lose fat and get in shape.

All those years of being misinformed has conditioned you to THINK that you have to do

things like a ton of exercise, dieting, or restricting your calories.

But as you’ll soon see, we’ll be doing almost the exact opposite of dieting and

overtraining. The fact is… you’re never going to lose fat if you follow conventional

“wisdom” that’s floating around the magazine, supplement, and diet industry.

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If you continue doing what they tell you, you’ll never see results. And it’s no surprise,

really. The diet, supplement, and magazine industries don’t want you losing weight and

keeping it off. If you did, you’d stop buying their stuff and they’d lose you as a customer.

And they’d lose the profits they make from you. And if more and more people caught on

to the truth, they’d soon be out of business.

So let me tell you… you’re NEVER going to learn the truth about fat loss from these

million dollar companies that have products to sell you.

They got that big because they’ve been selling you lies… telling you that you need their

products in order to lose weight. And when enough people “buy into” those lies, these

companies make a killing.

But as you’ll soon see, you don’t need their diets, fat burners, magazines, or magic pills.

By the way, it doesn’t matter how much fat you want to lose. You may want to lose 10

pounds from those stubborn places where it’s hard to lose it from. Or you may need to

lose 100 pounds or more because of health reasons.

Whether you want to lose fat from your belly, buns, thighs, hips, or arms, I’ll show you

how to do it without using dangerous pills, without spending hours in the gym, without

using restrictive diets, and without feeling hungry or deprived.

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You’ll enjoy eating this way because you’ll get to eat any of the foods you like. And

you’ll love your work outs because you see results in the mirror, in the first 2 weeks.

This is important because it's not very motivating to continue when you don't see

results. Not only will you see results…you’ll FEEL the difference as well.

You’ll feel more confident. You’ll have a brand new bounce in your step as you wake up

feeling excited and energized.

What’s more, you’ll be dying to show off your new body while walking the beach…

begging your spouse to take pictures of you so you can post your new and improved

body transformation on Facebook for the entire world to see.

By the way, my fat loss method is different because I'm not a bodybuilder, athlete, or

some genetically gifted fitness model.

I'm just a regular average guy who has spent most of his adult life working out and

trying EVERYTHING to get in shape. I’ve spent years testing different nutrition plans

and workout programs.

Page 8: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

Throughout all of this trial and error, I’ve uncovered secrets about losing fat in a fast and

easy way.

These secrets help me stay lean and single digit body fat levels all year round.

What’s more, I don’t spend a ton of time in the gym doing routines that kill my body and

I don’t follow a starvation diet that keeps me hungry and away from the foods I love.

No, I live my life how I want… enjoying the foods I LOVE to eat. And yet, I stay lean,

trim, and thin year round using what I’m about to show you. I’m in the best shape of my

life at 38 years old.

This is the same exact system I’ve used to help hundreds of regular folks transform their

bodies in less time. So you can be sure you can use it for fast and permanent fat loss.

Even if you’ve tried everything to lose weight and failed … you’re about to discover how

to transform yourself into the thin, sexy, toned, confident, happy person you want to be.

I designed this to not only be effective at helping you lose fat, but I wanted you to lose

fat WHILE actually enjoying yourself!

Page 9: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

You see, every diet out there forces you to use willpower to try and stick with the

restrictive nature of that diet.

Well, that doesn’t work. This Formula is about doing the things you enjoy - not the

things you struggle to do. What I’ve designed is NOT a diet, but rather a simple formula

you can use to make fat loss happen naturally. It’s fast, simple, and low hassle.

Soon, it becomes a lifestyle that’s fun and convenient. 80% of the time you’ll eat well

and make the best choices… and 20% of the time you can enjoy good food, wine, or

beer with NO guilt.

That’s right, you can have fun, enjoy the foods you like, and still lose fat and get to the

weight you want to be at. Whether you’re happy with losing 10 pounds or you want to

get that toned sexy body and flat belly… you can do it.

Look, I know there's so much confusing information out there and you’ve already tried a

ton of different things to lose fat.

So you’re probably wondering why you should even listen to me.

Page 10: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

Well, for starters… I’m a regular, average dude here in Australia who happened to

figure out a fail-proof method for losing fat.

I’m also a certified personal trainer who has won a ton of awards. I’ve been named

Fitness Business of the Year twice, Business Achiever of the Year, a five time

Australian Achiever, and have over 9 Business Awards from 2007 – 2012.

This means I’m not a fly by night, faceless company. For 13 years now, I’ve been

helping men and women of all ages, sizes, and fitness levels to get slimmer, healthier,

and happier in less time!

But it was my own personal battle with my body that inspired me to become a personal

trainer. For over 15 years of working out, I’ve tried every useless technique there was.

Page 11: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

Since I became frustrated with all the so-called “fitness information” I’d learn from

trainers or read about in magazines… I started using myself as a guinea pig to figure

out what it really takes to lose fat and get in shape.

When I started to finally see results… I knew this formula would become my life’s work

and passion because I knew I could help others get in shape fast.

I know exactly what works when it comes to fat loss - no matter your shape or body

type. I’ve achieved incredible results for myself and clients. My goal is to help you lose

fat AND stop the cycle of yo-yo dieting, working out for hours, or using diet pills.

The reason my fat loss system is so effective at helping people lose 13 to 22 pounds in

just 28 days is… I show you how to set up your lifestyle so that you not only lose fat…

but permanently keep it off.

I mean, what’s the point of losing weight if you just gain it back a short time after?

Well, with the lifestyle changes I’ll show you, you’ll enjoy permanent fat loss and you

won’t have to worry about gaining back all your weight (or more).

I’m sure if you’re like a lot of folks who have worked their butts off to lose weight… you

did a lot of exercise or ate hardly anything.

Page 12: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

And because of dieting and working out a lot, you saw SOME weight come off. But

there’s one big problem. If you set up your lifestyle so that it’s tough to do, you’re NOT

going to keep doing it.

And when you stop, guess what happens? That’s right… you gain the weight back and


I’m sure you’ve already discovered that any weight loss you enjoy by using a diet or lots

of exercise is temporary. You just can’t stay with something that’s difficult, demanding,

and restrictive.

Sooner or later, willpower gives out and you end up stopping.

Bottom line, diets are set up to fail because they’re nothing but short term solutions. You

can’t make a lifelong change with restrictive diets.

That’s why my fat loss system doesn’t rely on diets or a ton of exercise. No, you’ll be

able to enjoy your life AND the foods you like to eat. And you’ll only have to do JUST

the right amount of exercise in order to get results… no more.

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That means there’s no restrictive starvation diets that leave you hungry and no hours

and hours of exercise that will wear you down and has you feeling ragged.

I’ve personally used this same system to enjoy the foods I like and the exercises are fun

so you won’t feel like it’s a chore. In just 35 minutes or less, you can do the activities

needed to get your body melting off fat!

I’ve used this system with hundreds of clients and they’ve been able to lose fat and

transform their bodies... quickly, easily, and without struggle.

With my system… you’ll work to get your metabolism sped up, so it’s burning off

calories faster… helping you lose fat even while you’re just hanging around the house.

Once you get your metabolism sped up and operating at max efficiency… you’ll not only

lose unwanted fat, but you’ll be able to keep it off forever.

You don’t need to get down to low body fat levels before you see the changes you want

to see in the mirror. You don’t have to be single digit body fat levels to feel more

confident and feel better about yourself.

Your significant other will think you’re a brand new person when you lose 13 to 22

pounds in 28 days like I’ll show you. When you drop the stubborn fat using my formula,

you’ll soon see that flat stomach and fit, toned body.

Page 14: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

Look, when you try to lose fat with diets, there are so many negative things that happen.

First of all, when you diet… you slow down your body’s metabolism so it’s not burning

calories as efficiently. When you diet, you cause your body to go into emergency

“starvation mode.”

This means your body holds onto stored fat as a defense mechanism. This means your

body refuses to burn calories or fat, in fear it will need them soon because of this

“perceived starvation.”

Also, when you diet too much… you don’t provide your body with the protein it needs to

maintain lean muscle. If you don’t give your body the protein it needs, it breaks down

your lean muscle tissue to get it.

This means you’ll start to look flabby, weak, and sickly instead of toned.

And trying to diet long term is a nightmare because it’s too restrictive… and we as

humans don’t like to do things that make us feel like we’re missing out.

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This is why people who try to starve themselves to lose weight at some point will stop

and just “pig out” because they can’t take the restrictive diet anymore. They feel too


Even if you follow a diet perfectly, to a “T”, you may lose fat but you won’t keep it off.

Any fat loss you enjoy will be short lived and followed by a rapid weight gain. That’s

why a lot of people go through the emotional roller coaster that diets put them on…

where you feel happy when you see weight coming off, but you’re miserable and

depressed from starving yourself.

So you fall off the wagon and pig out again. And yes, the weight comes back and more.

All of that effort, “pain”, and frustration ends up being for nothing.

The fact is… fad diets don’t work so don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault! ANY

restrictive diet is impossible to stay on for the long term. That’s why you need a fun,

simple fat loss lifestyle… not a yo-yo diet that causes you to gain back the weight.

The formula I want to show you will work WITH your body, not against it.

You’ll notice significant progress within a week, and within 4 weeks you’ll be 13 to 22

pounds lighter … no matter how hard it was for you to lose weight in the past.

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And with my formula… you won’t follow some deprivation diet, which always leave you

feeling miserable. In fact, with my formula… you’re encouraged to enjoy ALL your

favorite foods each week.

That’s right, not only will you eat your favorite foods… it will actually HELP you burn fat

all week.

Yes… with my formula you’ll burn MORE FAT by eating your favorite foods. You can’t

do that on a conventional diet!

Now you know why you’ve never seen results if you’ve been trying to lose fat by dieting.

It’s just not going to happen because it’s set up to fail right from the start.

But if you can follow a simple formula, you can lose 13, 18, even 22 pounds in the next

28 days.

When I show you how to set up your nutrition so there’s no starving yourself… so you

can eat the foods you love…you’ll start to see the unwanted weight fall off.

And that’s exactly what I’ll show you in my program “28 Day Flat Belly


Page 17: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

The 28 Day Flat Belly Formula is the first fat loss program that’s set up to help you lose 22 pounds in just 28 days WHILE you enjoy the foods you love to eat.

That’s right… it’s a fast, easy, and fun way to lose fat and keep it off because you can

do it while eating anything you like on Day 1 of each and every week!

It’s also a detox program that cleanses your entire body. The formula was created in a

way to burn fat rapidly while detoxing your body and toning your muscles.

Page 18: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

When you detox and get rid of all the stored toxins… your body naturally WANTS to

lose pounds and inches right away.

This program is great at removing stubborn belly fat because it’s designed to

manipulate your fat burning hormones (leptin & ghrelin) and sky rocket your


This causes your body to tap into the stubborn brown fat that’s usually hard to burn off.

The end result? You get lean and toned… you burn off unsightly fat… you sculpt a lean,

sexy midsection… and you feel great in just 4 short weeks.

And you get to enjoy all your favorite foods completely guilt free. Again, it’s not a crazy

diet or crazy detox where you have to take some ridiculous detox shake.

Actually, it’s not a diet at all – it’s a formula and formulas WORK when you follow them!

The secret of this Formula is the combination of manipulating your fat burning hormones

and combining it with metabolism-boosting exercise which melts fat off your body!

Page 19: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

Finally there’s a formula that you permanent weight loss with NO rebound weight gain.

This ground-breaking formula uses nutrition principles which suit every body type and

exercise variations that are fun and effective.

No matter what you’ve tried before, this will work for you. I’ve tested this formula again

and again... on men and women of all ages, all sizes, and all shapes.

Three recent groups have used it with amazing results. In the groups, participants’

weight loss ranged from 6.5 to 22 pounds in the 28 day period. Participants ranged in

age from 30 to 60+ and included both women and men.

In other words, this doesn’t just work for younger folks, it works for those who are a little

older and find it hard to lose stubborn belly fat.

And here’s the thing… you don’t need to diet in order to see the weight fall off. And you

don’t need to spend hours in the gym, killing yourself with a ton of exercise.

When you learn how to eat and exercise in a certain way… you’ll fire up your

metabolism and start to melt fat from your body like the sun melts ice.

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You’ll never have to deal with feeling hungry all the time and you won’t feel deprived.

If you’re ready to lose that unwanted fat from your body, once and for all, and keep it off

forever, then your search for a proven method is over.

Forget all the confusing information that has kept you stuck. Forget about reading

“fitness magazines” and forget about watching “infomercials”.

All they do is try to get you to buy some worthless exercise contraption or dangerous fat

burner you don’t need. I swear… those are nothing but scams designed to take your

money and leave you feeling like it was YOUR fault you didn’t see results.

So many of these fad diets and workouts come and go each year. My program teaches

you the nutrition and exercise formula you need to lose fat and keep it off forever… and

it never changes or goes out of date!

Just keep using it forever to keep seeing results! That’s what a formula does… it works

every time you follow it.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a man, woman, younger or older… this nutrition and exercise

formula will help you melt off unwanted fat from all over your body… and you’ll get to

enjoy your life in the process!

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Even if you’ve dieted your whole life and have never seen results, even if you’ve never

enjoyed exercise… I’m going to show you a fun, efficient, and effective way to eat and

exercise so you lose all the fat you want... without diets, pills, or hours at the gym.

The 28 Day Flat Belly Formula helps you lose inches and pounds from everywhere on

your body… especially those stubborn places.

I’m in the best shape of my life, at 38, and walk around at single digit body fat levels.

What’s more, the people I’ve trained have seen the best results they’ve ever seen in

their lives… losing up to 22 pounds in just 28 days.

How would your life be different right now if you lost 22 pounds of fat in the next 28

days? Would you feel more confident at the beach? And would being more confident

help you find the love of your life or the job of your dreams?

You can use these techniques at home or you can go to a gym. Either way, you don't

have to buy any fancy equipment.

If you’re ready to lose fat fast and keep it off … if you’re ready to enjoy a lean

midsection and flat belly… this is the formula for you.

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The training and nutritional components of the program strategically manipulate your

hormones Leptin and Ghrelin as well as increase your metabolism to turn you into a

FAT BURNING machine.

The Formula is based on proven effective weight-loss SCIENCE where your body never

gets the same amount of calories each day. As humans, we were never designed to eat

the same amount of food daily. Our ancestors never had 3 to 6 meals a day or access

to supermarkets or restaurants when they wanted something to eat.

They ate big when they could and small in between feasts. After years of study, I’ve

taken these scientific principles and combined them with my 13 years’ experience in

personal training and exercise that’s designed to boost metabolism and burn fat.

The result is this rapid, safe and permanent weight loss program!

Here’s what makes the 28 Day Flat Belly Formula unique:

• You’ll enjoy rapid, permanent fat loss with no rebound weight gain • You can lose up to 22 lbs. in 28 days • You can detox your body without nasty detox drinks. • You’ll increase your energy and feel 20 years younger • You’ll get lean, toned muscles and increase your strength • You’ll skyrocket your metabolism and fix a sluggish or stuck metabolism • You’ll lose fat easily while you can enjoy the foods you love • You’ll strip fat from all over and release dangerous toxins from the belly fat • This is a formula, not a DIET, and formula's work when you follow them • Since it’s only 28 days, so it’s easy to stick with unlike most 'diet programs' • There are 15 workouts to choose from, beginner to advanced • There’s NO equipment needed and you can do this at home or a gym • You get animated online exercise system to follow, for free • You can log into your phone at the gym and see your workouts to follow • You’re guaranteed to get twice the results in half the time

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• Can eat anything you want on day 1 of each week–enjoy real delicious food • No plateaus at all. Each day is different and your body never adapts • NO calorie counting or weighing food • It’s fun, so you look forward to each day. • Workouts as short as 35 minutes so you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy life • You get a VIP mentor group on FB for support from me and others • This is cheaper than a single personal training session • You'll never feel hungry or deprived • No stress so cortisol levels stay low and fat burning happens 24/7

Obviously, I can’t guarantee you’ll see a flat belly in only 28 days IF you have a lot of

weight to lose.

But if you follow this formula correctly, you’ll develop a flat belly in the shortest time

possible and do it faster than any conventional diet or training program you’ve tried.

This Formula guarantees weight loss rapidly and safely … weight that stays off. But how

flat your belly becomes depends on where YOU start from, how much weight you need

to lose, and how well you stick to the formula.

Follow it correctly and you’ll be the hottest Mum on the beach or the buffest Dad at

football practice! Continue using the Formula and you WILL have tight, toned abs and a

sexy flat belly!

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You’ll never feel hungry or deprived and you’ll NEVER stop burning fat as long as you

have it to burn! You’re not just burning fat… but also flushing toxins and dropping

excess fluid from your body.

This plan shows you EXACTLY how to eat and work out during the 28 days. What’s

more, it can be repeated over and over if you want to keep losing fat and get even

firmer and more toned.

When you’ve reach your ideal weight… you simply switch to a maintenance phase. It

doesn’t matter if you want to lose those 10 pounds that won’t seem to budge or you

need to lose 100 pounds because of health reasons… this formula will do it.

Look, I’m a big believer in having fun and enjoying your life. But the thing about

restrictive diets… it makes life so miserable. Who wants to live like that? You only live

once… so why be miserable on some starvation diet.

The fact is… you won’t stick with something that causes misery. That’s why this

program works… it’s based on delicious foods you love… so you’ll want to stick with it

because you never feel deprived. I’ll show you how to eat the kinds of foods you like.

You’ll be “good” 80% of the time, and I’ll show you how to “cheat” and eat your favorite

foods 20% of the time. This will keep you on track with a healthy eating plan.

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In fact, you’ll be amazed because you’ll actually be eating more food, more often, than

what you’re eating now. By eating more good food, more often, in smaller amounts,

you’ll keep your metabolism working and burning off calories instead of storing them.

You’ll never feel deprived, you won’t spend all your time in the gym… and you’ll love the

fact that you’re seeing results in the first few weeks.

Your clothes will feel looser and you’ll no longer feel depressed about your body. You’ll

feel a new confidence and sense of well-being come over you. No more feeling

insecure about your body, no more feeling ashamed when you’re on the beach.

The 28 Day Flat Belly Formula…

• Is safe and effective for men and women of all ages and fitness levels • Strips fat from ALL over the body but especially stubborn fat from the belly • Is very easy to follow. Includes nutritious foods from every food group and recipes from a nutrition qualified expert. • Features workouts for both beginners and those with more experience • Has been tested by 3 different groups of people with amazing real results • Is NOT A diet, doesn’t require a ton of exercise, or dangerous diet pills • Helps develop rock-hard abs if you’re a guy or a flat, sexy belly if you’re a woman • Will improve your energy and strength so you feel 20 years younger • Helps you melt away the pounds and keep them off for good • Tones and tightens your entire body as you burn belly fat in record time

This formula can help you lose unwanted fat and get in shape faster and easier than anything else you’ve ever tried. I’ve got a ton of success stories and pictures to prove it.

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Page 27: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

I never expected to be able to get these results in such a short period of time while actually enjoying the process. While other times where I have lost weight, to be honest I couldn’t wait for it to be over as the process was so painful, and inevitably I ended up falling back into my old habits and back to square one. This time however has been completely different. I believe this was firstly due to the structure of the program, providing a perfect variety of nutrition, training as well as allowing me to still eat foods that I such as pizza without all the guilt that would be attached to it with a regular diet. I managed to reach my goal of having my waistline at 38″ or below. I tried on a pair of jeans the other day that a month ago were tight on me, and they were actually falling off, I actually had to grab a belt – great feeling! I’ve already started setting my next goals and working towards them. SAMAN

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Page 29: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

These are just some of the results from those using the 28 Day Flat Belly Formula. Check out even more real results from real people.

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Page 31: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is
Page 32: FREE Presentation Reveals How You can Lose 18 to 22 Pounds · While Still Eating all the Foods You Love! (Start of video script) Hi, my name is

How long will it take you to lose 13 to 22 pounds? How does 28 days sound? That’s right, just four weeks you can sculpt a sexy flat belly or get ripped, “washboard” abs. When you take off the extra weight and get the body you want... you no longer feel insecure and self-conscious when you go to the beach. You’ll feel more confident. You’ll look forward to wearing clothes that show off your body. You’ll get compliments from friends and family about how great you look.

Believe me… this method is different than anything else you’ve seen. This program

contains the exact formula you need to melt off fat and KEEP it off permanently…

without diets, pills, or doing a ton of exercise.

You’ll see 13 to 22 pounds fall off your body in the first 28 days. But just realize this is

the start of what’s to come. You’re not going to lose all the fat you want to lose in the

first 28 days.

This isn’t a quick fix where you’ll lose 35 pounds in 28 days… only to gain it all back and

more. No, I want this to be permanent… so I’ll give you the steps you need to do that.

Here’s more on what this program will teach you:

• How to carve out SEXY six pack abs while gaining strength and muscle tone • The absolute FASTEST way to get your abs to “come out of hiding”

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• The PERFECT ab exercises and how many sets and reps are needed • The truth about how much exercise you REALLY need to lose weight and when you should do it for maximum results! • How to easily double or even triple the effectiveness of your exercise sessions – follow these tips and your body will become a literal FAT-BURNING FURNACE! • How to cut through all the diet misinformation and focus on the proven tips that are GUARANTEED to help you lose fat faster than you ever thought possible! • The diet secrets that will send your metabolism SOARING through the roof and turn your body into fat-melting machine 24/7. • How to increase your rate of fat loss to the MAXIMUM possible while actually gaining lean muscle! • Why eating too little can slow your metabolism and cause you to gain weight – and what you can do to ensure you never drop into the “DANGER ZONE! • What you must do before you even think about working out. If you don’t do this, you’ll never stick with it. • Understand exactly how anyone can enjoy their favorite foods while still losing fat – it’s not as tough as you think (and it’s probably different then you think, too)! • The world’s most powerful fat-burning technique – this works like crazy! • The reason why you should never try to lose fat by dieting! • The strange truth about how protein directly affects your ability to lose fat! • How the movie stars and celebrities lose a ton of fat in a short time, without dieting or spending hours working out! • My proven step-by-step strategy for increasing your metabolism and burning off fat… it’s as simple as 1-2-3! • Get the inside track on how to avoid rebound weight gain that most “dieters” struggle with. Make yourself bulletproof from making these mistakes! • Get the truth on how to lose fat without dieting or giving up your favorite foods • The surprising secrets of getting a flat belly doing the total opposite of what everyone else is doing! • How to lose more unwanted fat in less time… without working out for hours or giving up your favorite foods – not only is it possible, it’s easier to do it this way!

And that’s only the beginning. After you’ve finished the program… what once appeared

dark and mysterious will be clear and easy!

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Whether you want to get a flat, sexy belly or "6-pack abs"… you’ll do it without starving,

without giving up all your favorite foods, and without exercising for hours and hours.

Please, life’s too short for that, why bother struggling when you can get results WHILE

you enjoy the foods you like to eat. I’ll show you how to enjoy your favorite foods WHILE

you lose fat and continue to lose it.

That’s why this gives you permanent results… you’re not going to feel deprived or

struggle with anything you don’t want to do. Believe me, if I’m not willing to do it, there’s

no way I’m going to ask you to do it.

You’re also going to have fun working out, because we’ll be doing what’s effective and

efficient at burning calories and fat. No more sweating for hours and hours in the gym…

only to never see results.

I’ll show you what works, so you can get in and out in less time and have more free time

to enjoy your life. And you’ll also get better results than when you spent hours. I

swear… you’ll think this is fun and you’ll look forward to it!

What’s more, you’re going to have even more fun when you look in the mirror after a

few weeks and see a toned, thin, sexy YOU staring back. By day 28, people are going

to stop and ask what you’re doing to lose so much weight. Your friends and family will

be telling you how good you look and will want to know your secrets.

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You’ll have a ton of energy, you’ll feel stronger and more alert, and you’ll have a

confidence you’ve never had before. You’ll walk with your head held high as you just

feel great about yourself and your life.

While all of these changes are happening… you’re doing it without diets, fat burners, or

spending all your time exercising.

You’re not going to believe the results when you stick with it and keep using the

program. I’m talking about a fat loss so dramatic, and a transformation so incredible…

you’re going to feel like you’ve just been given a whole new life to enjoy!

So now you’re probably wondering how much the 28 Day Flat Belly formula is going to


Well, let me ask you this. If the only thing this formula did was help you lose 22 pounds

in the next 28 days… it would it be worth $200, yes?

And if the only thing this program did was increase your confidence and pride while you

were on the beach, so you can show off your flat, sexy stomach it would be worth $200?

If the only thing it did was show you how to lose fat while you eat your favorite foods, it

would be worth $200, right? And if the only thing this program did was help you

increase your strength and energy so you looked and felt your best, that’s worth $200?

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Well, the good news is... this formula does every one of those and more! But I’m not

even going to think about asking you to pay $200. In fact, it won’t even cost you half of

that, or $100.

In the past, the only way you could get this formula was to hire me as your trainer for

$100 per hour. That's if I could even take you as a client. I usually have a waiting list.

Not only that, but you’d have to invest at least 5 to 6 hours just to learn this formula from

me in person.

And at $100 per hour, you’d invest over $500 to get the same advice you can get


So even though many of my clients happily invest $500 on training with me, one-on-

one, this program won’t set you back $500...

Only through this video you’re watching right now…you can get the 28 Day Flat Belly

Formula for just $47!

That’s LESS than what you’d pay for just a half hour of my personal training time… but now you’ll get to have me in your corner anytime you want!

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Look… I’m tired of seeing hard-working, regular people continue to get lied to about what it really takes to lose fat. I’m tired of seeing you spend your hard earned money on diets, pills, and bogus programs.

I want to show you that real, honest advice that WORKS doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.

Also when I sell this program as part of a bigger course like I plan on doing, it’s going to cost $197. But I want to get more and more results, and more success stories and before and after pictures for that.

So here’s what I’m willing to do. In return for sending me your success story when you start using this formula... you can get instant access for just $47.

The best part about this... you can start this new way of eating and working out in minutes from now, because this is available as an online, instantly accessible e-book.

You can download my program and be reading it in just 5 minutes from now.

It will only take you about 2 hours to read. You'll learn the right foods, right amounts, and right times to eat.

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You'll learn the right exercises and how to work out so you lose fat, quickly and safely.

And then, you'll only have to invest 2 hours or so each week to the workouts in the program. At the end of 28 days you'll have lost 13, 18, even 22 pounds of body fat, and achieved the lean, sexy body and flat stomach you've always wanted... guaranteed.

What’s more, just for watching this program, I’d like to give you these bonuses that

have a value of $197…absolutely free!

Free Bonus #1: Fat Loss Circuit Workout from Nick Nillson ($29.95 value)

This workout will challenge you and help you melt away pounds while building muscle! It

comes straight from the “Mad Scientist” himself… who is well known for coming up with

crafty, unique workout programs that keep your body guessing and always losing fat.

Free Bonus #2: FREE Animated Online Training system ($39.95 value)

Included with your Formula is access to the fully animated online training system. You

can log in and literally view every workout with full animations and descriptions. No

need to try and figure out each exercise – this makes it so simple to follow! You can

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also print the workouts from the system and record your results on the printed sheets.

Free Bonus #3: FREE access to our VIP Facebook Group ($63.95 value)

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You’ll also enjoy access to support, inspiration and expert advice via our VIP Private

Facebook Group! I personally coach you and answer your questions. This means

you’re never without help because you’ll have access to ongoing support and guidance.

So when you order today, you get the bonuses free – so act now!

Again, I’m sure you’ll agree that $47 is a tiny investment when it comes to getting in the

best shape of your life… losing all of the unwanted fat you want to lose, and getting your

happiness back.

In all honesty, that’s less than the price of a decent dinner… and I’m sure you’d much

rather lose fat, keep it off, and enjoy your perfect body than a nice dinner.

It’s even less than the cost of a coffee each day for 30 days. So it’s very affordable.

In fact, don’t even make up your mind right now. Just go ahead and order the 28 Day Flat Belly Formula and follow the program as it’s prescribed.

Take 60 days to take it for a spin. If at any time, you find this program is not living up to your expectations… if you feel it’s not what you need to lose fat and get the body you want, heck, even if you want to return it for any reason… just let me know within 60 days and you’ll get an immediate refund.

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No questions asked and no hassle at all. That’s a personal promise.

And, just as a way of saying thanks for trying it out, you can keep the Formula and the bonus gifts for free! As you can see, the risk is on me and I plan on delivering on everything I’ve said.

I want to be the one person who changes your life. And I’m so sure that if you follow the formula… you’ll significantly reduce your waistline and flatten your stomach until you have the flat belly you want. If not, you don’t owe a thing.

Bottom line, the 28 Day Flat Belly Formula is easy-to-stick-to and eliminates any “hard to follow” nutrition or “drain you until you’re tired” workouts. You’ll get everything you need to lose weight and keep it off… all in one simple program.

What’s more, you’ll never find a simpler, more fun and easy way to do it. I’ve made this program convenient and low hassle so you stick with it. No one likes doing things that are difficult, hard, or tortuous. This will be fun, exciting, and easy to stick with.

In just 28 days from now, you can either be in the same spot you are now. The spot where nothing changes… where you’re still feeling sick and tired of being depressed about your body... WISHING you had the body you've always dreamed of.

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Or you can be enjoying the tight, toned body and flat belly you’ve wanted for a while. In just a few short weeks... you can have a body that lifts your self-confidence to a limit you never thought possible. The choice is yours to make.

This is something you can do for yourself! If you’re tired of feeling like a prisoner in your own body, if you’re tired of not being able to wear that new bikini at the beach, it’s your time to shine. And you know something... you deserve this. It's important that YOU'RE happy! This is in your own best interests… so take action.

Look… if you’re at a point in your life where you want to look and feel your best, and no longer feel insecure when you’re around others at the pool…if you want to be thinner, leaner, and more toned with a flat, sexy belly… this is where it starts.

You know something… I’m confident this is the fastest and most effective way to rapidly burn off fat while getting you that lean, slim and slender body you want! I’ve proven it with men and women who’ve had incredible success.

So go ahead and use it and you WILL lose fat quickly and you’ll soon look and feel your best!

You don’t need to spend hundreds on a personal trainer or thousands on a nutritionist because I’ll give you the nutrition and workout info you need. I’ll provide you with the missing nutrition and workout steps you need to lose fat and enjoy the body you want.

To Recap, Here’s what You Get when you Order…

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10 Modules in all Value

The 28 Day Flat Belly Formula Manual $47.00

Eating Plan & 25 Recipes $29.95

Training Manual with 18 metabolism boosting workouts for home and gym and

beginner to advanced


SupaShake Guide $14.95

Supplement Guide $29.95

Goal Setting Guide $29.95

Rapid Start Guide $29.95

Tips for Beginning Your 28 Day Flat Belly Formula $29.95

Results Tracking Sheets $29.95

Shopping List $29.95

Total Value $323.81

When you use the 28 Day Flat Belly Formula, you’ll tone up the trouble spots like the hips, thighs, arms, belly, and buns. You’ll lose dress sizes or pant sizes FAST. You’ll make your backside your best side and reshape your entire body in less time! Within days you’ll notice a smaller waistline, reduced hips, and thinner thighs.

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As you’re getting slim… you’re happier and more positive. You’ll feel good all the time. No more feeling down about your body. If you’re a new mum, you can use it to get your pre-baby body back! If you’re busy and have little time to work out, all you need is 35 minutes and you’ll be able to fit it in. You’ll be walking the beach with pride and confidence… showing off your new, 2 piece bikini. Turning heads and getting noticed as you walk along the sand. You’ll dramatically transform your body… getting that slim and slender figure you want in less time!

Remember, I’m not a bodybuilder or pro athlete. I’m just a regular, average guy who practices what he preaches.

ANYONE can use this program, whether you have 10 pounds to lose or 100. It’s for men, women, younger, and older. And even though this formula is used by a lot of women to lose fat and get the sexy, flat belly they want… this works for men as well.

What’s more, you don't have to join a gym if you don’t want to travel back and forth or spend the money. Not only that, but you don’t have to buy any dangerous pills or fat burners either. If you want to use proven supplements like protein… I’ll show you how.

The best part is… you can eat and enjoy your favorite foods and STILL lose all the fat you want. You’re not limited to a small list of foods that are boring and bland… I’ll show you how to eat just about any of your favorite foods and STILL see the fat fall off.

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All other diet programs are based on depriving yourself of foods you love. They don’t let you enjoy favorite foods every week. With my formula, you can enjoy the foods you love while you ACTUALLY lose more fat. This is a NEW permanent LIFESTYLE and way of eating... one that you’ll LOVE! You’ll raise your metabolism… so your body starts burning off fat all day long… helping you sculpt a lean, hot body… faster and easier than ever! These are the same secrets I’ve used to get in the best shape of my life at 38 years of age, and this fat loss program has helped many of my clients lose 13, 18, even 22 pounds in just 28 days. Now it’s YOUR turn to put this formula to work! I don’t care if you need to lose 10 pounds or 100 pounds… I don’t care if you’ve already tried everything and failed… the end of your struggle stops today. And you’re not going to suffer through another restrictive diet and or spend money on expensive and dangerous fat burners. You don’t have to starve yourself…you don’t have to spend all your time in the gym, and you don’t have to give up your favorite foods you like, just to lose a few pounds.

I don’t care if you’ve got a stubborn 10 pounds you need to lose around your buns, hips, and thighs, or you need to lose more than 100 pounds because your doctor told you to… this will totally transform your body and your life.

I want you to experience that feeling when you truly feel happy with your body.

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Something magical happens for you when you finally have a body you're proud of... you feel more confident and more positive. I want you to experience your magic moment. I want you to mark this day down and remember it as the day your life changed.

Imagine how much more exciting your life is when you can wear all the different clothes you want, where you can walk around the beach in the 2 piece bikini you want to wear.

You’ll be asking your significant other to snap photos of you because you know you look good! You’ll feel more confident, so your dating life will improve and your marriage will have a little more “spice”.

When you have that flat stomach that helps you feel more confident in your bathing suit… life gets fun, and fast. And your transformation is going to be quicker and easier than you thought.

You now have a convenient and low hassle way to eat and exercise that’s fun.

And when you’re having fun… you’ll want to stick with it. THAT’S where the magic happens. As you continue… your results will get better, you’ll see more changes happening right before your eyes.

Look, you’re standing at the crossroad. Of the two roads before you, the one on the left is the road you’ve been traveling… it’s rough, rocky, and full of pain and frustration.

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On the right, the road less traveled. It’s smooth, paved, and proven to be the easiest way to lose fat, enjoy the foods you like, and drop 22 pounds of fat in just 28 days.

Choose the right road. Let’s walk that road together. Start your transformation today!

Remember, it’s not just a good deal you’re getting here… you’re getting a proven

blueprint you can use to lose fat, increase your confidence, skyrocket your self-esteem,

and enjoy a much better life.

You’ll get immediate access to the program and all your bonuses…and you can grab it

all right now for one low payment of just $47.

So, look below this video right now. Go ahead and click on the orange button that says

“Add to Cart” and you get the proven secrets you need right now to melt off 13, 18,

even 22 pounds of unwanted fat in just 28 days. It’s that simple.

Remember, you’ve been searching for too long and you’ve been needlessly struggling.

And you’ve been dealing with the pain, frustration, and heartache that just isn’t

necessary. All of this changes the moment you decide that you’ve had enough… the

moment you begin applying the proven principles in this program.

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Listen, I’m not kidding when I say that this could be the most important decision you

ever make. This could be your turning point… the day you decide to do what you need

to do to enjoy the kind of life you want to live.

One year from today, you’ll certainly “arrive”. The question is… where? If you want to be somewhere different than where you are now, you have to do something different than what you’re doing. Take the first step toward a different future, order now.

Remember, you have 60 days to put this program to the test to make sure it works for you. With the "no questions asked" guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose – except unsightly fat and a whole new body to gain. Order the 28 Day Flat Belly Formula today and you’ll learn how to carve out six pack abs or get the flat, toned stomach you want.

If you’re ready to blowtorch off your body fat, get the flat belly you want, and get in the best shape of your life … go ahead and click on the button that says “add to cart” and claim your discounted price right now. You’ll get immediate access to everything… the main program and all the bonuses… just for taking action today.