free zippered pouch with pocket tutorial

Sewing zippers in bags 1. (aka Boomerang zippered pouch with pocket and loop) This tutorial is for a dinky zippered pouch which has a clear outside pocket for your ID, tube/subway pass, or credit cards etc. and a loop for attaching the pouch to your bag or keys etc. Front view of Boomerang zippered pouch' 9cm (H) x 10cm (W) with handy clear pocket for cards and what not Inside view Here's how I put it together Shopping list (as if you were buying from a shop, if not using stash fabrics) 0.5 yard of Boomerang Beat fabric 0.5 yard lining 0.5 clear plastic (if you don't have any plastic handy, substitute for a piece of Boomerang fabric 16cm (H) x 12cm (W) 1x 15cm zip 1 x 13mm D-Ring

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Post on 18-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Free Zippered Pouch With Pocket Tutorial

Sewing zippers in bags 1. (aka Boomerang zippered pouch with pocket and loop)

This tutorial is for a dinky zippered pouch which has a clear outside pocket for your ID, tube/subway pass, or credit cards etc. and a loop for attaching the pouch to your bag or keys etc.

Front view of Boomerang zippered pouch' 9cm (H) x 10cm (W) with handy clear pocket for cards and what not

Inside view Here's how I put it together Shopping list (as if you were buying from a shop, if not using stash fabrics)

• 0.5 yard of Boomerang Beat fabric • 0.5 yard lining • 0.5 clear plastic (if you don't have any plastic handy, substitute for a piece of

Boomerang fabric 16cm (H) x 12cm (W) • 1x 15cm zip • 1 x 13mm D-Ring

Page 2: Free Zippered Pouch With Pocket Tutorial

NB: All seam allowances are 1cm (3/8") unless otherwise stated.

1. Cut your fabric pieces as shown in the photo below.

Do as the blue writing says.

2. My zipper is too long! - so I have to adjust it (if your zipper is just right you can skip this step and go make yourself a cup of tea. Measure your zip against the length of one of the exterior pieces and mark the line.

Trim off the excess zipper and secure the raw edge of the zipper by sewing quite a few (wide, but short length) zig zag stitches 5mm from the edge. This will ensure that the zipper doesn't go wandering off.

Page 3: Free Zippered Pouch With Pocket Tutorial

Trim zipper to your desired size and secure with loads of zig zag stitches. Note: do not try this with metal zips!

3. Make tape for clear pocket trim - Take the 17cm boomerang fabric strip (wrong side up) fold it half length ways, and press. Open out and fold the long edges up to the crease line you have just made. Divide the tape into 12cm & 5cm lengths. Set the 5cm aside for the next step.

If you're making a boomerang fabric pocket fold the pocket in half (right side out) by bringing the short edges together and topstitching the crease line. You will still need to make tape but you'll only need the 5cm length.

Page 4: Free Zippered Pouch With Pocket Tutorial

See how the tape looks like a book dust jacket? You can also use (wider) tapes for handle loops, or bag/shoulder straps.

3. Sew the tape trim onto the pocket - place the tape over one of the long edges of the plastic and stitch the tape onto the plastic close to the bottom edge of the tape. Match up the pocket (with it's nice new trim) with the sides and bottom of the exterior piece and baste the sides and bottom of the pocket a few mms from the edge.

Take the 5cm tape and topstich the long open edge shut. Thread the metal D-ring onto the tape and fold the tape in half. Position the tape (with it's ring) just above the edge of the pocket as shown by my rubbish blue drawing (drawing was never my strong point, sewing always was and will be my thing!). I forgot to take a photos of this bit!

If making a fabric pocket; place the pocket with the topstitched edge (facing away from you) onto one of the exterior pieces, baste in place and make the tape (with it's D-ring) as directed above.

Page 5: Free Zippered Pouch With Pocket Tutorial

Sew the tape onto pocket, baste pocket onto exterior piece, position the tape and D-ring as shown by my dodgy blue picture, and baste in place.

4. Sew the 1st half of the zipper - make a sandwich (starting from the bottom) lining piece (right side up), zipper (right side up) in middle, and exterior piece with pocket (wrong side up) on the top. Carefully match up the top edges and pin together.

Attach your zipper foot to machine and sew along the top edge only. Stitch a few mms from the top edge.

Page 6: Free Zippered Pouch With Pocket Tutorial

Make a 3 layered sandwich and pin as shown.

5. Topstitch exterior to zip for neatness - Flip the layers over so that the right sides of exterior and the lining are facing outwards. Topstitch the exterior 2 mm from the edge of the exterior (stitching through the 3 layers) as shown in photo for neatness. Repeat steps 4 - 5 for the other half of the zipper.

Topstitch along the top edge of the exterior for neatness.

This should be the result!

Page 7: Free Zippered Pouch With Pocket Tutorial

6. Sewing the purse - Make sure the zipper is unzipped. Flip the layers of the purse over so that the right sides of the lining and the exterior are touching each other. Match up all of the edges of the layers (the zip will naturally curve towards the lining) pin all around.

Stitch the sides and bottom (in one continuous line) of the purse ensuring that you leave a 8cm gap as shown by my wonky blue arrow. Clip off all of the corners.

Ensure that your zipper is open! Arrange the layers as shown and pin.

Follow my wonky blue arrow, stitch the sides a bottom sewing right through the zip and all, leaving an 8cm gap. Clip them corners!

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7. Turn your purse right side out through the gap - push the corners out and smooth everything down. Ohh, so that's why the zipper needed to be open!

8. Sew gap in lining closed - stitch gap in lining shut by pushing in raw edges into the hole and top stitching closed. You're done! There, see? Zippers only look scary; they only want to be loved like everybody else!

Shut your gap, and hey presto! a dinky coin pouch with pocket!