french revolution


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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Made By: Rahul Kumar BhagatClass: ix-ARoll No: 25

The society of 18th century was divided into 3 classes which were known as 3 estates:-





• 1st estate was the clergy who were engaged in church to perform various religious rites and duities. They enjoyed certain privileges by birth that was exemption from paying taxes to the states.



• The 2nd estate was the nobility, big aritiscrate and landlord who controlled high administrative post and owned large holidings, they were considered above the law and paid no taxes to the court.

2nd Estate

• 3rd estate was the unprivileged classes included peasants, artisans and the middle class people like teacher, doctor etc. They had no political right and the burden was of financing activities of the state through taxes was born by third estate alone.

3rd Estate

Ideas of Philosophers

• Philosopher like John Locke and Jean Jaques Rosceau believed that no group society should be privileged by birth They refute the doctrine of divine and absolute right of Monarch.

• A persons social position must depend on their merit. This idea enabled a society based on freedom and equal laws and opportunities for all.

Causes of French Revolution


• Emperor Louis XVI of France was an empty headed and despotic ruler.

• Marie Antointe squnderded money on her luxurious life and wasteful festivals.

• The high post were often auctioned, so inefficiency reigned supreme.

• In the absence of any uniform system there was confusion all around.

• The whole administration was corrupt and each department had its own law.


• The Clergy and Nobles led a life of luxury and enjoyed numerous privileges.

• The peasants and the workers lived a wretched life.

• They groaned under heavy taxes and forced labour.

• The middle class comprising of lawyers, doctors etc also suffer from same humiliation of the hands of Clergy and Nobles

• French has been continuously involved in wars, which has broken her economy.

• The luxurious life led by the king and queen made matter worst.

• The common people groaned under heavy taxes.

• The economy became so bad that the French government reach the state of bank corrupcy

• Thus shattered economy of French was a major cause of revolution.


• Forced by financial ban courrupcy Emperor Louis xvi was compelled to call a meeting of Estate General. In 1789 AD after of 175 years.

• It generated much excitement as members of the third Estate were determined to put forth there problems.

• But when first two Estate refused to have a common meeting with the third Estate the people lost their temper.



• On the morning of August 10 Parisians stormed the Palace of the Tuileries, massacred the king’s guard and held the king himself hostage for several hours.

• Later the Assembly voted to imprison the royal family. Elections were held now. Now all men above 21 years of age, regardless of wealth, got the right to vote.

• Elections were held. From now all men above 20 years , regardless of wealth got the right to vote. T he newly elected assembly was called convention.

• On 21st September 1792 it abolished monarch and declared France a Republic.


• The period from 1793-1794 is referred as reign of terror.

• Robespierre followed a policy of severe control and punishment.

• All those whom he saw as being enemies of the republic-ex nobles, clergy, members of other political party even members of his own party who did not agree with his method were arrested and imprisoned.

• If the courts found them guilty they were guillotined.


• Napoleon was born in 1769A.D. He was a man of miraculous talent. He was educated in the military school of Berlin and Paris.

• He became the first council of the directory. After few years in 1804A.D he became the emperor of France.

• He regenerated France on the basis of the principle of equality and set up a classless society.

• He was not only a great conqueror but also an able administrative organiser and a great leader.

On 1804 Napoleon becomes emperor of France, annexes large parts of Europe.

On 1815 Napoleon defeated at Waterloo.