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French Revolution Review

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Page 1: French Revolution Review. Which Estate Are You In? Yellow Post it= 1 st estate (clergy) Pink Post it= 2 nd estate (nobility) Blue Post it= 3 rd estate

French Revolution Review

Page 2: French Revolution Review. Which Estate Are You In? Yellow Post it= 1 st estate (clergy) Pink Post it= 2 nd estate (nobility) Blue Post it= 3 rd estate

Which Estate Are You In?

• Yellow Post it= 1st estate (clergy)• Pink Post it= 2nd estate (nobility)• Blue Post it= 3rd estate (bourgeoisie)• Orange Post it= 3rd estate (working class or


• At the top of your paper write 25 points- you will be adding and subtracting from this total.

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• Fill in your timeline with information as we review the events of the French Revolution

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Louis XIV

• Is an absolute monarch• Allows nobles local

control as long as they answer to him

• Claims to rule due to divine right

• 1st estate +5 King supports the Catholic Church

• 2nd estate +5 You live in the lavish Palace of Versailles

• 3rd Bourgeoisie-5 no chance of getting rid

of him!

• 3rd peasants -5

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Enlightenment Ideas Spread Around Europe

• Rousseau= power should come from the people!

• Locke= people can rebel if gov’t doesn’t protect rights

• Voltaire= freedom of speech!

• 1st estate -2 whatever…

• 2nd estate 0 This won’t affect me

• 3rd Bourgeoisie+10 Sounds great!

• 3rd peasants +2 Like you can read!

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Rising Population & Harsh Winter

• Black Plague and other diseases are not as wide spread

• Population greatly increases= not enough resources

• One of the worst winters in 90 years

• Crops suffer

• 1st estate +2 inconvenient but you’ll just collect more taxes from peasants

• 2nd estate +5 no problem, I have access to other food.

• 3rd Bourgeoisie-5 City is getting scary! Bread riots break out

• 3rd peasants -10 you lose a child to starvation

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New King & Queen Take Throne

• Louis XVI is an unprepared to lead the country

• Marie Antoinette spends like there is no tomorrow- dresses, jewelry, hair styles, you name it!

• Lavish parties at Versailles

• 1st estate 0

• 2nd estate +10 You have to pick out an outfit for the party!

• 3rd Bourgeoisie-5 I want to go!

• 3rd peasants - 10 you have to provide food for the party

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American Revolution

• A revolution breaks out overseas

• You side with the colonies and hope they defeat your old enemy, England

• 1st estate +10 down with Protestant England!

• 2nd estate +10 go colonies!

• 3rd Bourgeoisie+10 Triumph for Enlightenment ideas!

• 3rd peasants +5 America who?

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American Revolution

• Louis XVI sends money to help the colonies defeat England

• This bankrupts France• Louis XVI raises taxes on

3rd estate to pay for it

• 1st estate 0 You don’t pay taxes

• 2nd estate 0 You don’t pay taxes

• 3rd Bourgeoisie- 10

• 3rd peasants - 10

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Add Up Your Points

• If you are a member of the 3rd estate, subtract 10 more points for unexpected taxes that came up during the year.

• What is your total?• Anyone with over 30 points gets a prize!

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Estates General• Louis XVI calls the Estates General

(legislature) for the first time in 175 years!• Needs to deal with the economic problems. • Every estate gets 1 vote. – What’s the problem with that?– Estates 1 & 2 can always outvote Estate 3. Even

thought Estate 3 was the largest in population!

– 3rd estate bourgeoisie- check under your table. If you have a yellow sheet of paper, take it off, stand up and read statement #1

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Tennis Court Oath

• The 3rd estate is locked out of the Estates General

• Head next door and declare- Robespierre stand up and read statement #2

• Call themselves National Assembly– They are the TRUE representatives of the people

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Write the Declaration of the Rights of Man & Citizen

• Based on Enlightenment principles– Locke= natural rights 9 (Article 1)– Rousseau= laws based on what people want “general

will” (Article 6)– Beccaria= rights of the accused (Articles 7- 9)– Voltaire = freedom of religion & speech (Articles 10 &


National Assembly celebrate your rights with a prize… Except women because it does not include you!

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Storming of the Bastille • People are afraid the king will come after them- they

steal guns but need gunpowder• (All members of the 3rd estate shout out)

… to the Bastille!!!• A spontaneous mob breaks out and tear the Bastille

down brick by brick• This is a sign the National Assembly will not go away

and sets the tone of violence for the Revolution.• 3rd estate bourgeoisie- check under tables again. If

you have a blue sheet of paper, stand up and read statement #1.

• Nobles are imprisoned

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Women’s Bread March• Price of bread is still extremely high• Women are protesting on the streets.• Spontaneous mob forms and march to the

Palace of Versailles• Goal (all women peasants shout out)

Kill the Queen!• Force the royal family to move back to Paris

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National Assembly Writes the Constitution of 1791

• France becomes a limited monarchy• Laws created by the legislative branch• Abolish feudalism• Abolish slavery• Only men who paid taxes could vote• Only male property owners could hold office

• This government is called the Legislative Assembly!

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France Goes to War!

• Other monarchs in Europe are afraid that the French might inspire a revolution in their countries.

• Revolutionaries in Frances are afraid the other countries will help Louis XVI regain power

• Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria (Marie Antoinette’s home )

• Britain and Prussia join in

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Sans Culottes Led Mob Violence

• Afraid Austria will make it to Paris and out Louis XVI back in power and free the nobles to join them

• San culottes break into palace and place Louis XVI and family in prison

• Sans culottes break into prison and kill many nobles– Nobles check under your table. If you have a

black card you were killed by the sans culottes. Come and sit in the graveyard.

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Legislative Assembly becomes the National Convention

• Unable to control the mob violence, the Legislative Assembly decides to create a new government

• Set aside the Constitution• Abolishes the monarchy

• Declares France a REPUBLIC– People elect representatives to make laws for


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Death of the Monarchy

• Robespierre- stand up and read statement #3

• To save the revolution, the king must die!• Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are sent to

the guillotine– How does the guillotine represent Enlightenment


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Reign of Terror Begins • Robespierre and other radicals create the

Committee of Public Safety to protect the revolution

• Marat, please stand and read statement #2– Marat is killed, please come sit in the graveyard.

• Anyone speaking out against the revolution could be arrested and killed

• Everyone check under your tables, if you have a black card, you were found guilty of being a traitor to the revolution and sent to the guillotine. Please come sit in the graveyard.

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Downfall of Robespierre

• Robespierre, please stand and read statement #4.

• The rest of the National Convention have had enough of Robespierre and arrest him and send him to the guillotine• Robespierre, please join the others in the graveyard

• Ends the radical phase of the revolution

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Creation of the Directory

• With Robespierre dead, France creates a 3rd new government, called the Directory

• Executive branch= 5 people elected every year by the legislative

• Legislative branch= upper and lower house, 2/3 had to be from the old National Convention (prevent radicals and loyalists from taking over)

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The Directory

• Very unstable government• Does not deal with the issues France is

having– Economic problems– Still at war with other countries– Abuses of power

…leads to the rise of

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Napoleon Bonaparte

• Creates a military dictatorship

• (women in the 3rd estate come get a treat for your misfortune)

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Napoleon Conquers Most of Europe

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Tries to Invade Russia

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Congress of Vienna

• Restore monarchies to the throne!– They are the legitimate rulers!

• Create balance of power in Europe• Contain France• Conservatives won– Return to absolute monarchs and restrict rights

of citizens• Redrew the map of Europe

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