frequently asked questions about pure matrimony


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Post on 12-May-2015




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WHO IS THIS SITE FOR? Pure Matrimony is for practising single Muslims who are serious about their deen and who seeking marriage partners who are like-minded. It is for those single Muslims who place Islam first, and try to live by the etiquettes prescribed according the Shariah. HOW DO YOU DEFINE PRACTISING? We define practising as someone who prays all of their Salah since the Prophet SAW told us that the difference between a believer and a non-believer is the prayer. Some members will say that they try their best to pray and know it’s compulsory, but may not be at the level of praying 5 times daily. We would encourage anyone who is in this position who is considering registering to do so, since intention and action count hugely towards becoming fully practising. WHAT MAKES YOUR SITE UNIQUE? Pure Matrimony is completely Shariah compliant, offering single Muslims the ability to search for their spouse in a safe, secure and halal manner. We have a wide range of unique features that help facilitate this process, from monitoring conversations and ensuring the high levels of etiquette are maintained, to preserving the modesty of our members by keeping their personal pictures secure so members can decide who they want to share their details with. HOW DO YOU KNOW THE MEMBERS ON YOUR SITE ARE PRACTISING? In reality, only Allah SWT knows what’s in the heart. Pure Matrimony is only a matrimonial service for single Muslims, and therefore we always advise for you to do your own checks. However, we implement a few safe-guards to help make that process easier in that we request all members to make an oath by Allah. Even non-practising Muslims generally have sufficient fear of Allah to not swear to anything they know isn't true. Furthermore, we also monitor the conversations and online behaviour of our members, and it's very difficult for a non-practising single Muslim to emulate a practising Muslim in their behaviour or language. If we find someone who falls below the standard required, our administrators then take action. HOW DO WE ENSURE THE SAFETY OF OUR MEMBERS, PARTICULARLY SISTERS? By monitoring the conversations we can build up a picture of our users. If we come across any inappropriate behaviour (which is quite easy to spot on a site where

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there are predominantly practising single Muslims, non-practising Muslims tend to stand out more in their language and behaviour), we will take action to suspend the member. We also don't invite our members to take unnecessary risks. We do not advise you to meet someone alone. We advise in involving the families, and doing everything in an appropriate Islamic manner. Sisters have the option to add their Wali into their communications and in accordance to the sunnah of the Prophet SAW who said that in order to have a valid marriage, it is essential to have your wali’s permission. Alhamdulillah, Pure Matrimony is the first ever matrimonial service to introduce this concept to help safeguard sisters. ARE WE PERMITTED TO LOOK FOR A CO-WIFE? We do permit brothers to search for a co-wife on Pure Matrimony, as long as their existing marital status is clearly mentioned in their profile. Thereafter it is up to the sisters whether they would like to consider being a co-wife or not. However, whilst polygamy is permitted according to the Shariah, Pure Matrimony makes no representation as to whether it's legally permissible in your country of residence. The responsibility of finding out the legalities of making it work within your Country remains YOUR responsibility, and Pure Matrimony cannot be held responsible for this in any way, shape or form. CAN YOU GIVE US ADVICE AS TO WHETHER A PERSON ON THE SITE IS GOOD OR NOT? Unfortunately this is not a service we provide at present. We cannot take the responsibility of performing your background checks for you.

HOW CAN I JOIN? Sign up by using the form on the home page, and follow the registration process DO I HAVE TO FILL IN MY REAL NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS? I WANT TO REMAIN ANONYMOUS. Your name and email address are private, and are only used for administrative

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purposes. For that reason, you need to fill in the correct values. You will be prompted later on in the process to create a unique username for yourself. This is what other people will see. Your identity will always remain anonymous to our members unless you choose to reveal it yourself.

CAN I CHANGE MY USERNAME LATER? Unfortunately not, as this would cause confusion among our members. We advise you to pick a username you're happy with as part of the registration process. Please do NOT use your real name. CAN I CHANGE MY EMAIL ADDRESS? Yes you can change your e-mail address yourself by clicking on ‘My Account’ (top right) and then click on ‘My Details’ Please bear in mind that if you log in using your e-mail address you will need to log in using the updated one from now on.

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USING THE SITE? isn't for everyone, it is exclusively for Muslims who are serious about practising their deen, and our measurement of this is the salah. This is based on the Prophetic tradition, "the difference between a Muslim, and kufr and shirk is the salah" [Sahih Muslim, Book 1, No 147] By confirming that you perform your prayers on a daily basis, it serves as an indication that you are not neglectful in your duties toward Allah – an important consideration for any practising single Muslim who wants to find a likeminded spouse. We appreciate that many people have difficulty in praying five times a day on time. Some find Fajr exceptionally difficult, but make up for it afterwards. We're not seeking to exclude those people who are aware and acknowledge the importance of the prayer. We are just seeking to exclude those who don't care about prayer at all. If you feel you are not neglectful towards your daily prayers (i.e. you pray daily, and the ones you miss you still make them up), then insha'Allah you can confirm you pray every day. If the prayer is more of an occasional thing for you, then this wouldn't count. We don't put any particular limit on the definition. For the moment, it's left up to your own interpretation as only you and Allah SWT know your own circumstances. This is why we ask in the second question for you to swear by Allah SWT that you're being truthful in what you say - and we expect honesty throughout all interaction on the site, not just for this initial question.

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WHY DO YOU ASK US TO SWEAR BY ALLAH SWT THAT WE'RE BEING TRUTHFUL? Prophet Muhammad SAW said there are three things in Islam which are not matters to be joked about, and the first of these is marriage. Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith 2189, Narrated by Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet SAW said: ‘There are three things which, whether undertaken seriously or in jest, are treated as serious: Marriage, divorce and taking back a wife (after a divorce which is not final).’ When marriage is discussed between two people, they're establishing a life-plan with dreams and aspirations, and these form the foundation of their decision to move forwards with the proposal. They effectively put their heart on the line, and for someone to be deceptive in this is extremely inappropriate. Furthermore, the Prophet SAW said that the angels distance themselves from the liar, and this evil trait is not a characteristic we desire from our candidates. Abdullah bin Umar (RA) relates that Prophet SAW said: When a person lies, the angel distances himself from the liar by a mile." (Tirmidhi) DO I HAVE TO FILL IN DETAILS FOR MY WALI? This is an optional step. However, we strongly encourage sisters to include their wali within their communications to provide that extra layer of security and protection. If you wish to fill in or amend your wali's details please click on ‘My Account’ (top right) and select ‘Wali details’. WHAT IS THE MINIMUM AGE FOR MEMBERSHIP? We do not permit anyone under the age of 18 to register. CAN WE REGISTER MORE THAN ONE ACCOUNT? No. You can only register one account. If you need to make any changes to your account, please contact us at [email protected] CAN I REGISTER ON BEHALF OF SOMEONE ELSE? Yes, that's no problem, so long as the person whom you are registering for is aware that you are registering for them. Examples are parents looking for their children and other family members searching on your behalf.

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Click here to watch a short video on profile management: Pure Matrimony Profile Management WHAT INFORMATION CAN PEOPLE SEE? Other members with access to your profile will not be able to see your real name, address, contact details or date of birth. They will only be able to see the information visible on the "Edit my profile" screen, as well as your username and your age (which is automatically worked out). CAN I UPDATE MY PROFILE LATER? Yes, you can update your profile as many times as you wish. Please note, some options are not editable, e.g. your username, date of birth, residency and surname. To make changes to these, please email us at [email protected]. HOW DOES THE MATCH-MAKING SYSTEM WORK? There are two aspects to your profile; a section where you describe yourself, and another section where you can describe the type of partner you're looking for. There are a lot of different options and characteristics that you can specify. Once you have filled in your profile completely, you have access to three default searches: Who am I looking for: This will search for all members who match the criteria that you have specified in your profile, but you may not necessarily match their criteria. Who's looking for me: This will find all users where you match what they are looking for, however they may not be what you are looking for. Pure Match: This locates all users who match what you're looking for, and you also match what they're looking for, thus ensuring the maximum level of compatibility.

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WHAT IS A ‘PURE MATCH’? A Pure Match is a member who matches exactly what you have specified on your profile that you are looking for as a spouse, and you also match what they have specified in their profile

CAN I FILTER OUT PEOPLE FROM SEEING MY PROFILE? Yes. In the "looking for" section of your profile, many of the fields have the option to "Restrict viewers". By selecting this option, any user that falls outside the values that you have set will not be able to see your profile, thus preventing unwanted contact. CAN I TEMPORARILY HIDE MY PROFILE? Yes, this option exists under the "My account" options at the top of the screen. Please note that you can hide your profile but your payments will still continue.

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Click here to watch a video about profile questions: Pure Matrimony Profile Questions WHAT ARE PROFILE QUESTIONS? There are over 100 questions that members can answer on a variety of topics about marriage, and home life. These answers are then stored against your profile to provide more depth, clarity and perspective. We highly encourage all members to answer these as best they can in order to raise the rank of your profile.



In order to help you fill in your profile, Pure Matrimony stores all your responses against your profile. If a member asks a question that you've already answered, Pure Matrimony will supply your existing answer by default, but also provide you the opportunity to customise it for that particular member.

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HOW DO I CHANGE MY ANSWERS? You can go to your home screen and scroll down to the bottom of the page to open up the 'My questions' dropdown to see all your responses, and change them from here. Alternatively, if you want to resupply your answers for a particular member, simply visit their profile from where you can change and resubmit your answers.



On the "Edit my profile" screen, you can select the "My questions" option to specify up to 10 questions that you can ask other members to answer. WHERE DO WE SEE THE ANSWERS THAT OTHER MEMBERS HAVE


When another member answers your questions, their answers are sent to you directly in the form of a message. If you want to see all the extra questions they've answered, you can view these from their profile. To learn more about profile questions, please click here: Profile Questions

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Click here to watch a short video about managing conversations: Pure Matrimony - Managing Conversations HOW DO I CONTACT ANOTHER MEMBER? If you come across a member you like, you can invite them to view your profile, or you can send them a message directly by choosing the relevant option from their profile. These options also appear within the search results.

WHAT DOES THE "INVITE TO VIEW MY PROFILE" OPTION DO? The other member will have an alert notification from you to invite them to view your profile. This is especially useful if you'd like to "test the water" by seeing if there is mutual compatibility first, and invite them to get in touch with you. It's also useful for those who are too shy to take that first step, but want to indicate attraction in the other member.

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WHAT KIND OF THINGS CAN WE DISCUSS IN OUR MESSAGES? You can discuss anything you like, so long as it's with a view to finding out about the person in order to decide whether or not you want to marry them. Please remember you’re not here to make online friends, you are here to find a spouse. Thus, please keep your conversations to the point and in line with this goal, and also within the boundaries of the Shariah. The aim is to establish compatibility. WHEN CAN WE EXCHANGE PERSONAL CONTACT DETAILS? We do not advise you to share your personal details with anyone unless you have established compatibility – that is, asking questions and discussing marriage matters in depth in order to determine whether or not you are compatible. If you do want to proceed to the next step, then we would advise you to involve your family and share your parents’ details.

If you feel that the person you're communicating with might be a suitable spouse then: 1. Swap personal contact details but inform your wali (sisters). Our moderators will allow contact details to be swapped once we are satisfied that you have asked enough relevant questions. 2. Contact details can be exchanged if as a sister your wali has been involved from the start. WHY IS EXCHANGING OF CONTACT INFORMATION DISCOURAGED? Pure Matrimony prides itself on the quality of our members. One of the ways we maintain that quality is by monitoring the conversations so that we can weed out non-genuine users who may not have sincere intentions. In short, it's for your security and benefit. Nobody wants to be played around with on the subject of marriage. However, if our users continually take their conversations offline, not only does this encourage some haram behaviour (unmarried brothers and sisters should not be in discussion in seclusion as shaytan is the third among them), but it also prevents us from being able to locate the non-genuine users. Also, without a record of the conversation, it's very difficult for us to get involved if there is a problem later on. Rasul-Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Whenever a non-mahram man and woman meet in seclusion, Shaytaan is the third one joining them.”

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If you're at the stage where mutual compatibility has been reached (i.e. you'd be comfortable inviting the person to your home to take the talks to the next stage), then by all means go ahead. Sisters if you have a wali involved it is recommended to discuss this with them. However, if you're in the very early stages of discussion, and they've acted against the site rules, please report the member by clicking on the 'Report' link on the message, or at the bottom of their profile. Please give a reason for reporting the member so that our moderator can deal with your query fast and effectively.

WHY DON'T WE HAVE A LIVE CHAT FACILITY? Pure Matrimony is a shariah compliant marriage introduction service. Our members are looking for serious Muslims with whom to spend the rest of their lives, and as such this requires reviewing the profiles of other members carefully and only contacting those with whom you feel a good match. By providing a live chat facility, we believe this would undermine those efforts and encourage the online equivalent of free-mixing, which is not appropriate. WHAT'S THE BEST WAY TO END A CONVERSATION IF WE'RE NOT INTERESTED? All the members on Pure Matrimony are adults, and no-one expects that every conversation will reach a positive conclusion. Unfortunately, there will be disappointments along the way. The best thing you can do is let the other person gently know that you're no longer interesting in pursuing marriage with them, before you close the conversation. They will appreciate your honesty, as no-one likes to be left hanging. Do not simply avoid them, as that is unfair and disrespectful. Please do not block another member if you do not wish to continue with them. It is impolite and they will be confused.

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WHY ARE ALL THE CONVERSATIONS MONITORED? The Prophet SAW mentioned that if a boy and girl were left alone in seclusion, shaytan would be the third among them. Pure Matrimony monitors the conversation to prevent shaytan from interfering, and by allowing brothers and sisters to talk about inappropriate matters unseen. It also helps us to weed out the non-genuine or inappropriate members. OTHER MATRIMONIAL SITES DON’T VET PROFILES – SO WHY DO YOU? Firstly, profiles are moderated by a team of administrators to check they are clean, halal and appropriate. Secondly, we take the privacy and security of our members very seriously. By checking each profile manually, we eliminate those who are looking for a ‘good time’ or reasons other than marriage. Our team of moderators are genuine honest and professional. We do not disclose of any private information to anyone outside of the team. We follow our confidentiality rules. HOW MUCH TIME SHOULD I GIVE FOR REPLIES? Try to reply as soon as possible, as no-one likes to be left hanging. If you do not reply for some time, the other user may suspect that you are no longer interested. Be fair to the other party, and don't waste their time if you're not interested. If you're going to be busy, let them know. They will appreciate your honesty.

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We recognise that members may be communicating with more than one member at a time in the search for a marriage partner. However, in order to ensure that our members are serious in their communications, and aren't simply spamming other members, we've implemented a limit as to how many conversations a user can be engaged in at any one time. If you attempt to open more conversation than this limit, you will see this error message. We encourage our members to complete their conversations with those users with whom they're already engaged, rather than pursuing other options. You are here to find your life partner in sha'Allah. Please read through a member's profile and decide whether they match your criteria. If they do then communicate with them further.

DO I HAVE TO UPLOAD A PHOTO? No, uploading your photo is completely optional. However, you may find that your profile generates less interest without photos, as many members find early establishment of physical attraction very important in their search for a spouse online. Our site is completely secure. Your photos will only be shown to other members if you give them permission to do so. You can also remove permission at any time. WHY ARE WE NOT ALLOWED TO EXCHANGE PHOTOS WITH OTHER


Just like we don’t allow you to exchange contact details until a point of mutual compatibility has been reached, similarly, we don’t allow an exchange of photos until compatibility has been established This also prevents ‘window shopping’ and stops members who wish to abuse the system doing so CAN I SHARE MY PHOTO BY EMAIL INSTEAD? We strongly advise against this as this would necessitate sharing your personal contact information which is against the rules (please see the section on Communication), and your photos could easily be saved and distributed by the

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recipient. WHO HAS ACCESS TO MY PHOTO IF I UPLOAD IT? Your photos remain completely private, and are only visible to:

o Male administrators only for male photos o Female administrators have access to all photos o Members whom you have exclusively granted access too


· Profile photos have to meet the following criteria: o No sunglasses o Clear shot and not fuzzy or dark pictures o ‘face-on’ shot and not a side shot o Must be a colour photo and not black and white o No third person in the shot unless it is a child o Close up photo only and not a distant shot

The reason being that unless the above criteria are met, there is a risk that your picture will not be an accurate representation of what you really look like. If your photo is rejected please read the email we send you and try to see the reasons why it was not accepted. Then proceed to upload another photo which meets our criteria.

CAN I REVOKE ACCESS? Yes, you can revoke access to your photos at any time by visiting the Photo Permissions screen and selecting ‘revoke access’. HOW DO I SET MY ACCOUNT SO PHOTOS ARE SHARED AT THE SAME TIME? This can be done through the 'further options' screen on your photo settings.

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To learn more about photo management, watch this short video:

PM Photo Management

HOW DO WARNINGS, SUSPENSIONS AND BANS WORK? Pure Matrimony expects Islamic etiquettes to be maintained between all members. Unfortunately though, there are times when some members break the rules. Here’s how it works: Warnings – are issued to those who break the following rules: - Being rude/impolite - Asking for contact details too early on - Being pushy with members Our moderators will offer you up to 3 warnings on a certain rule break prior to suspending your account. Please do not ignore those warnings. The warnings are given to members who break our rules in order to keep our site halal. Suspensions – can be temporary or permanent in which case they would automatically become a ban. Those who can be suspended or banned include members who:

Repeatedly break the above rules

Asking to meet a sister without her wali present

Having multiple accounts to contact several members

Asking to meet outside of the Pure Matrimony site when compatibility has not been established

Sharing your email or phone details with members before compatibility has been established

Abusing other members repeatedly

Attempting to fraud other members by asking for money

Trying to arrange meetings with more than one member at any one time

If we discover that you've deliberately misrepresented information on your profile

Regular misuse of your account, e.g. by uploading inappropriate photos, or making inappropriate statements within your profile

Not being qualified to register on the site (e.g. you may be under-age, or a is a non-practising Muslim, etc

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This list is non-exhaustive. As a general rule, if we come across any activity that is not befitting for a practising Muslim searching for a marriage partner in a halal manner to engage in, we will take appropriate action. If a member is found to be repeatadly breaking rules and their account is suspend, please note that we will not offer a refund as per our terms and conditions: CAN YOU PROVIDE ME WITH THE CONTACT DETAILS OF AN


No, to preserve the privacy of our members, we cannot share their details with anyone if they did not choose to do so whilst their account was active. CAN I GIVE MY REMAINING SUBSCRIPTION TO SOMEONE ELSE? Unfortunately not. Your account is for your use only. If someone else were to start using your account, this would cause confusion among our members who may already have communicated with your profile before. If you no longer use your account you can cancel it. HOW DOES THE ALKAUTHAR VERIFICATION SYSTEM WORK? So long as you registered using the same email address as your AlKauthar account, Pure Matrimony will verify your attendance and mark your account as verified accordingly. I'VE FOUND A NON-GENUINE MEMBER, WHAT DO I DO? Report them using the 'Report' option at the bottom of their profile. HOW DO I REPORT A MEMBER? You can learn more about reporting members here: PM Reporting a Member HOW CAN I MAKE CHANGES TO MY ACCOUNT? A Simple way of managing your account is by clicking on the ‘My Account’ tab and using the drop down menu to select and edit your options. You can also click ‘My Profile’ and select tabs to change your details.

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HOW DO I INCLUDE MY WALI IN MY COMMUNICATION? This is for sisters only. Firstly ensure your wali's details are correct in your profile. You can update this by selecting the 'Wali details' option from the menu at the top of the screen. Then you must go to your email preferences and check the box to include your wali in your communications.

CAN BROTHERS CONTACT MY WALI DIRECTLY? Yes, so long as you've enabled the option in your email preferences and your wali's information is correct and up-to-date. WHAT IF I DON'T HAVE A WALI? This is not obligatory. We do encourage you to get your wali involved. If you are unable to do this for other reasons, then we will not prevent you from using the service. For revert sisters who do not have a wali, please ask an Imam or a Sheikh at a masjid to be your wali. If you cannot do that then at least ask a married couple you know to help and advise you as you search until you find a wali. To learn more about Wali integration, please see our video here: PM Wali Integration

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WHY DO YOU CHARGE? Running a service like Pure Matrimony is very expensive as it requires a lot of resources that all have to be paid for, e.g. development costs, hosting, advertising, staff, etc. Unfortunately these costs have to be paid via a subscription model. If we were not able to recover these costs, then Pure Matrimony would not be able to function, and the single Muslim brothers and sisters would ultimately lose out by not having a safe, secure, Shariah compliant matrimonial service upon which they can search for their spouse. WHAT ARE THE FEES? Please see our Upgrade screen to view our prices SOME USERS APPEAR TO HAVE HAD FREE MEMBERSHIPS OR A


No. Like any business, we run promotions at our own discretion which run for a limited time. This would be in line with our marketing strategy in order to boost the number of members on the site to provide more choice for those who have already registered. Therefore you can’t get a refund or get switched over to being a free member just because someone else has. It’s the equivalent of your friend buying sale items from a shop and you paid full price – you couldn’t go back to the shop and demand a refund of the difference. HOW CAN I SUBSCRIBE TO PURE MATRIMONY?

You can subscribe by clicking on the 'Subscribe Now!’ button on the menu at the

top right of the screen as shown below:

You can then choose from the payment plans which are available to you.

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Pure Matrimony provides you with a currency converter right here on the website. See below to find the converter and select the currency you want the conversion to be done in and click on Convert to see the amount.

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Yes, you can. Simply Click on ‘Pay by cheque, cash or postal order’ to open the

drop down list where all the required details to make a payment through the above

mentioned modes is available.

When you have made your payment, please email us

at [email protected], with the following details:

1. Full name and surname

2. Username

3. Email address

4. Amount paid

5. Currency paid in

6. Package chosen

7. Discount code used if any (optional).

8. Payment method

9. Proof of Payment

If you fail to inform us that you have paid by cheque, cash or postal order

your membership will not be activated.


Yes you can. Expand the ‘Pay by Bank Transfer (BACS)’ option by clicking on it. All the necessary details are available as shown below.

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When you have made your payment, please email us

at [email protected], with the following details:

1. Full name and surname

2. Username

3. Email address

4. Amount paid

5. Currency paid in

6. Package chosen

7. Discount code used if any (optional).

8. Payment method

9. Proof of Payment

If you fail to inform us that you have paid by cheque, cash or postal order

your subscription will not be activated.


After selecting any one of the subscription options you can enter you voucher code in the text box shown below and click ‘Apply’. If your voucher code does not work it can mean it may have expired or you might need to open up your window in another browser. If you experience difficulties and have tried to rectify the issue as advised then contact us on info@purematrimony.

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WHAT ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF PAYMENT DO YOU SUPPORT? All our payment methods are listed on our Upgrade page. If you are interested in paying by another method, feel free to contact us on [email protected] and we'll look into it.

HOW CAN I KNOW WHEN MY SUBSCRIPTION RUNS OUT? To manager your account, payment plans, membership cancellations please click on ‘My Account’ located at the top right hand corner of the page.

HOW DO I CANCEL MY SUBSCRIPTION? It is the member’s responsibility to cancel any payments with Pure Matrimony.

You can cancel your account through the ‘My Account’ menu, by pressing the ‘Cancel your membership’. All payments will automatically stop and you can use your account until your membership runs out. Please make sure to read the instructions carefully. Please note that if you made payment via a credit or debit card or by PayPal, you need not take any further action. If however you notice that payments are continuing to be taken from your account after cancellation, please contact customer services on [email protected] Please bear in mind that Pure Matrimony will not be able to offer a refund if you forget to cancel. Please see our terms and conditions:

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CAN I GET A REFUND ON MY REMAINING SUBSCRIPTION? Unfortunately not. If you bought a bulk-package, you would have received a discount for doing so, and we are unable to refund you pro-rate for the unused amount. CAN I GET A REFUND IF I HAVEN’T MANAGED TO FIND ANYONE AFTER LOOKING? We don’t issue refunds for any account based on any of the following reasons:

· Not finding a suitable partner · You haven’t been contacted by other members · You haven’t actively used the account · Your introductions with prospects didn’t work out

Pure Matrimony is a service we provide for our members and we have no control over how many people register or contact/don’t contact you. A refund will also not be provided if you break the rules of our site, which are clearly mentioned on our website. You can also refer to Pure Matrimony’s terms and conditions here (4b) CAN I SUSPEND MY SUBSCRIPTION FOR A WHILE? Unfortunately this is not possible at present. You can choose to close your account if you wish, but you will have to re-subscribe to reactivate it, and you may lose out on any introductory discounts you may have received.