frequently asked questions. gernot grabher & david stark

Frequently Asked Questions

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Post on 26-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Frequently Asked Questions

Page 2: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Frequently Asked Questions

Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Page 3: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

What’s that?

Page 4: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

How are you?

Page 5: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

How are you?

Page 6: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

What’s for dinner?

Page 7: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Where’s the bathroom?

Page 8: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Is there life after death?

Page 9: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Are we there yet?

Page 10: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Or do you think the beige is better?

Page 11: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark


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Page 13: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

So what?

Page 14: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Oh, yeah?

Page 15: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Who cares?

Page 16: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Are you crazy?!

Page 17: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Are we there yet?

Page 18: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Hey, I left three messages, why isn’t she calling me back?

Page 19: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

If two plus two makes four, then two plus three makes…?

Page 20: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Could you get that to me by this afternoon?

Page 21: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

We could put the print cushions on the sofa next to the lamp, but they could go on the

stuffed chair beside the curtain?

Page 22: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

When does it start?

Page 23: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

What’s up?

Page 24: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Know what I mean?

Page 25: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Shouldn’t it go the other way around?

Page 26: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Couldn’t you have told me that before?

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Oh my God, what did she say about me?

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Page 29: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

How do you know?

Page 30: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

About me?

Page 31: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

If Bob leaves for work at 8 in the morning and drives an average of 35 miles an hour, and Susan leaves at 8:15 and drives at 45 miles an hour, who…?

Page 32: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Who was supposed to make the coffee for the 9 o’clock meeting?

Page 33: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Who the hell does he think I am anyway?

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Is the 7:20 ontime?

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Are we there yet?

Page 36: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

When did you arrive?

Page 37: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Have you heard about the horrible earthquake?

Page 38: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Did you get my email?

Page 39: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

How’re your kids doing?

Page 40: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Do you mind if I smoke?

Page 41: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Why don’t you give me your phone number?

Page 42: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Some black pepper?

Page 43: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Will you also leave on Sunday?

Page 44: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Is this a good time to talk?

Page 45: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Is it something I said?

Page 46: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Is this your first time?

Page 47: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Is this chair taken?

Page 48: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Is white the new black?

Page 49: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

What are you working on right now?

Page 50: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

So, you’re also here?

Page 51: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Haven’t we met before?

Page 52: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

What do you think right now, I mean really?

Page 53: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Can you recommend a dry white wine

to go with this fish?

Page 54: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Have you always been the way you are?

Page 55: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

More black pepper?

Page 56: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Aren’t female artists so much more sensitive?

Page 57: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

How many times have I asked you not to put it in this section of the freezer?

Page 58: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

How can they put a man on the moon but not design a stupid stapler that works?

Page 59: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

I assume that all your OLS regressions are White-adjusted

for heteroskedasticty, right?

Page 60: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

What’s your question?

Page 61: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Shall we call it a day?

Page 62: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

You still don’t have any kids?

Page 63: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

How many square-feet?

Page 64: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

How is he in person?

Page 65: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

How can that be?

Page 66: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Why do the poor always have to suffer so much?

Page 67: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Isn’t Basquiat overrated?

Page 68: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Can’t we just stay friends?

Page 69: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Mac or PC?

Page 70: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

How much pasta do I need for three persons?

Page 71: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Oh, why not?

Page 72: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Why do you always take the remote?

Page 73: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Doesn’t she know she looks like a slut in that dress?

Page 74: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

In what movie again did we see this guy recently?

Page 75: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Is it really that late?

Page 76: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

And what happens if I push this button?

Page 77: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Who do you think I am, Mother Theresa?

Page 78: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Didn’t you get my phone message?

Page 79: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Does my bum look good in this?

Page 80: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Do you really buy this bullshit?

Page 81: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Did you call your mother?

Page 82: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Didn’t you make any back-ups?

Page 83: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Cat or dog?

Page 84: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Shouldn’t we be going?

Page 85: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

How much were they?

Page 86: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Can I ask you a question?

Page 87: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

No, why do you ask?

Page 88: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Would you like to talk about it?

Page 89: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

What if we just forget it?

Page 90: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

What else could I do?

Page 91: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

What were you thinking?

Page 92: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Why didn’t you ask?

Page 93: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Really, nothing else?

Page 94: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

So, is that it?

Page 95: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

That’s it?

Page 96: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Did you have fun?

Page 97: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Did we forget anything?

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Do you want me to say it again?

Page 99: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

What’s the catch?

Page 100: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Where’s the remote?

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Well, what can you do?

Page 102: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

What have you got to lose?

Page 103: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Where are my glasses?

Page 104: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Could you repeat that question?

Page 105: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Where did you put it?

Page 106: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Is it worth it?

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Wouldn’t you like to know?

Page 108: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Am I crazy, or what?

Page 109: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Don’t you ever listen to me?

Page 110: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Can’t you see I’m busy?

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Didn’t you say Exit 93?

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How many times do I have to say it?

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Did you find my goddam glasses?

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Is everything OK?

Page 115: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

Are you sure, doc?

Page 116: Frequently Asked Questions. Gernot Grabher & David Stark

If God is, like, merciful, and omniscient, and all-knowing, and infinite, and all,

like, whatever, you know, why is everything so fucked up?

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How much longer does he have?

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Can’t we do something for the pain?

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Are we there yet?

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