fresh 2009 semester 1

committee. The theme for the skit was given as “Towards the end of the world”, and the OGs were required to use their creativity and expand the phrase into a skit. Athena clinched the best skit award, where they made everyone laugh with their character level-ups during the skit. The other three OGs put up awesome performances as well, with Odin performing a cheer-chant, Anouka, a tale of a quest to save the princess, and Camalus, a dance. Next, prizes were given out such as best freshman and best OG. Anouka bagged the Best OG prize, while Amin, Shinhan, Steffi and Ai Lyn won the best freshman award for Anouka, Athena, Camalus and Odin respectively. FOC 09 ended on a sentimental note, with all freshmen and seniors singing “If We Hold On Together” and “Peng You” before adjourning for the night. The following morning, buses were chartered to ferry the freshmen back to hall to claim their room keys from the hall office. The start of many more fun filled memories and activities in Hall 13! fresh It is the time of the year for the members of the 8 th Junior Common Room Committee (JCRC) to step down and pass the baton over to a new batch of student leaders in hall 13. The event started off with the Hall Annual General Meeting (AGM 2009), in which the 8 th JCRC held a presentation of the events that were organized throughout the course of last year along with their opinions and ideas for the incoming JCRC in order for them to able to better facilitate the events for the coming year. To thank members of the 8 th JCRC for their contribution and hard work to the residents of hall 13 for the past 2 semesters, medals of appreciation were also presented to them by the hall fellow. The highlight of the night was the swearing in of the newly elected 9 th JCRC lead by the new president, Daniel Chin. The new JCRC team was then formally introduced to the residents of hall 13 as way as the hall fellows that was present. It was a significant night for the 9 th main committee members as it marks the beginning of their tenure as a JCRC member to serve Hall 13 and its residents as they strive to make Hall 13 a better, more cohesive and enjoyable place to be. It was a hot and humid night but a queue of residents had already formed outside Block 61 seminar room. The chattering and laughter of excitement filled the corridor as more and more people streamed in to join the queue. If you did not know what was happening, you would probably have thought someone was giving out freebies. But no, it was our hall’s very own Subcommittee Recruitment Drive! Both freshmen and seniors trooped down with hopeful spirits to get a chance to serve the hall and its residents. Everyone was really passionate to be a part in the activities that were going to be organised and planned. The atmosphere was a tense yet exciting one while the interviews were taking place. Selection was stringent and complicated because there were so many candidates vying for a limited number of positions. Even residents who were not able to make it entrusted their friends with the responsibilities of helping them fight for a position. The eagerness and enthusiasm was so overwhelming that one could not help but feel a strong sense of belonging to the hall. The event was a fun and memorable one, given the great community spirit and participation of many hall residents. It was heart-warming to see so many people turn up to support newly elected JCRC. And one can only anticipate the many more events that will be lined up for the rest of the semester as we embark on another journey to sail through the stormy seas of education! That was what our publicity director Joan creatively came up with to publicise the Mid-Autumn Festival. It worked to great effect with residents throwing curious glances at the mooncake and even stopping to read the signs above it as they walked past the amphitheatre. Well, the residents of hall 13 had their very first event held by the 9 th JCRC alongside this gigantic mooncake. The emcees for the day kicked off the event by with stories about the origin of the mid autumn festival that fascinated even the 3 hall fellows What comes to your mind when you see these images- pumpkin, gravestone and ghosts? These were everywhere in Hall 12 Function Hall on the 28 th October 2009 as Hall 13 held their Halloween’s Celebration cum Hall Supper! The night started of with our hall dancers performing an awesome dance item with upbeat music which enlightened the mood. Next, it was time to play the interesting station games set up by the sides of the hall, such as Knock You Down (to throw ball at cans) and guessing as many items as possible from a mystery dark box as well as other games. Treats were given to the residents who participated in the game. Everybody had fun watching and cheering for one another while playing. One station that caught the attention of the residents was the fright trail that was specially prepared by the organising committee. After the games, it was time for the food to be served! The aroma of the buffet supper filled the hall as the residents waited for their turned to be served the mouth-watering refreshments by the welfare committee. While enjoying the food and fellowship, the residents were entertained by wonderful solo and duet performances of our own hall singers, showcasing their vocal talent in the many numbers which they executed so effortlessly. The excellent performances had the crowd requesting for an encore! Kudos to the Social, Welfare as well as the Cultural team for organising such a wonderful event in the midst of our exam preparation as it was a great way for all to take their mind off studying and relax for these few hours . AGM by Javier Hi and Morris Teo by Casteels Sian-tzu , Aretha Poh and Edmund Ong subcomm recruitment by Lee Kim Fatt Have you ever seen a mooncake the size of a car tyre? MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL who were kind enough to grace the celebration. The main event of the night that drew the most laughter and applause from the audience was the various games that the committee had organised. The game ‘three little Indians’ saw our three fellow Hall 13 Indians singing Chinese songs for the audience. They had everyone straining their ears to make out what they were singing. Next up was the ‘pomelo peeling competition’ and the ‘moon cake eating competition’ which saw teams of 4 competing with each other as they gobbled up the pomelo bit by bit. The teams for the moon cake eating competition however were more friendly and unwilling to finish up their moon cakes and ended up cheering for the others to win! While the games went on during the night, moon cakes of many different favours were served to the Hall fellows and to the residents. To end the night, those present were treated to a sumptuous buffet catering. Rounding off the day, our bubbly residents had a chance to reminisce their wonderful childhood days as they played with sparkles and blew bubbles ball under the candle light. Indeed an unforgettable night for our hall 13 residents. “Mystical Dreamz” was the theme for Hall 13’s DND this year which was held at Hilton Hotel on 12 September 2009. The event marks a closure for the freshmen orientation camp and both the freshmen and seniors present that night were treated to a night of fun, food and games. It was a great success on the part of the DND committee as well as the fellow Hall 13 residents who turned up with their unique looking masks to fit the theme. We were also honoured to have many sponsors and VIPs present to grace and enjoy this night with us. Kudos to Lynn and Shing Yee, the two co- chairs for their wondrous effort in organising this event! DnD 2009 by Chan Mingwei, Evon Goh and Zhou Ying Xiu After many weeks of late night rehearsals and practices, the pageant contestants put up a great array of performances from the traditional catwalks to a short dance item. They also conquered their Question and Answer segment with great confidence and poise. It was heart-warming to see the Hall 13 residents cheering their fellow pageant representatives on and presenting bouquets of flowers to each of them after the whole contest. We congratulate Gary Pang and Iris Ng for winning the titles of Hall 13 King and Queen 2009 respectively as well as the other contestants who attained individual awards like Mr and Miss Personality, Mr and Miss Body Beautiful, Mr and Miss Royal Secrets to name a few. To the contestant their hard work have indeed paid off and along the way they had had an experience of a lifetime having being trained under Coach Luke from Signature Image, one of our main sponsors. The scene was akin to that of a graduation prom: some were photo-taking in their glamorous outfits and masks, while others were having fun with the interactive games that the two hosts, Matthew Liu and Vivian Tan, were carrying out. They built a good rapport with the residents and everyone was entertained by their cheeky yet witty comments. “It was a good starting point and a whole new level of experience for me hosting our Hall’s DND; working with Matthew was indeed insightful as he guided me along the way. All in all, it was enjoyable as I felt like I was part of something special in Hall 13, especially with the support of my fellow hall mates”, quipped Vivian after the dinner when asked of her virgin hosting experience. Throughout the night, we were also treated with a variety of dishes that ranges from the sumptuous cold dish to mouth-watering dishes like roasted honey chicken and black pepper prawns with yam paste for desert. The night ended off with group photos being taken and it was a night to be remembered. Yet another meaningful and significant event to be added into Hall 13’s portfolio of memories! Let’s look forward to the next DND! freshman by Leong Sin Yu, Tham Wai Yee, Clarrisa Chin, Teo Jun Li orientation camp The annual Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC) was held outside our hall of residence this year. Despite the difficulty of having to find new locations that would accommodate the scale of the camp, the FOC committee managed to pull off a full five-and-half day camp that was filled with fun and laughter. halloween ‘09 by Grace Uli, Yeoh Paik Yin and Tan Zi Min The annual Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC) was held outside our hall of residence this year. Despite the difficulty of having to find new locations that would accommodate the scale of the camp, the FOC committee managed to pull off a full five-and-half day camp that was filled with fun and laughter. The evening air was filled with excitement back at Sembawang Camp Challenge as the freshmen filtered in one by one and were ushered into their respective orientation groups and dived into the ice-breaker games that their Orientation Group Leaders have specially prepared for them. The freshmen were next given the task of painting their orientation groups’ banner and flag which would showcase their identity for the next five days in camp. Day 1 started off with a bang, Mass games. Each orientation group had to work together as a team at the various stations. Some games even involved having to carry each other on the shoulders. Nevertheless, the OGs demonstrated outstanding creativity and team spirit in fulfilling the tasks given to them. After lunch, the OGs moved out of camp to Sembawang Park for Field games. The freshmen were paired up and given the task of transporting different materials from the starting point to the end point using only certain body parts in the shortest possible time. After the race, there was a fashion dress-up session. Everyone had a good time laughing as the OG representatives paraded around in their outfits. Just as the day looked like it was coming to a close, the freshmen were treated to another surprise, Initiation Night. It was a test of their mental strength and trust in one another as the blindfolded freshmen, with hands over each other’s shoulders, were brought around the campsite. The seniors’ had a whale of time “playing” with the freshmen as they were made to roll on a canvass sheet lined with mixtures of detergent and soy sauce and to retrieve a 5cent coin out of a “dirty toilet bowl”. For the freshmen, it was an unforgettable night. Day 2 saw the freshmen Campus Race held in NTU in the morning. As it was their first time stepping into NTU since the dawn of camp, the race had various stations located at different parts of the school in an attempt to help them familiarize their way around the campus. After a tiring day from running all around NTU, everyone headed back to Camp Challenge for a talk. It was a moment for them to recuperate their energy for the night activity, part one of the interactions with their Secret Pal. Following dinner, eager freshmen were blindfolded as they were being lead by their seniors to have a chat with their “Secret Pal. The interaction was one that could be described to be filled with interesting memories, where funny questions were posed to each other as well as having them to feed each other with biscuits while still blindfolded. Day 3 saw the freshmen waking up to a cool morning due to heavy rain the night before. Luckily the committee was well prepared and the camp proceeded with the wet weather activities. Instead of playing outdoors, Mass Dance teaching session was brought forward followed by an indoor “Battleship War” between all 4 OGs. They had to complete a series of challenges and task before they were given a chance to launch an “attack” on other OG’s Battleships. Thankfully, the rain didn’t last long; neither did it dampen the spirit of the camp. They continued with outdoor activities such as “Mahjong” and “Poker”. After dinner, it was revealing of the Secret Pal (SP). Female freshmen sat with their seniors and anxiously wait for their Secret Pal to be brought forward to them. The guys, had to go through a series of “tasks” comprising of actions and questions posted by the seniors. Upon successfully completing the “tasks”, the guys would be given a chance to guess their SP and to spend some quality time with her. It was certainly a fun-filled night which saw a group of guys marching, shouting commands, climbing poles, singing and dancing. Day 4 –Just like the famous US reality competition, our Hall 13 version required the 4 OGs to go around Singapore to complete tasks at various spots around the island before they were given clues to their next station. This year, the 4 OGs made their way from the north to the east of Singapore via train, bus, or on foot. The 7 stations at Sembawang Park, Khatib MRT, Plaza Singapura, Suntec City, Kallang, Bedok and Tampines were manned by programmers who were waiting to instruct the OGs on their tasks. It was good to see the OG members working hard together to solve these challenges despite the many obstacles that they faced.It definitely was a long and tiring race and the OGs really deserved credit for keeping their spirits up and remaining enthusiastic throughout. The race might be over, but the day was definitely not. After the race, the OGs made their way to Pasir Ris Park where the next activity awaits them after dinner – Fright Night. Under the darkness of the forested area, the freshmen went through the route in pairs and encountered creepy ‘ghosts’ who were really seniors dressed in white or black cloth. After every pair had successfully made it through the route, everyone headed back to their home for the night – chalet rooms at Aranda Country Club, where they had a well deserved rest after a long day. Day 5 was the last and final day of the camp, and culminated in the grand campfire finale at Camp Sarimbun. In the morning, the 4 OGs made their way to Sentosa with their belongings. At Sentosa, the 4 OGs were pitted against each other in beach games such as Frisbee, dog & bone, tug-of-war in the water, as well as assorted captain’s ball, before leaving for Camp Sarimbun. The 4 OGs arrived at the campsite in good spirits, and the last program for the freshmen commenced. The emcees for the night were Wee Meng, Vivian, Zi Xuan and Wai Yee. In addition, Chuan Hui lead the freshmen with some campfire songs, such as Titanic and Father Abraham, to liven up the atmosphere. Then, the 4 OGs performed the skits they had prepared during the camp and wow-ed the whole 2009 5 4 3 6 1 2 freshman orientation camp / DnD 2009 / AGM 2009 / subcomm recruitment / mid-autumn festival / hallloween ‘09 EDITORS NOTE a hall 13 publication Another semester of school is going to end in a blink of an eye and the publication team is proud to bring you Fresh 09. Personally, the past four months in hall 13 has been a roller coster ride - from begin elected as the publication sec to all the fun filled events that I have attended, the excitement of hall life never seems to end. I hope that Fresh 09 will help bring back the happy mermories. as well as to encourage residents to join us for future events in the following semester. I would like to thank my publication team for their delication and hard work which has made this first project possible. I hope you enjoy this edition of Fresh! Lee Kim Fatt

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Fresh 2009 Semester 1 Newsletter


Page 1: Fresh 2009 Semester 1

committee. The theme for the skit was given as “Towards the end of the world”, and the OGs were required to use their creativity and expand the phrase into a skit. Athena clinched the best skit award, where they made everyone laugh with their character level-ups during the skit. The other three OGs put up awesome performances as well, with Odin performing a cheer-chant, Anouka, a tale of a quest to save the princess, and Camalus, a dance.

Next, prizes were given out such as best freshman and best OG. Anouka bagged the Best OG prize, while Amin, Shinhan, Steffi and Ai Lyn won the best freshman award for Anouka, Athena, Camalus and Odin respectively. FOC 09 ended on a sentimental note, with all freshmen and seniors singing “If We Hold On Together” and “Peng You” before adjourning for the night.

The following morning, buses were chartered to ferry the freshmen back to hall to claim their room keys from the hall office. The start of many more fun filled memories and activities in Hall 13!

freshIt is the time of the year for the members of the 8th Junior Common

Room Committee (JCRC) to step down and pass the baton over

to a new batch of student leaders in hall 13.

The event started off with the Hall Annual General Meeting (AGM

2009), in which the 8th JCRC held a presentation of the events that

were organized throughout the course of last year along with their

opinions and ideas for the incoming JCRC in order for them to able

to better facilitate the events for the coming year.

To thank members of the 8th JCRC for their contribution and hard

work to the residents of hall 13 for the past 2 semesters, medals of

appreciation were also presented to them by the hall fellow.

The highlight of the night was the swearing in of the newly elected

9th JCRC lead by the new president, Daniel Chin. The new JCRC

team was then formally introduced to the residents of hall 13 as

way as the hall fellows that was present.

It was a significant night for the 9th main committee members as it

marks the beginning of their tenure as a JCRC member to serve

Hall 13 and its residents as they strive to make Hall 13 a better,

more cohesive and enjoyable place to be.

It was a hot and humid night but a queue

of residents had already formed outside

Block 61 seminar room. The chattering and

laughter of excitement filled the corridor

as more and more people streamed in to join the

queue. If you did not know what was happening,

you would probably have thought someone was

giving out freebies. But no, it was our hall’s very own

Subcommittee Recruitment Drive!

Both freshmen and seniors trooped down with

hopeful spirits to get a chance to serve the hall and its

residents. Everyone was really passionate to be a part

in the activities that were going to be organised and

planned. The atmosphere was a tense yet exciting

one while the interviews were taking place. Selection

was stringent and complicated because there were

so many candidates vying for a limited number of

positions. Even residents who were not able to make

it entrusted their friends with the responsibilities of

helping them fight for a position. The eagerness and

enthusiasm was so overwhelming that one could not

help but feel a strong sense of belonging to the hall.

The event was a fun and memorable one, given the

great community spirit and participation of many

hall residents. It was heart-warming to see so many

people turn up to support newly elected JCRC. And

one can only anticipate the many more events that

will be lined up for the rest of the semester as we

embark on another journey to sail through the stormy

seas of education!

That was what our publicity director Joan creatively came up with to publicise the Mid-Autumn Festival. It worked to great effect with residents throwing curious glances at the mooncake and even stopping to read the signs above it as they walked past the amphitheatre.

Well, the residents of hall 13 had their very first event held by the 9th JCRC alongside this gigantic mooncake.

The emcees for the day kicked off the event by with stories about the origin of the mid autumn festival that fascinated even the 3 hall fellows

What comes to your mind when you see these images- pumpkin, gravestone and ghosts?

These were everywhere in Hall 12 Function Hall on the 28th October 2009 as Hall 13 held their Halloween’s Celebration cum Hall Supper!

The night started of with our hall dancers performing an awesome dance item with upbeat music which enlightened the mood. Next, it was time to play the interesting station games set up by the sides of the hall, such as Knock You Down (to throw ball at cans) and guessing as many items as possible from a mystery dark box as well as other games. Treats were given to the residents who participated in the game. Everybody had fun watching and cheering for one another while playing. One station that caught the attention of the residents was the fright trail that was specially prepared by the organising committee.

After the games, it was time for the food to be served! The aroma of the buffet supper filled the hall as the residents waited for their turned to be served the mouth-watering refreshments by the welfare committee. While enjoying the food and fellowship, the residents were entertained by wonderful solo and duet performances of our own hall singers, showcasing their vocal talent in the many numbers which they executed so effortlessly. The excellent performances had the crowd requesting for an encore!

Kudos to the Social, Welfare as well as the Cultural team for organising such a wonderful event in the midst of our exam preparation as it was a great way for all to take their mind off studying and relax for these few hours .

AGMby Javier Hi and Morris Teo

by Casteels Sian-tzu , Aretha Poh and Edmund Ong

subcomm recruitment

by Lee Kim FattHave you ever seen a mooncake the size of a car tyre?


who were kind enough to grace the celebration.

The main event of the night that drew the most laughter and applause from the audience was the various games that the committee had organised. The game ‘three little Indians’ saw our three fellow Hall 13 Indians singing Chinese songs for the audience. They had everyone straining their ears to make out what they were singing. Next up was the ‘pomelo peeling competition’ and the ‘moon cake eating competition’ which saw teams of 4 competing with each other as they gobbled up the pomelo bit by bit. The teams for the moon cake eating competition however were more friendly and unwilling to finish up their moon cakes and ended up cheering for the others to win! While the games went on during the night, moon cakes of many different favours were served to the Hall fellows and to the residents.

To end the night, those present were treated to a sumptuous buffet catering. Rounding off the day, our bubbly residents had a chance to reminisce their wonderful childhood days as they played with sparkles and blew bubbles ball under the candle light.

Indeed an unforgettable night for our hall 13 residents.

“Mystical Dreamz” was the theme for Hall 13’s DND this year which was held at Hilton Hotel on 12 September 2009. The event marks a closure for the freshmen orientation camp and both the freshmen and seniors present that night were treated to a night of fun, food and games. It was a great success on the part of the DND committee as well as the fellow Hall 13 residents who turned up with their unique looking masks to fit the theme. We were also honoured to have many sponsors and VIPs present to grace and enjoy this night with us. Kudos to Lynn and Shing Yee, the two co-chairs for their wondrous effort in organising this event!

DnD 2009by Chan Mingwei, Evon Goh and Zhou Ying Xiu

After many weeks of late night rehearsals and practices, the pageant contestants put up a great array of performances from the traditional catwalks to a short dance item. They also conquered their Question and Answer segment with great confidence and poise. It was heart-warming to see the Hall 13 residents cheering their fellow pageant representatives on and presenting bouquets of flowers to each of them after the whole contest. We congratulate Gary Pang and Iris

Ng for winning the titles of Hall 13 King and Queen 2009 respectively as well as the other contestants who attained individual awards like Mr and Miss Personality, Mr and Miss Body Beautiful, Mr and Miss Royal Secrets to name a few. To the contestant their hard work have indeed paid off and along the way they had had an experience of a lifetime having being trained under Coach Luke from Signature Image, one of our main sponsors.The scene was akin to that of a graduation prom: some were photo-taking in their glamorous outfits and masks, while others were having fun with the interactive games

that the two hosts, Matthew Liu and Vivian Tan, were carrying out. They built a good rapport with the residents and everyone was entertained by their cheeky yet witty comments. “It was a good starting point and a whole new level of experience for me hosting our Hall’s DND; working with Matthew was indeed insightful as he guided me along the way. All in all, it was enjoyable as I felt like I was part of something special in Hall 13, especially with the support of my fellow hall mates”, quipped Vivian after the dinner when asked of her virgin hosting experience.Throughout the night, we were also treated with a variety of dishes that ranges from the sumptuous cold dish to mouth-watering dishes like roasted honey chicken and black pepper prawns with yam paste for desert. The night ended off with group photos being taken and it was a night to be remembered. Yet another meaningful and significant event to be added into Hall 13’s portfolio of memories!Let’s look forward to the next DND!

freshman by Leong Sin Yu, Tham Wai Yee, Clarrisa Chin, Teo Jun Li orientationcampThe annual Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC) was held outside our hall of residence this year. Despite the difficulty of having to find new locations that would accommodate the scale of the camp, the FOC committee managed to pull off a full five-and-half day camp that was filled with fun and laughter.



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The annual Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC) was held outside our hall of residence this year. Despite the difficulty of having to find new locations that would accommodate the scale of the camp, the FOC committee managed to pull off a full five-and-half day camp that was filled with fun and laughter.

The evening air was filled with excitement back at Sembawang Camp Challenge as the freshmen filtered in one by one and were ushered into their respective orientation groups and dived into the ice-breaker games that their Orientation Group Leaders have specially prepared for them. The freshmen were next given the task of painting their orientation groups’ banner and flag which would showcase their identity for the next five days in camp.

Day 1 started off with a bang, Mass games. Each orientation group had to work together as a team at the various stations. Some games even involved having to carry each other on the shoulders. Nevertheless, the OGs demonstrated outstanding creativity and team spirit in fulfilling the tasks given to them.

After lunch, the OGs moved out of camp to Sembawang Park for Field games. The freshmen were paired up and given the task of transporting different materials from the starting point to the end point using only certain body parts in the shortest possible time. After the race, there was a fashion dress-up session. Everyone had a good time laughing as the OG representatives paraded around in their outfits.

Just as the day looked like it was coming to a close, the freshmen were treated to another surprise, Initiation Night. It was a test of their mental strength and trust in one another as the blindfolded freshmen, with hands over each other’s shoulders, were brought around the campsite. The seniors’ had a whale of time “playing” with the freshmen as they were made to roll on a canvass sheet lined with mixtures of detergent and soy sauce and to retrieve a 5cent coin out of a “dirty toilet bowl”. For the freshmen, it was an unforgettable night.

Day 2 saw the freshmen Campus Race held in NTU in the morning. As it was their first time stepping into NTU since the dawn of camp, the race had various stations located at different parts of the school in an attempt to help them familiarize their way around the campus.

After a tiring day from running all around NTU, everyone headed back to Camp

Challenge for a talk. It was a moment for them to recuperate their energy for the night activity, part one of the interactions with their Secret Pal.

Following dinner, eager freshmen were blindfolded as they were being lead by their seniors to have a chat with their “Secret Pal. The interaction was one that could be described to be filled with interesting memories, where funny questions were posed to each other as well as having them to feed each other with biscuits while still blindfolded.

Day 3 saw the freshmen waking up to a cool morning due to heavy rain the night before. Luckily the committee was well prepared and the camp proceeded with the wet weather activities. Instead of playing outdoors, Mass Dance teaching session was brought forward followed by an indoor “Battleship War” between all 4 OGs. They had to complete a series of challenges and task before they were given a chance to launch an “attack” on other OG’s Battleships. Thankfully, the rain didn’t last long; neither did it dampen the spirit of the camp. They continued with outdoor activities such as “Mahjong” and “Poker”.

After dinner, it was revealing of the Secret Pal (SP). Female freshmen sat with their seniors and anxiously wait for their Secret Pal to be brought forward to them. The guys, had to go through a series of “tasks” comprising of actions and questions posted by the seniors. Upon successfully completing the “tasks”, the guys would be given a chance to guess their SP and to spend some quality time with her. It was certainly a fun-filled night

which saw a group of guys marching, shouting commands, climbing poles, singing and dancing.

Day 4 –Just like the famous US reality competition, our Hall 13 version required the 4 OGs to go around Singapore to complete tasks at various spots around the island before they were given clues to their next station. This year, the 4 OGs made their way from the north to the east of Singapore via train, bus, or on foot.

The 7 stations at Sembawang Park, Khatib MRT, Plaza Singapura, Suntec City, Kallang, Bedok and Tampines were manned by programmers who were waiting to instruct the OGs on their tasks. It was good to see the OG members working hard together to solve these challenges despite the many obstacles that they faced.It definitely was a long and tiring race and the OGs really deserved credit for keeping their spirits up and remaining enthusiastic throughout.

The race might be over, but the day was definitely not. After the race, the OGs made their way to Pasir Ris Park where the next activity awaits them after dinner – Fright Night. Under the darkness of the forested area, the freshmen went through the route in pairs and encountered creepy ‘ghosts’ who were really seniors dressed in white or black cloth. After every pair had successfully made it through the route, everyone headed back to their home for the night – chalet rooms at Aranda Country Club, where they had a well deserved rest after a long day.

Day 5 was the last and final day of the camp, and culminated in the grand campfire finale at Camp Sarimbun. In the morning, the 4 OGs made their way to Sentosa with their belongings. At Sentosa, the 4 OGs were pitted against each other in beach games such as Frisbee, dog & bone, tug-of-war in the water, as well as assorted captain’s ball, before leaving for Camp Sarimbun.

The 4 OGs arrived at the campsite in good spirits, and the last program for the freshmen commenced. The emcees for the night were Wee Meng, Vivian, Zi Xuan and Wai Yee. In addition, Chuan Hui lead the freshmen with some campfire songs, such as Titanic and Father Abraham, to liven up the atmosphere.

Then, the 4 OGs performed the skits they had prepared during the camp and wow-ed the whole







freshman orientation camp / DnD 2009 / AGM 2009 / subcomm recruitment / mid-autumn festival / hallloween ‘09

editor’s note

a hall 13


Another semester of school is going to end in a blink of an eye and the publication team is proud to bring you Fresh 09.

Personally, the past four months in hall 13 has been a roller coster ride - from begin elected as the publication sec to all the fun filled events that I have attended, the excitement of hall life never seems to end. I hope that Fresh 09 will help bring back the happy mermories. as well as to encourage residents to join us for future events in the following semester.

I would like to thank my publication team for their delication and hard work which has made this first project possible.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Fresh!

Lee Kim Fatt