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The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition program.

If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the course of the Sons of Strength Online Coaching, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions.

By reading and applying any advice in this manual., you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Sons of Strength, Eric Johnson, and Ryan Johnson, there are risks of injury or illness that can occur due in part to your participation and/or use of the aforementioned information.

As such, you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Sons of Strength, Eric Johnson, and Ryan Johnson, or their respective affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of your program.



ALLOW US TO REINTRODUCE OURSELVES Why, hello there good looking.

Something tells us that you’re looking for a FRESH START.

Let us guess. For the last month or maybe even more, you have given zero fucks when it comes to your diet, body, or health. We can just call it a vacation of sorts. And like all “good” things, it must come to an end.

Don’t worry…what happens on cheat day week month, stays there. Except for the epic ones. Those must be shared. Like that one time Ryan ate 8 scoops of ice cream, 4 toppings, and an entire can of whipped cream, all for his name on a wall somewhere in Maryland. Not too mention, it was immediately after a feast of all-you-can-eat crabs or the fact that he later discovered his lactose intolerant.

Now you’re looking for the fix. The quicker, the better. Gotta lose this weight faster than you can say Sons of Strength.

Before you…

• Pick up the latest issue of People or OK! (That includes you too, bros. We see you stealing a peek from your ladies’ collection)

• Start the new fad diet that “So-So Celebrity” did to lose 100 whopping pounds in 5 days

• Step a foot into the closest juice shop to put a house down payment for a 3 or 7 day cleanse

• Listen to your friend who knows EVERYTHING about diet after a two days on her new regimen

We want to give you exactly what your body needs for a do-over. The FRESH START course has been designed as the ultimate do-over for your diet, body, and mindset. No maple syrup or cayenne pepper included. The only exception being if it’s on pancakes or in a big bowl of chili. Dude, no. This is serious. FRESH START

We just gave you a second chance - maybe even you’re third, fourth, or tenth - at getting back to your prime physical state. A return to those glorious days when you could eat whatever you wanted, confidently fit in all your clothes, and possess the energy of a puppy straight off the streets of South Central. Your shot at self-redemption.

See, we know you’ve been here before.

You failed whatever diet and training program you tried last. Even though that was supposed to be the time you change for good. Now, you resent the slightest idea of starting over. Hell, you’ve come to hate the word diet and rebel against any type of movement.

It’s not your fault that you’re a little butthurt. Rightfully so. You were sold lies, broken promises, and juices that taste awful no matter how much you told yourself it’s not that bad.

Let us tell you what to expect in the pages and days to come. We will answer the questions…

This is not another bullshit cleanse or detox.


• Do you need a detox or fat loss protocol to reach your goals? • Why that cleanse can actually be making you more sick than

when you started • Which vegetables will give you the most bang for your buck • The ONE juice you’re not drinking but NEED to • How to avoid the headaches to feel your best or get a crazy

pump during your workout • What is the better and quicker fix

THE FRESH START A Kick Start to Get Lean and Build Muscle

The word “detox” is a lot like the word “clean”. For one, the actual definition of each is totally subjective. From your room to the foods you eat, we can bet that “clean” for you and your mother is very different. The same goes for detox. We are left without answers but only questions.

What is actually going through the detoxification process?

What toxins and poisons are you eliminating from the body?

How many days is a sufficient cleanse?

Quite frankly, these questions are not the right ones to be asking yourself. Instead, you should be asking yourself…

WHAT DO I WANT TO ULTIMATELY ACCOMPLISH? A very large majority of the time, the idea of a detox comes following a period of over indulgence. Whether that’s food, alcohol, smoking, or other not-so healthy extracurricular activities.

It’s usually right after…

• A bachelor party bender when you wake up Monday morning from an alcohol-infused coma.

• The holidays from Thanksgiving to New Year’s where you went overboard on cookies, pie, and vino to offset your crazy ass family.

• A weekend getaway where you and your lover took Netflix and chill to a whole new level and binged on the entire room service menu.

One of these might be the start to your binge period or the rock bottom. Either way, there comes a moment when we look in the mirror and cringe, FRESH START

our clothes don’t fit like they used to, and we feel horrible when we wake up and go to sleep. Then comes the final straw…someone throws a little dig at our recent weight gain.

It never feels good but these moments are inevitable to cause a shift in your mindset and do something about your current situation. We believe you must reach that point of being uncomfortable.

At this point, you decide you want to get back on track. Since you have heard the promises of a quick fix and its short duration, a juice cleanse must be the way to go.

What’s not to love…You will lose weight quickly and get healthy without having to think about what you’re going to eat. You just have to drink 4 to 6 vegetable concoctions are a day and Voila´!

The problem is you’re sending Tom Brady to do Gronk’s job. Even though Brady can do a serviceable job catching a few passes, Gronk is the best tight end in the league. So wouldn’t it be a better move to let the GOAT Tom Brady throw the ball and Gronk catch those touchdowns?

The same goes for your 7 Day Detox.

What you really want is to LOSE FAT. Sure, getting healthier is a great step to get there. But ultimately, you chose a week long detox to get leaner and not remove the hundreds of accumulated toxic chemicals that have developed before birth.

Now that we have identified what you ultimately want to accomplish is an improved body composition, there is a better game plan to do just that.

Putting your body into a CALORIC DEFICIT

This can be achieved through diet or exercise or ideally, a combination of both. More on this later. FRESH START

You might be thinking, “well a juice cleanse certainly will put me into a caloric deficit. I practically won’t be eating anything”.

Can’t argue with you here EXCEPT that a few problems will arise…

5 PROBLEMS OF LOW CALORIE JUICING 1. First of all, a majority of your weight loss will be a direct result of a reduction in water, carbohydrate stores, and intestinal bulk. The main reason for this temporary weight loss is depleted glycogen stores.

Once that detox is complete, it will only take a few hours to a day to gain all of that “weight loss” back. Smoke and mirrors, my friends.

2. The second problem we run into is that your caloric intake is slashed to nearly nothing in hopes to decrease the time to reach your goals. Instead, your body will fight for homeostasis and in return, plateau. With that resistance, you will be holding on to every single ounce of fat possible. Or even worse, rebound to an even higher amount of fat and weight than before you started.

With a downshifted metabolism to match the insanely low caloric intake, your floor can not be pushed any lower. Basically, you’re at rock bottom.

The only way to break through would be by increasing exercise. But that only works for so long as it becomes more and more difficult to recover from the increase in physical activity, mainly in in the form of resistance training.

3. A majority of your calories will come in the form of carbohydrates via vegetables and fruits. Now do not get us wrong. These are as healthy as you can get and probably the best part of a juice cleanse. Everyone can benefit from more fruits and veggies in their life.

But remember your goal: TO LOSE FAT.

Since you just came off a period of over indulgence, we will bet our future precious gains that you did so in the name of carbs. Why? Because they FRESH START

are delicious and extremely easy to overeat. Especially when processed with high sugar content.

Even though the fruits and veggies in your juices are “healthy” carbohydrates, they are still sugar at their most simple molecular structure. When digested, the body will not be able to tell the difference between the carbs from a juice, a package of Swedish fish, or a cup of white rice.

What your body, particularly the hormone insulin, really needs is a period of lower carbohydrates to reset and improve one’s sensitivity to use glucose more efficiently.

4. To build off the last point, these sugar loaded juices will cause your blood sugar levels to be unstable. This will only lead to energy crashes, irritability, and intense cravings for more sugar. Not something you want while trying to get back on track.

Then to make matters even worse, you aren’t allowed to drink your precious cup of coffee. What the actual fuck?

5. Lastly, the process of juicing itself removes most of the fiber in the fruit and vegetables. This fiber slows down digestion to improve satiety, aids with the absorption of other nutrients, and actually helps CLEANSE the GI tract.

Kinda ironic that there is low to no fiber in a juice cleanse when it helps cleanse the system…

By removing the fiber, we also eliminate the thermic effect of food in the body. Basically, we’re shortening ourselves on calories that we could be burning through the act of eating and digesting alone. Although it’s negligible when it comes to carbohydrates and fat, we will take whatever we can get. Especially when it’s easy, free calories burned. Those are four major problems when it comes to relying on a juice cleanse to improve your body composition.

But we left an even bigger issue out that will make you question every detox and stop you from ever thinking of doing one again. Ready for it…? FRESH START

IS YOUR DETOX MAKING YOU MORE SICK? Yes, it totally can be. No bullshit. Well, that defeats the entire purpose. Doesn’t it?

From the second we are conceived, our body starts to build up toxins. We store them mainly in the fat cells of our body including the organs.

Just living in the present day and age, we are faced with poisons virtually everywhere. From the air we breath, the medications and shitty supplements we take, exposure to certain substances like plastics, toxins are virtually impossible to escape. Throw in alcohol, smoking, nutrient-poor foods and beverages, lack of sleep and stress to add to the list.

All of which make us potentially feel sick, tired, and overweight. Plus manipulate our powerful hormones.

Our bodies’ systems like the liver do a hell of a lot better job at detoxifying the system than some lemon juice.

Now we can certainly work to reduce our exposure to some of these toxins: FRESH START

• Actionable steps like storing our meal prep in glass over plastic will be worthwhile.

• Removing yourself from the smog of a big city and getting some fresh air in the country side.

• Purchase higher quality supplements like whey protein, vitamins, and minerals that are from a quality source and not loaded with hidden toxins (lead, arsenic, aluminum, etc.)

That’s one part of the detoxification process. The second and equally important half is to actually removing them from your body.

By restricting some of the common offenders like alcohol, smoking, and nutrient-poor food and losing fat via caloric deficit, we have a one-two punch for elimination.

In addition to making us desire a detox, fat cells are also storage sites for fat-soluble toxins.

When you accomplish your goal and actually lose fat, these cells are reduced. Awesome, right? Totally except that the toxins that were being stored in the fat cells are released and have nowhere to go. So they end up in the bloodstream.

ALL of the juice cleanses on the market eliminate any sources of protein besides a few grams from almond milk or broccoli. Besides the maintenance of precious muscle fibers while in this caloric deficit, protein provides amino acids that the toxins can bind to and then be eliminated from the body.

Without protein, the toxins are released into the bloodstream and can actually make you feel worse than when you started the detox.

The vital amino acid or better known as the “master anti-oxidant” is glutathione. It consists of the 3 amino acids: cysteine, glutamate, and glycine.

Glutathione removes free radicals and toxins from your cells to protect you from the damaging effects of radiation, chemicals, and environmental pollutants.

Unfortunately, glutathione is not effective in supplement form. So, the top food source is high quality whey protein. Particularly, one that is cold pressed and derived from grass-fed cows that are free of hormones and chemicals. FRESH START

THE CREAM OF THE CROPS The Vegetables That Give You The Most Bang For Your Buck

The cleanses did not get everything wrong. Some vegetables also contain smaller amounts of glutathione to help detoxify the system.

However once they are cooked, their intake becomes negligible at best.

These sources should be eaten raw or in a juice, particularly with the “pulp” included:

*We know these aren’t all vegetables but you should know all the good sources of glutathione. FRESH START

• Asparagus • Spinach • Squash • Okra • Cauliflower • Broccoli • Garlic* • Tomatoes* • Avocado* • Potatoes* • Walnuts*

A HEADACHE or SERIOUS PUMP? This one compound could actually be the main cause why you are experiencing headaches on that juice cleanse of yours. If you are still on or considering one this far into the FRESH START.

Besides the caffeine withdrawal, a main ingredient in your juices may be the cause of those headaches you’re experience.

It is called nitrates. They are used mainly as fertilizers but also to preserve foods like cold cut meats to maintain their red coloring. You’ve probably seen packaging on something like hot dogs promote “nitrate-free”.

Two vegetables that are the most common ingredients in these juice cleanses is BEETS and CELERY. They also are rich in these natural chemicals explained above.

They’re great for you and pack a nutritious punch. However, you typically never eat a ton of them at one time. Although, juicing allows a much great quantity to be consumed.

The problem lies in that nitrates act as vasodilators in the body. There is potential for the dilated blood vessels to cause or enhance headaches while in this state of lower caloric intake, reduced glycogen stores, and caffeine withdrawal.

That’s the bad. Now for the good.

Following our guidelines for an improved detox or what we like to call the FRESH START, you can actually use beets or celery’s nitrate content to your advantage.

What may be considered “bad” in one shitty situation like on the detox, may actually be considered great in a different, more ideal situation. FRESH START

Since we know nitrates dilate blood vessels, they are perfect before a hypertrophy training session by utilizing oxygen more efficiently and in return, enhancing the number of mitochondria that power our cells.

You can do this with a Beet Shot from your local juice store, your own press, or with a supplement like BeetElite.


THE HANDS DOWN BEST JUICE FOR YOU There’s one juice that you’re NOT drinking and it’s the one that could actually be the most beneficial to your health and your gains. 

It was most likely a staple of your breakfast as an innocent adolescent who never worried about juice cleanses. Since then you’ve probably developed an intense fear of it now and placed it in the same category as those delicious, sugar-loaded cereals like Fruity Pebbles and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. 

The juice you need to start drinking again is ORANGE JUICE aka OJ.

Every single juice cleanse is pre-dominantly green juices of a wide variety. Occasionally there will be an almond milk concoction thrown in there with some root vegetable varieties. Unfortunately, orange juice never makes the cut.

Another downfall of green juice is its effect on your body temperature. In individuals’ with HYPER-thyroidism, where there is an over production of the thyroid hormone, a green juice can improve the conditioning by decreasing body temperature. In this condition, the individual uses energy quickly and the body burns more calories than the average person. They are usually have problems putting on weight. The total opposite reason why you’re here.

Most people fall on the other end of the spectrum and actually could benefit by INCREASING THEIR BODY TEMPERATURE. By doing so, the efficiency of one’s metabolism can be improved. 

That’s where the golden ORANGE JUICE comes into play. 

A fresh squeezed OJ is an excellent addition to one’s detox and fat loss protocol. It is loaded with nutrients like vitamin C, several B vitamins, potassium and magnesium (a mineral most people are deficient in). Not to mention that orange juice is a powerful antioxidant and boosts the immune system. It’s a no brainer that it is the perfect addition to the FRESH START. FRESH START

Since you’re most likely coming off a period where you indulged on lots of starchy carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, cookies, pancakes, and the list could keep going. While these foods are quite delicious, they also can be quite hard on the body to digest. 

On the other hand, orange juice is easily-digested while replenishing the glycogen stores depleted from your workouts. As THE FRESH START progresses over 10 days, you will see a reintroduction of carbohydrates after a brief but much needed time apart. Orange juice will be the bridge between little to no carbohydrates to all of them as you progress through our program. 

This is why ORANGE JUICE is the best juice you’re not drinking. FRESH START


The moment you have all been waiting for.

Now that we exposed the downfalls and advantages of detoxes and juice cleanses, we proudly present to you our own version.


This is a 10 DAY PLAN geared towards accomplishing the priority of getting leaner, improving body composition, and reducing your waistline.

Along the way, you will also improve your health and get on the right track. Be ready to make huge gains and impressive progress in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

We apologize if this is not the quick fix you have been looking for. But if you pour your heart into this and try your best each meal, you will become a better version of your prior self. An improved version from that individual who came here looking for a second chance.

Below are the guidelines to your diet do-over.

Good luck.

=ƎE= [Fist Pound] Your Favorite Bros, Eric & Ryan Johnson Sons of Strength FRESH START

YOUR FRESH START: [DISCLAIMER] We believe in counting your calories and macronutrients. However, this plan WILL NOT have you do that. In order to simplify the process, reduce frustrations, and decrease the learning curve, you will follow specific guidelines so that you can start immediately. 

Upon completion of these 10 days is a perfect opportunity to reintroduce starchy carbohydrates and start setting a caloric intake and macronutrient targets that are right for you, your lifestyle, and most importantly, your goals. 


• Remove all alcohol, illegal drugs, and supplements from your regimen. Please consult with your doctor prior to beginning this FRESH START. If you are prescribed any medications from your physician, DO NOT STOP taking them unless directed otherwise from a medical practitioner.

• WATER INTAKE: You will consume half your bodyweight in ounces each day. (i.e., You weight 200 pounds, you will drink 100 ounces of water.)

• MEAL TIMING: Exact meal timing is not important for this protocol. If you practice Intermittent Fasting, stick with that. Do whatever works best for you, your schedule, lifestyle, energy, and performance.

• Reduce the intensity of your training during this time period. We do not recommend that you shoot for any big PR’s or max effort lifts. Instead, back off on the weights. Over the next 10 days, focus on higher volume, aerobic conditioning, and metabolic work.

• Prepare yourself to struggle, especially at the beginning. This will not be a walk in the park but you will fall into a rhythm and be extremely rewarded upon finishing. Hang in there! It’s only temporary. FRESH START


As coaches, we do not believe in demonizing any specific food or macronutrient. We advocate being able to fit your favorite foods into your nutrition strategy with balance. However in certain times, we must restrict consumption of particular foods in order to achieve specific goals. You could say, “drastic times call for drastic measures”. 

The foods below are broken up into lists of CONTENDERS and PRETENDERS. For the next 10 DAYS, you will do your best to choose food sources from the CONTENDER (or left side) LIST. 

A majority of your plan will consist of (non-starchy) VEGETABLES and PROTEIN. You will find these directly on the next page.

No FATS will be directly included in the template you will find below. Use them as oils to prepare your vegetables and protein sources. We do recommend that you cook your vegetables - either steamed, baked, sautéing, or as a stir fry. The CONTENDER oils may be used as a drizzle on a salad. All vinegars are good to go (Balsamic, Apple Cider, etc.).

Lastly, do not be afraid to season your food. This is not a torture to eat blandly. Use herbs and spices to make these foods taste delicious. FRESH START



DAY 1 & 2 You will consume 2 to 4 meals throughout the day. As previously mentioned, meal frequency is not important here. So if you normally opt to follow Intermittent Fasting and want to continue doing so, go for it. However, the template design will be based off of 4 meals that are evenly dispersed throughout the day. Exact time of those meals does not matter since everyone has a unique schedule. We do recommend that you have 3 to 5 hours between feeding periods. 

Specifically for Days 1 and 2, there will be no limitations on the amount of vegetables you eat. Consume as much as you would like in each of these meals. However, control the amount of oil used to prepare (i.e., cook or used as a dressing) on the vegetables. Just choose from the VEGGIES (non-starchy carbohydrates) CONTENDERS located on PAGE 20. 

There will be NO PROTEIN included in these first two days. Do not worry. You will not lose all your gains and hard-earned muscle within this period. If anything, you will optimize your digestive system to better assimilate protein in the days to come. 


8 AM

Eat as much non-starchy vegetables in the chart located on page 20 at every meal. Remember to

also drink your specific amount of water.

12 PM

4 PM


DAY 3 & 4 To build upon the previous protein-less days, we will reintroduce the glory of protein to your palates. But ONLY IN YOUR LAST MEAL of the day. Each meal will still contain a plentiful amount of veggies like in Days 1 and 2. 

If possible, opt for a leaner cuts of protein. Ideally, we would like you to choose animal flesh or seafood. We would recommend that you only choose whey protein as a last option. 

As for the amount of protein, aim for 25% of your daily intake. To determine this number, let’s keep it fairly simple. Take your GOAL WEIGHT. Divide that number by 4. This will give us the amount of grams of protein to hit. 

[EXAMPLE] Jax Teller weighs 170 pounds but wants to drop 10. So his ideal weight is 160 pounds. We take 160 and divide by 4 to arrive at 40. This is the amount of grams of protein Jax would want to hit. That is the equivalent of 4 ounces of chicken breast.


8 AMEat as much non-starchy vegetables in the chart located on page 20 at every meal. Remember to

also drink your specific amount of water.12 PM

4 PM

8 PM Add PROTEIN. Consume 25% of your IDEAL BODYWEIGHT in grams. FRESH START

DAY 5 & 6 We keep on building. Brick by brick. Let’s add some MORE PROTEIN. This time to the FIRST MEAL of the day. 

You will consume another 25% of your daily intake. To expand off the Jax Teller example above, he will eat  protein along with his unlimited vegetables at first and least meal of the day. So he will be consuming 80 grams of protein on these two days. 

*IFers: If you only are consuming 2 meals, just add protein to both meals. 


8 AM PROTEIN + VEGGIES (25% of daily ideal intake)

12 PM Eat as much non-starchy vegetables in the chart located on page 20 at every meal. Remember to

also drink your specific amount of water.4 PM

8 PM PROTEIN + VEGGIES (25% of daily ideal intake) FRESH START

DAY 7 & 8 PROTEIN, PROTEIN. Ok, we’re taking the reigns off of the protein restrictions but you MUST still consume lots and lots of vegetables at each meal and your water. If possible, even disperse your total ideal protein intake. This TOTAL number will match the weight you are working towards. 

[CURVE BALL] In the meal directly AFTER YOUR WORKOUT, you will consume 4 to 6 ounces of ORANGE JUICE.

Fresh squeezed is BEST here. Do it yourself or go to a juice store if possible.

If you are NOT working out on this day, save your orange juice for the LAST MEAL. 


**Place Orange Juice in the meal directly after your training session or physical activity.






DAY 9 & 10 This is where we begin to transition as you’ve made your way through the FRESH START. We are big advocates of starchy carbohydrates as long as you have earned them through intense physical activity. Whatever your choice of “workout”, it should deplete your muscle glycogen stores so that you need these macronutrients in order to recover and build muscle. 

With that said, STARCHY CARBOHYDRATES (located on page 21) are back in the game with restriction. To replace the orange juice introduced in the last two days (if you so choose), you will have the option to eat starchy carbohydrates immediately AFTER your workout - OR - in the LAST MEAL of your day.

This should be limited to only 1-2 servings that would fit into the palm of your hand. This could be 1-2 cups of white rice, a sweet potato, or a piece of fruit. 


**Place Starchy Carbohydrates in the meal directly after your training session or physical activity.







There you have it. That’s your FRESH START.

But how freaking rude of us. We didn’t even get a chance to introduce ourselves. We were so damn excited to get you started.

Sons of Strength is our alias. Kinda like a superhero duo or those Super Smash Bros.

Our birth names are Eric and Ryan Johnson. That’s right we are more than just bros but actually share parents, genetics, and blood.

When we’re not we’re usually competing in the gym, ring, or at the dinner table, we spend the rest of our time making pop culture references on our blog, creating super villains in the movies and kissing babies, we’re usually competing in the gym, ring, or at the dinner table.

Oh yeah, and we believe in fitness.

Enough about us already. This is about you.

Tell us about how your FRESH START is going or went over on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube.

We want to hear how it went and if there is anyway we can help you! Just holler at your bros. FRESH START