friday 11 march … rau 5b, avin yoganathan 5c & vinish barathakumar 5r : ... she had been born...

FRIDAY 11 TH MARCH 2016 WORLD BOOK DAY AT CHEAM PARK FARM Miss Gunner reports on a fantastic day of reading … The children had lots of fun on Thursday 3 rd March as we celebrated World Book Day. The excitement started at the beginning of the week when children’s author Eamonn Reilly came into school to share some of his stories in assembly and give children tips for their own writing. He also answered children’s questions about his career as an author and his favourite book so far. He then returned to school to sign books ordered by the children. So far we have sold nearly £800 worth of books. Eamonn Reilly has allowed us to have 30 of his books for free which we are going to put into classroom libraries. If you still want to order one of Eamonn Reilly’s books then you still have time! Orders need to be received by Wednesday 16 th March. Throughout the week, each class contributed to a whole school story. 6F came up with the title ‘Time Twister’ and began the story for the rest of the school. By Friday every class had added their part – it took lots of twists and turns! You can read the whole school story on your child’s year group blog! Each class also took part in a treasure hunt. The children had to find clues around the school and answer a question. Once they knew the answer they had to use one of the letters to fill in their grids. Once all the letters were found it spelt out ‘Suitcase of Books.’ From next week, there will be a suitcase of books in the playground at lunchtime for children to sit, relax and enjoy reading. These books will be updated each half term. Each child was asked to design a book token for the World Book Day National Competition. These were sent off today and fingers crossed we have a winner! We also asked children to design a front cover for a book called ‘The Lost Treasure.’ The deadline for entries was today so we will be able to share with you a winner from each year group next week! This year some children also took part in ‘Blind Date’ with a book. Books were wrapped up and children had to recommend the book to a suitable audience. Each year group where then able to select their choice after reading the recommendation label. Lots of children were very happy and excited about the ‘new’ book they had. As you can see from the pictures, lots of children made a fantastic effort with their costumes on World Book Day! In the morning, they then were able to listen to different adults across the school share their favourite children’s stories. Thank you to all of our fantastic parents for your support with costumes, the children looked great and had an excellent week celebrating reading! CHEAM PARK FARM JUNIOR SCHOOL AN ACADEMY SCHOOL Kingston Avenue, North Cheam, Surrey, SM3 9UE Tel.: (020) 8644 8969 e-mail: [email protected] Headteacher: Mr P Hedger BA (Hons) AKC NPQH

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WORLD BOOK DAY AT CHEAM PARK FARM Miss Gunner reports on a fantastic day of reading …

The children had lots of fun on Thursday 3rd March as we celebrated World Book Day. The excitement started at the beginning of the week when children’s author Eamonn Reilly came into school to share some of his stories in assembly and give children tips for their own writing. He also answered children’s questions about his career as an author and his favourite book so far. He then returned to school to sign books ordered by the children. So far we have sold nearly £800 worth of books. Eamonn Reilly has allowed us to have 30 of his books for free

which we are going to put into classroom libraries. If you still want to order one of Eamonn Reilly’s books then you still have time! Orders need to be received by Wednesday 16th March.

Throughout the week, each class contributed to a whole school story. 6F came up with the title ‘Time Twister’ and began the story for the rest of the school. By Friday every class had added their part – it took lots of twists and turns! You can read the whole school story on your child’s year group blog! Each class also took part in a treasure hunt. The children had to find clues around the school and answer a question. Once they knew the answer they had to use one of the letters to fill in their grids. Once all the letters were found it spelt out ‘Suitcase of Books.’ From next week, there will be a suitcase of books in the playground at lunchtime for children to sit, relax and enjoy reading. These books will be updated each half term.

Each child was asked to design a book token for the World Book Day National Competition. These were sent off today and fingers crossed we have a winner! We also asked children to design a front cover for a book called ‘The Lost Treasure.’ The deadline for entries was today so we will be able to share with you a winner from each year group next week! This year some children also took part in ‘Blind Date’ with a book. Books were wrapped up and children had to recommend the book to a suitable audience. Each year group where then able to select their choice after reading the recommendation label. Lots of children were very happy and excited about the ‘new’ book they had. As you can see from the pictures, lots of children made a fantastic effort with their costumes on World Book Day! In the morning, they then were able to listen to different adults across the school share their favourite children’s stories. Thank you to all of our fantastic parents for your support with costumes, the children looked great and had an excellent week celebrating reading!


Kingston Avenue, North Cheam, Surrey, SM3 9UE

Tel.: (020) 8644 8969

e-mail: [email protected]

Headteacher: Mr P Hedger BA (Hons) AKC NPQH

Stars of the Week! Congratulations to the following children who were Stars of the Week on 4th March:

Year 3: Aaron Shivnandan & Alex Heath 3B, Erin Woods & Lucy Sharman 3G Kimmy Buckland & Harry Hedges 3M, Albie Ahmet & Sweta Perinpanathan 3S Year 4: Summa Gallyer & Sam Gant 4C, Lily Fountain & Yasmin Cade-Durmush 4G Dara Olowo & Jesse Baines 4M Year 5: Harvey Whitlock & Harry Richardson 5B, Lily Carter & Thiyaana Pirathiees 5C Ellie O’Brien & Sindugi Gunendran 5R Year 6: Shaumy Subodharan & Andrew Golder 6CH, Mohammed Sheik & Taylor Bramwell 6F Lois Anderton & Charles Hannam 6GH

Be The Best You Can Be Awards! Congratulations to the following, who have all been awarded Be the Best you Can Be badges:

Year 3: Jemima Blann 3B, Nathaniel Rockcliffe 3G, Preethtan Rajendran 3M & Jenny Poole 3S Year 4: Daniel Holbrook 4C, George Churchill 4G & Hallie Westbrook 4M Year 5: Dhruv Rau 5B, Avin Yoganathan 5C & Vinish Barathakumar 5R Year 6: Youngseok Kim 6CH, Muhammed Singhateh 6F & Abbie Ringsell 6GH

NEW BOOKS ON THEIR WAY! A quick update from our Learning Council

Thanks to your support, our recent Scholastic Book Fairs have raised over £1600 for us to spend on new books. Last week each member of the Learning Council met with a list of requests for new books from their classes. An order has now been made and hundreds of new books are now on their way to your book corners. Look out for Harry Potter, David Walliams, Tom Gates and Jacqueline Wilson books very soon. Happy Reading!

Be The Best You Can Be at CPFJ - A Special Assembly Mr Claxton reports on a talk to the children from a special visitor this week …

Beth Johnsson, a secondary school teacher, has a daughter who was born with a condition called Rett Syndrome. Beth gave an inspirational assembly that demonstrated courage, determination, strength and hope. Up until the age of 3, Beth’s daughter was a healthy child with no physical complications. When Beth’s daughter was 4 something changed. She lost her ability to speak, walk, feed herself or dress herself. She had been born with Rett Syndrome, which the family only had only just learnt. We were all

touched by Beth's story. Our Rights Respecting Champions and Learning Council approached Mr Claxton and asked if we could donate some money from the Cake Sale to the Reverse Rett Charity. We are pleased that the PTA have agreed – Thank you!

You can find out more at:

You can now get all of the latest news and updates from Cheam Park Farm by following us on Twitter. We will be using our new Twitter account as the news feed of Cheam Park Farm Junior. We will also use Twitter to keep parents up to date with residential trips, sports and music news, year group trips and other areas of school life.

You can find out more at:

Parents can also find out more about our multi academy trust by visiting:

Catch Maths If You Can Challenge … Our weekly feature on how to catch Maths at home!

No.20 School Trip

Year 5 decide to take part in a sponsored sports day to raise money for a school trip.

5B raises £569.32 and 5R raises £454.95. An anonymous donor donates double the original amount raised.

How much have they raised in total?

Battle of the Books Weekly Review This week’s book is from the Year 3 book list and is ‘How to Eat Fried Worms’

by Thomas Rockwell.

Fried worms, boiled worms, worm sandwiches, worms with ketchup and peanut butter... Billy must eat fifteen worms in fifteen days, or lose his bet with Alan and Joe. Can Billy put his taste buds to the test and win, or will he work his way out of the deal?

Remember to write a review and decide whether you would recommend it to a friend or not. Then get your bookmark stamped by your teacher. Who will be at the top of the leader board next? Happy reading!

Science Spotted! Our weekly feature on how to tackle Science at home!

This week … Electricity in Year 4

Year 4 have been learning all about electricity and how to make circuits. They were set a challenge by their teachers to make a working switch for their moving toy and had great success!

Do you know how electricity works?

Do you know how batteries produce electricity?

See if you can solve any of Ziggy’s challenges about

circuits this week!

Why not check your answers with someone in Year 4?

Take a look at their working toys too!

Please send any research you complete at home to Miss Gibney, you could earn a ‘Super Scientist’ award for it!

SAINSBURY’S VOUCHERS FOR SCHOOLS 2016 We are collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers this term. Children should deliver any contributions to the collecting box in the school office. Every single voucher really does make a difference to the children. This year we are looking at using the vouchers to update some of our PE and Games equipment that is used by all the children in their lessons each week. Vouchers are available from all Sainsbury’s stores. Thank you for your support!

Orchestra & Choir Easter Concert – Thursday 17th March Our school orchestra and choir have again been hard at work this term learning how to play together as a large group as well as mastering several new pieces of music. On Thursday 17th March they will be putting on a short Easter Concert for parents, grandparents and governors at 9.15am in the school hall. All are welcome. Please come to the school office at 9.10am. The children will then repeat their concert to the whole school later in the day.

Sport Relief Is Back At Cheam Park Farm Junior Sport Relief is back again this year and will be held on Friday 18th March. This year we have the regular Sport Relief Mile back again as well as a new Sponsored Super Hero Dodgeball Challenge! The children are welcome to come to school in their own ‘sports mufti’ clothes to mark the day. In return, we will be asking for a small donation of your choice which will go to the charity. Please bring this to school on Friday 18th March.

Y3 Class Assemblies To Parents – Tuesday 15th March 2016 This term, the children in Year 3 have all again been receiving a new weekly music lesson with qualified music teachers from the Sutton Music Service. The children have been working hard improving their music skills through learning the samba drums and have been having great fun in the process too! Later this term, the children and our music teachers would like to showcase some of their work in short class assemblies for Year 3 parents and grandparents. Please find below dates and times for your child’s class. If you would like to come to watch your child’s assembly, please come to the school office five minutes before it is due to start. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Tuesday 15th March – Year 3 Music Class Assemblies to Parents: 3M 1.30pm, 3S 2pm, 3G 2.30pm & 3B 3pm

This Month’s Assembly Theme is: UNDERSTANDING As a Rights Respecting School, we have a special assembly theme each month that helps the children to explore different themes within the framework of the UNICEF Rights of the Child. In assemblies, and through our Circle Time & PSHE lessons, we discuss each theme and remind the children of the importance of respecting each other and the world around them.

This month’s theme is: UNDERSTANDING and the articles we have been looking at are:

Article 14: Every child has the right to think and believe what they want. Article 15: Every child has the right to meet other children. Article 30: Every child has the right to learn and use their own language. Article 31: Every child has the right to relax and play.


Tuesday 15th March – Year 3 Music Assembly to Parents, 1.15pm – 3.15pm Thursday 17th March – Orchestra & Choir Easter Concert to Parents, 9.15am Friday 18th March – Termly Merit Award Assembly Friday 18th March – Sutton Primary Music Concert, Fairfields Halls, 6.30pm Monday 21st March – Friday 25th March - Year 5 French Language & Activity Residential Thursday 24th March – PSA Easter Cake Sale, 2pm – 2.45pm Thursday 24th March – Last Day of Term. School finishes at 1.45pm today.

Monday 28th March – Friday 8th April – Easter Holiday

Sports Achievement Award Monthly Winners – February 2016

Congratulations to our next two winners of our monthly Sports Achievement Award – Zoe Taylor & George Churchill. The awards are in recognition of the achievements of one boy and one girl who have really excelled in PE and Games lessons or in an inter-school sports fixture against another school, displaying great sportsmanship in the

process. The awards were presented to George and Zoe for outstanding performances for our hockey and netball teams respectively in February. Both Zoe and George have had their names added to the Roll of Honour Board on our Achievement Zone shelves outside the school hall and on our Achievement Zone Blog. Congratulations! Look out before Easter for details of March’s winners.

THIS WEEK’S SPORTS NEWS, FIXTURES & RESULTS … Good luck to all our sports teams who are involved in playing inter-school fixtures. Fingers crossed for another successful week! Supporters are always welcome! Boys’ Football Result Sutton & Cheam Y6 League: Cheam Park Farm 9-3 Robin Hood Borough Cup Quarter Final: Cheam Park Farm 3-1 Barrow Hedges Boys’ Football Fixtures Wednesday 9th March, Y6 6 a side School Games London Finals, Crystal Palace, 10am – 2pm 7th, 8th & 9th March, Year 4 Borough Football Tournament, Cheam Park Farm, 3.45pm Friday 18th March, Year 4 Borough Football Finals, Cheam Park Farm, 3.45pm Tag Rugby League Fixtures League games will be played on: 11/3 Tag Rugby League Finals Day at St Elphege’s RC Juniors, 1.30pm Netball League Results Cheam Park Farm A 12-0 St Dunstan’s A Cheam Park Farm B 5-0 St Dunstan’s B Netball League Fixtures Tuesday 8th March v. St Dunstan’s, Away, 3.45pm Wednesday 9th March v. Robin Hood, Home, 3.45pm TBC v. Cheam Fields, Home, 3.45pm Thursday 10th March, Hi 5 Netball School Games London Finals Tuesday 12th April, Y3&4 Hi 5 Netball Festival Saturday 16th April, Sutton Schools Netball Rally, 10am Basketball League Results Cheam Park Farm 5-8 Brookfield Cheam Park Farm 0-6 Foresters Girls Football Result Borough League: Cheam Park Farm 4-0 Tweeddale Girls Football Fixtures Friday 18th March, Borough Cup Semi Final v. Tweeddale or Rushy Meadow, Home, 3.45pm Friday 22nd April, Surrey Schools FA Year 3&4 Tournament at Sutton United FC, 12.30pm – 3.30pm Gymnastics Fixtures Wednesday 20th April, Y3&4 School Games Gymnastics Competition, Glenthorne High School, 12pm Wednesday 20th April, Y5&6 School Games Gymnastics Competition, Glenthorne High School, 12pm Year 5 & 6 Quick Sticks Hockey Fixture Wednesday 10th February, Y5&6 Hockey Tournament at Cheam Park Farm, 3.45pm Thursday 25th February, Schools Games Tournament at Nonsuch High School, 1pm – 4pm Year 5 & 6 Cycling Wednesday 16th March, Y5&6 Borough Cycling Championship, Northey Avenue, 12pm – 3pm Cross Country Wednesday 10th February, Y4,5&6 Cross Country Race at Woodmansterne Primary, 1pm – 3pm