friday, may people’s churchi the college...

M ic h ig a n S t a t e N ew s VOLUME IS FRIDAY, MAY 14,1926 Number 67 PEOPLE’S CHURCHI DEDICATESNEWLYi COMPLETO) HOME! All College Night U F ee»« Of Week’» Pregna WUch Eadi With Ceaeert». a )I*Oo1If | f banquet of the . i l Inst niirhf nerved « two folti I Hein g fit tended by over fitNl | ,i."\ • - :iit«l visitors to the cHtnptia, It» i .,.|g to t*‘ a "high light" in •i .Mtion program of the new ,hur«h of Rant Lansing. nntl » tilting culmination for the! V ita.v celebration, i.niotuet waa hdd in the lain- ' i! ,,f the «linrcli with an adjoin- : . it use to »are for the large! which attended Making' jt did, the existing daalre i . f the student body for co- it church activities, it tic- I .hi end not to I h» forgotten. . riection i* made to the <NHh an- ! ,,f the birth of Michigan .'mg college presidents from all luirai» together with heads of ! i i<> igs normal *eb«Hd* were honor at hurt night's fune I I »resilient Hiittertiebl of M. , -idisl over the ceremonies, at- .o tlie haiMpiet. «Ither apeak- the program were, Hr. W. i. president of Hillsdale col-;, .i |i Foster, prominent New v]«otient of student religious ritornila R Johnson. stale super- I t "f publie instruction, anil illativi» of ilo» ('Diversity of uto! “ Hen" Dubbin, promt*i . 11ghats representative of the col* ..lent ixsiy. I olitisi ai. was present at tlie .•I ¡it the name of i»otb the I', of I state, io make formal ackuowl ment of last evenings |mrt of the hi . l*r<»sident Little of Mi«hi- vus unable to attend, either the ’ ! the < >inimmoral ion oxer itefore the ITO members and sts of the People*« church Tttea- ¡naht at the Victory lianquet. the i Continued on page 2) The College Glee Club Takes Part in Concert Monday IVnut Ko«— K. IMmhi, ( Parker, *1. Crawford V Hartnell. Prof. #1. N. Taylor. |\ Uniteli. S. Itair, P. Kenyan, W. Second How— I.. UiUntt. ( . swent. K. hm», II lii u m k I.. Morse. K. ICggert. \. Ntorkmnn, O. Mar/ke. Tltird lb»«- 'I IVtersott, W. Mchenn. I. v F«lw ini- \\ spurrier. I., stroliel. K Se^eranee. iKolfertleld. ARTILLERY GIVES DEMONSTRATION Srlfridge Field Aircraft aid Roar» of Big Gaai Make Spectacle Reaiiatic. most -|nm taciilar demonstration *•:«r was given by the artillery f the plan«*s front Helfridge w> ilnesdaV. 'Hie whining .is punctuate«) by the roars of mn anti aircraft gun which was •! entirely by students. Much of •rk—that was done by the stud v not obvious to the spectator* imlpulating of the II. A. correc- * i h automatically figures the ml direetion of the gun was students. This very complex m nt is worked by setting in -it rained from observation * pn the dial of the machine ii Kitomatlcally gives the infer- . necessary for the firing of the i ii»* only thing that was needed »*■ ¡lie afTair any more real was 1g of real ehnrges of high ex- nstend of the paper watiding rk which the anti-aircraft «11 vj" * was |Mirtraye«l very w«dl Lansing Composer Directs Symphony SENIORS MAKE FIRSTAPPEARANCE IN CAP ANDGOWN Three Hundred Memben of Clan of ’20 Participate In Swingont O il by Ilib UIHllon !*>«.*• ■"l.bBb military bund. "f :i“ ' ( lass of "J»l purl i.-ipti'ed Hi : In* animili senior swingmtt h*,f<*re an audience which u-sa'lljhl«*.! oil the «niapus watch llie .1une t: no I tulles *n 11 i.»*ir in-» np|H*iiri«n> • ili caps and gow ns Assemblimi a» » he new libran, the proce-'ion pio**ssl»sl around the <aui- pus march lug pas» the M «» iiihiis biiil.ij lllg. til** 11• »I*«»* Kcoli'Mlll' s I uiidmg around the Stale •trill held and urto the hollow on the • of the 1 nioi. Menmrl.i! laiildmg Ilev tin* « las* fill tllCt'UIs were .'.¡rtlieii before the pilot og rapii* i and " l i ' were lend by >kcllctigr Tin* proo"ion «*r -»mo» by Allan Liltuund* iutinuari d 'be Htollffer till? j-i• —nia-iit I .»• -ot.ior class ; MoIm.M ' '¡ark m •• |.|.*i«].i.< Mary Kuk M. Kinnou. s.* tetar) nnd « ari li’»11 .* i ' '• asm* r F o l l o w i n g it«»- -v4 in g o u t »!.*• Mate m ilitar) bum I field * ••!..* f u t li» caiapus I In- ■- the ; >■«: t .* u'Uiibet of open air -»•••« — given by tin* hand Hu* piH'g 11* v SENIOR CHEM ENGINEERS ATTEND EXPOSITION Nin* Seniori Attend Four Day Chemical Equipment Exposition. Nine senior to*tnteal »hglnacr* hr h — t Rwius ■••-■*or Heed and It |> I ^tittle !••!* luesda y morn- ing f«*r I’leveland •:•*». to attenti f lic <b«*mic!ii .*, .. .-».y i*vj h* s it ion which is in prog! • - ihere frotn Mon* tv to Thursday 1hi* •«position given by the So ictv of «‘hemi.'ii i:<iutpm«»nt M ..n u - •«durer* A program of talks was given every day ‘luring the *-xp4«i \ paper of special interest t>> the . ; cge (hemnai department wa giv hi py prof. Fink of «'«tlumbta untrer- «it> on the electrolytic deposition of hrorhl im on varlu* metals Thin far GIRLS' RIDING CLASS IS MOST SUCCESSFUL Preient Clata Doing Better Than Kmy Other. The ciri*»' tiding «‘In**, fld* sprlng. doing 1.1‘tter tlutti ever ttefore", wa* i- -fa tolueni Iliade |»v «'api aiti It I- r*.»n ulto t* tIte* lustrilo!or f,»r t It !*• *" \ij iii*>ititN»r*. imtuiling those bega li t hi*« t'M itg cali iiow t Ide infortnld) at alt gali*, ami niiinv v,. Miar'ed iutnping thè loti db** itile of thè brave*» olio* bave oveii Iden tlowti thi» grave! pif There I* tu iteli cirthij^iiisni over Ibi* and II i* W-ell attelu|e«i. ai- CO-EDSSETJUNE8 AS DATE FOR FIRST LANTERNCEREMONY Firit Event of tlx Kind In Be Held On Campni; Te Be Trndi- - liennry. Lantern night, the iirat event of ugh ■bedtiled at s .In file •arty returned' *r *evera! night by following girl* a re **nr«»ll*srl : \ let orla Adams Refer t'aruso. Nina fflle*. ,lo*epiilne i'nillii*. Mary F.lln Fahrney. Margaret llager lads Harw*wal liar -. !l«rtc. n ?*i«i.*»i Tib'*, . mo .a »King. Marita»! M< K n lg iii Lmdlb* Vorrls. Arbi Fankbnfn, Marian Pulv**r. I hi il li lie Scott. Katiieriiio smith. Iiorottn Stiragli«». Phi**!«» Taft. PI, line VVll Iker I it liel ) lie Will lac. Fli/abeili \\ iM .dw orlIt, Thelma Hew«-* Leads Symphony Orchestra *rt eight the stale l and .tob-tm : * " •* (dicge Ilill'O lie a!" ’’ iiiimliing Micir -eril. e in h- I ai"K- William Sc'linlgcit. Merwvi, Wren, u f'nrletou VV I i*h.r iamb* H.khotn* Vernon M«*'k 1 I.)on*. l|owar<i 1’re>ton. iiti*i l* l Van ^*».'».*••1 MANY IMPROVEMENTS MADE ON CAMPUS Mnck Being Done le Beentify Campul Along Boulevard. Noteworthy improvement» <r‘‘ ‘•■e- ing made it present ’ * ••»«' anipua. especially 'to* '1 '•1 ^ the In ion building .»im! .U"ng '.ran. Itiver uvenue, ¡it the north boundary of t he •ampus H h rubbery boulevard *ntran« n*‘.’ir t he ci uste •*‘i i,rand Kiyer side ■ plebe grading i* previously untouched of ’ h* r. and it* kind to h»' lodd ell tin? rumpus, and the first time that all the girl* t.f Hi»» school will appear in a body, will helil June M. the •v*'tiing preceding t ap night. Tin* «creinoti) is under ilie *|M»ti*or*hlp of sphinx «ampli* activity honorary for women, which together with Lx- « is alleluia mg lo Inaugurate «i utiinher of future tratliiionM. Annie laiurie W u II h i* i hairninii of the committee in , I. working w !.'ì, ut; afe M a l* N.-.iiilorm Mal- tha < iris wold, Neva Huntoon .mil Margaret Foote of tho senlof «las* i ««in in it teen representing oth«»r «lasa- e* will lie ¡ippointed at iiieetings of the girli of the various claw*»« to tie held in th«‘ near future The « flair may be compared with the I »a I* v »'ham at Vassar It will b»» i ili pressi ve Itiit not n«*c -sanly so serloua that »lie departing senior* Will t«e left With a tolling of «lepre* Sion The -etiiol »’irli Will wear their «aits atnl gowni. and the entire group, coin posed of the tour ‘ lasse*, will meet .it ilie new library liulld fng The Ime nf ijinivfi i* not dell nltely decided hut will probably «•* tend toward the «• |.| library and around flie «amplia, ending hi the’ I „rest ■.! Ai*l‘ n spinteti .«ngs clue ing ihe p f ¡on. will enliven hint tors and t he < enuioiiv -vili concludi* with tti«> Hinging of song* and a t-horr talk l*v President Ituttcrftcid. who will probably light the brut lantern All »he VI ria except ito* members of;' ilie fri siimeli. < ta*a «vili bave lantvriia, . ih«* hun designati tig ih«* eia a* The member* of the -nphoinore dii as will hand Mi eira lo t he I resinili''ti and re (.ivo »hose of tip* junior« who m i turn will fake »he lanterns of th«» senior*, who thus btav»* without any ' INTER FRAT COUNCIL DISCUSSES RUSHING Eligibility of Plajrtri la lalcr- Frdcrnity Gtmei Defined More Definitely. FOUNDERS’ D A Y PROGRAM IS IMPRESSIVE Ckarle« Garfield. ’70, Addreeie* Sfndenli at Afteraooa Cele- bration ia Gym. Founders' I* iv e*l#*l»r:itl»»»r. in th. word* of |*resi«li»nt K*»ny«m I lbitter- field. a ••loiibh» atnilversary txath of I tie «ltd colh'gc M A »' and the u«»W colh»ue M S »'" wa* it*h«*r**l in Thnrwin.v morning bv a gen«»r*l " |hd*hevfk" d ll) de* la re« I by til«» at«* ilents ,tf Michigan State >«»liege, and bait urial by an nnpr«**sive ami tu«»nn»r- ald«* program in the after«*.»!! at whb-h «hurle* W f;.ir»li»l«l. «las* «»f '7«L g«ve the principal a «bln»** L«**klug Ikdh Way*" At I firt tin* long lilt«» of fraterni!it**, »•roritie*. and liMb»ta*n«b*nt*. str»*fcli- ing in a fhutble tile from ilic gym to 'faculty row mai. hod nit.* tlie auditor- inni led l»y s. hwartt. «'reek l*Mn«l. II,,. »¡i* I.emit if iillv d«»«-ornt**l with wN’ti't.v t>iititier*. pennant* atnl ! c«.;it* “ f arms and the stage \vh«*re sat the president* «*f six «.»liege of Michigan, ami IA of tin* pnuninont lit limili of Mbltigaii State, wn* l»anke«l with f»*rns The program wa* usher««! in lo -elections 1«) i In» college «»rct|e*- I ra It i- well I«» look hack at time*," I said Mr «.arthdd in ad«lr«‘**ing the larg»- assetili»!« of student* and fa«*il- t\. I»» tin* day* wlieu our pr«*leo«**w«»r* ¡ were la) ing ’ lie Piumlatioii* for oilf -il« , « ss m | ii). when men s,tught to have work of hands glntifi**! by work -pi intellect. »*« have scietnx* gra*p hands w lib agi <•Ulnirp It:., k ............... 1.1 .1«,.- Ill M \ «' I : .... I ..» 11«.- «:.. .•»« > . urctiil ill- .|,|I»II.III .................... I."» '*>••» I.'.ilinI i .« iin.1 made Hi«' i««tleg»* of stmbHit* a fallili) aIThìi l*r II I* K«*«lxie wa* th«* siiuh'tits «oiinsellor. kind ami »«*lt -« i t ifi.'ing I i *’un*mi».*r al*.» Ib*yekiali Wi lls is »hacinan *»f the Slat«» |h*»r«l •I Agricolture lioW inlet ant In* W ’HN ami how In* know how lo adapt I iUm- sell to cbaiigiiig . ir«‘iiiii*iHinx** ' If«* ailing hi* htst visit to the college in Isti? Mr fiurllchl told a numl**r .«t Hturfe* "t the old day* wln*n tlir I .lilcge luid » lotlinbsi t«*n 11.« a salary for a pr«»f»»«- ! i**i a n-ar. ami (Ilia ». du« cd to $1 X M t it a ' oM**ge organ to II ■ lia|N'l . X»'H ises Hie *.| Oll i*ag«* Ü» LARGE AUDIENCE HEARS DR. FISHER California and Wettorn United States Called Ultimate America". *Hd» < I » a- prese i it fed Ills a d d f»lll t..I " •stern t'i»lt»*l t !» mate America" ar- I l-ln*r, who *|M>ke at .!«•• .f th«* I literal Art* \..*|ttr«dav night . , a# ..I’ pul«!»* wer»» \erv pleasant talk !' \it.cri« a, alni '•*• , ut . w* -f olir < “ liti I i In i pr. *ctit**i were matn **tps arodint I. t 'lie in>*t Iiia|**th i,u : t • , «’ iir»*s •«irtn*r* w to phllo-o»**»y “ f life by l»r l l'lier when bn ■•! four |«art* the . t tin ma n i fe. the won- ,«•!.. Ilf. I tie wolnbr- .«ni?, i ml the wognler- ii«ir«' lb- gave hi* i- thoiight* on en* h , » .ng.iage However. urtili v ¡g fro Ilo roe L«ot hoped that uid«'walk from the avenue mam entranruj "f the ¡att' pd «oon oDtempIV ronatru« The } will add Inc of the | most visit»!« A thing the campus placed *»t the front « __ th.. i i i m pro . W .llt KII K sTINK lork hf.i'l •oni»ai(#r .if Ih» Chlraio Hymphcnr orrhMir*. r ». M», 1« in iti*» »«*• ro »r,m Mr si... » r. m;«“ »!.*« .*re»r« inorturn mu«lrl»n« an<l ,rep! neat , ]i-<rn . *:« h»a a vary pl*-a»in«t p.-rHoiiBlitY - .nrnd.blp .n1 »apport »II iho.a with whom ha rom«« in II« i» » roiupo»«r "t infwrnatlunal r«putation. ..pp. nf th it men of oiitu il held j Tuesday •r tätig’“ * wefe »»tie nf t fie ’ defining of' infer frater- of ddèd listine’ new .ntran< on hf he I'hLun nscriptloo vard The ,‘ifB Michigan CHICAGO SYM PHONY TO APPEAR IN TWO PROGRAMS TUESDAY whh Indoli > mint if tit Ion ' eligible ini- : Mated Each lint of eadi ! director “ f ‘ wai" -- State f’ol'^gr ' Kr plied Svtenr** lU airttr, awisunt con- t i* Chleago SymphoBjr or- Mr. DnUnnrtor lo i Lit- vio ÌM nglff eooaider- imtloa an n conipooor. Ho I Mn M M fin it «jr«pi- v¥«k WillMn,“ at tin It are and Ap- fa l»f*« «oi«l f««'“ * '■“ * I, ground, making •* > , and dl*mn«d »nnounr«n..nt > ' name and purpo*** ° .. , This boulevard highwav 1 « beautified w>th »hrub*. GROUNDS SUPERINTENDENT ATTENDS NAT. CONVENTION 1 H I av«r. *up«rli»t«odeBt of £ r l> o raY ^ n .,r: o ^ »up«r- t ‘ o°B.ndo*, V £ ebVKTl"!!L.r»iilM Bi « 0« next jranr. H e ' li 1 * ag«» Hyropbony («rehe*trn. ¡ f. -.vill ;«p|**ir «I F«a*t I«ariMing r .-la) May I'dh for »*" p^grams, ,f ern.**« and evening ¡n Th* s***w iv.-.n- hur»b auditorium. I* credit „ ci?h Laving two of the 1— t direr- •.,r* ;• 'be Fnited Hfafee Frederick Sf.« k ¡.end («oinrtor. haa had ooe «»f ¡he ni“ *! remarkable .ar**er» of tmelern .,lU.wmn« and Rrb* Helairmarter aa- 1 ‘tetani s.nducfor. I* making a name ' r Mtn*elf in the •«.tn poming field. Hie symphony, wbk-b la the thir*l ,.1 .-*» ita kind in the country, will , ,,m* *0 Last Iwnamg 7S strong, and will **ffer one «if the muet plenalng pro- mm« 'hat h»» t « » h*Brd at !•«» IB ......... «I*/ */ IMi G“ 5rr,! m,„l r«i«ur »rmpiwoz. "Aft«r W*J‘ « hi.««» «HI I* l>» f—I«*» nt i f «v«nin« Kiiwert whU» e**“ f irl.1 -, P.n. from *»«*'»• jrludiBC To « *jjUr Ul/ . »*^25 « Wild Mb» ”, will hod * tonci to tio •! The !«and and gl«** < l»i!» of the «*«*1- lcg»- are staging an ««Ivam-e ib ket -ah- in I«an*ing an Fast Imeong. atnl ticketa may also be pr»*mr«*i hi firin- neii*« muab* stnre «»r nt the ««»lb*ge treasurer* «»fTI«** The fa«*t that the 'first I.JiW who gH their *«*at* r«wr red will l*e Mdmitf»*d fr*** of «hnrge t*. a < 01* ert by the <oil«*ge «.rih«**tra glee cdub, «Jmir ami «|unrt**l the |*re- viotia evening «»tight to |«r«»ve hu in«’«*i»* five to r«**»«l»nt* of (4iriNing and Raal Lansing l«» get r«*wrvaiiona early. } studeii ticket* fur the affair In the afternoon are H it and in the evening $1 SO. p p k sts for «Hitaidera are $1.WI ifiprowm and eveoing. The prlean are very renaotmble ronaidering the aiie of the oreheetra. Ita enviable record aa a symphonic organisation, and tin fact that tio campus musical out at* apoo- soring t i concert are pinging tio Oil mm orciantrn 91000.000 for tlm Tlie Inter Kr a meet I rig in t Ins Fnlon cuing Si-veral minor •1 Iliad«* III I lie ‘ oiiHt lt utioii more important wa* »!•«• eiigibtiity of pluyei* in tiity k-ilues Tli ere ha* f««»n <ovenng »fii* but it nlte \«“ »r«iing »*» the a* rhanged. member* .«r.. mediately upon being ini Mociety uruKt turn in a group "f initial*’* to the athletics The l»»-day rushing rul« was also; discussed Fred Alderman, who rep-j resented the Michigan State council' 41 the national contention, brought I out the Idea that the practice "f) having « 1 rushing perhid 1 * not fol- lowed In eastern college* The point wa* also brought up that the 10 «lav rushing period interfere* *«erlnii*ljr | with studies, and g»v«*s many fresh- men a wrong Htart. to say nothing of t taking up the time of upperclassmen. WALDO ATTENDS DRAMATIC I CONVENTION IN NEW YORK! ♦*n if« «in» rtir«»ngti I'ii nu ma t anal. Ui i iii* |.|. •'inn . travel, held the .«i nature'* •tulli to the « I- or U f, W.I.I., ,.f Ih» Kn*- ll»h <l«|inrtni«Bt r*fnrn«<l W«<lnr»il<n Ttoiii a mnftBlPn hdd 1b V«w York rifjr for Ih« purpM« «f rrvlawlni «Bd ilianlMln« ilramall« [«•ndtMPnw t Whil« In ih« •■««* l’rof Wnlilo ali» at- t«»l«l unranl «fai« fmawBlatioiu far |th« purpoM ot maklnc » Krfew lo he 'diartMMd In tbn raUna* dnuan r i m a , of «kkt ho hot S u fi. At The Union lu ginn.i«g *0 y. Mai 1'* ' fi«* t nlon »mirt**n*hop b ill Im* * 1*11 from *» a, 11 ». t«» . i« ui during the w«**k nel un- ni o i* ui ' it Hat«irdav night V full time i.artir wh«» has u«»rke«l io **#tne “ f 11 *’ t-»**! *h«pa ¡11 th*- -la»» wrlll bave «barge lilnvi'sk. will ..ut. nu«- to work •o Friday ami Saturday. llngimvr* will have «barge of the 1ti ion iwrtv «*n May 21. ;i*h« y ar>* |. tanning on att etcefe t tonni affair The soda fountain haa Ver- nor'a ginger ale on draught nt all tint«** It i* kept at the prop er temperature by merhuateul refrigerati«»»». I.muhen will he prepared for you any time you want t l d i and in any number. Tse yoar

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Page 1: FRIDAY, MAY PEOPLE’S CHURCHI The College … smith. Iiorottn Stiragli«». Phi**!«» Taft. PI,line VVll Iker I it

M i c h i g a n S t a t e N e w sV O L U M E I S FRIDAY, MAY 14,1926 Number 67


Week’» Pregna WUch Eadi With Ceaeert».

a )I*Oo1If | f banquet of the . i l Inst niirhf nerved « two folti I

Hein g fit tended by over fitNl | ,i."\ • - :iit«l visitors to the cHtnptia, It»

i .,.|g to t*‘ a "high light" in •i .Mtion program of the new

,hur«h of Rant Lansing. nntl » tilting culmination for the!

V ita.v celebration, i.niotuet waa h d d in the lain- ' i! ,,f the « linrcli w ith an adjoin- :. it use to »are for the large! which attended M ak ing'

jt did, the existing daalre i . f the student body for co- it church activities, it tic-

■ I .hi end not to Ih» forgotten.. riection i* made to the <NHh an- !

,,f the birth of Michigan

.'mg college presidents from all luirai» together w ith heads of !

i i<>igs normal *eb«Hd* were honor at hurt night's fune

I I »resilient Hiittertiebl of M., -idisl over the ceremonies, at- .o tlie haiMpiet. «Ither apeak-

the program were, Hr. W . i. president of H illsdale col-;,

.i |i Foster, prominent New v]«otient of student religious ritornila R Johnson. sta le super- I t " f publie instruction, anil illativi» of ilo» ('D iversity of uto! “ Hen" Dubbin, promt*i . 11 ghats representative of the col*

..lent ixsiy.I olitisi ai. was present at tlie

.•I ¡it the name of i»otb the I', of I state, io make formal ackuowl

ment of last evenings |mrt of the h i . l*r<»sident L it t le o f Mi«hi-

vus unable to attend, either the • ’ ! the < • >inimmoral ion oxer

itefore the ITO members and sts of the People*« church Tttea- ¡naht at the V icto ry lianquet. the

i Continued on page 2)

The College Glee Club Takes Part in Concert Monday

IVnut K o«— K. IMmhi, ( Parker, *1. Crawford V Hartnell. Prof. #1. N. Taylor. |\ Uniteli. S. Itair, P . Kenyan, W . Second How— I.. UiUntt. ( . swent. K. hm», II l i i u m k I.. Morse. K. ICggert. \ . Ntorkmnn, O. Mar/ke.Tltird lb»«- ' I IVtersott, W . Mchenn. I. v F«lw ini- \\ spurrier. I., stroliel. K Se^eranee.



S rlfr id ge F ie ld A ir c r a f t a i d R o a r»

of Big G a a i M a k e S p e c ta c le

R e a iia t ic .

most -|nm taciilar demonstration *•:«r was given by the artillery f the plan«*s front Helfridge

w> ilnesdaV. 'H ie whining .is punctuate«) by the roars of mn anti a ircraft gun which was •! entirely by students. Much of •rk—that was done by the stud

v not obvious to the spectator* imlpulating of the II. A. correc- * i h autom atica lly figures the• ml direetion of the gun was

students. This very complex m nt is worked by setting in

-it rained from observation* pn the dial of the machineii K itom atlcally gives the infer- . necessary for the firing of the i ii»* only thing that was needed »*■ ¡lie afTair any more real was 1 g of real ehnrges of high ex-

nstend of the paper watiding rk which the anti-aircraft «11 vj" * was |Mirtraye«l very w«dl

Lansing Composer Directs Symphony


T h ree H und red M em b en of C la n

o f ’20 Partic ip a te In

Sw in g o n t

O il by I lib UIHllon !*>«.*• ■ "l.bBb m ilitary bund. " f :i“ '( lass o f "J»l purl i.-ipti'ed Hi : In* animili senior swingmtt h*,f<*re an audience which u-sa'lljhl«*.! oil the «niapus watch llie .1 une t: no I tulles *n 11 i.»*ir in-» np|H*iiri«n> • ili caps and gow ns

Assemblimi a » » he new libran, the proce-'ion pio**ssl»sl around the <aui- pus march lug pas» t he M «»iiihiis biiil.ij lllg. til** 11• »I*«»* Kcoli'Mlll' s I uiidmg around the Stale •trill held and urto the hollow on the • of the 1 nioi. Menmrl.i! laiildmg I lev tin* « las* fill tllCt'U Is were .'.¡rtlieii before the pilot og rapii* i and " l i ' were lend by I.a rt) >kcllctigr

Tin* proo"ion «*r -»mo» by Allan Liltuund* iutinuari d 'be

Htollffer till? j-i• —nia-iit I • .»• -ot.ior c la s s ; M o Im .M ' '¡a rk m •• |.|.*i«].i.< Mary K u k M. Kinnou. s.* tetar) nnd « ari l i ’»11.* i ' '• asm* r

F o l lo w in g it«»- -v4 ingout »!.*• M a te m ilitar) bum I field * ••!..* f u t li»caiapus I In- ■- the ; >■«: t .* u 'U iibeto f open a i r -»•••« — given by tin* hand H u* p iH 'g 11* v


Nin* Seniori Attend F o u r D ay

Chemical Equipment Exposition.

Nine senior to*tnteal • »hglnacr* h r h —t Rwius ■••-■*or Heed and It |> I tittle !••!* • luesda y morn­ing f«*r I ’leveland • :•*». to attenti f lic <b«*mic!ii .*, .. .-».y i*vjh*s it ion which is in prog! • - ihere frotn Mon*

tv to Thursday 1 hi* • «position given by the So

ictv of «‘hem i.'ii i:<iutpm«»nt M . . n u -

• «durer* A program of talks was given every day ‘luring the *-xp4«i

\ paper of special interest t>> the . ; cge (hem na i department wa giv

h i py prof. Fink of «'«tlumbta untrer- «it> on the electrolytic deposition of• hrorhl im on varlu* metals Thin far


P re ie n t C la ta D o ing B e tte r T h an

Km y O ther.

T h e c ir i* » ' t i d i n g « ‘In * * , f l d * s p r l n g .

d o i n g 1.1‘t t e r t lu t t i e v e r t t e f o r e " , w a *

i- - f a t o l u e n i Iliade |»v « 'a p i a i t i I t I -

r * .» n u l t o t* tIte* l u s t r i l o ! o r f , » r t I t !*•

* " \ i j iii*>ititN »r*. i m t u i l i n g t h o s e

e » b e g a li t hi*« t 'M i t g c a l i i i o w t I d e

i n f o r t n l d ) a t a lt g a l i * , a m i n i i i n v

v , . M i a r 'e d i u t n p i n g t h è lo t i db** itile o f t h è b r a v e * » o lio * b a v e o v e i i

Id e n t lo w t i t h i » g r a v e ! p i f

T h e r e I* tu it e l i c i r t h i j ^ i i i s n i o v e r I b i * a n d II i* W -e ll a t t e lu | e « i . a i -


F i r i t E v e n t o f tlx K in d In B e H e ld

O n C a m p n i; T e B e T rnd i- -

l ie n n ry .

L a n t e r n n i g h t , t h e i i r a t e v e n t o f

u g h ■ b e d t i le d a t s .In f i l e

• a r ty r e t u r n e d '

*r * e v e r a !

n i g h t b y

f o l l o w i n g g i r l * a r e **nr«»ll*srl : \ le t o r l a

A d a m s R e f e r t 'a r u s o . N i n a f f l l e * . , l o * e p i i l n e i 'n i l l i i * . M a r y F . l l n F a h r n e y . M a r g a r e t l l a g e r l a d s H a r w * w a l l i a r

-. ! l « r t c . n ? * i« i.* » i T ib '* , .m o . a » K i n g .M a r i t a » ! M< K n l g i i i L m d l b * V o r r l s . A r b i F a n k b n f n , M a r i a n P u lv * * r .

I h i il l i l ie Scott. K a t i i e r i i i o s m i t h . I i o r o t t n S t i r a g l i « » . Phi**!«» Taft. P I, l i n e VVll Iker I it l ie l ) lie W ill la c .

F l i / a b e i l i \\ i M .d w o r l I t , T h e l m a H e w « -*

Leads Symphony Orchestra

*rt eightt h e stale l a n d .tob-tm : * " •*• (dicge I li l l 'O l i e a ! " ’ ’iiiimliing Micir -eril. e in h- I ai"K- W illiam Sc'linlgcit. Merwvi, Wren, u f 'n r l e t o u VV I i * h . r • ia m b * H . k h o t n *

Vernon M«*'k 1 I.)on*. l|owar<i1’re>ton. iiti*i l* l Van *».'».*••1


M n ck Be in g Done le B e en tify

C am p u l A lon g Bo u levard .

Noteworthy improvement» <r‘‘ ‘•■e- ing made it present ’ * • •»«' •• a n i p u a . e s p e c i a l l y 'to * ' 1 ■ '•1 ‘ t h e In ion building .»im! .U"ng '.ran . I t i v e r u v e n u e , ¡ i t t h e n o r t h b o u n d a r y

of t he • ampusH h r u b b e r y

b o u l e v a r d * n t r a n «

n * ‘.’i r t h e c i u s t e • *‘ i i , r a n d K i y e r s i d e ■

p le b e g r a d i n g i* p r e v i o u s l y u n t o u c h e d

o f ’ h*

r . a n d

it* kind to h»' lodd ell tin? rumpus, and the first time that all the girl* t.f Hi»» school will appear in a body, w ill helil Ju n e M. the • v*'tiing preceding t ap night. Tin*« creinoti) is under ilie *|M»ti*or*hlp of sphinx «ampli* activity honorary for women, which together w ith Lx- « is alleluia mg lo Inaugurate «i utiinher of future tratliiionM.

Annie la iurie W u IIh i* i hairninii of the committee in , I. ’ working w !.'ì, ut; afe M a l* N.-.iiilorm M al­tha < iris wold, Neva Huntoon .mil Margaret Foote of tho senlof «las* i ««in in it teen representing oth«»r «lasa-e* w ill lie ¡ippointed at iiieetings of the g ir li of the various claw*»« to tie held in th«‘ near future

The « fla ir may be compared with the I »a I* v » 'ham at Vassar It w ill b»» i ili pressi ve Itiit not n«*c -sanly so serloua that »lie departing senior* Will t«e left With a to lling of «lepre* Sion The -etiiol »’i r l i Will wear their «aits atnl gowni. and the entire group, coin posed of the tour ‘ lasse*, w ill meet .it ilie new library liulld fng The Ime nf ijinivfi i* not dell nltely decided hut will probably «•* tend toward the «• |.| library and around flie «amplia, ending hi th e ’I „rest ■.! Ai*l‘ n spinteti .«ngs clueing ih e p f ¡o n . w i l l e n liv e n hinttors and t he < en u io iiv -vili concludi* with tti«> Hinging of song* and a t-horr talk l*v President Ituttcrftcid. who will probably light the brut lantern All »he V I ria except ito* members o f ; ' ilie fri siimeli. < ta*a «vili bave lantvriia, . ih«* hun designati tig ih«* eia a* The member* of the -nphoinore d ii as will hand Mi eira lo t he I resinili''ti and re ( . iv o » hose of tip* junior« who m

i turn will fake »he lanterns of th«» senior*, who thus btav»* without any '


E lig ib ility o f P la j r t r i la la lc r-

F r d c r n i t y G t m e i D efined

M o re D e fin ite ly .

FOUNDERS’ D A Y P R O G R A M I S I M P R E S S I V EC k a rle « G a rf ie ld . ’7 0 , A d d re e ie *

S fn d e n li a t A fte ra o o a C e le ­

bra tion ia G ym .

Founders' I* iv • e*l#*l»r:itl»»»r. in t h . w o r d * o f | * re s i« li»n t K * » n y « m I l b i t t e r - f i e l d . a • • lo iib h » a t n i l v e r s a r y tx a th of I t ie « ltd c o l h 'g c M A »' and t h e u «»W c o l h » u e M S » ' " wa* it*h «* r* * l i n

T h n r w i n . v m o r n i n g bv a g e n « » r * l " | h d * h e v f k " d l l ) de* la re « I b y t i l « » a t « * i l e n t s ,tf M i c h i g a n S t a t e > «» l ie g e , and b a i t u r i a l by a n n n p r « * * s iv e a m i t u « » n n » r -

ald«* p r o g r a m in t h e a f t e r « * .» ! ! a t w h b - h « h u r l e * W f ; . i r » l i » l « l . « l a s * «» f '7 «L g « v e t h e p r i n c i p a l a «b ln » * * L « * * k lu g I k d h

Way*"At I firt tin* long lilt«» of fraterni!it**,

»•roritie*. and liMb»ta*n«b*nt*. str»*fcli- ing in a fhutble tile from ilic gym to

'faculty row mai. hod nit.* tlie auditor- inni led l»y s. hwartt. «'reek l*Mn«l. II,,. »¡i* I.emit if iillv d«»«-ornt**lwith wN’ti't.v t>iititier*. pennant* atnl

! c«.;it* “ f arms and the stage \vh«*re sat the president* «*f six «.»liege of Michigan, ami IA of tin* pnuninont lit limili o f Mbltigaii State, wn* l»anke«l with f»*rns The program wa* usher««! in lo -elections 1«) i In» college «»rct|e*-I ra

It i- well I«» look hack at time*,"I said M r «.arthdd in ad«lr«‘**ing the larg»- assetili»!« o f student* a n d f a « * i l - t\. I»» tin* day* wlieu our pr«*leo«**w«»r*

¡ were la) ing ’ lie Piumlatioii* for oilf -il« , « ss <«m|ii) . when men s,tught to have work of hands glntifi**! by work

-pi intellect. »*« have scietnx* gra*p hands w lib agi <• Ulnirp

It:., k ...............1.1 .1«,.- Ill M \ «' I: .... I ..» 11«.- « :.. .•»« > . urctiil ill-

.|,|I»II.III .................... I ." » '*>••» I.'.ilinI i .« iin.1made Hi«' i««tleg»* of stmbHit* afa llili) aIThìi l*r I I I* K«*«lxie wa* th«* siiuh'tits « oiinsellor. kind ami »«*lt -« i t ifi.'ing I i *’un*mi».*r al*.» I b*yekiali Wi lls is » hacinan *»f the Slat«» |h*»r«l• •I Agricolture lioW inlet ant In* W’HN ami how In* know how lo adapt IiUm- sell to cbaiigiiig . ir«‘iiiii*iHinx** '

If«* ailing hi* htst visit to the college in Isti? Mr fiurllchl told a n u m l* * r .«t Hturfe* "t the old day* wln*n tlir I .lilcge luid » • i» lotlinbsi t«*n

11.« a s a l a r y f o r a p r « » f » » « - ! i**i a n-ar. ami (Ilia

» . d u « c d t o $1 X M t

it a ' oM**ge o r g a n t o II ■ lia|N'l . X»'H ises Hie * .| O l l i*ag«* Ü »

LARGE AUDIENCE HEARS DR. FISHERCalifornia and Wettorn United

States Called Ultimate America".

*Hd» < I »

a- prese i it f ed Ills ■ a d d f»lll

t..I " •stern t'i»lt»*l t !» mate America" ar-

I l-ln*r, who *|M>ke at .!«•• .f th«* I literal Art* \ ..*|ttr«dav night . ,a# ..I’ pul«!»* wer»»

\erv pleasant talk !' \ it.cri« a, alni '•*•

, ut . w* - f olir < “ liti

I i In i p r. *ctit**i were matn * * tps arodint

I. t 'lie in>*t Iiia|**th i,u : t •, «’ iir»*s • «irtn*r* w to phllo-o»**»y “ f life by l»r l l'lier when bn ■•! fo u r |«art* th e . t tin ma n i fe. the won- ,«•!.. Ilf. I tie wolnbr-

.«ni?, i ml the wognler- ii«ir«' lb- gave hi*

i- th o iig h t* on en* h , » .ng.iage However.

urtili v¡g

froI l o roe L « o t hoped that

uid«'walk from the avenue mam entranruj " f the ¡att'

pd «oonoDtempIV


} will add Inc of the

| most visit»!«A thing

the campus placed *»t the front « __ th.. i i

i m pro

. W .l lt KII K sT IN K lork hf.i'l • oni»ai(#r .if Ih » C h lra io Hymphcnr o rrh M ir* . r ». M » , 1« in iti*» »«*• r o » r ,m Mr si... »

r. m;«“ »!.*« .*re» r« inorturn mu«lrl»n« an<l ,rep! n e a t , ]i-< r n . *:« h»a a vary pl*-a»in«t p.-rHoiiBlitY

- .n rn d .b lp .n1 »apport »II iho .a with whom ha rom«« in II« i» » roiupo»«r " t infwrnatlunal r«putation. th

it men of

oiitu i l h e ld jTuesday • rtätig’“ * wefe

» »tie nf t fie ’defining of'

infer frater-

of d d èd l i s t in e ’ new .ntran<


hfhe I'hLun


vard The ,‘i f B Michigan


whh Indoli > mint if tit Ion ' eligible ini- :

Mated Each lint of eadi ! director “ f ‘

w a i " --State f ’ol'^gr ' Kr plied Svtenr**

l U a i r t t r , aw isu n t con­t i * Chleago SymphoBjr or- Mr. D n U n n rtor lo i L i t -

v i o Ì M n g lf f eooaider- imtloa an n conipooor. Ho I Mn M M f i n i t « jr «p i- v ¥ « k W i l l M n ,“ at tin

It are and Ap-

fa l» f*« «oi«l f««'“ * '■“ * I ,ground, making •* > ,and dl*mn«d »nnounr«n..nt >' name and purpo*** ° .. ,This boulevard highwav 1« beautified w>th »hrub*.


£ r l > o raY ^ n . , r: o ^u B i.e r . li/ »up«r-

t ‘ o°B.ndo*,

V £ eb V K T l" !!L .r » ii lMBi « 0«next jranr.

H e ' li 1 * ag«» Hyropbony («rehe*trn.¡ f. -.vill ;«p|**ir «I F«a*t I«ariMing

r .- la ) May I'dh for » * " p^grams,,f ern.**« and evening ¡n Th* s***w iv .- .n - hur»b auditorium. I* credit „ ci?h Laving two of the 1— t direr-

•.,r* ;• 'be Fnited Hfafee FrederickSf.« k ¡.end («o in rto r. haa had ooe «»f ¡he ni“ *! remarkable .ar**er» of tmelern .,lU.wmn« and Rrb* Helairmarter aa- 1‘tetani s.nducfor. I* making a name ' r Mtn*elf in the • «.tn pom ing field.

Hie symphony, wbk-b la the thir*l ,.1.-*» ita kind in the country, w ill , ,,m* *0 Last Iwnamg 7S strong, and

will **ffer one «if the muet plenalng pro- mm« ' hat h»» t « » h*Brd a t !•«» IB

......... «I*/ * / IM i G“ 5 r r,!m,„ l r«i«ur »rmpiwoz. "Aft«r W *J‘ « h i .« « » «HI I* l>» f— I«*» n t i f «v«nin« Kiiwert whU» e * * “ firl.1 -, P.n. from * » « * ' » •

jrludiBC To « * j j U r U l/ . » * ^ 2 5« Wild Mb» ”, will hod * tonci to tio •!

The !«and and gl«** < l»i!» of the «*«*1- lcg»- are staging an ««Ivam-e ib ket -ah- in I«an*ing an Fast Imeong. atnl ticketa may also be pr»*mr«*i hi firin- neii*« muab* stnre «»r nt the ««»lb*ge treasurer* «»fTI«** The fa«*t that the

'first I.JiW who gH their *«*at* r«wr red will l*e Mdmitf»*d fr*** of « hnrge t*. a <01* ert by the <oil«*ge «.rih«**tra glee cdub, «Jmir ami «|unrt**l the |*re- viotia evening «»tight to |«r«»ve hu in«’«*i»* five to r«**»«l»nt* of (4iriNing and Raal Lansing l«» get r«*wrvaiiona early.

} studeii ticket* fur the affair In the afternoon are H it and in the evening

• $1 SO. p p ksts for «Hitaidera are $1.WI ifip row m and eveoing. The prlean are very renaotmble ronaidering the aiie of the oreheetra. Ita enviable record aa a symphonic organisation, and t in fact that t io campus musical out at* apoo- soring t i concert are pinging tio O ilm m orciantrn 91000.000 for tlm

Tlie Inter Kr a meet I rig in t Ins Fnlon cuing Si-veral minor • 1 Iliad«* III I lie ‘ oiiHt lt utioii more important wa* »!•«• eiigibtiity of pluyei* in tiity k-ilues T l i ere ha* f««»n <ovenng »fii* but it nlte \«“ »r«iing »*» the a* rhanged. member* .«r.. mediately upon being ini Mociety uruKt turn in a group " f initial*’* to the athletics

The l»»-day rushing rul« was also; discussed Fred Alderman, who rep-j resented the Michigan State council' 41 the national contention, brought I out the Idea that the practice " f ) having «1 rushing perhid 1* not fo l­lowed In eastern college* The point wa* also brought up that the 10 «lav rushing period interfere* *«erlnii*ljr | with studies, and g»v«*s many fresh­men a wrong Htart. to say nothing o f t taking up the time o f upperclassmen.



if« «in» rtir«»ngti I'ii nu ma t anal.

■ Ui i iii* |.|. •'inn.t ra v e l, held the .«i " Í nature'*

• tulli to the « I-

or U f , W .I.I., ,.f Ih» Kn*- ll»h <l«|inrtni«Bt r*fnrn«<l W«<lnr»il<n Tto iii a mnftBlPn hdd 1b V«w York rifjr for Ih« purpM« « f rrvlawlni «Bd ilianlMln« ilramall« [«•ndtMPnw

t Whil« In ih« •■««* l’rof Wnlilo a li» at- t« » l« l unranl «fai« fmawBlatioiu far

| th« purpoM o t maklnc » Krfew lo he 'diartMMd In tbn raUna* dnuan r i m a , of « k k t ho hot S u f i .

At The Unionlu ginn.i«g *0 y.

M ai 1'* ' fi«* t nlon »mirt**n*hop bill Im* *1*11 from *» a, 11». t«» . i« ui during the w«**k nel un­ni o i* ui ' it Hat«irdav night

V full time i.artir wh«» has u«»rke«l io **#tne “ f 11*’ t-»**! *h«pa ¡11 th*- -la»» wrlll bave « barge lilnvi'sk. will . .u t .nu«- to work •o Friday ami Saturday.

llngimvr* will have «barge of the 1 ti ion iwrtv «*n May 21. ;i*h« y ar>* |.tanning on att etcefe t tonni affair

The soda fountain haa Ver- nor'a ginger ale on draught nt all tint«** It i* kept at the prop er temperature by merhuateul refrigerati«»»».

I.muhen will he prepared for you any time you want t l d i and in any number.

Tse yoar

Page 2: FRIDAY, MAY PEOPLE’S CHURCHI The College … smith. Iiorottn Stiragli«». Phi**!«» Taft. PI,line VVll Iker I it




■imm è


m -

t| «



I®I i

M ic h ig a n S t a le N e w sPublished twice weekly daring the college year by the student« o f the Michigan State College. Entered as second class natter at the post- office, Beat Lansing, Michigan. Advertising rates furnished upon

application to the Business Manager.


KEITH HIMEBADGH, T7L--------------------------------GORDON W HITBURN, ’27a, Heraian House.. ERVA PRESCOTT. ’27b. Kappa D elu HouseJoe Porter, ’2W, Phi Kappa Tan House.................Georgia Llgbtfoot.

.. Editor Business Manager

Co-ed Editor Sports Editor...................... Features

Assistant Editera— Levon Horton, Dale Medili, John Brtstïïn.

Reporters— < D. H ill. M arian Bennett, It. M« Ionia. Win. Muller. George H . Moore. Beth GUI!«. Fay 01111«, V. F. Kauhut, J A. Keullng.

Society Reporters Wanneta Simon. Edith Slmonton. Ruby Newman. Gertrude Walker, Mildred Brans, Henrietta Seovell.

Business Staff— Advertising— L. Snyder, '28; Vic Anderson, ’28 ; Tekla Sparks, 2 8 ; Lewis Snider, ’29. Circulation— M s* Ooodwln. '20

OFFICE)— BASEMENT NEW LIBRARY BUILDING Printed at the Campus Prosa Phone 2-8415

Editorial« appearing In the M l*'I lIGAN STATE NEWS are writ­ten by the editor-in-chief and his assistants, who are students. They rau In no way be Interpreted as representing th*< official viewpoint of the college, or of college officials. ,


W . F . Snyder, T. *’. W illiam s. J . It. Mc*'nll. und Denn F. S. Kw lx ic him­self who wns presented w ith it Imsi- ijiiet nt tb«* onler of the muster of coremuiiif»* for the i*cen*ioii.

Urcsidont Butterti*‘id after giving it few remarks on the significance of Founders* Day lntro*luce*l the visiting college presidents. President J . I*. Mc.N'icbols of liotroit Un iversity; President W . Q. Spencer of ilillsdab* college; Dean Ñ í jh t ‘-f H oJm»; Prof. John Everett of Western State Nor­mal and President Charles McKinney of Michigan State Normal college were tircjiicil with loud ;i|>|»l{JUS(? by i In- sf tiileii! body. »

Sphinx, hotiomry eatn|itis society for

uni mi opened. Now members elected to 111 « organisation arc Ituth Kctchatii. Olga Htr«l. Dorothy Goodson. E rva Presentt. itnib Norton and Katherine


(Continued from page It opening gun in i h e d e d ir a t io n serv­ivo* of the new 9 not) inter-de­nom inational church. Pro f. T C. liln i-doll lauded East L a u s in g as be­ing far ahead of the tra in of modern thought and to leration in inter-de- norninutionai cooperation

Professor n iaisdel! was the main


al Variety A Gift .Shop

COLLEGE g e n t l e m e n

Among all the #a*‘m l i n«* w hich graze th<* undei graduate pasture, we t tiink of hone to Is- more tenderly re guidisi nor more r***|n»ctlvp!l> revered than i lie Is lier that all college grad­uate-'»re unfletueli Solile |***Opl** *»vefl fondly think Hint c o l le g e graduate* nre culline«! **f course that s too much even for the college njen to In* lieve

W e should like to exfttttihe the symptom*« of gentleness and attempt 1° di*,-over wherein ila' collegi» gradúate taken in tlu- la i ge i* entitlisl to that geti! Icntii li i - a man of *oiilb *,H B I «lisiiM.l loll l.el it* suppose I tint II charm a man who «an ta rry on any intelligent conversili lop III presentable Ftigli*h w In i i an discuss Hit 11 el id in poli He- in -|mris. who |s iici|uniutcd

uli ile broad out I Irw* of interinitioiiid ¡i li aii- who I reals w u ien wilh it cel 1 Mill respecl . illld lilia li' . If It is le * i ask ing loo mie li who enjoy» good music and gissi plays, although not to i tie cvciusloti et tower comedy, tof lit** ami stage

I I I , i c are very few men in the s. bool wlto in n carry on a conversa­tion on any subject in oven reasonably a »«si y. EstyUsfc V - - \w*w--iWwwniluntes Moie are isui versa tit instate and national nlTniis. but with avii<u ready made and liti ml me «low ii

articu lar m*wspa|MTs or can discuss the fall ofor the K ill trouble, or

Mussolini in Ita lian hiswe don t i hi i ni I Init we

vm -a\ Hu* » cry very

Four years in college will make a. man a gefilletWlfi if he gives them a chalice Probably must eollege grad- uates are nearer to being gentlemen when they graduate than when they entered, but as for setting up gentility on the sole foundation of a four year diploma the except ion doe* not prove the rule

\'W M a k e fff M o n e y

tpsiY ï k

T h is V a c a t i o n

1%C O I N D K K S ' I IA Y l ’IM I

» .K O I IM M U 9 M I» K

I I Olili |IU»*I fl'Olll |Hlg«‘ t lma\imitili giff urna $.*»*it. tbe miiiiiuuni ■J.‘» • enls "

Following Mi Garlield's address tbe ahi,nini uf Ile* college iluiI were pr* * cui at fhc < otehrnf ioti were infiiMlu* «*«l lo Ilenti F S Ked/ic and pi* • d u d ii llower* by Kntli Ket«ham. pr«*si delti of I Ite I li ioti Tho-c tot fisi II, ed were I II Guntila*»» Mimici Htratige l une- S a lic i h * l 'h i i lb * G ii la bi II P Ila 1*1 end. W ili latti ».alduell \V S Emery Eugetu» lNi*eti|»irl « li..ih M< Kentiy I F Itoot. Frank I l(oge(

H g ïh v $ 1 0 $ ¿ 0daily

T f e w — — —

Shraffrr Dealers are /,(»• >1. iti/) f ir Good Mm

H.*l ■


on of good book* ami gtHMl plays Ih Iti Iteli

ide ali- ! 'ideili - p i* |oW eli. Migli

.1 tlic unioirllig» ut |s.rtioie ini ion make a great don I of i lu ll noise like I lie bray iug- drew iih nul flu* -•Mind n ailing of thus« Who real.

\ the bei 1er III lugs of life • Use double Iles, ruell with profanity and liquor ne»ci beard «»f t'hriNtopher- o a le I lie gelllbMlieli W itolll

g, * are pro|»dllng out t** t ut Id W v h*q*e State isn't >nr Iio|rm of any dirist.

II»«’ wIlilM* lllitl hl-l* f|»r l.:»«li«,w kimI lafiill«TM»*»». Ilsl* rlruiMMl .mil hliM-kril. WV rl«‘¡iii iiimI «!>«* >«nir »Ihn1*. Mlrhigiiii Nil«»** NHitn* l*iirl«»r, l'riifl«l«-ti lluibliiig. Wr»l M !«•••••* • ,

» " H r ; ■■■ ■

"• / ' s ' : ' ' !e - s ( ’- -y ts)

®l|i' îjitnt JFiuiii ^hnj)Iti ISS Essi iiTMké R lv« r Avenus R m l a n i n i

Sfif||«w JJ13«*

speaker on the program for the ban­quet, having form erly been a mem­ber of the English department of M ichigan State college, and having made the first suggestion in the way of an inter-denominational church. Dr. H laisdell was rem iniscent of the early attempts along this line and told of the sm all schoolroom which served as a church 19 years ago in the selfsame community. He con­tinued to trace the growth of the idea, which was culm inated by the assemblage to which he spoke, gath­ered to honor the completion of the new structure.

Dr. w H. Phelps, editor of the M ichigan C hristian Advocate, was another Important speaker "n the program, and termed the accont-

. plishment of the People’s church a ‘•miracle." Dean E . H. Ityder. long active ly associated w ith the church.

! paid tribute to Rev. N. A. Met une.■ i'«im m unity singing was led by L

O. Morse, along w ith vocal selec­tions. while the invocation was de­livered l»y J 0 . B iery . Mr- D. A. Seeley spoke on the part which the women were playing in the accom­plishment of the ends sought.


T R O U S E R SN e w a r r iv a ls in sm a rt sub ­dued s tr ip e s .

S t r a ig h t- h a n g in g , fu ll- m t C o lle g ia te m od e ls , e x q u is ite q u a l i t y .


( ¡ » I f k n ic k e rs , g o lf hose, g o lf ra p s .

S t r a w H a t s a r e r e a d y w h en y o u a re .

M e n 's an d w o m e n ’s h a ts loaned a n d i'O ljiiirked in .u r o w n sh o p b y ex p ert

MAY BROS.“riie Hal store of the Town*

285 8 Washington A»* OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT

N O MORE E X T R A SColl, erf thin company no looser mnka the 20c each char*» r...

' ’ T O e S f t m o! three, four or Bee paeeemere mar now rid* for - .

pri h ! i ahould appeal to atndenta aa troupe of flea may now » taxicab, »• bnt slightly more than street car fata.

TH E M A C K E Y C A B CO M PANYDial »1444 n l * * •

We Solve Your Laundry Problems

Lansing LaundryMWhere the good work

comes from”

Your Meat? Summer ?FLYS?

Tbt I’roll lent Solved


B a t t e r M e a ls

C le a n e r M e a ts

Quicker Service


*.Designed for A ll Sports!fo r a *hof to meet di qxvt require mrctaot sfiicgu-'i», v e went to the tun«nie Athletw JiuM.'t lh Mean- weil ln AnV teat, the AthlC'.c will give you i.whirt And long wear i^iuntitv pr'kiiution ciotiomica pet mit An euepthuui |M we tuf a wtNkkrlul aluWDice* M e $¿ 7t .Wotneti’* 9a t 'IV - »... Youth»' 9: to Adi»•Hit «it'.lci iii.i. it y.'U hdve to u J r r Uu*vt. we will deliver *hoe» o. » .it t i .i > hi i,h the Je Jcrwhoae ha roe vyhj nienthxi

Exclusive Feature*11'ure -repe gum *olc Same

quahiy ** the higher ptued NfeAnwefi IwAkethAU hh,*e*2 lH th .,p4edu heel with Atvh

Kippoit V.ei tilk ia»t whkh*iip(H4ta u *tep At.J kvt mukk’4.2 Stuhher t *> piled t»4 t.

Uvi* , patei t a;* .* t . gi ve utai»«t j'Cotec-ikt : .h kiKHk»iiy treated canvA* top

tC*M» WCaf Alld i-ifd4 S;V‘■ tCasklFrw—Jgrwi /we P». Munu-nií’» FirAkt ‘T V Mutmg of ow .VAiaw"


W<kmssst*»A«»wHiMlf »o»*rif«g 9»Proim. AiWrtu Cw.An a* J Cm«PhWO» W»S* m <*«A»rmanww.

» H i n a v u s l u m i c o m p a n y • b o c k i s l a n d , I l l i n o i s

i i w i i i m f i S i i É P i m i i M i i k ï i ï i w a

S t i l l I n S e r v i c e a f t e r 2 5 0 Y e a r sA H U N D R E D year* before N apo leon was

bom , before h i* w ar* scourged Eu rope, be- fore the French R evo lu tion raged, th is Cast Iron P ip e was laid , in the reign o f Lou is X IV , to supply w ater to the fountains o f Versailles.

A report from the D irector o f the W ate r S e n . ice sayss “ From the ir actual state o f preserva­tion, w h ich is excellent, excepting the assembly iron bolts, these conduits seem to be able to fur- nish service fo r a very considerable tim e longer.’ ’

T h e high resistance o f this Cast Iro n P ip e t o corrosion m ay be judged from the clearness of the fine “ parting line” produced by the o ld

horizontal m ethod o f casting.

The Cast Iron Pipe Publicity Bureau. People, Gee BIJ«.. c

■ H IRON WPE« ■ « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ m

Our nfi9 konkltt, **PtaHo ning .1 tt'atm i v rh .' » /.If ft ," tv htth C 'tf ft I fit pf’>blrf\ f watrr for /A# small tov*. u t/t be sent w

u't rt'/ueit ' ^


arrrDVfn rfBB •Of »GROUNO (M*<


fe n j fo t ' Jn f rip * ft* /• - Strvu t% ' iSm rir * : -1 ng m tlallitt •


V * t r y ?


- ¿ f i a r

To mountain climbers about

to cross a plateauf I ^ 1 1 1S in u t h o u g h t lo r s e n io r s u lM .u t t o

A set fo r th 011 th e w o r l d 's b ig g e s t c l im i ) t h e i r c a re e rs .

F .d l ie n to r s t e l l us t l in t m e n t i l i g r o w t h , ¡t

d ia g r a m m e d , w o u ld s h o w a s u c c e s s io n o l

m o u n ta in s a n d p la te a u s . P r o g r e s s in i n ­d u s t r y . to o . In is its p la t e a u s t in * p e r io d s

w h e n y o u s e e m tin re ly to l ie m a r k in g t im e .

n u t is it t im e lo s t O ld e r g r a d u a te s , n o w

e x e e u t iv e * m in d u s t r y , s a y “ N o . " T h e y re- c a i l t in s as r e a l ly a i l ia i ie e t o t in d o n e ’s s, lt .

t o g e t o n e ’s s ix-o lid w in d t o r t h e n e x t c l im b a h e a d .

A n d th e y r e e n il th e f a c t t h a t t h is w h o le

j o u r n e y , u p t h e m o im 'a i u a n d a c ro s s t h e p la in , is a g re a t a d v e n t u r e w i t h e a c h I l i a n b la / iu g

h is o w n t r a i l , w o r k in g o u t h is o w n i n d i v id u ­a l i t y in t h e . :aru>us te . h iu e id a n d i- o n i in e n iu l a e t n i t ie s o f m o d i r n b u s in e ss .

^ W e s te r n E l e c t r i c C o m p a n yMaters of ike Xation j Telephones

NamSntt ef • Series

1 Í

Page 3: FRIDAY, MAY PEOPLE’S CHURCHI The College … smith. Iiorottn Stiragli«». Phi**!«» Taft. PI,line VVll Iker I it

I The Sodai Whirl sTBftg.-neial aotlTltle« on the State campus have been many during the and promise to increase during the coming week-end Founders' r„ught forth much in the way o f activity. The freshmen party was .wdnesday night, followed by »U n ion dance Thursday evening For

•..rung week-end there are more parties scheduled than for any Dre- week-end this term. The U n io n w ill be the scene of the Sesame

, Saturday evening while the Ero Alphians w ill stage theirs In the : The spring term informals of the T rlm oira and Olympic societies

■ !,. W om an’s building will also he held. Among the societies hold- ;,en houses are the Eunomlans, Delphic. AeTheon and Eclectic.

Fresh Practice Tree Climbing

llplut (iam m i Kho tton was held fo r D. Sm ith, in K. Lo tt and D. M arkte he past week.

ITyMdan j.ring term party w ill be e IS at the H ow ell Country

vder and V. S lyke spent the d in Chicago.

(«dumhiun ; se lle r has returned to the • ;,.r visiting in New York.

Sesame•>• >.**010 a lum nae entertained \c m embers*at a Bohem ian ,* the house Monday evening

|*hl Kappa Tan .. T ay lo r and Ka lph Decker . week-end in C lyde. Ohio.

College Residence . M<»rdrige spent the week-

end in Kalamazoo. Dorothy W o lf in Sunfleld. M arjorie Lawson in How­ell. Genevieve Boyd and Nina riper in New Troy.

Ttimnlra The society spring term party will

be. held Friday night in the Union In itiation ceremonies were held for

S. Weed. L. Baker. ,1. Simon and W E rw in Wed nudity evening. IN Hew­ing the initiation a bsinfjuet was served.

HororianThe local alumnae of Kappa Alpha

Theta were entertained by the soci­ety at dinner Monday night.

The Sororian society will be in ­stalled as Beta Pi chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta from Ju n e lo to 13

Practice House m e girls who w ill live tn the

house the remainder of the term are

That the menibi '2k make a long peal to the offiei the introduction course tn tree cl action taken by gang, the officia men class. The ter a long and t the yearlings ;r houses on the < ascend trees an ends of the sw, sehior swingout tn the yearlingt every student w; und easiest maw th'éÿ’rotild liane when they get t.-

There were the art of »wing during the meet up along the : ion that it imik the main

rs of the class of ud unrelenting ap- s of the college for of a compulsory ibtng was the final he Smoke House •rgan of the fresti- ftton was taken af- lious discussion by i the fratern ity siest manner to attach the rope gs to be used in 1» was brought out discussion that if 'aught the proper|

r of tree ascension ' it their own swings 1 >e >eniors. oral tine points in mmng brought out g The boys from I were of the opin-

the best swing if hang


George Dirks was elected president of i lie »tudent council for the coming year at a meeting of the council held Tuesday night. Clyde Ditti w at elected secretary.

Thi* council passed a resolution to make a recommendation to the faculty that athletes and those students who work I»* given preference ut ivgistnt- tion time in tin* desirable laboratory sections which would la* either in the morning or from ins» to oVtook in tile afternoon. I'rovhjiisly preferenti* has Iusmi given only in the order inwhich students enrolled

was a nice long easy riding affair fn the Forest of Arden. It was labeled “ For the use of Eunomiun seizors and Abbot h a ll." hut the label did not designate whether that “ use" was to be alternate or simultaneous A few evidently thought It meant the latter.

Make the

¿Harjj Stciuart §>lnipYour Meeting Place



Its H u t MMilcan

Here Below We List a Few of the Latest Hit* On Columbia Records

Drifting iim I Dreaming I

Ik e Monkey Domile-Ilm» K<*» II Mb. Tit

■ I < It 1Mb. T it

i : i» 1Mb. Tit

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T e i I..

Ted I h

I lotte) llnnrh V isn l tiio rt

le lV - b m w Hid Together i


I (lark llo n e Stomp F"V 1>B in ile — Fo\ TrotI W ish I Had My Did Gal Back \w in v - i i l • I

Frank l y n Itaiir» W alt* The ' a valter* », \ » tz »M a ll ring the Mile«» MYnlt« The • ava ib r* «W «It

W t have all Um* lattai hilt as ■ m m . r te u r -n a n m m a * Hbut Mut*

B u d d ’ s M u s i c H o u s e“ EV ER Y T H IN G IN MUSIC*


BraebumCollege Clothes



$35.00 and $45.00



Lewis Brothers*College Shop

G B f e C L A R K . M a w « « « m a r t l W a t

down toward t! gruund. The boys J1 from down t-»w rd Detroit, on the j'o th e r hand. w*r •ije that the besteffect i- attained it the loop i» allow . J

j ed to extend war.i They claim' that it w«»tild 1* ive a more lasting 1impresxion of t !i w!i<> watched the I

! »etilofa »wing 1 hat heels-over-1i head condition • **n develops a very! thrilling > to* lord ing t<> their jstatement h

One * if the • 1.• • -1 swings to ap- !1 pear, for th**? iiust have been a i

dozen hanging »out tiie campus. |

Thelma W ill) Mildred Gagnon.i Katherine B".«n Kuth Marsh1 A lice Wtmles eien German. Helen 1

Peck and AlbertWom.itt BilibliniC

| The spring rt:i informal w ill tie!| held in the W t»i!!tding F ridayi evening

il bumGeorge Dirk« F. Salisbury

! G errit Arnold dt ; I > Medlll spent !1 Wednesday in

Exterior de< ot in g w ill b*‘ startedi »non

Lawrence H* ' dr . k of Saginawj was th»- rue-* • - t rot her Hay la s t !Sunday, w1 < t .f v tnBuren was ai

I An open hou* staged May


101 W u h tu te a A v w . Hmith la u t e » . M M v

EM»bltib«d T1 T u n

W ANTED!T in men from Michigan Slate We guarantee salary anil ad tl doiial earultigs tiu r work for the ■»iitntner i- worthy of care­ful • •iic-ideralion If you meali •usiiHjss and are looking lor a (..c-iiion .a ll at I:vj s riomcn-

e l.ntising, lift ween tile iloUt's • <r - .ud in p h i . and .-isk foril I Stcgctiifin lie Will be |.|.a-d f.t give \ mi the detail*




Va title vill«* Include«.

N IC K L I T AN, " T i l l 1: I K IH IM M . TKOI l i t D O IT




“TU M BLEW EED S"One of the liiggewt and lies! Picture* Hart Ever Made

landetille Feature

CHABOT & TORTINI(The Ilot front Belgium ami lite G irl troni Fritter »


îîarfetu mtit (Sift ^linpMrs. h . M. Harford Hpp. II. F. Illdg.

-prlngV with

el Mr-

G e t E x tra C red its a t H o m e—

IMore than 4^0cnttrnn in History, English. Matbcmatii s, Chemistry. /iMilngv. Modern Linguagcs. Eàofiomi»*, l*hil«*s*»'ihv, N« lology.etc.. are given l»v rorre»pomfet»re. Learn h<>w theerniit t lev Meld may lie applied on your college program C ital«n- drscntwiK course* fullv, Tumi shed rai request. Write G »lay.

vTlir Slmbrrfiitp of (Cfnrago' 0W H I is N Al L H O * a c v I I L IN O I «

0 ANCI\Ioba l td

lay .»ffernoo

d for Ifeiel)


*d • ' Lan-

N-m-V id ' lyde




J E *l'uval* I »•■on* at ysur mnvMilMirib»|l«Rtr«' i Ism i t i r l i 1 um May IB.

Nm I? r m

Hotel KernsC A F E and CAFETER IA

Ballroom Private DinnerR

\ Iplut trinomi» India

ije and HR. I lai


\ reprenenlalite of the Fuller ¡Brush to., will be m the UWit I•if the I nèon Bldg . May 17 «I Jl.-nNMHt .uni etewitif. *«» tiirw men for sunawer empio) j


H lflX U SF u t I « U te » . Mite.

W hen silvery moonlight falls on town and field—and the long, joyous tour home is ready to begin

— have a Camel!


THE LANSING CAFE. — ^ Mam I p t a lM ia


' V " ' i

I t P a y * t o T r a d a

a t


D r y Q m A

B a M t y t a t e , 1 W M t l i i r

I t a


WHEN nMNtnligltt ttatlm woodland and hilla with |ilatmum light. And vha tour home it ready to begin— here e t'emel!

I'or Camel make« every an tooth tour •moother» add* of ita own contentm ent to rvrry delightful journey. Camel* never tire your t.t*tr or leave a iigaretty aitrr»ta*tr. I'av what you will» you'll nrver get choicer tobacco* than ihoae in Camrlt.

So this night a* the foresGtopped hill* race hy in moonlit proces­sional. As the magic road curves through the colonnades of birches— have then the finest made» regardless of price.

Here e Cemel!

Cerniti rested• the eery thmteti tohseci groan in eli thn »naht, tymeU ere hianéré hy the marié’» hmmI rsarrf Mender*. Nothing it tom gond ter Cemel». tn the mahtng »Il thè$ ene hrené we eeneeutrete the teheeem knowledge end tàig e f the lergnl ergemtetéen ef tehetee eupert» in the amid. Afe etnee ripetette mede m like Ceetel». They ere

Oa» èteSar» midi, g ram éu aal r*» kam» temadw . . We ramm ram te rnmpofr Carnet» ama


Page 4: FRIDAY, MAY PEOPLE’S CHURCHI The College … smith. Iiorottn Stiragli«». Phi**!«» Taft. PI,line VVll Iker I it


T O L L E S G O E S R O U T E , A L L O W IN G S E V E N H I T S ; F L E S E R H IT S Tfcere W in g , N o ? S t . r t in » T h u T erm .

H O M E R ; H A S K IN S H E A V Y W I T H S T IC K . ^ yMr ---Announcement comes from the ithletic department that fencing la o !>'• recognized aa o minor sport on he State ath letic program starting v ith this term.


N O T R E D A M E F A V O R E D B Y S M A L L M A R G IN ; S T A T E WON Last F R O M S O U T H B E N D IN 1 S 0 5 .

of markers thru* hits, three pnsse* and a pnss lmll. Th»* Hpnrtnns eoncltided the da .scoring In the eighth with In

;ift«*rn«Hin and ‘'Put" three cimile«- ut the

A-hirh a loving cup will be award- d the winner by Joseph Waffa, the Itate Miming coach.

Ten member» of th** Michigan 11 engage the

Uni­rmi» scored <»n Uleser’s home run, t: wi.multil hitter, a saerifb hlngle l»y Perry Fremont »coring was done in the • with two nway, a fr.*.* ticket t«* Ilrst. an error and three hits provhhil the misled 11*11 sfifin-fits for a pair of mils Aside from this inning Tolies was in­vincible.

In the sixth nfter faptnln Klehlerj had lined t" 1h*Uri»«t, Toll«*» drew ii walk Hint -lob* ws-ond. Splekennan al-;»o drew a pass, his third **f tin* aft**r noon and they both iidvaneed on Itow- b*ys inti« Id out. Bay ne» singled to.right storing Tolh** mid Hplekennan.Itaynes t«»*k second «*it the throw in and Fleser singbii Ii ini to third.Baynes t....k »«n>nd on the throw In and Flexor singbsl him to third j battleBaynes scored on ii |»ns»»*d ball. Fleser Kuhn taking se«i»ml -and mitring from the «ITT n midway on Moti llaskllis otic bit se ereticiblow to l«‘ft. / intmeiman wallo-d Put Fremont lilted to Htekctcc to end th«*Inning.

feet IV. The third

. With the aid of some good burling and dr of died the ball when Hph*k hand- Tbe ^|f,.saVing corps has an*of the crooked armed port si«b*r ««I it to him. This left first and third nounced that there will be no pa- «Vth'th is term. According to tn-Lefty" Tolies and the timely hitting tenanted and they both seoml on \an- t lhjH year aU effortg being di_ >f the (1,.partm,.nt. an all-cot-of Baynes. Fle»er and Haskins, gtate denbrlnk» safe h it Hteketee follow»«! rected toward making the corps r f(,nrjnfr tournament will be heldout »cored the flop»» eollegi* nine at with another one base blow and Kiel» 8tronger< To further this end. it . . . . . .I'ollge field yesterday afternoon. «-2. wn|ked filling the haw»». Tolies got out be ¿088ib|e to pa38 Dff the testsBoth teams went »eoreless until ...... the hole by striking «nit ItoOroot. aU regt of tfaig term lhe in_sixth when state first dented the plate j |ln|h |blvm.M 0Ild Kleis ma«l«‘ nice atruetora being willing to give themwith a dunrtet «*f markers through around the midway during the us soon as any girls are ready to ^

M| *•.............. * • Rowley bundled tak«: them. AU girls are urged to j Universityhot eorner l»‘r- go out for lifesaving, and may re-

«•k«*r has l»i*n port at th«* pool any Wednesday night.Jshowing much Improvement ill the last from n *“ “

' •* r** few games and begins t«* loom as a tlxV,’ s I'1" ’ tar«* in the Spartan infield, eventb when

Mon Fleser, and Ito.v Hpb'kermnn bad ! perfect day» at but Fleser drove out four bits in five times up ami walked

! «»mi*. Ills botne run was «»tie «*f the banlesf bit balls seen <*n the Hast lean­ing lot this keH»on Hpiek is only r«-dit«s| with being up otiee. hitting rifely on that i»i*n»l*»ti. He was pass

ie«l bis other thru* apf»*Mratii*ek at the | plat«*.

Slat«* plays St. Viator’» nt *1:30 t«*- i morroyv aftern«»»n at Uollege fiebl

’athoHes »trength is not known t nt if they produce baseball teams on i par with other athletle teams, a real r


il he ex|*e«ti«d. F. it her Heorge Harry Wttkofleld will draw

id assignment with til«* pref sting on III** latter

An interda»» swimming meet will be held the last of May. probably <»n the 27th, which promises to t>** an interesting affair. The cooperation ami support of the student hod y to insur«.* its success is strongly request­ed. The date for th«» preliminaries has not been set as yet.

Plan for raising money to send a delegate to the National of I d f e s a i in g Corps, tino* in June, are al?«•ration.

The subject nf enlerlnK a lie the Senior Water » . brought up for «lis«

I:ted upon soon.

«»nventlon bo held some under confid­

ai te

fencing team wiof Michigan fenr

Arbor on May 2b. Eithcversity «*f Ohio or Wisconsin will be met on June 5 or 12.

Munng the past year, the State fencers have grown in favor in a large measure, and th** recognition .,n th«* ¡is* of minor sports under the. Spartan athletic banner should raise th«* sto«-k of the sport this spring


Association to Sp«n*or Many Event* for Co-ed*.

M Maria

;md vilitie- -1»«

Bnyiies rotled oiit t«> Alher» t « * in ilillle lite eighlll bllt Fh*m*r dlove oli** l»*tw«i*n P«*p|»*n and Hteketee f«*r a hoine tuli. The hall tri»velini «ut a lin«- «»ver thè fiolder» homi*. striking lite Ini se *»f lite *'««uter fl**ld l»h*aeh**r» and rolling *l*>wii the »trnlghlw’iiy. Ilask liH |N‘i'stuid«il " his uiii|h" that it wn* hls *db««w und n««t hi- wilbiw tImi Nent oli** cnnniiing ngaitist III** bii<'k»t«>|i timi rea« In-ii Mi si II»- wjts sacrili* «il lo M in ia i bv /.itnaa-t inun ami »« «iti*d *>n Ftiuiiotit's Mingi** Porr» was "iti al M iniai. .In pi liuti in |h*Gr«Ntf

fl«*}»*'» eoiitiler» weti* na*n* or b—s itlolig Ila* Mia* of glft», tW'ii bnitig oilV ÌN*f**re Tolb*»' inisptay let Ila- Mutili itali ini«* Ila* Miiritig H*b* K ii‘bb‘t threw noi I'"p|N*n ti» ila r i tla* Inniag bill F lbubaas stogiti! t** tigbt .lti|M-nga ri t ir i l i no «dritto» and Att»*r* bit an t*»i»y r«*lb‘i ilnwii Ila* ili i Ini**** line H|*iek**rtimn baia lb il Ila- ball boi Ttrtle* was h|**w ili tiivering thè bttg

lloX sente: iioi'i:Kleis. 21» iM lrfio t. ss Vatiderhil. rf l*'*p|»n. IfI! Il» ui Im as. lbI a pinga e Allier», p Vanderbrtnk. SI ekel«*«*, if

AB It II I'M A F.:i o (i .*{ :i ii1 « n I nI o o i o ni o o u II ItI I I in I «•4 0 I 4 1 0I I I 1 5 0

*4 u :i <» i o:i o i 2 u u

CHEER LEADER TO HAVE MONOGRAMOther Re*olution« Pa**ed at Board

Meet of Athletic Body.

Mu ni i in

Nutrì' I Min1'' I risii thliKfiuls invnilo ,.. Himrtnn ranip mmiirnuv afternoon ir a truck tnect whieh i» to prove » i**tl t»*st f«»r ih** < 1 reen ami Milite, fitta the n o n » - * « t -Uh stnr. a. «Win hirin Htti.-k. Vomì*. JtKlw. Hnrrln*-,i, .......... I «mi M i« ' un H» riwtiT.ic irl'h «IH iinwtit it turni rally u* ■niiidilili- ii' "f l»i»t T" <"m‘,! i|ii' tirruv nf liiliuit' < np- ,in Crini ÀMi-rma». Wyllr, Snillta. uml Tlii.imi» ii» iiiitstnndlti*

vvli" aro sni>* H. tarili* i-im« mi« a* State coi mi m.

is a llulisf ut thè la* Min yard dasli and

in iintistut! 22U man. He wlll a reni t»*»t fnr Freddy Abler- I B«*hn Grini Haturdiiy whleh a hit i«H» high a barrier f«*r thè

tir in er«»»s. in Sta«k. Grim wlll n i a worthy «*Pi*onent who wlll givi* n big Siate b*ader a reai race, if not in it. Young. who wlll U* rettiem- •re*! a» ih«* man wla* a*i-i*l**ntally ►Iked-Captalo * Bald.v” Har|»*r «»f the ■i»«*« eottntry team hist fall, wlll agalli «•et the little Hjairtan «listami* man

thè tw«» inile. Y«»mig is one *«f. thè —t «INtaiai* meli \««tre Marne ha* or luriail

• Iteals

• h<

wla ate

ni tl

riti prnbtildv givi* «liuti t«» that nf Untlger ust Saturday, ist half miler who is e (Rtek at the taj»» un i in and • la im- theMe «dei

Wylie has lieeii giving the sfil­iti Stat«* traek «luring tin* inst

two meets and it would not I to s«i* him letter Judg«* Harrington lead» the Irish ter* and 1» capable of tliii whieh 1» probably more tl Smith will In* able t«» «lo ng Itoland and Moea are «.! among th«* weight men. Bnlm the shot and M«»es the jnv**li ar<* unltentiible ami Smith, and Alderman may onfdistar

State has not won a track the Smith Benders si net* l Stat«* w«*n 7r.-r.tiU at East I.m Spartans art* not d«*iH*d t«> v row blit are ex|ieetfi| to Fat bolle», a eb*s«» meet. Th s< h*iltibil for 1 :iNl at th«* -t

A V FK K K M I S P O K T P»tO< U\\|

Track N«»tr»* Ihnne vs. %,-i• p. in.. stadium.

Baseball St. Viator vs IM.’M» p. I I I ., f ’ollege field .*{ :.*itt p. in.. i ’«*lloge field. F vs. fr«*sh at Flint, Friday

Tennis Detroit City ■■■ varsity. Friday 2 p. m Stat** .\«*riual vs. varsity.2 p. in

Tin» iMuird o f control « f grunted i*ertiilssion f«»r 11* • fr«*sbtnan tra i’k team t " «•"inj.. western Michigan ineei r«.Grand Itapids <>u June 12

■ will I*«* p" m FI«** 1

,k.‘ place ng tie* lirsf - . la s s base with the Ii

la\ 1- June i\ immihg an

Tes t vu :FJêser Haskins 7 iuiitimF re n tó nKahl.«T«dlesspt»*k»*nIb.w l**y Baun-.

at» II 2 21 12Alt It It ft» A E

I 2 1 t» 1» 01 *1 ;i 2 n 02 i» I I t » t»r» t» i «. 1» t*i »» »» i :t t»:i I j * t»i i I 11i 1» n ot i l t

id litici pii ted



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DressesNm I t a a i I W i )

East Lansing Dry G o o d s



CHAN. HACK IWI South l*e«wt»ylvanta Aie.

Phone M32M

T " til« 1 ti I I 27 I I j ..n Hu* m. «i***

Stitt «» il n ii 1 1 n 2 \ 11 1 ' 'r . , •»H m|N 1» n 1» n 1 1» 2 II H11**11 «• run» Fl*i**r St "It'll NI-" illg »w.. "

1 1. -• t Hmklii». T««ll< Su. rill* > Ill's. H 1 ¡ ;' 1 1 1 \M U-ll/ I mi l«'l tllltll 2. Sll'k •1.1- 1*, 11*01 Im IM m fei i* i -lt'Cii‘1•11» 1 » ì Igtl |tllM*S «•li biill- O ff r*i«.mni"iid.i»i«

lu ll.* 1. "IT y Un t i • Siri« k < It ||\ ! IIHI|M»HC|| ..r •r-.ib- iï. hy Albi r** 2 Butter*« tit Ic ..1- , ÍM1*r i1*11« hi- . hy A Un t i Hm k In n 1 II. ..f f »•• • \ rt.iiiviii»*' »in . 'i i Oo " in . • » . 1» Ib«* I-


• t r r r r t i * "• ' I r r ! G R A D U A T E S

■ ■ ■ ■

« ommemoriil»' (he Important Kvent of Graduation l>> II inu a Photograph of Vourself.


• I I i • I illi '

a Le C LE A R PHOTOGRAPH CO.I 5th Flnor Capital National Hank Hldg.á Telef»lieta* .V Î13.» la tsb ii;.

K i Im i K ii


( llh r r S ly lm »« lo $10

H ER E’S “ S T Y L E TH A T S T A Y S ” ------•Üh**lon¡an«" hold I hr ir ahapr

H a r r ^ m a ^i r S H O E SU S SO, WAS Mil IÛTEW S W ,

If Y mi Ire I ntere *»l et I In %

IMHMiE HUDSON OR ESSEXOr a IhmmI I Mil Car. II Will l*ay Yon

I« Mae

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Delicious Sodas and Sundaes

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Fancy Band A Style for Every Man


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«h» H—111 M ulla a p ram

A wi-yk-.-iul spn’ial! Two large group*! Two prices. A wide range of pattern shirt*, plain colors "b ite s . I oilar attached as well as coilarless! A that is calculated to win more friends for our men’s nishings department.

3 for $5.00 3 for $7.00

Before you buy your knickers see ours with caps match, also sweaters and golf hose to match. Once a tomer in our store, always a friend because we have * merchandise to satisfy your t a s te .

Harry Suffrin’s2-PANTS SUITS $25 to $50