friday, october 12, 2012

sions with different representa- tives of several existing and potential airlines partners, such as KLM, Arkefly, Delta, US Airways, JetBlue, AirTran/ South west, Copa Airlines, Aero Mexico, LATAM, Air Canada, Virgin Atlantic and British Airways. During the Conference, AAA operated from the Schiphol Group (Am- sterdam, Eindhoven, New York, Brisbane and Aruba) chalet in the main exhibition area. “World Routes is and has been the perfect opportunity for Aruba Airport to maintain its current network and to open new networking opportunities with airline and other industry partners. The hard work in pro- moting the airport is clearly displayed in the numerous consecutive nominations and awards of this prestigious award. We’re very proud to be Highly Commended again this year! It shows that AAA is a leader in the Airline Marketing business,” said Peter Stein- metz, CEO of AAA. AAA will continue to at- tend both the World Routes and the Routes Latin America networking conferences to boost its networking activities on a yearly basis. Picture shows Head Airline Marketing Ms. Jo-Anne Arends of AAA with the award. planning community. The prestige of these industry awards, which recognize ex- cellence in air service develop- ment by airports, is largely due to this method of voting. The World Routes confe- rence is an industry-wide renowned event on the avia- tion sector’s calendar. The event is attended by more than 3,500 senior aviation profes- sionals and decision making personnel including airlines and airports from around the world, and is an annual event rotating worldwide that has proven to be an excellent net- working and business building opportunity for Aruba Airport for more than 10 years. AAA had a packed itinerary of one-on-one meetings ses- ORANJESTAD – Aruba Air- port Authority N.V. (AAA) at- tended the 18th annual World Routes Developments Forum which was held in Abu Dhabi and AAA is very proud to an- nounce that at this year’s World Routes Awards 2012 during the Networking Evening of World Routes 2012 in Abu Dhabi held at the Yas Marina Circuit, home of the F1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix racing circuit, AAA received the “Highly Commended“ market- ing award in the category of airports worldwide under 4 million passengers. Darwin International Air- port (Australia) was awarded winner in this new award cate- gory for “Airports Under Four Million Passengers” and was one of five airports making it to the shortlist. Two airports were singled out with Highly Commended status for their marketing approach – Aruba Airport Authority and Friedrichshafen Airport (Ger- many). Other shortlisted air- ports were London City Air port and Princess Juliana International Airport, St Maarten. The World Routes Awards have grown and developed over the last 15 years and are unique within the industry be- cause they are voted for exclu- sively by the airline network At the 18th World Routes Airport Marketing Award: AAA receives “Highly Commended” and Runner-up status in Abu Dhabi olent and dangerous gang re- sponsible for a multitude of crimes that directly threaten the welfare and security of US citizens, as well as countries throughout Central America," said Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial In- telligence David Cohen. Cohen said the group has been expanding its activities in murder, racketeering, drug trafficking and sex trafficking. "What we see is an organi- zation with substantial finan- cial flows," said Cohen. Continued on page 5 WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States yesterday de- clared the notorious Central American MS-13 gang one of the world's most dangerous criminal groups, launching a campaign to lock down its fi- nancial resources. The US Treasury officially labeled the Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, a "transnational criminal organization," a de- signation also applied to the Italian mafia and Japanese Yakuza, and set sanctions ban- ning any US citizens from doing business with the group. "MS-13 is an extremely vi- Friday, October 12, 2012 US sanctions MS-13 gang, says 'extremely dangerous'

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Page 1: Friday, October 12, 2012

sions with different representa-tives of several existing andpotential airlines partners, suchas KLM, Arkefly, Delta, USAirways, JetBlue, AirTran/South west, Copa Airlines,Aero Mexico, LATAM, AirCanada, Virgin Atlantic andBritish Airways. During theConference, AAA operatedfrom the Schiphol Group (Am-sterdam, Eindhoven, NewYork, Brisbane and Aruba)chalet in the main exhibitionarea.

“World Routes is and hasbeen the perfect opportunityfor Aruba Airport to maintainits current network and to opennew networking opportunitieswith airline and other industrypartners. The hard work in pro-moting the airport is clearlydisplayed in the numerousconsecutive nominations andawards of this prestigiousaward. We’re very proud to beHighly Commended again thisyear! It shows that AAA is aleader in the Airline Marketingbusiness,” said Peter Stein-metz, CEO of AAA.

AAA will continue to at-tend both the World Routesand the Routes Latin Americanetworking conferences toboost its networking activitieson a yearly basis.

Picture shows Head AirlineMarketing Ms. Jo-AnneArends of AAA with theaward.

planning community. Theprestige of these industryawards, which recognize ex-cellence in air service develop-ment by airports, is largely dueto this method of voting.

The World Routes confe -rence is an industry-widerenowned event on the avia-tion sector’s calendar. Theevent is attended by more than3,500 senior aviation profes-sionals and decision makingpersonnel including airlinesand airports from around theworld, and is an annual eventrotating worldwide that hasproven to be an excellent net-working and business buildingopportunity for Aruba Airportfor more than 10 years.

AAA had a packed itineraryof one-on-one meetings ses-

ORANJESTAD – Aruba Air-port Authority N.V. (AAA) at-tended the 18th annual WorldRoutes Developments Forumwhich was held in Abu Dhabiand AAA is very proud to an-nounce that at this year’sWorld Routes Awards 2012during the NetworkingEvening of World Routes 2012in Abu Dhabi held at the YasMarina Circuit, home of the F1Abu Dhabi Grand Prix racingcircuit, AAA received the“Highly Commended“ market-ing award in the category ofairports worldwide under 4million passengers.

Darwin International Air-port (Australia) was awardedwinner in this new award cate-gory for “Airports Under FourMillion Passengers” and wasone of five airports making itto the shortlist. Two airportswere singled out with HighlyCommended status for theirmarketing approach – ArubaAirport Authority andFriedrichshafen Airport (Ger-many). Other shortlisted air-ports were London CityAir port and Princess JulianaInternational Airport, StMaarten.

The World Routes Awardshave grown and developedover the last 15 years and areunique within the industry be-cause they are voted for exclu-sively by the airline network

At the 18th World Routes Airport Marketing Award:

AAA receives “Highly Commended”

and Runner-up status in Abu Dhabi

olent and dangerous gang re-sponsible for a multitude ofcrimes that directly threatenthe welfare and security of UScitizens, as well as countriesthroughout Central America,"said Treasury Under Secretaryfor Terrorism and Financial In-telligence David Cohen.

Cohen said the group hasbeen expanding its activities inmurder, racketeering, drugtrafficking and sex trafficking.

"What we see is an organi-zation with substantial finan-cial flows," said Cohen.

Continued on page 5

WASHINGTON (AFP) - TheUnited States yesterday de-clared the notorious CentralAmerican MS-13 gang one ofthe world's most dangerouscriminal groups, launching acampaign to lock down its fi-nancial resources.

The US Treasury officiallylabeled the Mara Salvatrucha,or MS-13, a "transnationalcriminal organization," a de -signation also applied to theItalian mafia and JapaneseYakuza, and set sanctions ban-ning any US citizens fromdoing business with the group.

"MS-13 is an extremely vi-

Friday, October 12, 2012

US sanctions MS-13 gang,

says 'extremely dangerous'

Page 2: Friday, October 12, 2012

The Bus di Salud will also bethere to provide free servicesto our elderly and anyone else.

Monday, October 15th:The activity program will

continue at the CommunityPool in San Nicolas. Here,from 8:30 to 9:30a.m. they willdo ‘water-aerobics’ especiallyfor those persons 50 years andolder. Everyone is invited tocome out and experience exer-cises in the water and learnhow this is done. Again, theBus di Salud will be present atthe Community Pool between8:00 and 11:00 a.m. to providefree services.

Friday, October 26th:The physical activities will

continue at the Parke Jaburi -bari for our elderly. This willbe a day of physical activitieswhere our elderly can partici-pate from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00noon in a variety of interestingactivities.

The primary objective ofthese activities is to get ourelderly involved in wholesomephysical activities. This willinevitable contribute to betterhealth overall.

IBISA is cordially invitingall elderly to come out and takeadvantage of these interestingactivities which will definitelyimprove your health and wellbeing.

After celebrating In-ternational Day of theElderly on October1st, the program con-tinues with various ac-tivities to keep our50+, 60+, 70+ 80+

and beyond in physical shape.Here is the calendar of activi-ties:

Friday, October 12th:There will be an activity on

the Linear Park between 5:30to 7:30 p.m. with the opportu-nity to participate in a “Dance-Fit,” “Tai-Chi,” and dance onthe rhythm of GrupoPachanga, walk with theGrupo Thrill Walkers S.V. andalso do coordination andmove ments with Fysio-Fit andFundacion Movimento ta Bida.

ORANJESTAD -- A platformbetween Instituto Biba Salud-abel y Activo (IBISA), Depart-ment of Social Affairs,Ministry of General Affairs,Fundacion Movimento ta Bida,YMCA Aruba, and the Orga -nization of Pensioners ofAruba (OPPA) was formedwith the objective of organi -zing various activities to sti -mulate and motivate ourelderly to do healthy exercises.These activities were designedfor the month of October asthis is the month of our elderly.

IBISA promoting good health

for our elderly

the road with a blue band fromthe Wyndham Hotel up to thevicinity of the Fatum building.

Should this pilot projectsucceed, the government willimplement the system at va -rious other areas on the islandwhere there is insufficientspace for constructing a cyclepath.

Reportedly, the Green Cor-ridor project includes a cyclepath. The cycle path in theGreen Corridor will begin atthe airport and lead up to SanNicolas and will be on bothsides of the roads.

Then at the other extremepoint on the island, beginningat Arashi, they will construct acycle path up to the hotelswhich will connect with thecycling track system being in-stalled now. This means thatvery soon cyclists will havelots of kilometers for ridingtheir bicycles across the is-land.

ORANJESTAD -- The gov-ernment has recently begun apilot project for the realizationof a cycling track in the hotelarea. The government made itknown that in all of their infra-structure planning they havealways included the possibilityfor a bicycle path or cyclingtrack where citizens can freelyride their bicycles.

Based on information re-ceived from Holland on howthey do it, they have now in-corporated a cycle path in thefirst phase of the Linear Parkproject and now they are intro-ducing cycling tracks. Thecycle track is a pilot projectwhich runs from the Wynd-ham Hotel up to the area nearthe entrance of the wharf onthe L.G. Smith Boulevard.The area is about 5.2km inlength and will be markedwith a blue line on the road.This is for cyclists to use withmore security.

The difference between thetwo systems is that the cycletrack can be done much faster,less expensively, on existingroads by simply marking offabout one meter and a half forthe use of cyclists. Whereasthe cycle path must be con-structed on the road sidewhich takes more time andcosts more.

For now, they have decidedto mark off only one side of

2 Friday, October 12, 2012

For info call: 5875010 Email:

[email protected]:

Time Sharefor SALE

Aruba creating 5.2KMof Cycling Track

Page 3: Friday, October 12, 2012

A tropical depression hasformed east of the Bahamas,but the National HurricaneCenter does not expect it tostrengthen into a tropicalstorm. The depression, a trop-ical system similar to a tropi-cal storm but with windsbelow 39 mph, is movingsouthwest. The storm systemwas producing 35 mph winds.Wind shear is forecast to tearthe storm apart within the nextday or two, according to theNational Hurricane Center.

Another tropical wave eastof the Windward Islands isforecast to eventually developinto a stronger tropical sys-tem. The hurricane centerforecast gives the wave a 50percent chance of reaching atleast tropical depressionstrength by Saturday. Thestorm is not likely to affectthe U.S. mainland, but itcould affect severalCaribbean islands.

The next two storms to de-velop into tropical storms willreceive the names Patty andRafael.

In the case of Frere Bonifacius,like Mon Plaisir; teachers areuncomfortable working in thatschool building.

Minister Dowers assuredeveryone that his ministry willassume their responsibility foreducation and that they will al-ways take the human factorinto account. He was gratefulfor the participation of every-one in achieving a solution forthe situation.

the Mon Plaisir School areready and soon the funds willbe in place and they will beginfirst off with changing theelectrical installation, then re -novate the sanitary system andremove the asbestos roofs andreplace these with other mate-rial.

Two other schools are onthe list for urgent repairs,namely, Cristo Rey, which isalready in the process of reno-vation, and Frere Bonifacius.

mediate risk from asbestos atthe schools. However, becausea piece of asbestos had fallenon the premises which hadbroken off a roof that was notreplaced, they concluded it isnecessary to find a solution toeliminate whatever risk. Obvi-ously, neither teachers nor par-ents are not comfortable withthe situation, hence the reasonfor the actions taken.

The Minister reported thatthe plans for the renovation of

ORANJESTAD -- After somelengthy deliberations withschool board SPCOA, teach-ers, school heads and represen-tatives of Parents Commission,the government made the deci-sion to move the Mon PlaisirKindergarten and Primaryschools to safe locations. Thisdecision is on account of re-ports that asbestos was foundon the premises of the school,even after it was told that therewas no more asbestos in thearea.

On Monday, school will re-sume for the kids attending theMon Plaisir schools. Classeswill be divided and allocated atthree different locations: thekindergarten classes will moveto the Dakota YMCA, classes1, 2 and 3 will be moved to theJolley Holding building on theL.G. Smith Boulevard, andclasses 4, 5 and 6 will move tothe DOC Opleidingen buildingin Sividivi.

According to the Ministerof Education, Arthur Dowers,an independent report by ex-perts was prepared on the situ-ation at the schools whichindicated that there is no im-

Friday, October 12, 2012 3

Government has decided to move schools tosafe locations



16 forms

Page 4: Friday, October 12, 2012

rette. “I dunno,” Daniel answered,

exhaling slowly. “Always likedthe sound of it, or somethin’.Kind of exotic-like.”

And so it proved to be.Daniel drove to Miami Interna-tional, stashed $2,000.00 in anairport locker along with a falsepassport and other I.D.’s andcaught a KLM flight to Cu-raçao with a hop to Aruba. Hecarried his nearly half milliondollar share of dollars in amoney belt and upon arrivalstashed one half of the funds inhis own hotel safe, and thenwalked to the hotel next door,booked a room for his“cousins” and stashed the otherhalf in that safe. During his en-tire time there, neither of thehotels was aware of the doubleplay. Daniel spent many hoursexploring the island, itsbeaches, reefs, fishing and di -ving grounds, its fascinating

caves, the unusual wildlife. Hemade a special effort to talk tothe banks to become familiarwith Dutch laws governing de-posits in U.S. Dollars. He no-ticed that in every clericaloffice he visited, the staff andclerks kept very careful re -cords, usually in clear, legiblelong-hand script. Too careful,he thought. When he listenedto requests of other bank cus-tomers, he noted that recordsarchived for even 30 years pre-vious were easily retrieved.

Continued in tomorrow’s


eh?”Daniel nodded laconically

at his cell mate sitting acrossfrom him, a seasoned con whohad been in the “pen” in Geor-gia for near twenty years.

“So watcha gonna do, boy?”“I dunno,” Daniel an-

swered, “probably a drink anda woman, like most.”

But Daniel knew exactlywhat he was going to do on hisrelease.

He was currently serving aten year sentence in prison inthe State of Georgia for armedrobbery. He and two partnersrobbed the First National Bankof Atlanta in 1985 and happilygot away with about$1,700,000.00, that cut threeways nicely, well four ways, ashis former girlfriend Maggiehad provided a house nearby tothe bank, a car, false papers andmeans for travel to diffe rentairports after the deed was

done. They had agreed to leavethe country through se parateairports to separate destina-tions, lay low for a time andthen straggle back if theywanted with no further com-munication necessary betweenthem. Gary had chosen to goto Mexico, Mickey to theGrand Caymans and Daniel toAruba. Maggie would drive toCanada and stay with her sisterin Quebec until Daniel got intouch at a good time for return.

“Why Aruba, Danny?”asked Maggie one night as theylay entwined, sharing a ciga-

Laurie Rockwell, one of avery elite club called “Lago-lites,” kindly sent us a creativeeffort she has submitted to theFlorida Weekly, a small paperout of Ft. Myers, where shelives. She is Senior Staff As-sistant at City of Fort MyersFleet Operations.

Laurie is one of those rareindividual who grew up andwent to school on Aruba at theLago Height School, while herfather was an executive withthe Esso Refinery. She andothers from her graduatingclass of 1966 were on Aruba inDecember of 2011 for a re-union. Their story, and delight-ful recollections of an Arubalong past, were published inTHE MORNING NEWS.

Laurie was inspired by herwarm, wonderful memories ofher youth on Aruba for hersubmission to the FloridaWeekly writing challenge. Thepremise of the contest was tobase the story on a picture pre-sented to the Florida paper ofan old stone stairway. Laurieweaves a tale of intrigue andirony, which showcasesAruba’s allure.

Laurie has kindly sent THEMORNING NEWS her story,with the thought we would beinterested in publishing it, andwe are, indeed!

The Seventeenth Stair

“So ya gettin’ out tomorra,

main the same. The servicesmoving to the new premisesare chemotherapy and the of-fices of Dr. Wassenaar, Dr.Jonkhoff and Dr. Samsom.The entrance is situated northof the main entrance of thebuilding.

As of Tuesday, October 16,the Internal Medicine clinicwill have a new telephonenumber: 527-4309. The officesmoving there are of Dr. Kelly,Dr. Hoogendam and Dr. Water-loo.

According to the HoracioOduber Hospital the move is tooffer patients a better serviceand the privacy that each pa-tient deserves.

PUNTA BRABO -- Dr. Hora-cio E. Oduber Hospital an-nounces that the Oncology andInternal Medicine clinics aremoving to another building.The move is due to the highdemand for additional spaceand to give patients the neces-sary privacy when undergoingchemotherapy

Today, October 12 andMonday, October 15 the clin-ics will move to the ArubaHeart Institute building, situ-ated in the Caya Dr. J.E.M.Arends #14. On Tuesday, Oc-tober 16, the clinics will beopen again normally.

The telephone number forthe Oncology clinic will re-

Oncology and Internal Medicine

clinics closed today and Monday,

moving to other building

The Seventeenth StairBy Laurie Rockwell

4 Friday, October 12, 2012

Page 5: Friday, October 12, 2012

So Washington wants "to pre-vent MS-13 from using its fi-nancial wherewithal toinfiltrate... legitimate business."

Sanctions under the newdesignation will help US au-thorities shut MS-13 out of theUS financial system and makeit more difficult for it to movemoney around the world, hesaid.

Cohen called the action a"first step" in a campaign thatcould see, as with other desig-nated criminal organizations,leaders, their families, and anyrelated businesses hit withsanctions.

With at least 30,000 mem-bers, mostly in Central andNorth America, including8,000 in the United States, thegroup is "one of the most dan-gerous and rapidly expandingcriminal gangs in the worldtoday," the Treasury said.

"MS-13's criminal naturecan be seen in one of its mot-tos, 'Mata, roba, viola, con-trola' ('Kill, steal, rape,control')."

The move officially placesMS-13 on a list of "significanttransnational criminal organi-zations" which already in-cludes the Brother's Circlerooted in Russia and EasternEurope, Mexico's Zetas, Italy'sCamorra and Japan's Yakuza.

It allows the United Statesto block any assets or propertyof MS-13-linked people orbusinesses, and prohibits anyUS citizens or US firms fromdoing any business with thegroup.

"This action positions us totarget the associates and finan-cial networks supporting MS-13, and gives law enforcementan additional tool in its effortsto disrupt MS-13's activities,"said Cohen.

The Treasury said MS-13'slocal units, found in 40 USstates, are directed by a leader-ship based in Central America,mainly in El Salvador.

"Money generated by localMS-13 cliques in the US isconsolidated and funneled tothe group's leadership in ElSalvador," it said.

Since 2006, more than4,000 MS-13 members havebeen arrested inside the UnitedStates.

investigate this attack and tohelp bring those responsible tojustice," Nuland said.

But she stressed it was toosoon to know why he had beentargeted, although she ruledout earlier reports that Aqlanhad been part of the team in-vestigating the storming of USembassy in Sanaa on Septem-ber 13.

embassy for 11 years and wasa foreign service national in-vestigator in the regional secu-rity office, was "a dedicatedprofessional, and he will begreatly missed."

Staff at the Sanaa missionhad an emergency meetingyesterday to review security inthe wake of the killing.

"We're coordinating closelywith the Yemeni authorities to

assault on a consulate in theLibyan city of Benghazi.

Qassem Aqlan was shotdead by gunmen on a motor-bike as he drove along SittinStreet, a main artery of theYemeni capital, a Yemeni offi-cial said, adding that the as-sailants managed to escape.

State Department spokes-woman Victoria Nuland saidAqlan, who had worked at the

DUBAI (AFP) - Unidentifiedgunmen shot dead a seniorYemeni security official em-ployed by the US embassy inSanaa in a hit-and-run attackyesterday, US and security of-ficials said.

The murder came after aspate of attacks US interests inthe Middle East, followingprotests last month at the USembassy in Cairo and a deadly

Friday, October 12, 2012 5

A special ‘thank you’goes to the DIMAS

Department for theirexcellent service, es pe cially to Mrs.

Linda Kock

Thank You

Yemeni security officer from US mission shot dead

US sanctions

MS-13 gang...Continued from page 1

Page 6: Friday, October 12, 2012

Later yesterday, FrenchPresident Francois Hollandevowed to track down and de-stroy Islamist extremist cellsoperating inside the country.

"We won't leave off them,we will go after them and wewill eliminate them," he said.

Hollande also argued thatletting extremism flourishabroad could come back tohurt France.

Authorities had informationthere were French nationalswith the hardline Islamists innorthern Mali, Somalia andSyria, he said. He could notpermit them to return to Francewith plans to launch attacksthere.

The GIA, or Armed IslamicGroup, emerged from Algeria'scivil war and was responsiblefor a string of bombings inFrance in 1995 and 1996. Oneof the attacks, on the St Michelmetro station in Paris, left eightpeople dead.

PARIS (AFP) - A French pros-ecutor yesterday branded ahomegrown group of Islamistextremists as the biggest terrorthreat the country has facedsince the Algerian-based GIAcarried out a string of deadlybombings in the 1990s.

Announcing charges of at-tempted murder and terrorismagainst seven out of 12 sus-pects arrested over the week-end, Paris prosecutor FrancoisMolins said they had been partof an active terrorist cell thatwas "probably the most dan-gerous in France since 1996."

The group had been plot-ting to mount attacks in Franceand to join up with other "ji-hadists" in Syria and else-where, Molins said. Theprofile of the suspects in cus-tody was "much more danger-ous than we initially assumed",he added. "We have been ableto avoid a terrorist attack in ourcountry."

ernment and the Libyan peopleduring this historic and chal-lenging time, as we buildstrong economic, social, polit-ical, and educational bridgesbetween our two people," Nu-land added.

killed.Stevens was the first am-

bassador to be killed on dutysince 1979 and the horrific at-tack on the Benghazi consulatewhen dozens of armed menstormed the building, bom-barding it and torching it, hasshocked the US diplomaticcommunity to the core.

But the US administrationof President Barack Obamahas vowed to stand by the peo-ple of Libya as it struggles tobuild a democracy followingthe toppling of long-time auto-cratic leader Moamer Kadhafilast year.

Pope looks forward toworking with the Libyan gov-

WASHINGTON (AFP) - TheUnited States named yesterdaya new charge d'affaires toLibya following the murder ofambassador Chris Stevens inlast month's militant attack onthe US consulate in Benghazi.

Veteran diplomat and Ara-bic speaker Laurence Pope hasarrived in Tripoli already, StateDepartment spokeswomanVictoria Nuland said in a state-ment.

His appointment "empha-sizes the commitment of theUnited States to the relation-ship between our two countriesand to the people of Libya asthey move forward in theirtransition to a democratic gov-ernment," Nuland said.

"We will continue to assistas Libya builds democratic in-stitutions and broad respect forthe rule of law -- the goals thatAmbassador Stevens workedhard to achieve."

Pope has come out of retire-ment to take up the post at atime when the State Depart-ment is still investigating theSeptember 11 attack in whichStevens and three other Amer-ican diplomatic staff were

US names new diplomat to Libya after

envoy's killing

negotiations or at the UnitedNations."

Israel, which signed a peacetreaty with Egypt in 1979, haswatched with concern as Is-lamists were catapulted to theforefront of politics followinga popular uprising that toppledpresident Hosni Mubarak lastyear.

Morsi has repeatedly saidhe would respect internationaltreaties signed by Cairo. Buthis former movement has alsosaid there is room to revise theaccords, without objecting tothem in principle.

CAIRO (AFP) - The supremeguide of the Muslim Brother-hood, from which Egypt'sPresident Mohamed Morsi em-anated, called yesterday for ajihad (holy war) to liberateJerusalem from Israeli rule.

"Jerusalem is Islamic ... andnobody is entitled to makeconcessions" on the Holy City,said Sheikh Mohammed Badiein his weekly message to sup-porters.

"The jihad for the recoveryof Jerusalem is a duty for allMuslims," he said, stressingthat the liberation of the HolyCity "will not be done through

6 Friday, October 12, 2012

International news

Egypt's Brotherhood head

urges jihad for Jerusalem

A Bangladeshi resident walks over the destroyed roof ofa building in Monpura on Bhola island. At least 19 peoplewere killed and an estimated 1,500 fishermen are miss-ing after tropical storms smashed into Bangladesh'ssouthern coastal islands and districts yesterday, policesaid. (AFP)

The "Mothers of Srebrenica" demonstrate in front of the European Court of HumanRights in Strasbourg, eastern France. Widows and family members of the 8,372 victimsof Srebrenica have appealed to the Court to examine the immunity judgment renderedby the highest Civil Court of the Netherlands. The move by the Mothers of Srebrenicacomes after a lawsuit accusing the United Nations and the Dutch state of negligencefor failing to protect the victims of the 1995 wartime massacre in the Bosnian town wasdismissed by the Netherlands supreme court. (AFP)

Arrests in France highlight

rising homegrown terror


Page 7: Friday, October 12, 2012

A bomb attached to a mo-torcycle killed nine people andinjured 22 others in Pakistan'ssouthwestern Baluchistan pro -vince yestersday, officials said.

The bomb was remotelydetonated near a market inSibi, some 180 kilometres (112miles) southeast of Quetta, theprovincial capital, police said.

"Nine people have beenkilled and 22 injured," a localpolice official Qazi HussainAhmad told AFP.

Nobody immediatelyclaimed responsibility for theattack

PESHAWAR, (AFP) - A USdrone attack yesterday killed18 insurgents -- mostlyAfghans -- at a militant com-pound in Pakistan's tribal re-gion near the northwesternborder with Afghanistan, offi-cials said.

It was the second US mis-sile strike reported in as manydays in the northwest, consid-ered a stronghold of the Tal-iban and Al-Qaeda.

The attack was the deadliestsince similar strike in Augustlast year killed 21 Taliban fight-ers in the restive tribal region.

"The boarding team de-tained seven suspects whowere taken on board the Rot-terdam," he added.

Defence ministry spokes -man Jos van der Leij told AFPthe Izurdia managed to repelthe attack, but did not give de-tails.

The 12,700-ton Rotterdamsailed to Aden on July 11 totake part in Operation OceanShield, the defence ministryadded on its website.

The alleged pirates were in-tercepted by Dutch amphibiantransport HMS Rotterdamafter the Izurdia was ambushedby a small boat off the Horn ofAfrica, the Dutch defence min-istry said in a statement.

"The suspected skiff wasstopped after warning shotswere fired and a helicopter-borne team boarded the boat,"the Rotterdam's commanderHuub Hulsker said in the state-ment.

THE HAGUE (AFP) - Dutchsailors taking part in NATO'spiracy-busting operationOcean Shield yesterday de-tained seven suspected piratesoff the coast of Somalia afteran attack on a Spanish vessel.

KABUL (AFP) - Men armedwith bombs have attacked agirls' school in centralAfghanistan, following a stringof such assaults by Taliban in-surgents, President HamidKarzai said yesterday.

The unidentified attackershurled explosives into theschool late Wednesday, caus-ing considerable damage butno injuries, according to astatement from Karzai's office.

The statement did notblame the Taliban for the at-tack in normally calm Bamyanprovince, but the hardline Is-lamist group banned girls fromattending school when theywere in power and have regu-larly targeted pupils and theirschools.

"The enemies of educationmust know that by carrying outsuch terrorist attacks, they can-not make our people back offfrom the strong determinationthey have for their children'seducation," Karzai said.

In May this year followinga wave of insurgent attacks onmainly girls' schools, theUnited Nations mission inAfghanistan condemned theassaults and called for moreprotection of the right to an ed-ucation -- especially for girls.

There are fears that gainsmade by women and girlssince the Taliban were oustedfrom power in a US-led inva-sion in 2001 could be erodedwhen international troops pullout by 2014.

Attack onAfghangirls' school

DAMASCUS (AFP) - Syriaaccused Turkey of hostility onyesterday after it intercepted apassenger jet en route fromMoscow which Ankara saidcarried military equipment andammunition for the Damascusregime.

As the tensions betweenDamascus and Ankara soared,rebels fighting forces loyal toPresident Bashar al-Assad wonmore territory as they bid to se-cure a "buffer zone" in aswathe of land abutting theTur kish border, an AFP re-porter said.

Ankara scrambled two jetson Wednesday evening toforce down the Syrian Air Air-bus A-320, Turkish officialssaid, after receiving intelli-gence its cargo did not complywith civil aviation rules.

The aircraft with 35 passen-gers on board was groundedfor nine hours before it was fi-nally allowed to resume itsjourney to Damascus, as Tur -key said it confiscated unspec-ified "objectionable" cargo.

Damascus said the intercep-tion was "hostile and reprehen-sible" and "another sign of thehostile policies of the Erdogangovernment, which harboursrebels and bombs Syrian terri-tory." It furiously demandedTurkey return the cargo it hadseized at Ankara's EsenbogaAirport.

"Turkish military aircraft...forced the plane to land with-

out giving prior warning. Themilitary aircraft were so closethat there could have been anaccident," said Syrian Air di-rector Aida Abdel Latif.

But Turkish Prime MinisterRecep Tayyip Erdogan saidyesterday that the place carriedmilitary equipment and ammu-nition for the Syrian regime.

He said the cargo was"equipment and ammunitionshipped to the Syrian DefenceMinistry" from a Russian mi -litary supplier.

Erdogan did not name theRussian supplier, but said itwas the Russian counterpart ofTurkey's Mechanical and Che -mical Industry Corporation,which is the Turkish army'smain provider of militaryequipment.

Russia, a top Damascus allyand its biggest arms supplier,said Ankara had put the pas-sengers' lives at risk, and de-nied it was carrying weaponsor military equipment.

French President FrancoisHollande yesterday warned ofa risk of tensions rising be-tween Syria and Turkey, whichhe praised for showing re-straint and preventing broaderconflict.

"It's a risk, and Turkey hasbeen especially restrained,"Hollande told French televi-sion and radio. "I welcome theattitude of its leaders becausethere have been aggressionsand provocations."

Friday, October 12, 2012 7

International news

Turkey says Syria plane

carried 'ammunition'

Dutch navy detains alleged Somalipirates after attack

Local Pakistani residents gather at the site of a bomb ex-plosion in Sibi, some 180 kilometres southeast ofQuetta.

Officials: US drone strike

kills 18 in Pakistan

Page 8: Friday, October 12, 2012

It’s important to know how your breasts normally lookand feel. That way, you can spot any changes quicklyand report them to your doctor. The best time to examineyour breasts is usually one week after your menstrualperiod begins, when your breast tissue is least likely tobe swollen or tender. If your menstrual cycle is irregular,or if you have stopped menstruating due to menopauseor the removal of your uterus (hysterectomy), do yourexamination on the same day every month. Look at yourbreasts and feel each breast and armpit. You may find iteasiest to do this in the shower or bath, by running asoapy hand over each breast and up under each armpit.You can look at your breasts in the mirror. Moving yourarms around will allow you to see your breasts fromevery angle. Breast changes can happen for many rea-sons, and most of them aren’t serious. Many womenhave breast lumps, and 9 out of 10 are not cancerous.However, if you find changes in your breast that aren’tnormal for you, it’s best to see your GP as soon as pos-sible. This is because the sooner breast cancer is diag-nosed, the better the chance of successful treatment.

an investigation after the firstcase was discovered in Sep-tember and discovered fungalcontaminants in steroids pro-duced by the New EnglandCompounding Center.

The Massachusetts-basedcompany subsequently issueda voluntary recall of all of itsproducts and shut down all op-erations.

A second manufacturingpharmacy owned by the samepeople, Ameridose and its dis-tributor Alanaus, temporarilysuspended operations onWednesday but did not recallany products.

death, according to the latestupdate from the Centers forDisease Control and Preven-tion. Idaho reported its firstcase on Wednesday.

The rare fungal infection --which inflames the protectivemembranes covering the brainand spinal cord -- often goesundetected until it is too latebecause its flu-like symptomscan be mild at first. Butmeningitis is not contagious inthis form.

Treatment requires a hospi-tal stay and intravenous anti-fungal medications.

US health officials launched

CHICAGO (AFP) - The deathtoll from a deadly meningitisoutbreak in the United Statesblamed on a tainted drug roseto 14 Thursday as the numberof cased jumped to 170 in 11states, health officials said.

Investigators say as many as13,000 people in 23 states mayhave received contaminateddoses of the steroid, which istypically injected into thespine to treat back pain.

Among the hardest hit stateswere Tennessee with 49 casesand six deaths, Michigan with39 cases and three deaths andVirginia with 30 cases and one

Tainted drug death toll rises to 14in US

8 Friday, October 12, 2012

Health & Living Breast Self-Examination

of a 14-year-old Pakistani girlgunned down for her criticismof Taliban campaigns againstgirl's education -- underlinedthe hugely positive impact thatschool can have on girls inpoor countries.

Plan called on global lead-ers to ensure a minimum ofnine years' schooling for allchildren, giving them a betterchance to enter secondary ed-ucation.

But special priority shouldbe given to girls, the humani-tarian organization said, withgreater funding and programsto stop child marriage and vi-olence in schools -- two mainreasons for the current dropoutrate among girls.

In many cases, poor familiespull daughters from school outof fear for their health orsafety. In Ghana, 83 percent ofparents interviewed for the re-port said the risks of preg-nancy were a disadvantage ofschool.

As the report came out, Pak-istani teen Malala Yousafzaiwas fighting for her life afterbeing shot in the head in broaddaylight on a school bus.

girls missing from classroomsacross the world is a major vi-olation of rights and a hugewaste of young potential," thechild poverty alleviation groupsaid in launching the report.

A total of one in three girlsis denied education, but Plan'sreport focuses especially onthe 39 million girls aged be-tween 11 and 15, right on thecusp of becoming youngwomen, who are out of school.

The report -- which coin-cided with the news this week

NEW YORK (AFP) - Millionsof girls worldwide are notgoing to school, an educationgap that condemns them tolives of hardship and en-trenches broader extremepoverty, a new report said.

The report, "Because I am

a Girl: The State of the

World's Girls 2012," was re-leased in New York by PlanInternational on the UnitedNation's first InternationalDay of the Girl.

"The estimated 75 million

Denying girls school entrenches poverty

Page 9: Friday, October 12, 2012

ists in the Polish capital War-saw at the Wednesday launch.

With an initial collection of42 online themes, the archiveis set to expand significantly inthe coming years, he said.

"It's a fantastic tool, whichlets us cross geographic bor-ders, provide access to mu-seum collection around theclock in several languages. It'sa real revolution," said RobertKostro director of the Museumof Polish History.

"Today, we must use alltechnologies at our disposal topreserve memory," Piotr Cy-winski, director of theAuschwitz-Birkenau StateMuseum said at the launch.

Google's virtual Cultural In-stitute comes on the heels ofthe Google Art Project allow-ing Internet users to explorefine art from around the worldwith thousands of artworksphotographed in extremelyhigh resolution.

Friday, October 12, 2012 9

FRANKFURT (AFP) - Elec-tronic books, which havesparked excited chatter forseveral years in the publishingworld, are now gaining mo-mentum among Europeanreaders, despite a late startcompared to the US, industryinsiders say.

Ebook reading devices onlybecome available later in someEuropean countries and ebookprices in others have been toohigh to entice readers awayfrom their traditional bound ri-vals, they said.

Britain, where Amazonlaunched its Kindle ebookreader in 2010, is further downthe digital road, with con-sumer ebook sales making upabout 13 percent of combinedprint and ebook sales in thefirst half of 2012, according toThe Publishers Association.

In the Netherlands, ebooksare also expected to double to

three percent of the market in2012, a trend predicted to con-tinue next year, said Erik-JanBulthuis from distributingcompany cb.

One reason why ebookshave been more eagerly em-braced in the US is that manyAmericans live in areas with-out a local book shop nearby,Kornelia Holzhausen, head ofdigital media at Germany'sPiper Verlag publishers said.

Germany also has a policy offixed prices for books, consider-ing them to be a "cultural good",meaning ebooks could not bemarketed as price aggressivelyas in Britain or the US.

Amazon does not have thepossibility in the German mar-ket to use price as a tool whichmay be one of the reasons aswell why the market is not ex-ploding as fast.

Ebooks are however about20 to 30 percent cheaper thanprinted books in Germany.

Despite slow start, ebooksgain ground in Europe


WARSAW (AFP) - Google onWednesday launched its online"Cultural Institute", a digitalvisual archive of landmark20th century events and per-sonalities, created in coopera-tion with 17 museums andinstitutes from across theglobe.

The archives focus on leg-ends like Anne Frank, theyoung Jewish-Dutch Holo-caust victim whose famousdiary chronicled her plight;South African freedom iconNelson Mandela; as well aslesser-known heroes like JanKarski, a Polish anti-Nazi par-tisan who brought the Alliesearly eye-witness testimony of

the Holocaust.Six million archive photo-

graphs, documents, texts andfilms provided by museumsincluding the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum inPoland, Israel's Yad VashemWorld Centre for HolocaustResearch or the Nelson Man-dela Centre of Memory can beaccessed at the Google Cul-tural Institute

"We want to bring all of thecutting-edge technologies thatwe have -- the services, theproducts, mapping -- to thecultural sector," Google'sMark Yoshitaka told journal-

Google launches online 'CulturalInstitute' chronicling 20th century

DHAKA (AFP) - At least 20 people were killed and an es-timated 1,500 fishermen are missing after tropical stormssmashed into Bangladesh's southern coastal islands anddistricts early Thursday, police said. Police said at least1,500 mud, tin and straw-built houses were also levelledin the storms that swept Bhola, Hatiya and Sandwip Is-lands and half a dozen coastal districts after Wednesdaymidnight. At the worst-hit island of Hatiya, at least sevenpeople were killed after they were buried under theirhouses or hit by fallen trees, said local police chief Mok-tar Hossain. More than 1,000 houses were flattened.Many fishermen are expected to have taken shelter inother remote islands in the Bay of Bengal or in the neigh-bouring Sundarbans, the world's largest mangrove for-est. In the past, many fishermen thought to be missingfrom storms returned home to coastal villages a week ortwo later.

Page 10: Friday, October 12, 2012

10 Friday, October 12, 2012

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Page 11: Friday, October 12, 2012

ment complies with the deficittargets we have to meet with theEuropean Union," he added.

The Spanish downgradeknocked major Asian stockmarkets and Wall Street lower,though European boursesquickly recovered.

More worrying, perhaps, isthe prospect of a downgradeby Moody's Investors Service,which has already lowered thesovereign rating to one notchabove junk bond status.

If Spain's sovereign debt israted as junk, it could trigger aflight of investors, sendingborrowing rates soaring andaccelerating the timetable forany sovereign rescue.

Moody's has promised toannounce the results of a re-view of Spain's finances for apossible downgrade this month.

Spanish economic output of1.4 percent in 2013, criticisedthe government's "overly opti-mistic" budget forecast for acontraction of just 0.5 percent.

As a result it cut Spain's rat-ing two notches to BBB- fromBBB+, leaving it just one levelabove "speculative" or "junk"grade debt, and left it with anegative outlook.

The International MonetaryFund this week predicted theSpanish economy wouldshrink 1.3 percent next year.

"What we want is to refutethese forecasts through the ac-tion of the government," saidthe Spanish secretary of statefor the European Union, InigoMendez de Vigo.

"We believe that the statebudget that we presented andthat will be approved by parlia-

MADRID (AFP) - Spainvowed yesterday to defy pre-dictions of a deep recessionnext year after a credit ratingdowngrade left its debt hover-ing above junk-bond status andjolted world markets.

Standard & Poor's slicedthe nation's rating late onWednesday, citing a deepeningrecession with one-quarter ofworkers unemployed, massprotests, and growing politicalfriction between Madrid andthe debt-struck regions.

Further clouding the out-look were doubts about the eu-rozone's commitment to sharethe cost of salvaging Spain'sstricken banks, a bill that couldsend Spanish sovereign debtsoaring, it said.

The New York-basedagency, which tips a drop in

visitors (+14.9 percent) to15,208, compared to June2011. Once again, Venezuelaoutperformed other countriesin Latin America, representing93.5 percent of the totalgrowth in this market. In June2012, the number of cruise vis-itors fell by 591 (-6.6 percent)to 8,406, due mainly to achange in ship itineraries inthat month compared to June2011. The number of ship callsfell from 6 to 3 in June 2012compared to June 2011.

In June 2012, registered taxrevenue totaled Afl. 83.0 mil-lion, an increase of Afl. 17.0million or 25.8 percent, com-pared to the same month of theprevious year. This rise was as-sociated mostly with an Afl.18.4 million (+77.6 percent)surge in revenue from wageand profit tax. In addition, rev-enue from turnover tax (BBO)increased slightly by Afl. 0.4million or 5.8 percent to Afl.7.3 million, while foreign ex-change tax dropped by Afl. 1.9million or 37.3 percent to Afl.3.2 million. Non-tax revenue,on the other hand, posted anAfl. 19.1 million decline inJune 2012 compared to thesame month of last year, duemainly to lower dividend pay-ments by public entities to thegovernment of Aruba.

suance of Afl. 20 million intreasury bills and an Afl. 37.1million decline in governmentdeposits. The growth in thebanking sector’s claims on theprivate sector was attributedmostly to increases in businessloans, housing mortgages, andconsumer credit of, respec-tively, Afl. 19.0 million (+1.6percent), Afl. 5.8 million (+0.6percent) and Afl. 3.0 million(+0.5 percent).

The consumer price index(CPI) for June 2012 registereda 0.9 percent increase, com-pared to the same month of2011. The main contributors tothe rise were housing, fooditems, and restaurant & hotels.Excluding the effect of foodand energy (which partly af-fects the housing and transportcomponents), the resultingcore CPI stood at -0.2 percentcompared to 1.5 percent forJune 2011, brought about bydecreased prices of clothing,household operation and recre-ation and culture. The 12-month average inflation ratereached 4.8 percent in June2012.

In June 2012, stay-over ar-rivals registered a growth of5,074 visitors or 7.5 percent to73,073, compared to June2011. This hike reflected in-creases in the number of visi-tors from Venezuela (+1,841visitors), the United States(+1,787 visitors), and Canada(+593 visitors). The NorthAmerican market maintainedits position as market leader, as47,347 visitors from this re-gion travelled to Aruba duringJune 2012, 2,380 or 5.3 per-cent more than in June 2011.This can be partially attributedto the series of concerts organ-ized by the Aruba InternationalFilm Festival (AIFF) duringthat period. The Latin Ameri-can market continued to grow,recording an increase of 1,969

ORANJESTAD -- The Cen-trale Bank van Aruba (CBA)concludes in its Monthly Bul-letin of June 2012 that broadmoney fell by Afl. 53.9 millionto Afl. 3,162.2 million, arisingmainly from an Afl. 110.6 mil-lion drop in net foreign assets(excluding revaluation differ-ences of gold and foreign ex-change holdings) to Afl.1,084.1 million, which waspartially offset by an Afl. 56.7million rise in net domestic as-sets to Afl. 2,078.1 million.The decline in net foreign as-sets was caused by net out-flows of foreign exchangeresulting from both current andcapital transactions. Currenttransactions resulted in an Afl.42.4 million net outflow of for-eign exchange, due mainly topayments for the import ofgoods and services, and for in-terest and dividend, whichwere partially offset by grosstourism receipts. Capital trans-actions recorded a net outflowof foreign exchange of Afl.68.2 million, attributed mostlyto transfers to foreign accountsof resident companies. Thegrowth in the domestic compo-nent of money supply resultedfrom increases in the net liabil-ity of the public sector to thebanking sector and in theclaims of the banking sector onthe private sector of, respec-tively, Afl. 64.8 million andAfl. 27.7 million. These in-creases were partially offset byan Afl. 35.8 million fall in thenon-credit related balancesheet items, brought about byclearing transactions. The risein the net liability of the publicsector to the banking sectorwas caused mainly by the is-

Friday, October 12, 2012 11



Dutch Antilles









(per 100,00)
















































Current as of:


all rates for amounts up to aWG 100.00 per item.


Crossword answer

Aruba Net Foreign Assets DecreasedSummary of the Monthly Bulletin of June 2012

Spain vows to defy forecasts after debt


Page 12: Friday, October 12, 2012

12 Friday, October 12, 2012

U.N. (AFP) - South AfricanArchbishop Desmond Tutu saidThursday he was "devastated"by the Taliban's shooting of aPakistani girl who had cam-paigned for girls' rights to edu-cation.

"I can't imagine how anyonecan justify maiming a child forwhat they consider political rea-sons, because they want womento be subjugated," he said at apress conference here.

Tutu, winner of the NobelPeace Prize in 1984 for his rolein the struggle againstapartheid, said MalalaYousufzai was a "wonderfulyoung woman" who had muchto contribute to the world.

She was fighting for her lifein a Pakistani military hospitalThursday after a gunmanboarded a schoolbus in Pak-istan's Swat Valley and shot the14-year-old and two of herschoolmates.

The Taliban, who have killedthousands of people across Pak-istan in the last five years anddestroyed hundreds of girls'schools, have issued a statementsaying that any female who op-poses them should be killed.

Tuto was at the United Na-tions to deliver a report on childmarriage, which he promised tocampaign against with the sameenergy as he did againstapartheid.

"We want to eradicate thispractice by 2030, and why not?We ended vicious things likeapartheid," he said. "This is vi-ciously cruel, how would youfeel if it was your younger sisteror your daughter?"

He saluted the United Na-tions for holding for the firsttime International Girl Day anddrawing attention to the dis-crimination "that has doggedwomen and girls for centuries."

Desmond Tutu condemnsTaliban shooting of girl

BEIJING (AFP) - Chinese author Mo Yan said Thursdayhe was "stunned" and delighted at winning the Nobelprize for literature as millions in China expressed prideand state-controlled media framed the achievement asan honour for the country. Mo Yan, 57, became the firstChinese national to win the prize, and the award finallygave China's government a Nobel it could be proud of,after previous peace prizes to the Tibetan spiritual leaderDalai Lama and dissident writer Liu Xiaobo enraged Bei-jing. "On hearing the news that I won the award, I wasvery happy," Mo Yan was quoted saying by the officialChina News Service. "I will focus on creating new works.I will strive harder to thank everyone." Mo Yan is one ofChina's leading writers, known for works that explore thebrutality and darkness of 20th-century Chinese society with a cynical wit in a highlyprolific career. The Swedish Academy which announced the award in Stockholm saidhe was honoured for using "fantasy and reality, historical and social perspectives" tocreate worlds reminiscent of William Faulkner and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Mo Yan, apen name for the author, who was born Guan Moye, is perhaps best-known abroad forhis 1987 novella "Red Sorghum", a tale of the brutal violence that plagued the easternChina countryside -- where he grew up -- during the 1920s and 30s. It was later madeinto an acclaimed film by leading Chinese director Zhang Yimou. The Nobel Academy'spermanent secretary, Peter Englund, said the organisation had spoken to Mo Yan bytelephone at his home and that the author was "overjoyed and terrified" at the award.

Page 13: Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012 13

caterers, airline pick-up anddrop-off; they even boast ashopping service to stockyour shelves before arrival.

Gold Coast accommoda-tions are elegant and spa-cious, offering privacy for

parents or a few couples.Beautifully appointedkitchens and bathrooms graceeach abode; barbecues andlounges are provided forfriendly cookouts and trulysavoring the island life. All

homes come with cable TV,high-speed fiber-optic Inter-net connection, individualwasher/dryer, and are fullyair-conditioned. Cribs, highchairs and hair dryers areavailable for a modest fee.

Concierge ser vices to arrangerental cars, spa appointments,activities and restaurant reser-vations are all part of thepackage.

Check-in for your holidayescape is conducted in thecomfort of your vacationhome, not while waiting online at check-in desk. In everyway, Gold Coast seeks topamper their guests whileproviding them with the feel-ing of being in a cozy com-munity, not the normallybustling resort, particularlyexperienced during the majorholidays. If you wish an opti-mal vacation experience withgreat savings, visit their web-site: to get acquainted withthe community and the lay-out, details and availability ofaccommodations, or call 586-2200 to talk personally to aGold Coast representative.

Aruba’s newest and most in-novative gated communityhas enjoyed steady sales sincebreaking ground, as many arefinding the secure surround-ings and outstanding ameni-ties are just what they werelooking for before conside -ring purchasing property onthe island. Some owners areusing the villas or townhomes as vacation retreatsrather than full time and aretaking advantage of GoldCoast’s rental services to turntheir investment into ready in-come.

“The greater portion ofhome owners are using their“home away from home” inAruba to escape the wintermonths, or spend holidayswith the family on the is-land,” noted Gold Coast de-veloper Fito Croes. To assistin the demand for more com-plete facilities for groupsand fa mi- lies, famed hote-lier Ed Ma-lone has beenplaced in charge of the rentalprogram.

Staying at Gold Coast isa very attractive propositionfor those traveling withgroups that would requiremultiple hotel rooms. Twoand three bedroom Villas orTown Homes accommodatelarge numbers and offer ex-tensive amenities along witha final cost resulting in con-siderable savings. The com-munity is minutes to the bestbeaches and all the casinoaction, and offers a quiet andsecluded getaway with twoswimming pools and spe-cialized services with moreon the way, such as a fitnessroom, tennis courts andmini-mall. Ed can arrangemaid service, babysitters,

A favorite stop for a greatburger for lunch or dinner hasjust expanded their hours andmenu to offer some of thebest breakfast bargains to befound in Palm Beach. Own-ers Aaron and Rosie Wali-sever are living their dream:a home on paradise whilewelcoming all and sundry totheir proud undertaking, 5

Burgers Aruba. The couple’sfanatical dedication to givingtheir customers what they re-ally want has resulted in aunique menu from an interna-tionally known franchisewith a “5”, which now in-cludes breakfast.

“You never get a secondchance to make a first im-pression,” believes Aaron.Upon entering 5 BurgersAruba in The Village Mall inPalm Beach, one is struck byutterly spotless surroundingsand a smiling, friendly, atten-tive service crew. Of course,the main item on the menu isburgers-the way they weremeant to be, thick and juicy,made fresh daily and 100%pure beef, the kind that madethe hamburger a traditionalAmerican treat.

However, beginning at 7a.m., patrons can now order 2eggs any style, (omelets with3 fillings are $7.99) toast andcoffee with unlimited refillsfor the special introductoryprice of only $3.99, or All-you-can-eat pancakes, for$6.99, again, with free refillson fresh coffee. Breakfast isserved until 11 a.m. Famousfor their fries made from

fresh potatoes, Aaron hasbeen working for months ondevising the most irresistiblehome fries recipe, chunkyand tender with skins still on;after much testing and tast-ing, he got the thumbs upfrom his harshest critic,Rosie; so this is another treatyou have to try.

A glance at their burgermenu will certainly temptyou to return for lunch ordinner, to sample their fa-mous specialty items suchas the Gouda, Farmer’s orMan Burger (almost 12ounces of choice beef), anda Western Burger withAarons’ secret-recipecrispy onion rings. All ofthese can be personalizedwith an incredible array oftoppings, (mushrooms,jala-peño peppers, bacon,cheese, lettuce, tomato…whatever, the list goes on)at absolutely no extra cost.

5 Burger portions areENORMOUS! Aaron sug-gests that even their smallserving of fries is enough tobe shared by two. He wasvery amused to watch a fa-mous French chef demon-strating the best way to makefried potatoes on a gourmetcooking show and could onlycomment “He stole myrecipe!”

Try them the English way-with vinegar, and you’ll won-der how you ever ate frieswithout it. This same 5-starchef also swears by Gouda asthe best topping for the idealgourmet cheeseburger.

5 Burgers is now openearly until 10-ish at night; de-livery is available to both thehigh-rise and low-rise hoteland beach district at nowextra cost for orders over$50. Enjoy a great lunchwithout ever leaving thebeach by calling 586-3904.However, we suggest youstop by and enjoy their au-thentic, heartfelt hospitality;it is not unusual for eitherowner to sit and chat, sharingtheir knowledge of the islandwhile making sure patronsare happy with their meal.

5 Burgers Aruba: Nowyour best breakfast


Gold Coast Aruba:Great savings for large familieson holiday rentals

Page 14: Friday, October 12, 2012

Russian-based Hulk addedBrazil's fourth just before thehour mark with Santos strikerNeymar and Lucas, set to joinbig-spending French side ParisSaint Germain in January,completing the 6-0 rout.

"I feel great and I am happyto be back in the nationalsquad, to be playing withyoung players," said Kaka,who was involved for the firsttime since Brazil's quarter-final exit at the 2010 WorldCup.

The Iraqis turned to Swe-den to stage this game withworld body FIFA refusing toallow them to play homematches following a chaotic

match against Jordan in thecity of Erbil, capital of theIraqi region of Kurdistan.

Iraq were keen to meetsome top-drawer opponents asthey gear up for their October16 World Cup qualifier againstAustralia in Doha.

Brazil fitted the bill nicely,particularly as they were oth-erwise free in an internationalweek having already qualifiedas hosts for 2014.

The auriverde won an Au-gust friendly 3-0 against Swe-den in Malmo.

They also lifted their firstWorld Cup in 1958 at the Ra-sunda stadium in nearbySolna.

gave the 2014 World Cuphosts a 2-0 lead going into thebreak in the friendly, with RealMadrid striker Kaka puttingthe South American giants fur-ther ahead shortly after therestart.

MALMO, Sweden (AFP) -Brazil knocked Iraq, coachedby former Brazil great Zico,for six in the two countries'first ever full internationalmeeting on Thursday.

Chelsea midfielder Oscar

14 Friday, October 12, 2012

Football: Brazil hit Zico's Iraq for six

Kaka scores


MADRID : Former formula one Marussia test driverSpanish Maria de Villota gives a press conference inMadrid yesterday . De Villota, 32, lost her right eye andsuffered severe head injuries after crashing while con-ducting a straight line test at an airfield base in Cam-bridgeshire, on July 3, 2012.


MALAGA, Spain : Unicaja's Serbian center Kosta Perovic(L) vies with Maccabi Electra's US forward Nick Caner Med-ley (R) during the Euroleague basketball match Unicaja vsMaccabi Electra at the Palacio de los deportes J.M. MartinCarpena sports hall on October 11, 2012.


LONDON (AFP) - The SanFrancisco 49ers have been re-vealed as the JacksonvilleJaguars's opponents in theNFL's International Series atWembley next year.

The Jaguars had alreadybeen confirmed as the 'home'team for the annual Londonfixture in each year between2013 and 2016 and the club'sowner, Shad Khan, speaking atthe Leaders in Sport confer-ence in London on Thursday,confirmed the 49ers as theiropening opponents.

Everyone associated withthe Jacksonville Jaguars isvery much looking forward toour four home games in Lon-don through 2016, and we'reparticularly thrilled and hon-oured that our first opponentwill be the San Francisco49ers," Khan said.

The NFL, who started theInternational Series in 2007,are keen to see if there is amarket for a Europe-basedfranchise and Jacksonville'srun of home games at Wemb-ley has been seen as the firststep in that direction.

Five-time Super Bowl win-ners San Francisco have al-ready played in theInternational Series, defeatingthe Denver Broncos in 2010.

Last year's beaten SuperBowl finalists, the New Eng-land Patriots, will face the StLouis Rams in this year's Wem-bley fixture on October 28.

Football:Jaguars tohost 49ersin London

Page 15: Friday, October 12, 2012

shooting a seven-under-par 64to McIlroy's one-under-par 70.

Rose, meanwhile, defeatedreigning US Open champion,Webb Simpson with a newcourse record of nine-under-par62, compared to Simpson's 67.

McIlroy, who had alreadylost his opening two matches,began horribly against Woodswhen he found the water offthe opening tee and he did notdrop below par for the rounduntil he birdied the 17th hole.

McIlroy said he was nowlooking forward to time awayfrom the course despite havingto return today for a Pro-Aminvolving all eight players.

"I just came here because Ihave never played in Turkeyand there is a lot of good play-ers here, and I thought itwould be a fun week and it hasbeen.

"So I've enjoyed myself. Ifeel fine and the energy levelsare okay and I've got anotherweek off next week before Iget myself up for the Race toDubai."

However, McIlroy's imme-diate concern is getting aRussian visa so he can accom-pany girlfriend Caroline Woz-niacki to Moscow, where theDanish tennis star will be con-testing the Kremlin Cup nextweek.

Friday, October 12, 2012 15

Woods, Rose now heads to thefinal "hungry" to finish infront of Westwood, his Euro-pean Ryder Cup winning teammate.

"I was really strugglingearly on today and to can thatshot at 14 was easily the turn-ing point," reflected Rose.

"In proper match-play youwould only win the hole but inthis format I've picked up twoshots on Tiger and it's helpedme win the match.

Westwood secured his pas-sage to Friday's final when set-ting a new course record of a10 under par 61 to defeat for-mer Masters champion CharlSchwartzel who carded a 67on the Sultan Course at theAntalya Club.

Westwood's round includedtwo eagles along with eightbirdies, including a 50-footerat the last but also a fourthhole double bogey.

Westwood's score camesome five hours after he shot a64 to defeat American rivalHunter Mahan in the morn-ing's weather-delayed thirdround.

Woods had earlier easily ac-counted for world number oneRory McIlroy in the first evermatchplay showdown betweenthe pair to reach the last four.

Woods was always ahead,

BELEK, Turkey (AFP) - Eng-land's Justin Rose produced aTiger Woods like shot to de-feat the 14-time Major win-ning American and set up ashowdown with compatriotLee Westwood in the WorldGolf final on Thursday.

The World No. 5-rankedRose was trailing in his semi-final tie against Woods untilholing an improbable 110-yardwedge shot at the par four,14th hole for an eagle.

An embarrassed Rose thentried to cover his face with hiscap en route to a round of twounder par 69 to defeat Woodswho signed for a 70.

After having dealt with

Golf: Rose beats Woods, faces

Westwood in final

BEIJING (AFP) - ReigningNBA champions Miami Heatdispatched the Los AngelesClippers 94-80 Thursdaythanks to 20 points from super-star LeBron James in a pre-season exhibition before araucous Beijing crowd.

The sell-out audience wason its feet as soon as the Heattook the court with James andteammate Dwyane Wade wav-ing to fans in the Wukesongarena where the pair won the2008 Olympic gold medal forTeam USA.

The Heat went to workfrom the start, with Jamesscoring his team's first sixpoints and delighting thecrowd with a series of dunksand jumpers.

Miami kept up the intensityin the second frame despite thegame being only an exhibition.

Basketball is arguably the

most popular sport in Chinawhere an estimated 300 mil-lion people play the game,while the National BasktballAssociation has done a master-ful job of showcasing the sportin the world's most populousnation.

Despite the 2011 retirementof iconic former HoustonRocket centre Yao Ming andthe return to China this year offormer Dallas Maverick for-ward Yi Jianlian, the NBA re-mains popular in China despiteno home grown players in theglobe's top league.

The popularity of the sportis also attributed to a growingnumber of former NBA starsplaying in China, led by onetime New York Knick StephonMarbury, who won a ChineseBasketball Association cham-pionship with the BeijingDucks last season.

Basketball: Miami Heattrumps Los Angeles inChina

Page 16: Friday, October 12, 2012

Coco Crisp's last-inningheroics kept Oakland's titledreams alive.

As a result, both tension-packed American Leaguebest-of-five divisional serieswill resume again Thursdaywith three teams having achance to advance and theBaltimore Orioles fighting tosustain their championshiphopes.

New York's Ibanez blasteda game-winning solo homerin the 12th inning after tyingthe game with a solo homerin the ninth to lift the hostYankees over the Orioles 3-2,giving New York a 2-1 leadin their series.

And in Oakland, the A'sscored three runs in the ninth-- the last on a two-out singleby Crisp -- to defeat Detroit4-3 and level their best-of-five battle at 2-2, setting up aone-game showdown to ad-vance on Thursday.

The winners of each serieswill meet in the best-of-sevenAmerican League champi-onship series with that win-ner advancing to play theNational League champion inthe World Series.

CINCINNATI - The SanFrancisco Giants beat theCincinnati Reds 6-4 to com-pete an improbable come-back and win the NationalLeague division series today.The Giants became the firstN.L. team to trail a series 2-0then win three in a row on theroad to close out the playoff.

Buster Posey's fifth-inninggrand slam provided neededoffense for the Giants, givingthem a 6-0 lead.

The Reds battled backwith two runs in the bottomof the inning a a single run inthe sixth.

The Reds scored anotherrun in the bottom of the ninthinning, but left two runnerson base when reliever SergioRomo struck out Scott Rolento end the game.

Giants starter Matt Cainwent 5 2/3 innings to earn thevictory, allowing three runsand striking out five. MattLatos started for the Reds andallowed all six Giants runs.

While in NEW YORK,Historic home runs by RaulIbanez rallied the New YorkYankees to an unlikely MajorLeague Baseball playoff tri-umph Wednesday while

16 Friday, October 12, 2012

PARIS (AFP) - Six formerteammates of Lance Arm-strong have been suspendedfor six months by the USAnti-doping Agency(USADA) after they all ad-mitted doping.

Five Americans - LeviLeipheimer, 38 (of theOmega Pharma-Quickstepteam), Christian VandeVelde, 36, David Zabriskie,33, and Tom Danielson, 34,(all of Garmin-Sharp),George Hincapie, 39, (BMC)- and one Canadian, 36-year-

old Michael Barry (Sky) allreceived six-month banswhich will run from Septem-ber 1 this year.

They were suspendedafter admitting to bloodtransfusions and taking sub-stances including the bannedblood-booster EPO, humangrowth hormone, cortisoneand testosterone.

Their bans were an-nounced by the USADA onWednesday alongside the or-ganisation's detailed reasonswhy it banned Armstrong for

life in August.In their 1,000 page report

USADA accused Arm-strong's US Postal Serviceteam of "the most sophisti-cated, professionalised and

successful doping pro-gramme that sport has everseen".

Eleven former teammatesgave evidence against Arm-strong -- who battled back

from life-threatening cancerto win the Tour de Franceseven times -- accusing himof taking banned substancesand enforcing a doping cul-ture within the team.

CYCLING: Six ex -Ar mstrong teammatessuspended for doping


Best of five