friday sermon 14th april 2017 - friday...

Friday Sermon – 14 th April 2017 Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi (Principal Jamia Orwatul Wuthqa – Lahore, Jamia Jafaria – Gujranwala) Delivered at: Jamia Masjid Allama Mufti Jafar Gujranwala – Pakistan

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Friday Sermon – 14th April 2017

Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi

(Principal Jamia Orwatul Wuthqa – Lahore, Jamia Jafaria – Gujranwala)

Delivered at: Jamia Masjid Allama Mufti Jafar

Gujranwala – Pakistan



In the name of Allah (s.w.t)

I invite you all servants of Allah and my own self towards divine Taqwa and emphasize you to adopt

Taqwa in your life and in all the affairs of your life. You should make Taqwa as the foundation of life.

Allah (s.w.t) has granted creation to man and for the perfection of that creation made the system of

guidance and for the effectiveness of guidance established Taqwa. Taqwa is the divine way of living

which is established by Allah whose specialty is that it grants a secure life, whereby man is secure from

calamities in this world and from chastisement in the hereafter. If Taqwa is not there, man is

annihilated in this world as well as hereafter.

Quran has mentioned various dimensions of Taqwa amongst which one is mentioned in Surah Taha

verse 132

ها ل نسألك رازقا نن ن رزقك والعاقابة لالوأمر علي لصلةا واصطبا {132} ت قوى أهلك با And enjoin prayer on your followers, and steadily adhere to it; We do not ask you for subsistence; We do give

you subsistence, and the (good) end is for possessors of Taqwa.

In these verses the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) has been informed about certain instructions.

In the verse 129

ا مدا رب اك ق بل طلوعا الشمسا وق بل غروبا على ما ي قولون وسب اح با ا الليلا فسب اح و فاصبا مان ن {130} وأطراف الن هارا لعلك ت رضى

Bear then patiently what they say, and glorify your Lord by the praising of Him before the rising of the sun and

before its setting, and during hours of the night do also glorify (Him) and during parts of the day, that you may

be well pleased

ن يا لان فتان هم هم زهرة الياةا الد ن ن يك إال ما مت عنا باها أزواجا ما فايها ورازق رب اك ول تدن عي ر وأب قى {131} خي

And do not stretch your eyes after that with which We have provided different classes of them, (of) the splendor

of this world's life, that We may thereby try them; and the sustenance (given) by your Lord is better and more


لصلةا واصط ها ل نسألك رازقا نن ن رزقك والعاقابة لالت وأمر أهلك با علي {132} قوى باAnd enjoin prayer on your followers, and steadily adhere to it; We do not ask you for subsistence; We do give

you subsistence, and the (good) end is for guarding (against evil)

After all these verses it is said that the end is for Taqwa. In some verses it is mentioned that the end

is for Muttaqeen.



The instructions which are given to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) in these verses from 130 is the

elaboration of Taqwa which is the practical Taqwa. It is related to the affairs of human life. Taqwa is

not something else other than the routine affairs whereby adopting divine ways in these affairs is

Taqwa. If man is doing business and if the ways of doing business is divine then this is Taqwa. If man

does business as per market trend, speaks lies, deceives people and then at the time of prayers stands

for it, closes his shop and comes to Masjid then thinks he is a big Muttaqee is a deception. A person

with Taqwa is the one at the shop in buying, selling and who adopts divine ways of dealing in routine

life; he is Muttaqee.

Due to improper exegesis of Taqwa it has been misinterpreted as a separate topic and hence this

misunderstanding got developed that we can live our routine life whichever way we want but during

ordained time for worship if we do it then we become Muttaqee. Whereas Quran does not say like

this that man leaves the affairs of life separately and only comes for worship and he becomes


There is one reaction and opposite action in regards to the affairs of people. As you are living in a

society others also have relationship with you; deal with you, they accept your word, deny it; they

sometimes praise you and sometimes criticize you; these are social behavior and within these the style

of people with Taqwa and those without Taqwa are different. The way Haqq and Baatil are separate

similarly the ways of human beings following the path of Haqq are different from that of Baatil. If

someone has a positive behavior towards you then what should be your approach or way towards him

and if someone has a negative behavior towards you then what should be your behavior and way

towards him. Similarly if there is a prestigious personality in society who has a special position in the

society as compared to others and Quran has mentioned about their ways. Since the Holy Prophet

(s.a.w.s) is the messenger appointed from Allah and is the leader, guide for people he is related to

everyone and he has to make everyone aware and guide them, hence people also show reaction.

We can say this is a specific subject matter of Quran related to the Etiquettes and Principles of

leadership. The Quran is mentioning how the divine leader should be; whereby divine leader here

means one who is directly appointed by Allah, or who is appointed on divine criteria’s or one who is

the leader as per divine principles. If he does not falls in this category; that is if he is not appointed by

Allah, on the instructions or laws of Allah or on the divine criteria’s then he is a Taghoot Leader even

if he takes the standard of religion in his hands.

A divine leader in his ways of leadership cannot adopt the ways of worldly leaders as it is prohibited

for him to do so. He cannot adopt the ways of world politicians, community and world leaders. For

divine leaders Allah has expressed specific etiquettes are mentioned in which verse 130, 131, 132 one

sample is mentioned

على ما ي قولون فاصبا

The prophet is asked to have patience on what people are speaking and accusing you and those who

are doing your character assassination. What should be the behavior of divine leaders against the

criticism and accusations of people? Quran says that only one behavior is permitted for you and that

is patience. The divine leaders are as such leaders of community but generally they are under pressure

of people, they are afraid of what people would say about them. The biggest fear in the hearts of

leaders is from their very own community and followers. If I think or say or do this then what will

people say. The political worldly leaders give the masses the status of Allah. Hence in order to make

the people pleased they do what the people want them to do. If people praise them they feel happy



and if people criticize them they become afraid. If people spread some propaganda against them they

leave their purpose and path. Quran says that you are not permitted to follow the desires of people.

You have to obey the commands of Allah whether people like it or not. You have to serve the people

but obey Allah in both situation whether people like it or not. People have their own demands and

they have expectations from leaders also that you should not go there, speak this much time, and

speak on this topic and not on this. These are demands and expectations of people. The worldly

leaders even if they are in religious attire. These are the most dangerous people who are wearing

religious attires but are leaders of world and misguidance. Amongst the leaders of disgrace and fire

these are the most dangerous. They take care of people’s words and to protect themselves from

criticism of people they abandon essential commands of religion and violate the religious limits so that

people do not talk bad about them. They do not speak the truth so that people do not create negative

views about them; hence they conceal the truth

Allah is instructing the prophet that the Taqwa which should be inside divine leaders is that they

should demonstrate patience against the criticism and words of people. Patience here does not mean

to remain silent instead it means to continue on your path irrespective of what people say and not

being concerned about they say. Sabr in Arabic means those clouds which remains still in one place

for several days and week and does not move from there. They also refer this to the flock of sheep

near the water source and does not move from their place, is known as Ghanam-e-saboor. From this

the Qur’anic terminology of Sabr means those who are out for a divine purpose, they remain firm and

do not move despite of calamities. They continue their path despite of calamities and do not leave the

purpose or change their path or remain firm on their stance. They are Sabir (patient ones) who

continue their path despite of all types of calamities. He should not be concerned if people will leave

me, I will become alone. He should remain firm on their stand.

على ما ي قولون These criticism, propaganda, accusations done by the opponents of the divine leaderفاصبا

, who are slave of desires should not be paid attention to and continue his path. In other verses, the

Quran says do not be depressed, grieved with what people say. Here it is said that you continue and

for the sake of people do not change your stand.

مدا رب اك .Second point is that you have reliance of Allah and just depend on Allah and not people وسب اح با

A worldly leader wears the attire of religion and takes the name of Allah so that people can consider

him divine. He only takes the name of Allah to deceive people. He does not trusts Allah and when a

time comes where he has to choose to take care of Allah’s commands or the orientation of people

there he will leave Allah’s command and goes by the orientation of people. He bears the hardships for

people but has trust on people not Allah. The Quran is saying against people adopt patience and do

Tasbeeh of Allah and praise Allah before sunrise and before sunset مدا رب اك ق بل طلوعا الشمسا وق بل وسب اح باا .which means do not remain negligent of Allahغروبا

ا الليلا فسب اح وأ طراف الن هارا لعلك ت رضى ن ن ا وما مدا رب اك ق بل طلوعا الشمسا وق بل غروبا وسب اح با

Then also during night time you should do Tasbeeh of Allah and during the two sides of day do Tasbeeh

of Allah , may be this might make you pleased and may be that anxiety and grief gets finished which

got developed in your heart due to people’s criticism and behavior.

Some scholars have tried to prove the five times prayers from this verse. Though with high efforts we

can derive this from this verse but Allama Tabatabai says that that guidance of Quran does not needs



this much efforts to be put in. This means by ignoring certain facts and applying certain other principles

then it might be possible to prove that this verse is meant for proving Salaat timing. If we do not get

into these troubles then this verse is not talking about the timings of Salaat. The direction of the verse

is not for the prayer times, instead the direction of the verse is that when a divine leader is sent for

guiding the people then the opponents, misguided ones, leaders of fire does character assassination,

accuse, do propaganda against the Prophet then what should be his behavior or we can say what

should be the Seerah of divine leader. When people condemn the divine leader what should be the

place of refuge for the leader.

When people come under pressure their refuge is the Prophet. The way Ameerul Momineen (a.s) says

that when the flames of war would be big and when the activities would be very hot and since the

numbers were less and we would be near to defeat due to lack of means, and war would get into such

a dreadful situation whereby the convictions were becoming weak; there Ameerul Momineen (a.s)

says that everyone would go in the presence of Prophet. Then the conviction, courage, braveness of

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) would become the place of refuge for us. Thus the refuge for the believers,

crusaders in the battlefield was the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) so who was the refuge of Prophet? The Holy

Prophet (s.a.w.s) would take refuge from Allah and from Allah the conviction of Prophet would

increase and from him (s.a.w.s) the conviction of crusaders would enhance. A divine leader is in more

hardship then others irrespective of whether there is war or peace, ordinary days or crisis. The

pressure on the leader is always more than the people. The ordinary people refer to their leader and

take refuge from him but under this extreme pressure whom should the leader take refuge from? He

should seek refuge from Allah and not approach or make people his support that I rely on the masses

and I am getting into this encounter. The people should refer to him and he should refer to Allah. This

is the direction of the verse. The discussion in this verse is not on the five times of prayers instead it is

on this direction which the Quran is referring to. The Salaat (prayers) is not under discussion here.

Those scholars who have inferred the five times prayers from this as per Allama Tabatabai it can be

done if we ignore many facts related to exegesis with a lot of efforts but the actual referral the verse

is doing is by expressing the direction for a divine leader. That direction is على ما ي قولون اصبا whateverف

people say you should be patient on that and you should do Tasbeeh during the day and night. In these

timings it is before sunrise and before sunset and during the night time and also on two sides of day.

In a comprehensive way that during some part of night and some part of day you should be come in

the presence of Allah and this will give you hope and make you successful. The comfort of people does

not become support for the leader and in fact it is the connection with Allah that is the support of

divine leader.

All those who were with the Prophet they would trust and rely on Prophet and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s)

would rely on Allah. This was the same for Ameerul Momineen (a.s). In Karbala also this verse becomes

more apparent, whereby during this event of Karbala everyone would refer and rely on Sayyadus

Shohada whereas he was totally reliant on Allah. He did not took heed of what people were saying at

all. على ما ي قولون The Seerah of Imam Hussain (a.s) is a perfect exegesis of this verse. People فاصبا

started to say everything from Medina, Mecca and on his route. He was completely patient and none

of the words either in the form suggestion, criticism, and propaganda had any effect on Him (a.s).

Sayyadus Shohada demonstrated perseverance and remained firm till the end.

ن يا لان فتان هم فايها هم زهرة الياةا الد ن ن يك إال ما مت عنا باها أزواجا ما ن عي ر ول تد ورازق رب اك خي {131} وأب قى



And do not stretch your eyes after that with which We have provided different classes of them, (of) the splendor

of this world's life, that We may thereby try them; and the sustenance (given) by your Lord is better and more


You should not stretch your eyes means to drag, draw your vision to the extent possible; and whatever

is seen are those under the eyes of man. This is because whatever man acquires is under his eyes and

man is also going after that thing and keeps it as an objective and acts towards it which he sees. The

Quran says that under the eyes of leader those things should not be there which we have kept for

excitement, pleasure for others. From the vision personality gets identified whether he is divine or

not. In which direction he is going, what status he is at, for what is he struggling and he will be

identified by his vision and objectives which he has kept under this eyes. The means of pleasure is

what people are after but you should not have that.

ن يا لان فتان هم فايها هم زهرة الياةا الد ن ن يك إال ما مت عنا باها أزواجا ما ن عي Amongst the exterior things one of ول تد

them is Azwaj. Why have we given these means of pleasure so that we can examine you. If you are

divine, godly then see to it that these means which are given for examinations do not keep these as

targets and objectives in your eyes. Our community has been taught this as syllabus for both this world

and hereafter that if you reach these means of pleasure then you will be successful. In our culture we

consider those as successful in life who have acquired the best means of pleasure whereas Allah has

given these for examinations. In your eyes your real target and divine objective should be always there

and neither the propaganda of people should disturb, aggrieve you and weaken your courage; neither

these means of pleasure should distract you.

ر وأب قى The sustenance from your lord is goodness and always remaining. Rizq fromورازق رب اك خي

Allah are those things that are essential for the survival of creation. If these things, means do not reach

the creation it will be destroyed. That thing whose absence destroys the creation is referred to as Rizq

in Quran. We have transformed the Quranic terminology in our language and thereby confined Rizq

as food. Rizq is that grant from Allah which is essential for the survival of creation. The extent and level

of Rizq gets identified with the potential of survival present inside it. To what extent it can give survival

to Marzooq its quality will be defined by that. The one which has less potential of survival in it has low

degree of Rizq and that which has absolutely nothing for survival of man inside it will not be considered

as Rizq instead it will be destruction. Like for man there is food in abundance but all the food present

is not the means of survival instead it becomes a means a destruction and diseases for him. This is not

Rizq instead means of destruction for him. Rizq in context to food will be that in which there is survival

inside it. A person who eats only that much which is essential for survival that will be Rizq and beyond

this it will not be considered as Rizq. Allah says in this verse that Rizq has the attribute of survival inside

it. ما مت عنا باها إال Mata in Arabic refers to those means or things which provides pleasure to man for

some moments. If you keep some tasty thing in mouth which after few moments or minutes gets

dissolved. Quran says that entire worldly means are like this only; they are pleasure and taste for few

moments which will pass away quickly. There is no survival inside it means no ب قى . The opposite of

Mata means of pleasure. People have been given Mata; means of pleasure whereas to the متع is ب قى

Prophet has been given Baqa survival. For a divine leader this is the Rizq for survival. The Ummah is

after the pleasure of world whereas for the Prophet he should be after survival (Baqa).

ها علي لصلةا واصطبا وأمر أهلك با



After the first instruction that do not become victim of the propaganda of people and not care for

those instead do Tasbeeh of Allah the second instruction for the Prophet is to order his near ones and

followers for Salaat (prayers). This verse was revealed in Mecca and the Prophet is instructed to

command his followers and those under him for Salaat. In Mecca certain rituals had not become

essential. Many rituals were only for the Prophet during Mecca and certain rituals were for the close

ones and followers. The Prophet is asked to order regarding Salaat. It is there in Islamic teachings that

believers should first teach their children how to recite Salaat and till the time they are not matured

the believers should command them to do Salaat. If they do no listen then be strict on them. When

the child is very young teach him and when he is near to maturity command him to Salaat and when

he becomes matured then maintain the prayers in him. And then also ه ا علي اصطبا demonstrate و

steadfastness on prayer.

We will not question you about Rizq as to what arrangements you made for the Rizq of ل نسألك رازقا

yours and family. This is because نن ن رزقك we are the providers of sustenance (Rizq). We are Raaziq

and you are Marzooq. If you see today a big majority do not come for prayers, congregation and

religious activities because of the issues related to Rizq. Allah has made a principle for Rizq. I have

mentioned this for the theology students that there are two types of Rizq which Allah has created.

One is that Rizq which Allah has created and put people after them and they are striving for this Rizq.

As it is mentioned in supplications also where we recite I don’t know where is my Rizq? Whether it is

in sea, land, mountains and skies. I am just wandering around bewildered. This is one class of people

whom Allah has put them in pursuit of Rizq. There is one more class whom Allah has created and Rizq

is after them; they should go towards the purpose and Rizq should come after them. We are not going

to question you (the Prophet) as to what arrangements you made for the Rizq.

Today every Pakistani has this concern that if we put our children in the way of Allah then what will

happen to their Rizq (sustenance). Those children whom they put behind Rizq they are not worried

about them whereas those children they have put or want to place them on that path where Rizq will

follow them they are concerned about them. Those who have not put their children in the way of Allah

they show themselves as big supporters of seminary students, consider them as oppressed as to these

poor beings who have come in the way of Allah as to what they will eat. They are satisfied about their

own children but worried about the Islamic Seminary students as to what they will eat. This is the peak

of senselessness and they don’t have this sense that Allah has divided Rizq into two parts. One is the

measured Rizq which means Allah has made small parts of this category of Rizq and distributed it. First

you study, take degree, than do Job after which you will earn this little Rizq. The entire capital of house

is first spent on his study, then he gets a job that too by paying bribe; then become disgraced in job

after which you will get this little Rizq as salary. They are contented about this child. But for those

behind whom Allah has kept Rizq and Rizq is in pursuit of them; for those whom Allah is saying we will

not question you about Rizq; what did you do about your bread. We will not question you about this

because you are not Raaziq we are. If you want to ask from where the Rizq will come then ask Raaziq

and not Marzooq. We will give you Rizq and then the verse ends saying والعاقابة لالت قوى that the end is

for possessors of Taqwa. These are the principles and specifically for the life of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s)

this is Taqwa. A divine leader who possesses Taqwa should possess these qualities mentioned in these

verses. This is Taqwa for a divine leader and the Quran says that a good end of this life is only for those

possess Taqwa.



This is the practical field of Taqwa which Quran has mentioned for ordinary persons and also for those

whom Allah has either appointed, ordered or under certain criteria’s they are delegated for guidance

of people. Their Taqwa is separately mentioned that if these divine guides get influenced or disturbed

by the words of people then they are not with Taqwa. If they depend on people then this is not Taqwa.

if they do not consider Allah as their refuge they are not with Taqwa; if they do not remember Allah

during day and night they are not with Taqwa; if they have eyes on worldly means they are not with

Taqwa; if they have prepared for the means of eternal survival then they have Taqwa; if they have left

their near ones on their own they are not with Taqwa as they should order them for Salaat and

servitude of Allah. If they do not have patience and perseverance they do not have Taqwa. If they are

in pursuit of Rizq and for the sake of Rizq they forego their religious obligations they do not possess

Taqwa. We will not question you for Rizq and we will only question you for that which you are

ordained to do. This is all Taqwa and a good end is only for the possessors of Taqwa.


In the current affairs of global and national the situations are very concerning. The way it has been

going on whereby the crisis are increasing and issues both globally and locally have also increased.

Three major elements of Terrorism in Pakistan

In national matters (of Pakistan) there are many issues to be pondered upon and necessary for

everyone to be attentive about. The biggest issue is insecurity which is ongoing in which some silent

periods come but this would be a mistake to consider some breaks as end of terrorism. Even though

we can listen to a slogan that terrorism is being confronted by the national and provincial forces. And

the various people who are indulged in terrorism have been killed also and many still remain but as I

have said before that those who are involved in terrorism are not the actual roots. Their end is this

only that they should be killed in a lessonful manner. The Quran says that those who are murderers,

terrorist they should be killed in a lessonful manner for others. They are killed but not in a lessonful

manner so that others should not come on this path. The actual roots of terrorism till the time are not

uprooted it will not end from Pakistan. This is because terrorism has become deep rooted and

absorbed in Pakistan in various government departments, provinces and in several places.

There are three big elements of terrorism in Pakistan which are also the causes and means for global

terrorism. Amongst these three elements one big element are the Arab nations who in a well-

established way are spreading terrorism globally and behind them are Western nations. The Western

nations do the real Satanism and Arab nations due to their love of power, ignorance are indulged into

this aggression and crime and some other nations and religious groups who are spreading terrorism

across the globe. The top of the list in them is Ale Saud who only do terrorism and nothing else. To kill

Muslims is their objective and agenda. They have taken various other steps like they have made this

force of 34 nations to kill Shias. This is just an illusion and this force will never get made but there is a

dirty, filthy mentality and thinking behind it. With this illusion we can estimate what is present inside

their minds. What kind of plans they have about other Muslims and specifically about Shiite. This is a

proven thing that this illusion of theirs will never become practical that they will make a big force with

so many nations under the command of a Pakistani and then they will do bloodshed. Though this has

happened before in Palestine whereby the accursed General Zia ul Haqq who laid the foundations of

terrorism in Pakistan killed Palestinians and it was the biggest massacre of Palestinians done in history

in their camps. Zial ul Haqq went to Jordan and from there he attacked Palestinian camps and the well-

known massacre of Sabera and Shatila where thousands were massacred in a day. The commander of

this tyrant group was Zia ul Haqq and this disgrace is still present for Pakistanis that they were involved



in this massacre. If Zia ul Haqq has done this, then once again this can be done. They are doing in

Yemen, Iraq and Bahrain and now they can be further enhanced. Now they have this plan to rent

forces from different nations to do mass killings of Muslims. As I said these are just dreams and

illusions because Allah has not handed over his system in their hands. It is Allah’s intentions on the

world and it is Allah’ promise and Allah has made such forces who knows how to keep these tyrants

within their limits. But this is their negative, filthy thinking to kill Shias which they have done in Bahrain

by finding some excuses to kill Shia. They are filing cases on Shias and then later they will send a

battalion under some Pakistani commander to kill all the Shias in one day. These are their evil

intentions and believers should be aware about them and not remain negligent. In this sequence

various activities are going on amongst which one is that Imam e Kaaba comes from Saudi at regular

intervals to do recruiting of people from here by taking emotions of people by taking ill advantage of

the Haramain there. They are hiring killers to do massacres in Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria and whenever

these people visit Pakistan a new wave of insecurity starts here. They take people from here to carry

out their evil intentions. This is one element of terrorism in Pakistan whereby the Arab nations spend

money to promote, recruit terrorism in Pakistan. It is proven that the Arab nations have never spent

money for the development of Pakistan, they only spend on such activities.

The other element involved in terrorism in Pakistan are the terrorist minded and sponsored persons

inside the government organizations. There were so many attacks on Pakistani forces even on GHQ.

There were attacks on secret agencies, on their big officers and on police. All such attacks are not done

from outside but they are coordinated from inside. It came in news also that there are many elements

inside armed forces who cooperate with these terrorist. The terrorist have reached to the most

sensitive places in Pakistan and it is not possible to do all this unless the senior officers inside these

places are not involved with terrorism. This filth is lying in Pakistan which needs to be washed off. If

you kill terrorists then next day more will be born till the time these facilitators are present in the

government organizations. There seems to be no intention in Pakistan to stop the movement of Arab

nations nor to stop the officers and elements inside government organizations.

The third element for terrorism in Pakistan are the visionary foundations. Such visionary people,

thinking and like-minded ideology whose only work is to declare Muslims are infidels and then kill

them. They consider everyone who does not harmonize with them as infidel and if these visions,

thoughts keep on spreading and their scholars, mufti and madrassahs are left open where they declare

all Muslims as infidels then there is no need to find terrorists on street to kill as these factories are

running. These people have a syllabus to teach that all Muslims who are not as per your school are

infidels and they should be killed by this group. This is one big cause of terrorism. There are also other

secondary issues also which I mention somewhere else. But this is the triangle which can be

considered as the roots of terrorism in Pakistan; one is external and two are internal. The entire world

knows and even these journalists knows that external forces are doing but they don’t speak and

remain blind on these things and just express their grievances but they don’t stop the Arab nations

from this tyranny. Second they don’t do cleansing of these government officials, they don’t file cases

on them, they don’t take the names of those who have retired and no one accuses them. Then the

third is the Takfirism which has become deeply rooted in the country and not stopped. Till the time

these 3 elements are present Pakistan will not become secure. Pakistan can become secure and

peaceful when people develop the sense and when they develop sense they will not allow the foreign

elements to intervene; they will punish the inside government elements; and they can teach the lesson

to those who spread the ideology of Takfirism. These are amongst possibility but to awaken the sense

of people is more difficult then eradicating terrorism. The Pakistani nation after so many calamities

have not reached that level of awareness.



Syria- A battlefield for proxy wars

In global situations specifically in Middle East where the battle is on its peak that is Iraq, Yemen and

Syria they all have complex states there. At present Ale Saud have openly declared that we are going

to establish our relationship with Israel to confront Iran. Hence very soon they are going to do this

openly which they were doing secretly. In Syria last week America attacked Syria with the excuse that

Syrian government has used chemical weapons on their people. It is evident that Syria has become

such a land which has no windows, doors; a state in which everyone has entered finding an

opportunity to intervene. A country like Turkey has also landed their forces in Syria; there are various

groups of terrorists present there; a big number of Pakistani’s are present there cooperating with

terrorists. In Pakistan the people of the same Takfiri Ideology who have political parties, schools,

Madaris and have made nurseries for brewing terrorisms; these are people supporting terrorists.

Anyone who desires to do anything or give a message to the world they enter Syria just like it was in

Afghanistan during the cold war era of 1960 and 1980. The same days have returned now. After the

cold war ended America dominated the world for some time but again now Russia has started to

recover its old position and in fact to a certain extent has regained. Now like two beast as wolves,

fighter dogs are facing each other. When two wolves or fighter dogs come in front of each other,

before attacking they grim their teeth which is to create fear in opposition. If the opposition is weak

they get afraid with this griming. The fight of beasts start with teeth and after teeth they groan, then

bite and gradually the fight moves forward. America and Russia are both beasts and showing their

teeth. America is showing their teeth now; yesterday they have carried out an attack in Afghanistan.

They have dropped the most powerful non atomic bomb in Afghanistan; but in reality they have shown

to Russia, like showing their teeth. On the other hand Russia is also showing their teeth. The have

tested a missile in North Korea which is more powerful than an Atomic bomb using new modern

technology. North Korea is in the favor of Russia and yesterday’s statement of Russian President to

America that Trump should be aware that it is not only America which is an Atomic state but Russia,

China and North Korea are also atomic powers. This is the atmosphere being created and they are

fighting proxy wars but not on their own lands. It will be fought on Muslims lands that is Syria, Yemen,

Bahrain, and Iraq where they will settle their own accounts as well and do it for international benefits

and also cleanse the Muslim nations. They are achieving many benefits from these battles. Syria is

such a state where everyone is doing something to show someone else. The attack which America did

on Syria was not to show Syria; they did not attack any base, people or center in Syria and this attack

was also to grim the teeth. They can drop bombs in Syria as there no one cares what happens there;

it is neither American land nor Russian; if people are getting killed then what difference it makes. This

is due to the carelessness of Muslim nations and specifically the Arabs. These disgraceful Arabs have

handed over their lands to these beasts for the sake of power. These beasts are rampaging and

destroying these lands and cannibalizing them. A 1400 yrs. old culture and inheritance of Muslims.

This is the sole way of destroying Muslims whereby they trigger a war every other day in a Muslim

nation and then destroy them.

The face of global war which is being taken place and will be fought in Middle East and they want this

to become severe. America wants to drag Ale Saud in this war directly and they want to push Iran into

this battle. Till the time this direct war has been delayed because of Iranian leaders as they don’t want

war to take place between Muslims. This is due to the wisdom of Iranian leaders else the foolishness

of Ale Saud which desires this war under the pressure of America. America on one hand is weakening

Iran with sanctions and on other hand they are providing arms to Ale Saud so that this war should take

place and Shiite should get destroyed. But it is the promise of Allah that one whom Allah protects no



one can destroy them. This is their evil plan but Allah also has a plan against them by which all plans

get foiled.

Tough time ahead for Muslims of India

In Pakistan they trigger issues with India and then all the issues internally get covered. At times they

trigger such topics on media to conceal other issues. Our people are also like this only and whatever

they see on media they get entangled in it. At present they trigger issues related to India and Pakistan.

Inside India the situation for Muslims is becoming worst. The biggest Muslim province of Uttar Pradesh

which has historical status has now a Chief Minister, Yogi who is a big prejudicial person. This new

Chief Minister; Yogi immediately after becoming Chief Minister has stopped slaughter house of

Muslims as Muslims eat meat. This act of confronting Muslims is starting in this state in a dreadful

manner. They are making such an atmosphere in India that Muslims are scared.

This same group and the Prime Minister in the past have done a brutal massacre in Ahmedabad city

of Gujrat where they burnt houses, killed Muslims and did severe tyranny. They have this experience

of Muslim massacre in their hands. The Muslims are afraid that something would spark and riots will

take place. At present there is an atmosphere created against Muslims across the country. The media

is fueling this and then there are certain elements inside Muslims who also give statements to fuel

this. At present the survival of Muslims lies in their unity and coordination.

All sects, schools of Sunni, Shias, Barelvi, and Deobandi should keep aside their secondary issues and

where there is such a big population of 200 million and get united. The way an experiment was done

in the neighboring state of Myanmar where they burnt the Muslims alive and no one in the world

made any noise against them. Israel is killing Palestinians with brutality everyday but no one cares

about it in fact the Arabs are joining hands with Israel. If something similar happens with Indian

Muslims there is no one going to come to stop India because all nations have some or the other

relationship. It is necessary for the Muslims to remain alert, united and should work out a united

solution whereby all schools should be involved it. There are certain elements within Muslims as well

like in Kashmir someone from within Muslims stands up, creates a party and then raises such a slogan

which is insult for Muslims and support to the enemies. At times certain irresponsible persons for

personal, family benefits adopt such position. The situation which has happened in Pakistan today can

be prevented in India which the Muslims can do this. Those who are educated, intellectual should

spread this thought, coordinate amongst Muslims and unite them together so they can be secure. We

pray to Allah also that all Muslims whichever part of India they are, Allah should protect them from all


Perseverance of Yemeni’s

In Yemen the situation is the same as before and the Saudi elements have completely failed and Saudi

has to pay the cost for this war. The situation in Yemen is changing now. The Yemeni nation after this

much ruining and losses are still firm in defending their nation. They have lost everything but still their

courage is firm and without any support, assistance they are struggling. They are most oppressed

nation and in entire world apart from Iran they have no supporter. The entire Yemen is under siege

and those who have survived the bomb attacks are in much worst state then those martyred in

bombing; they don’t have anything to eat. They don’t allow trading or goods to reach there. There are

international fleets in the sea to prevent anything to reach there. They are not allowing them to make

any contact with them. They are forcing them to die of starvation and this threat is more than those

bombs. This cruelty is being done by Ale Saud and entire world is watching this. They don’t even

discuss this on media as if there is no nation by the name of Yemen and as if Saudi is not doing



anything. The entire Muslim world has forsaken Yemen completely and left on their own. This is Allah’s

words that if you remain like this and do not raise your voice against aggression on Muslims then one

day the same situation will happen with you also. This oppression will not stop and spread, one day

your situation will be same as theirs.

Senselessness of Iraqi groups

Similarly in Iraq, as I have said before that the situation in Iraq is complex. Iraq is not yet liberated; it

is dominated by America and Britain and they do not allow a decisive battle to wipe off ISIS who are

about to finish. There are certain groups who are prejudicial, partisans, personality followers who do

not want this battle to end because they believe if this battle would end then the credit of this war

will go to Hashad us Shabi, which is connected to Iran and Wali e Faqeeh and then all the credits will

go to Wali e Faqeeh and other personalities in Iraq will not get any name, fame. For this reason certain

groups are spoiling this encounter. Amongst this group, the most prominent senseless group is that of

Moqtada Sadr which has crossed all limits of senselessness. In this situation when the decision is near;

this group and some other similar groups are behaving in such senseless manner and have become

obstacles. The government and these parties are not allowing a decisive battle and till the time this

type of decisive battle does not takes place Iraq will remain in this destructive situation.


In Bahrain the people have shown perseverance and till date they have protected their leader from

the hands of these oppressive. The court has to postpone the date for the trial due to people’s

perseverance. There are various dangerous plans for Shiite to arrest them, kill them, hang them and

exile them.

Parachinar – Shia Fortress in Pakistan

In Pakistan also in Parachinar the incident that happened last week. It is clear that to make Parachinar

as target is not just a local issue and has to be seen from that same global vision. Parachinar has a Shia

power base and they want to dominate this base and weaken it is a part of strategy. They want to

make the situation in Parachinar so difficult that it becomes difficult to live there. The agriculture

breaks out and the education system shuts down then it is natural people will not stay there and

migrate to other cities of Pakistan. This is their conspiracy that to make the people of Parachinar scared

so that they leave from there and this region which was like a fortress becomes weak and can be

controlled. In this situation it is necessary that the people, scholar and intellectuals take control of the

situation. They should increase all the activities of economy, education and grow Parachinar more

than before. The people should take care of their assets and they should take care of their security.

We feel bad that in Parachinar there is one community gathered, you have weapons so till date why

the believers have not taken this step to make security arrangements. They have people also there

and means are there also so that they can make security system of their own and this can be controlled

that very easily someone can enter inside the center and blasts it. Why we don’t have our own security

system. The elders should take this step and make arrangements to stop this tyranny else if every

month such explosions happen then ruining will happen faster.

We pray to Allah to protect these Muslims and give salvation to entire Muslim Ummah from
