friday. th£ city's finances light ca whole~~> i circus · iwelvk pages."? th£...

IWELVK PAGES."? tH£ CITY'S FINANCES jrpwt of thf Coßiptrolkr for Year A STRICTLY CASH BASIS. of Any Kind iin-ofTuJ | ar ] J) g Paat Vw »ut- m*>nt «f and i xp«»ntllt«ire*. CMitniUr Psrrr han Just r*w»- aw* puf*:n pamphlet f >rm his mgb f, it ISe '?* * ooi»iw®«l ?*\u25a0 y e-»r emlias i> '"- eav* of prtcted sna:ter. It #»SP ?"* - . {h b jK ?" <" **\u25a0 "' * in.'. ? *<t *ny »\u25a0 .f. i«. i;»* -?? * Tfe- report prints a very var expon.- rjew Art>4r-eiUMP fry teirporar* ioas. o? -»- ?«" aafra.-.u? has a art- nri »- r ' r -< ti " > - * r mn4- §E»3 uripr- .wVnU><;;; large *ax Ueiin* \u25a0wy. every lt a:.on t. ;;r«i to Jate t pwrpny Paul lc Th.» lu ? |prt o***> *> mn y and r«r. Bin (neat n the ' *? **<;««» t&e «*«4 it faj'ttrr, .*? oUUI ft -" ue \u25a0"uriai.- : A Bid. » >wep the c-.«y j aw a*-'* »r / ;u »Pl-.> o*er vu. »*> oi rnesx y rawi for -urrent Mptr.Mt to pais"'' it ?>' ".aterne". : .\u25a0» Jasßiarjr 1. IPI Sot eniy wai this <tose. out u* city ? tha <iai- J powseseed of saAcikH re- 'f fipeM uw-ritKT «nth ant>cipatr'i' fe*e- frc's; ejacei-ewwue to nmt*< due ;n January «»«'l ||Sjfawrv ui this year, without g* s*i J lt-v'e4 for th** current yea.'. Aft»-r Ifcc. time, ur»« ?»« taxes or the roll of P*r- pro«ptJy th.,n is now unti i- rixy ooay, tarouch iark of ftiwis, fercr-.! to * «»p»-r. i U>t oprratton# of fsnc.' >! meat Iroi-ortan*. 4»partnaent». <>r En h> u»e expedient of makinj; a i n- |«s.» s«n in ar- ups'Jon of revocue Irom Jppe* .Tfce !?*<*%! affairs of she corporatiJei are H fStvai cocvdJtion. sot on sc- -0/ss-' tV-prerailin# ISntArtal »*ru - Mi m»'* pxrtv-uUrty became ih" iasi U «- tis'- ' e so lha re%'en'.;e Ixw a* to ?jwfcft" j. . put jk prt-mium upon d«-lln- >r tat p»y»teet». I wler the f i**a r»-t«at« of 2 per cerit. aa* al- m it oa ail axe* paid within thirty lay*. Ms ti»* ;-rr-<\u25a0 thr roll* * ?e epesed for DCo son. or until al>out F> r«uy V* T"* > ve » payment brcujfhl In Midlclent \u25a0 m~' * t3 iniure nt of fixed charges \u25a0»: eiirreot e»i.-Ti»e.* for !!»> i»9 or n : re»r. Alt unpaid ta*«* torac is de linquent an April 1, w.sen a 5 per rent, peneity attached to the tax sad Ist,' t' co«rm«"!««~1 (c nm at 3) per cent. \u25a0»r ti-'-uni I'ndt-r thin Saw no man who Hi' or could th«' mwy, ailoaed Ids m«« '.a !»»? l iM to »Vs heavy penally »! tat-- t fixed by U% fbc eity f.d fa'a:«; "a."-c> of receiving- i'-< v- «te- md a ft*i Jt the tax rude did not hav*» tepfyuJc * **i \u25a0?'? roarir'n for delUmu*-nci» - . It <«jJ4 meet it» obii«atSißS ar i moct'i wiia puM lin rmetneat* far ste' tH#» i>ej*pi<* r»I» taxed. *T:w '\u25a0 w i««r pr >v. le# that <ne-h«lfof the ai f mav paid on or hefom May SI «s<! v other 1 .iif uor before Noverr.K r *atiiiat »t.r;ally or A p»calfy <f Jper \u25a0*\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 a 4 interest at the rate of 13 fmr *si. sfta hea to d#Huqu<-r' y. No re- lan aUoaed for payment, he wee !? R-> locertive to j«aym*'nt ;>\u25a0*-Itl M«v #. PtW to ttil» rSa»etheclty ha* heavy fix* J «fca.-jt e* to wieef, ixfitle* ibe* usual operai- ysg tr.} »\u25a0 ti«ui experses. The*** an my bf met when then fas cash In the sna.< r>. for t:-« *lijr cannot tiike K-rvg *\u25a0»:!?* Is within th. cor tl: itk.ral Ht.Hi c-< on hpuing without Flimk a»d Ureas**. Ij> ma It mm of ».ho chief inwau#« of tfc* city, taw ?otter**! ***** dimiruttso frota tt*e ta coart of ilimi asif vrraiy dseiaita* license 'jf the « -ty t<» iSTllld. R#»- enaes from this «oar'» <*urtag the paa; three years were am follow#: **» f"-».53 *1 1«H «.?» *5 J*« «r *c <95 "Revenae* fr»ac. fines and licenses far IV* is asarcd at I fm. "Sow. »o defeKMSCtrate what tfcm figures nsear. arid how they slf*-.-* the tax levy. we must tak« the mumbpe.! roll* for each year an 4 .the tax rate thereon, showing how mscfa shoui-1 bar- bees produced from taxation. u<i ajsc taking the t* venoe from oth»r sour es aad from the ax* gr»*at» revenue th< am-' nt of the annua J ta teresr ctargn. Thfes wUI give a fair es- timate of the rover.ue for gesefti p;j»» p>wes Utr each year and w 51 JRustrate the d*> <-eas« in taxation, as follows; JJBS?As*es»e-i \iiuarioa roll of I-'.' s\u2666.''? \u2666 tax r*t-, old ItiK't 13« milia. n«-w hrait le.T entiis. *h.>uid ha** produced for ?b.- ex;~-n*-s of i-<* ... S&44.SM TT Wifer res'eaue for itrt was ....... I<*.3K Ml Finea and licence* re*-aue for 1H« was 19! JB3 55 Total reveti'ie fftf *»S6 ....... I>*vlng for general ..JWT.y* id JV«* vahiaf :on roil of IMS. fSs.7m.rn: tax -ate. 4i l(n. ! ft mill, new limit I**7 mIVU. shosld have produced for expense* of i»X M»JS« 71 Water revenue for l«8rt was m,<m 21 I*£H was «.72S m rev bus for IHM ...SS77JKt 57 IMliMt interest charge 177 <*; I>»a«ir.g for general pu-poe#* ... tW.ZS! »7 3*6?Assesww.l vaiuaUi'.i roll of KH, #2,38452.86; fix rate, old ltriit 13.5 mlli*. n»w llnut «.5 rai.if. should hjiot produced for ex. - «»f I*"-*. . .. M«.*» TT Water rev-ems* f.r IK<» was .. . 113.J25 35 Yii>ns aad le-eases revenue for 1818 C7.SSE fig Total revenue lot JSBB ?*< ?* iKduct Interest charge 177.«"< (ft !>*a\irg for general 1««'< -A<«**»ed valoat in roll of tT <'*"> tax rate, old limit 13 5 mills. B«»w limit I I mills, should snvia-e for tx- |n.» « Wa'er revery* T*«* i »:imat«d> 113JW «u Fisw and 1: *en«e» rtvts<M !!©§ <esUflnat«d> »?«»«» Total revenue for !»'< >stf.',3>t 41 rvduci i»t. charge 1177.898 «® Waot levy for r»- Unapttoa of o.d warrants <7.374 .1 for ic*Tiera! purposes.... .50JT7,5>43 3f> The treasury balance sheets have n»»»r b<>fom been so fully and systematically prt-senled. The statements are classified In fihibitti which are subdivided into state- ments. This ?ame plan was fvtl >wed In lh»' !*r«l annual, but this yar the cotrp- fi'atementi* 2. 1. 4. S. 6. 7 an i i. exh bit A. which suramanae tb-» fund books for the year, we--* never puU-.*hed before. The same apt'lies to stat'-mrnt I tthe city treas- urer's <> pbeesJ: exhihit A. *«at*»- ments I anl 2. relating to the i*>fu!ed debt. h'iMt C statements S and 4. which are re- capitulations of receipt* arid disbur**- rt . nt? in tal<ulat« l form; exhibit t>. *x±w~ m»nt 17.'which 1* a statement of net de- partmcnt ihh; .'t f. re to tocnl f'ir K has several new f-n'ir-' * Kshihit «T «-ontaln« th*- first eompiete list »f city property ever pub- is* !. it Iml-. t * real (?;ate. rr- >ng| prcp»*rt Improvements ani *e,-untie*. KshiWt K is a balafe sheet, <i(ifi*iar as- s«»t« and I ahiiiU*« of the city in addition to recfipts and disbursements. «f S»fta!"v and InterriH Is ao low, beirut b>:t Itrk m r* than th* .eevatlinjt commercial »it V M the taxpayer wtro, tinder the n}J lir *{ ;>!. if nee«<*ary. borrow th* mon« v hU WJf". now permit* them to it >f ?H* h'*rta«t t««xp*y*rs ?f t!t» city, * nun who - never allowed hia ttt»« ? go \u25a0\u25a0. " «iami until laa; ><ar. put tfc* r*ly w;ven h* said'. "'Ttfliy should I pay mv taxes'* I m>cht tor* » th. money at the ban* provided I WHi'tJ fum'stt *IU *d«*d security, but th ? rw» «Mkl !<*? th* aam* th* taaea and met? *t*j% or nin*tf tiny* I wouM rwlw » ar.;i»*r m .? rider fe»>m my ~re«l"or. Xe». ith \u25a0 ? r If I alltw my :»*- «t»;J !?? ! find a or. d: ?rw 'h- aat th* a«k \u25a0?, a- 1 th«» creditor annot f?v» uir j»rn %»?;»??? for thrw y«.«. « at faM T! ' ! «hall run tlto etsMww of an- ?ifey. * '. r-. u' k -slatun* rrmtttinc p»"n- aftv and \u25a0.*. !.*t, a*?'«f last -TV> dsd *ith tri>r--r ta>- ?* f I<JC sn i W "ARothir pr ?>p«Tty owner aaid to-* !r- . - ",t.n| ! h '.%\e* -y. .it, m <»uUi tt** the money to brtfr ad- vji'k > * \u25a0*, ? > ? r- *J-t* ? tM.t'4*er»- a own al-M't on*-fourth of %e tatA 'e pro'"rty?and many >f whora n>' ? 4; tn the oity oth-r than to atr th*<- r nimprovrd lota Imr**.**ia raJue tfcrwj*y entrirpfiee e' th* p*<T»Je her*. ?J* tail ?\u25a0+. an .«** of thi* v n!*ney and af> fw a 1 ? *?- a( >nf their ahar* wl the W hunlrtv, *J**w :> r- ft !*w affected th* rlfy'a W*Raea for >*<. >wn by the folicw- tef T%* ffj|| iyf n ahouM du*m® «K |«ft!.T* TT Oft iUhw on the roll! ?»re t>v w *hjch r ilty and SR:«r» - t ft * , "3 USties foiws ona on »* -?1 .*,» ... ;.»,«?»' ?* *r* » refit nda and toWv;K".:i were ?-Ml 3 ?fS'Uwv on ndl *? -a y 1. |Sc« t!9»S a ut Si s*er < rt. af the or- n re« law «Hd not *0 tnto ef! vt u-.i -1 ' S. a- t u->.".--r the Mnaoltw at t'?* ?t u- to :hal t*Tne ara \u25a0>?- ?I to tnrr } '**. r » . ? t'". ? act the return* fn»m t \u25a0?# ?"3Q tr» r ,»f t- «rt.-.»na oa the .? «r- * - i ,;?« _T thi f ? *!' t w«-*k .' ear «<? start .ff baa.)i yt *tary bt t ? ? ua rr ?" law. an-J a .J® ta's**- \u25a0 -im** of Jei:.vjue?n-* may a ?* a/: v b* a it the ..'*j ; «,-al po- H>y c-f th* paat ?fte yea-« ; t th# cre-.ttt of the city eaa i.rc,. -?. r *.«*h aJ i eraw t* ItS 9 ?->* T * r ; ;j a !-\u2666 "? -.s- --y \u25a0.? ' i ** ? ; * «-orr-p«raiive ti*^ - ? , * em ... _? . ;s» In. . r ' - 4 and tasa- \u25a0* t!>. «sr. ,, ' -w J'-e a*» f<r - J* 8 * '* *T'-' 5 ' ?: ' ? iAv»aH| f:* an »-«aa* a# , {y> f - ~. Ha-re* ala . , t "\u25a0. .j \u25a0* the tn'e - "*#! * ar*'n * a % > the m- ,V , . nj> * ***r»*a»* rat. ,>f laaa- »*\u25a0» ' '' '?» T*-i t r « trie < *-\u25a0 .?? ?-» ? :r 1 - c»r -*i ?d»J . . ?JZ - . * . -,t - m ot '.*?« - \u2666..# - aon 4ft: V ' V> '" T ?*?"< t' ty ~*W ?MTter' ..? V -'' \u25a0 : Sr^r !x Aj a a:-' a'«*w.- .«»»\u25a0. > .. . _ a.»{, ; r .1 Jr' » ' - ?.% eff ? ? v-.» fC V. r. ' ?* 1 *..., I. * . 1 - ! s * t-: x Hj-jj* '* >t lv~ ta «i a ta. The appendix ahow* th* I«Sf. tax levy - how it wit* arrtv*d at. and r»Ttnqf th* rate and a!! otbec inf rnta!'<*n of that ela«* <>n th* last pej;* ftt'.l tv* found » atat*- rvr.t of tax bvi*.* for all purpose* from ISS* to If" prewnt. iiKi t*iN«. THE roon. *omc l'iltfnl and I'aa«aal f«w« Come to the A"*»<H'!atv«l < haritle*. Application* aid poer into th* By* n .>f Associated Charities fr<m peop?- not oaly in th:» but tn adjoin.'.* A m.- *ter of th" ?U» ma !- ?ppliv-at; to ?he !ooal .ig> rt th* oft her lay for a man n % - nif count} . ask:r,* ih st R iv-a * rk here and ea; res* n* pr**t sur- prise when told that th'r»' ru none to had. Th'.? thts to th* caae proven by the unavailing effoC* of a healthy yoftw jld. who ha* hee-n *o tf.njc #v*ry day for the past «>-rk for * «w th -.* at whi :h to "am an >.ot*e*t d--liar Ea h m--r~<-* ah* rf rta to the !nmu. *-! s*-nt to the ( v .4 |.'H . ** a Sere th* re is ajx osp»*t of cm? !.»y men!. fiie s«.*nt t«4la airarjr* atoneo of f**n -Js*e * * m d:re dHttutM ft ho are w* Ucw - n ?*d arvi have reiat or «in the ,-sty worth $l«. ,»». On* fana'ty that *a# vt#.t*d re- waa i.vifx .a % it' * *hanty with ! on* room on Oil*e atreet. A mother «n<i j inn* < h:idr*n were t-- re, ei> ! the a*»nt found the p»a *e so fall of r-nak» when he entered that h* *»» obi **d to i a«h th* woman to eom* outaido before he « ah'." t. »*?» her. Wlflrtn a few f*-t of ! »na dix-r a»iw>d a ahark used a* a atabie. i frs>m which *na»nated * h or- ; . id'4r*:»!*. routed by an «m>audatkia cf j nTa -'-r-' N-fore ne door. Yet thr?e {-eof l*. i a? Vper i;r-f on th* L*har,ty of th* ."ity, j hava 1 ac* ' ts well to ihem i aid (knuloMßr a .Tib of e-bicat:on an.i r*- ] ft- pnwnt. render*.! deoperate by th* want* i «f hi* fan* !y. trarr.plea on hia pr: srd j md a «i-pa \u25a0 n to the fi»r aid. 1 5'U-h ar» ?\u25a0*»>? -aHy g%fateful. The r*»t re- ftint tasa"ssp 'i* to very iom :hai *n *iW>ca:it af;er r»> «v."« an ? rO r f.* fiV>d retanw It an used, bet a easae of th* k.r.4 ocvurred recently. Food aad o! >ch- I" - c jvart uhirty ' .-? ?<!?*. are. very mu~h ta «. rand, arvi 'wiia to the bur»a« are ! always aroeptahle. nth IWm Ne*v«. S«ath Bend. F*h J* #p* i&L The »rre*t « of J'Mt* *»* l tree* eooatitut!n« the . nvf -«m. whteh Were cat up into Vrr, >a under (owranMit oontra«'t *uit- a' \u25a0 to ft-.-at aft'av m a freshet. dH not jpo j * a* ».-tl as wa* aiftt unam*d a, H -> K& * A Co. tn<iace«t hv a «i; 4 f 1 3 tv!?<»red by th-- **itl*n» «tx*\e m ii>«< ?\u25a0>«« who wt< '\u25a0! take j v»yt t" Mm. re mahltu p*^v*ra'iona to j be* n'? * ft of r> A ftfry-hor*e ; \u25a0 w. -. »"?*??*>* ha« been ordered and 5 a Jarre «»?»-w - t>* ;lt The t v< f -,' * ha* riaea to !TW s eenta s«- - ; ' 7" >*?,n to tvtter than it | ha* h**n f ?r »<* ? tir. a. - ,\. sr»- \u25a0 » r - < * « <hint'* Ttt.n at I-fSim : k t< Bend : a*«t comhine a > rr H mhlohta ; %<«r rt»sl h**** hy H J v *r. thtta m«w ! th* mparlty f e ,sj to >a«.*# daily. \ *Cft»ft ft <ll k-' ? The r«*r.h*r of n«irt;R*#?ra Med wiih th*. auditor of PwtO- tv:iair ds*rrnc the \«sar ' » lwd«. warranty and quit riatm. 52S a etta*"- real a '-d chattel. 1* .-f as rtjr**e. Z-* aa» ~..«W n te of an»>rtK?*> ? b ?;« of taie, «¥ l>»tka. t>at*n!v la Ua fWNaden*. ooa- ! rraota and ftacavftllauftee>4ia. <t total. VTto: j f,., « for nearitac a Nov* uaatew : «;>«\u25a0* * fl 2P-S> rtm ?i» ftad have I been laaft«d * V-<rth« *-? t'. vi at^.s i haae been r*p<w?ed to th-» aj-tst -t. Asv tmd'Tv-y to pr'iaa! -e \a" '-«* may promptly eh**fced t>* h* w f A jer a i Halt Vftfor. lent dt-4a> WJtU t: - .a , tMLre a»d the hair-r*n>t» dmcreyed if ! wo«Jd reaJtoft th«* Nee' r-* .a;*, tw-jraa at *i;h tax* S»*»h*kt<r vrtt'araboa. N>» Hoaoe arwins ouft.h:aa. T: :ci>ho»* 1 Huff *«£. LIGHT IN THE SKI LL A New York Photo srraph* His own Brain. without use of cathode rays F>ll«on, Whtle Ftjrrlra'-Btlßf With ifonitcca lixtit lIXDTtn to Aluminum Hard mm >t«U New York. Feb. H-?The hnman brain !uu nte)?i, of 114 kjusz F*t\y-*ix:h ftreti. eshib- its a jsktor* of his ova brain. obtained by a proce *.» ta *h> :h tie eatlsoi# rays w* not a facto*. He ias v«ee» aau'iy three years .a eomsietingr :. s exse«u»e» Me tells the story of his eHorts as fellows: "The brain ha* been my e«pfc;ial study. ais>i i a***wo'lt-d ;independently in a « art way far nearly three years to p-tvoiog.'*;.A It- I kras aough? to a compiish my purpose by parsing a eetttteaeus current of eie> - incstjr through the wain, iii asnaana* « by th* *i<urk. Thtn I tr w the Interrupted c irrert, tut this produced paralj sis of the bfiUs. eeeaetese the subjects. The pni* tpie Is Ui'J*t.raSr-l by * flash of l:s ~.t- -ntßg on a -Jars mjcai. *mos ewrrie* images throu*a which it travel* to the eye. From tin- <n*lex. it wan «u<|je**«r<l to me that the same - *-~a might *>* sppdei to i- \u25a0 brain. Again. y i know, t;? hr r?y is mate almost transparent ' y its 'irty lantern. I am suil far from hM perfeete-t th* instrument by which I am ai>ie to pho:ograph the brain. Of course, the tr-.-re solid structures are reflected on the pi-stes. and I found that the lews expoeure I *iv« to the photo- graphic jiate the easier I »pp*r«c ; ly was sole piu»u«rai*r: the trar-4iuctt.t sui- ter " Thoujfh alßi*-«t satisfied taat the process was one >y a rsnsfc the brain could photo- ait.*i«jut of life, it K-.y be atated that the fxper:m«rnt«*r selected hlm- *r'rf as his *l.: jevi, that no other Ufe aught be mdaaav-red. K >l»0\ i V> IIAUDE.V ALlMIxm. N'akii «; It n? <-? Hit* Klvo Pound BU'Velf at Hand New York. Feb. 11?Edwsoa in his expe- r.i.trf,'» with the Rooitgea ra>s in photo- gra > U-..-v.-» that h ha- a 1 .dmtalt* hi: up- n a proems* of h«Alei;isjt t.'.at aid all the u#e« of tiat ix«etal. from ship* to l> u - 1 lis mi*:.-' a rev .u'ton in ir.-a working. Tti s discovery was made l»y the wixarsl las: tiijt'nt. In happening to pU-k up one of the aluminum di»ks used for the cath- ' m«'r.t*. be tn d to head »t. tyst foend that Its natu.w "jai and t.;at It waa slifl as steeL of Inin a v lands. CSTETOPA I a well t\ T nui r 1 ;I;*DOO hemsoT 1 / Kt*' LT«l«SO B*Vg. e *'l\T>. f >7 *. . . : \u25a0»* * - cs. a-s *5 TV/ , , ~_ . - ri.v-v~- V\*t«r fc=*»- , t - aaa«><ayta>iai^Ma.f'«esl«>r>**slat k>*ferac«.«aerg»&* aat «urfclMt «*»? 7 , .-. \u25a0?!«< » ;i ..-ye- S*. I 1 . *S a -I -0.-»ae#wtUa t. a»*r - - I , ?...-?- ? i !>»\u2666*.' o. ir I'.-jrtHi fc«* t!lf I I*. «r» «- I »«aa t* pT\ li»4Wa' < . IB.. « ?**=?- ?> li.D fcy Ufca Sterwut A Hetoea ag CtaKSi \Tt"A TACOMA as«i WALLA ** ?L 5 TE \MtUS. FLY ON THE 'FLYER." SEATTLE T«i TACOMA. F jr rour . trt: s ia-.'.j. ex-.-ett Sunday, la one ntur and tataty-dtfe m:nut«n. TUt S :ay -i-^rKß.'* R-r- ar y trlpa. Seattle-Tacoma f est TAr. N 1 ;?>?' I'*T TT'ESDAT. MAY 1 TTMECARD. _ Sir.sic fare. **?. round trip nc. Soa:::e? 7 C. L;li a. a>... 2 4*. 5 p as Leave - SI N DATS i l.e*i,e Sent*!' -7 m.; II na; IJ. Bt- Leave Tacc-ra?9 30 a. rr. . ? 3ft. 5 p. ni. I-ar-i.-r it V rth-~m P-» ! T i \u25a0 wharf. Ta- ccs a ~I C tt<* ia! dcrk. foot of Ma- rfon ?tr*et, Seattle ._ . Sur.dajra. steatner* F'ver and State o. \u25a0 Waahifijtot!. far»» 5^ CUAJT STEAMSHIP CO. D spatch »te*aiera fr«jm SeatCa as foi- io v«; For San vta Port Tcwr.ier.d and V ?>r a. at s a as (faswotfri ro- ,i.-d on i»ard at i a m.) February 2. 1. U. '7. -"7 For A.a>ka?F«fer ary S and 17 a" > a. ss. Frosa San Fracclae> for Vleterta an! i Fuift S -und porta at $ a. ai- February 4, ». 14. I>. 24. S. Tickets may ba obt*!ae«i at the cflV~e of ths co»pasy s? Oeaar d«vk Seattle J F TROWBRIDGE. P S. SupU GOODALL PERKINS A CO. General Saa Fraacts<ro. Pt OCT KXmD AND >L>yt STEAK* SHIP CC'MPAN^. VICTORIA ROUTE. STEAMSHIP CITY OF KINGSTON. Between Tacema and YtctorS.v B. C. T »rrr Lv M . *Ta na - I' Ar- i'*tm *"iroLv.. Se#t!ie ... «TAr, lu«fn 1 Lv 7.*.FX T -wrsead, J! 5 Ar*ll *v -n 4 arr Ar 131 * V' -.a .. M( Lv » <*ua> ?l>aa.y except Sard ay. l~is ?"eaaser firr.:? ? * f,rst-c:aaw aceom- -1 m -at carrytr* ta frei?Tt an! r-a*- |* and fruaj } s* j*.t:<. i\r ratea etc, tt.ju -- of uL-i|ivt . 5. G. TERKF3*. 1e? f- VTh«irf Seattle. T. A NAPE At*. C»t *r»st N. P R. R Seatt'e. lli l ! I 1 I I MM I IM h ' i iIII I I I I PI'GET SOFNP AN D CENTRAL AMEK - C.AN STEAMSHIP C OMPANY?- MMM I I I n I I I t It I I t Re«Til»r ia2ifl|s between P irt Sound aad e * ra. Autic.. caa Pc-rta. Mil! Mi lllhiii PACIFIC NAVIGATION CO. Tim* Card la E?*ct June L I^*, Sea'Ua. route?- of WaaMmft* Seattle daily. ti *ert Saturday, a" tr * a-Ue as J La Ooacer route?Fa!r**.avea le#v«« s*-a:tle dally, except Saturday, at , Te.- n none. s Z"i Ye»:-»r Docft. a. a. B. LINL ?f RIYiIR ROUTE WEEKLY TIMS CARD. STF.A V :TR OI?\N VfW'NALD I t Semttte- F. > J-> at 12 sr.iJmstit; at U t».-i''Feb. 14 at is «ud- ji\ *& ks un t V"*' te. - at ? a » . Feb. 14 at 7 a. m Ft b .4 at 7 a tr.. Call £ at L i .p gy-&f souta >ua- lay and Bporta Tuesday. STEAMKH MABEL. . > iT T". are.ij.« an-3 S»:urdae at » a an far Edm , Everett. a*dSno6»- ? vrr points*. iOiadiß* at c:iy 4xt -r-j. \».. c t *r<r» asJ Mi'a**i .-X»H ,v » *K - INI FT. T e A 1 »<-a-x«*r F : a M'.sea, i t aa«: pa**a«en. wOi be .* j«at !w>i if m SeatfSe far fee > ad of Cook's Ir-l-t. sect oa or aboat Marea 15. Far fwrtber ,t - -..:iaf» ar*««y at o#k-e. £ Roxw> :1 corner ;T»frta ®trv-*t a^d F.rst av J A. HA 1 FIELD. A#«r.t EVERETT K-'ITE STR ORKYHOUND L -'iy- e*.-<-pi Soaday Leaves E"v* ett t.« a. as.. . p. *\u25a0 Leav-S 9e*Ui* 11* a rr S.»da»» ?L*a*«a Seattle 4Ji P> ®a.; i<a»n {.wra U a m Faro?S:--a\u25a0* ctp, . rouad trt?. It cac. -v ?* a.ta boats aad So* k^Bt^ab - *.-.f ?Cakaaa d«>rk. foot of Manas # "i"l LH AND T »i'OM \ N A2U A- t HON COMPANY. Cla-i Trod#- Jrr»a. F. W. C.viiA Stac. l!ok»> Smith Want- th«» i.ov mm nt to tk> Fully itvinilwrvJ. Waahimtt? n CitF Feb. 11?The «wury if lie i.iUrtor i ylay fraasmlttei to on- j;r«- sa aaa-le »ia OroA Ventre aad Assinatvtne 1: '.'.tana at F rt i-'-ik.:ap Mf". jr 4.-1 t e lr. . a-»oof» f t HBiackfaot n-stmiion, i:; if titasa. la* ii,-r the first r.aiwe-l aart-ment the In- dians »«U *i» land# to be mia- #ral> eaTim*t«*i at ftCu** * res. to the g.iv- rri -:cnt for %&».'*&. to be f*pen*iei for them \ty the secretary at the rate of not i jyi vr«» sha;. St*. «»? a j < tr. Tu«- latter a|rw- i\.ml v »».'#? or !.<*»>.*? acre* of use ,;ntain ian>i of a i minerai « .ar- acter. for vWh the jfoverrm r: agrees to jKiy J ?*»? t I* < *,- by tfce t*< tvt'arjr at the rate of more ;baa I 'u.Hi) a Jar la;v'.* cf b>th thesa agn;i'] s *-? be cf ??r the rr : ,-r al la*-. except that purchasers of Fort Itelknan la?;is *W be require! to (Vi> $W an acre iast-ui of the custom- ary £* 1-, :-\u25a0?« IfU'r of tra: snas n Secretary k>» Sm:t i formally mar.' ii-s a ne* j> ury. wnlch will be «t«-ie: to ail Ir- dtan reservation*. 11- say#: ' I a 111 firw > <. ,>r.\inee<i that tne better poli<~y In e*«s is f r tbe jrenrernmeot to tike c .»nce f and f- r w at thejr *;.! txr.g jmcfi lands a* ite* Inc.ass _ v> n>t need th* r-'t procerus betn* placed in 'he ??, ,-y f the V. li> i'-s to be u- j-nded for th'ir benefit. If this coarse ta rot practicable i any given ease, and it should b- thouaht best f r f-e govern- ment to parehaaa ar.y In! :an lards at a flxM prV». then far* shju.i be taken to *i .»ke s . proviso? f.r t:.e?r disposal aa wile sorely and faJijr reimburse the e ov- ert, ment f r the wnoie purchase pri-e. la other * -vis. the government Should »et t < '- t 'he !?«!< of rnc:.ey in th'*« !raijja«-tv>ns. W Ue I approve generally terms of tiia «<re«r»»er.t. the prtei WOpewed to t«? p»W f>r t"e art 1 am r. >t satisfle.? tat a q ar uty of the lao-t will be ilsposeU of ta ' > r«tmi>ur«e the e --verr nvrvt tha a : unt to t- p*«4- It * provision tan t*» rt » f authorttt - !* the 4epartm.-at to dta- .. f this » lin lir.meJ ire saJe in a I v f «r.a;ler tra<-ts at su»-h r-ri-e* as n av he a*eti by the >f fse in- teri,* will rea.uae the faU amount to 1-e enprMei by the ft t«wr!. 1 wo-M r rfu 'y r ' :tih,4 the aivrc -ai of t.iis airreenient." i.itu:ham Ki*y N»-« ~. Whatcom. Feb. 11?fipec;al.-The Quar- terly examination for teachers' certlfl- oates b»*«an at the r.nt-thotwe thss m«>m- inr. with a ceaaMMNi number of appli- cant a in attendance. ,i»«w quarter* .-.;«eciailv fttte«i Bp ia th* tv Mattes Fl* «tre*t. The new lo« at >n t< ? * a* cental or convenient f< r a* "he old one. but the ar- ia much ph-a-anter and mora ? % r -at for the »mp ! ? ye*. It ia under* ??i »h*t a leaa* for five v ara haa been mta a>»l-. w New* *ll. oam*r of th* ateaoter Buckeye, am! maxl xmtTartor th* Frt- t! e ftra;':*»s of the rxatmaaters at the ;\% -a on the a* mar « r- <-r th* *xteaa4on of t' aerrlc* t-> this city *-d the addition of ?*veral rffioea whJ.-h *re not ntw on the mail route Tfce n- p~'t- «\f th* «*rkdc* * ut<! h* amaiL b«t It w uld be a (treat - nv.-tv-ne* to the peo- ple, a* it ft ou' I (rive a dally ma ! to and f-m near!* at' «»f th- tmp>j-ant point* .: t- # m< th' Aaa Juan - an la The , ec- n w d he atrvnei* favvired by th* R>*r.i Tr»d» .T-f this city a-v-i th* Commeiv al i"ub of Fa:rha* » n Tr-e iwhooocr R< ' r.«' ;**n is '*;* sr & e s y f, tted wp here and pco> i«aoa*d f r a r*ar"' eraia* la A'aahaia waters 1 :h# vh-iiMty of Oaok'a t-- ! « T v * -n«»nt will toe had- a complete outfit for w atnl . rt.m* \ i i%co2n +tc -,j tn the cty achool* *v an tv«»«?. «, r <? -."trd aa a hoJ-;» fianka p- \u25a0- of!*, -ea *T* rVw»- ' >\u25a0 t # 1' 1 *t.y, cv>st-ft -t ~ fc school btuliia*. rennets ha«;r.< aatd tt»e brfra tn F*er->t * The »fclp R ** <Vaet. ,-h r-.-*e>' T arrrved a S" ar«t ai *" '? \ *-5 * b*r from th* B*iliri*haai Bay Impr +ra» «M«t iteeapaay'a mill h?e « »?* r»- another cane*' Tb" *\u25ba?\u25a0»> ";-»r R Tf -w at the sail#. «- - < '*k .v B * tarr* > anro % ? >- - , t 5 lift y**M t)C %<0 " lt i »f Mi tw r»u*fc. Sm- he 5 a ?* ' '*~.a j». , T \u2666... r psp* and ,-t**m»*ea Four o;.«»<?*# £>c*nta h* ** ia < ':<ar S"rw * [ft ymeaat Sfaayon'a -.-j t ?re \u25a0' p'? - ?' ? «. *rs A §feetoa«* I* -( Ciaßsaay. m sraat ~n«j f~*a tram rs. k* 4 rt m; ariar .Niacu^a THE SEATTLE POST-EsTELLIGEXCER. SEATTLE, VASHINfiTOX, FRIDAY. FEBRL'ARY 14. is%. cA WHOLE"~~> CIRCUS i FOR 10 CENTS. I I' It mkkes a grand parwie with e'erhaata. cages of aaimals. * \u25a0 > cfcariota. car.da. Gives a fuii penort*scs .a a with r .ig J \u25a0MM . ,wn. acrobats, bareback r.dera. trauted aags and ei«- 4 ~ piar.t». winding up w?*h the pattomime of Hainpty e < > tiding a., tiie and ac4sx.cry. J 3 Ways to Get ( « ntll i lo awpoas or \ This Circus: {SMB IfTUSJI^L. It TO J Bhcktoeirs Durham Tobacco CoDurham. N.C. \ aad the Circus will be sent you postpaid YOO w> J ?nd I renrroa a ~ taaiOti each 2 oua-< ba<, aad 3 coeponaiiiaioe : BLACKWELL'S GENUINE DURHAM TOBACCO. X \u2666 Bav a of th« Ct icbratesi Tohacro. and read the J I cot- poo, a .-utii givt > a: s>t otner prcm.urn - .in J. to a . i tocxa. t I 2 CIIT STAMPS Acctrrto. 1 I / i/\ i I uJ KE. MEHI.'HiNrS' b.UkSV Oi : ? 1/11 r\ I J KL!Fi«M <#nt* DitmouJ ?cv» aai J ? V-/ u a . - Co., I awn &fit ? Fike 1.-»A» ] f( . Co. ? ?*«#????????????\u2666??????*????????????????????????????? A OlllHifttlOll 1)1 ICK 'Vcrawilv. S. " ? !\\ iTft. 1 T ' STEALERS. FuR U. S. DRY DOCK. CHARLESTON AND SIDNEY. GEN. CANBT. Leave* Seattla y a: 3 13 p. a. ex- wpt »c . ..I Sunday * . moat 3. ar:d arri\*-s at "' a. m. Ltavi? S :r. '.avs it i:» a. nv in 4 7p.n , n ;* s* ? nd Sue ay of each ja*»at;s. t-.ea &rav;.if at 7 p. m., uae> ing at all intermediate poicts. COOK S IN LET. The staun ? t a. . ... , A.-rt.- f schooner. : .. ft WUI leave this port MaraMk far ?»'KS INi.r'T. Ctrryiof paa**r_-rv frew * and For farther ißfonaatv>n .«»-, iy to JOHN H. ALI.FN. « Dexter Hnon BttDdav. SAN JUAN ISLAND3L STEAMER LTDIA THOMPSON*. CarryiT-s United Slat s a .»... leaves City dock, foot of Ma; a street. Monday. Wednesday and Prtiay it 1 i ». for Pert Townaend. San Juaa iiiaads ar. 1 New Htt .ra;r.£. tea Tea New What in Tut-sday. Thursday aud Satur- day. a: 4 a. m T? ME CAKD. IN EFFKCT JAN X: N -fi bour 5 Le-av-a Scattie 1 a m.; !*avPort T.>wr<» :,d « a. m.; leave* Frt- -tay HarNr lv 35) a. m leave* It.---Jy» Harbor U:6 p. m.; arrives at New Wisat- cc ai % » p ta. South feoucd? I.**ve» N'w Wbaittsß 4 a. a. leaver R-«c*e Harbor Ida m.. k a v«-s F-:iay Ha-bor 11 a. i«.; leaves Port rowrsrnJ 4 p. m.; arrtui a: Srattl* 7.4 a p. av J R_ Thotr paon. owner. Lilly. Bo«ars?u* A. <"* arrets. City dock. Te'<? phone. Main *7. STRAITS STEAMSHIP COMPANY. STiiS. GARLAND AND EVANGEL. Seattle and l-ownsend-Neah. Bay Route. P:- u- ? leaves Y*"*'*r Jo k Moa- da* s. Wednesdays and Fridays at 12 IS a. m for Port Townvri'l Port WUltams. Duwsness. I'ort Ar.4P*'~#. Port Crescent. 0<?-:v-r r* PysM. Clallam Pay and Nea'h Lay. returning. arrtveo Seattle 1 » p. m on oppos'.te dava Steamer Evan*e! leave* T#-kr dock '«>r Port Angeles and Victoria M 'daya. W ir^*»!ayi i srd Friday* at ? die p. in.; armea Seattla alternate days I p in. V\ HATCOM XNDSKATTLe ROUTE. steamer bat citt. Leaves CKjr dCK-k. foot of Main Tuesday. Thursday at- 1 Sat irday at I p. m U t Anaceewa. F*lrh*na u<! Wba t- c n R " rnlw Im«« WMtfom Su».sa*. Wr r -!iy as<i i'r-iAJ at i pw Ok Far*. Si L ? . I'- "«r rdu» & Ca_ City Deck. Ayes**, PSSCK*. i!t:a C W H. ELLIS. Owner. OLTMFIA. TACi VIA A.ND SEATTLE HOI TE & W..*)\u25a0 N*v < - a Co."a Ml LTN< M AH. DAILY fiVIE CARD. L*ave. Arr-ira. Olytrr'a at i*>a rr Taccrra aj. »V«t TnJtm* it-.K 1 at...12**8 m S*att> a* . J ?»!>?» r»- T.* at . Hf a TAcuaaa a? I r> tr »t . ? Jt> p:n CIT* OF ABERDEEN. Dally except a-r,iay. L*a«e. ArriYa. >r=attl® ...... T % rr Taeoma $ J? a a Tacorrta -a? a ri ? .yapa .... i * y .m oiymp-a .... **» p as S » ? n § v rr. >- at::* ' lipa >ar* *««r<a ?-rat * * Ta aa i - Ui !'r( at t»rs.:Ut. C»ty a, I»*jt at Mils »tr«**; i_U.LV H; "1 *RP!' S * CO.. Ar*nta, C::y D~ k -t" >=«, ili.a K. Capt. L. W E*y M«jc r. THE AU9K« STK S fTEAMtR WiLLAPA. Capt. o*> rf» Ro-«r.» L«*Ttrr S*att * '>r A a**- F Sr:ary li iss*. ?»« »**rr day* t^vraaftar. Far fr»»«a* ar.o -ate* :a J O. c ARROLL. A<rat. Bdhwat*c*v<»- Ik A Tot, f?fc» & CHAS K. FEABODV, <l«&erai Mitmftr. Sr»!ts». Pv-KT ORCHARD ANI J ;T WaiH. INGTON r. -I'TL SsMwr A li. KotxajM*. carry tn® U. S. El .. irtVff C.y ftH- ' Mils «LTe*t» at » > * Ci . a?i*r» at Si&. y at 1..1* a. rr A * » ?-« a* ?... -riaia .i". rr LtatM « :v*r:-!*.a at 12 '.a p m .«»» >\u25a0! *y aa r*»! urts »S * m. Daily. «» *1- SwMlay. Far*- 2»r E N. Rotanaea. m*±i*r. iu>.j. Mdrfartfua At Co.. as*as*. Te»*t) -v>a«. iia.a THE VANO*L"VER R 'CTE?A TRIP THROUGH THE ISLAND*. ft«aß - . \u25a0 . -ia i A Witr*a. Mastar. Le»ta Ta> iia>. 18 agog sra:;»-. Ta ar&art. » s>. tr Mo»ilay» *=.4 . 'v* -t fo«!»tT l. ar.ji iCt**. Fajris»**a» N \u25a0» W. itcr-aa. 1- -* *ar i F- Uy Marisor. «r. 1 \*r v-.'.-r. *.-nvicg viat. - > p. m. (dttoarina day- .. _ Far* ? M t: tl f r .'intr ißfxaiaUM appiy ta l«ai«r» wfearf HOOD CANAL ROUTE. STEAMER DELTA L*ar»* Harrtvtoa » doe*. rc»>t of \u25a0 r:jc t j»ri ctr*«t. *. » - \u25a0 "*day siat- urtej a: I < -.\u25a0\u25a0 * * -- '. r K.- !»*? L<.tvi. Fa * aa-4 Unto* C tj. UttnsaU iaja Fart. Mr ta ail pointa. Me al ? . Far* ta F.rt Jfc. D r : \u25ba' :MA.N Ma*'*f. D TROUTMAN. Maat*r VJCTOKiA ROUTE. STFAMER ArK=*t>n dork, brave* tor Vlrte-ta a-> J Fart Ttasirad _*».y. **i*»t *t*a*ay. at J* a. a> ; re'.-rmsß*. icavaa V urteMa at t g. sm. «.»\u2666<?\u25a0 nc- E >:arr i*a»*a T<>» r.*-ii4 a*.J «ay jw>-ata aa-.». **- at >IX » > :»* 5. ar » a sa (.? .., \u2666. ?t, i X. vaaaal it?-*, i~>a« J. PAIiKS ;> TO 12. ) %SE CHARTER OF TIIK CITI Of «» trru. AIMKLE I. Owi l \u25a0! K'afat* »n-4 Uib!ini«L ?e-tiaa L T>» Hli|pri MlVgr*tiem ttov *r'. * -?- B*»f «. ss-"*ii resaaia .vi « .;>? wai-i Aac J*Jlaor*;.- JT- -.r . ti* cybflM TSe City of 5 -«» . ,*'" * -<J *»v 'MI .541%- p-fTf*-! :Al SUC- CT*»;:.n. Tmy fKt* aad <!**«-i t. mX. i*i"m *ri ?:*,«**. *r-3 .. .-i- --<?-*<l* «rs 4r.a « 4 » 4 nj » ts*e « ommmb Mwi. arc #l;»>r siw *a>a»* jtx S *r.4 miy pore-fe*#e -»vt - . * *«* l aI 3 -. hs *r,jl w: v- -t tis« rcr;?rT*,:* nist.« of »:«\u25ba City rf aetttit, *:;u ra*> m.i. . rr. \u25a0-'**#*- *s-i .... - « rf- was* * - ? «. WB» t*®Mst. *;v3 t -y - - *wtw «a*B ?-<! 2-?*:*»? e( *«; * o* jmfwtT ?flliia e.- i ts* city for :t» omrs «r i --w** c » r \u2666? far t~*rtcr *>" ?C «- - *sT i» *f *-? U" \u25a0 -- 4 l of i> s»j> nr:* r-«sy_««ts. a*- >fcras*»\u25a0.:anwr t* ~ »t.- lut". I*>.M or o!v~<>rx r ls» s®A>3C* c? *\u25a0» fc*.T « ; \u25a0 f * 0 f*. -*? r * - tr»'' S- ;? _. . >ae :* - ... ;?! r fc *. Vv *1 ?:4 rr V ru . f \u25a0?\u2666 - . t -- ?f »? : a., ! tr » »\u25a0\u25a0 - i ; .tc i- - i >raw» '\u25a0* >r a-" ' Jo 4 -' «f Sw'%. *r* Ker»-v to be v«rtH te *"s* CK? >* a*si'.«:». K'-Ur *3 k»vr h.-:5 J- s -r: ill : -i" - 1. ' t>> r '«?»-*, *j "f. : rr?? *"*> -*« i *ei it: a"- -\u25a0 jL-i t' re ' p r:-- \u25a0* j{ ii't: a. * !», -.-t \u25a0 s. r*... r " ? -*?». ttJW - * ***» r.~ :n*. 4-Ham*r.% r»v-;nis. ;;«_rn*» &r- BMUull, *ixl v 1 ihi:;s* n >:am+- Ar-j cf »T*r'' t*tur» *i*; +>?9?iOH. aivl .' jv to *i: «t?f- r*;;«ina. J »r?i » -»-* Uai J J'JIP*. of rh«* r i s»*- 4. :*». '* *»?' mm «4 -rv-+4kr*% w*v %»? »r-j 4' t -?t> tkt *.iaif ?"«? O-y «?* f f ? v t *?- ,?w»rT ,-f pr"p-»rt t . Bv*NJ' »r fhtieg v- lam- or is ty, -r y-i- ?? i. thiwtw, or far tK» mHiiiiifiMif 1 tr.y rs#ix» of r»tr»cts sr-.?h 5«... -tty, ? Mthw m»'i# or arMng ar arming S~- foro ©r afr<»r th» « n -f tits flmrtir *.h* *vl ">:*r!«o ©t'sH *>*rt«rr r.1.) wt <>?*-ra;e to »h*tr rr ? a.ny *rjy- irs ault, ir r»r »-*-<? g tt art or mis* whW*. tt* w-:ch -vaJ-i eft* U * >*. <? C)» ?'a cf <v«-y J«Kriy- t' -a 'or*- 1 ni <m.' - a ? ?>! 'T ro *-y ?>« Vy ' «\u2666\u25a0*?»' '>? tr- tur? »f *sjr rt'-'-rs I®W. «S»" t -AsiM n f ftsd MitdtDtt «?\u25a0*>?» \b*- C*ty cf Sr jU li*. ?x , «r.t ?\u25a0 r\u25a0 \ ? -a? vr»y m ->\u25a0 * 1 *Ed upc-r. th» f ? -vf <. \u25a0-. if rMn »*ljirxer Aall not *rr s z**- »?' H * I »-< «tM».w r t <vr pre- r# roi t fh*n- t«X «hi -1 rß*v be *>? <?!*.? ' t r »rr ". c ?>:- er pip.-d!B(r t*far« lt« .tty acscfl. cr ar.y V-ar-1 or *.' »r i! 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Sn to far «j<h pmrri.« -s *r- tia.'y t!>*» il» tfc# pre*:* "* c* l»t* ehirter »uper*r<4ed Vr«fo j". r*'»t'rc fa tV? as-&* m*tr«r. -r all s--ish aas**rraa»»t*. r*v - - - --»?« 4 » j? ft* ah n » - < ** \u25a0*\u25a0 - - - ? ? WW *?»* B. m tcmil IUM * *\u25a0*««. ptedwwd n«»»: '-*'\u25a0* iC ? f \u25a0 * ~ , f la ?*>\u2666 Nsp:ai*rjr ±t \u2666 * 1 w*~c, «««: . 4 ? A-\u25a0*'\u25a0- " *-\u25a0 "?*\u25a0** * .- t- ;J- --isaH jus» Yes>.--r W*.y ;a tat Bfe*.at .? iiiftßtiSRd prj«r' \u25a0-*\u25a0* mar tv> tfrj- .-rd ?>rVr tlsr prorisJa* of th# fedtir * v 'icb "s - :r by this \u25a0 r :r aa- d(«r tfc* prcrtiasrn c«a«rai Las* oaM* :her«ti». itnr :. All proTlsioas of t)Ua riaartar wh h ar* s\:Vst»"' zl)y i'irßllfa! f tttNi of tha 5V7fnrJ»J sHall const ru<ri »s continaatiana of f prosn! -s sr.J as at* e-- » "r- * *s. 1~ su' es»-* o' c f?- dam .4 - a-*, rat th# city. \u25a0- *!\u25a0: h ; ir'. cf 'he flm* ?!?"«- «»J for pr«aertir?.« fa 's Isiasf xs> *. v -o "y ctvjaci! tha sa.-na w:tfc - »»y c"»-s *»*.« asr»ai" *Vj;**-S st th«" f :?** ttsHi shall ts as a ssrt of the s * - -ths fbßsrf * hi-t«c sr;4 »*.a c^axata. T*t» rosrtli Ward #-*3 SarSwl* «.! M| ' '?" C:-"T * * V** 4 . x ~ ."** r *. 7J*- iim »? --» *-* \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0* t -*.?r Way *t:h t-.» ccstcv '?l*# - r *y. a i- - n* ? ««? * *--rr rjs* \u25a0-***. t»r Br-»4»« * ' * :'x»- featx t: * «f Voivij ,-rn;. t*»« - >.v*hm*mt#Ar ' * _-r.» --f JJa lysa a* * '-S* .n »a«t ?».!. * ;a# pmutt 6/ tSt cy&tft 3t*- *? . f "* -r W y i u a & £ *' - " j# Ts.*.*r #?! 4ad 1 #*j*r V*f *«? MigiMUMib. 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Th* City of Saattla fn- f'clf «rlth!n t:a tin '* >lw Coi'? wtn* #r t* an*. ??rr-t TV. * t: Th« north v <*;f of \u25a0vetion 17. of ** :;3r:* li i. t v *. ar 1 ft in toarafcip ?4 nnrrit. af r*a*» 4 ?>*:»t, and t£a *3i>Ut ha"! of **et!o»-» It a**l V i' J i .if «\u25a0 ?\u25a0. ?f. > IS 5 a ud 34. la toi mNIb S m* It*, w rar*« 4 »a»'_ »-vl ?n» \u25a0 - half «f aacrl r- :4. \u25a0M all of wcttoM S and ML b temdup e n..r'\ wf ra- st J I »-»«?. *ri :jsc-<*4l?* *;s :!»* fror »sot* !*- a r«s?i tarda *? tfc* «f E;; Bay afcd «»* [wtwiiJ HiT*r. aai «a»s*sr4 to "i» o? tj*wa TV a js. ani a.. tb» «i!« of L*ka Va on *»«<*> t a :tr* r >nnsrif rase ar * «sir \u25a0. »*s !*!« center ~f *am«"* '< a-t S.'. Irt tc*r!*ii v> S> - rth» ct -*n*« 4 bear--.:-* a? a pc \u25a0* »« "*\u25a0?\u25a0« «\u25a0»*?* of Lake lra»Mwroa. w**tS «? tia r ma- <?*** ron«f of **>* :;n?tT» cf 'h* City a? »'t:# or th* KHt* «tay of <V' v"** * I>- ?*«. **-.-?» «?>«*\u25ba. *r.y a- '* ***\u2666 ' * fiM '-wttr Kb# of »*»~**or. Ml ta to«a*Mp *0 "-rrth. ran** 4 tMt W M . proda * i mvwsrl.T thaw* wtmt ta tY* wa;»ra of !-»ir» Tr**ntnf>» Uafc»a Bay *»!! «o"oth in* »r*srfu->-4- to ar; Ln- trrat?*!on wHH fh* aaat !»» "f aalS *»' - t*JR IT- *9 J* \-.rt - art*» ta the !»???» *>f X'-'\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0*. lUv «' « -*\u25a0»: !tr»* pr>iK»c#4 *o iIN» »n>ra «>' «» ? 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V«*. - m-y »" r -#^«r.-a ?\u25a0 -r *?- ». , r t r* war-it »J* ?*- *'* tJ |l to df -4ijr »ar aaiMgal tia^fi 4 WtoMTf amy twWwv * --- »*? **T. n* e » * f**rt *-?. < »<? --f r wl » *'*\a tT win «- , 7 "'" ' *V*\ ... ~ 4 I* s»M to twi »? * asrt <?* <»» miS& -?' y- ? ? ? iil"I* u".' rrtaJ-r't "> " ' * . i a«M'*' *'*' *?*% '*»-* 1 ,- _. « , » «?<"«" »\u25bc * #4*- *»\u25a0 » «.* ir- a n tr~, v -»" 'h*tr" \u25a0». *'\u25a0' a**-» ? * " , u < r*r * - * J .\u25a0 , zr' r + r*-T'-*i. *? r-'** *' *!* :: r ,\ f , «> *? «»a «'?-» \u25a0, « .. . ? \u25a0 i ?* * * . *V* "ft i -* -t- --. --*? ?? -?*? »? " :it " ?:Ty*-, » xr aa " IP** # ?" J -* rv-.* ' ? '* m t*:-' ~*--h *st«3 «** .r ** S 2 ? * v 4 s s ar«-«r->^a . ... "'I &r.<- + - a MW.A u.i a

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jrpwt of thf Coßiptrolkr forYear


of Any Kind iin-ofTuJ

|ar ]J)g Paat Vw »ut- m*>nt «f

and i xp«»ntllt«ire*.

CMitniUr Psrrr han Just r*w»-

aw* puf*:n pamphlet f >rm hismgb f, it ISe '?* * ooi»iw®«l ?*\u25a0 y

e-»r emlias i>'"- eav* of prtcted sna:ter. It#»SP ?"* - . {h

b jK ?" <" **\u25a0 "' *

in.'. ? *<t *ny »\u25a0 .f.

i«. i;»* -?? *Tfe- report prints a very var expon.-

rjew Art>4r-eiUMP fry teirporar* ioas.o? -»- ?«" aafra.-.u? has a art-

nri »-r 'r-< ti" > - *r mn4-§E»3 uripr- .wVnU><;;; large *ax Ueiin*

\u25a0wy. every lta:.on t. ;;r«i to Jate

t pwrpny Paul lc Th.» lu ?|prt o***> *> mn

y and r«r. Bin (neat n the' *? **<;««» t&e «*«4

it faj'ttrr, .*? oUUI ft -" ue \u25a0"uriai.-

: ABid. » >wep the c-.«y

j aw a*-'* »r / ;u »Pl-.> o*er vu. »*> oi

rnesx y rawi for -urrent Mptr.Mt topais"'' it ?>' ".aterne". : .\u25a0» Jasßiarjr 1.

IPI Sot eniy wai this <tose. out u* city

? tha <iai- J powseseed of saAcikH re-'f fipeM uw-ritKT «nth ant>cipatr'i' fe*e-

frc's; ejacei-ewwue to nmt*<due ;n January «»«'l

||Sjfawrv ui this year, withoutg* s*i J lt-v'e4 for th**current yea.'. Aft»-rIfcc. time, ur»« ?»« taxes or the roll of*» P*r- pro«ptJy th.,n is now unti i-

rixy ooay, tarouch iark of ftiwis,fercr-.! to * «»p»-r. i U>t oprratton# of

fsnc.' >! K» meat Iroi-ortan*. 4»partnaent». <>rEn h> u»e expedient of makinj; a i n-|«s.» s«n in ar- ups'Jon of revocue IromJppe*.Tfce !?*<*%! affairs of she corporatiJei are

H fStvai cocvdJtion. sot on sc--0/ss-' tV-prerailin# ISntArtal »*ru -

Mi m»'* pxrtv-uUrty became ih" iasi U «-

tis'- ' e so lha re%'en'.;e Ixw a* to?jwfcft" j. . put jk prt-mium upon d«-lln-

>r tat p»y»teet». I wler the fi**a r»-t«at« of 2 per cerit. aa* al-

m it oa ail axe* paid within thirty lay*.

Ms ti»* ;-rr-<\u25a0 thr roll* * ?e epesed forDCo son. or until al>out F> r«uy V* T"* >

ve » payment brcujfhl In Midlclent\u25a0 m~' * t3 iniure nt of fixed charges

\u25a0»: eiirreot e»i.-Ti»e.* for !!»> i»9 orn :re»r. Alt unpaid ta*«*

torac is de linquent an April 1, w.sen a 5per rent, peneity attached to the tax sadIst,' t' co«rm«"!««~1 (c nm at 3) per cent.

\u25a0»r ti-'-uni I'ndt-r thin Saw no man who

Hi' or could th«' mwy, ailoaed Idsm«« '.a !»»? l iM to »Vs heavy penally»! tat-- t fixed by U% fbc eity f.dfa'a:«; "a."-c> of receiving- i'-< r« v-«te- md a ft*i Jt the tax rude did not hav*»tepfyuJc * **i\u25a0?'? roarir'n for delUmu*-nci» - .It <«jJ4 meet it» obii«atSißS ar imoct'i wiia puM lin rmetneat* farste' tH#» i>ej*pi<* r»I» taxed.*T:w '\u25a0 w i««r pr >v. le# that <ne-h«lfof theai f mav b® paid on or hefom May SI«s<! v other 1 .iif uor before Noverr.K r*atiiiat »t.r;ally or A p»calfy<f Jper \u25a0*\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 a 4 interest at the rate of 13fmr *si. sfta hea to d#Huqu<-r' y. No re-lan ;« aUoaed for payment, he wee

!? R-> locertive to j«aym*'nt ;>\u25a0*-Itl M«v#. PtW to ttil» rSa»etheclty ha* heavy fix*J«fca.-jt e* to wieef, ixfitle* ibe* usual operai-ysg tr.} »\u25a0 ti«ui experses. The*** anmy bf met when then fas cash In thesna.< r>. for t:-« *lijr cannot tiike K-rvg

*\u25a0»:!?* Is within th. cor tl: itk.ralHt.Hi c-< on hpuing without

Flimk a»d Ureas**. Ij> ma It mm of ».hochief inwau#« of tfc* city, taw ?otter**!*****dimiruttso frota tt*e ta

coart of ilimi asif vrraiy dseiaita* license'jf the « -ty t<» iSTllld. R#»-

enaes from this «oar'» <*urtag the paa;three years were am follow#:**» f"-».53 *11«H «.?» *5J*« «r *c <95

"Revenae* fr»ac. fines and licenses farIV* is asarcd at I7« fm.

"Sow. »o defeKMSCtrate what tfcm figuresnsear. arid how they slf*-.-* the tax levy. wemust tak« the mumbpe.! roll* for eachyear an 4 .the tax rate thereon, showinghow mscfa shoui-1 bar- bees produced fromtaxation. u<i ajsc taking the t*venoe fromoth»r sour es aad from the ax*gr»*at» revenue th< am-' nt of the annua Jta teresr ctargn. Thfes wUI give a fair es-timate of the rover.ue for gesefti p;j»»p>wes Utr each year and w 51 JRustrate thed*> <-eas« in taxation, as follows;

JJBS?As*es»e-i \iiuarioa roll ofI-'.' s\u2666.''? \u2666 tax r*t-, oldItiK't 13« milia. n«-w hrait le.Tentiis. *h.>uid ha** produced for?b.- ex;~-n*-s of i-<* ... S&44.SM TT

Wifer res'eaue for itrt was ....... I<*.3K MlFinea and licence* re*-aue for

1H« was 19! JB3 55

Total reveti'ie fftf *»S6 .......

I>*vlng for general ..JWT.y* idJV«* vahiaf :on roil of

IMS. fSs.7m.rn: tax -ate. 4il(n. ! ft mill, new limit I**7mIVU. shosld have produced forexpense* of i»X M»JS« 71

Water revenue for l«8rt was m,<m 21

I*£H was «.72S m

rev bus for IHM ...SS77JKt 57IMliMtinterest charge 177 <*;

I>»a«ir.g for general pu-poe#* ... tW.ZS! »7

3*6?Assesww.l vaiuaUi'.i roll ofKH, #2,38452.86; fix rate, oldltriit 13.5 mlli*. n»w llnut «.5rai.if. should hjiot produced forex. - «»f I*"-*. . .. M«.*» TT

Water rev-ems* f.r IK<» was .. . 113.J25 35

Yii>ns aad le-eases revenue for1818 C7.SSE fig

Total revenue lot JSBB ?*< ?*

iKduct Interest charge 177.«"< (ft

!>*a\irg for general1««'< -A<«**»ed valoat in roll of

tT <'*"> tax rate, oldlimit 13 5 mills. B«»w limit I Imills, should snvia-e for tx-

|n.» «

Wa'er revery* T*«* i »:imat«d> 113JW «uFisw and 1: *en«e» rtvts<M !!©§

<esUflnat«d> »?«»«»

Total revenue for !»'< >stf.',3>t 41

rvduci i»t. charge 1177.898 «®

Waot levy for r»-Unapttoa of o.dwarrants <7.374 .1

for ic*Tiera! purposes.... .50JT7,5>43 3f>The treasury balance sheets have n»»»r

b<>fom been so fully and systematicallyprt-senled. The statements are classifiedIn fihibitti which are subdivided into state-

ments. This ?ame plan was fvtl >wed Inlh»' !*r«l annual, but this yar the cotrp-

fi'atementi* 2. 1. 4. S. 6. 7 an i i. exh bit A.which suramanae tb-» fund books for theyear, we--* never puU-.*hed before. Thesame apt'lies to stat'-mrnt Itthe city treas-

urer's <> pbeesJ: exhihit A. *«at*»-ments I anl 2. relating to the i*>fu!ed debt.

h'iMt C statements S and 4. which are re-capitulations of receipt* arid disbur**-rt . nt? in tal<ulat« l form; exhibit t>. *x±w~

m»nt 17.'which 1* a statement of net de-partmcnt ihh; .'t f. re to

tocnl f'irK has several newf-n'ir-' * Kshihit «T «-ontaln« th*- firsteompiete list »f city property ever pub-

is* !. it Iml-. t * real (?;ate. rr- >ng|

prcp»*rt Improvements ani *e,-untie*.

KshiWt K is a balafe sheet, <i(ifi*iaras-s«»t« and I ahiiiU*« of the city in additionto recfipts and disbursements.

«f S»fta!"v and InterriH Is ao low, beirut b>:tItrk m r* than th* .eevatlinjt commercial»it V M the taxpayer wtro, tinder the n}J

lir *{ ;>!. if nee«<*ary. borrow th* mon« vhU WJf". now permit* them to e»

it >f ?H* h'*rta«t t««xp*y*rs

?f t!t» city, * nun who - never allowed hiattt»« ? go \u25a0\u25a0.


«iami until laa; ><ar. put

tfc* t» r*lyw;ven h* said'."'Ttfliy should I pay mv taxes'* I m>cht

tor* » th. money at the ban* provided

IWHi'tJ fum'stt *IU *d«*d security, but th ?

rw» «Mkl !<*? th* aam* th* taaea andmet? *t*j% or nin*tf tiny* I wouM rwlw» ar.;i»*r m .? rider fe»>m my ~re«l"or.Xe». ith \u25a0 ? r If I alltw my :»*-

«t»;J !?? <» ! find a or. d: ?rw 'h-aat th* a«k \u25a0?, a- 1 th«» creditor annotf?v» uir j»rn %»?;»??? for thrw y«.«. « at

faM T! ' ! «hall run tlto etsMww of an-?ifey. *

'. r-. u' i« k -slatun* rrmtttinc p»"n-

aftv and \u25a0.*. !.*t, a*?'«f last -TV> dsd *ithtri>r--r ta>- ?* f I<JC sn i W

"ARothir pr ?>p«Tty owner aaidto-* !r- . - ",t.n| ! h '.%\e* -y. .it,

m K« <»uUi tt** the money to brtfr ad-vji'k >

* \u25a0*, ? > ? r- *J-t* ?tM.t'4*er»- a v» own al-M't on*-fourth of%e tatA 'e pro'"rty?and many >f whora

n>' ? 4; tn the oity oth-r than toatr th*<- r nimprovrd lota Imr**.**ia raJuetfcrwj*y entrirpfiee e' th* p*<T»Je her*.?J* tail ?\u25a0+. an .«** of thi* t«vn!*ney andaf> fw a 1 ? *?- a( >nf their ahar* wl theW hunlrtv,

*J**w :> r- ft !*w affected th* rlfy'a

W*Raea for >*<. !» *» >wn by the folicw-tefT%* ffj|| iyf 1« n ahouM

du*m®«K |«ft!.T* TT

Oft iUhw on the roll!?»re t>v

w *hjch p» r ilty andSR:«r» - t ft * , "3

USties foiws ona on»* -?1 .*,» ... ;.»,«?»' ?*

*r* » refit nda andtoWv;K".:i were ?-Ml 3

?fS'Uwv on ndl*? -a y 1. |Sc« t!9»S

a ut Si s*er < rt. af the or-n

re« law «Hd not *0 tnto ef! vt u-.i -1' S. a- t u->.".--r the Mnaoltw at t'?*

?t i« u- to :hal t*Tne ara \u25a0>?-

?I to tnrr } '**. r »

. ? t'". ? act the return* fn»m t \u25a0?#

?"3Q tr» r ,»f t- «rt.-.»na oa the .? '»

«r-* - i ,;?« _T thi f ? *!' t w«-*k

.' ear «<? start .ff baa.)i frv.snyt *tary bt t ? ? ua rr ?" law. an-J a.J® ta's**- \u25a0 -im** of Jei:.vjue?n-* may

a ?* a/: v b* ait the ..'*j ; «,-al po- H>y c-f th* paat?fte yea-« ; t th# cre-.ttt of the city eaa

i.rc,. -?. r *.«*h aJ ieraw t*ItS 9 ?->*

T * r ; ;j a !-\u2666"? -.s-

--y \u25a0.? ' i**? ; * «-orr-p«raiive ti*^

- .» ? , *

J» em ... .» _? . ;s» In. .r ' -

4 and tasa-\u25a0* t!>. «sr. , ,

' -w J'-e a*» f<r -

J*8* '* *T'-'5 ' ?: ' ? iAv»aH| f:* an»-«aa* a# , {y> f - ~. Ha-re*

ala ., t "\u25a0. .j \u25a0* the tn'e -"*#!

* ar*'n * a % > the m-,V ,


nj>* ***r»*a»* rat. ,>f laaa-

»*\u25a0» ' '' '?» T*-i t r « trie< *-\u25a0 .?? ?-» ? :r 1 - c»r -*i

?d»J . . ?JZ -.


. -,t - m ot '.*?« - \u2666..# - aon4ft: V ' V> '"T

?*?"< t' ty ~*W ?MTter' ..? V -'' \u25a0 : Sr^r!x Aj a a:-' a'«*w.- .«»»\u25a0.> .. . _

a.»{, ; r .1Jr' » ' - ?.% eff ? ? v-.»

fC V.r. ' ?* 1

*« *...,I.


. 1- ! s *

t-: xHj-jj* '* >t lv~ ta «i a ta.

The appendix ahow* th* I«Sf. tax levy -

how it wit* arrtv*d at. andr»Ttnqf th* rate and a!! otbecinf rnta!'<*n of that ela«* <>n th* lastpej;* ftt'.l tv* found » atat*-

rvr.t of tax bvi*.* for all purpose* fromISS* to If" prewnt.

iiKi t*iN«. THE roon.

*omc l'iltfnl and I'aa«aal f«w« Cometo the A"*»<H'!atv«l < haritle*.

Application* aid poer into th* By*

n .>f Associated Charities fr<m peop?-

not oaly in th:» but tn adjoin.'.*

A m.- *ter of th" ?U» ma !- ?ppliv-at; >» to

?he !ooal .ig> rt th* oft her lay for a man n%


nif count} . ask:r,* ih st N»

R iv-a * rk here and ea; res* n* pr**tsur-

prise when told that th'r»' ru none to

had. Th'.? thts to th* caae :« proven by theunavailing effoC* of a healthy yoftw jld.who ha* hee-n *o tf.njc #v*ry day for thepast «>-rk for * «w th -.* at whi :h to "am

an >.ot*e*t d--liar Ea h m--r~<-* ah* rfrta to the !nmu. *-! 1« s*-nt to the

( v .4 |.'H . **a Sere th* re is ajx osp»*t ofcm? !.»y men!.

fiie s«.*nt t«4la airarjr* atoneo of f**n-Js*e* * m d:re dHttutM ft ho are w* Ucw -

n ?*d arvi have reiat or «in the ,-sty worth$l«. ,»». On* fana'ty that *a# vt#.t*d re-

waa i.vifx .a % it' * *hanty with! on* room on Oil*e atreet. A mother «n<ij inn* < h:idr*n were t-- re, ei> ! the

a*»nt found the p»a *e so fall of r-nak»when he entered that h* *»» obi **d to

i a«h th* woman to eom* outaido before he« i« ah'." t. »*?» her. Wlflrtn a few f*-t of

! »na dix-r a»iw>d a ahark used a* a atabie.i frs>m which *na»nated * h or-

; . id'4r*:»!*. routed by an «m>audatkia cfj nTa -'-r-' N-fore ne door. Yet thr?e {-eof l*.

i a? Vper i;r-f on th* L*har,ty of th* ."ity,

j hava 1 ac* ' ts well to ihemi aid

(knuloMßr a .Tib of e-bicat:on an.i r*-

] ft- pnwnt. render*.! deoperate by th* want*

i «f hi* fan* !y. trarr.plea on hia pr: i« srdj md a «i-pa \u25a0 n to the fi»r aid.1 5'U-h ar» ?\u25a0*»>? -aHy g%fateful. The r*»t re-

ftint tasa"ssp 'i*to very iom :hai*n *iW>ca:it af;er r»> «v."« an ? rO r f.*fiV>d retanw It an used, bet a easae of th*k.r.4 ocvurred recently. Food aad o! >ch-

I" - c jvart uhirty ' .-? ?<!?*. are. very mu~h ta«. rand, arvi 'wiia to the bur»a« are

! always aroeptahle.

nth IWm Ne*v«.

S«ath Bend. F*h J* #p* i&L The »rre*t« of J'Mt* *»* l tree* eooatitut!n« the

. nvf -«m. whteh Were cat up intoVrr, >a under (owranMit oontra«'t *uit-

a' \u25a0 to ft-.-at aft'av m a freshet. dH not jpoj * a* ».-tl as wa* aiftt unam*d

a, H -> K& * A Co. tn<iace«t hv a

«i; 4 f 1 3 tv!?<»red by th-- **itl*n»«tx*\e m ii>«< ?\u25a0>«« who wt< '\u25a0! take

j v»yt t" Mm. re mahltu p*^v*ra'iona toj be* n'? * ft of r> A ftfry-hor*e

; \u25a0 w. -. »"?*??*>* ha« been ordered and

5 a Jarre «»?»-w - t>* ;lt

The t v< f -,' * ha* riaea to !TWs eenta s«-

- ; ' 7" >*?,n to tvtter than it| ha* h**n f ?r »<* ? tir. a.

- ,\. sr»- \u25a0 » r - < *« <hint'* Ttt.n at

I-fSim : k t< Bend: a*«t comhine a > rr H mhlohta;

%<«r rt»sl h**** hy H J v *r. thtta m«w! th* mparlty f e ,sj to >a«.*# daily.

\ *Cft»ft ft <ll k-' ?

The r«*r.h*r of n«irt;R*#?ra Med wiihth*. auditor of PwtO- tv:iair ds*rrnc the

\«sar t« a«'

» lwd«. warranty

and quit riatm. 52S a etta*"- real a '-dchattel. 1* .-f as rtjr**e. Z-* aa»~..«W n te of an»>rtK?*> ? b ?;« of taie,«¥ l>»tka. t>at*n!v la Ua fWNaden*. ooa-

! rraota and ftacavftllauftee>4ia. <t total. VTto:j f,., « for nearitac a Nov* uaatew: «;>«\u25a0* * fl 2P-S> rtm ?i» ftad haveI been laaft«d * V-<rth« *-? t'. vi at^.s

i haae been r*p<w?ed to th-» aj-tst -t.

Asv tmd'Tv-y to pr'iaa! -e \a" '-«*maypromptly eh**fced t>* h* w f A jer a

i Halt Vftfor. lent dt-4a> WJtU t: - .a, tMLre a»d the hair-r*n>t» dmcreyed if! wo«Jd reaJtoft th«* Nee' r-* .a;*, tw-jraa at

*i;h tax* S»*»h*kt<r vrtt'araboa.

N>» Hoaoe arwins ouft.h:aa. T: :ci>ho»*1 Huff *«£.


A New York Photosrraph* His own Brain.

without use of cathode rays

F>ll«on, Whtle Ftjrrlra'-Btlßf With

ifonitcca lixtit lIXDTtn to

Aluminum Hard mm >t«U

New York. Feb. H-?The hnman brain!uunte)?i, of 114 kjusz F*t\y-*ix:hftreti. eshib-its a jsktor* of his ova brain. obtainedby a proce *.» ta *h> :h tie eatlsoi# rays w*

not a facto*. He ias v«ee» aau'iy threeyears .a eomsietingr :. s exse«u»e» Metells the story of his eHorts as fellows:

"The brain ha* been my e«pfc;ial study.

ais>i i a***wo'lt-d ;independently in a « artway far nearly three years to p-tvoiog.'*;.AIt- I kras aough? to a compiish my purposeby parsing a eetttteaeus current of eie> -

incstjr through the wain, iii asnaana* «

by th* *i<urk. Thtn I trw the Interrupted

c irrert, tut this produced paralj sis of thebfiUs. eeeaetese the subjects. Thepni* tpie Is Ui'J*t.raSr-l by * flash of l:s ~.t-

-ntßg on a -Jars mjcai. *mos ewrrie*images throu*a which it travel* to the eye.From tin- <n*lex. it wan «u<|je**«r<l to me

that the same - *-~a might *>* sppdei to i- \u25a0brain. Again. y i know, t;? hr r?y is mate

almost transparent ' y its 'irty

lantern. I am suil far fromhM a« perfeete-t th* instrument by

which I am ai>ie to pho:ograph thebrain. Of course, the tr-.-re solid structuresare reflected on the pi-stes. and I foundthat the lews expoeure I *iv« to the photo-

graphic jiate the easier I »pp*r«c ; ly wassole i« piu»u«rai*r: the trar-4iuctt.t sui-


Thoujfh alßi*-«t satisfied taat the processwas one >y a rsnsfc the brain could b« photo-

ait.*i«jut of life, it K-.y beatated that the fxper:m«rnt«*r selected hlm-*r'rf as his *l.: jevi, that no other Ufe aught

be mdaaav-red.

K >l»0\ i V> IIAUDE.V ALlMIxm.

N'akii «; It n? <-? Hit* KlvoPound BU'Velf at Hand

New York. Feb. 11?Edwsoa in his expe-r.i.trf,'» with the Rooitgea ra>s in photo-gra > U-..-v.-» that h ha- a 1 .dmtalt*hi: up- n a proems* of h«Alei;isjtt.'.at aidall the u#e« of tiat ix«etal. from ship* tol> u - 1 lis mi*:.-' a rev .u'ton in ir.-a

working.Tti s discovery was made l»y the wixarsl

las: tiijt'nt. In happening to pU-k up oneof the aluminum di»ks used for the cath-


m«'r.t*. be tn d to head »t. tyst foend thatIts natu.w "jai and t.;at It waaslifl as steeL

of Inin a v lands.


t\ T nui r 1;I;*DOO hemsoT

1 /Kt*' LT«l«SO B*Vg. e *'l\T>.f >7

*.. . : \u25a0»* *

-cs. a-s *5 TV/, , ~_

. - ri.v-v~- V\*t«r fc=*»-, t - aaa«><ayta>iai^Ma.f'«esl«>r>**slat

k>*ferac«.«aerg»&* aat «urfclMt «*»? 7, .-. \u25a0?!«< » ;i ..-ye- S*. I1

. S« *S a -I-0.-»ae#wtUat. a»*r -

- I, ?...-?- t» ? i !>»\u2666*.' o.

ir I'.-jrtHi fc«* t!lf I I*. «r» «- I »«aa t* pT\

li»4Wa' < . IB.. « ?**=?-

?> li.D fcy Ufca Sterwut A Hetoea ag CtaKSi\Tt"A TACOMA as«i WALLA ** ?L

5 TE \MtUS.


SEATTLE T«i TACOMA.F jr rour . trt: s ia-.'.j. ex-.-ett Sunday,la one ntur and tataty-dtfe m:nut«n.

TUt S :ay -i-^rKß.'*R-r- ar y trlpa. Seattle-Tacoma f est

TAr. N 1 ;?>?' I'*T TT'ESDAT. MAY 1TTMECARD. _

Sir.sic fare. **?. round trip nc.Soa:::e? 7 C. L;li a. a>... 2 4*. 5

p asLeave -

SI N DATSi l.e*i,e Sent*!' -7 m.; IIna; IJ. Bt-

Leave Tacc-ra?9 30 a. rr. . ? 3ft. 5 p. ni.I-ar-i.-r it V rth-~m P-» !T i \u25a0 wharf. Ta-

ccs a ~I C tt<* ia! dcrk. foot of Ma-

rfon ?tr*et, Seattle. _ .

Sur.dajra. steatner* F'ver and State o.\u25a0 Waahifijtot!. far»» 5^


D spatch »te*aiera fr«jm SeatCa as foi-io v«;

For San vta Port Tcwr.ier.dand V ?>r a. at s a as (faswotfri ro-

,i.-d on i»ard at i a m.) February 2. 1.U. '7. -"7

For A.a>ka?F«fer ary S and 17 a" > a. ss.Frosa San Fracclae> for Vleterta an!

i Fuift S -und porta at $ a. ai- February 4,». 14. I>. 24. S.

Tickets may ba obt*!ae«i at the cflV~e ofths co»pasy s? Oeaar d«vk Seattle


General Saa Fraacts<ro.




Between Tacema and YtctorS.v B. C.T »rrr Lv M . *Ta na - I' Ar- i'*tm*"iroLv.. Se#t!ie ... «TAr, lu«fn

1 Lv 7.*.FX T -wrsead, J!5 Ar*ll*v -n4 arr Ar 131 * V' -.a .. M( Lv » <*ua>?l>aa.y except Sard ay.l~is ?"eaaser firr.:? ? * f,rst-c:aaw aceom-

-1 m -at carrytr* ta frei?Tt an! r-a*-|* and fruaj} s* j*.t:<.

i\r ratea etc, tt.ju -- ofuL-i|ivt

.5. G. TERKF3*.

1e? f- VTh«irf Seattle.T. A NAPE At*.

C»t *r»st N. P R. R Seatt'e.



MMM I II n II I t It I I t

Re«Til»r ia2ifl|s between P irtSound aad e * ra. Autic.. caaPc-rta.


Tim* Card la E?*ct June L I^*,

Sea'Ua. route?-of WaaMmft* Seattle daily.

ti*ert Saturday, a" .» tr

* a-Ue as J La Ooacer route?Fa!r**.aveale#v«« s*-a:tle dally, except Saturday, at



none. M» s Z"i Ye»:-»r Docft.




I t Semttte- F. > J-> at 12 sr.iJmstit;at U t».-i''Feb. 14 at is «ud-

ji\*& ks un t V"*' te. - at?

a » . Feb. 14 at 7 a. m Ft b .4 at 7a tr.. Call £ at Li .p gy-&f souta >ua-lay and Bporta Tuesday.

STEAMKH MABEL.. > iT T".are.ij.« an-3 S»:urdae at »

a an far Edm,

Everett. a*dSno6»-? vrr points*. iOiadiß* at c:iy 4xt

-r-j. \».. c t *r<r» asJ Mi'a**i

.-X»H ,v » *K - INIFT.

T e A 1 »<-a-x«*r F : a M'.sea, -Brrytr.ari t aa«: pa**a«en. wOi be .* j«at !w>i

if m SeatfSe far fee > ad of Cook's Ir-l-t.sect oa or aboat Marea 15. Far fwrtber,t - -..:iaf» ar*««y at o#k-e. £ Roxw> :1

corner ;T»frta ®trv-*t a^dF.rst av J A. HA 1 FIELD.


EVERETT K-'ITE STR ORKYHOUNDL -'iy- e*.-<-pi Soaday

Leaves E"v* ett t.« a. as.. . p. *\u25a0

Leav-S 9e*Ui* 11* a rrS.»da»» ?L*a*«a Seattle 4Ji P> ®a.;

i<a»n {.wra U a mFaro?S:--a\u25a0* ctp, ?« . rouad trt?. It

cac. -v ?* a.ta boats aad So*k^Bt^ab

- *.-.f?Cakaaa d«>rk. foot of Manas

# "i"lLH AND T»i'OM \ N A2U A-t HON COMPANY.

Cla-i Trod#- Jrr»a. F. W. C.viiA Stac.

l!ok»> Smith Want- th«» i.ov mm nt to

tk> Fully itvinilwrvJ.Waahimtt? n CitF Feb. 11?The «wury

if lie i.iUrtor i ylay fraasmlttei to on-j;r«- sa aaa-le »ia OroAVentre aad Assinatvtne 1: '.'.tana at F rti-'-ik.:ap Mf". jr 4.-1 t e lr. . a-»oof» f t H.«

Biackfaot n-stmiion, i:; if titasa. la*ii,-r the first r.aiwe-l aart-ment the In-dians »«U *i» land# to be mia-

#ral> eaTim*t«*i at ftCu** * res. to the g.iv-

rri -:cnt for %&».'*&. to be f*pen*iei forthem \ty the secretary at the rate of not

i jyi vr«» sha;. St*. «»? a j < tr. Tu«- latter a|rw-

i\.ml v»».'#? or !.<*»>.*? acre* ofuse ,;ntain ian>i of a i minerai « .ar-acter. for vWh the jfoverrm r: agreesto jKiy J ?*»? t I* < *,- by tfcet*< tvt'arjr at the rate of more ;baa

I 'u.Hi) a Jar la;v'.* cf b>th thesaagn;i'] s *-? be cf ??r therr : ,-r al la*-. except that purchasers of

Fort Itelknan la?;is *W be require! to

(Vi> $W an acre iast-ui of the custom-ary £*

1-, :-\u25a0?« IfU'r of tra: snas n Secretary

k>» Sm:t i formally mar.' ii-s a ne*

j> ury. wnlch will be «t«-ie: to ail Ir-dtan reservation*. 11- say#: ' I a 111 firw >

<. ,>r.\inee<i that tne better poli<~y In

e*«s is f r tbe jrenrernmeot to tike

c .»nce f and f-r w at thejr *;.!

txr.g jmcfi lands a* ite* Inc.ass _ v> n>tneed th* r-'t procerus betn* placed in 'he??, ,-y f the V. li> i'-s to be u-j-nded for th'ir benefit. If this coarse ta

rot practicable i any given ease, and it

should b- thouaht best f r f-e govern-

ment to parehaaa ar.y In!:an lards at a

flxM prV». then far* shju.i be taken to

*i .»ke s . proviso? f.r t:.e?r disposal aawile sorely and faJijr reimburse the eov-ert, ment f r the wnoie purchase pri-e. la

other *-vis. the government Should »ett < '- t 'he !?«!< of rnc:.ey in th'*«!raijja«-tv>ns. W Ue I approve generally

terms of tiia «<re«r»»er.t. the prtei

WOpewed to t«? p»W f>r t"eart 1 am r. >t satisfle.? tat a

q ar uty of the lao-t will be ilsposeU of ta'

> r«tmi>ur«e the e --verr nvrvt tha


unt to t- p*«4- It * provision tan t*»

rt » f authorttt-

!* the 4epartm.-at to dta-.. f this » lin lir.meJ ire saJe in a

I v f «r.a;ler tra<-ts at su»-h r-ri-e* asn av he a*eti by the >f fse in-teri,* will rea.uae the faU amount to

1-e enprMei by the ft t«wr!. 1 wo-M

r rfu 'y r ' :tih,4 the aivrc -ai of

t.iis airreenient."

K» i.itu:ham Ki*y N»-« ~.

Whatcom. Feb. 11?fipec;al.-The Quar-terly examination for teachers' certlfl-

oates b»*«an at the r.nt-thotwe thss m«>m-

inr. with a ceaaMMNi number of appli-

cant a in attendance.

,i»«w quarter* .-.;«eciailv fttte«i Bp ia th*

tv Mattes <« Fl* «tre*t. The newlo« at >n t< ? * a* cental or convenient

f< r a* "he old one. but the ar-ia much ph-a-anter and mora

? % r -at for the »mp ! ? ye*. It ia under*??i »h*t a leaa* for five v ara haa been

mtaa>»l-. w New* *ll. oam*r of th* ateaoter

Buckeye, am! maxl xmtTartor th* Frt-

t! e ftra;':*»s of the rxatmaaters at the;\% -a on the a* mar « r- <-rth* *xteaa4on of t' aerrlc* t-> this city

*-d the addition of ?*veral rffioea whJ.-h*re not ntw on the mail route Tfce n-

p~'t- «\f th* «*rkdc* * ut<! h* amaiL b«t Itw uld be a (treat - nv.-tv-ne* to the peo-ple, a* it ft ou' I (rive a dally ma ! to andf-m near!* at' «»f th- tmp>j-ant point*

.: t- # m< th' Aaa Juan - an la The , ec-n w d he atrvnei* favvired by th* R>*r.iTr»d» .T-f this city a-v-i th* Commeiv al

i"ub of Fa:rha* » n

Tr-e iwhooocr R< ' r.«' ;**n is '*;* sr & e s yf, tted wp here and pco> i«aoa*d f r ar*ar"' eraia* la A'aahaia waters 1 :h#vh-iiMty of Oaok'a t-- ! « Tv * -n«»nt

will toe had- a complete outfit for w atnl

. rt.m* \i i%co2n +tc h« -,jtn the cty achool* *v an tv«»«?. «, r

<? -."trd aa a hoJ-;» fiankap- h» \u25a0- of!*, -ea *T*rVw»- ' >\u25a0 t

# 1' 1 *t.y, cv>st-ft -t~ fc

school btuliia*. rennets ha«;r.< aatdtt»e brfra tn F*er->t *

The »fclp R ** <Vaet. a» ,-h r-.-*e>' Tarrrved a S" ar«t ai *" '? \ *-5 *

b*r from th* B*iliri*haai Bay Impr +ra»«M«t iteeapaay'a mill h?e « »?* r»-another cane*' Tb" *\u25ba?\u25a0»> ";-»r R Tf

-w at the sail#. «- - < '*k -«

.vB * tarr* > anro % ?>- - , t 5

lift y**M t)C %<0 "lt i »fMi tw r»u*fc.

Sm- he 5 a ?* ' '*~.a j». , T \u2666... rpsp* and ,-t**m»*ea Four o;.«»<?*# £>c*ntah*** ia < ':<ar S"rw *

[ftymeaat Sfaayon'a -.-j

t ?re \u25a0' p'? - ?' ? «. *rs A§feetoa«* I*-( Ciaßsaay.

m sraat ~n«j f~*a tram rs. k* 4 rtm; ariar .Niacu^a



I' It mkkes a grand parwie with e'erhaata. cages of aaimals. *

\u25a0 > cfcariota. car.da. Gives a fuii penort*scs .a a with r .ig J\u25a0MM . ,wn. acrobats, bareback r.dera. trauted aags and ei«- 4

~ piar.t». winding up w?*h the pattomime of Hainpty e< > tiding a., tiie and ac4sx.cry. J

3 Ways to Get ( «ntlli

lo awpoas or \This Circus: {SMB IfTUSJI^L.

It TO JBhcktoeirs Durham Tobacco CoDurham. N.C. \

aad the Circus will be sent you postpaid YOO w> J ?nd I renrroa a~ taaiOti each 2 oua-< ba<, aad 3 coeponaiiiaioe


X \u2666Bav a of th« Ct icbratesi Tohacro. and read the J

I cot-poo, a .-utii givt> a: s>t otner prcm.urn - .in J. to a . i tocxa. tI 2 CIITSTAMPS Acctrrto. 1

I / i/\ i I uJ KE. MEHI.'HiNrS' b.UkSV Oi :? 1/11 r\ I J KL!Fi«M <#nt* DitmouJ ?cv» aai J? V-/ u a . - Co., I awn &fit? Fike 1.-»A» ]f(. Co. ?


A OlllHifttlOll 1)1 ICK 'Vcrawilv. S." ? !\\ iTft. 1 T '





Leave* Seattla :» y a: 3 13 p. a. ex-wpt »c . ..I Sunday *

. moat 3. ar:darri\*-s at "' a. m. Ltavi? S :r. '.avs it i:»a. nv in 4 7p.n ,

n ;* s* ? nd Sue ay ofeach ja*»at;s. t-.ea &rav;.if at 7 p. m., uae>ing at all intermediate poicts.


The staun ? t a. . ... , A.-rt.- f schooner.:.. ft

WUI leave this port MaraMk far?»'KS INi.r'T.

Ctrryiof paa**r_-rv frew * andFor farther ißfonaatv>n .«»-, iy to

JOHN H. ALI.FN.« Dexter Hnon BttDdav.


STEAMER LTDIA THOMPSON*.CarryiT-s United Slat s a .»... leaves Citydock, foot of Ma; a street. Monday.Wednesday and Prtiay it 1 i ». forPert Townaend. San Juaa iiiaads ar. 1New Htt .ra;r.£. tea Tea NewWhat in Tut-sday. Thursday aud Satur-day. a: 4 a. m

T? ME CAKD. IN EFFKCT JAN X:N -fi bour 5 Le-av-a Scattie 1 a m.;

!*avPort T.>wr<» :,d « a. m.; leave* Frt--tay HarNr lv 35) a. m leave* It.---Jy»Harbor U:6 p. m.; arrives at New Wisat-cc ai % » p ta.

South feoucd? I.**ve» N'w Wbaittsß 4 a.a. leaver R-«c*e Harbor Ida m.. k a v«-sF-:iay Ha-bor 11 a. i«.; leaves PortrowrsrnJ 4 p. m.; arrtui a: Srattl* 7.4 ap. av

J R_ Thotr paon. owner. Lilly.Bo«ars?u* A. <"* arrets. City dock.

Te'<? phone. Main *7.



Seattle and l-ownsend-Neah. Bay Route.P:- u- ? leaves Y*"*'*r Jo k Moa-da* s. Wednesdays and Fridays at 12 ISa. m for Port Townvri'l Port WUltams.Duwsness. I'ort Ar.4P*'~#. Port Crescent.0<?-:v-r r* PysM. Clallam Pay and Nea'hLay. returning. arrtveo Seattle 1 » p. mon oppos'.te dava Steamer Evan*e! leave*T#-kr dock '«>r Port Angeles and VictoriaM 'daya. W ir^*»!ayii srd Friday* at? die p. in.; armea Seattla alternate days Ip in.


steamer bat citt.Leaves CKjr dCK-k. foot of MainTuesday. Thursday at- 1 Sat irday at I p.m U t Anaceewa. F*lrh*na u<! Wba t-c n R " rnlw Im«« WMtfom Su».sa*.Wr r -!iy as<i i'r-iAJ at i pw OkFar*. Si

L ? . I'- "«r rdu» & Ca_ City Deck. Ayes**,PSSCK*. i!t:a C

W H. ELLIS. Owner.


& W..*)\u25a0 N*v < - a Co."aMl LTN< M AH.

DAILY fiVIE CARD.L*ave. Arr-ira.

Olytrr'a at i*>a rr Taccrra aj. »V«tTnJtm* it-.K1 at...12**8 mS*att> a* .

J ?»!>?» r»- T.* at . HfaTAcuaaa a? I r> tr »t . ? Jt> p:n

CIT* OF ABERDEEN.Dally except a-r,iay.

L*a«e. ArriYa.>r=attl® ...... T X» % rr Taeoma $ J? a aTacorrta -a? a ri ? .yapa .... i * y .moiymp-a .... **» p as S » ? n

§ 3» v rr. >- at::*'

lipa>ar* *««r<a ?-rat *

* Ta aa i- Ui !'r( at t»rs.:Ut. C»ty 4» a, I»*jt

at Mils »tr«**;

i_U.LV H; "1 *RP!' S * CO.. Ar*nta,C::y D~ k T» -t" >=«, ili.a K.

Capt. L. W E*y M«jc r.

THE AU9K« STK SfTEAMtR WiLLAPA.Capt. o*> rf» Ro-«r.»

L«*Ttrr S*att * '>r A a**- F Sr:ary liiss*. ?»« »**rr day* t^vraaftar.

Far fr»»«a* ar.o -ate* :aJ O. c ARROLL. A<rat.

Bdhwat*c*v<»- IkA Tot, f?fc» &

CHAS K. FEABODV, <l«&erai Mitmftr.Sr»!ts».


SsMwr A li. KotxajM*. carry tn® U. S.El .. irtVffC.y ftH- ' Mils «LTe*t»at » > * Ci . a?i*r» at Si&. y at 1..1* a.rr A * » ?-« a* ?... -riaia .i". rr LtatM« :v*r:-!*.a at 12 '.a p m .«»» >\u25a0! *y aar*»! urts »S * f» m. Daily. «» *1- SwMlay.Far*- 2»r E N. Rotanaea. m*±i*r. iu>.j.Mdrfartfua At Co.. as*as*. Te»*t) -v>a«. iia.a


ft«aß - . \u25a0 . -ia i A Witr*a. Mastar.Le»ta Ta> iia>. 18 agog sra:;»-. Ta

ar&art. » s>. tr Mo»ilay» *=.4 T» .'v* -t fo«!»tT l. ar.ji iCt**. Fajris»**a»N \u25a0» W. itcr-aa. 1- -* *ar i F- Uy Marisor.«r. 1 \*r v-.'.-r. *.-nvicg viat. -

> r« p. m.(dttoarina day-


Far* ? M t: tlf r .'intr ißfxaiaUM appiy ta l«ai«r»



STEAMER DELTAL*ar»* Harrtvtoa » doe*. rc»>t of

\u25a0 r:jc t j»ri ctr*«t. *. » - \u25a0 "*day siat-urtej a: I < -.\u25a0\u25a0

* * --

'. r K.-

!»*? L<.tvi. Fa * aa-4Unto* C tj. UttnsaU iaja

Fart. Mr ta ail pointa. Me al? . Far* ta F.rt Jfc.

D r : \u25ba' :MA.N Ma*'*f.D TROUTMAN. Maat*r


STFAMERArK=*t>n dork, brave* tor Vlrte-ta a-> JFart Ttasirad _*».y. **i*»t*t*a*ay. atJ* a. a> ; re'.-rmsß*. icavaa V urteMa at tg. sm. «.»\u2666<?\u25a0 nc- E >:arr i*a»*a

T<>» r.*-ii4 a*.J «ay jw>-ata aa-.». **-

at >IX » > :»* 5.

ar » a sa (.? .., \u2666. ?t, iX. vaaaal it?-*, i~>a« J.

PAIiKS ;> TO 12. )



Owi l \u25a0! K'afat* »n-4 Uib!ini«L?e-tiaa L T>» b» Hli|pri MlVgr*tiem

ttov *r'. *-?-

B*»f «. ss-"*ii resaaia .vi « .;>?

wai-i Aac J*Jlaor*;.- JT- -.r ..» ti*cybflM TSe City of 5 -«» . ,*'" * -<J*»v 'MI .541%- p-fTf*-! :Al SUC-CT*»;:.n. Tmy fKt* aad <!**«-i t. mX. i*i"m*ri ?:*,«**. *r-3 .. .-i---<?-*<l* «rs 4r.a «

4» 4 nj »

ts*e « ommmb Mwi. arc #l;»>r siw *a>a»* jtxS *r.4 miy pore-fe*#e -»vt - . *

*«* l aI 3 -. r»hs *r,jl w: v- -t tis« rcr;?rT*,:* nist.« of »:«\u25baCity rf aetttit, *:;u ra*> m.i. .rr. \u25a0-'**#*- *s-i .... - « rf- was* * - ? «.

WB» t*®Mst. *;v3 t -y - -

*wtw «a*B ?-<! 2-?*:*»? e( *«; *

o* jmfwtT ?flliia e.- i ts* cityfor :t» omrs «r i --w** c» r \u2666?

far t~*rtcr*>" ?C «- - *sT i» *f *-? U" \u25a0 --

4 lof i> s»j> nr:* r-«sy_««ts. a*-

>fcras*»\u25a0.:anwr t* ~»t.-lut". I*>.M or o!v~<>rxr ls» s®A>3C* c? *\u25a0»fc*.T I» « ; \u25a0 f *

0 f*. -*? r * - tr»''S- ;? _. . >ae :* - ... ;?! rfc

*. Vv *1 ?:4rr V ru ?« . f \u25a0?\u2666 - . t --

?f »? : a., ! tr »»\u25a0\u25a0 - i ; .tc i-

- i >raw»'\u25a0* >r a-" ' Jo 4 -' «f

Sw'%. *r* Ker»-v to be v«rtHte *"s* CK? >* a*si'.«:».

K'-Ur *3 k»vr h.-:5 J- s -r: ill : -i" -

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? vt *?- ,?w»rT ,-f pr"p-»rt t.

Bv*NJ' »r fhtieg v- lam-or is ty, -r t» y-i- ?? i. -»

thiwtw, or far tK» mHiiiiifiMif 1 tr.yrs#ix» of r»tr»cts sr-.?h 5«... -tty,? Mthw m»'i# or arMng ar arming S~-foro ©r afr<»r th» « n -f tits flmrtir

*.h* *vl ">:*r!«o ©t'sH *>*rt«rr r.1.) wt<>?*-ra;e to »h*tr rr ? a.ny *rjy-

irs ault, ir r»r »-*-<? g tt art ormis*whW*. tt* w-:ch -vaJ-i eft* U *

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itnr :. All proTlsioas of t)Ua riaartarwh h ar* s\:Vst»"' zl)yi'irßllfa! ftttNi of tha 5V7fnrJ»JsHall N» const ru<ri »s continaatiana of

f prosn! -s sr.J as at*e-- » "r-* *s.

1~ su' es»-* o' c f?- dam .4 - a-*, ratth# city. \u25a0- *!\u25a0: h ; ir'. cf 'he flm* ?!?"«-

«»J for pr«aertir?.« fa 's Isiasf xs> *. v-o "yctvjaci! tha sa.-na w:tfc - »»yc"»-s *»*.« asr»ai" *Vj;**-S st th«" f:?**ttsHi shall ts asa ssrt of the s * - -ths fbßsrf *

hi-t«c sr;4 »*.ac^axata.

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ASriCLK 11.

H<maJart«-o. NVurvla «ti»l Pro* !urt«.

(h i n 1. Th* City of Saattla fn-f'clf «rlth!n t:a tin '* >lw Coi'? wtn* #r t*

an*. ??rr-t TV. U» * t: Th« north v <*;f of\u25a0vetion 17. of ** :;3r:* l i i. t v *.

ar 1 ft in toarafcip ?4 nnrrit. af r*a*» 4

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of !-»ir» Tr**ntnf>» Uafc»a Bay*»!! «o"oth in* »r*srfu->-4- to ar; Ln-

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