from chapter 7… religious conflicts become political conflicts which leads to changes in...

From Chapter 7… Religious Conflicts Become Political Conflicts Which leads to Changes in Government

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From Chapter 7…

Religious Conflicts


Political Conflicts

Which leads to

Changes in Government

Chapter 10 - Do Now

Write The Age of Enlightenment at the top of your notebook page

Find a definition for Enlightenment on page 300 Enlightenment – philosophical movement of the

18th century (1700s) dedicated to reason Then, Look on page 298 – What quote regarding

reason is Rene Descartes well-known for? “I think, therefore I am.”

Why do we care what these guys were thinking about and writing about way

back then? A little place called the UnitUniteded StStatesates starts with things like We the People… unalienable rights… and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…

During this time, a new era of thought and human progress - Enlightenment is sparked…

By the Scientific Revolution – it fosters a new way of looking at the world

Copernicus and Kepler – The Sun IS the center of our system…heliocentric ≈ 1550

Galileo – telescope – reiterates heliocentric belief… sees never before seen details on the Moon, Jupiter’s moons ≈ 1610

Newton – Defines law of gravity that explains the structure ≈ 1640

Bacon – Scientific Method – observe – predict – test – prove

Does science change the way we view the world today?

Why do they give kings the power? People give the power to the kings for stability

Enlightened thinkers begin to take a closer look at this concept of being ruled….

Enlightenment PhilosophesPhilosophe – intellectual thinker in the age of Enlightenment

They apply reason outside of science…Reason – application of scientific method to an understanding of all life

•Thomas Hobbes – Absolutist – England

•John Locke – Natural Rights – England

•Baron de Montesquieu – Three Branches of Government – France

•Jean Jacques Rousseau – Social Contract of the People – France

•Voltaire – Religious Tolerance ~ Deism – France

Hobbes’ book on political thought

Leviathan definition- sea monster; enormous thing

For Hobbes, the‘thing’ was The State (Government)

Absolutism; Rulers must have power over the people

Men need government rule to keep peace Rebellion must be suppressed Humans are animals naturally Hobbes is a product of his

surroundings (civil unrest) His contribution: Begins Enlightenment

era works of political thought

Locke’s work had two focuses (treatises; main ideas). One – divine right of kings was foolish. Two – identifies the real purpose of government…

Government’s role is to protect rights Men seek peace naturally Humans have natural rights Government should be fair or fail His ideas are used in the U.S.


Issue Locke Hobbes

The Social Contract

We give up our right to ourselves exact retribution for crimes in return for impartial justice backed by overwhelming force. We retain the right to life and

liberty, and gain the right to just, impartial protection of our property

If you shut up and do as you are told, you have the rightnot to be killed, and you do not even have the right not tobe killed, for no matter what the Sovereign does, it does

not constitute violation of the contract.

Violation of the Social Contract

If a ruler seeks absolute power, if he acts both as judge and participant in disputes, he puts himself ina state of war with his subjects and we have the right

and the duty to kill such rulers and their servants.

No right to rebel. “there can happen no breach of covenanton the part of the sovereign; and consequently none of hissubjects, by any pretence of forfeiture, can be freed fromhis subjection.” The ruler’s will defines good and evil forhis subjects. The King can do no wrong, because lawful

and unlawful, good and evil, are merely commands,merely the will of the ruler.

Rights Men have rights by their nature You conceded your rights to the government, in return for

your life

Role of theState

The only important role of the state is to ensure that justice is seen to be done

Whatever the state does is just by definition. All of societyis a direct creation of the state, and a reflection of the will

of the ruler.

The authorizeduseof


Authorization is meaningless, except that theauthorization gives us reason to believe that the use

of force is just. If authorization does not give ussuch confidence, perhaps because the state itself is aparty to the dispute, or because of past lawless actsand abuses by the state, then we are back in a state

of nature.

The concept of just use of force is meaningless or cannotbe known. Just use of force is whatever force is authorized

Humans by nature

Peace is the norm, and should be the norm. We canand should live together in peace by refraining frommolesting each other’s property and persons, and for

the most part we do.

Men cannot know good and evil, and in consequence canonly live in peace together by subjection to the absolute

power of a common master, and therefore there can be no peace between kings. Peace between states is merely war

by other means.

4 Men who will inspire a young nation…

John Locke – England

What’s his core belief? Natural Rights – Life, liberty, and property

Who does Locke believe Should Rule? Landowners. The Upper Class.

Baron de Montesquieu - FranceWhat are his core beliefs?

Three Branches of Government Separation of Powers – a government system of

checks and balances separating the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches

No one group has too much power.

Who does he believe should have the power? These 3 branches of government

Jean Jacques Rousseau – FranceWhat are his core beliefs?

Man enters into a “social contract” and gives up his freedoms

Who does he believe should have the power? We the People

He believes in democracy – the people should have the power

Voltaire – FranceCore Beliefs:

Believes in Religious Tolerance Deism – God sets the universe in motion

and then lets it be Writes endless pamphlets, essays on this


Newtonian World Machine

The BIG Idea

The nations of Europe were guided by the self-interest of the rulers, who tried to govern based on Enlightenment ideals.

Chapter 10 Section 3 The Impact of the Enlightenment

Enlightened Absolutism

Rulers attempting to govern by Enlightenment principles

More theory than practice – this idea doesn’t take

War of Austrian Succession leads toThe Seven Years’ War aka The French and Indian War

Land dispute – Prussia takes land from Austria

France sides with Austria GB sides with Prussia War takes place in Europe, India, and

North America Ends with 1763 Treaty of Paris – GB

becomes world’s largest colonial power

Do Now

How does the War of Austrian Succession lead to the American Revolution? (create a flow chart or make a timeline of at least 4 events)

• Central Europe was dominated by three countries – Prussia, Russia, & Austria. Each was ruled by a monarch who studied Enlightenment philosophy but maintained total control over their subjects.

• The War of Austrian Succession became a global war & was fought in Europe, North America, & India. Neither side could gain advantage.

• 1748 – Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ended the war. All territory went back to the original owners, except for Silesia which was kept by Prussia.

• Maria Theresa wanted to regain Silesia & punish Frederick of Prussia. She convinced France & Russia to ally w/ her against Frederick. England chose to ally w/ Prussia to maintain the balance of power. This shift in alliances is known as the Diplomatic Revolution.

• 1740’s – England & France both wanted control of the Ohio River Valley in North America. France began building forts along the Ohio River to block English settlement.

• The British built Fort Pitt to counter French expansion, but French troops seized it & renamed it Ft. Duquesne.

• 1754 - George Washington was ordered to retake the fort. He was defeated & France kept control of the Ohio River valley.

• 1756 – Fighting spread to Europe & came to be known as the Seven Years War. The British were busy defending their colonies in India & America, which left Prussia to fight alone in Europe against France, Russia, & Austria.

• By 1763 both sides were exhausted & the war ended.

• The Treaty of Paris of 1763 allowed Prussia to keep Silesia. France lost all colonies in India & America to England & Spain, & only had Austria as an ally in Europe.

The BIG Idea

The American Revolution and the formation of the United States of America put many Enlightenment ideals into practice.

Chapter 10 Section 4 The American Revolution

• England demanded more taxes from American colonies to pay for the French & Indian War as well as for protection from Native Americans.

• 1765 – The Stamp Act placed a tax on most printed items. Americans violently opposed the tax & it was repealed in 1766, but problems remained.

• 1774 – 1st Continental Congress formed & urged the colonies to fight English taxation. Colonists formed militia to protect themselves from British troops.

• 1775 – The American Revolution began w/ the Battle of Lexington & Concord.

• The 2nd Continental Congress formed an army under George Washington.

• 1776 – Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, which Congress approved. It stated the American colonies were now a free nation called the United States of America. Includes Locke’s ideas about natural rights…

• The U.S. was supported by France, which provided money, ships, & troops.

• 1781 – Cornwallis was defeated at the Battle of Yorktown & England ended the war.

• 1783 – The Treaty of Paris of 1783 recognized American independence.

• 1787 – The U.S. Constitution established a government based on Montesquieu’s ideas of separation of powers. Three branches (legislative, executive, & judicial) share governmental power.

• The 1st ten amendments to the Constitution are called the Bill of Rights & guarantee individual freedoms like speech & religion.