from emodnet chemical pilot to emodnet chemistry 2 matteo vinci and alessandra giorgetti, – ogs...

From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5 July 2013

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Page 1: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

From Emodnet Chemical Pilot


Emodnet Chemistry 2

Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5 July 2013

Page 2: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

The Chemistry Pilot :where




Regional Leaders:North Sea – NERIBlack Sea– MHIMed Sea – HCMR

Page 3: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

The Chemistry Pilot : what

-parameters choice based on MSFD requirements, from 8 groups of compounds, in 3 matrices( water, biota, sediment),

17 selected parameters for product generation.

Page 4: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

The Chemistry Pilot : How

Based on SeaDataNet :

• An efficient distributed Marine Data Management Infrastructure for large and diverse sets of data deriving from in situ and remote observation of the seas and oceans.

• Actively involved in standards implementation following INSPIRE;

• An european de-facto standard with: 44 partners and 14 subcontractors from 35 countries european and not.

Page 5: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

The Chemistry Pilot : How


SDN Standards for metadata ,data and products :

• for metadata (xml ISO 19115 ISO 19139) CDI;

• for common terms Standard Vocabs (P021,P011,P061...);

• for background data exchange ASCII format ODV,

SDN Infrastructure:

• Service to access data with data policy management CDI mechanism,

• Service for users registrations SDN Security Services,

• Service for discovery, visualization and downloading of products SDN Products viewing services

SDN Softwares:

• MIKADO → metadata mapping and xml generator

• NEMO → data formatting tool

• DIVA software → gridded data products and error maps as NetCDF files,

• ODV software → for “time series” products generation and QC

Page 6: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

The Pilot Project

Work Packages: • WP1 - Project Coordination

• WP2 – Data collection and metadata compilation

• WP3 – QC/QA and data products

• WP4 – Technical development and operation

• WP5 – Analysis and Evaluation

• Partners: 25 partners;

• OGS coordination;

• Contract had a duration of 3 years from June 2009 to June 2012;

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The Pilot ProjectWP2 Data collection and

metadata compilation :

All partners collected and updated : Data → ODV file → managed by Reg. Leaders at level of the 3

Regional data pools → (de-centralized) Metadata → CDI entries → Maris (centralized)

All partners gave access to:

• metadata (unrestricted);

• and data according to the data policy as agreed with the data ORIGINATOR.




Page 8: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

The Pilot Project:challenge to face along the path from DATA to

PRODUCTS Data complexity: • from 8 groups of compounds;• 3 matrices (sediment, water column and biota);• 17 selected parameters for products generation;

Heterogeneity:• Of the sampling/data distribution (coastal points time

series Vs homogenous sampling at basins level);• Of measurement methods (instrument, method, target

species, target basis, grain sizes).

Page 9: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

The Pilot ProjectWP3 QC/QA and data products:

• The analysis of available data;

• The Expert workshop with contribution of the Marine Conventions;

• Highlighted 2 main substets from the available data :

Expert workshop, summary of decisions to highlight data features with Products generation:

-Standard Diva Interpolated maps produced for parameters with homogeneous and suitable data coverage, measured on basin scale;

-“Time series plots”. Showing station maps linked to plots of measured time series. This for not homogeneous data as:

•coastal points repeated in time,•datasets with fragmented coverage.

Not homogeneous ditributionIn time and space (basins)

Homogeneous ditributionIn time and space (basins)

Page 10: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

Data products

DIVA interpolated maps:

– Focus on nutrients in the water column based on data availability;

– Focus on annual and seasonal scale based on data availability;

– Interpolated maps generated by Diva software;

– Metadata file generated by DivadoXML script;

Page 11: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

DIVA interpolated maps

Ocean Browser (Gher group)

* Interpolated fields loaded as WMS layers




Page 12: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

Data productsTime Series plots:

-Focus on the parameters with fragmented coverage (spatial/temporal);

-suggested use of ODV software for plots generation;

-ratio of 1plot:1station:1parameter:1depth;

-metadata collected in a INDEX file ( )


-to avoid plots for stations with less than 3 points;

-to avoid linkage lines between single points;

-to provide TS plots in vector format (as SVG);

Page 13: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

Time Series plots

Ocean Browser (Gher group)

* products loaded as WMS layers


Page 14: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

The Pilot Project

WP5 Analysis and Evaluation: 2 online questionnaire

Page 15: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

Lessons Learned/Open issues from Pilot

• QC for «exotic parameters» (eg:contaminants...) no spikes are detect for them, they are events. At the moment not enough data to calculate regional ranges.

• Lack of «Under detection limit» information;

• Technical development/usersfriendliness: Finalization of products metadata catalogue to load and

search Maps metadata /Time series plots metadata;

• Improvements of web interfaces search criteria as highlighted by SDN2 userpanel and Chemistry Lot users;

• Improvement of handling of Chemical Parameters metadata with Common Vocabs (transparency/flexibility);

• Need of group of experts for the data-products periodic validation for each regions + workshop.

Page 16: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

The New Phase (MARE/2012/10)

Enlarged partnership: 32 partners + 14 sub-contractors = total of 46 participants (about twice!) coordinated by OGS;

Official starting? Kick-off meeting: Trieste, 3rd -5th June 2013; New parameters: chlorophyll, silicates, partial pressure of

dissolved gasses, plastics, acidity; 3 matrices: water column, biota, sediment; The portal should cover all European waters; New products: coastal visualization + a proposal for

assessment tool; Specific focus on Coastal Data.

Page 17: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

The New PhaseThe portal should cover all European waters

Note: This map is derived from the EU Tender document but lacks the Norwegian sea

The parameters:

Page 18: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

The New Phase:WPs• WP0- Project Management • WP1- Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions• WP2- Data Products generation in sea regions• WP3 - QA/QC - Validation - MSFD interaction• WP4- Portal development and operation • WP5 - Analyses and Recommendations

Collaboration with other projects/activities:• SDN since the pilot phase;• Emodnet Lots ongoing;• ODIP for this second phase;• ...and open dialogue with Marine Conventions.

Page 19: From Emodnet Chemical Pilot to Emodnet Chemistry 2 Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti, – OGS – NODC group, OCE - MODEG meeting, Copenhagen, 4 and 5

Regional level:

Data harvesting (WP1) and products generation (WP2) will be always organized at Regional level. This time 5 sea regions have been defined as:

• Greater North Sea (including Norwegian Sea and Celtic Sea);

• Atlantic Sea (including Atlantic Coast and Macaronesia);

• Baltic Sea;

• Black Sea;

• Mediterranean Sea.

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Ongoing activity to face the Pilot open issues:

• QC for exotic parameters:

• Open dialogue with MSFD requirements/guidelines;

• Data harvesting will provide new data for regional ranges;

• Open dialogue with Marine Conventions experts;

• Efforts to collect «detection limits» for an inventory in the different areas;

A technical meeting under definition ( September?) for: Finalization of products metadata catalogue;

• Improvement of web interfaces search criteria ;

• Improvement of handling of Chemical Parameters ;

• the data-products periodic validation:

• Regional experts group already searching for candidates;

• QC workshop to be organized at month 12.

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What is expected from the activity within 2014

• Sea Regions definition (November 2013?);

• Updated datasets for the 5 Regions;

• First release of updated classic products (interpolated maps ans TS);

• A test case for an assessment tool;

• At M12 first validation workshop with experts from: Marine Conventions, MSFD and WG-DIKE.

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