from flare to flair: finding my "lupus style"


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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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From Flare to Flair: a journey to discovering



I am not always a “caped crusader”sometimes, I wear a fuzzy robe.

I wasn’t always a “caped crusader” for Lupus Awareness!

My life with Lupus…

1st Support Group said to plan your funeral.

Once I realized that I am not going to die, I had to do something.

Once I learned to control and manage my flares, I found my flair!

From Patient to Advocate

“Lupus Awareness is Fun!” with Senator Boxer

“LA Lupus Lady” in DC!

In NYC “LA Lupus Lady”

Lupus Style w/ @TiffanyAndLupus

“LA Lupus Lady” the caped crusader!

On stage at the LA“Alliance for LupusResearch”Walk!

I am a “Caped Crusader”

LA Lupus Lady hits the streetwith my side-cat REX…

Fun #LupusStyle

What is “Lupus Style”?

Lupus Style is finding the balance and being comfortable in your body.

Lupus Style is about accentuating the positive.

Lupus Style is being understanding with yourself when your body is not cooperative.

Lupus Flare to Flair!

Sharing that passion is contagious but lupus is not.

LUPUS ~ Let Us Promote Understanding & Support.

Lupus Style is whether you are in PJs and a robe or Karen Kane in Kansas City, embracing your flair wherever you are.

Flying “like a Jet” with my cape on the 50 yard line!

Amanda Greene @LAlupusLady on [email protected]

“The future of Lupus Awareness is so bright… I have to wear shades.”