from letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Data protection 2013 Friday 8 February #dmadata Supported by From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships Thursday 4 July 2013, Kings Place #dmaprint Sponsored by Insight partner

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Page 1: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Data protection 2013

Friday 8 February


Supported by

From letterbox to inbox: building

consumer relationshipsThursday 4 July 2013, Kings Place#dmaprint

Sponsored by Insight partner

Page 2: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

8.30am Registration and breakfast

9.00am Welcome from the Chair

David Reed, Editor, Data IQ

9.10am Research findings

David Cole, Founder & Managing Director, fast.MAP

9.35am The role of print increasing customer engagement and loyalty

Lyle Rainey, EMEA Business Development Manager, Hewlett-Packard

10.05am People love print

Phil Dean, Managing Director, Ingenious Rapport

10.25am Panel Discussion

11.00am Close of event


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Welcome from the Chair

David Reed, Editor, Data IQ

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Research findings

David Cole, Founder & Managing Director, fast.MAP

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The results

David Cole, Founder and MD, fast.MAP

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DMA/fast.MAP Tracking Series

Page 7: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

How it was done

Consumer’s enthusiasm for Print

Qualities of Direct Mail

Consumer’s Expectation and Reaction to Print

The future – changing nature of marketing

Page 8: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

How it was done

Consumer’s enthusiasm for print

Qualities of Direct Mail

Consumer’s Expectation and Reaction to Print

The future – changing nature of marketing

Page 9: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Background and methodology

First wave of the DMA Print Personalisation Tracker.

Sample randomly selected from fast.MAP’s Consumer Voice panel

Nationally representative of UK population

Online self completion questionnaire

28 questions were asked in total

Survey despatched 25th February for 7 days.

1,232 respondents

Over 250 hours of “interview time”

Results are re-weighted by age and gender

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fast.MAP Marketing GAP

1,000 consumers –

nationally representative of UK

panel 350 marketers

8th year of publication

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How it was done

Consumer’s enthusiasm for print

Qualities of Direct Mail

Consumer’s Expectation and Reaction to Print

The future – changing nature of marketing

Page 12: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Two-thirds remember reading advertising on a screen, rather than on paper

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

Most of the advertising I remember reading yesterday was:

On a screen, 65%

On paper, 35%

Page 13: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Preferred method of communication with

a company you have a relationship with.

Direct Mail has risen in popularity since 2008

Source: fast.MAP Marketing GAP 2012

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A third of people look forward to receiving their daily post and 30% open on the same day

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

How excited are you to receive post addressed to you?






0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

I will leave my post for a few daysbefore opening it

I tend to throw away or recycle most ofmy post

I only look forward to receiving postwhen I am expecting a particular


I don’t look out for the post, but will open what I get the same day

I look forward to seeing what the postman has got for me, and I’m very

disappointed if I don’t receive anything

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People particularly look forward to receiving vouchers, coupons, discounts in the post

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

What type of addressed post do you enjoy receiving?










0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%


Customer magazines

Magazines from brands

Invitations to productlaunches/events



Packages from retailers



Page 16: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Number one motivation for opening post is if it is personally addressed

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

What is most likely to make you open post?







0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

It is from a brand/company that Iknow

I am interested in the product/service

It might contain a coupon or voucher

I see it contains a sample, coupon orvoucher

It looks like an interesting package

It is personally addressed to me

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Source: fast.MAP Marketing GAP 2012

…..advertising you would miss if it disappeared


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People would miss PRINT advertising more than marketers would expect











0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Vouchers/special offers

Requests for charitydonations

Adverts for local services

Utilities advertising (gas,electricity, water, telecoms)

Financial advertising(insurance, credit cards,


In print form - marketers

In print form - consumers

Source: fast.MAP Marketing GAP 2012

…..advertising you would miss if it disappeared


Page 19: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Whereas only a third would miss the same sorts of advertising FROM THE WEB











0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Vouchers/special offers

Requests for charity donations

Adverts for local services

Utilities advertising (gas,electricity, water, telecoms)

Financial advertising(insurance, credit cards, loans)

From the web - marketers

From the web - consumers

Source: fast.MAP Marketing GAP 2012

…….advertising you would miss if it disappeared


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Source: fast.MAP Marketing GAP 2012

Marketers are out of step with Consumers...overestimating

the impact of the web and underestimating print.

Which medium would you miss if it disappeared


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People would think less of companies if have to pay for printed material, or force people online

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

From a company you currently deal with or buy from,

what would make you think less of them?








0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

If it didn’t have a social media presence I could like or follow

If it didn’t use the most up-to-date communication methods to advertise its services

If its website wasn’t optimised for my tablet/smartphone

If it refused to send information(invoices/statements/brochures) in offline, printed form

If it closed all its physical outlets and announced it wouldonly have an online presence

If I could only get updates about its new products and offersby signing up to its social media presence

If it said I had to pay to get information(invoices/statements/brochures) in offline, printed form

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How it was done

Consumer’s enthusiasm for print

Qualities of Direct Mail

Consumer’s Expectation and Reaction to Print

The future – changing nature of marketing

Page 23: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

How important are different attributes to you when receiving marketing?







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How important are different attributes to you when receiving marketing?

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How important are different attributes to you when receiving marketing?

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How important are different attributes to you when receiving marketing?

Page 27: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

.how important are the following attributes when

receiving marketing information?











Most important : trustworthy, relevance, content, easy to respond

Page 28: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

.how important are the following attributes when

receiving marketing information?











Most important : trustworthy, relevance, content, easy to respond

Page 29: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

.how important are the following attributes when

receiving marketing information?











Most important : trustworthy, relevance, content, easy to respond

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Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

Which marketing channel do you feel best reflects these


Most important : trustworthy, relevance, content, easy to respond

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Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

Which marketing channel do you feel best reflects these


Most important : trustworthy, relevance, content, easy to respond

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Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

Which marketing channel do you feel best reflects these


Most important : trustworthy, relevance, content, easy to respond

Page 33: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

Which marketing channel do you feel best reflects these


Most important : trustworthy, relevance, content, easy to respond

Page 34: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

Which marketing channel do you feel best reflects these


Most important : trustworthy, relevance, content, easy to respond

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Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

Which marketing channel do you feel best reflects these


Most important : trustworthy, relevance, content, easy to respond

Page 36: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

Which marketing channel do you feel best reflects these


Most important : trustworthy, relevance, content, easy to respond

Page 37: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

How it was done

Consumer’s enthusiasm for print

Qualities of Print

Consumer’s Expectations and Reaction to Print

The future – changing nature of marketing

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Over two-thirds of people open post straight away – high levels of engagement

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

How quickly do you open post ….?








0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Wait until I have a few pieces of post and thenread them together

Leave it a few days for when I have time toopen it

I throw post away that I don’t recognise

I throw away post that appears to bemarketing something

Open it straight away if it is from a brand Irecognise

Open it straight away if I am expecting aparticular response/package from the company

Open it straight away, does not matter whosent it

Page 39: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232m

How often do you keep interesting addressed post

excluding statements you receive from your bank and

so on?

Page 40: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Almost two-thirds tend to keep their post

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232m

Regularly, 17%

Occasionally, 48%

Rarely, 28%

Never, 7%

How often do you keep interesting addressed post

excluding statements you receive from your bank and

so on?

Page 41: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Almost two-thirds tend to keep their post

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232m

Regularly, 17%

Occasionally, 48%

Rarely, 28%

Never, 7%

How often do you keep interesting addressed post

excluding statements you receive from your bank and

so on?

Page 42: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Almost two-thirds tend to keep their post

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232m

Regularly, 17%

Occasionally, 48%

Rarely, 28%

Never, 7%

How often do you keep interesting addressed post

excluding statements you receive from your bank and

so on?

Page 43: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Almost two-thirds tend to keep their post

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232m

Regularly, 17%

Occasionally, 48%

Rarely, 28%

Never, 7%

How often do you keep interesting addressed post

excluding statements you receive from your bank and

so on?

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The mantle piece effect – MY mantle piece !

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The mantle piece effect – MY mantle piece !

Page 46: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

The mantle piece effect – MY mantle piece !

Page 47: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

What will make you keep addressed post?

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Interest means people will keep post – over a third use it as a prompt to do further research

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

What will make you keep addressed post?









0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

It makes me feel I am being rewarded by the brand

I like the way it looks

I want to show it to my friends and/or family

It feels tailored to my needs and interests

I think it will be useful to my friends and/or family

It will remind me to further research theproduct/buy the product at another time

I am interested in the brand

I am interested in the product/service

Page 49: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

When you request information in the post, when do you

expect to receive this?

Page 50: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

People expect almost fast response: 85% want something within a week

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

When you request information in the post, when do you

expect to receive this?








0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Within a day

Within 2-4 days

Within a week

Within twoweeks

Within threeweeks

Within a month

Over a month

Page 51: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

The next slides contains the

most significant findings of

the study

Page 52: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

The next slides contains the

most significant findings of

the study………………..

Page 53: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

How might you respond to interesting addressed

post from a brand you like?







0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

I would phone for more information

I would go to their store/showroom for more…

I would look to respond directly by post (e.g. fill in…

I would look to buy the product/service in-store

I would show the post to the rest of my family

I would look to buy the product/service online

I would not respond immediately

I would keep/file the post for reference

I would go online to a search engine to find out more

I would go online to the brand’s website to find out …

Page 54: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Post is good at driving people online and to the brand’s website; a quarter keep post for reference

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

How might you respond to interesting addressed

post from a brand you like?

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

I would phone for more information

I would go to their store/showroom for more information

I would look to respond directly by post (e.g. fill in the tearoff slip)

I would look to buy the product/service in-store

I would show the post to the rest of my family

I would look to buy the product/service online

I would not respond immediately

I would keep/file the post for reference

I would go online to a search engine to find out more

I would go online to the brand’s website to find out more

Page 55: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Post is good at driving people online and to the brand’s website; a quarter keep post for reference

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

How might you respond to interesting addressed

post from a brand you like?







0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

I would phone for more information

I would go to their store/showroom for more information

I would look to respond directly by post (e.g. fill in the tearoff slip)

I would look to buy the product/service in-store

I would show the post to the rest of my family

I would look to buy the product/service online

I would not respond immediately

I would keep/file the post for reference

I would go online to a search engine to find out more

I would go online to the brand’s website to find out more

Page 56: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

How it was done

Consumer’s enthusiasm for print

Qualities of Direct Mail

Consumer’s Expectations and Reaction to Print

The future – changing nature of marketing

Page 57: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Home phone and mobile internet most disposable channels – only 1 in 10 would get rid of letterbox

Source: fast.MAP Marketing GAP June 2012

If I had to get RID OF one communication channel

completely, it would be..?










The internet at home My letterbox My mobile phone The internet on mymobile device

My home phone

Consumers 2012

Page 58: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Home phone and mobile internet most disposable channels – only 1 in 10 would get rid of letterbox

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 and fast.MAP Marketing GAP June 2012












The internet at home My letterbox My mobile phone The internet on mymobile device

My home phone

Consumers 2013

Consumers 2012

If I had to get RID OF one communication channel

completely, it would be..?

Page 59: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Home phone and mobile internet most disposable channels – only 1 in 10 would get rid of letterbox

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 and fast.MAP Marketing GAP June 2012












The internet at home My letterbox My mobile phone The internet on mymobile device

My home phone

Consumers 2013

Consumers 2012

Marketers 2012

If I had to get RID OF one communication channel

completely, it would be..?

Page 60: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

People are anticipating a shift away from offline communications

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

When will all communication you get from businesses

have gone online – (brochures, special offers, bills etc.)






0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

In about 5 years’ time

In about 10 years’ time

In about 25 years’ time

Not in my lifetime


Page 61: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

However, almost half of people think things will be worse – and only 16% think it would be better

Source: fast.MAP February 2013 N = 1,232

How would you feel about a world where there is no

physical communications from businesses in the UK?












I have no feelings either way I think it would be worse I think it would be better

I have no feelings either way

I think it would be worse

I think it would be better

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Page 63: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Highlights – top 5

1. 44% of those that respond to post would do online to a brands website and 35%

would use a search engine

2. Trustworthiness is the most important attribute a communication channel can have

with Direct Mail the overwhelming favourite for Trustworthiness.

3. Most consumers (28%) anticipate all communication going online within 10 years

and 45% think it would be a “worse” place because of it with only 15% saying a

“better” place.

4. 85% expect response within a week

5. Almost two thirds keep interesting post . The mantle-piece effect and 36% will keep

post to remind them to do further research

3. 70% look forward to receiving

Page 64: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Highlights – top 5

1. 44% of those that respond to post would do online to a brands website and 35%

would use a search engine

2. Trustworthiness is the most important attribute a communication channel can have

with Direct Mail the overwhelming favourite for Trustworthiness.

3. Most consumers (28%) anticipate all communication going online within 10 years

and 45% think it would be a “worse” place because of it with only 15% saying a

“better” place.

4. 85% expect response within a week

5. Almost two thirds keep interesting post . The mantle-piece effect and 36% will keep

post to remind them to do further research

3. 70% look forward to receiving

Page 65: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Highlights – top 5

1. 44% of those that respond to post would do online to a brands website and 35%

would use a search engine

2. Trustworthiness is the most important attribute a communication channel can have

with Direct Mail the overwhelming favourite for Trustworthiness.

3. Most consumers (28%) anticipate all communication going online within 10 years

and 45% think it would be a “worse” place because of it with only 15% saying a

“better” place.

4. 85% expect response within a week

5. Almost two thirds keep interesting post . The mantle-piece effect and 36% will keep

post to remind them to do further research

3. 70% look forward to receiving

Page 66: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Highlights – top 5

1. 44% of those that respond to post would do online to a brands website and 35%

would use a search engine

2. Trustworthiness is the most important attribute a communication channel can have

with Direct Mail the overwhelming favourite for Trustworthiness.

3. Most consumers (28%) anticipate all communication going online within 10 years

and 45% think it would be a “worse” place because of it with only 15% saying a

“better” place.

4. 85% expect response within a week

5. Almost two thirds keep interesting post . The mantle-piece effect and 36% will keep

post to remind them to do further research

3. 70% look forward to receiving

Page 67: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Highlights – top 5

1. 44% of those that respond to post would go online to a brand’s website and 35%

would use a search engine

2. Trustworthiness is the most important attribute a communication channel can have

with Direct Mail the overwhelming favourite for Trustworthiness.

3. Most consumers (28%) anticipate all communication going online within 10 years

and 45% think it would be a “worse” place because of it with only 15% saying a

“better” place.

4. 85% expect response within a week

5. Almost two thirds keep interesting post . The mantle-piece effect and 36% will keep

post to remind them to do further research

3. 70% look forward to receiving

Page 68: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

3. 70% look forward to receivingWhat next…

Page 69: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

The Importance of Testing Richard Benson

There are only two rules in direct marketing.

Rule 1: test everything. Rule 2: Refer to Rule 1

Secrets of Successful Direct Mail, 1989

Page 70: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

There are two routes you can go down…

Page 71: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Decisions marketers have to make

Variable How many Possible combinations

Audience 5 5

Offer 4 20

Incentive 4 80

Endorsement 3 240

Outer envelope 3 720

PS 4 2880

Price 4 11520

Page 72: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

100 days




Traditional Campaign Testing

Page 73: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

The problems with traditional testing…

One pack fits all

Not cost effective to segment

Control pack is very difficult to beat

Few tests a year ( 2 or 3 )

Many new initiatives fail

You might know what works but not why – so what do you learn as a

marketer from this for your other campaigns?

Therefore off line DM as a channel could be more effective

Page 74: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships


Buried insight

• 2 x ‘D’ for DMA

• One per company

• Each one qualifies the finder to £1,000 of research


• Starting from 9am Friday 5th July until 5pm

• Open only to attendees of this conference

• (one per company, excludes similar previous offers)

• Web address is


[email protected]

• 2 x winners notified Monday 8th July

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Page 76: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

Thank you

Page 77: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

The role of print increasing

customer engagement and

loyaltyLyle Rainey, EMEA Business Development Manager Direct Mail

and Publishing, Hewlett-Packard

Page 78: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

The Role of Print in IncreasingCustomer Engagementand Loyalty

Lyle Rainey

EMEA Business Development Mngr

DM & Publishing

Page 79: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

HP’s commitment to educate the market

Changing Landscape for Brands and Consumers

How digital print is becoming part of the strategy

Case studies of integrated digital printing

Brands need consumers!

Do consumers need brands ?

Page 80: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.80

HP GSB portfolio delivers digital to all segments

Direct Mail &

Info PrintsPhotos

Sign &




Labels &

Packaging PublishingDesign Decoration

Page 81: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.81

Print Service




HP in a new role to evangelize digital printing

at large content generators and their creative


Marketing /CRM





As supplier of

digital press


Page 82: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.82

Evolution Roadmap in printed communication

Mass Production



Variable Contents

Interactive print

Personalized print

Customized print

Communication Focus





Cross-Media Conversational

Marketing Campaigns (fully digital)

Customized DM / TransPromo (mix

of analog & fully digital)

Simple Personalized DM / Transaction mail (analog

pre-print + digitally personalized)

Addressed DM (analog print

with digital addressing)

Page 83: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.83

“From letterbox to inbox

Building customer relationships”

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© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.84

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© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.85

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© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.86

Page 87: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.87

Variable data

Print less, but only relevant


-> Better ROMI

-> Lower print+mail costs

-> Lower CO2


•Name, address, account data

•Ex: transactional / direct mail


•Transpromo & customized promo mail

•Selected content in relation to customer’s profile


•Offers & promotions

•All content in alliance with customer’s activities in-store & online.

Fully exploit the key values of digital printing

Short-run printing

Break long runs into

many frequent short-


• Less obsolescence

• Always up-to-date

• More versioning

• Minimal stock

• Faster time to market

-> less obsolescence

-> less waste

-> less opex



• Less admin overhead

• No warehousing cost

• Always up-to-date

• Only print when needed

what is needed

-> less obsolescence

-> less waste

-> less opex

Page 88: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.8


The Challenge Increase effectiveness of consumer


Decrease environmental footprint of

consumer marketing program

Be more relevant to consumers

Drive loyalty card membership

Results Increased number of households using

coupons, increased coupons used per

household and average shopping basket


Drove loyalty card memberships from

50k to over 1M

Reduced annual paper usage by 665M


Produced €360M in revenue growth

The Strategy Create personalized weekly flyers

Use customer purchase data to promote

relevant products

Reduce size of flyer through precise

selection of offers

Allow loyalty car holders to use

redemption card to get discounts

Belgian discount retailer uses customer data to create targeted promotions and drive customer loyalty

Page 89: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.8


The Challenge Increase response rate to DM catalogs

Take advantage of extensive customer

history database

Results 30% increase in response rate

3000+ competition entries, 250+

Facebook postings & 1000+ comments

Won marketing Week Engage award

The Strategy Develop cross media campaign

personalized to reflect customers

purchase history

Use love letter from “Johnnie (Boden)”


Major clothing marketer switches to personalized catalogs and drives 30% response gain

Page 90: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.9


The Challenge Drive long offset runs to profitable and

cost effective digital medium runs, for

Car Manuals of top manufacturers and

top car models (Porsche, Mercedes,

BMW, Audi), targeting on-demand

fulfillment, reduced inventories and low


Results Elanders Sommer became digital

market leader for the German car

industry, and one of Indigo’s top digital

printers worldwide

In addition, Elanders Sommer become

the digital hub and knowledge center for

Elanders group

The Strategy Conversion of offset printed car manuals

to digital, using HP Indigo printing


Digital print quality, similar to offset, with

advantages over other digital printing

technologies in quality, special brand

colors, heat durability of printed manuals

(manuals on car dashboard)

Very short runs, variety of languages,


Page 91: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.9


The Challenge Make the cover of its handmade-themed

issue complement the custom-made

products featured in it

Engage subscribers in a two way

creative process

Results 22,000 custom versions of Wallpaper*


“It was a huge undertaking, and the

results were miraculous,” says

publishing director Gord Ray

The Strategy Create a collection of images, patterns,

colors and words available through their

web site and let subscribers design their

own cover art with them

Design magazine gets personal with “handmade” custom edition and HP digital print

Page 92: From letterbox to inbox: building consumer relationships

© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.9


The Challenge Increase effectiveness of annual

freshman recruitment drive

Decrease average cost per applicant

Results 79% lift in response rate

64% reduction in marketing cost per


Full freshman class

The Strategy Create personalized direct mail

campaign from college entrance exam


Highlight scholarship opportunities

based on test scores

Use PURLs to guide students to major-

specific information and open house


Chicago university boosts enrollment with personalized cross media recruitment campaign

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Coca-Cola’s biggest-ever personalized

brand campaign across Europe

•Request from 32 countries,

• 2 bottles sizes as 0.5 and 0.375 liters,

• 3 types of Coke: Regular, Zero and Diet.

•30 different languages 5 different alphabets.

• 10000 different artworks

•800 million labels!

•Randomised for shelf stacking

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© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.95

In the first 12hrs > 10000 sharing on the web

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Marketing becoming more relevant

Digital printing is part of the journey

HP Makes it happen

Thank you !

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People love print

Phil Dean, Managing Director, Ingenious Rapport

Find Phil’s presentation at

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Q&A session

Sponsored by Insight partner

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Closing comments from


Sponsored by Insight partner

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DMAAwards 2013

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