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Y°L- XXII.N°- 6.829. NEW-YOUR, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 1863. PRICE THREE CENTS. FROM WASHINGTON. The Conscription Bill in the House, DISPOSITION TO PASS IT PROMPTLY. rte Bill GiautiLg Letters of Marque and Reprisal. .HIS ALSO WILL GET k LAUGE MAJORITY. Amendments to the Post-Office Bill, Cttiiriiiation of Nomioations bj the Señale. MENDMENTS TO THE INTERNAL REVENUE LAW. -¦«> iniunn of wpeuiii mm. Thf ionfffi-nfp on Ihr Win und Mniis Bill. flf-*«*»*-l SMRflteh I«' The N. Y Tribune. U MaUMTMB, Keb at, Til. iiir « ORRI i*.ii thin mi.I.. The Conscription bill in the «penal order in the House at 1 o'clock to-morrow. The po'icy of the *IJop».»erhebiirii toward it hat nt.t beru îndicat-ed. The jjatnotic BRBJ Tity will do tbtir baal to pa« it free of »a,« lain.i'*.'H, teflfltJBjJ Ifl a »u¡ ¡liiUtiilai) act lo .BaMiedy defects. ttnTn-BI <»!' MA'lVll T. AM) K1 PBtaRjil Th« Senate bill authorizing the mue ni btt.r« of SjafR-na aud repr'tal bit been referí ed to the House NbvhI ('oinmiitee, willi leave to report at anv tinie. It will be passed hy a Isrge majority. AMFNl'Vil N I*» TO lill rtM-unil Y. lill.I.. The Hu»>e tr.Ht't a number of important amend- gnent» tu ihe Fi-hi-l»;i if till before patsiug it. The «etctioni« providing fur the compeuwttiou of I'««»t- n)8e'«-:t« by talaiy inetead of coiiiuii«*ion», wer«- .txicken out upon the re- reteTJtation-i of Mr. ('olf»x, «la whs overruled i>d the in lu» Cornu tilt*'". 1 be Senat«* hy providing carlain rate« ou ull postal Biaiur bad unwittingly aboliehed the fiar.king privilege. The Hnuae waa Bwift to conon thi« .rror. An «intntltiient »».ja, however, mad«-. Ifl-aRBBJ tim frank tu«,» privilege as follows: li ia taken away Croea Poetmaster» who aro re- raSTRBJ lee« than Ü a year. I'eisona -jot in crtuial position» «nd corre.-p-ndiug on flV h! bur-ii.t are hereafter required to tfgn tue portage of all their letters, except those to Men eri of OaatfiasB. Thai provision will, it is tstaasjat, freaily dimininh the o rret-pondenec of the President and Li» tiiii.iht« it». Dr.« letton pay one cent tit al prêtent, where there ia no curier WfPMtt, Where »tar«- one, two cent», ruid delivery ir free. The taMtidDitri» to Uj» II.»nae bill enabling ra. Id¡er» t" far-d ibeir letter» !i««- ». i j r ..bailly be eui« ken out ta the sjaflaRa, lb« rai-ln!,- fura unifoiin rat« of pflBnRJfl on ttflts and p.j-T» hre ret-tmed. i.h,im vin i The ljei»!*lRtive. Ap» roi. nation bill hangt between BBS two HflflBflfl iua eeeond Commutée « ( Confer- .DCe. The |i"!tit of dieagreement the HflflRB prtr «ri»o PflflBflSaaj IBB BBaflflSJfl SBP the uext »etaaion to 10 canta ¡.-er mile, to win« ti the Senate refuse» to lu-iede. The .Vn-te, iii K.ectitive Scvi"ii, yetterday con- fimied, without reailiug, the whole hit, wuh tin* MCeptioii of Mr. leherwood, nominated Chiet t f the Engineering l»uiean.|Of the Naval nomlflalpBll reparte«! by SruBt'ir lirime» fn>m the Naval Com- .ninee' the only flflSBBR waa upon ilear-Ad.-niial Bréate-, lind Chiel of the Hoard ol Corirtruction, Len¬ thall, who were both confirmed. Tilt AM1.NU.M1.V1!>! 1<»'lill: I.Mi.RNAJ KI..KMK LI». The following a r.vnopii-' of «11 the important proviaiou» in the b.ll -.ineniiatory to the late law "»ported y.'eiday tit Mr. Morrill ii,,m the Com¬ mittee «if Vi vu ai..l IfflSBBIi Sect.on 1. \\ bl ver any iiietrnmeiil in wrliiim- it W-uired it ebhll be luisf-il a he!her wiitten or partly written and printed. Aw«.i»tnnt uteesttorB may t»er- Ihtm du'ie* im- «j*ed in »ectiin 11 of the original act and aaseSeors' aad den« y oil» i jia' «iutiea iiii|-<>aa-d at M-clioo 1'.» '»u iola-, Hil»' notioe« rtijnirral by inch »'(.*.'". na*/ le lett tit the dwelling« »,r pkie« Pt bobitji -- ol panotM aagl« lioR ta pay their Buri. A petr H Hi SBflfld a boiel ki-* (¦»-.¦ turd not ta iii M fe«! at« a leiail d«-nl«-r of SflilatBOa« Ibi'iorr, bot mm-t obtain li'iu'T In » n«iee in acegfldaaea with the Iii «A h of hi« Siatf. Apttim »rie» i,i»-l i.i.a I». lMeii.e-1 aa niail d'aler« iu BBBflS menre of tiling flBBBul. bet., li i- amend": by titmttt f*flTflfSapha rib'¦ «iiriri«r ataKjie» ii» full,w« : an huée'» a: -I < » 1 < ..- Aterre, «Jl'1; baíMeifl ai.-. eoiitiUC or», «*.'j; two- Btr»-> rarimeii and 8Pflf**RMSflf Bad baeaaflj eflfltBh» «atn, i Y rtBlIioat ami j'»« a*. $10] ltRto*7 Iii keel .»lei!«, A Yiri i inturame age ni» or broker», |l(i; tailliere), |l'l; retail ftaalfll*«. fajl'», BllollBfll« Atti ¦Btrasa f«-> ifl f'-'^, wholt sah.- «ml raiail dealer» «v. i »¦ tlierrin li-jnorr. ta'tiun !¦> it ameiiiled by avitling after "provnlel tttt winke lead," eu., "ami Meta! «ral pa.iiit is' Bjflra." Afte-r "tanned culf tkins' is RBf»yt*iao BBitH'ltig vetil and demon »km« toa duty ot J rents BtL. 'ii e following «'id.lions »re maoe: "maiiie aiif«», it jer cení; livetr, BBtfl, railroiid thn;:e, » and hone! »Ijoi-k, |.' a tun, "-.nlfld C4*-***Jflf ami ¦tH »heeli'ig, 1 per cent; flfliifl, emit, « tiitt, Btiim«!'* «ndbagH, i»tr rent; lobaeco, m.-üiiitai luiad, tf all dercripUoii« »«ve tLot-e hejuafier m«-n- l»ed, 19 renn |>er paull«!, SSBOfliag lobarcv», ¦. ''1 with »teal», or made ej-uhiri« a !y »lleitiK, ó ceot» j»er poauJ; flBflsT, i.*») cut» »er Birid, mineral water, 1 cent a '-unit bottle, und «,' Bt» for larger bo'lle»; rea-ly-mnde ilutning, flRflla* ta of haig, can», or bonnei», .i per <em¡ Dmbr*ll:i» sl ptvatHil», iJ per tent; conlr«tiouery. from *. Bit» a p4innd to 6 l-er teat; gold Itaf, 15 BflBtfl a ttk, «attiiig of iruu ij"t. otherwise nrnvid«! foi, « I») et tun; «lot and iitoepie e«, ii jier cent, section ?? it amended by raqaifiaflj pertom own- !or keepinf- a c«rri«ge, yacht, plate, or Ijillianl e, to pay the tax pra«1 .ed for, and by inia-rtin,; tit " i.i-iii for use' the word» " for hire or for p.t»- flBflrit.' Plate belongiug to rcligiout m îe'.ie« ex mam, is» lion 7H BflBBRlfll by reducing the duty on fltghtareil horned cattlr from li' to 90 'eutti *B te- exceeding Uri) pnuiult in wright, Wilhoni ra* ki", lu ago, BMtflBR ol 10 «jt-iiti«, «nd no tJii'y on ¦Be of lea« v.«-ight. The number tltttigl tata« lor Me a on.iiriiLitK.ii ex. Pi|,»»,i, ia lu, »tn.l te aix. < «av . bit ion -'. lapflflSB a poiialty of len Bullaraa* «uy «ton ofrering for »»le a 1 »tte-ry ti« kel wiltiout the. tap. No prize eau be recovered unie»» the ti« Bal te unh tUmp, muí any purthaeerol guela tick» I B re-«iver the full «mount |iai«J, fjfMfta. Lol- Sjt«4*h»ifl clai-»ed under ethe«lule thirteen of the »«.er «<t «jid ttix«-d, wh'tre «old at retiii!, tau ta, aila, an «'lVi'ioiial ten e«ot» for «ach «I« Har, or be on. A proviBiou rejuire» that no »tamp duly kJ I,, ii.,rui:»«ii an uutho.ri^atioii of a lottery, 'lj leveiiliig a elate from taxing tale« of tirkuta. .Vi',ii li line« pei-eona intuiiug agaiiirt injury io .»leri J per out on groaa roreijit», «ntl rubjecte «Rta nirtiii-j- lu-Ah loorliingitisuninre l*aBB|**Hllflfli ¦liaa 4 provide* that «11 contract! for the pun baa« .te. jf tom or bullion, «ml for the loan of money ''rreut-y iip<jii tue oillatural eecunt» of coin loi .»«li.yii.eiit of any auch loun »hall be Ifl writing "li.'ed, »igned by the pintie», or their BfflBSfl, 11 .?tey», »iid ii i«id eoiitriicl to be perform«! *a«i mree day» from ile dat>, it »huli bear one oi .»"»l.-lllip» «-'jual to Olie-fotlllll ol I |i«r CrUt of tilt' Jhcl aujoiiut, wini h »hal! be cHtiuiated bf tit* "*1| rurreiKV; Hid it »aid < on! rat i n1 not to be fj'in«! ihret day«, or shall uot p«-.i- "*«-t 4l U. -j 4, it tuo.11 1,-tti lUta-v m «taiiii-t eqnal to 1 per cent, profiled, howeyer, that nothing herein contained ahull apply to uny trane_ction by or v»i'h the G'lvrrniTji^n». N 11 len 5 j.rtiv .,.», j that nil contracts, lotns or sales (if bullion or «oin not male in BeeasreAOOO wilh th » Bet p..nil Le wholly and absolutely void, and in ad¬ dition te th«« pei.altiei provided in the net, any party to nu id contract innv at any time within one vear from dHtt» t»f contrnet bring »nil before guy Court of o-u ; clent jnriidictlon to recover for his own ure and Iii cut the fe_OBOf paid ou any ooutnicl not iiiaile lu iiccrtrdaneo with tliia act. ¡Set-tiou C imposée ntninp duty of fire cents on cer¬ tificate« other than thom speritiad in m lie.iule I! of th* former act, but no itnmp in reijiiired on applies* 'tiona for boantie», urreara of pay or BOBAMOa, <"*r- tiiT'.iiei ttf tneH«arei ,t ni, or weight, or depogit notts ¡lo innttial itiaurinee coinpaiiies. Tt * felfelAtaf efldllleoal it.anipdutieiareiinrH'ged: On ¡aira^« tn kell to foreign ports, eos'ing $90 or j I«-», «á i canta; on ggglfBfl cut of mortgage, leasei, or polier i>! lrixui'Mice, rame ni original j mitt imrtit of power of attorney, or uti» iooBBMMt Btadg in fore-gn eoOAArlgg, »hid* us if ma,l* ¡it I'liited Stutesi Mila i.f »nlo of veiseli, iron) 35 centi aparsAS*. A i. v pa| er proBUgiog to re¡ray mouev feOHOMod to i basti pod ui n pi iiitt-iitv i.'t'i' ba not oieeedlaa |50, F'ur the «file or traaaasT of scri,'. or certificate of I roll'». IO eOBtaa l'oli. v or r*n*wnl of iiiHiiranee of Kin bli ti OB -vii ich iIiitp u a preuii'iti' not exceeding 110, IO «reata. No eoBveraaeo of loada to pAy atami duli ol more than $1,000. "-'e« t!(ti«. The CoBtadaaBBBBr Of Internal Keveline aa-'eni/ed to preacrtl»e methods for «uuceliug »tiiiiip«. ¡s* ci ion 8. Interest on l,ouda or dividends of tunal II nirj u lee tlir«* i cr c«nt. ."»... Tin" In lirM of present duties, 1} per rent on gro** leesipts of lerry-boat». N ti ,n 1". If pei tout ou gros* receipts of eiprere ron r atiie«. Bl -in-ill. lient of residence! to bs tleduited frota lncoine taxed. s li, ¦; 1" No date _BBp »«.donrr-alt liqin th gregg. illuniiiii«iiu(' oil reeved tu base bien laonafailnieii bel re S-.'pt. 1, 1882. A dnty on malt li.itinr« until, A) iii I, l-*<)4, of only 00 rents a barrel, tue barrel cunta».mc/ nut mi» ilma M callous. Section. 1.1. BraVI «a of malt li'ttior* and «Iiet illaara of spirituous Square to make returns on Um hnt day of rah month. Settioti 11. The romnii»sion*r» aithori'r«!, where necessity requires, to .apply collector« wit!, parch- ne at utid »lamps vvîthoui prépayaient, collot-j Og IO give a b'.nii in amaiiut eqoid to lb* value of the ar'.t- i lei Bam lia la Section 15. Ceil« eton«, in addition to fret-ent eo'ii- ¡¦«.i rtiitiiiti, to receive » further ooinniiri»ion of on* ten'h ot one pi«» seat all eollectiooa o\«r Al' 9,000, and p-»ta«-*. SiT-.i.ii I", lite Conimin'oner to pay into the I'p «K irv im ¡,thly »t o'tiner in tho «list retinu ' f tin Beer t-ry, all ¡oldie aiaaoja lerelvad I y lim, to r> ".!. . ga nccoui.t, tri»h proper rooebera, which «: al lo received ami i inn.ii« d hy the F th Au ii- tor, «rho itüill tranaitiit t! eui to the First Cot.t:,di, r, The ('".- a, itdoeer to exettito a bond in a »uni not lees chin .tl'rti,i)<.o before wilgi lag boob (bo Jutire of Li« oil.- .-. E IT, is ami |9 »tullun?« the appttintment of b Dapo » < (i'iiriiii»ioner nf laletaal Beveaos on a Balan of á*-*.W-J. a«« V»»irtant Hiihriior on a relar» Ol f '. a I »«liter ni Internal li« »« na« on a »alary off? All lo I-* eppetated by the l'rral Icni, u ni. .' B BaTtioa and eOBgaOjl of th» »»tenate. BeotloB Í0. Aiseaaeri to receive from ih* time ,,f a; ¡"'ii I mint in lieu of the ¡ay now alloived, a «al- sty of |1..'»'»), and in ad«lni"i, UM pal cn.t ot ti.e axeeei ol i*c«.pt» over |200.000 beside f,;»i tot clerk hire an 1 otlir« rent, and poitage. Aaiiitant Assassins allowed po*t««.*. Meillon VII. lu aaaaa whore th*r* ti mapleton of frau 1 in n lilt or return, th* u*«.-.«:'-...»..r ii1 atilliii/rvl to n BAA A furth*r exan,inatio:i. A1 ip«-riil ¡injector may b* apiointi-d hy the Com- r a feei n r tag pul 1; '.¡.t«r*-.t maa_aa«. l»»a»CI|i)!J ti. AmmmnmmX A Me» »on IO P.lil»«' ,.l li.OI.tb- ac pants for the Aiienor«. Bectioi .'i fVbooror carrlei on g_rr taM-feggg for which a lirenae- ii reanired, without Utting out thal li MOB, u im«.le »alije«! lu imj nionuieiii for not OB« se ling tvv o ytan. se, tim ter« aty-fcejr forlida gaeÜOBOi from »eii- î K i ri ai.v diitii» t otln r tlaii thal in winch I.i li,. sa »iinji bare ia»»,i K'riii,ta»d. Set noa twentv-liltl. WboOVgg « Hera fur «ile Hfier .1 UM I '. any article BABMd in fe. BOdnln (' of the (ria'iii'il »i r, whet har imp >rt*-«l or of foreign or domestic -iMiiulB'-ture, ihsll bo dceu.ei a inan.ifai tare ita roofa .'». i xctt i ti from duty ««i-akfi, baba, fel loe«, Biia .I-»'.. i. p», »liver inliion rolled er prepared f.,r pim*!»' nae azeloairel/; Materials for the main facturen of boopekirte exelniivelv spindles «.'.< la lively for arlu lei upon which daiipaiir.- paid Bad art n ¡ei n.hi.n'a tarad tram materials already taxed, wini«; the inci.iirad value d<j-ot> not aaosed hv-e jar ei !. Beetieo W. 'l'* f>er cint tax to he »neiw-J only on ii creased vnlte where tlothi were PBMOaed !rt in place ol niBiinfa« tare | nor !., Sejil. 1, |8s_i. se l. it .'« n ii' ...'.« a th« ('(iii.n.iaBiin.rr to lefon! daties ern aeoaaly aaaaasod and Ja4(BB8ata re» .Ti-rt for «Ititi*! paid under prottBt. Set non -".» aiitijtx la iiiaiiufactnrer» of lard, oil and llnaen! nil t<> th* mi,,o proviiioni ai dut,Hen of rjiiiluoii* li'joor«, fur (ho , iirj.i so («fatni'i'nilling the tint!.titv | lodueed. H>- lion3) .e |'ii'«a «ich Collector to de»i/»r.iale, ¡vrhere necessary, lasasMloia tif manufsetured lo. baeee, le he paid fey l»e», pre»iriU:d Ly the C'yii.- ln iata,tier. Beetloo-, contain! proviiioni ulalu.g io draw- back. S«cii"n 39 reeaala all iti.aiifiiterit ac»r, and eilend» *xi»' mik taara t»»!" i uni.' puuiahnianta oi nil« asea and roci/Vt ry <>i forfs-tarse« A8BE8BM1 BT Of 001*1*1 ItHLAI» C11LKB. It i* ebgrgjed hy 1 ryal Cooaootkal nun that an bp« lessmenl «>f inoney upon Cipperliead cletks in tl.n Ipabli, Papa liBIBBti ii Hettdily In jr'i«reri for the h. m fa .,f tba It/ph.ii in the Cottaeetieat sfeaetloa« Tin« auiJaciiy and aricaradooBgof tMggftagg ggg excitiiii«; s bolto. °f iinligi.anon that ought to n. .»,. vacant BM hy ll.s wholeaale.'N'« ü OB Till: I7ATI and mi an-» mi i Tho Conference Co-naiit««* on ile Wsyi Bud MoanH lull meets for the lint tim* te MOTTOM after- ! I noon. The agofMAAg aro Hepreaentativ«« NtuTnnH, Morrill, bud Trimble, and Htnator» Feueuden, lAeirereB, and Hick«. DF.ATHS OF SOLDIERS IN HOSPITAL. -Le following uohliere havu died iu the hoijiitali fa ere since our last r«p rt C«,rn W C. Ryal!, E, 5 Mich J», Milln. II, 121 Pi. , _v ' II. O Kowal. J 97 N. J II. F tm lett, V, i Mich Cit. Ohvrr C-taklte, H, I N /. udh non, ii. iJTN. V. Jno. »¦ M'.r.c, E. li VI. Ob v. bim |, B, LU N. Y. i. D. » nd, B, 111 9. In. J VV CaaiBiBB. H M Ps. J'»¡ Ms, .y, l»s,i,»ter. O, M. I. (¡«II,lion, ire-oil, 13 Ma«. O. II lly»OIl. Ivliutrr, C1. M. hen, A,.l N. Y. VV PaiSMT, P, Ut B Y. J U. Jiaillll. li. IT Î* li. <ir,o. < alfil/e«.. K. liM l'a_ Win d»»hi», H. 2.1 N I. VVu. Dratavr, M,MC-saa. II J Alliier J". CU. S. i.V. A. A IV» ker, A. 1 It. L Art. II A l\ tlnir.aii.A, It !-'. B. I. W, F. < «dy, 0, 4 It. i dip A. Oribare, t "j B. V. J L Moulton, K, N. II. J.,., VA«.h C. 41 N Y. Ji.o ll-'loi»,, I). 14,1 N Y. J Mi» gn, ti li li!, Yo. A».) F-.-tsr II B Mich. (b«a. lia t. E, M Obte, T. H M Canatek, B. lil l'a. J. BrewaaO t lil I«. tV O Out. It. lag Ps. Vin M ..i., B, JJ4 Pa. Cerp K li l'Bllray, O, 6 V. M. F Ka-nina. K, IB MaM -s !"'. Dan.'.O. ¡IN. Y. M I). Mitrhell, F, 1 M«. IAH Infor.,.allon raia! it« te .let-eased «oldlrr« n.»y be ob lalaad hy a«! MssBag * »pt ililli oin«! of EigbiMuth and li .¡¡..t.. «VssbtagteB 1 AI'I'OI.MMINT Ol' MIDI! ti I.AAMINEItS. 'J ne following il e--« ni Ki »nu ner« have been ap¬ pointed by the i '.,:ni.l«»iot,er of i'atenti: Dr« , lu. Roalanil. llrooklyn. N. Y. J C. llutchlmon B.o-kly,. N V l,., ii J.-»!., ft i< kelli». »"< ni. U-sl "*>... ....." Bulli, Id. I. nu J.ur. Wpi.Ii Wra: VV ,,,.,rj Conti. Trtb I, Su,«.,,«, »t «t.,, M,. . Devil ( h mt», tot Inui. ."!.-¦ , Hrnia li. liubharil. Taiiniou. Mail., llaiuy I '. ii... "..«'¦ i'., Ma»». E C. Iii, h«rr!«un VV »r» Maa» John Pintie, r .,..¦...»¦¦ Ma«. r-i, .¦... ( oi rrr.r, N. .tal, ii vi Jaka T. Bay, Mra-rill*, te Wition, i vv.ibiiigin,,. Pi it.-i, w, »,,, N«wea*tte. Pa ,C W .: ri ralreral. Pa , J. D Mahon, Newtou HareUtaa Pa VVu. A .'inri, J."ii(J"it "'inn ti.i«. F »»i.,! Dnen, 111., Wm H Allay. Nanda, NY, Aiuiah D. N«».,; Na* . iii Baie l-l. »l.J I To the AitocUUd l'r»it WiiHl*lOTO-i, Feb. ti, 1881. TUB HEAIiTIf, COMFORT AND E.TICIENCTf OP Till* AllMll V The lill reported by Senator Wilton of Ma»earhu- .ett» to promote the health, comfort and elficiency of lb,, annie» of the United States provide»; /.Vii: ThHt th« Metlical Department ihull nnite with the line | tlTicrrt of the army in superviting the coking «a ithia (lie trtme an important sanitary measure, and it shall promulgate to it» officers such r»-i-'iliiti"ii» Mini na," ni« no may temi tu intuía tbii proper i m of ration« to the »oldier«. Seerond .. That cook» ««hall be detailed in lum from the tiri val et« of a»ch com puny of troop» In the1 »ervice of the l'Qite»d Stute» st the rate of one c«Dok for each company numbering lr»¡t than .IA men, at'I two cook» for etch company numberiug over 'M men, who »Mall »ein« ten tiny« ea'b. Third: That the Pi étalent of the Otihtti Slate» lie, and he authon/ei! to flBBBS th be »-».beted for exi ti ooah two under cook« of Aft It an <!. -cent, w lu» ehull r»»ri va lor their full « ompeiir-atiuii till |ier BMrath, mai one rtili"ti a tlay; |.l of the monthly BBS mav lie taken in t lathing. ï'ourth : Tnat Hie army ration «hull hereafter in- hiiîe papata*, la pro^tatim ia fsai oaacaa la aaerp 1 iniii-; rali.'in, and lol two be furnia-ed be an* lifted men b\ the ('iiniiite«aiy Department ai i!« c «I, and eharfjad .,-<« i,»t their av, «unler euoh r«'t,u- luiioiit «a ihe .*>.« retai) of War may adopt lor thal "*. T tth 'Hint lerr.ifier all th«-nariel in genero1 hu», Itali fliall bfl in; loy« I hy the n-ithorily of the Siigeiiii-liiianal, »nil hot-, Kal uia'roiit »hall reai-i»« |m per nn'iilli ai.«1 efM laBloa a day in kind, pia* Vided the washing t«t hot; uni* may bo give-n oin by eoatlBI t lit « prit e no1 to e.ceed tflfl BOfll Pt ti e nu-ii- bat t-i mat rou« authorized tit <h» regulation.. S .'. Ina! all in»tni'ti».n», iloaumi ni* and pa- rr laSBtlafl t II '. | rorureü ol Imu-jl». luinliaml o'l.» r liianiti, e, |-c i.b MM Hid arden» ol' pla«, bv or lor BO Minta fiful M .I'i.eii.of their hg.'i rrpira-nt- utivrH, who lave l.ea-n at ti :,v be in the Mr, jo», nf the United Mute«, be, and I1 i- emin« «re hereby, n ruijil tri'in lal tluiy. ».l.tiMiiliiiN it'll «III. Ml I«, AN AlhlD. li. \ IBB ntaiivu An.ubi arid father Dunn of Chi¬ cago vi.ited th«- Pre«, ¡eil! jem, rday, «n«l urteil ihfl I r.iii.ii'inu of Cal. Muligan to a Hrigadier-ii« ncritl li j. Kai'i.-r Dunn ha» aided in two regi¬ ment t for the war. lill Nt.W IIASKIM. I AU. Capitaliat» ann likr-tjy to avail themtelvei promptly of t1 e fldfflflSRRflS al*Ihfl t.«w banking law. An it; o'.!' lation for tim organization of « Int.kii.g na- iceciatioii in tin« « ity, with a cu\ ital "f ffAQg O' ti, wi.t tiled in ths Trearury Depi.rtment on .«»-i-.urday. ¦AVAL DKI'l li. Acting <hsBfl*tSBB, Surgeon Win, Wilton, jr., hat been ordered to the D. S »teatinr Sun.ter. CONFIRMA I l«iN«> IV lill". MN\TF. Maj -r-Cien. JflflSphHflflflflfat1 lue :.!.«.'¦.«. . Volunteers to be Hrigadier-Oenoral in the Army, SJa| t. ".ii. i*m% «lom-jih Holt of th« Diatrict of Columbi« lo br Ji)dgj-Adv<)«-an«--4».n-'r-Jl with t.e r«u k o'., ¦apt 3, UMAX I.eT¡ C. Turner of New-Y-nk Ifl Judge-Advo- cala of the Army around Wanh.iigUan, with the rank of Major, July III. 1*' -'. J '-.ii A. II Ila. of - to bfl Juilge-Adv<<*'e for the 7til Army Corps in the field, under the ctatmnnii-l of fllflJlaT TÏ. Dix, wilh the rank of Major, Sept. 3, laam John C. Knox of Pmiiiylvanu» to be Judge-Ad- V'-iit'e Í tin- p'h Anny Cor-», with the rank of Major, Kept. 7 {trn- aP I Hi» »I FOUI KKNM »IONKUH. lit» ICe.rnl Pirrili Iforfalk Be.gM-« ii il In. «enliliiiiii 11. ta, , ret JIM) allai I'M» I ultu l*n«< nei« li, linna««t HaiiiiorrJ A.I» um e of Our I >o<»|>« I pott »1..lath Ten ¦¦.«.er Imn.inn el Trim by li t|. ran Hean.Hin II, la .i»a of Ike Irrt» ni Ibr linar I», «-"nulli. Kunu BM \ta»Mo«, BlkntJ Yob M, I R While thfl I'tPiit lire wit» preva ling in Unit.e »treet, Norfolk, ti« »loop Cornelia wa» «li», i. rt d in Hells Dm'., »''em-tiri»* io move nu!, aha h eau«ad the au-pi« ion of the gnitriJ. Ol flSflaÜBiaf her, thoa! $1 ,¡00 woith of gnotl» .an found aboard, li«lt.l.gilig Ifl Mr. King, «>r>« of the tnllen-r«. I ii.f the MlttflS «arpa i"ii»-J wa* arre«!. I, ami it io tiu-ier- etood hu« lunn I St.ite '.« tv kflwBfla, iinplirating OthflSBa Thfl affair being ltive»tig»l»«»l. The old No,billi lur depailn ent I.ii« been r»-. ri'iiu i/td, and 0«n. Viele baa « for new hore, Ac winch ha» Ijjgjg been m «-«it» I. The «chieolier Blisfl and RflhBflflR which went ashore on the Bip Pup »huait in the fflflflflt SSOfBl wa» 1,»uled ofl »'t-rdty by that ateiim-lllg Freeburn. 1 ti* r< I,«.oner wita Ittdeti with « »al for the yuaiter- matlers Department t Old Point. ititi M -,' » » -i.tur,Uv. Keb BLI >,1, J M«, Iii leen PtyteSR I The (lag of trues boat State of Minne uinved here laut evening about »» o'clock, and brought down be- tVfljBBa*NI Bud IM) exchanged I'liion priaoners, Bfl charge of C'Hpt. Kohly, 3aJ New-York lufantry. The boat left willi them itiimediatrly for Aun«p«jlit. The Ru htnond Btgtktr *t th« 80th flBJBl "lhere «ra rumor« of «n ad»«me ni the Yankee army flpoa Middle Tat i.ei-i-e. CbUiionadiug was heard on Wediieeduy hut in front. Tliei«- wero alto artillery report! Irom the atrocliou of Ueecli Groy«, where (¡en. Iluftiid, with hil« brigade uf Kentucky cavalry, ir ititi.' ned, to ward oil the blovvt that might de- Mieial m ti ni direction, (lill. Forrest has crossed limit Uiver, ie.ith of Columbia, with cavalry end artillery.'' The Tttt* Fttg "f the »d innt. ha» ar- count» of an ¡uvasion of our Hebel1 noil by Mexican bin.'Hin, who are ileuling homet, cattle, A f. Capl. Heneviihi»'» company wa» atlarkeil in Z<- pata Count*», and all their IrtBRBM »tainpeded. They also cup!ured and hung r Yella, Chi«f Ju.tiie of Zaput» County. About »"') Mt xicant Iibvb been i gani/« d foi the purjHj»«- of plundering mir frontier, and their'«et» are apj rovud by the Mexican author- itiet. The hitiidiiti at biri accounts weie on the Texas sid«) of the Ka» (inuele, and tom» of them are under the l'nltcd Staue Hug. The Ung of true« BtMal Ntiv-Vork from City l'oiut, brought KO lo'JO of the crew of the U. K. gunboat IbbBS F. Sn.illi, ncently ctitured ut Stone« Uiver; uUo mnetflen L'nitod State« oiTh era, ing the re inannlei of lhi»e caj.tuied pieviout lo Jell. Davi»'» Proi ¡«n.ation. The following are the name» of United State» init.i m it »«.'¦" have du d in the mililury hotpiialt at Ki liuioiid »ince th«) la»t leport. Juhi, Uil.lit lull.r. ni Wnai.iiigtiiii F»h 1. |.ii»iniiiiiilt H CmJ. MllMB r> É. Ils! Iii«, uiiln keb. », |iuru- Y li I'«»«"«1! privat«* K, 71th ina Feb. 4. f«»«r. ( «,i| HS Man haut, to li, UUtta I*», Pel», l8, ieiei. The foregoing litt retpecifull*/ forwardsd by Johu Wilki!.«, »ii'geou iu charge. -«g»- II.tub of ¦ S.iMiii'-jani «oloael. Ko« mu su, Feb. %% 18CII. Lieut. Col. K. 8. Gilbert of tb« '«*Jih New-York Voluiite-an, dietl in titi« city thi» niorniiig of lung dise«»«-. Hit ihr« ate wits ©ontrailed in KicLmond wiall« a j'iiii'1-ci. f non .-vana Ar, fr. p. «o ».federate Vera« »Ia la Pert. Correipotidanc» of Th« N. Y. Tribu»». Nulli", N. P., F«b.9, IMS. After a stormy pnssige of six days, here I am, lo¬ cated in the Iioyal Victoria Hotel. . ¦ Every¬ thing Is new to me except the ocean and the sky. IJeiiu'i'ful orange-groves, with cocoannt, palra and other luzurititit tropical fruit-trees, extend inland as | far na tim eje can reach, growing, apparently, out of the solid rock, hut really deriving their support from moisture ia tbe til- ure» ti ¡it mark the itone« like «caiti in every direction. It seems quite a phe¬ nomenon how auch a counties* variety of fiue frnit can «u'lttii-t cn ran li barren-looking ground. This place, par excellence, is the paradise of ne¬ groes. Of a | .>; u' alien of lÜ.lHkO, only 1,000 are The Cuitoni Hanne oilirer who examined my bagggfg is a negro, and a fine, gentlemanly fel¬ low he ii. The police ure all negroes, and io are the sol'lien. As they stand immovable on duty, a.-, ti Uga pinta, ted cia'.r gal white tiirl'Mt-, iii« v f mini me of . many BTOAM »t-tueg. They all wea« tho lull Eoaaeg BOatUM« Their BaAOO-g ere all while mon, BBBgtlj Knglahnien. '«* ne a'cut Ii fty veaeelg in this har!« r, more lliKii alf of ti »in flying lh« dirty rag of Secetviia. ('sp!. Ct,lette of the Jet!. Davie ia here, in cot, maud of a Leiiuuüil BfeafeBM r, jait arrived frota Kngliii.d, he going take her to Charl-itiin to be Idled un aa a privAlaer. lliadfiad of tha Onto Ig gjgo here. I he Calypaa aaaaa In this morning fruin Charleaton, consigned to tleiligar »t thii pltteo, who ii ngent for »I o IT. Davie. A hiigaiitint« altio arrived thi«m«>ru!ng. 11-e I/e«jarl ai.d Kahv (aleatiii'ri1 l-.-ll thil eveuiug lor Chati- »t., n. Tim Kate run» regularly lioni the place to Churl h'.iii. the ( alvjito came in thii nittrning, the " piratgg in the barber all run up the pirate ling. I ran donn to the pier and »¡aike to C») t. .-»park», a New-l-.t.gland niau, who immediate¬ ly hoist«! th« glorien old Stan and Stripes, and the handful ..f l'i,¡"t, ti.en who Mood on the deck, with on* a, cord, um avered their leads as the heatitiful BB-bt. m BBBjrererea to the uiorning breeze. May (iod prrperve it ! i. ». -mo-- ruo ti munn", jAvitit'A. I)r|i,iriuii. vi' ihr Alabama. The But uli BgboOAAf Jul.e, (apt. (.'un bri, from Kingston, Jamaica, arrived on Saturday morning la late« to .<! in«*. The Coitft tit-ate steamer Ahituma, left that port on lh« .'»'th on a cruise. TI.« »hip Borodino, Cspt. Fl"werit, from Hngland, had l**»n chartered by th* I'nited States Vice- Couml to convoy to Key West the oiiictr» and crew ot tb« i ite.l Niau« «'»iiiim Ilat»raa, «auk hy th« Alshsrc«. When off Car* Nicols, Ilrav ti, February 7, wsi hoarded hy a beul fi«>ra tL* I'nited Statt« ¦tseuirr Ona.ds In Maares of the Alabama an! Orelia. (Same tims uw the ting-ship Wachuiett. - «s> 1 be l'r..i,l.«r Rpt-lbutloa. Th» BB-OOBAB Oliv» lltivti.r! «ti I »rliiinl, ('apt. I la-., ha.», ai. ('..»«.,.., Feb. 3, aali to ('. Abel, arrived jeiterday report* K»b. If, Lit. Uti. IO, long. ropOBBBd brig Lydia ('. Cole, hound South. 1*00. 10, lal. M long,, «ii-.v th.' Coutederate private«! schooner Ketnt tition, who chared ti» t! re* lotir« 'bul we being to windward ouiiailod her. On the .'»th iiist., lal. IM.DS long. i.-alln, sue- a ino- ning to willward, Pel,. 0, lit. 'Si.A long., »aw another .¦¦».. : ruritnng to weptivard. * «Varal. A M VI 'LUI-HUT loll HIL IIKlN-II.Mis. A tie-it lite rall »i te thal furuiahrd to the lloattof M'eetiaw ken, und already tiea« iii lh*»« Ciliinina, Waa piiblh'y lOSled Ut ¡he Navv-Y-ml OB I rnlay by Ad'iursl* ílreeory and I'aulding. (u| t. Kuwait .I the Koa, oke. ( »|'t. litaiere of tha l alta» kill, and i ait. Weekenders of tim Baa Jaeiato, willi a UiliTl»er ni 11/< .New-.urk BOd Brook« l)ii. 1 ho exj e.i' an« . min. ntlv »iiccoi»i,il. III. ti II v 1 la li ' 1 hil aubin irme haticiy Vthn li l>a«l ^ern reported a failure, tv»! lOtTOd up to the ynrd on Frtdav. hav itiK u, hi. Te,I BA iiatoliiahiiig au«-« .'bp. i ha \N bal li Ii 1 w hieb hue nuil ea »o »evt-rely l*ale<!, notiitftg moi* thai, S linge «iMisre h.'X, BIBBOOt twelve feet blab Kin! »ii fi »t «a nie, with BB iBHUBbI iHsBMlaS Ol IBBBg twenty feet. a part bälg on one »ide, iT.\«-r«-d by a »ort «if arch. Within, a g M "f latta aeribebleatabaead r-r.n api« iaareaaled t.n iba tit*-r in an.': n Hanmer that tim mur/.le pro- titille» Un Hugh tin« |t«irt Hie ungular BBpoet of tho cannon, how ever, la «-. I'.»r.I tv the i^ue.-r c«,li»lru. tiotiof tin« amiiiitnitioii, winch eoOAtatg <>f .|>tar« iron log or hall, al, ut une f- vi le and two t«rt Ion.;. K-,r**M und itigren« to the hat! iv uri .-!.. tnl over Hie IOD, br BMABA Of B ladder, thiouwh IBM feattsgs BMOtleOsd l"'rt. Tb, n. .'.. of ivt^aii.g th« foaaal mel will be boag a aeciet. i-ULnit*» nail IHP H-Ma-BaVPI. About (»si «nil.n « left th* leeatviag »hip tfertfa Carolina on Finlay « vening, a...I uie now en route for the Mi-riari¡ pi ft tilla. Ntl Al, III'Alt «Uti,kill I». Tho Navy Irepiirtinant baa oulert'd the following gg-Oarg to iT.iiiniutfl a I'tt ard for tb* in\.-»'.1,1111 "i ut th« i ircuii.i gaeaa BltO-dlng the alleged money-lend¬ ing huainraa at th» IIdh-Ivu .Vav» Yard. ('apt. Stephen ('. Kowan, of the IreO-Ahad BOOOOfee) Capta Kadlord, of the Navy-i'ar.1, and 1'aviiiiiitoi liarry. - ?- . Tua frSAB Fhiiite Vimhiibm t..The har« Sarah, ('apt. Hal!'", from Carthageua Jan. %9,\ Will, e...'!*«, hides, «V It- K.I. ,|i A Mnuii«, liiiivc.l y«»t*iduy, report« Feb. 8, ot! Cap» «St. Antonio, waa b..»riled by l'iiiled Slate« gunboat Vniiderhilt, from Havana the day prénom, reporting tlie privateer Alail'Biiin at Kingston, Jamaica, coaling. The Yan-1 deri,ill V»,.ubi proceed there dueet and lay off to' await the Alabama eoming out. The Alabama left Kuigit«>u the '-'d. 'Ihr Kebrl Pani Hot i-t-or«.* «tnuilt ri oiY for -.iiroi'0 Agaill. Hu int Matiir-sy. K«b. 91 II' 1 (¡surge N. Suiide'i, who sailed It r lliimpe on Fn- day evening, had been Playing here for ti c Liri few das n j,revu.nal-. Ile h. an, ¦¦! dir, -r. !.. . flinn: the Cn! -let ate (lol eminent. . ? The CAM ok Slijuii Mi Ki.vii ht..Thii letig- pruiiade I gggg carno to a concluaion ou the ".lilli ult., and the finding! <»f the Court were approved by the I'reaideut on tie aaaa« '1 bert- wen» »ixty-one ppeci- ti, ations in the charge, all relating to vaiiona tinan* mil ti iitiaactioiii in |wiith Mojur M<-KiiiMtiy_ ewin-¡ died or permuted other« to «windle the («ovcriiiiicnt in tbe pureba»« of hoi-ei, clothing, nippliei, Ac. Upon conviction, th* Mnjor W»ih promptly diimiirad from the rere ice._^^ A lli-nial. pBainB-iaiit. Haiunl-y, tel 91. 1863. United State« Iliatrict-Alloniey Coffey denies the 9tat«nient contained in the recent Washington U'lt- grsui relative to ths coats of proceeding! in tbe sal* of naval prizes at this port. Iuitead of b«ing n«arly lu |i»r t*ut, they do not exceed t f-tr cent, Bud iu jj. ni. > caret vu 'j ¦'. bud -. LATE SOUTHERN NEWS, DENUNCIATION OF FRENCH MEDIATION. REPORTED ROUT OF «EX, JEFF. C. DAVIS. STATE OP AFFAIHS AT VICKSBÜEG. Public Meeting THE STUFF THE Yrem Tht Nieheonn* Y.'outrtr. e'tb. l8. Ml.lll.VIIllN. There hu» boen no intention or prêtent* of an ln- ».ntlm In m»aine at .11. Tli* Krer.rh tin», ra-aeag ti limply «ddinied en .pi-eel to tb. l\ «»l-mitou «jnyuiiini.ot reooei- ii *ntl1ti|.ti t » p'lce. not in mia h ti tu «mlt-l«-» (at on* «bille hoar.but that " MfnlBI.I «-oofa-rei e»» " It« held by Ceña ¡«tlcn.n Crain tli» tuned Ste.tei »ntl from th» Cen'rd er»te>.1> do wli»t» Tu .'nurina Inti rn-lprocal ci m pltintt ".to enter tipen " m .rriiu.rntati«* Bl« uultn of tim MMraaM «Uta «Urida tata " The Praash Mininer it car*- -«r «in, while the.* ,!*.» .. ». »re r»nd!rg. th* liita-u it«, tien ta baralBg, »lliinhtrilii,». tmi tioiiibiidiiig til lite lime »mihi, prop».,ti would, on ra it- -oni.t. r'»e il«e to tie laine hope ti ti* tiLiiirtliite cone mimi of ti, i.. »" M DtenyB de l.raiy» ii*n Mid. ''Why .'..'ii »M .n--li . gemblailliM. »bleb r»ip*«t. til the te'it¬ 'll i»i ft!,* I'ni'e.l liniei oi.ltii. the »jrjrob.t'.on if t!i* Petlatal flei«ii«»at », Tb«l MinU-ei »erini id to h«i-«Jrerted to th» .) every ciliferri,re Iher- u.tnl li» inn partiel, and lint tl.rrr »rr rer'tln o'hert weil ti th» I* »Ree *-tatn«."' whn»i- reit' B»M »r» lo he teipie'l li» di ». in. ».» Bl to eppoiut (.'otn- in «Ma»II to tli*- «Nu,terence, in firt li« i onl'i ...! ilk di: hit fio««»»«aetdee« »et sa»» af ti «rititencenf tbi« ov* n- ni»nt titi tifoeurm faunal he ei pee ted to M*pa« laythlng t .oin » tnt «ut!» of hi» n.*4l»i|«ai nor hli e-garj-wrirrr. »nil for Con.niliilonrri to "treat I. Ictn.allv" with tne It,lied tatt!«« while taeti itlet mil go on. -. ilr-ttiT haye I,..,« IN iniiiliiinneii- bee, lietuiriirJ. i.iijgitreei, .f».it...n, Join. Ittn trutt «cr eit j lira» f-'«ndt who r«li»J upin aiedit- linn ar» «ttlifi»«! not». Mr S«wtrd far part ouhly plet.ed »M.I leei'tot«« ti.« hmpernr a tuperia «tyi*. The inielence a bil 'ntter n.«i to tb« i leUflM, tai ti. tlitt IMBe« II It .watt al «I M. i'i 'i.' I* I.', ay. ern to hi« .'.ri.-i'ptlnn. " M a hare he» in » pollil-»! »onie, M N-rtli, Befleeth BB Nerth»-i Ino Boutliern rilltet. . h«»» »a in.i.rrertioi ary patty, ni,it ti li iorita i n pi n ti i «Iii»;', a 'jnunnt. IO li.« thor«« of the On'.f uf Meile ,." »nd to 'I» it imponible far th« lto»eriini»nt of th» I'l.ited Stat-» »o M eeaiBre«! » the nation»! authority a. to « irt. »ti»h debit..." »A'« »re an lintinei-tiouwy p«rty "whl-'b they hire".tbtt'i ¦ii. 6o tot from i-tiii an lndep*nd»rt < or.-vd«r«cy ai* Sitte», ne »ra not »Ten Southern S'«.tea it »1 N . tbe thin, to be oh»»-»e.l i«, that in .11 tbi« Ih» krar.oh «lo»« tau goLe the wrong wey to wotk, end '«ken h .iii ef tb«J »uojecl at the InroLgrud. Th« Brit thing 'o be doue when on» drilr»! to I.'»r| ...» h»tw»en two p»r«le« II tai NMgBflM the fact thal there .re two Hut the Fr«n,h <». »»ria-»at M'b.rtoron- »¦ .. tu ... only an« and to ¦¦ < t< tint ttale ot lilli.«. »int., ) »i long it Mr. Mewerd »o*i*.l».l (in conripondroe* with krame) to ce.l to lniurte'-'.l*niry pirty " Ural be hit" ,m.e»!,ie Id hi» dominion». It ia n«ll that the M »< "."¦ ai (io»«rnti eel li«« .--.¦.¦! the i'i|i»,ilon. ('oi!fer"iii"e» ire lood, and batel« ».-ud i tit i-nia.renct an 1 btttla he«b tog.tltrr would '»» >,, fajan. Now, what li «be P'acch emperor g»ir| tj do »bo- t t ) i(e «a» »nnbbed »«. F.pgtand. «nd i),-- p'noa«'- lacltited by the 1'i.led !»l»t«-». Will he «i. 1. .. ia» gn|ta'. lo baye negoa, by rerotnlltng Hi« t'or.frajer««-» «iel «a lie* hi. nanntet» to ll'i-l n.oad ! tutti liri, «i hlMMlfM that p-à-t the Con- f*<i«r»t* l»'oT«rsrr«ul will io BMIfl BMBÉ Iii a. foi bl» ¡over- ttl*UV* «1 »n til" Vant** ann. IRii'ninp.ü Ron lap i;kn. jftp. c. davis« DIVMIi)"». Kr«a» The Ki.ho.ond I nftirer. Feb. l8. We leam that a flBflflflflaCfll BflMBR waa mude on Qaa IsfltaflsaC, DatM'l dl»lnon, ti.tton.d In wd .round Frankan. »aaiierdtr moram« *t li.yhr.-.a I ... itt>. k »i, irai Gea. Ferrett bli ,»lfnlthhli mml t!»> d.ilrg, M.«l th« *»*nk«e. iii«iier.«d in ever» di.». - ti"!!, and bafor» Bl o'.-I... k wer* in lu rene«! I ..» aro Nub- »Il e Sn mt tb* rumor. wlii.-h roath ut by -.!ie*T»niiig traia. I' he whole o! thit it correct..'.! le» no lettiaa «0 dojbt i'i aatha li' tty.It entirely bretti the for e of ti.« re-, u.,e fruin 1'ort In ueiion. »nd ] roret Koireit and li« merty .nea lrr*>i«tittlr ana o*««r i*| '- ««i [I »it laieit advice» from the fore« nnder tatt* *>A of Qafl Davit «tiie'i that they had returned to Mur- free»boro with 'Jolt Hebel 8**eBBMSS whom they cap¬ tured lrom Forreet..Ki. irib.] AFFAIR*-- AT PSCRRRI lui. . Tl.u Vii'ktbnig corrc«ttoiid«iit ot The Ja-kton Ml J; e |." «¦!¦»» III"!», d»'» rPtk.3: 1 li. ni« « of th. i-'oa r.aii li «en cf lh. \V»»t hy our i jei-.-r J.y mort Ib| i< ivd ti '»«it- ny the oon-antli- tiry ¦ reu «rt»b » ei'tlr tin! a flea] of n u el l»rr«««d »I» a»t Iii Biaaoer la wbleb <h» . « our b»tt*r:e» «ne tutu. loma n»' lend ti».»i theM Wti* »»'te In cberie of tie taUeeiM we«te f ati'l intt» nap.-ltig. lut really Behn p it J :h»' «... i »a did t . t gi t t., th.i .nu. u HI li .». I tee lal* le de ««) ateeMl »tbeta tod pul «mm ef cem- piala! «t Hi* li IceaiM» »booilrg of our tal ¦ Whitrier n M h«»« bren the Of .. ,»f tin »«'T wral ed at wb iii waa nitale lo | reteat y ..».* B «Pj-rir» i,«« M ceiUlu that u it tb« pclicy iii* MBaMBad h»r« in«! 10 liit»i|oi« »ay »»ra x- rleai ojet«t- « to Itali MMaaa dawn tue riyrr, and «oui» v.,.« H Iii «!». »a««» lo pr-' ti.t ti »t if ihn titmp' rt« rentnre Ihronih tli« taltal «nd raíate «a ol tue n»er nelaw ur l«wer I.«It« ii*. WaMld not tt* oi«- «i ti»e li. prr««tiling their deb-v-cB ,.i, «n» ..» ¦». int« th» Mli.luippi. Alt thi. Ueaypsndm be a p.rt of a legulaily-laid «t-iotiae which te rutlce tbe tin <«te In'., tu li.eiü'rtble Iran " By ti«« Il m b«!iev«d tli»t th* nut »bali it now balo» ni a.«It» . ii.«rijJin¿ »nihe ii .W'i '.it- river, «al ga Bp Hie lof ''. ». !e«tn.y n! »t»»». ii. |.erty u,»»,. mi* »ilhln In r N. ni,ii that the inn o» I liiUie in»» non in litiinlnr: t «!»i 4»i ni «'».'.'in non rtwfM »«-.Id «;>!)«« pr».-t .-j'a » ,t jthepreeeal «i»<« ofw«t»r ifitwei» mi la» i»n»la «»lilla MiaaflBSMM« willett um ui'.lilaiy a itOoiute« ba*n nut fn.ed to in '.¡..«I em Han '»li atiot ..p|..a»l by any, »rt ti oi» l*«t, .nd |'j»i»i'l:. i th« »!..!>,t jil'«i »ia. till' def.i ... he-» mt* «MapeMta te IBM» the rta« .|>ml iron-r nil. Hut nliit »aJTililj«» eui be |»iinad by their runaiDg'an an i «iuwu the rirei allder ur guli '. yet BaaapIrM, «aal, f»o... 'h* u»rreuue»i nliii-h »t »'ilet .'» »I»eiit,ir* l».t r*j' i'n»r, «w weald ta»»«appetad th it ita i «o .. ut« wenpetBajtij Wililai tu Iel that lind"! n»»i»ittoi »luiii " i /.i A¡; ral of Keb. 0, mia: " At a lu.-ai-tir :*.. t i».it Iita.y miiaoi.»iili g naihfiij l-i Iti« dirertiuU of Vlrktbaig for .uni* time Aalhewr v-i. Meale! in lh,-ri|nt ,'.i.-,-"|. n, th»- gen, rai rouciunu w*., out ballarie! moe*, fro« . ni* MflM, nt.satvi" '¡'ne Jackton MitMlippàt» Feb. 7 baa tbii« par- M'ipli -\l» l««rn from oui ^.irreipoiiaVitt tu»t eil Wai quiet al the lilli . Hy np to noon y*»:« i'la» fheiaru CaaflaMaBWM [.till .-I » the city, at uro-n »nj John.tai". a|ae» 'li.* trtn«p,»rt« w*r* |*itlt,| up »'eauii.»oin» of lh» ouid a,«,,.-, cju- je iiiriui tb.t th* uitijt.r Ih.t «»»neu «t baud uthc-i thal the trtiiit|iurti »eie pi*|i«ii.| to nao .»le. "(Jen Le« bad been p'acedlBfOinu »Bil of »heheavy batter- le*- . gtwrauty llial th*y will not he heavy with .lan.. Na- tur«'» »weet reaturer, «MM« |l«*p,' tb« nell tim« «hu« «l- ;. 't.| I to um the gtuiilael " lilt UKllM.l-i l)l.MIK»VKI) HY t.^N. CARTER NoT m Bjun ur. /.'n»« The I'ttinlury Sopeen, Y*b- l8. Wo learn that the bridge ot lbs WalitugH, lately demoted by «'»rter*« (I ulan) C«»«liy. ha. been r*b.iU. 'Ile v i,1.i< tima! n.l, «udthe ti«!" i'««-ed u»er it ou T *..!»» leal The woik on th. ilol.tun Brlilje, at /ollicotter, ia pro- tnmttat MPtdlPa and ii li «ipecteil tb.t ii will !». i». t..« by to» in -Uren. . ... We take the following from The Rmtmtti »? htg of Feb. 17: UH«) ¡"I NK TI1K n.tTTKHAS? Thit 'luettion at hut »olved. Die Alubama did lb»ita RT« «a» <-»r th»t the H ni. hw beau eninged lu »erne »ery pretty Ittle »P««tTe-*B». ot which no new. h*d p.-,«- v lanalj reiched "u.. Tht lenuini/ a I until »eil'l, lod«n w r*i . ¡.lien I., ¡¡.rid J. i n't t'H'ker. tetlhiul a. (ni. ii »reiyiuuy pru,rei,r..j. HI. I bow ll.Mfh "«I« »4' . t». In ' radln» «li li «c- 1-. i ntt, the i»ie Mr. M»lloijr »»»« «o muoh ««idicted te i'i » rai. »»lu« «»ct»«l Ir.ui . flaMfl loth In.t., inn itc «»«-ii, l«r itr»iitrr Huby, itvut . ««uti« ui«n «f bigü rail... tialiliT N.ii.u. "B I.ii wa» to Europe: It mt« t Alai.ama tLat i.iiii t!i« Natt«r»a Th. Florid» -1. «eui the Annie bouiail, with troopt foi New-Oiletnt, lu ti e utloui " I' | I'uidoneilrome hatte to cub the Raby." ciivNtii: of ham;. The intelligence hut tttaiiiiietl a '«oiitive chaim'ter, ¦nd ia o ..» mi, tint tin' ) ai.kee A;my on the ll»| p«i,a b baa ..i anil al ¦ «ti eat. It u belireed Ititi they »re maklui for \\ « gt-ii. lo recrjit, behind tie brr-uilaoik« of thal tin, Ita i waited rank» .ml nrui.»u »p.iit. I lo- tet tigji- nu' de»"- »liu «a»«.»,! «t «li bl« predrceaiora Inr doing au lit¬ tle be« lu.;. «««I their «maple of the iia.-t trad, hating done alan I*.. tb*n tl.»T Ami yat he lia. doubtlei« don« tbe be»' « ...¦ -t "' ( "!.« u 'ii. «' tn.-a« «jjnattrd of. II« ».! lu Hunt ui blin ia ttnpiegukh!« pimtiou anti «ti luiincibl« aimy. lie had auder him . bailen, «diiraced.detnoialited, audipiru- iett lune. It wai iiiimiaeihle lui hiui ti) tauye foitvuJ- I'I it».t ami th» Uiiid tffoided him on!) teiiipur.iy reipll. from dentoliiion by Le« It «ii piudeiil 'o get awajf a bli« be liad »i-litare. And «o end« mother cl.aptei in gb»Bittoi) uf On In libalmond Tin. tb. fouitb Bight to \\'e»b!i.,'. a of the anny that baacoui* out Irani ita walla aub bann»!« lijing.nd iti-iili pr.ia lig, tn «tri! nu Viiginia »od tt-cjpy har 4'»ptlnL M.lluaell. Papa Mil "lalla« .mi li.,.k«i ri».l *ach "ihei in the »lory of a ll*|H.. li bute tuin come« uell.and wlien will lh» Conl«dri*le6t«l«t be iouiiu*i*J «i ibu no of jjio- 9***) »'«»NIlllK.-eloNAI.. lu the yenjite yetter.lay, v«nou» billi and retóla- Against Inipressmonts. .¦«>- REBELLION IS FED UPON. tens weieii.'.toducpd. atnoDgtheui a hill ma¡.« c»¡s_i il a arel ol entre, and a bill HtborMag Ure aearemoX«rft-î I Mt«/ la »Mfliy sBlM lue litter waa -rtaaed tta '. Lu«. ton l_,p, hill" W11 P»...p..:i»d. «mi the i*,,i..irrtti_n ot tb« rirmptl. n «lur.tion ir. it .1. After length, a.-,.,,_,. p.esaLtriiibyfeü. 1 ney ol A.,(.»n.-, and Mi' Pareas «_ .«¦i«" «i: pi, tb« vote a « len ¡¦«...lltig in rt|.. ,. ,,_ .¿.nie ti e S«B*t« bill, vrfh iii-tiri» o'lcttu. 0|k>d .lia iluemm oil, willoh repeal! tb"»«- clau.e« o! 'I.» Ki« i.|,non art r»lat- >.'gtoownpr» oftWet'y negro««. Th» .»..».«loa vth-lacM-a >n li,« ne.itlr«. The .-relate bli! waa iheu CounO-aiU, be cilia«!, uuti1 nljoüninirnt b-ii n»« p»it«rd SPDiteblll tniu,.horl-r«th» Isane at baiul» .or funding Trea.iirT net», «nli IB!« I «A., gÜBfea Ita lb« rallrf ef certain offir-er« und aoldíera fro,,. Mi.«onri *_,__¦ hsAMfeareal-S »mouin ote:jata h. hn no ace ,t.,i o ">!a»l tu of lHtj. toillow mino»! to h t|d roni'nlialon» ¦..iba army: a»d rcioliiM'-n« «r «mek» to On«. Ma/roda-. VVallprandWtiarlir. ,,..,,,.rt, .. _ . ru o," li.-,r t:o.i>- !__-__ f"r lo-xJ coud'ict in kaute The lions« SMBt idoii »f ti.« «tay ,o scent issilon.coiil-erixg the bill to Im.d ins OJiranty. MKKTIXi, is AI.niMAÜM.fMPRLSsMFVT«». Tbe preamble and i<aaatBAÍ0Ba of th* meeting in «r ,"'n<KWr.r' deu>«'"î"" -"> 'h" t ¦«". Th.- old ¡gaSarearel of civil liberty wera b.l. g t,«,,,,, ,_ .,,0n an«! etftitd. Bad to no ha, i. niora appropria ely Um t«i tal BSesA» of AbBt-BSrM ICo'ild their vindi. «tiou be i-iUimed. PIHLIC PBBL-BB IN IIBBMIBIB IMIBIBB MINIS. Monday lust 'Keb. 2), fegfegf Albemarle court-day, and »n unctuillv 'irje i.uu.r.e' o'. !l.« rit¡z.n.«.f t|,r u,,i- I Bains m smaisBM. a.«tan _*. »rgaahred .ni» anailitaailon Ihn m'.i t f imir. »i ;. l..« r rta» «,,- ,-i t| the »rii.y. Dr. John It. 'mvioif been etllid to th* ihsir, »rd J tVra. T l-_iy e«,;. ¦JtpaluU'- gee!at»i-f. Uu toa m «tea .f Col I'm», la dolph, a f.,mt.atlee, of |s_Jsh I." tv*« Chili IBM, va st a ¡'»d, and having rrtirsd for » thoit tia ». rrliur',«« a rireauilil« ard reiolutio-i», which. hstin. I "»I1 nail, ..»¦ d.trusted at . ,n« ¡«n, h, Bad -Bali]» ia,.: ..:..,trad, with iu«truetlona lo modify lb .11 ao aa lo lok 1 the retain. / «,. ili.e-nt of the iiipp.-ii g Ti,« lo u litlM lia» ; re"i-ea. In a -h rt tl-pe reperted top follow.m p .-ae. !e »nJ r-«oloti IBS, wtiicb were una-i- 0 ,»iy adnptad BJ -M mer n 1- Tb» PS e e li Alionarle lie-e »««emhUrl. b»T» nrik-onntlsg epntidrnoe In th» Integrity nod yttti «i«n, of tbo«e by whom ,,.r .....>.»> li t-iuinibt »4»o.i i-'ered. T»ey do not doubt torsi.»nt !'ied-tire ef lh. Pr«.inert and hil chief ,., UeaeM «r« It. the di«, bargeei" 'heir big', dulie». lo ron. M, Iii' rrt'P.v . ligidiy Wilbla Ife* Illulia preii.-nbed lo Iheio nT tbe t onititu'i n and ¡«w» of the C.»«fe:«r-cy. W«»pp,«- *teU fttlly tbs J'. .¦« fey a k1 .hey been in»rouud- pd a ti IBs M Igy ni'l rSMlstte« »it'i which th*y ha»*. Ibu* f* isa Mrefs . u.«t m ! ot 1, « turn, ras mar ia »vhiPh tvr are « i.g«I-<J *>.. ._..<.*d proportion« »i,*.|i»ird- prrhnpi. in '..» limit ly of Ita « r.d and deuitn<il.,. fa» «arriii ». ." 1. »i nrj pt'op'e i.tre »var befcr« h-ru ca. «'I on 1 Hat it» ¦« ir« «I.»' tin- BBSS liiTole»» every* tkln,' ti,«*. BIM bold «l»ar I r tua a make life denr-bi», tare bip c 'Utut uni w:;h aa en- my «tb.«» sue less weuld bring Saat ta sar Brew- dm merle °"r Beda, saafe-gSBfelBB toonr dwe Ungi, uv-'itn-l: i. g min «rd tleir» lilI. to our ft _.,1p«. ure .cc-pt, ,10! only wi. 1 .1). hut gltdlv re th« condition of ¦' 1 ' MMMB, wh»t»trr or ««erin«» or har labio it msy I « i»r. b MMHIty f.r to ui«lir sr to hear. And. iiav- li g ralrrPBcr lo !.. particular rek-j ct whlrb tin« meeting laues -1 r 01 « «ipr v,«» eint »71» our dei-rnd'atioa tin', se'ir «'ir-.'in and rittet« »in avail to prateet It, . 1, |«tit,i, am j con pi»»d of sar Maa nid biuine-i. and con- , «ilk« ': * pride o' urhein m 1 lb» »tay of our hopes, abatt Bot aatff »v n »l.ouid it «ece.iary to I ,.. me r c: It f" u. - -¦' '' '. or Iba food ¡rom th« Bpuihi of otu wup. and our. k1 ma. Na»p.'"»'.-« ¦'¦ « .' -. of JBt'on.y f»r civil llo-rty.tha ,-r t sees lot B'bl h »a are Amurlnf tra rannet rrpird »itli '«Tor.n« n «tier what »)»y ne o pr -eir, tb*»x«iriw«r . .ii.pticii !,» ,-.».'." lion rj. civil ur Uillirary, or any po«v»i ni ri r..»«l«-'i;4 ¡ferrad «1 «.ri ."tied by I«»».' lh« right to ti»« priTtt-|t.ttp«r y fur puhlic u»««, ti«kiuiju-t comp«u«a- I1011 1! erator, we con. »da. but onlj#wh»ri the law pro»ide« for It » ul . ra .- ».. "y .temartd» it. We condemn rb« eier« car ot ti 1 ».-i / m rraan.r 1 ,iu«,«i«d Bud unreiula- a«! ¡it law, «l»i »«. /U» to tipil ti-erty «ni tar» Jeiir«, lo the very ufancy ef our 0 tvernriani. tu record on prate.t '.<»in»t ave'» . «atttlM which It ni ! ,e«i«ledat th« oulirt. io«y gi«a ml.» . ;,:«. » .'»ut »1- «-»f »' to he .¡'ppil-iii to b. bad n,»a .se 1 ia al v i«, i't lu lh« overthrow o: tbe oo,y librely worth striitillrr lo'.' «hi 1. li enjoyed under ¦ CíoTeru-nrut «gpia eve y ««-«nt and ever; tct si« re|.i:»'«d and cuLtlolled »v :»w H.i lie l. t'itrn :re, Tell witboit int« ndlng to complain of anythi g w:.t »j lh» (¡sv . nu en' Ml te: done or to ,|H»i!,oni th. j" -Ity an-' pfcotisin of thenio'ive! hy vtht.-h It bit stall lime« beru lets i'eal, heieoy ia.t, -., t our Uri. gate» u> tha OsaarelASSBBI iy, t"d our -BsraWBtetlVM In Conrea«, at« their heit el -rti to mcii-p tn» »¡ . »dy m «ct.iiant of 1 iwi, .0 regniitiu» t « abate rejbterl ol in p-piiuiriiti. whethsr fes the I on federet« or !*t its Ut-vpmn.ent. tl'it, wini«, r rntid- lCliorthe ne ti an pie and »tti >ut tuppof. of cur »mile«, n thin; .hill dpi e by ir'o.trtry power ; nut lint oßi -i'J« of I raff giBue my it« t«. riii.r.i D .11 stpu the «»tal..«nea of i».v.»«»r.ra« aid tin« rl.ii-.a ted !tii«i»i-. 11 tbe citizen «ecoisly guarded sgV' at injustice and "'.prr.-Ioo. I,'. Ittl, That ropip« ol ihe f .1 .., »ia i pr»an,bl« Bad reaolu Bon be ¦¦.-,,'.t: n-alad to our Dair«ne- lu tb» L-giiialure and our ll»i i««e:i,att»»» In I saaras», at J oat ibr.r publicatlo» rea "Wrd in one or uiote 01 tbr tua.papera of llichmobd On Uioii ,n tb» uiaellngth«!!! »¡j/ur. r,| JOHN II WUODS, Chiiiaiaii. T. ElBlT, 8«cretary. Sl.AVKM IN BJUfeBL MlI.ITtKt MBIB-B. In otaalienca to a rei.'ini ion of the (»«»vernor el l'ir.,iniii for slaves to work on forlitit-etions. t."a lleurico County Conn has -uni* an apparu ,ui_"_t among 1»<»> «laveh'Ideri ia thnr eotintv, and «¡...-ti for 87>» slave-. This I* for BOB ennty, and »orvet re «bi.wr much .-"** K--*beb» de;»en<i ,11 their e!av,*«. TUP. STIFF THK KHIKI UOB ¦ PBO DffOBs Uouti.r, Feb. It The Sntttnern Cruit, .,f ma IMhiSBj, I-are« 'rom a di-tinguiabrd ciü-sa etena et «h* N'.irih ll'rafern AMfeM that Ireiana IIBAlM, SSdCBlte hs»« .i. 'p uiln» J to at tp til« wsr and uial- Irruii of ppaca wirb In» l'oufederlti State» tit »11 h«/ards. 1 .> irr r«. Iv-rl lit! 'h» a r«.-» at th« Coi:»» I»,st«- S'a'n «ha' c«»»e: eiherwls» lh» Nur-ii tVrst »lil mska »sr BflaaBI ihr iMreapM 1 a ltiieu« of t'.iotr St» drtfled M rnro l«d «re leitiogli « Kederil nu.y by hur.drrd« and -«ginient«, ted taere i. «e an- i . it to pomrol thii ni rvaareat Ot 1-U.,"0 ni nu 1er llpu M 1-iu» J. on'T 4C I»«) er!«ctiva . »Ler« rrrn. 1 »t-i d«l!» diaii ii.l.rd by «lot:» «ty fron. »inkn--8 aid To'uti- p .. 1ne1_.-n.a1.-. 1'be l**g . ilrrai of Illino!». Indi,« a, t)h! » igiî Ke Mi k- »ill '.onvi'.p it Frantt'eit. lo Uan. ra. » - ivtrattea, on tbe l»n ..f lehn.try, lo «j-re upon the lr »IP itim. f a N'..,iliwes4 < ot ivdrrtoy, |if,|«'«ii terni« of ]».¦.. 1 ,t MB BMPC« w iii t: e ,'uu'edp,Bcy for in« Stale« borji :i on it e Mutl'/i ',»..1 'it. I-'hn'.triPi 1 iircpotltt« « t ».'» t.-- -'to >. 4 ,i«fp, -.-»> 1 ' la ttaBo-th er«,.tad pitea of ti tegtatMi ».an- . iii tad .1,1-011 «rail ti of th"-« iipvi .." .pn! itu the I on- f. .iPiB.-y. if «I r.-shlr sthap* -,'i» f tfesCrefkArate Otesrei I bit Ii, »mt , vant -. « . a »ni,tv pad commerce v an la» ,'j.iiiui. pan aUI b*al t::« reaaN to Rl-bn, >oJ. IrMtallht »'' '- :r»¡ v-nrnent f.r a «r»il at.! »atta» . Bdjaatawat, vii Intareat» r»qa r. in-t mi. .. lio« .»1 ; y, with > »elou» a-d i!i|rab-d drt»r- II -, taral! »f»djo»tBi»Bt willba «taba Itled for ntibcstleti te» ».fObio I taud lilli of» at'-ie h»l»tbo» and «hin tho« M'.'inl. -e! »'»'1.1,1 (rou (ha L'nltsd -tl'e» will io» fers « « 11,a ii f ¡u. >«i' ¦ ft «ti«! tretpect. n.t inor -«u.r.i las» !»»i.i»i'. By Ita 1st of »pi re will » prairica. »aa- «.1 11 ol lie ftiei in I -" 1 Writ, »nd hv 1st of lane pr». ir a se» pooBO, on re« tb« K»p ib.lcaiii waga war agaiuii lb« N u....-.!. lil! M IV S KltiiM TafB NOKTII-VVFi-T. /¦>i,m I i. toi.w.ot.d ilup ¡oh, V,b II. ^^',. pubHah ia i.notht r «..»liuiiu the astoai aew« 'ron. «M iu»l»»il,ratataad nv the le'eiraph ou Sal- .j «lay VVe I,! »atoBliliiai. It i- 1 t-ie'limi mole li,« iiuttiBg aa* ii.tisg aaparyiaa, Indiana and (ve« .t M io, BOO! .not- uet' to p u a «te;, to the w11- »op el».-- Lil » 1. lh« » terell,»., ef prurr or Sace»-iou.«.. ree.ll their ,11 Mer». I] Ita d--l iu a varietv of «ay« llln.oia, Indiaaa aag Ubi» ka«« .wup rbla Nota partteasfl n p'r of la !i«' -o:« mil fkhlo-not a pairv ia the lo«|l»'a- ltira-.mila >i_.» In li.» rt-uni«» -net pra.ii.r» «wwiaa« ii..--!!-« 'I .»te« irp-. ,,-ntirt jo«i .¦« ro;le.bul Iba ht»t« .thriit.elv . in »tliil i-nú in. iiitnili'al. «io I in-wl a i.r'«. »1 .1 .[ «ale g (iuil .iiwi b ,w. .1 ibrou.b wha: -t ia* 1'islr ujstitiri pf |.r»c«rdi-g, It ^eim. be d'»'.i«i. .lined to: w.iioiu »a it fere ««ri*««lv k»ern for .Marei y. tksj «»-t tr»"'f 'r«.«...i' mat «»."' »«-t 1»-el»»»»'*. " ' 1 ay birre »'is_If apttted Bastara w,tb a t ifeaBbwasSBSg Ijaa IBSJ ir«,dd».»t«ir«.«mt ID »t.y p iu! within Iheli owa fe» '"i> bill ol' «¡I other place« up.u raith to K a»fcf»rt, «¦» bode« o' 'ruot-s «ra « i,eilaiei dial tl.r ero ». a o! th< kei.liikv Le(l»li'.ui«. and va irro Li»!,:i.,v« Col trr» deltbi-rst ' witbreutiu. la at ile «lour r: t, uit" looni. j .he«.«-eier,-*»'. frein thii »erv«a'* sud c :i»r'a ni ol..; ,.f t. lil.»r .rr «o «and other drirKtir« Ill'-lii.i .11, ,..1.,._ I'.t saceitalnrd, f c ur.e. Ihai 'he wey ia »a'r le- t ir aii.i !i«i sfesYaafcss istareri sos h-. « w11 ',-r. their r»nl» »nd Jet thai,, i*re. shelb'r t_ey 1 SMNgM '. « I. t..' I. .»«ii au'» or'iira «>r npt. fh« phytir, li reaaia, is li,««>!»«. 0 I o' M. C.preaiil'. arm» of l_i),iK)H. »ii hl»P <i««)«a!r«' feat Se.BfeS.Sfce (..,,-.! '..*»!'.. e ul Jrril harea, asassi o a?»* comí bibsre a efeeta arare basa reas otee ita Basas» »' Lsbj Al -»ml IM NI 1. L .10,. mIsimb « « s'rurk »1 a »ingie blow, without hr 1, a «uni or di«« ti a »woid, frBS! tiie litt of Ihe Union »-my! Well ti, »bl t a Ile.«,',!]-! I'll Hie»« " I iporli'i t, '.f tru* \V» «onder st 1!« uiodelMiSB i<) Ibu« ilp«'|i «ling th-in i »ra the concur.eut ann unoei put th.t Mu !-rnaod-a tei ,., tua- of bia IM»9S9 ..r-erte.» -'.« «'til .urn, , h»«vrn a,ii rart-i to t«k« 11 t -n 1: i iaet But »id lu lu- aituuiidlng ...i u, ot thpiilingt- To «he credit of ltd« MmmurltT It uti we I,«re g1 ,| »iluua. n abspiared tlie«,gntp«t coOfiilP! CP iu tit» hal. 01«; irtad, paipai la hui.tnig, tbe authur 1 arfeicfe apj »r» It» a ui»!» appin tie» to tbe i-a.le of IviPg. 1 lie very el »va- lines of the .liletaeptlileprivr«! theui »fal pow.r tu 'ta by 1 »a 1 ill 1. »- 1. ,. uf behrf. Vet bad tl,eie been 'l.s inaatibadow of prottabilliy attie ..».I to tie tbayaarecai« it, à produce Lilinne han, 't'he y .. p' -pd lu »tucb too much ripdlt to the tepon» wl: cb aeooapt« tljr lip non lh« IV., ile »V »at in I ta brie »te us» »«l by s li,»I aln.stt »ivallng that of \am-i la lo. k f.r tale t tit t'li« «li. 'iona «'ni diitraitiooa of our enruna«, iu.traJ f ri.n.- iitg it iroin the anly loutoe from winch u o e -n ,.,.«, Boaret«, bare ti*» »alor «ud cou.t.ney of tb* .»¦ »»lia are n, ie ..m our bannet in the field. Tualtl ir l.durord in ihe esuuol!« »a wal! re lo th« rank» ol tua enemy we hera eva-ry reatos to bali«««; yet nu! ne» In tue wea- tlaa wa baili ve l-l« ooualaul ..8tu.lon to ha bre-S Maar aaaM Hi tali«»«» biiaed. aolbiug could bp» more »o. It r»»ar. bopre thal »r» denne 1 to b* «ii. |Ml«4 1. pal li'-T »ie laiarii, and ¡be pin tuant of hop« wei.sihau no1 rule tan.log hope lu tue I-».in.;. , It ii O <. ,1 fites «f u.U.a me woi>i p '»«i...» ¡or tserafitag «ui umi««. Tbs Km * Warht..Th* pilot-boat Washiugtoa, No. i, ism* to tbs city yesierday, and raiwru the iteumer lilla War'ey, which waa aunk by collision with th* North San« having parted amidships, und r.,re to ti e anrfiic«, and is now entirely ailoat, hut still held ia the Bams place, rr-lably hy tbe iiiuhor. Tiley would havs hoarded h«r hut for tho tremeodooa high sea at thai Hine.

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Page 1: FROM WASHINGTON. il - Library of · Y°L-XXII.N°-6.829.NEW-YOUR, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 1863. PRICE THREE



The Conscription Bill in the House,


rte Bill GiautiLg Letters of Marqueand Reprisal.


Amendments to the Post-Office Bill,

Cttiiriiiation of Nomioations bj the Señale.


iniunn of wpeuiii mm.

Thf ionfffi-nfp on Ihr Win und Mniis Bill.

flf-*«*»*-l SMRflteh I«' The N. Y Tribune.U MaUMTMB, Keb at, Til.

iiir « ORRI i*.ii thin mi.I..

The Conscription bill in the «penal order in theHouse at 1 o'clock to-morrow. The po'icy of the

*IJop».»erhebiirii toward it hat nt.t beru îndicat-ed. Thejjatnotic BRBJ Tity will do tbtir baal to pa« it free of»a,« lain.i'*.'H, teflfltJBjJ Ifl a »u¡ ¡liiUtiilai) act lo.BaMiedy defects.

ttnTn-BI <»!' MA'lVll T. AM) K1 PBtaRjilTh« Senate bill authorizing the mue ni btt.r« of

SjafR-na aud repr'tal bit been referí ed to the HouseNbvhI ('oinmiitee, willi leave to report at anv tinie.It will be passed hy a Isrge majority.

AMFNl'Vil N I*» TO lill rtM-unil Y. lill.I..The Hu»>e tr.Ht't a number of important amend-

gnent» tu ihe Fi-hi-l»;i if till before patsiug it. The«etctioni« providing fur the compeuwttiou of I'««»t-n)8e'«-:t« by talaiy inetead of coiiiuii«*ion», wer«-

.txicken out upon the re- reteTJtation-i of Mr. ('olf»x,«la whs overruled i>d the in lu» Cornu tilt*'".

1 be Senat«* hy providing carlain rate« ou ull postalBiaiur bad unwittingly aboliehed the fiar.kingprivilege. The Hnuae waa Bwift to conon thi«.rror. An «intntltiient »».ja, however, mad«-.Ifl-aRBBJ tim frank tu«,» privilege as follows: liia taken away Croea Poetmaster» who aro re-

raSTRBJ lee« than f¦ Ü a year. I'eisona-jot in crtuial position» «nd corre.-p-ndiugon flV h! bur-ii.t g« are hereafter required to tfgn tue

portage of all their letters, except those to Men eri

of OaatfiasB. Thai provision will, it is tstaasjat,freaily dimininh the o rret-pondenec of the Presidentand Li» tiiii.iht« it». Dr.« letton pay one cent tit al

prêtent, where there ia no curier WfPMtt, Where»tar«- i» one, two cent», ruid delivery ir free. ThetaMtidDitri» to Uj» II.»nae bill enabling ra. Id¡er» t"far-d ibeir letter» !i««- ». i j r..bailly be eui« ken out

ta the sjaflaRa, lb« rai-ln!,- fura unifoiin rat« of

pflBnRJfl on 1« ttflts and p.j-T» hre ret-tmed.i.h,im vin i

The ljei»!*lRtive. Ap» roi. nation bill hangt betweenBBS two HflflBflfl iua eeeond Commutée « ( Confer-.DCe. The |i"!tit of dieagreement i» the HflflRB prtr«ri»o PflflBflSaaj IBB BBaflflSJfl SBP the uext »etaaion to 10canta ¡.-er mile, to win« ti the Senate refuse» to lu-iede.The .Vn-te, iii K.ectitive Scvi"ii, yetterday con-

fimied, without reailiug, the whole hit, wuh tin*

MCeptioii of Mr. leherwood, nominated a» Chiet t fthe Engineering l»uiean.|Of the Naval nomlflalpBllreparte«! by SruBt'ir lirime» fn>m the Naval Com-.ninee' the only flflSBBR waa upon ilear-Ad.-niialBréate-, lind Chiel of the Hoard ol Corirtruction, Len¬thall, who were both confirmed.Tilt AM1.NU.M1.V1!>! 1<»'lill: I.Mi.RNAJ KI..KMK

LI».The following i» a r.vnopii-' of «11 the important

proviaiou» in the b.ll -.ineniiatory to the late law"»ported y.'eiday tit Mr. Morrill ii,,m the Com¬mittee «if Vi vu ai..l IfflSBBIiSect.on 1. \\ bl i« ver any iiietrnmeiil in wrliiim- it

W-uired it ebhll be luisf-il a he!her wiitten or partlywritten and printed. Aw«.i»tnnt uteesttorB may t»er-Ihtm du'ie* im- «j*ed in »ectiin 11 of the original actand aaseSeors' aad den« y oil» i jia' «iutiea iiii|-<>aa-dat M-clioo 1'.» '»u iola-, Hil»' notioe« rtijnirral byinch »'(.*.'". na*/ le lett tit the dwelling« »,r

pkie« Pt bobitji -- ol panotM aagl« lioR ta pay theirBuri. A petr H Hi SBflfld a« a boiel ki-* (¦»-.¦ turd notta iii M fe«! at« a leiail d«-nl«-r of SflilatBOa« Ibi'iorr,bot mm-t obtain li'iu'T In » n«iee in acegfldaaea withthe Iii «A h of hi« Siatf. Apttim »rie» i,i»-l i.i.a I».lMeii.e-1 aa niail d'aler« iu BBBflS menre of tilingflBBBul.

bet., li i- amend": by titmttt f*flTflfSapha rib'¦ «iiriri«rataKjie» ii» full,w« : an huée'» a: -I < » 1 < ..-

Aterre, «Jl'1; baíMeifl ai.-. eoiitiUC or», «*.'j; two-Btr»-> rarimeii and 8Pflf**RMSflf Bad baeaaflj eflfltBh»«atn, i Y rtBlIioat ami j'»« a*. $10] ltRto*7 Iii keel.»lei!«, A Yiri i inturame age ni» or broker», |l(i;tailliere), |l'l; retail ftaalfll*«. fajl'», BllollBfll« Atti¦Btrasa f«-> ifl f'-'^, wholt sah.- «ml raiail dealer»«v. i »¦ tlierrin li-jnorr.ta'tiun !¦> it ameiiiled by avitling after "provnlel

tttt winke lead," eu., "ami Meta! «ral pa.iiit is'

Bjflra." Afte-r "tanned culf tkins' is RBf»yt*iaoBBitH'ltig vetil and demon »km« toa duty ot J rentsBtL. 'ii e following «'id.lions »re maoe: "maiiie

aiif«», it jer cení; livetr, BBtfl, railroiid thn;:e,» and hone! »Ijoi-k, |.' a tun, "-.nlfld C4*-***Jflf ami

¦tH »heeli'ig, 1 per cent; flfliifl, emit, « tiitt,Btiim«!'* «ndbagH, 'ó i»tr rent; lobaeco, m.-üiiitai luiad,tf all dercripUoii« »«ve tLot-e hejuafier m«-n-

l»ed, 19 renn |>er paull«!, SSBOfliag lobarcv»,¦. ''1 with »teal», or made ej-uhiri« a !y»lleitiK, ó ceot» j»er poauJ; flBflsT, i.*») cut» »er

Birid, mineral water, 1 cent a '-unit bottle, und «,'Bt» for larger bo'lle»; rea-ly-mnde ilutning, flRflla*ta of haig, can», or bonnei», .i per <em¡ Dmbr*ll:i»sl ptvatHil», iJ per tent; conlr«tiouery. from *.Bit» a p4innd to 6 l-er teat; gold Itaf, 15 BflBtfl a

ttk, «attiiig of iruu ij"t. otherwise nrnvid«! foi,« I») et tun; «lot k» and iitoepie e«, ii jier cent,section ?? it amended by raqaifiaflj pertom own-

!or keepinf- a c«rri«ge, yacht, plate, or Ijillianle, to pay the tax pra«1 .ed for, and by inia-rtin,;

tit " i.i-iii for use' the word» " for hire or for p.t»-flBflrit.' Plate belongiug to rcligiout m îe'.ie« exmam,is» lion 7H j» BflBBRlfll by reducing the duty on

fltghtareil horned cattlr from li' to 90 'eutti *Bte- exceeding Uri) pnuiult in wright, Wilhoni ra*ki", lu ago, .» BMtflBR ol 10 «jt-iiti«, «nd no tJii'y on¦Be of lea« v.«-ight. The number tltttigl tata« lorMe a on.iiriiLitK.ii ex. Pi|,»»,i, ia lu, »tn.l te aix. < «av .

bit ion -'. lapflflSB a poiialty of len Bullaraa* «uy«ton ofrering for »»le a 1 »tte-ry ti« kel wiltiout the.

tap. No prize eau be recovered unie»» the ti« Balte unh tUmp, muí any purthaeerol guela tick» IB re-«iver the full «mount |iai«J, fjfMfta. Lol-Sjt«4*h»ifl clai-»ed under ethe«lule thirteen of the»«.er «<t «jid ttix«-d, wh'tre «old at retiii!, tauta, aila, an «'lVi'ioiial ten e«ot» for «ach «I« Har, orbe on. A proviBiou rejuire» that no »tamp dulykJ I,, ii.,rui:»«ii an uutho.ri^atioii of a lottery,'lj leveiiliig a elate from taxing tale« of tirkuta..Vi',ii li line« pei-eona intuiiug agaiiirt injury io

.»leri J per out on groaa roreijit», «ntl rubjecte«Rta nirtiii-j- lu-Ah loorliingitisuninre l*aBB|**Hllflfli¦liaa 4 provide* that «11 contract! for the pun baa«.te. jf tom or bullion, «ml for the loan of money''rreut-y iip<jii tue oillatural eecunt» of coin loi.»«li.yii.eiit of any auch loun »hall be Ifl writing"li.'ed, »igned by the pintie», or their BfflBSfl, 11

.?tey», »iid ii i«id eoiitriicl i» to be perform«!*a«i mree day» from ile dat>, it »huli bear one oi

.»"»l.-lllip» «-'jual to Olie-fotlllll ol I |i«r CrUt of tilt'Jhcl aujoiiut, wini h »hal! be cHtiuiated bf tit*"*1| rurreiKV; Hid it »aid < on! rat i n1 not to be

fj'in«! ihret day«, or shall uot b« p«-.i-"*«-t 4l U. .» -j 4, it tuo.11 1,-tti lUta-v m «taiiii-t

eqnal to 1 per cent, profiled, howeyer, that nothingherein contained ahull apply to uny trane_ction byor v»i'h the G'lvrrniTji^n».N 11 len 5 j.rtiv .,.», j that nil contracts, lotns or sales

(if bullion or «oin not male in BeeasreAOOO wilh th »

Bet p..nil Le wholly and absolutely void, and in ad¬dition te th«« pei.altiei provided in the net, any partyto nu id contract innv at any time within one vearfrom dHtt» t»f contrnet bring »nil before guy Court ofo-u ; clent jnriidictlon to recover for his own ure

and Iii cut the fe_OBOf paid ou any ooutnicl notiiiaile lu iiccrtrdaneo with tliia act.

¡Set-tiou C imposée ntninp duty of fire cents on cer¬tificate« other than thom speritiad in m lie.iule I! ofth* former act, but no itnmp in reijiiired on applies*'tiona for boantie», urreara of pay or BOBAMOa, <"*r-

tiiT'.iiei ttf tneH«arei ,t ni, or weight, or depogit notts

¡lo innttial itiaurinee coinpaiiies.Tt * felfelAtaf efldllleoal it.anipdutieiareiinrH'ged:

On ¡aira^« tn kell to foreign ports, eos'ing $90 or jI«-», «á i canta; on ggglfBfl cut of mortgage, leasei, or

polier i>! lrixui'Mice, rame ni original j mitt imrtit

of power of attorney, or uti» iooBBMMt Btadg infore-gn eoOAArlgg, »hid* us if ma,l* ¡it I'liited StutesiMila i.f »nlo of veiseli, iron) 35 centi aparsAS*.A i. v pa| er proBUgiog to re¡ray mouev feOHOMod to i

basti pod ui n pi iiitt-iitv i.'t'i' ba not oieeedlaa|50, F'ur the «file or traaaasT of scri,'. or certificate ofI roll'». IO eOBtaa l'oli. v or r*n*wnl of iiiHiiranee ofKin bli ti OB -vii ich iIiitp u a preuii'iti' not exceeding110, IO «reata. No eoBveraaeo of loada to pAy atamiduli ol more than $1,000.

"-'e« t!(ti«. The CoBtadaaBBBBr Of Internal Kevelinei« aa-'eni/ed to preacrtl»e methods for «uuceliug»tiiiiip«.

¡s* ci ion 8. Interest on l,ouda or dividends of tunalII nirj u lee tlir«* i cr c«nt.

."»... Tin" In lirM of present duties, 1} per rent on

gro** leesipts of lerry-boat».N ti ,n 1". If pei tout ou gros* receipts of eiprere

ron r atiie«.Bl -in-ill. lient of residence! to bs tleduited frota

lncoine taxed.s li, ¦; 1" No date _BBp »«.donrr-alt liqin th gregg.

illuniiiii«iiu(' oil reeved tu base bien laonafailnieiibel re S-.'pt. 1, 1882. A dnty on malt li.itinr« until,A) iii I, l-*<)4, of only 00 rents a barrel, tue barrelcunta».mc/ nut mi» ilma M callous.

Section. 1.1. BraVI«a of malt li'ttior* and «Iiet illaaraof spirituous Square to make returns on Um hnt dayof rah month.

Settioti 11. The romnii»sion*r» aithori'r«!, wherenecessity requires, to .apply collector« wit!, parch-ne at utid »lamps vvîthoui prépayaient, collot-j Og IOgive a b'.nii in amaiiut eqoid to lb* value of the ar'.t-i lei Bam lia la

Section 15. Ceil« eton«, in addition to fret-ent eo'ii-

¡¦«.i rtiitiiiti, to receive » further ooinniiri»ion of on*ten'h ot one pi«» seat all eollectiooa o\«r

Al' 9,000, and p-»ta«-*.SiT-.i.ii I", lite Conimin'oner to pay into the

I'p «K irv im ¡,thly »t o'tiner in tho «list retinu ' f tinBeer t-ry, all ¡oldie aiaaoja lerelvad I y lim, tor> ".!. . ga nccoui.t, tri»h proper rooebera, which«: al lo received ami i inn.ii« d hy the F th Au ii-tor, «rho itüill tranaitiit t! eui to the First Cot.t:,di, r,The ('".- a, itdoeer to exettito a bond in a »uni notlees chin .tl'rti,i)<.o before wilgilag boob (bo Jutire ofLi« oil.- .-.

E a» IT, is ami |9 »tullun?« the appttintmentof b Dapo » < (i'iiriiii»ioner nf laletaal Beveaos on

a Balan of á*-*.W-J. a«« V»»irtant Hiihriior on a relar»Ol f '. i» a I »«liter ni Internal li« »« na« on a »alaryoff? "¦ All lo I-* eppetated by the l'rral Icni,u ni. .' B BaTtioa and eOBgaOjl of th» »»tenate.BeotloB Í0. Aiseaaeri to receive from ih* time ,,f

a; ¡"'ii Imint in lieu of the ¡ay now alloived, a «al-sty of |1..'»'»), and in ad«lni"i, UM pal cn.t ot ti.e

axeeei ol i*c«.pt» over |200.000 beside f,;»i totclerk hire an 1 otlir« rent, and poitage. AaiiitantAssassins allowed po*t««.*.

Meillon VII. lu aaaaa whore th*r* ti mapleton offrau 1 in n lilt or return, th* u*«.-.«:'-...»..r ii1atilliii/rvl to n BAA A furth*r exan,inatio:i. A1ip«-riil ¡injector may b* apiointi-d hy the Com-

r a feei n r tag pul 1; '.¡.t«r*-.t maa_aa«.l»»a»CI|i)!J ti. AmmmnmmX A Me» »on IO P.lil»«' ,.l li.OI.tb-

I« ac pants for the Aiienor«.Bectioi .'i fVbooror carrlei on g_rr taM-feggg for

which a lirenae- ii reanired, without Utting out thalli MOB, u im«.le »alije«! lu imj nionuieiii for not OB«se ling tvv o ytan.

se, tim ter« aty-fcejr forlida gaeÜOBOi r» from »eii-î K i ri ai.v diitii» t otln r tlaii thal in winch I.ili,. sa »iinji bare ia»»,i K'riii,ta»d.

Set noa twentv-liltl. WboOVgg « Hera fur «ileHfier .1 UM I '. any article BABMd in fe. BOdnln (' ofthe (ria'iii'il »i r, whet har imp >rt*-«l or of foreign or

domestic -iMiiulB'-ture, ihsll bo dceu.ei a inan.ifaitare ita roofa .'». i xctt i ti from duty ««i-akfi, baba, felloe«, Biia .I-»'.. i. p», »liver inliion rolled er preparedf.,r pim*!»' nae azeloairel/; Materials for the main

facturen of boopekirte exelniivelv spindles «.'.< lalively for arlu lei upon which daiipaiir.- paid Badart n ¡ei n.hi.n'a tarad tram materials already taxed,wini«; the inci.iirad value d<j-ot> not aaosed hv-e jarei !.Beetieo W. 'l'* f>er cint tax to he »neiw-J only

on ii creased vnlte where tlothi were PBMOaed !rt in

place ol niBiinfa« tare | nor !., Sejil. 1, | l. it .'« n ii' ...'.« a th« ('(iii.n.iaBiin.rr to lefon!

daties ern aeoaaly aaaaasod and Ja4(BB8ata re» .Ti-rt

for «Ititi*! paid under prottBt.Set non -".» aiitijtx la iiiaiiufactnrer» of lard, oil and

llnaen! nil t<> th* mi,,o proviiioni ai dut,Hen of

rjiiiluoii* li'joor«, fur (ho , iirj.i so («fatni'i'nillingthe tint!.titv | lodueed.

H>- lion3) .e |'ii'«a «ich Collector to de»i/»r.iale,¡vrhere necessary, lasasMloia tif manufsetured lo.baeee, le he paid fey l»e», a« pre»iriU:d Ly the C'yii.-ln iata,tier.Beetloo-, contain! proviiioni ulalu.g io draw-

back.S«cii"n 39 reeaala all iti.aiifiiterit ac»r, and eilend»

*xi»' mik taara t»»!" i uni.' puuiahnianta oi nil« asea androci/Vt ry <>i forfs-tarse«

A8BE8BM1 BT Of 001*1*1 ItHLAI» C11LKB.It i* ebgrgjed hy 1 ryal Cooaootkal nun that an bp«

lessmenl «>f inoney upon Cipperliead cletks in tl.n

Ipabli, PapaliBIBBti ii Hettdily In jr'i«reri for theh. m fa .,f tba It/ph.ii in the Cottaeetieat sfeaetloa«

Tin« auiJaciiy and aricaradooBgof tMggftagg gggexcitiiii«; s bolto. °f iinligi.anon that ought to n. .»,.

vacant BM hy ll.s'N'« ü OB Till: I7ATI and mi an-» mi i

Tho Conference Co-naiit««* on ile Wsyi BudMoanH lull meets for the lint tim* te MOTTOM after- !

I noon. The agofMAAg aro Hepreaentativ«« NtuTnnH,Morrill, bud Trimble, and Htnator» Feueuden,lAeirereB, and Hick«.


-Le following uohliere havu died iu the hoijiitalifa ere since our last r«p rt

C«,rn W C. Ryal!, E, 5 Mich J», Milln. II, 121 Pi., _v

' II. O Kowal. J 97 N. JII. F tm lett, V, i Mich Cit. Ohvrr C-taklte, H, I N /.A¡ udh non, ii. iJTN. V. Jno. »¦ M'.r.c, E. li VI.Ob v. bim |, B, LU N. Y. i. D. » nd, B, 111 9. In.J VV CaaiBiBB. H M Ps. J'»¡ Ms, .y, l»s,i,»ter. O, M.I. (¡«II,lion, ire-oil, 13 Ma«. O. II lly»OIl. Ivliutrr, C1. M.hen, A,.l N. Y. VV PaiSMT, P, Ut B Y.J U. Jiaillll. li. IT Î* li. <ir,o. < alfil/e«.. K. liM l'a_

Win d»»hi», H. 2.1 N I. VVu. Dratavr, M,MC-saa.II J Alliier J". CU. S. i.V. A. A IV» ker, A. 1 It. L Art.II A l\ tlnir.aii.A, It !-'. B. I. W, F. < «dy, 0, 4 It.i dip A. Oribare, t "j B. V. J L Moulton, K, i» N. II.J.,., VA«.h C. 41 N Y. Ji.o ll-'loi»,, I). 14,1 N Y.J Mi» gn, ti li li!, Yo. A».) F-.-tsr II B Mich.(b«a. lia t. E, M Obte, T. H M Canatek, B. lil l'a.J. BrewaaO t lil I«. tV O Out. It. lag Ps.Vin M ..i., B, JJ4 Pa. Cerp K li l'Bllray, O, 6 V.M. F Ka-nina. K, IB MaM -s !"'.Dan.'.O. ¡IN. Y. M I). Mitrhell, F, 1 M«.

IAH Infor.,.allon raia!it« te .let-eased «oldlrr« n.»y be oblalaad hy a«! MssBag * »pt ililli oin«! of EigbiMuth and li

.¡¡..t.. «VssbtagteB 1AI'I'OI.MMINT Ol' MIDI! ti I.AAMINEItS.

'J ne following il e--« a« ni Ki»nuner« have been ap¬pointed by the i '.,:ni.l«»iot,er of i'atenti:Dr« , lu. Roalanil. llrooklyn. N. Y. J C. llutchlmon

B.o-kly,. N V l,., ii J.-»!., ft i< kelli». »"< ni. U-sl"*>... ....." Bulli, Id. I. nu J.ur. Wpi.Ii Wra: VV ,,,.,rjConti. Trtb I, Su,«.,,«, »t «t.,, M,. . Devil ( h mt», totInui. ."!.-¦ , Hrnia li. liubharil. Taiiniou. Mail., llaiuy I'. ii... "..«'¦ i'., Ma»». E C. Iii, h«rr!«un VV »r»

Maa» John Pintie, r .,..¦...»¦¦ Ma«. r-i, .¦... ( oi rrr.r,N. .tal, ii vi Jaka T. Bay, Mra-rill*, te Wition, i

vv.ibiiigin,,. Pi it.-i, I» w, »,,, N«wea*tte. Pa ,C W.: ri ralreral. Pa , J. D Mahon, Newtou HareUtaa PaVVu. A .'inri, J."ii(J"it "'inn ti.i«. F »»i.,! Dnen, 111.,Wm H Allay. Nanda, NY, Aiuiah D. N«».,; Na* .

iii Baie l-l. »l.J I

To the AitocUUd l'r»itWiiHl*lOTO-i, Feb. ti, 1881.


The lill reported by Senator Wilton of Ma»earhu-.ett» to promote the health, comfort and elficiency oflb,, annie» of the United States provide»;

/.Vii: ThHt th« Metlical Department ihull nnitewith the line | tlTicrrt of the army in superviting thecoking «a ithia (lie trtme a» an important sanitarymeasure, and it shall promulgate to it» officers suchr»-i-'iliiti"ii» Mini na," ni« no may temi tu intuíatbii proper i m of ration« to the »oldier«.

Seerond .. That cook» ««hall be detailed in lumfrom the tiri val et« of a»ch com puny of troop» In the1»ervice of the l'Qite»d Stute» st the rate of one c«Dokfor each company numbering lr»¡t than .IA men, at'Itwo cook» for etch company numberiug over 'Mmen, who »Mall »ein« ten tiny« ea'b.

Third: That the Pi étalent of the Otihtti Slate»lie, and he I« authon/ei! to flBBBS th be »-».beted forexi ti ooah two under cook« of Aft It an <!. -cent, w lu»ehull r»»ri va lor their full « ompeiir-atiuii till |ierBMrath, mai one rtili"ti a tlay; |.l of the monthly BBSmav lie taken in t lathing.

ï'ourth : Tnat Hie army ration «hull hereafter in-hiiîe papata*, la pro^tatim ia fsai oaacaa la aaerp

1 iniii-; rali.'in, and lol two be furnia-ed be an*lifted men b\ the ('iiniiite«aiy Department ai i!«c «I, and eharfjad .,-<« i,»t their av, «unler euoh r«'t,u-luiioiit «a ihe .*>.« retai) of War may adopt lor thal


T tth 'Hint lerr.ifier all th«-nariel in genero1hu», Itali fliall bfl in; loy« I hy the n-ithorily of theSiigeiiii-liiianal, »nil hot-, Kal uia'roiit »hall reai-i»«

|m per nn'iilli ai.«1 efM laBloa a day in kind, pia*Vided the washing t«t hot; uni* may bo give-n oin byeoatlBI t lit « prit e no1 to e.ceed tflfl BOfll Pt ti e nu-ii-

bat t-i mat rou« authorized tit <h» regulation..S .'. Ina! all in»tni'ti».n», iloaumi ni* and pa-

rr laSBtlafl t II '. | rorureü ol Imu-jl». luinliamlo'l.» r liianiti, e, |-c i.b MM Hid arden» ol' pla«, bv or lor

BO Minta fiful M .I'i.eii.of their hg.'i rrpira-nt-utivrH, who lave l.ea-n at ti :,v be in the Mr, jo», nfthe United Mute«, be, and I1 i- emin« «re hereby, nruijil tri'in lal tluiy.

».l.tiMiiliiiN it'll «III. Ml I«, AN \ IBB ntaiivu An.ubi arid father Dunn of Chi¬

cago vi.ited th«- Pre«, ¡eil! jem, rday, «n«l urteil ihflI r.iii.ii'inu of Cal. Muligan to a Hrigadier-ii« ncritlli j. Kai'i.-r Dunn ha» aided in two regi¬ment t for the war.

lill Nt.W IIASKIM. I AU.

Capitaliat» ann likr-tjy to avail themtelveipromptly of t1 e fldfflflSRRflS al*Ihfl t.«w banking law.An it; o'.!' lation for tim organization of « Int.kii.g na-

iceciatioii in tin« « ity, with a cu\ ital "f ffAQg O' ti, wi.t

tiled in ths Trearury Depi.rtment on .«»-i-.urday.¦AVAL DKI'l li.

Acting <hsBfl*tSBB, Surgeon Win, Wilton, jr., hatbeen ordered to the D. S »teatinr Sun.ter.

CONFIRMA I l«iN«> IV lill". MN\TF.Maj -r-Cien. JflflSphHflflflflfat1 lue :.!.«.'¦.«. .

Volunteers to be Hrigadier-Oenoral in the Army,SJa| t. ".ii. i*m%

«lom-jih Holt of th« Diatrict of Columbi« lo br

Ji)dgj-Adv<)«-an«--4».n-'r-Jl with t.e r«u k o'.,¦apt 3, UMAX

I.eT¡ C. Turner of New-Y-nk Ifl L» Judge-Advo-cala of the Army around Wanh.iigUan, with the rankof Major, July III. 1*' -'.

J '-.ii A. II Ila. of - to bfl Juilge-Adv<<*'e forthe 7til Army Corps in the field, under the ctatmnnii-lof fllflJlaT TÏ. Dix, wilh the rank of Major, Sept. 3,laamJohn C. Knox of Pmiiiylvanu» to be Judge-Ad-

V'-iit'e Í tin- p'h Anny Cor-», with the rank of

Major, Kept. 7 {trn-aP


lit» ICe.rnl Pirrili Iforfalk Be.gM-« ii il In.«enliliiiiii 11. ta, , ret JIM) allai I'M»I ultu l*n«< nei« li, linna««t HaiiiiorrJA.I» um e of Our I >o<»|>« I pott »1..lath

Ten ¦¦.«.er Imn.inn el Trim by li t|.

ran Hean.Hin II, la .i»a of Ike Irrt» ni

Ibr linar I», «-"nulli.Kunu BM \ta»Mo«, BlkntJ Yob M, I R

While thfl I'tPiit lire wit» preva ling in Unit.e»treet, Norfolk, ti« »loop Cornelia wa» «li», i. rt din Hells Dm'., »''em-tiri»* io move nu!, aha heau«ad the au-pi« ion of the gnitriJ. Ol flSflaÜBiafher, thoa! $1 ,¡00 woith of gnotl» .an found aboard,li«lt.l.gilig Ifl Mr. King, «>r>« of the tnllen-r«. I ii.f

the MlttflS «arpa i"ii»-J wa* arre«!. I, ami it io tiu-ier-

etood hu« lunn I St.ite '.« tv kflwBfla, iinplirating OthflSBaThfl affair I« being ltive»tig»l»«»l.The old No,billi lur depailn ent I.ii« been r»-. ri'iiu

i/td, and 0«n. Viele baa « for new hore, Acwinch ha» Ijjgjg been m «-«it» I.The «chieolier Blisfl and RflhBflflR which went

ashore on the Bip Pup »huait in the fflflflflt SSOfBlwa» 1,»uled ofl y» »'t-rdty by that ateiim-lllg Freeburn.1 ti* r< I,«.oner wita Ittdeti with « »al for the yuaiter-matlers Department t Old Point.

!¦ ititi M -,' "¦ » » -i.tur,Uv. Keb BLI >,1, J

M«, Iii leen a» PtyteSR IThe (lag of trues boat State of Minne uinved here

laut evening about »» o'clock, and brought down be-tVfljBBa*NI Bud IM) exchanged I'liion priaoners, Bfl

charge of C'Hpt. Kohly, 3aJ New-York lufantry.The boat left willi them itiimediatrly for Aun«p«jlit.

The Ru htnond Btgtktr *tth« 80th flBJBl "lhere«ra rumor« of «n ad»«me ni the Yankee army flpoaMiddle Tat i.ei-i-e. CbUiionadiug was heard on

Wediieeduy hut in front. Tliei«- wero alto artilleryreport! Irom the atrocliou of Ueecli Groy«, where(¡en. Iluftiid, with hil« brigade uf Kentucky cavalry,ir ititi.' ned, to ward oil the blovvt that might de-Mieial m ti ni direction, (lill. Forrest has crossedlimit Uiver, ie.ith of Columbia, with cavalry endartillery.'' The Tttt* Fttg "f the »d innt. ha» ar-

count» of an ¡uvasion of our Hebel1 noil by Mexicanbin.'Hin, who are ileuling homet, cattle, A f.

Capl. Heneviihi»'» company wa» atlarkeil in Z<-

pata Count*», and all their IrtBRBM »tainpeded. Theyalso cup!ured and hung r Yella, Chi«f Ju.tiieof Zaput» County. About »"') Mt xicant Iibvb beeni gani/« d foi the purjHj»«- of plundering mir frontier,and their'«et» are apj rovud by the Mexican author-itiet. The hitiidiiti at biri accounts weie on theTexas sid«) of the Ka» (inuele, and tom» of them are

under the l'nltcd Staue Hug.The Ung of true« BtMal Ntiv-Vork from City l'oiut,

brought KO lo'JO of the crew of the U. K. gunboatIbbBS F. Sn.illi, ncently ctitured ut Stone« Uiver;uUo mnetflen L'nitod State« oiTh era, b« ing the re

inannlei of lhi»e caj.tuied pieviout lo Jell. Davi»'»Proi ¡«n.ation.The following are the name» of United State»

init.i m it »«.'¦" have du d in the mililury hotpiialt at

Ki liuioiid »ince th«) la»t leport.Juhi, Uil.lit lull.r. ni Wnai.iiigtiiii F»h 1. |.ii»iniiiiiilt

H CmJ. MllMB r> É. Ils! Iii«, uiiln keb. », |iuru-

Y li I'«»«"«1! privat«* C« K, 71th ina I» Feb. 4. f«»«r.( «,i| H S Man haut, to li, UUtta I*», Pel», l8, ieiei.

The foregoing litt i« retpecifull*/ forwardsd byJohu Wilki!.«, »ii'geou iu charge.


II.tub of ¦ S.iMiii'-jani «oloael.Ko« mu su, Feb. %% 18CII.

Lieut. Col. K. 8. Gilbert of tb« '«*Jih New-YorkVoluiite-an, dietl in titi« city thi» niorniiig of lungdise«»«-. Hit ihr« ate wits ©ontrailed in KicLmondwiall« a j'iiii'1-ci.

fnon .-vanaAr, fr. p.

«o ».federate Vera« »Ia la Pert.Correipotidanc» of Th« N. Y. Tribu»».

Nulli", N. P., F«b.9, IMS.After a stormy pnssige of six days, here I am, lo¬

cated in the Iioyal Victoria Hotel. . ¦ Every¬thing Is new to me except the ocean and the sky.IJeiiu'i'ful orange-groves, with cocoannt, palra andother luzurititit tropical fruit-trees, extend inland as |far na tim eje can reach, growing, apparently, out

of the solid rock, hut really deriving their supportfrom moisture ia tbe til- ure» ti ¡it mark the itone«like «caiti in every direction. It seems quite a phe¬nomenon how auch a counties* variety of fiue frnitcan «u'lttii-t cn ran li barren-looking ground.This place, par excellence, is the paradise of ne¬

groes. Of a | .>; u' alien of lÜ.lHkO, only 1,000 are The Cuitoni Hanne oilirer who examinedmy bagggfg is a negro, and a fine, gentlemanly fel¬low he ii. The police ure all negroes, and io are

the sol'lien. As they stand immovable on duty,a.-, ti Uga pinta, ted cia'.r gal white tiirl'Mt-, iii« v

f mini me of . many BTOAM »t-tueg. They allwea« tho lull Eoaaeg BOatUM« Their BaAOO-g ere

all while mon, BBBgtlj Knglahnien.'«* ne a'cut Ii fty veaeelg in this har!« r, more

lliKii alf of ti »in flying lh« dirty rag of Secetviia.('sp!. Ct,lette of the Jet!. Davie ia here, in cot, maudof a Leiiuuüil BfeafeBM r, jait arrived frota Kngliii.d,he i« going D» take her to Charl-itiin to be Idled un

aa a privAlaer. lliadfiad of tha Onto Ig gjgo here.I he Calypaa aaaaa In this morning fruin Charleaton,consigned to tleiligar »t thii pltteo, who ii ngent for»I o IT. Davie. A hiigaiitint« altio arrived thi«m«>ru!ng.11-e I/e«jarl ai.d Kahv (aleatiii'ri1 l-.-ll thil eveuiuglor Chati- »t.,n. Tim Kate run» regularly lioni theplace to Churl h'.iii. A» the ( alvjito came in thiinittrning, the " piratgg in the barber all run up thepirate ling. I ran donn to the pier and »¡aike to

C») t. .-»park», a New-l-.t.gland niau, who immediate¬ly hoist«! th« glorien old Stan and Stripes, and thehandful ..f l'i,¡"t, ti.en who Mood on the deck, withon* a, cord, um avered their leads as the heatitifulBB-bt. m BBBjrererea to the uiorning breeze. May (iodprrperve it ! i. ».


ruo ti munn", jAvitit'A.

I)r|i,iriuii. vi' ihr Alabama.The But uli BgboOAAf Jul.e, (apt. (.'un bri, from

Kingston, Jamaica, arrived on Saturday morningla late« to .<! in«*.

The Coitft tit-ate steamer Ahituma, left that porton lh« .'»'th on a cruise.

TI.« »hip Borodino, Cspt. Fl"werit, from Hngland,had l**»n chartered by th* I'nited States Vice-Couml to convoy to Key West the o iiictr» and crew

ot tb« i ite.l Niau« «'»iiiim Ilat»raa, «auk hy th«Alshsrc«. When off Car* Nicols, Ilrav ti, February7, wsi hoarded hy a beul fi«>ra tL* I'nited Statt«¦tseuirr Ona.ds In Maares of the Alabama an!Orelia. (Same tims uw the ting-ship Wachuiett.

- «s>

1 be l'r..i,l.«r Rpt-lbutloa.Th» BB-OOBAB Oliv» lltivti.r! «ti I »rliiinl, ('apt.

I la-., ha.», ai. ('..»«.,.., Feb. 3, aali to C« ('. Abel,arrived jeiterday report* K»b. If, Lit. Uti. IO, long.ropOBBBd brig Lydia ('. Cole, hound South. 1*00.10, lal. M long,, «ii-.v th.' Coutederate private«!schooner Ketnt tition, who chared ti» t! re* lotir«

'bul we being to windward ouiiailod her. On the.'»th iiist., lal. IM.DS long. i.-alln, sue- a ino-

ning to willward, Pel,. 0, lit. 'Si.A long.,»aw another .¦¦».. : ruritnng to weptivard.


A M VI 'LUI-HUT loll HIL IIKlN-II.Mis.A tie-it lite rall »i te thal furuiahrd to the

lloattof M'eetiaw ken, und already tiea« iii lh*»«Ciliinina, Waa piiblh'y lOSled Ut ¡he Navv-Y-ml OBI rnlay by Ad'iursl* ílreeory and I'aulding. (u| t.

Kuwait .I the Koa, oke. ( »|'t. litaiere of tha l alta»kill, and i ait. Weekenders of tim Baa Jaeiato,willi a UiliTl»er ni 11/< .New-.urk BOd Brook«l)ii. 1 ho exj e.i' an« . min. ntlv »iiccoi»i,il.

III. ti II v 1 la li '

1 hil aubin irme haticiy Vthn li l>a«l ^ern reporteda failure, tv»! lOtTOd up to the ynrd on Frtdav. havitiK u, hi. Te,I BA iiatoliiahiiig au«-« .'bp. i ha \N bal liIi 1 w hieb hue nuil h« ea »o »evt-rely l*ale<!, I« notiitftgmoi* thai, S linge «iMisre h.'X, BIBBOOt twelve feetblab Kin! »ii fi »t «a nie, with BB iBHUBbI iHsBMlaS OlIBBBg twenty feet. a part bälg l» on one »ide,iT.\«-r«-d by a »ort «if arch. Within, a g M "f lattaaeribebleatabaead r-r.n >¦ api« iaareaaledt.n iba tit*-r in an.': n Hanmer that tim mur/.le pro-titille» Un Hugh tin« |t«irt

Hie ungular BBpoet of tho cannon, how ever, la«-. I'.»r.I tv the i^ue.-r c«,li»lru. tiotiof tin« amiiiitnitioii,winch eoOAtatg <>f '» .|>tar« iron log or hall, al, ut une

f- vi le and two t«rt Ion.;. K-,r**M und itigren« to

the hat! iv uri .-!.. tnl over Hie IOD, br BMABA Of Bladder, thiouwh IBM feattsgs BMOtleOsd l"'rt. Tb,n. .'.. of ivt^aii.g th« foaaal i» mel will be boag a

aeciet.i-ULnit*» nail IHP H-Ma-BaVPI.

About (»si «nil.n « left th* leeatviag »hip tfertfaCarolina on Finlay « vening, a...I uie now en routefor the Mi-riari¡ pi ft tilla.

Ntl Al, III'Alt I» «Uti,kill I».

Tho Navy Irepiirtinant baa oulert'd the followinggg-Oarg to iT.iiiniutfl a I'tt ard for tb* in\.-»'.1,1111 "i utth« i ircuii.i gaeaa BltO-dlng the alleged money-lend¬ing huainraa at th» IIdh-Ivu .Vav» Yard. ('apt.Stephen ('. Kowan, of the IreO-Ahad BOOOOfee) CaptaKadlord, of the Navy-i'ar.1, and 1'aviiiiiitoi liarry.

- ?- .

Tua frSAB Fhiiite Vimhiibm t..The har«Sarah, ('apt. Hal!'", from Carthageua Jan. %9,\Will, e...'!*«, hides, «V It- K.I. ,|i A Mnuii«, liiiivc.l

y«»t*iduy, report« Feb. 8, ot! Cap» «St. Antonio, waa

b..»riled by l'iiiled Slate« gunboat Vniiderhilt, fromHavana the day prénom, reporting tlie privateerAlail'Biiin at Kingston, Jamaica, coaling. The Yan-1deri,ill V»,.ubi proceed there dueet and lay off to'await the Alabama eoming out. The Alabama left

Kuigit«>u the '-'d.

'Ihr Kebrl Pani Hot i-t-or«.* «tnuilt ri oiY for-.iiroi'0 Agaill.

Hu int Matiir-sy. K«b. 91 II' 1

(¡surge N. Suiide'i, who sailed It r lliimpe on Fn-

day evening, had been Playing here for ti c Liri fewdas n j,revu.nal-. Ile i« h. an, ¦¦! dir, -r. !.. . flinn:

the Cn! -let ate (lol eminent.. ?

The CAM ok Slijuii Mi Ki.vii ht..Thii letig-pruiiade I gggg carno to a concluaion ou the ".lilli ult.,and the finding! <»f the Court were approved by theI'reaideut on tie aaaa« '1 bert- wen» »ixty-one ppeci-ti, ations in the charge, all relating to vaiiona tinan*mil ti iitiaactioiii in |wiith Mojur M<-KiiiMtiy_ ewin-¡died or permuted other« to «windle the («ovcriiiiicnt

in tbe pureba»« of hoi-ei, clothing, nippliei, Ac.

Upon conviction, th* Mnjor W»ih promptly diimiiradfrom the rereice._^^

A lli-nial.pBainB-iaiit. Haiunl-y, tel 91. 1863.

United State« Iliatrict-Alloniey Coffey denies the

9tat«nient contained in the recent Washington U'lt-

grsui relative to ths coats of proceeding! in tbe sal*

of naval prizes at this port. Iuitead of b«ingn«arly lu |i»r t*ut, they do not exceed t f-tr cent,Bud iu jj. ni. > caret vu 'j ¦'. bud -.





Public Meeting


Yrem Tht Nieheonn* Y.'outrtr. e'tb. l8.Ml.lll.VIIllN.

There hu» boen no intention or prêtent* of an ln-».ntlm In m»aine at .11. Tli* Krer.rh tin», ra-aeag ti limply«ddinied en .pi-eel to tb. l\ «»l-mitou «jnyuiiini.ot reooei-ii *ntl1ti|.ti t » p'lce. not in mia h ti tu «mlt-l«-» (at on*

«bille hoar.but that " MfnlBI.I «-oofa-rei e»» " It« held byCeña ¡«tlcn.n Crain tli» tuned Ste.tei »ntl from th» Cen'rder»te>.1> do wli»t» Tu .'nurina Inti rn-lprocal ci mpltintt ".to enter tipen " m .rriiu.rntati«* Bl« uultn of timMMraaM «Uta «Urida tata " The Praash Mininer it car*-

-«r «in, while the.* ,!*.» .. ». »re r»nd!rg. th*liita-u it«, tien ta baralBg, »lliinhtrilii,». tmi tioiiibiidiiigtil lite lime »mihi, prop».,ti would, on ra it- -oni.t. r'»eil«e to tie laine hope ti ti* tiLiiirtliite cone mimi of ti,

i.. »" M DtenyB de l.raiy» ii*n Mid. ''Why.'..'ii »M .n--li . gemblailliM. »bleb r»ip*«t. til the te'it¬

'll i»i ft!,* I'ni'e.l liniei oi.ltii. the »jrjrob.t'.on if t!i*Petlatal flei«ii«»at »,Tb«l MinU-ei »erini id to h«i-«Jrerted to th» f» .)

every ciliferri,re Iher- u.tnl li» inn partiel, and lint tl.rrr»rr rer'tln o'hert t» weil ti th» I* »Ree *-tatn«."' whn»i- reit'B»M »r» lo he teipie'l li» di ». in. ».» Bl to eppoiut (.'otn-in «Ma»II to tli*- «Nu,terence, in firt li« i onl'i ...! ilk di:hit fio««»»«aetdee« »et sa»» af ti «rititencenf tbi« ov* n-ni»nt titi tifoeurm faunal he ei pee ted to M*pa« laythlng t.oin W« » tnt «ut!» of hi» n.*4l»i|«ai nor hli e-garj-wrirrr.»nil for Con.niliilonrri to "treat I. Ictn.allv" with tne It,liedtatt!«« while taeti itlet mil go on. -. ilr-ttiT haye I,..,«IN iniiiliiinneii- bee, lietuiriirJ. i.iijgitreei, .f».it...n, Join.IttnW» trutt «cr eit j lira» f-'«ndt who r«li»J upin aiedit-

linn ar» «ttlifi»«! not». Mr S«wtrd far h« part j« ouhlyplet.ed »M.I leei'tot«« ti.« hmpernr i« a tuperia «tyi*. Theinielence a bil 'ntter n.«i to tb« i leUflM, tai ti. tlitt IMBe«II It .watt al«IM. i'i 'i.' I* I.', ay. ern to hi« .'.ri.-i'ptlnn. " M a hare

he» in » pollil-»! »onie, M N-rtli, Befleeth BB Nerth»-iIno Boutliern rilltet. V» . h«»» »a in.i.rrertioi ary patty,ni,it ti li iorita i n pi n ti i t« «Iii»;', a 'jnunnt. IO li.«thor«« of the On'.f uf Meile ,." »nd to 'I» it imponible farth« lto»eriini»nt of th» I'l.ited Stat-» »o B»M eeaiBre«! »

the nation»! authority a. to « irt. »ti»h debit..." »A'«»re an lintinei-tiouwy p«rty "whl-'b they hire".tbtt'i¦ii. 6o tot from i-tiii an lndep*nd»rt < or.-vd«r«cy ai* Sitte»,ne »ra not »Ten Southern S'«.tea it »1 N . tbe thin, to beoh»»-»e.l i«, that in .11 tbi« Ih» krar.oh «lo»« tau goLethe wrong wey to wotk, end '«ken h .iii ef tb«J »uojecl at theInroLgrud. Th« Brit thing 'o be doue when on» drilr»! toI.'»r| ...» h»tw»en two p»r«le« II tai NMgBflM the fact thalthere .re two Hut the Fr«n,h <». »»ria-»at M'b.rtoron-»¦ .. tu ... only an« and to ¦¦ < t< tint ttale ot lilli.«. »int.,

) »i long it Mr. Mewerd »o*i*.l».l (in conripondroe* withkrame) to ce.l a« to lniurte'-'.l*niry pirty " Ural be hit",m.e»!,ie Id hi» dominion».

It ia n«ll that the M »< "."¦ ai (io»«rnti eel li«« .--.¦.¦! thei'i|i»,ilon. ('oi!fer"iii"e» ire lood, and batel« .« ».-ud i titi-nia.renct an 1 btttla he«b tog.tltrr would '»» >,, fajan.Now, what li «be P'acch emperor g»ir| tj do »bo- t t ) i(e«a» »nnbbed »«. F.pgtand. «nd i),-- .» p'noa«'- lacltited by the1'i.led !»l»t«-». Will he «i. 1. .. ia» gn|ta'. lo baye negoa, byrerotnlltng Hi« t'or.frajer««-» «iel «a lie* hi. nanntet» toll'i-l n.oad ! tutti h« liri, «i hlMMlfM that p-à-t the Con-f*<i«r»t* l»'oT«rsrr«ul will io BMIfl BMBÉ Iii a. foi bl» ¡over-ttl*UV* «1 »n til" Vant** ann.

IRii'ninp.ü Ron lap i;kn. jftp. c. davis«DIVMIi)"».

Kr«a» The Ki.ho.ond I nftirer. Feb. l8.We leam that a flBflflflflaCfll BflMBR waa mude on

Qaa IsfltaflsaC, DatM'l dl»lnon, ti.tton.d In wd .roundFrankan. »aaiierdtr moram« *t li.yhr.-.a

I ... itt>. k »i, irai b» Gea. Ferrett bli ,»lfnlthhli mmlt!»> d.ilrg, M.«l th« *»*nk«e. iii«iier.«d in ever» di.». -

ti"!!, and bafor» Bl o'.-I... k wer* in lu rene«! I ..» aro Nub-»Il e Sn mt tb* rumor. wlii.-h roath ut by -.!ie*T»niiig traia.I' he whole o! thit it correct..'.! w» le» no lettiaa «0 dojbti'i aatha li' tty.It entirely bretti the for e of ti.« re-, u.,efruin 1'ort In ueiion. »nd ] roret Koireit and li« merty .nea

lrr*>i«tittlr ana o*««r i*| '- ««i

[I »it laieit advice» from the fore« nnder tatt* *>Aof Qafl Davit «tiie'i that they had returned to Mur-free»boro with 'Jolt Hebel 8**eBBMSS whom they cap¬tured lrom Forreet..Ki. irib.]


Tl.u Vii'ktbnig corrc«ttoiid«iit ot The Ja-ktonMl J; e |." «¦!¦»» III"!», d»'» rPtk.3:

1 li. ni« « of th. i-'oa r.aii li «en cf lh. \V»»t hy our i jei-.-r J.y mort Ib| i< r» ivd ti '»«it- ny the oon-antli-tiry i» ¦ reu «rt»b » ei'tlr tin! a flea] of n u ell»rr«««d »I» a»t Iii Biaaoer la wbleb <h» g« . « our b»tt*r:e»«ne tutu. loma n»' lend ti».»i theM Wti* »»'te In cberieof tie taUeeiM we«te f ati'l intt» nap.-ltig. lut reallyBehn p it J :h»' «... i »a did t . t gi t t., th.i .nu. u HI li .».

I tee lal* le de ««) ateeMl »tbeta todpul«mm ef cem-piala! «t Hi* li IceaiM» »booilrg of our tal ¦ Whitrier n M

h«»« bren the Of .. ,»f tin »«'T wral ed at wb iii waa nitalelo | reteat a« y ..».* B «Pj-rir» i,«« M h« ceiUlu that u ittb« pclicy iii* MBaMBad h»r« in«! 10 liit»i|oi« »ay »»ra x-

rleai ojet«t- « to Itali MMaaa dawn tue riyrr, and «oui» v.,.«

H Iii «!». »a««» lo pr-' ti.t ti »t if ihn titmp' rt« rentnre

Ihronih tli« taltal «nd raíate «a ol tue n»er nelaw ur l«werI.«It« ii*. WaMld not tt* oi«- «i ti»e li. prr««tiling their deb-v-cB

,.i, «n» ..» ¦». int« th» Mli.luippi. Alt thi. Ueaypsndmbe a p.rt of a legulaily-laid «t-iotiae which 1» te rutlce tbetin <«te In'., tu li.eiü'rtble Iran" By ti«« Il m b«!iev«d tli»t th* nut »bali it now balo»

ni a.«It» . ii.«rijJin¿ »nihe ii .W'i '.it- river, «al ga Bp Hielof ''. ». !e«tn.y n! »t»»». ii. |.erty u,»»,. mi* »ilhln In ri» N. ni,ii that the inn o» I liiUie in»» non b» in litiinlnr: t«!»i 4»i ni «'».'.'in non rtwfM »«-.Id «;>!)«« pr».-t .-j'a » ,t

jthepreeeal «i»<« ofw«t»r ifitwei» mi la» i»n»la «»lillaMiaaflBSMM« willett um ui'.lilaiy a itOoiute« ba*n nut fn.edto in '.¡..«I em Han

'»li atiot ..p|..a»l by any, e« »rt ti oi» l*«t,.nd |'j»i»i'l:. i th« »!..!>,t jil'«i »ia. till' def.i ... he-»mt* «MapeMta te IBM» the rta« .|>ml iron-r nil. Hutnliit »aJTililj«» eui be |»iinad by their runaiDg'an an i «iuwuthe rirei allder ur guli u« '. yet BaaapIrM, «aal, f»o...'h* u»rreuue»i nliii-h »t »'ilet .'» »I»eiit,ir* l».t r*j' i'n»r,

«w weald ta»»«appetad th it ita i «o .. ut« wenpetBajtijWililai tu Iel that lind"! n»»i»ittoi »luiii "

i /.i A¡; ral of Keb. 0, mia:" At a lu.-ai-tir :*.. t i».it Iita.y miiaoi.»iili g naihfiij l-i

Iti« dirertiuU of Vlrktbaig for .uni* time Aalhewr v-i.

Meale! in lh,-ri|nt ,'.i.-,-"|. n, th»- gen, rai rouciunu w*.,

out ballarie! moe*, fro« . ni* MflM, nt.satvi"'¡'ne Jackton MitMlippàt» oí Feb. 7 baa tbii« par-

M'ipli-\l» l««rn from oui ^.irreipoiiaVitt tu»t eil Wai quiet al

the lilli . Hy np to noon y*»:« i'la» fheiaru CaaflaMaBWM[.till .-I » the city, at uro-n »nj John.tai". a|ae» 'li.*trtn«p,»rt« w*r* |*itlt,| up »'eauii.»oin» of lh» ouid a,«,,.-, cju-

je iiiriui tb.t th* uitijt.r Ih.t «»»neu «t baud uthc-i thalthe trtiiit|iurti »eie pi*|i«ii.| to nao .»le."(Jen Le« bad been p'acedlBfOinu »Bil of »heheavy batter-

le*- . gtwrauty llial th*y will not he heavy with .lan.. Na-tur«'» »weet reaturer, «MM« |l«*p,' tb« nell tim« «hu« «l-;. 't.| I to um the gtuiilael "

lilt UKllM.l-i l)l.MIK»VKI) HY t.^N. CARTER NoTm Bjun ur.

/.'n»« The I'ttinlury Sopeen, Y*b- l8.Wo learn that the bridge ot lbs WalitugH, lately

demoted by «'»rter*« (I ulan) C«»«liy. ha. been r*b.iU. 'Ilev i,1.i< tima! n.l, «udthe ti«!" i'««-ed u»er it ou T *..!»»leal The woik on th. ilol.tun Brlilje, at /ollicotter, ia pro-tnmttat MPtdlPa and ii li «ipecteil tb.t ii will !». i». t..« byto» in -Uren. . ...

We take the following from The Rmtmtti »? htgof Feb. 17:

UH«) ¡"I NK TI1K n.tTTKHAS?Thit 'luettion i« at hut »olved. Die Alubama did

lb»ita RT««a» <-»r th»t the H ni. hw beau eninged lu

»erne »ery pretty Ittle »P««tTe-*B». ot which no new. h*d p.-,«-v lanalj reiched "u.. Tht lenuini/ a I until »eil'l, lod«n w r*i. ¡.lien I., ¡¡.rid J. i n't t'H'ker. tetlhiul a. (ni. ii »reiyiuuypru,rei,r..j. HI. I bow ll.Mfh "«I« »4' . t». In ' radln» «li li «c-1-. i ntt, the i»ie Mr. M»lloijr »»»« «o muoh ««idicted te

i'i » rai. »»lu« I» «»ct»«l Ir.ui . flaMfl loth In.t.,inn itc «»«-ii, l«r itr»iitrr Huby, itvut . ««uti« ui«n «f bigürail... tialiliT n« N.ii.u. "B I.ii wa» to Europe:

It mt« t Alai.ama tLat i.iiii t!i« Natt«r»a Th. Florid»-1. «eui the Annie bouiail, with troopt foi New-Oiletnt,

lu ti e utloui "

I' | I'uidoneilrome hatte to cub the Raby." ciivNtii: of ham;.

The intelligence hut tttaiiiiietl a '«oiitive chaim'ter,¦nd ia o ..» mi, tint tin' ) ai.kee A;my on the ll»| p«i,a bbaa ..i anil al ¦ «ti eat. It u belireed Ititi they »re makluifor \\ « gt-ii. lo recrjit, behind tie brr-uilaoik« of thaltin, Ita i waited rank» .ml nrui.»u »p.iit. I lo- tet tigji-nu' de»"- »liu «a»«.»,! «t «li bl« predrceaiora Inr doing au lit¬tle be« lu.;. «««I their «maple of the iia.-t trad, hating donealan I*.. tb*n tl.»T Ami yat he lia. doubtlei« don« tbe be»'« ...¦ -t "' ( "!.« u 'ii. «' tn.-a« «jjnattrd of. II« ».! luHunt ui blin ia ttnpiegukh!« pimtiou anti «ti luiincibl« aimy.lie had auder him . bailen, «diiraced.detnoialited, audipiru-iett lune. It wai iiiimiaeihle lui hiui ti) tauye foitvuJ- I'Iit».t ami th» Uiiid tffoided him on!) teiiipur.iy reipll. fromdentoliiion by Le« It «ii piudeiil 'o get awajf a bli« be liad»i-litare. And «o end« mother cl.aptei in gb»Bittoi) uf OnIn libalmond Tin. i» tb. fouitb Bight to \\'e»b!i.,'. a of theanny that baacoui* out Irani ita walla aub bann»!« lijing.nditi-iili pr.ia lig, tn «tri! nu Viiginia »od tt-cjpy har 4'»ptlnLM.lluaell. Papa Mil "lalla« .mi li.,.k«i ri».l *ach "ihei in

the »lory of a ll*|H.. li bute tuin come« uell.and wlienwill lh» Conl«dri*le6t«l«t be iouiiu*i*J «i ibu no of jjio-

9***) »'«» the yenjite yetter.lay, v«nou» billi and retóla-

Against Inipressmonts..¦«>-


tens weieii.'.toducpd. atnoDgtheui a hill ma¡.« c»¡s_i ila arel ol entre, and a bill HtborMag Ure aearemoX«rft-î

IMt«/ la »Mfliy sBlM lue litter waa -rtaaed tta '. Lu«.ton l_,p, hill" W11 P»...p..:i»d. «mi the i*,,i..irrtti_not tb« rirmptl. n «lur.tion ir. it .1. After length, a.-,.,,_,.p.esaLtriiibyfeü. 1 ney ol A.,(.»n.-, and Mi' Pareas «_.«¦i«" «i: pi, tb« vote a « len ¡¦«...lltig in rt|.. ,. ,,_

.¿.nie ti e S«B*t« bill, vrfh iii-tiri» o'lcttu. 0|k>d .lia iluemmoil, willoh repeal! tb"»«- clau.e« o! 'I.» Ki« i.|,non art r»lat->.'gtoownpr» oftWet'y negro««. Th» .»..».«loa vth-lacM-a>n li,« ne.itlr«. The .-relate bli! waa iheu CounO-aiU, becilia«!, uuti1 nljoüninirnt

b-ii n»« p»it«rd SPDiteblll tniu,.horl-r«th» Isane at baiul».or funding Trea.iirT net», «nli IB!« I «A., gÜBfea Italb« rallrf ef certain offir-er« und aoldíera fro,,. Mi.«onri t«

*_,__¦ hsAMfeareal-S »mouin ote:jata h. hn no ace ,t.,io ">!a»l tu of lHtj. toillow mino»! to h t|d roni'nlialon»¦..iba army: a»d rcioliiM'-n« «r «mek» to On«. Ma/roda-.VVallprandWtiarlir. ,,..,,,.rt, .. _ . ru o," li.-,r t:o.i>-

!__-__ f"r lo-xJ coud'ict in kaute The lions« SMBt idoii »fti.« «tay ,o scent issilon.coiil-erixg the bill to Im.d insOJiranty.

MKKTIXi, is AI.niMAÜM.fMPRLSsMFVT«».Tbe preamble and i<aaatBAÍ0Ba of th* meeting in

«r ,"'n<KWr.r' deu>«'"î"" -"> 'h" t ¦«". Th.- old ¡gaSarearelof civil liberty wera b.l. g t,«,,,,, ,_ .,,0n an«! etftitd. Bad tono ha, i. niora appropria ely Um t«i tal BSesA» of AbBt-BSrM

ICo'ild their vindi. «tiou be i-iUimed.PIHLIC PBBL-BB IN IIBBMIBIB IMIBIBB

MINIS.Monday lust 'Keb. 2), fegfegf Albemarle court-day,

and »n unctuillv 'irje i.uu.r.e' o'. !l.« rit¡z.n.«.f t|,r u,,i-

I Bains m smaisBM. a.«tan _*. »rgaahred t» .ni»anailitaailon Ihn m'.i t f imir. »i ;. l..« r rta» «,,- ,-i t|the »rii.y.

Dr. John It. 'mvioif been etllid to th* ihsir, »rdJ tVra. T l-_iy e«,;. ¦JtpaluU'- gee!at»i-f.

Uu toa m «tea .f Col I'm», la dolph, a f.,mt.atlee, of

|s_Jsh I." tv*« Chili IBM, va st a ¡'»d, and having rrtirsdfor » thoit tia ». rrliur',«« a rireauilil« ard reiolutio-i», which.hstin. I "»I1 nail, ..»¦ r» d.trusted at . ,n« ¡«n, h, Bad -Bali]»ia,.: ..:..,trad, with iu«truetlona lo modify lb .11 ao aa lo lok

1 the retain. / «,. ili.e-nt of the iiipp.-ii gTi,« lo u litlM lia» ; re"i-ea. In a -h rt tl-pe reperted top

follow.m p .-ae. !e »nJ r-«oloti IBS, wtiicb were una-i- 0 ,»iyadnptad BJ -M mer n 1-Tb» PS e e li Alionarle lie-e »««emhUrl. b»T» nrik-onntlsg

epntidrnoe In th» Integrity nod yttti «i«n, of tbo«e by whom,,.r .....>.»> li t-iuinibt 1« »4»o.i i-'ered. T»ey do not

doubt torsi.»nt !'ied-tire ef lh. Pr«.inert and hil chief,., UeaeM «r« It. the di«, bargeei" 'heir big', dulie». lo ron.

M, Iii' rrt'P.v . ligidiy Wilbla Ife* Illulia preii.-nbed lo IheionT tbe t onititu'i n and ¡«w» of the C.»«fe:«r-cy. W«»pp,«-*teU fttlly tbs J'. .¦« fey a k1 .hey been in»rouud-pd a ti IBs M Igy ni'l rSMlstte« »it'i which th*y ha»*. Ibu*f* isa Mrefs . u.«t m ! ot 1, « turn, ras mar ia

»vhiPh tvr are « i.g«I-<J *>.. ._..<.*d proportion« »i,*.|i»ird-prrhnpi. in '..» limit ly of Ita « r.d and deuitn<il.,. fa»«arriii ». ." 1. »i nrj pt'op'e i.tre »var befcr« h-ru ca. «'I on

1 Hat w« it» w« ¦« ir« «I.»' tin- BBSS liiTole»» every*tkln,' ti,«*. BIM bold «l»ar I r tua a make life denr-bi», tarew» bip c 'Utut uni w:;h aa en- my «tb.«» sue less weuld bringSaattasar Brew- dm merle °"r Beda, saafe-gSBfelBB toonrdwe Ungi, uv-'itn-l: i. g min «rd tleir» lilI. to our ft _.,1p« ure .cc-pt, ,10! only wi. 1 .1). hut gltdlv re th«condition of ¦' 1 ' MMMB, wh»t»trr or ««erin«» or har labio it

msy I « i»r. b MMHIty f.r n« to ui«lir sr to hear. And. iiav-li g ralrrPBcr lo !.. particular rek-j ct whlrb tin« meetinglaues -1 r 01 « «ipr v,«» eint »71» our dei-rnd'atioatin', se'ir t» «'ir-.'in and rittet« »in avail to prateet It,. 1, |«tit,i, am j con pi»»d of sar Maa nid biuine-i. and con-

, «ilk« ': * pride o' urhein m 1 lb» »tay of our hopes,abatt Bot aatff »v n »l.ouid it b« «ece.iary to I ,.. me

r c: It f" u. - -¦' '' '. k« or Iba food ¡rom th« Bpuihi of otuwup. and our. k1 ma.Na»p.'"»'.-« ¦'¦ « .' -. of JBt'on.y f»r civil llo-rty.tha

,-r t sees lot B'bl h »a are Amurlnf tra rannet rrpird»itli '«Tor.n« n «tier what »)»y ne o pr -eir, tb*»x«iriw«r. a« .ii.pticii !,» ,-.».'." lion rj. civil ur Uillirary, or any po«v»ini ri r..»«l«-'i;4 ¡ferrad «1 «.ri ."tied by I«»».' lh« right to

ti»« priTtt-|t.ttp«r y fur puhlic u»««, ti«kiuiju-t comp«u«a-I1011 1! erator, we con. »da. but onlj#wh»ri the law pro»ide«for It » ul . ra .- ».. "y .temartd» it. We condemn rb« eier«

car ot ti 1 ».-i / m rraan.r 1 ,iu«,«i«d Bud unreiula-a«! ¡it law, a» «l»i »«. /U» to tipil ti-erty «ni tar» Jeiir«, lothe very ufancy ef our 0 tvernriani. tu record on prate.t

'.<»in»t ave'» . «atttlM which It ni ! ,e«i«ledat th« oulirt. io«ygi«a ml.» . ;,:«. » .'»ut »1- «-»f »' to he .¡'ppil-iii to b. bad n,»a

.se 1 ia al v i«, i't lu lh« overthrow o: tbe oo,y librely worthstriitillrr lo'.' «hi 1. li enjoyed under ¦ CíoTeru-nrut«gpia eve y ««-«nt and ever; tct si« re|.i:»'«d and cuLtlolled»v :»wH.i lie l. t'itrn :re, Tell witboit int« ndlng to complain of

anythi g w:.t »j lh» (¡sv . nu en' Ml te: done or to ,|H»i!,onith. j" -Ity an-' pfcotisin of thenio'ive! hy vtht.-h It bit stalllime« beru lets i'eal, w« heieoy ia.t, -., t our Uri. gate» u> thaOsaarelASSBBI iy, t"d our -BsraWBtetlVM In Conrea«, t»

at« their heit el -rti to mcii-p tn» »¡ . »dy m «ct.iiant of 1 iwi,.0 regniitiu» t « abate rejbterl ol in p-piiuiriiti. whethsr festhe I onfederet« or !*t its Ut-vpmn.ent. a» tl'it, wini«, r rntid-

lCliorthe ne ti an pie and »tti >ut tuppof. of cur »mile«,n thin; .hill h» dpi e by ir'o.trtry power ; nut lint oßi -i'J« ofIraff giBue my it« t«. riii.r.i D .11 stpu the «»tal..«nea ofi».v.»«»r.ra« aid tin« rl.ii-.a ted !tii«i»i-. 11 tbe citizen «ecoislyguarded sgV' at injustice and "'.prr.-Ioo.

I,'. Ittl, That ropip« ol ihe f .1 .., »ia i pr»an,bl« Bad reaoluBon be ¦¦.-,,'.t: n-alad to our Dair«ne- lu tb» L-giiialure andour ll»i i««e:i,att»»» In I saaras», at J oat ibr.r publicatlo» b»rea "Wrd in one or uiote 01 tbr tua.papera of llichmobdOn Uioii ,n tb» uiaellngth«!!! »¡j/ur. r,|

JOHN II WUODS, Chiiiaiaii.W« T. ElBlT, 8«cretary.

Sl.AVKM IN BJUfeBL MlI.ITtKt MBIB-B.In otaalienca to a rei.'ini ion of the (»«»vernor el

l'ir.,iniii for slaves to work on forlitit-etions. t."a

lleurico County Conn has -uni* an apparu ,ui_"_t

among 1»<»> «laveh'Ideri ia thnr eotintv, and «¡...-tifor 87>» slave-. This I* for BOB ennty, and »orvet re

«bi.wr much .-"** K--*beb» de;»en<i u¡ ,11 their e!av,*«.TUP. STIFF THK KHIKI UOB ¦ PBO DffOBsUouti.r, Feb. It The Sntttnern Cruit, .,f ma

IMhiSBj, I-are« 'rom a di-tinguiabrd ciü-sa etena et «h*N'.irih ll'rafern AMfeM that Ireiana IIBAlM, SSdCBlte hs»«.i. 'p uiln» J to at tp til« wsr and uial- Irruii of ppaca wirb In»

l'oufederlti State» tit »11 h«/ards. 1 .> irr r«. Iv-rl lit! 'h»

a r«.-» at th« Coi:»» I»,st«- S'a'n «ha' c«»»e: eiherwls» lh»Nur-ii tVrst »lil mska »sr BflaaBI ihr iMreapM 1 a

ltiieu« of t'.iotr St» e» drtfled M rnro l«d «re leitiogli «

Kederil nu.y by hur.drrd« and -«ginient«, ted taere i. «e an-

i . it to pomrol thii ni rvaareat Ot 1-U.,"0 ni nu 1er llpuM 1-iu» J. on'T 4C I»«) er!«ctiva . »Ler« rrrn. 1

»t-i 1» d«l!» diaii ii.l.rd by «lot:» «ty fron. »inkn--8 aid To'uti-

p .. 1ne1_.-n.a1.-.1'be l**g . ilrrai of Illino!». Indi,« a, t)h! » igiî Ke Mi k-

»ill '.onvi'.p it Frantt'eit. lo Uan. ra. » - ivtrattea, on tbe l»n..f lehn.try, lo «j-re upon the lr »IP itim. f a N'..,iliwes4< ot ivdrrtoy, |if,|«'«ii terni« of ]».¦.. 1 ,t MB BMPC« w iii t: e

,'uu'edp,Bcy for in« Stale« borji :i on it e Mutl'/i ',»..1'it. I-'hn'.triPi 1 iircpotltt« « t ».'» t.-- -'to >. 4 ,i«fp, -.- »> v» 1' lattaBo-th er«,.tad pitea of ti tegtatMi ».an-

. iii tad .1,1-011 «rail ti of th"-« iipvi .." .pn! itu the I on-

f. .iPiB.-y. if «I r.-shlr sthap* -,'i» f tfesCrefkArate OtesreiI bit Ii, »mt , vant -. « . a »ni,tv pad commerce v an la»

,'j.iiiui. pan aUI b*al t::« reaaN to Rl-bn, >oJ. I«IrMtallht »'' '- :r»¡ v-nrnent f.r a «r»il at.! »atta»

. Bdjaatawat, vii Intareat» r»qa r. in-t mi. .. lio«.»1 ; y, with > »elou» a-d i!i|rab-d drt»r-

II -, taral! »f»djo»tBi»Bt willba «taba Itled for ntibcstleti te»

».fObio I a» taud lilli of» at'-ie h»l»tbo» and«hin tho« M'.'inl. -e! »'»'1.1,1 (rou (ha L'nltsd -tl'e» will io»

fers « «

11,a ii f ¡u. >«i' ¦ ft «ti«! tretpect. n.t inor -«u.r.i las»!»»i.i»i'. By Ita 1st of »pi re will b« » prairica. »aa-

«.1 11 ol lie ftiei in I .¦ -" 1 Writ, »nd hv 1st of lane pr».ir a se» pooBO, on re« tb« K»p ib.lcaiii waga war agaiuii lb«N u....-.!.

lil! M IV S KltiiM TafB NOKTII-VVFi-T./¦>i,m I i. toi.w.ot.d ilup ¡oh, V,b II.

^^',. pubHah ia i.notht r «..»liuiiu the astoaiaew« 'ron. «M iu»l»»il,ratataad nv the le'eiraph ou Sal-.j «lay VVe c» I,! »atoBliliiai. It i- 1 t-ie'limi mole li,«iiuttiBg aa* ii.tisg aaparyiaa, Indiana and (ve«

.t M io, BOO! .not- uet' to p u a «te;, to the w11- »opel».-- Lil » 1. lh« » terell,»., ef prurr or Sace»-iou.«.. ree.lltheir ,11 Mer». I» I] Ita d--l iu a varietv of «ay« llln.oia,Indiaaa aag Ubi» ka«« .wup rbla Nota partteasfl n j«

p'r of la !i«' -o:« mil fkhlo-not a pairv ia the lo«|l»'a-ltira-.mila >i_.» In li.» rt-uni«» -net pra.ii.r» «wwiaa« *»

ii..--!!-« 'I .»te« irp-. ,,-ntirt jo«i ,» .¦« ro;le.bul Ibaht»t« .thriit.elv . in »tliil i-nú in. iiitnili'al. «io I in-wl

a i.r'«. »1 .1 .[ «ale g (iuil .iiwi b ,w. .1 ibrou.b wha: -t ia*1'islr ujstitiri pf |.r»c«rdi-g, It ^eim. i« I« be a« d'»'.i«i..lined to: w.iioiu »a it fere ««ri*««lv k»ern for .Marei y.tksj «»-t tr»"'f 'r«.«...i' mat «»."' »«-t 1»-el»»»»'*. " '

1 ay birre »'is_If apttted Bastara w,tb a t ifeaBbwasSBSgIjaa IBSJ ir«,dd».»t«ir«.«mt ID »t.y p iu! within Iheli owa

fe» '"i> bill ol' «¡I other place« up.u raith to K a»fcf»rt,a» «¦» bode« o' 'ruot-s «ra « i,eilaiei dial tl.r ero

». a |« o! th< kei.liikv Le(l»li'.ui«. and va irro Li»!,:i.,v«Col trr» deltbi-rst ' witbreutiu. la at ile «lour r: t,

uit" looni.

j .he«.«-eier,-*»'. frein thii »erv«a'* sud c :i»r'a ni ol..; ,.ft. lil.»r .rr «o «and other drirKtir« !» Ill'-lii.i .11, ,..1.,._I'.t saceitalnrd, f c ur.e. Ihai 'he wey ia »a'r le- t

ir aii.i !i«i sfesYaafcss istareri sos h-. « w11 ',-r.their r»nl» »nd Jet thai,, i*re. shelb'r t_ey 1 SMNgM '. «

I. t..' I. .»«ii au'» or'iira «>r npt. fh« phytir, li reaaia, is

li,««>!»«. 0 I o' M. C.preaiil'. arm» of l_i),iK)H. »iihl»P <i««)«a!r«' feat Se.BfeS.Sfce (..,,-.! '..*»!'.. e ul O« Jrrilharea, asassi o a?»* comí bibsre a efeeta arare basa reasotee a« ita Basas» »' Lsbj Al -»ml IM NI 1. b» L .10,. mIsimb« « s'rurk »1 a »ingie blow, without hr 1, a «uni or di«« ti a

»woid, frBS! tiie litt of Ihe Union »-my! Well ti, »bl t a

Ile.«,',!]-! I'll Hie»« " I iporli'i t, '.f tru* \V»«onder st 1!« uiodelMiSB i<) Ibu« ilp«'|i «ling th-in i »ra

the concur.eut ann unoei put th.t Mu !-rnaod-a tei ,.,

tua- of bia IM»9S9 ..r-erte.» -'.« «'til .urn, , h»«vrn a,ii rart-ito t«k« 11 t -n 1: i iaet But »id lu lu- aituuiidlng ...i u, otthpiilingt-To «he credit of ltd« MmmurltT b« It uti we I,«re g1 ,|

»iluua. n abspiared tlie«,gntp«t coOfiilP! CP iu tit» hal.01«; irtad, paipai la hui.tnig, tbe authur 1 arfeicfe apj »r» I«It» a ui»!» appin tie» to tbe i-a.le of IviPg. 1 lie very el »va-

lines of the .liletaeptlileprivr«! theui »fal pow.r tu '» 'ta

by 1 »a 1 ill 1. »- 1. ,. uf behrf. Vet bad tl,eie been 'l.sinaatibadow of prottabilliy attie ..».I to tie tbayaarecai«it, 1« à l« produce Lilinne han, 't'he y .. i« p' -pdlu »tucb too much ripdlt to the tepon» wl: cb aeooapt« tljrlip non lh« IV., ile »V »at in I ta brie »te us» »«l by sli,»I aln.stt »ivallng that of \am-i la lo. k f.r tale t tit t'li««li. 'iona «'ni diitraitiooa of our enruna«, iu.traJ f ri.n.-

iitg it iroin the anly loutoe from winch u o e -n :» ,.,.«,

Boaret«, bare ti*» »alor «ud cou.t.ney of tb* .»¦ »»lia are

n, ie ..m our bannet in the field.Tualtl ir l.durord in ihe esuuol!« »a wal! re lo th« rank»

ol tua enemy we hera eva-ry reatos to bali«««; yet nu! ne»

In tue wea- tlaa wa baili ve l-l« ooualaul ..8tu.lon to habre-S Maar aaaM Hi tali«»«» biiaed. aolbiug could bp»more »o. It r»»ar. bopre thal »r» denne 1 to b* «ii. |Ml«41. pal a» li'-T »ie laiarii, and ¡be pin tuant of hop« 1«wei.sihau no1 rule tan.log hope lu tue I-».in.;. , It ii O<. ,1 fites «f u.U.a me woi>i p '»«i...» ¡or tserafitag «ui umi««.

Tbs Km * Warht..Th* pilot-boat Washiugtoa,No. i, ism* to tbs city yesierday, and raiwru theiteumer lilla War'ey, which waa aunk by collisionwith th* North San« having parted amidships,und r.,re to ti e anrfiic«, and is now entirely ailoat,hut still held ia the Bams place, rr-lably hy tbe

iiiuhor. Tiley would havs hoarded h«r hut for thotremeodooa high sea at thai Hine.