front cover analysis

Main image- The main image of the magazine is a mid-shot of Katy Perry, this is because she’s going to be the main feature of the magazine. The camera angle of the shot is just slightly further from a medium close up as it perfectly shows her figure. Katy Perry in this picture looks very feminine, edgy and colorful. The props used on Katy make the picture original and they also reflect Katy’s personality and her music genre. The main image is aimed to women due to the very feminine and girly colors of her dress , the flawless and airbrushed makeup and the flowers, also her body language makes her look naïve and innocent , signifying that she’s not a threat to other women; moreover the picture is also aimed to men due to her facial expression coming across as being seductive and by slightly showing her legs. The main image is a full bleed as it takes up the entire front cover, importantly covering the masthead, connoting that she’s the most important thing and that , that’s what the reader needs to be focusing on and this also shows the dominance she has over the magazine for this particular issue. The picture is a direct address as the model is looking straight at the camera , meaning that it will catch the readers attention by feeling more personal to her and encouraging the readers to read more as she’s looking straight at them. The costume used on Katy is something that the reader would expect her to wear as she’s known for being original and care-free ; also her dress is fun and short signifying her style of music. The color in the background once again relates to Katy as she’s always wearing vibrant colors and it also blends in with the flowers that are covering her body; furthermore it’s a simple plain color creating a focus on Katy. The flowers might connote that it’s a fresh and new start in her career and that she’s going to bring new music and ideas for her fans and people that enjoy her

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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Front Cover Analysis

Main image- The main image of the magazine is a mid-shot of Katy Perry, this is because she’s going to be the main feature of the magazine. The camera angle of the shot is just slightly further from a medium close up as it perfectly shows her figure. Katy Perry in this picture looks very feminine, edgy and colorful. The props used on Katy make the picture original and they also reflect Katy’s personality and her music genre. The main image is aimed to women due to the very feminine and girly colors of her dress , the flawless and airbrushed makeup and the flowers, also her body language makes her look naïve and innocent , signifying that she’s not a threat to other women; moreover the picture is also aimed to men due to her facial expression coming across as being seductive and by slightly showing her legs. The main image is a full bleed as it takes up the entire front cover, importantly covering the masthead, connoting that she’s the most important thing and that , that’s what the reader needs to be focusing on and this also shows the dominance she has over the magazine for this particular issue. The picture is a direct address as the model is looking straight at the camera , meaning that it will catch the readers attention by feeling more personal to her and encouraging the readers to read more as she’s looking straight at them. The costume used on Katy is something that the reader would expect her to wear as she’s known for being original and care-free ; also her dress is fun and short signifying her style of music. The color in the background once again relates to Katy as she’s always wearing vibrant colors and it also blends in with the flowers that are covering her body; furthermore it’s a simple plain color creating a focus on Katy. The flowers might connote that it’s a fresh and new start in her career and that she’s going to bring new music and ideas for her fans and people that enjoy her music. The lighting used makes the picture even more vibrant and luminous , this might have been done to show that she’s not hiding her true self and that she’s ready to open herself up to the rest of the world. She looks very conventional making herself appropriate for a younger audience as her music mainly appeals to young people The picture was clearly taken in a studio and this shows how famous and known she is as an artist and therefore this connotes that taking pictures in a studio was safer for her in compare to going out to a set location. She is captured looking flawless and royal and this links to splash the “Queen of Pop”.

Page 2: Front Cover Analysis

Masthead- The masthead in this magazine is “Billboard” which is the name of it and it’s the largest part of the text on the front cover. It’s in bald writing . The masthead is significant as it’s a very important and know world wide, it’s important as it’s telling the reader the name of what they are reading and this will enable the reader to create a personal relationship with the magazine. Also the name it’s important as it relates to a billboard you might see in big cities and they are meant to be big, bold and eye-catching and that’s exactly what the masthead is trying to do. Furthermore the masthead it’s important as it enables the reader to either get to know the specific magazine, to find information or any other queries about it or to simply know what the magazine is called. The typography used is is modern, simple and easy to remember , this last feature is important as the readers will easily recall what the magazines name is and therefore this will lead the reader to buy the magazine. Moreover as the typography is fairly simple this connotes that the magazine is aimed to a wide range of readers and to normal everyday people. The masthead is placed at the top of the front cover stretching horizontally over the entire page; however in this specific issue it’s covered by the main feature of the magazine(Katy Perry) furthermore this connotes that even though the reader it’s not able to read the masthead it expects that the reader knows what it’s called and therefore this shows that it’s a very known and famous music magazine. By sitting behind the image it secretly gives the impression of being an important magazine which every one is aware of. And it presents the magazine as being iconic as the magazine is based on a memorable font. In this particular issue the latter's “a” and “d” are filled in with bright and neon colors , this connotes that the magazine is aimed to a fairly young and modern audience. The colors used don’t have any particular connotation but they simply connote that the magazine as a whole is aimed to men, women and other unspecified genders, appealing to a wider audience. Also the color of the masthead is mainly black , the use of the filling colors might have been done to show diversity within the artist that the magazines presents. Moreover it allows Billboard to make their front covers different every week and to not necessarily stick to a color scheme.

Page 3: Front Cover Analysis

Color- From the front cover we can infer that the the main color scheme is of black, white and a soft but vibrant color which varies every week. The colors that fill the letters of the masthead also vary every week , signifying that billboard has a wide range of different artists featuring every week and that as a magazine is diverse and includes different points of view and different music genres. There are no shades used , this is because the colors used are already bold meaning that the colors don’t have to be reinforced to make them stand out. The colors used are black and yellow which relate to the strong floral focus and the colors used are the same as bees. The colors as a whole have a bright and fresh feel to it which link’s to the pop sound of Katy’s music.

Administrative detail- On this front cover there isn’t a barcode or the price of the issue however you can find the date and issue number just beneath the masthead written is a very small font this is because it’s an information that it’s not very important and that not many people are interest to now due to not being their first priority. Placing this information just beneath the masthead makes it visible to the reader no matter what the font size is , and this is important and it’s done to inform the readers about the information of the issue and the same time it doesn’t distract the main image.

Page 4: Front Cover Analysis

Cover Lines- There aren’t many sell lines as usual on this particular billboard issue , however the one’s that are present are placed next to the main image on the simple pink background. The font used is a similar version to the font used in the masthead , resembling that simple but bold appearance that the magazine is known for; the font size of the sell lines varies depending on the importance of the article, however the font used is smaller in compare to the font of the masthead and as it’s positioned next to the main image ; the font size doesn’t distract the image and it actually makes the image stand out duo to using such a small font and this makes them not take the attention off Katy Perry. The juxtapotion on the size font of the general sell lines with the cover line for “Katy Perry” demonstrates how much importance is given to her and how her alone is the main purpose of the magazine and this shows that only her name can sell huge numbers of magazines due to being a very popular singer ; moreover the font used for “Katy Perry” is completely different from the rest of the other cover lines, this is because it needs to stand out and it needs to be seen by the reader as it’s the most interesting article of the entire magazine and it’s also the most important as it’s the main feature which will sell the magazine. “Katy Perry” is written in black font just like the masthead, connoting that she’s dominating the magazine just as much as she’s dominating the music industry. The other part of the cover line is white, which doesn’t necessarily stand out as much as the black font does, however it signifies that the rest of the things that have to be said about her are not as important as her name, moreover by saying “Inside” it might intrigue the reader to metaphorically go ”inside” the magazine and find out more about her. Also alliteration is used in some of the sell lines, e.g. “bounce-back”, this language technique is used make the text more memorable to the reader and more fun to read, therefore this will make the reader want to read on. A puff is also used , placed near Katy's dress, the shape and colors of it doesn’t make it cheesy or unprofessional but the contrary, the color of the circle which is orange relates to the color scheme but by being slightly different it makes it stand out more against the pink background and the black floral dress. The puff stand out more as it’s placed next to the main image which is also standing alone. Lastly there’s another artist that is mentioned which doesn’t compare to Katy Perry but it still significantly stands out as it’s placed just above the masthead , and this will make it more visible to the reader.

Page 5: Front Cover Analysis

Main image- The main image of this mojo magazine issue is a mid-shot /close up of Madonna. The image is a full bleed as it follows the codes and conventions of a music magazine. The first thing we’re drawn to is her face as it’s being highly accentuated due to her bold features, her cat eyes relate to the black of the masthead , connoting that she’s dominating this particular issue and that she’s going to be the main important feature of the magazine. Moreover the black and white colours used to represent her reflect the masthead and the colour scheme of the front cover. A phallic symbol is used in this particular picture, this consist in the use of a cross to create a sexual feel as she’s licking the cross and looking directly to the reader creating a synthetic personalisation, therefore this will be one of the main reasons why men would buy this issue, however at the same time she’s an iconic figure representing herself as feminine because of her make up and outfit used, this is a reason why this issue would appeal to women as they might aspire to become like her due to being such an influential and known artist. The shot was taken in a studio, this was so that they could create

Page 6: Front Cover Analysis

Supporting images- There are other images on the front cover which relate to other articles which the magazine features. One is a small thumbnail placed at the right top side of the cover , and the picture reveals a sneak peak of a album cover. The picture is a thumbnail in order to not distract the main image but to add extra information about this exciting feature; this will appeal to more readers as we can see that the magazine offers a wide range of musicians and music genres. The second picture found of the front cover is a digital picture of Madonna’s music album , the size of it is fairly big to emphasise the importance of the CD and the filter of the picture is the same one which was used for the main image , connoting that the album relates to Madonna. This second picture supports the main image as it adds extra information about her as an artist without using text.

Page 7: Front Cover Analysis

Colour- The main colour scheme of this particular issue is blue, red, , black and with some hints of white. There are two main bright colours used of which bright red and bright yellow, this two colours stand out and make the front cover modern but vintage at the same time to reflect the artists personality. There’s a main theme of black and white , however to insure that the front cover is successful in persuading the reader to buy the magazine the uses of different colours connote a variety of different styles of music and artists , demonstrating that the issue is not only about the main singer; this will make the reader feel more secure to buy the magazine as they can understand that there’s a variety of articles to read and relate. However as previously said the dominant colour scheme makes the main artist come across the most important feature of the entire magazine and therefore this makes the reader understand that a lot of attention and dedication was taken when writing and creating the article for the main singer.

Page 8: Front Cover Analysis

Masthead- The masthead of this magazine is “Mojo” and it follows the codes and conventions of a music magazine as the masthead is placed at the top middle of the front cover. The masthead is placed behind the main image and this makes the main image dominant over the entire magazine. Furthermore this also shows how known this music magazine is as they expect the reader to instantly know what the name is; the name of the magazine is iconic so it will be easily recognized connoting the success and fame of this specific music magazine. The font used reflects the style of the artist creating a close relationship between the magazine and the artist connoting that the magazine knows what they are talking about and will create a true and real representation of the artist. The font looks 3D due to the grey shades used to make the masthead pop to the readers eyes due to being placed at the back and this characteristic makes it look superior to the rest of the font cover. The uses of neutral colours demonstrate that the magazine is aimed to both men and women.

Page 9: Front Cover Analysis

Cover lines- The font cover is filled up with cover lines , however keeping the main attention to the main image and this insure that the main article is not being affected by other things. The sell lines are positioned to the sides of the main image , insuring that the main image is not being distracted by less important things. The colours used for the cover lines are varied but kept simple, by using different colours it crates a variety of styles and representations . The red colour has been used for the most important information for the reader to know as red is the first colour we’re drawn to as readers. The colours red and blue have been used to appeal to a female and male readers. As the main artist is a female her name has been written in a light blue font to make it appeal to a male audience as well ; the font used for “Madonna” has vintage connotations and comes across as being gentle and stylish , once gain represent the artist personality. The cover lines chosen are the most exciting articles of the magazine, this was done to draw the reader to find out more about the articles. The tone of the sell lines are fairly informal to make the reader feel comfortable and excited to read the magazine, as they might feel that they can be themselves when reading the issue.

Page 10: Front Cover Analysis

Typography- All of the fonts used on the front cover are very similar between them and everything is written in capitals apart from the extra information which is not as important . Depending on the importance of the information the font size becomes bigger, to mirror the significance of each article.

Banners, buttons and other graphics- There are banners on the front cover to advertise free items and get the readers attention. The different shapes used to emphasize various cover lines are characteristics which will sell the magazine as the reader will be persuaded to buy the issue. To make these stand out even more , they’ve used colours to stick to the readers mind and this creates a kind of synthetic personalisation as it’s almost talking r=directly to the reader and persuading them to buy the magazine by using colours. There’s also a plug , as it’s referencing a ”free CD” tricking the reader into buying the magazine as they will receive something without spending their money.

Administrative detail- There’s a barcode with the price, date and issue number, placed at the bottom right of the front cover. This makes it easier for the reader to find out critical information all at once, furthermore this characteristic is also important as it makes it easier for the reader to know what they are reading.

Page 11: Front Cover Analysis

Main Image- The main image of this particular billboard issue is a full bleed of Justin Bieber. The picture is a full bleed as it follows the codes and conventions of a music magazine. The picture is a mid-shot of the singer, facing sideways. The picture is a direct address to the reader as the singer is looking straight at the camera, and this creates and synthetic relationship between the magazine and the reader. When analysing for mise-en scene , you can say that the facial expression of the singer looks relatively scared and insecure, again this is reinforced by the rest of his body language , this connotes that the singer might be afraid to come back and enter the music industry as many years have gone by. The body language shows Justin Bieber almost hugging himself , connoting that he’s now alone in all of this and that his comeback is all thanks to himself as he’s now grown up and mature, the hands might connote that he needs reassurance and feels vulnerable. Again the hair cover his face giving a feeling of insecurity and privacy ; this shot presents the singer as being a completely different person and artist in compare to what he was before in the past. The artist in the picture is wearing a sweater which shows off his muscly and fit body, this might have been done to make the reader appealed not only to his carrier and music but also to his looks, which many teenagers and young adults might find attractive. The lighting in the picture is very particular as it has shades of red, blue, purple and pink; this particular choice of light might have been purposely chosen to make the singer appear modern and alternative and to keep the magazine vibrant and lively as it’s what Billboard magazine front covers are usually like. The location of the shot is a studio , this is because it allows the use of different lights and backgrounds.

Page 12: Front Cover Analysis

Colour- the colour scheme used in this Billboard issue is white, black and a peachy/reddish colour which mimics the colours of the lights used in the picture of the singer. The colour used in the background is a dark blue with shades of grey this creates a solid base for the main picture as it makes it stand out and make the picture seem brighter; this might connote that singer was once in a dark and confusing place due to the colours used , however the bright lights and colours used on him make the reader understand that he’s now reborn and ready to shine and own the world. The colour combination on this front cover also makes the artist seem very modern and futuristic reflecting his personality

Page 13: Front Cover Analysis

Masthead- The masthead is the title or name of the magazine which in this case is "Billboard”. The masthead is placed vertically on the left hand side of the front cover, this is very unusual as the majority of Billboard magazines have their masthead placed at the top centre; however this goes against the codes and conventions of magazines, connoting that it’s probably a special edition . The colour of the masthead reminds of the colour of the light shades that can be seen in the picture; this connote that the singer is dominating this issue and that the edition is going to be mainly about him. The placing of the masthead again reinforces the singer as being the dominant one as it’s placed sideways in order to not distract the reader. This also connote that Billboard is a known music magazine as it lets the reader assume that they should know this magazine due to the diversity of the masthead. The typography used in the masthead is once ah=gain different to the usual billboard issues, it’s bolder and chunky , this is due to not being placed as usual and therefore by being bolder and thinker it still insures that the reader is able to identify what magazine it is. Lastly the masthead is usually placed behind the image however as the main image is already dominating the article the masthead was placed at the same level next to the main image to give similar importance to the masthead and the image.

Page 14: Front Cover Analysis

Cover lines- There are very few cover lines in this front cover of which one is about Adele and the other one about some other artist. This two sell lines are placed directly under one another and at the side of the singer. Firstly this was done to take as less space as possible and by placing them next to the head of the singer it ensures that the reader will read and be aware of them as the first thing that we are drawn to is his face. The colour of this two sell lines is the same as the masthead and lighting in the picture, this is so that there is a particular colour scheme which makes it look professional but also so that they reference the second dominant feature if the front cover which is the masthead, therefore this will cause the reader to not ignore them. Contemporarily the sell lines have a small size font to not distract the main feature of the magazine . The font used is different to the rest of the fonts used, to create variety and to make them stand out to the eyes of the readers. There is a use of rhyming as a language technique “Adele’s…. Stats”, this was done to make the sell line catchy and memorable , creating an interest for the reader and make them read on. The cover line used as a description for the image is the biggest out of the ones on the front cover, especially the name of the singer is being emphasized by using a bigger size font in compare to the rest of the cover lines; also the colour font used makes that specific cover line stand out against the dark background in compare to the rest as it connotes that “Justin Bieber” is a new person and artist as the font used for this cover line is different from the rest to show that the main article and subject of the magazine will be “Justin Bieber”. Moreover the tone of the language used in the sell lines is formal/informal as it includes humour but seriousness at the same time.

Page 15: Front Cover Analysis

Administrative detail: There is not price or barcode on this front cover , as it is a special edition and it might not look aesthetically pleasing to have the price on the front page. However there is the issue number and date , this is important as it enables readers to know which issue they are reading in case they have to research it or just for collections. This is done by using a very small size font underneath the masthead , this insures that it can still be read as it’s referenced to the masthead and does not distract the rest of the front cover as it’s not important as the rest of the information.