front cover & contents page research


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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Front cover & contents page research






Page 2: Front cover & contents page research

This magazine cover has a background image, in which has a layer of text on top, with the main title also layered on top of the image.

It gives a small insight to what is going to be in the magazine with small bits of text. The use of colours

gives a male feel to it, along with the background image.

This front cover is a pretty basic format, in which there is only one image, and a bit of text, but the way it has been laid out is smart as it gives the viewer a lot to look at, when in actual fact there is not much on the cover.

Page 3: Front cover & contents page research

This front cover it very basic, but visually impressive, the emptiness adds to the effect that it has, which incises buyers to want to buy it.

The layout of the cover is to have the title at the top, with text scattered over the page, and finally with a main image behind everything else.

This front cover doesn’t have much on it, but this makes it more effective and visual, as it will make the target audience intrigued to what is inside.

Page 4: Front cover & contents page research

This contents page has two parts to it, there is a side part which has a bit of blurb about the magazine, and then has a mix of pages for the contents.

The layout of this page is very structured, in the sense that everything has its place on the page. Split into 3 parts, an image, blurb, and the contents. The colours used are to give a striking effect, as the pink is very visible on top of the black.

This contents page is set out in a way that they do not have to have every page noted on the page, but they have a few sections and then in each section a few main pages which could be of interest.

Page 5: Front cover & contents page research

This contents page does not have any blurb about the magazine, and has a much less professional look about it.

The layout is quite disjointed in which the actual contents are swapped from either side of the page, the images don’t seem to have any place, and the background doesn’t seem to be very appealing. The colour scheme used is quite bland, being black and white with a hint of yellow.

This contents page is not very professional, and doesn’t seem very visually appealing for the viewer's.

Page 6: Front cover & contents page research




Page 7: Front cover & contents page research

The layout of my front cover is quite structural, in the sense that the text is at the bottom, the title at the top, and images in the middle, the background has layers to it to create a symmetrical image.

The main image has been edited, and then the smaller images have been put into a structure which gives it a visual appeal. I have used a colour scheme that works well together, used in all of the text and the background.

My front cover could be much better, as the main image is not perfect, it seems like it is floating. The font should be something more civilised, as this is a sixth form magazine and not lower school. And the background image should be more visually appealing for readers.

Page 8: Front cover & contents page research

The layout of my contents page is relatively structural again, with a title on the bottom of the page, the contents to the left side, and then an image and blurb to the right, the background is the same as the one used for the front cover, to give the sense of continuance.

The font has been changed from what it was on the front cover, and seems much more readable. The image used has not been edited very much, other than fading on the edges for effect on the page. The same colour scheme has been used as in the front cover.

My Contents page seems quite blank, and I believe this is because of a plain background, I think the colour scheme works well, but I could have more images on the page, and could also split the contents into sections.