front cover

Front Cover My original plan for my student magazine was for the title to be “Young Generation”. I then decided to change that later as I found that it took up too much room. While researching magazines I found that all the magazines had a shop and catchy masthead. I change my masthead to “Youth” because it summed up my target audience in one word, it was easy to remember, simply and catchy. My original magazines layout was also change as I did not feel the pictures made a big statement. There was too much pictures and the main picture would not have made a huge enough effect as I would have wanted it too.

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Front Cover

Front Cover

My original plan for my student magazine was for the title to be “Young Generation”. I then decided to change that later as I found that it took up too much room. While researching magazines I found that all the magazines had a shop and catchy masthead. I change my masthead to “Youth” because it summed up my target audience in one word, it was easy to remember, simply and catchy. My original magazines layout was also change as I did not feel the pictures made a big statement. There was too much pictures and the main picture would not have made a huge enough effect as I would have wanted it too.

I decided to take some more photos but this time some single shots. I then used the polygonal lasso tool to cut out the girl and blurred out the edges so that it is not as sharp.

Page 2: Front Cover

After I had the single shot away from the background I noticed that the image was not clear due to the location that it was taken. I then decided to take some more photos but outdoor photos. The image had the right background and was clear. I then used the polygonal lasso tool again to copy the image of the female alone on to another plain A4 paper while I make changes to the background to create effect. For the background I used the blur tool in Image-Adjustment-Colour balance so that the image is not as sharp and to create a different effect from the single shot image of the female. I then copied the single shot image of the girl and placed her in the exact same place that she originally was in. I edited the colour of the single shot female by going to Image- Adjustment- Auto-colour.

Page 3: Front Cover

I created effect on the masthead in order for it to stand out. I made the text a bold white colour and then added and inner shadow, drop shadow, bevel and emboss which made it stand out and not look so flat on the magazine. For my main story I made the heading in bold and a different front and colour from the sub-heading. I did this for effect in order for it to catch the reader’s eye. I did this by adding by using different colours and adding on inner & drop shadow and outer glow.

Page 4: Front Cover

In order for it to look like a real magazine I had to add on a barcode which I copied and pasted from Google. I resized it and placed it in the corner of my magazine.

For my cover lines I used the same front size and type as I used for my main cover lines so that my magazine was consistent. I then made sure the effects I had on my cover lines was a Drop-shadow, Inner-shadow and an orange outer glow to keep in the theme of my magazine. I choose the colour brown, white and orange as they are warm colours and neutral colours as my magazine is for both male and female. I also choose those colours as I felt they are bright, bubbly and bold with I believe will catch the eye of the reader.Lastly I made sure that everything was lined up and straight, not over lapping one another. I then made sure that my text had enough room between each other and was not too spaced out.