frosh issue 2012

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2012 canada’s only daily student newspaper • founded 1906 VOLUME 106, ISSUE 4 the gazette Watching Canada go for gold since 1906 TODAY high 10 low -10 TOMORROW high 10 low -10 • @uwogazette Front head front body >> pg. Naira Ahmed GAZETTE

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Page 1: Frosh Issue 2012

Tuesday, sepTember 4, 2012 canada’s only daily student newspaper • founded 1906 Volume 106, issue 4

thegazetteWatching Canada go for gold since 1906


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Naira Ahmed Gazette

Page 2: Frosh Issue 2012









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2 • thegazette • Tuesday, September 4, 2012

YOUR LEAD INVESTIGATORSCongratulations, you made it. You’ve been asked to join the enigmatic yet fascinating world of Western. But university may seem a bit mys-terious right now.  You’re enter-ing a new world away from home filled with people you’ve never met. You don’t know if you’ll make any friends, or if you’ll survive the workload. Trust us, you will. 

On the other hand, you’re prob-ably anticipating the new friend-ships, opportunities and parties that come with the post-second-ary lifestyle.

Everyone from your cousin to your grandma has been telling you what to expect. ‘Freshman 15’, the Spoke, rez parties and homecoming are some buzzwords you’ve probably been hearing. But what does it all really entail? Don’t worry—we aren’t about to leave you clueless as you enter your first week of classes.

As a newspaper, we are here to provide you with facts, decode the myths and tell it like it is.  First off, you should get to know the thing you’re holding—your handy and reliable student newspaper. Known as the Gazette, our paper comprised of 21 student editors will keep you informed, and in the loop, Tuesday to Friday each week.

And for this special issue, we’ve hired a team of investigators and detectives to help you solve what we’re calling the ‘Western mys-tery’—all the myths and uncertain-ties about university life.

Our news section will continue to investigate Western and its sur-roundings this year. Look for up-to-date coverage on your University Students’ Council and happenings on campus, and in London.

Next comes arts & life.  You can find our arts editors recapping the latest band to play London, or cri-tiquing the newest Blockbuster to hit theatres. Of course, there will be insightful discussions about life too—whether it’s an easy new rec-ipe or winter fashion tips.

Flip to our opinions page where you’ll see ramblings and concerns of Western’s student body and staff. Feel free to contribute fre-quently. Seriously, we want to hear from you all the time. The opinions section is designed for the student voice. You’ll also come across our very own thoughts on some con-

tentious issues, and some not-so-serious issues.

For everything current about your varsity athletes and teams, make your way to the sports sec-tion. You’ll find our editors discuss-ing the potential NHL lockout or the latest football game.

You might see our photogra-phers running around campus, capturing news as it happens. They’re there for campus events, sports games and even week-end concerts in London. And our graphics team will usually be in our office, enhancing their al-ready-pristine Photoshop skills.

Video is another creative ave-nue we like to explore. Whether it’s making promotional videos for our next special issue, or filming our sports editors competing against varsity athletes, our videographer is always busy.

And don’t worry—we’re also

on the web. Our online editor will make sure the most current news reaches you, whether it’s through Twitter, Facebook or our very own, new website.

There really is something for everyone here at the Gazette. And you don’t need any experience to join our team. If you stop by our office, we’ll gladly take you under our wing. We’ll even let you write, take photos or design a graphic after your first visit. 

While there are many oppor-tunities for you within our walls, the opportunities extend across campus. The possibilities really are endless. As you try to figure out what Western’s all about, remem-ber three key words—participa-tion, patience and practice. They will help with your investigation, and help you make the most out of your Western experience. Good luck with your search.

Andrei Calinescu Gazette

IS THAT THE BLOOD OF A FRESHMAN? (from left to right) Deputy editor Nicole Gibillini, managing editor Cam Parkes and editor-in-chief Gloria Dickie will lead this year’s paper.

Western Clue

The Gazette office is located at UCC 263

Mike Laine Gazette

Page 3: Frosh Issue 2012

SUBMISSIONS INVITED Mid-Term Review of the President

Dr. Amit Chakma has completed three years of his five-year appointment as Western’s President and Vice-Chancellor. In accordance with Board policy, the Board of Governors has established a President’s Review Committee.

The mandate of the Committee is to review the President’s performance and to make a recommendation to the Board with respect to reappointment for a second term. Information about the Committee and the criteria it will use in making its assessment can be found at

The Committee will accept written submissions from the community until September 14, 2012. All submissions will be kept confidential to the Committee but anonymous submissions will not be considered.

Comments may be submitted as follows:

By mail: President’s Review Committee

c/o Irene Birrell University Secretary

Rm. 4101 Stevenson Hall 1151 Richmond St.

London, Ontario N6A 5B8

By fax: 519.661.3588

By e-mail: [email protected]

Solution to puzzle on page 9

Masonville Place 519-679-4505


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Student Loan Processing UCC Postal Outlet Important dates and information:

September 4 –13 Great Hall ONLY

Mon - Fri, 9 AM to 4 PM

September 14 onward UCC Postal Outlet, Lower Level

Mon - Fri, 9 AM to 6 PM


thegazette • Tuesday, September 4, 2012 • 3



Use a reusable mug at Tim Hortons to save 10¢

The Underground TunnelsWhen winter arrives, London, conveniently situated in Ontario’s snow belt, transforms into a post-apocalyptic world of snow and ice. This means that navigating Western’s frozen plains can be a perilous activity, even for hardened, frost-bitten upper-years. Luckily, Western’s forefathers planned ahead and established a hid-den network of underground tunnels between important campus buildings, allowing students to get to class with ease. Now, whether you’re travelling from Thames Hall to Alumni Hall, the University Community Centre to Weldon, or Stevenson-Lawson to University College, you can avoid the blustery campus climate. For a full map of Western’s tunnel systems, see pages six and seven.

University Community CentreEventually, curiosity gets the better of most Western students, and they decide to venture upstairs to the second and third floors of the UCC. Here, students find a wealth of University Students’ Council-affiliated clubs, council chambers, as well two whole floors that make for a great study spot. And, as an extra tidbit, students can actually access the balcony overlooking Concrete Beach from second floor.

Western FilmThe UCC’s second floor is also home to Western Film. Here, you can catch a second-run movie for $5 or $3.50 on Tuesdays. This is a movie-goer’s treasure, as it offers one of the cheapest ways to catch a flick in the city. Keep an eye out for coupons in your Westernizer or student handbook that will make a night at Western Film even cheaper. And, if you love camp, why not check out Western Film’s midnight cult classics? These films run on Friday nights throughout the school year.

IT ServicesDon’t stress when your computer breaks down. Western’s Support Services building, located across from Saugeen-Maitland Hall, offers free support to students experiencing a technological hardship. Their e-Wellness campaign assists those with computers that have been infected with a virus, and staff are always willing to do the best they can to help you out with any electronic is-sues. It’s like having your very own nerds on site.

Williams Fresh CafeIf the UCC Tim Hortons line is incredibly long, as it usually is, and you’re running late for class, head to the opposite end of UCC’s Centre Spot and check out Williams Fresh Cafe. The line here is often much shorter than either of the two Tim Hortons’ lines located in the UCC, and will guaran-tee you get your much-needed morning coffee sooner. And soon, you’ll even be able to outsmart students waiting in line at Starbucks too!

Subway by PerthSometimes you just have a hankering for a delicious sub, made exactly the way you want from Subway. If this is the case, take the extra time to go to the Subway located on the corner of West-ern and Sarnia roads, near Perth Hall. The subs here are actually cheaper than the Subway in the UCC, and you won’t be stuck in line for twenty minutes.

Spoke BagelsWhile it’s hard to consider a restaurant in the heart of campus a secret, Spoke employees sure seem to be tight-lipped about the delicious types of bagels they have for sale. Top up your asiago sourdough bagel with an herb and garlic cream cheese, or in-dulge in a roasted red pepper cream cheese spread for a true culinary sensation from this underrated eatery. Furthermore, the price of their CLT has not been raised for quite a while, and provides a lot of bang for your buck.

The 10 Wonderland Countless students before you have patiently waited at the bus stop outside Delaware Hall, excited for a shopping trip to Ma-sonville Place. These same students have made the grave mis-take of not waiting at Natural Science for the 10 Wonderland, even though it, like the 13 Wellington, will take them to Mason-ville Place. As an added bonus, the 2 Dundas also goes to Ma-sonville on the weekends.

—Ryan Hurlbut  

Page 4: Frosh Issue 2012

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John ReedMIT 1500Voted First-Year Instructor of 2011 and 2012 by the mitZine, John Reed is known for his enthusiasm, wit and interesting course mate-rial. Although his lecture style—often one word per slide—can be slightly off-putting at first, his eclectic teaching style is a refresh-ing change for first-year students in MIT.

Mike AtkinsonPsychology 1000Known for his entertaining lec-tures, eccentric dress and sweet facial hair, Atkinson—or Dr. Mike, as he is affectionately known—stands out amongst a good crop of psych 1000 professors. Often described as funny, warm, smart and engaging, it is not uncom-mon for students to switch around their rigid first-year schedules just to get in to ‘Super Psych with Dr. Mike.’

Tom HaffieBiology 1001Widely regarded as a brilliant and challenging professor, Haffie cer-tainly has interesting words for a class of 800 first-year science students—“next year, half of you will be gone.” His half of the course, taught with passion and deep understanding, pairs well with his examinations, which are ruthless—albeit fair—ordeals that serve to keep his prophecy accu-rate. You’ve been warned.

Charles Jones and Nigmendra NarainPolitical Science 1020EThese two are listed together because they compliment each other pretty well through first and second semester. Both are patient, knowledgeable and funny—all of which make them a great dynamic duo for a mas-sive first-year class. Keep an eye out for hilarious multiple-choice questions, drug references and jokes about Jones’ sex life.

Jeannie GillmoreEconomics 1021-1022Economics can be a pretty daunt-ing class for first-year students, but Gillmore is the person you want teaching it. Her lectures are informative and effective at keep-ing such a large class interested. Economics may not be the easiest class for everyone, but Gillmore’s tests are quite fair and not meant to trip you up. Put in the work and you will be fine with her.

—Aaron Zaltzman

As a first-year student, moving into residence can be a nerve-wracking experi-ence. It doesn’t help that television shows, movies and malicious older siblings probably skew your expectations of residence life.  So, to hopefully provide you with a calmer transition period, the Gazette is going to decode some of those resi-dence myths.

The Freshman 15: FictionAs the myth goes, an extra 15 pounds pile on during the first few weeks due to the unhealthy foods and parent-free pantries of residence. First, always take tales you hear about residence food with a grain of salt—no pun intended. The quality and variety of food items vary from school to school, but here at Western the residence cafeterias prioritize student health. While your high school may have gotten away with serving the same deep-fried paste day after day, the options in residence are enough to provide the element of choice. Because of these choices many first-years can actually lose weight after moving into residence. If you do gain weight, it won’t be because of residence—it will be because you chose the cheese fries. Twice.

Sketchy Coed Bathrooms: Fiction Among the chaos of move-in weekend, these shared bathroom spaces are often among the top concerns for both parents and incoming students.  There seems to be a general consensus that bathrooms with both males and females will be a vortex of garbage and promiscuity. What people forget is that the bath-rooms they have at home are often shared between family members, and the coed bathrooms in residence have the same kind of vibe. Besides, most residences have cleaning staff who maintain the condition of floor bathrooms. As for the promiscuity, once you see people gargle mouthwash or shave their armpits, all thoughts of sexy times in the bathroom evaporate.

Floorcest: FactSpeaking of sexy times, another common assumption is that people on the same residence floor will even-tually get together. There’s a lot of variation in this notion, as it depends heavily on the individuals who occupy each floor. However, due to the overall excitement of meeting new people coupled with the raging hormones of young adults, floorcest will almost always occur. Whether it’s a one-time kiss or a five-month relationship, some kind of pairing will blossom out of these random residence placements. All you can do is try to keep things friendly if the experience ends badly, and know a negative outcome is a possibility—be-fore you enter the partnership.

Non-Stop Party Rocking: (Mostly) FictionAs a first-year student looking at university course loads, you may be worried about staying focused in residence. The common belief is residences invite never-ending parties that even the likes of LMFAO would be hesitant about attending. This, like most party-related myths concerning Western, is exaggerated. Most people don’t realize it until they move in, but every floor not only has quiet hours, but also a residence assis-tant and don to enforce them. While there will undoubtedly be parties in residence, you’ll learn quickly that no one dishes out big bucks to attend Western just to fail out of first year, and most of the festivities are held on weekends. If the partying or noise ever does become too much, there are always other areas in residence used specifically for studying or casual fun.

—Kevin Hurren

4 • thegazette • Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Page 5: Frosh Issue 2012

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thegazette • Tuesday, September 4, 2012 • 5

THE SECRETS TO SUCCESSSucceeding in univer-sity doesn’t have to be a mystery. While each class may be unique in terms of the professor’s teach-ing style, the grading scheme or the presentation of content, there are many resources you can utilize early in the school year. Take advantage of the fol-lowing tips —school should be enjoyable, not mystifying.

1. GET TO KNOW YOUR PROFSHowever intimidating they may initially seem, professors and TAs are there to help. Figure out whether your professor has office hours or prefers making appoint-ments. Clarify any questions you have as soon as they arise instead of leaving them until the night before an exam. You’ll get much more from the class—and profes-sors notice students who make an extra effort.

2. LOOK TO THE STUDENT DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Counsellors at the Learning Help Centre, Room 4139 of Western Student Services Building (WSS), are available on a drop-in basis. They can help you with time man-agement, problem solving, test anxiety, multiple-choice exams, essay planning and more. Fur-thermore, the Writing Support Centre, Room 4130 of WSS, offers drop-in assistance as well as free one-on-one tutoring. Appoint-ments can be made by phone or in person.

3. UTILIZE YOUR PEERS Ask upper-year students, like your sophs, what worked best for them in a given class. Focus on under-standing material rather than memorizing it by discussing class content with others. Understand-ing lectures from a new perspec-tive allows your brain to process material in a different way, and makes it more likely for you to re-call it during exam time.

4. TAKE CARENo matter how busy you are, your health should be your num-ber one priority. Substitute cof-fee with water or juice when you can, and include variety in all your meals. Keep fit. Take advantage of free classes at Campus Recre-ation or make an appointment with a Western dietician if you’re really worried about the ‘Fresh-man 15.’

5. TAKE A SNOOZEIt might sound cliché, but sleep is important. You may think staying up all night to cram for that psych exam will help you pass, but get-ting some extra sleep will help you retain more information. Aim for eight hours a night.

—Sumedha Arya

Adam FearnallUSC President

Armed and extremely presiden-tial, Fearnall is responsible for rep-resenting the University Students’ Council and the student body’s interest. As president of the USC, Fearnall is the chairman of the Ex-ecutive Council and the spokes-man for the corporate elements of the USC.

Tony AyalaVP Finance

Ayala is responsible for manag-ing the corporate resources of the USC, overseeing the annual budget and monitoring the fi-nancial standing of the USC. As VP finance, he also oversees club financing and provides resources to help students manage their finances.

Alysha LiVP University Affairs

Getting ‘a fair deal’ for students as VP university affairs, Li repre-sents Western students to orga-nizations and institutions that af-fect student life. Li advocates for students by facilitating commu-nications with Western’s admin-istration, as well as the provincial and federal governments.

Erin UberigVP Student Events

Organizing events and programs for the student body, Uberig doesn’t need little birds to know what’s happening. As VP student events, Uberig is responsible for supporting student programs and clubs, and encouraging Western students to get involved.

Jeremy SantucciVP Communications

Fluent in all modern forms of com-munication, Santucci is this year’s VP communications. He keeps the USC up to date with all the lat-est communication gadgets. He is also responsible for oversee-ing USC media outlets including CHRW, Big Purple Couch and the Gazette.

Myuri KomaragiriVP Campus Issues

As VP campus issues, Komaragiri is responsible for making sure that all students, social groups and student groups have equal opportunities. She is also respon-sible for building partnerships and raising awareness of student issues.

—Brent Holmes

• Clubs• FootPatrol• PrideWestern

• EnviroWestern• CHRW• TheGazette

• Intramurals• Sophing• W.I.N.


Page 6: Frosh Issue 2012
Page 7: Frosh Issue 2012

Mike Laine Gazette

Page 8: Frosh Issue 2012

Ivan E. Coyote Department of English Writer-in-Residence 2012-13

For 40 years the Department of English has been host to a Writer-in-Residence. The post will be held in 2012-13 by Ivan E. Coyote. Writers-in-Residence hold regular office hours to offer feedback to, and consultation with, both experienced and novice creative writers from the university and London community.

Ivan Coyote will take appointments beginning the week of September 10, 2012 and continuing to December 2012. Please contact Vivian Foglton in the Department of English (Tel: 519-661-3403; email: [email protected]) to arrange an appointment. For more information, visit the Department of English website at

Western’s Writer-in-Residence program is generously funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, the James A. And Marjorie Spenceley Lectureship in Literature, the Faculty of Education, the Office of the Registrar, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the Department of Women’s Studies and Feminist Research, Western’s Women’s Caucus, and the Student Writing Support Centre.

8 • thegazette • Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Following the right trailHey you, freshman! You look a little lost, but don’t worry. Yes, we know this place seems scary and overwhelming, but we assure you it only looks that way. You just need to get to know your way around, which you’ll do with help from your friendly student newspaper, the Gazette.

Let’s take a walk…

Western has a vast, beautiful, im-mense, vibrant, and above all, freaking huge campus. Getting around on foot is nice, but it will take you a while depending on where you have to go. Luckily, you probably live in residence, which puts you in close proximity to the central part of campus. This section has all the main build-ings, such as University College, the University Community Cen-tre and the Social Science Centre, where most of your classes will likely be. If you have most of your classes in far away buildings, like Elborn College, you might want to pick a new major. And yes, while London may be renowned for its magnificently harsh winters, don’t worry, because Western has an array of hidden underground tunnels between some buildings.


There are about five or six buses that go through campus at some point or another, but the ste-reotypical Western student only cares about the 13 Wellington, which travels up and down Rich-mond, the 2 Dundas—for those who want to experience the smell of London’s beautiful Dundas and Richmond intersection—and of course, the wonderful 6 Rich-mond, which travels from down-town to campus and back again. All these buses are useful for get-ting to the mall or grocery store.


Biking is another great option, but only for the fall and spring. West-ern has many wide sidewalks, a bike rental program and bike paths along the whole campus. The one catch—if you bike across the bridge, you will absolutely hold up traffic and possibly cause it to collapse into the Thames. On the flip side, if you see anybody walking inside the bike path, we’re fairly sure you’re permitted by the school to run them down.*

*Legal disclaimer: You probably don’t have permission to do this.


Western, despite its narrow cir-cuitry of roads, has many fine parking lots, none of which you’ll be able to park in, ever. The choic-est ones are generally reserved for faculty and grad students, and the undergraduate ones are far away from everything and fill up insanely fast. If you can avoid it, the Gazette would recommend not driving to campus. No jokes here, just straight up save us all a headache and don’t drive to campus.

—Aaron Zaltzman

STEALTHY STUDY SPOTS While midterms and finals may seem a long way off, they have a habit of creeping up on the unwary student. If and when that happens, don’t be another sucker lining up at 9 a.m. to snag a decent spot at Weldon Library. Campus is littered with hidden study spots just waiting to be discovered by anyone intrepid enough to seek them out.   Here are a few to keep in mind. Remember that this list is by no means exhaustive, so go out and explore. The Gazette takes no responsibility for any frosh lost, maimed or otherwise incapacitated as a result of the aforementioned exploring.

Book a study room:Are you a Western student? Know how to work a computer and/or find a service desk? Congratulations! You’re eligible to reserve one of the study rooms in the various libraries around campus. These soundproofed rooms are invaluable for group work, but require some forethought—they get booked fast.

—Alex Carmona

Mike Laine Gazette

The Law Library: If Weldon is full, or just too much of a scene, venture off into grad school territory. The building is spacious, sparsely populated and completely silent.

Empty classrooms: Any classroom not occupied is up for grabs. Put your feet up and enjoy unlimited space and solitude.

The stacks: These mazes at Weldon are littered with small desks that make up for lack of power outlets. It’s an amazing atmosphere so long as you’re not claustrophobic.

Beryl Ivey Garden: This beautiful outdoor sitting area is great for anyone who likes to study in the sunshine. As a bonus, buildings mostly surround it, so it’s fairly quiet. Best suited for October midterms and April finals.

Andrei Calinescu Gazette

Page 9: Frosh Issue 2012

HOUSING3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. Oxford/Wharncliffearea. Many updates, 2 full bathrooms, 5 appliances.150 feet from bus stop. $410/month inclusive. 8month lease. Call Ted 519-697-5746 or 1-877-582-9004 or [email protected]

ROOMS TO RENT Wharncliffe/Oxford area, Victori-an house, large rooms, parking, on bus route, wash-er/dryer, full kitchen, 3 full bathrooms. $410 includingutilities.Serious students only. Ted 519-697-5746.

UPCOMING EVENTSBICYCLE SALE! RECONDITIONED bicycles forsale Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012 from 8:00am to 2:00pmat Petro Canada/7-Eleven, 1181 Western Rd (at Sar-nia Rd.) London Central Lions Club

BIZINC IS HOSTING our StartMeUp launch eventon Tuesday, October 2nd in the Mustang Lounge, 5-7 pm. For more information, visit oremail [email protected].

CALVIN HARRIS BLOCK Party Tickets available forsale at Western Connections in the UCC Lower Levelnext to InPrint. Tickets cost $65.

MEMBERS OF MTV’s Members of MTV’s “TheBuried Life” will be speaking Wednesday September26 from 7pm - 9pm in Mustang Lounge. The12$ticket includes a free after party with members @ theWave. Go to Western Connections, King’s Connec-tion or online for tickets.

PURPLEFEST IS THE University Students’ Coun-cil’s annual welcome back week filled with concertsand other FREE programming for ALL students andwill be taking place from September 11 - 13.

VOLUNTEER FAIR 2012 will be running September24-28 in the University Community Centre (UCC) be-tween 9:30 am and 3:30 pm each day.

ANNOUNCEMENTSMUSTANG EXPRESS LATE night shuttle will re-sume service the evening of Thursday, September6th at 12:15 am.

STUDENT LOAN PROCESSING through the UCCPostal Outlet. From September 4 to 13, student loanprocessing will take place at GREAT HALL ONLY, 9am to 4 pm. From September 14 onward, studentloan processing will be available all year round at theUCC Postal Outlet, in the UCC lower level (down thehall from Travel Cuts), Monday to Friday, 9 am to 6pm. Bring your SIN card, Photo ID, and a voidcheque (or complete banking information.

WE ARE PLEASED to announced the USC’s twonewest operations: MUSTANG CENTRAL and WEST-ERN CONNECTIONS, both formerly part of InfoSourceand Reservations. Western Connections is located inthe lower level of the UCC, next to InPrint will be of-fering: Greyhound Ticket Sales, Event Ticket Sales,LTC Ticket Sales, Locker Rentals, Purple Bike Rentals,Extracurricular Courses, Bus Pass Replacements, In-ternal Mail Pick-up, Space Rental Planning andEvent Space Planning. Mustang Central will be locatedin the main level of the UCC, next to the Spoke andwill be offering: General information about the USC,UCC, and Campus, Conference room bookings in theUCC, Student Health Plan Inquiries, Bus Pass In-quiries, Bus Pass Pick-up (after Sept. 7), LaptopRentals, and Event Ticket Sales (Self-Serve). For moreinformation, visit

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For solution, turn to page 3

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To place your ad in thegazette Marketplace, please contact us at 519-661-3579 or [email protected]

thegazette • Tuesday, September 4, 2012 • 9

Tracking down your favourite sports teamsNo Western University experi-ence is complete without cheer-ing on your very own Mustangs, especially against Queen’s. With

27 varsity teams ranging from football to synchronized swim-ming, there is something for ev-eryone.   Be sure to catch every

Ontario University Athletics and Canadian Interuniversity Sport contest that you can. Here’s a guide to some of Western’s teams:

FootballAfter a disappointing loss to the McMaster Marauders in last year’s Yates Cup final, the Mustangs are looking to regain dominance in the OUA. Despite the loss of star running back Tyler Varga, a slew of return-ing veterans and top-notch recruits put the white and purple in a good position to start the season.Head to Western’s TD Waterhouse Stadium to catch the home opener versus the University of Toronto September 8.  You can watch the Sep-tember 15 away game versus rival Queen’s University on The Score.   Be sure to mark September 29 on your calendars—this is homecoming weekend and will feature a rematch of the Yates Cup final versus the Marauders. You won’t want to miss it.

HockeyA painful 3-2 overtime loss to McGill in last year’s CIS final has the Mus-tangs—the only Ontario team in the CIS top five—hungrier than ever. The upcoming season features some exciting changes for the men’s team, with former assistant coach Pat Powers assuming duties as head coach.Be sure to watch the Mustangs hit the ice September 21 as they take on Concordia University at Thompson Area. Come back on September 22 when they look for revenge against McGill at home.The women broke even last season with a record of 13-13. This was fol-lowed by an inspiring playoff run to the OUA finals, where they dropped a three game series to powerhouse Laurier. Once again led by star for-ward Stacey Scott, the Mustangs are ready for another shot at an OUA title. Catch their home opener at Thompson arena on September 16. Basketball

Finishing the 2011-12 season with a record of 8-14, the men’s team is looking to rebound . While the loss of scoring leader Ryan Barbeau stings, the Mustangs boast a strong recruiting class to open the season.The sneakers will start squeaking November 9 at 8 p.m. in Alumni Hall versus the University of Ottawa.The women split last season 11-11 before being eliminated in the OUA quarter-finals by the Windsor Lancers. With OUA all-stars Jenny Vaughan and Laura Dally returning, the Mustangs are looking to put together a winning season.Catch their home opener against Ottawa November 9 at 6 p.m. in Alumni Hall.

—Richard Raycraft

Time to get

involvedYou’re going to want to do things other than study during your time at Western. Fortunately, the uni-versity offers a number of intra-mural sports that are open to ev-eryone. From ball hockey, to tube water polo to futsal—whatever that is—there is sure to be some-thing that you will enjoy.

Who: Anyone. Create your own dream team of rag-tag ath-lete-mercenaries and challenge all comers. If you are interested in a particular sport, search for dedi-cated teammates who will show up to games and give it their all.

What: Intramurals are sports leagues run by campus recre-ation. Teams compete against other teams from campus, usu-ally once a week. While the win-ners may not get a big shiny tro-phy, they do receive the coveted purple shirts and bragging rights for life.

Where/When: Registration begins Thursday, September 6 at 8 a.m. Be sure to register as early as possible, since spaces fill up quickly. Locations and game times vary depending on the sport, so make sure whatever you take on fits with your schedule.

Why: Intramurals are a great way to meet and bond with peo-ple, especially over a blown call by some amateur referee. They’re also a great stress reliever.

How: Register online through campus recreation at Each team re-quires a team captain to register and pay on behalf of the team.

—Richard Raycraft

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Graphic by Naira Ahmed

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thegazette • Tuesday, September 4, 2012 • 11

For GirlsLolitaLocation: 533 Richmond Street

Known for its selection of one-of-a-kind cocktail dresses and bright-pink interior design, Lolita is one of the boutiques on Rich-mond Row you can’t pass without browsing around inside. Although some of their formal pieces are more expensive than the average student is willing to spend, fe-male shoppers can count on Lolita to provide them with long-lasting, timely pieces in seasonal colours and styles.

SkirtLocation: 583 Richmond Street

Searching for trendy, bohemian-inspired pieces that aren’t sold at Masonville Place? Look no further than Skirt, a chain boutique that originated here in London. Perfect for savvy student shoppers, Skirt offers an exclusive selection of designers—including Lush from Los Angeles—and a wide variety of semi-formal dresses, affordable accessories and, of course, skirts.

For GuysThe SentimentalistLocation: 394.5 Richmond Street

If you’re willing to take a trip to the downtown core, be sure to visit The Sentimentalist. A recent addition to Richmond Row, this vintage clothing store has a surprisingly large selection of men’s wear—perfect for the guys at Western in search of something a little more authentic.  

ArchiesLocation: 649 Richmond Street

Looking for a laid-back style? Archies may be the store for you. The west coast-inspired shop, located beside Barney’s patio downtown, has a large selection of brands. The independently run Archies has been a local fashion staple for over 18 years. You can find everything from swimwear to sunglass to shoes in this two-floor store. With the first level dedicated to men, Archies is a popular option for Western dudes.

UnisexTalizeLocation: 1345 Huron Street

If you’re wondering where your fellow classmate purchased their 70’s inspired oversized sweater, there is a good chance it was at Talize. Although it’s out of the Western bubble, this department store is perfect for vintage-lovers on a budget, offering everything from lightly worn dress shoes to animal printed blouses. If you’re a fan of finding deals at Value Village, and aren’t afraid of ven-turing out of your dorm room, be sure to give it a shot.

Urban OutfittersLocation: 743 Richmond Street

First-year students that have grown accustomed to having an Urban Outfitters in their home-towns can rejoice—this multi-bil-lion dollar clothing store is mov-ing in at the corner of Richmond and Oxford streets this year. Al-though Urban Outfitters caters to both genders, male shoppers are likely to discover a large variety of denim, outerwear and shoes perfect for their fall and winter wardrobes.

—Jesica Hurst

Trust us, the cafeteria chicken fingers are going to get old pretty fast, so it’s best to seek out some alternate spots to eat in and around campus early. But you’re new around here, so let us give you a few pointers about some Western favourites.

On campus

The Spoke and the WaveWhether it’s a coffee, bagel or a CLT—chicken, lettuce, tomato— and fries, the Spoke has got you covered. Located just inside the University Community Centre, the Spoke’s wide array of menu choices makes it easy to find something to eat or drink. Plus it’s affordable and accepts flex dollars. And the best part is the Spoke is also the campus pub. So stop by for a drink or nachos after a long day of class. For a proper sit-down meal, look no further than upstairs and you’ll discover the Wave, Western’s campus restaurant.

Breakfast spots

Campus Hi-FiThere’s nothing like a greasy Sunday morning breakfast to help with the, uh, well, you know what. Located near the corner of Oxford and Richmond streets, Campus Hi-Fi is only a short bus ride away and offers all your morning essentials like bacon, eggs and home fries. Be sure to arrive as early as possible as the lines can get pretty long.

Christina’s PubNot technically located on campus, but only mere steps from the main gates, it might as well be labeled the campus diner. For less than $10 you can get a filling breakfast—and with line-ups out the door in the mornings, the service is always fast.

Bang for your buck

The CeepsCeeps isn’t just good for its Saturday nights, but also for its Mondays—35-cent-wings good. Nothing beats catching the game with some friends while enjoying some delicious and cheap wings.

Dinner Date

Garlic’s of LondonYou may never solve the mystery that is the opposite sex, but you can enjoy affordable and top-notch food while trying. Located along Richmond Row, the dimly lit Garlic’s prides itself on using local ingredients, and will definitely impress a first date. But make sure to bring some breath

mints for afterwards, because with a name like Garlic’s, I bet you can guess the menu’s staple.

Downtown Diner

Prince Albert’s Diner is an authentic diner. Situated on a busy corner of Richmond Street, it’s always the place to be after a night at the bars. Serving up all the diner classics like milkshakes, grilled cheese and burgers—even one with peanut butter on it— Prince Al’s is not to be missed. Keep in mind they only accept cash.

Pizza Place

Stobie’s PizzaStobie’s is definitely Western’s worst-kept secret, since it’s always packed after a night out on Richmond Row. Luckily, it has two locations—one at Richmond and Dufferin streets, and another near Richmond and Mill streets. For about $5, you can get a giant slice of delicious pizza—big enough for two. But who are we kidding? You’ll eat it all yourself.

Drinks Gigs Milos’ Beer Emporium If there is one man who knows a good beer in London, it’s Milos Kral. His pub Gigs, or beer emporium as he refers to it, has the single best selection of craft beer in London.  Offering 23 selections on tap and over 100 different beers to sample from the bottle, Gigs provides an exciting night out for the would-be beer connoisseur, and the freshly-19 frosh. Located on Talbot Street, this pub offers an alternative to the crowded Richmond Row bar scene.

Photos by Andrei Calinesau Words by Kaitlyn McGrath

and Cam Smith

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12 • thegazette • Tuesday, September 4, 2012

thegazetteVolume 106, Issue

University Community Centre Rm. 263

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Naira Ahmed Gazette