frozen cone

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  • 8/10/2019 Frozen Cone


    Welcome to our world

    FrozenCone technology

    An unique systemfor cold-pressing ofchocolate articles

  • 8/10/2019 Frozen Cone



    provides the perfect shellsWhether your production makes centre-filled articles for assortmentboxes or straight shells such as Surprise Eggs for toy containers,FrozenCone provides you with the competitive edge!

    Centre-filled articles are especiallyexposed to fat bloom, which can jeop-ardize your reputation as a high-quality

    manufacturer. FrozenCone provides your shells with the optimum protec- tion against fat bloom. The completefreedom to design a uniform shell thic-kness all over the article and the pro-

    ven more closely

    packed crystal structure in theFrozenCone shell are some of the uni-que features providing the highest avai-

    lable fat bloom resistance. Others areperfectly shaped positive shell edgesfor welding of bottom or other parts.Higher resistance than traditionallyagainst temperature stress is a fur-

    ther advantage, as are more glossysurfaces.


    FrozenCone unit with controlled humidityenvironment.

    With supercooled plungers and pressing periods below 1 second impressive production speeds are achievable. Ask our sales team for details.

    Perfectly shaped shells with any desirable image print on the inside are unique FrozenCone features. Surprise Eggs must provide secure moulding of shell rims so that toys containers are safely kept yet easily opened. Both features are ensured with FrozenCone which is the only cold-pressing method providing the full freedom to design the optimum shell edge geometry.

  • 8/10/2019 Frozen Cone


    Patentedcold-pressing of chocolate

    Use of scrapers and excess chocolate were eliminated with thirdgeneration FrozenCone launched in 1998. Totally clean mouldsurfaces and production environments were ensured.

    How would you like the design of yourperfectly shaped shell edges? WithFrozenCone you are free to choose.

    Your preferred design is simply moul-ded directly into the shell edges!As the only cold-pressing system on

    the market, FrozenCone provides you with ready-moulded shell edgesaccording to your own optimumdesign and forget about chocolatewaste, knives, and roller scrapers!

    FrozenCone gives you unlimited fre-edom to design exactly the shapesand the shell thickness you desire

    independent of the viscosity of themass. Shell edges are perfectly shapedin the moulding operation for subsequ-ent welding with other parts.FrozenCone equals full control of allsurfaces and thickness of the shellsfrom the design phase to the finishedproduct.

    Aasted launched the worlds first cold-pressing plant in 1992 branded as

    the FrozenCone technology.FrozenCone maintains its leadingedge today as the only cold-pressingsystem on the market preservingsupercooled plungers, per fectly desig-

    ned shell edges, the highest possibleproduction speed and totally cleanenvironments without chocolatewaste. Our continuous strive to main-

    tain the leading position has revealed todays fifth generation the FrozenCone V.

    Unique seal of content withFrozenCone

    The sharp countersunk shell edge is the optimum solution for shells such as pralines to be filled with a centre mass. The

    inclined shape ensures a unique sealing with the bottom layer not possible with traditional shell making. Shell edge design

    with FrozenCone simply gives the highest reachable shelf life to the optimum benefit of your brands.

    FrozenCone gives you the full free- dom to design the optimum geometry of the important shell edge for example for your new production of

    Surprise Eggs.


  • 8/10/2019 Frozen Cone


    FrozenCone is the original, patented method for cold-pressing of chocolate, which is assimple as it is brilliant. FrozenCone exemplifies how a successful idea develops into anentirely new production method that outmanoeuvres the conventional methods.

    The cold truth about perfectchocolate products

    The first generation of cold-pressing systems requi-

    res the use of excess chocolate and scrapers for

    milling shell edges. Shell bodies are perfectly moul-

    ded, however, chocolate residues contaminate shell

    cavity, upper mould surfaces and production

    environments generally.

    The second generation of cold-pressing systems lacks

    dynamics for compensating inaccuracies in deposited

    chocolate volume. Excess chocolate contaminates, and

    shell rims are incomplete.

    Patented precision1992 was the year when the first genera-

    tion FrozenCone found its way from ourlaboratories and into the market. The met-hod was as simple as it was original. Byquickly pressing a supercooled plunger intoa mould with liquid chocolate, a shell with aperfectly shaped body was formed.

    Well-tried technology The technology is thoroughly tested

    through the years as more than 300 dif-ferent products are on the market.Manufacturers and independent laboratori-es agree that the FrozenCone technologyprovides shells with the highest quality achi-evable on the market.

    Aasted Maxi flexible moul- ding line.


  • 8/10/2019 Frozen Cone


    The hard shell reduces the risk of fat bloomOne of the most important advantages of

    the technology is the hard, precise andglossy shell that to a great extent preventscentre-filled fat from penetrating. Anotherside gain is increased resistance to tempe-rature stress.A FrozenCone product can resist higher

    temperatures than traditionally mouldedshells.

    No chocolate wasteTodays upgraded FrozenCone technologyeliminates excess chocolate and ensuresclean production environments. Use of anyknife or roller scrapers is superfluous.

    With the latest generation FrozenCone V,assortment boxes with differently shapedproducts can be made in the same produc-

    tion. Of course you have the full freedom ofchoosing different masses and centre fillingsas well.

    When ready-moulded, the FrozenCone Vmade products are simply transferred direct-ly into an assortment box maintaining theirmutual positions.

    The fourth generation FrozenCone ensures that all shells in yourproduction are perfect. The independently suspended plungers compensate for any inaccuracy in the moulds and in the deposited mass volume. Excess mass is totally eliminated.

    High-precision FrozenCone

    tools forSurprise Eggs.

    Perfectly shaped Surprise Eggs andtotally clean mould surfaces.

    FrozenCone Vprovides complete flexibility for exchanging plunger heads and creating new products.


    Pralines and perfect depositing of differently shaped products in the sameproduction

    The happy clown was one of themany test items. It brilliantly illustrates

    that all contours and shapes areprinted directly in the chocolate.

  • 8/10/2019 Frozen Cone


    FrozenCone ChocoAssort offers you new advantages not seen before. As the leaderin cold-pressing of chocolate we invented cold-pressing of assortment boxes in one go!All the differently shaped articles are moulded in the same pressing operation and

    transferred in the same order directly from the moulds to the box. All traditional hand-ling is superfluous.

    Design a new assortment boxconfiguration of your own

    A new world of possibilitiesfor making centre-filled articles

    for assortment boxes is opened with FrozenCone call our

    sales team for moredetailed information.



    Direct placing of assorted chocolate articles without lifting a finger!

    Neighbouring mould plate being turnedfor welding together egg shells.

  • 8/10/2019 Frozen Cone


    FrozenCone the direct way tosignificant chocolate cost savings!

    Investing in FrozenCone offers a safe and quick return on investment throughsignificant chocolate savings in the production. A direct investment in the future!

    A traditional production of pralines with target weights of 12 grams for thefinished pralines was replaced by FrozenCone production. The shells have a

    target weight of 4,5 grams - see the astonishing results below:

    Result to the benefit ofFrozenCone :The increased centre filling weight withFrozenCone production amounts to0,63 grams per praline or a reduc-

    tion of 8,7% in totalchocolate consumption to the benefitof FrozenCone !

    FrozenCone chocolateproduction of 1.000 kg/hourresults in:8,7% in chocolate saving, or more

    than 87 kg of chocolate saved eachproduction hour, or 13.000 pralinessaved per hour, or more than 5 min-utes of production saved per hour!

    Upgrade your production withFrozenCone call our sales team


    Histogram with FrozenCone shell making

    Max. 4,57 gMin. 4,50 gAverage 4,54 gDeviation + 0,03 g + 0,6 %

    - 0,04 g - 0,8 %

    FrozenCone ensures a 10-time more preciseshell weight than traditional shell making.

    Traditional shell-making The 12 grams praline requires a minimumbottom weight of 2 grams of chocolate to cover the centre filling.Then, the heaviest shell with a weight of 5,20 grams limits the centre filling weight of allpralines in the mould to 4,80 grams.


    The 10-time higher weight accuracy with FrozenCone makes it possible to reduce the weight of the hea- viest shell to 4,57 grams thus increa- sing the centre filling weight of all pralines in the mould to 5,43 grams!

    Praline production in chocolate mould with 8 rows each with 20 praline shells having a target weight of 4,5 grams.

    When the praline shell in a traditionel proces is thick, the centre filling has to be reduced to makespace for the bottom layer. However, this means that for the remaining lighter shells in the mould,some of the centre fillings will be replaced by the bottom layers. Consequently, the bottom layerwill be thicker than desired! With FrozenCone this is his tory!

    Histogram with traditional shell making

    Target 4,50 gMax. 5,20 gMin. 4,50 gAverage 4,92 gDeviation + 0,28 g + 5,6 %

    - 0,43 g - 8,6 %

    The traditional shell making system suffersfrom major deviations in the shell weight.


    Details of the advanced Surprise Egg products.

    Ready-made Surprise Eggs beingtransferred for packaging.

  • 8/10/2019 Frozen Cone


    Aasted ApSBygmarken 7 173520 FarumDenmark

    P +45 4434 8000F +45 4434 8080

    [email protected] Get inspired on

    P r o t e c t e

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