
SUMMER 2012 Father SCECINA Magazine Congratulations Class of 2012

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Co n g r a t u l a t i o n s

Class of 2012

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FATHER ScEcinA MAgAzinE | SuMMER 2012

The Father Scecina Magazine is published by the Office of Advancement Scecina Memorial High School 5000 Nowland Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46201 www.scecina.org

Copyright 2012

President | Joseph S. TherberPrincipal | John Hegarty Director of Advancement | Tom Branson ’01Director of Development | Jim McGuinness ’68Director of Admissions and Communications | Allie RossDesign | Kelly KijovskyContributors | Dave Johnson ’59, Gia Spaulding, Margaret Zeh, Leslie Zimmerman Young ’99Photography | Gary Yohler ‘63 for Tiffany Studio, David Leszcynski ’09

Baccalaureate 2012 Senior choir members gave their final student performance during the Baccalaureate Mass at Little Flower Catholic Church on May 24, 2012. Music from the evening’s celebration included the Senior Class reflection song, “For Good” from the Broadway Musical Wicked. Read more about the Class of 2012 on pages 6-7.

Featuresuniting People. Faith. Vision

Scecina’s Strategic Growth Plan02

Alumni News

Crusader Alumni Couple Travel The Great Loop

Young Alumni Profile, Class Notes

Reunion News, In Memoriam


11Board of Directors Congratulates Outgoing,

Welcomes New Chair

New Event Schedule for 2012-13

Masonry Project

Advancement News


Nowland News

Congratulations Class of 2012

President’s Academic Excellence Awards

Spring Musical, Campus Crusade

Crusader Softball News



Principal’s Letter 13

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FATHER ScEcinA MAgAzinE | SuMMER 2012 1


n August 13, the opening day of school, we welcomed 102 freshmen

students from every East Deanery Catholic school and from numerous schools

throughout the City of Indianapolis. We are also told that, on this same date of

August 13 in 1935, Father Thomas Scecina began his first day of “assigned”

ministry as a parish priest right here in Indianapolis. I believe that the anniversary

of Father Tom’s first day of parish ministry coinciding with our first day of school

this year is important to note.

While 77 years apart historically, these two dates prompt questions such as:

l What lesson(s) can Father Thomas Scecina’s life and ministry teach me?

l How can I apply Father Tom’s values of service, sacrifice, and commitment in my involvement at Scecina Memorial High School?

The second question invites us to look forward and see:

l A new year that builds upon record-setting academic and co-curricular achievements.

l Students with immense God-given gifts and abilities that our staff and community will cultivate according to God’s plan.

l Families who know that Catholic school graduates are well-prepared for responsible engagement in Church and society.

l New opportunities for alumni and friends to support and strengthen our school.

l Our students and staff performing vital community service in our neighborhood and city.

l An improved educational facility as a result of summer capital improvements.

l A new year for our Board of Directors to provide advice, counsel, and support that will benefit our students in many ways.

Inside this issue of the Father Scecina Magazine, you will read about a powerful and timely opportunity to build a shared vision for our future. Our Board of Directors formally decided in April 2012 that this year is the right time to build a Strategic Growth Plan to expand our school in size, impact, and/or quality.

The theme of the planning process will be Uniting People. Faith. Vision. You can say that we are Uniting the People of our community, rooted in the Faith of our Church, to build a shared Vision for our future.

Please read the introduction of the planning process that starts on the following page, and let me know if you have questions, comments, or suggestions. I also ask you to pray throughout the year that our Strategic Growth Plan will reflect the fullness of our potential as a Catholic high school in service to our students and society.

Many participation opportunities will be made available to our community. I look forward to your involvement, whether by formal invitation or if you want to take a moment to send me your hopes and ideas.

Thank you very much for your thoughts, prayers, and faithful support of our students in all that we do!

Go Crusaders!


Joseph S. Therber



Scecina Memorial High School,

a Catholic, college preparatory

school, bears witness to Jesus’

Good News by educating our

diverse community of students

in spirit, mind, and body to

become servants and leaders

who “give that little extra.”

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unitingS T R A T E G I C G R O W T H P L A NPeople. Faith. Vision.

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August 2012

Dear Scecina Community,

“Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he” (Proverbs 29:18). The opening of a new school year provides the perfect opportunity to update our vision for the future.

Together, we have made strong advancements in our religious identity, academic program, facilities, community involvement, and financial position. As a result, we stand strong to look to the future with hope and confidence.

We believe that our highest destiny is to develop a Catholic Christian worldview and lifestyle among our diverse student body in an environment that is academically rigorous with plentiful opportunities to grow as servant-leaders. We must continually integrate Catholic teachings and values into our activities; utilize best-practices to incorporate technology into excellent teaching and learning; upgrade our facilities to be educationally appropriate and competitively advantageous; and sustain an appropriate target enrollment and financial plan.

Uniting is the theme of this initiative. Scecina Memorial High School has been gifted since before 1953 with a most powerful asset: People, including our students, parents, educators, alumni, donors, community and business partners, East Deanery leaders, and Archdiocesan leaders. An equally important gift is the Faith of our Church. Therefore, this year we will be Uniting the People of our community, rooted in the Faith of our Church, to create a shared Vision for our future.

Through this initiative, we will develop a Strategic Growth Plan of institutional priorities, goals, and objectives for at least the next 3-5 years. The Institute of School and Parish Development will be our facilitator as we seek to grow in size, quality, and/or impact while being faithful to the teachings and priorities of our Church.

A diverse, talented, and committed Steering Committee will guide the Strategic Growth Planning process. We are grateful to each member of the Steering Committee for accepting this important invitation to serve in a leadership role. You can learn more about the Steering Committee on page 5.

We are also building Planning Area Teams consisting of alumni, friends, community leaders, and staff with relevant backgrounds and expertise. These groups will begin meeting in November. They will identify, discuss, and prioritize strengths, opportunities, challenges, and potential solutions to the challenges in the following focus areas:

Catholic Culture Facilities Post-Secondary Preparation Development Enrollment Management Finances Technology

Uniting People. Faith. Vision. is our opportunity. We pray that God is looking with favor on our spirit and on our efforts in this moment that we have.

Please join us with your prayers, your minds, your hearts, and your hands. Thank you for contributing to this community that Father Thomas Scecina began more than a half century ago through his inspiring life and legacy.

Sincerely yours,

Joseph S. TherberPresidentScecina Memorial High School

unitingS T R A T E G I C G R O W T H P L A NPeople. Faith. Vision.

J. Barry Schneider Chair Scecina Memorial High School Board of Directors

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Planning Area TeamsPlanning Area Teams in the following seven key areas will consist of alumni, friends, community leaders, and staff with relevant backgrounds and expertise.

Post-Secondary PreparationThis Planning Area Team will identify and explore the knowledge, skills, and attributes that our graduates need to succeed in our global, 21st-century environment. We will identify strategic alliances with colleges, universities, and other community partners. This phase will also identify and assess strengths and growth opportunities in student life, the arts, and athletics in the context of our mission, vision, and values.

Catholic CultureA Planning Area Team will explore Catholic Culture strengths and growth opportunities in academics, co-curricular programs, facilities, professional development, liturgy, and service opportunities.

Enrollment ManagementThis Planning Area Team will explore East Deanery and community demographic data, measure constituent satisfaction levels, recommend a target enrollment range and student body profile, and align with national Catholic high school best practices.

TechnologyA Planning Area Team will identify technological attributes of a Catholic high school graduate at graduation and recommend strategies, goals, and objectives to enhance our infrastructure, equipment, teaching and learning, and ethical application of technology in modern society.

FacilitiesThis Planning Area Team will review and, as needed, update our Facility Master Plan in the context of the Strategic Growth Plan strategies, goals, and objectives.

DevelopmentA Planning Area Team will identify and explore strategies to sustain and increase the human and financial resources that our alumni and friends share to advance the mission of Scecina Memorial High School.

FinancesThis Planning Area Team will update our multi-year Financial Model in the context of the Strategic Growth Plan strategies, goals, and objectives.

April 2012

Board approved Strategic Growth Planning scope, process, and timeline

June - August 2012

Create Steering Committee

Review School Mission, Vision, and Values Statements

August - September 2012

Create Seven Planning Area Teams (see above)

September - October 2012

Review and Assess Academics, Catholic Culture, Student Life, and Athletics

November - February 2012/2013

Each Planning Area Team holds four workshop meetings

February - March 2013

Hold Community Convocation to seek feedback from additional stakeholder representatives


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March - May 2013

Begin drafting Strategic Growth Plan with priorities, strategies, goals, and objectives

June 2013

Present recommended Strategic Growth Plan to Board of Directors for approval

Summer/Early Fall 2013

Present Board-approved Strategic Growth Plan to Archdiocese of Indianapolis administration for approval

CHAIR *Jerry Jones ’68 | Owner, Cannon IV

PRESIDENT*Joe Therber | President, Scecina Memorial High School

ARCHDIOCESAN REPRESENTATIVE Rob Rash | Assistant Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of Indianapolis

AT-LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Phil Kenney | President, F.A. Wilhelm Construction CompanyJ. Timothy McGinley ’58 | Principal and Founder of House Investments

FACILITATOR Frank Donaldson | President, Institute of School and Parish Development, Inc.

POST-SECONDARY PREPARATION Marie McNelis, Planning Area Team Chair | Literacy Specialist, Metropolitan School District of Washington Township John Hegarty, Planning Area Team Vice-Chair | Principal, Scecina Memorial High School

CATHOLIC CULTURE*Sr. Jean Marie Cleveland, OSF ’59, Planning Area Team Chair | Vice President for Mission Effectiveness, Marian UniversityRon Mead, Planning Area Team Vice-Chair | System Vice President and Chief Mission Integration Officer, St. Vincent HealthPat Tucker, Planning Area Team Vice-Chair | English Faculty, Scecina Memorial High School

ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT*Martin Pierce ’77, Planning Area Team Chair | Owner, AlphaGraphics (St. Charles, Illinois) Beth Leszcynski, Planning Area Team Vice-Chair | Director of Enrollment Management, Scecina Memorial High School

TECHNOLOGYJeff McMahon ’81, Planning Area Team Chair | Academic Technology Director, Indianapolis Public SchoolsDavid Dellacca, Planning Area Team Vice-Chair | Dean of Information Technology, Harrison CollegeChad Tuley, Planning Area Team Vice-Chair | Student Publications and English Faculty, Scecina Memorial High School

FACILITIES*Stephen Hodgson ’74, Planning Area Team Chair | Chief Operating Officer and Principal, Wurster ConstructionCindy Hemmelgarn, Planning Area Team Vice-Chair | Vice President of Finance, Scecina Memorial High School

DEVELOPMENT*Jim Roe ’68, Planning Area Team Vice-Chair | President, Arlington/Roe & Co.Tom Branson ’01, Planning Area Team Vice-Chair | Director of Advancement, Scecina Memorial High School Jim McGuinness ’68, Planning Area Team Vice-Chair | Director of Development and Alumni Relations, Scecina Memorial High School

FINANCES*Mike Delaney ’83, Planning Area Team Chair | Director of Operations and General Practices, American Family Dental GroupCindy Hemmelgarn, Planning Area Team Vice-Chair | Vice President of Finance, Scecina Memorial High School

* Denotes Scecina Memorial High School Board of Directors member.

Opportunities to participate in uniting People. Faith.Vision. will be extended to students, parents, alumni, donors, school staff,

East Deanery leaders, archdiocesan leaders, and community partners. When these opportunities are extended, please respond

with your comments and suggestions. Thank you in advance!

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uniting People. Faith. Vision. Steering Committee

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Class of 2012 Principal John Hegarty presents plaques to Salutatorian John Kennedy and Valedictorian Jonathan Higgins; Class of 2012 Secretary Mary Kathryn Kenney opens the Commencement ceremony with the Pledge of Allegiance; Father Rob Hausladen, Scecina’s Chaplain, celebrates the Baccalaureate Mass at Little Flower Catholic Church alongside East Deanery priests; Annette “Mickey” Lentz, Chancellor for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, provides remarks to the Class of 2012; Jessica Toney, Leeann Sausser, Katie Null, and John Kennedy after Baccalaureate Mass at Little Flower Catholic Church; The John J. Henninger Christian Service Award recipient Jonathan Higgins (center) with his father Jeffrey Higgins, mother Judy Joson Higgins ’84, and John Henninger’s son Matthew Henninger ’89, daughter Vicki Henninger Hendley ’91, and wife Judy Henninger Nichols.


Class of 2012 Scecina Memorial High School welcomed 76 graduating seniors into its alumni family at the fifty-sixth commencement ceremony in the Scecina gymnasium on May 25, 2012. The Class of 2012 earned over $4.8 million in scholarships and members were accepted into 44 colleges and universities around the country.

The school gathered for its annual Senior Awards Day on May 24, where department awards and Class of 2013 scholarships were distributed (see list on page 14). The Baccalaureate Mass was celebrated the same evening at Little Flower Catholic Church where 22 seniors and their parents and/or grandparents were recognized for creating legacies of second or third generation Scecina graduates. The John J. Henninger Christian Service Award, which is presented to a senior who excels in the area of Christian service, faith, and positive contributions to Scecina Memorial High School, was also presented. This year’s Henninger Award nominees were Olivia Belles, Katie Null, Leeann Sausser, T.J. Walters, and recipient Jonathan Higgins.

The 2012 Commencement ceremony on May 25 featured remarks from Salutatorian John Kennedy, Valedictorian Jonathan Higgins, and Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis Annette “Mickey” Lentz. In Higgins’ valedictory address, he reminded his classmates of the influence they had on the school and the legacy they join as Scecina alumni. “We have worked for the betterment of those around us and the benefit of our own community,” said Higgins. “The hours and hours put into this school were not only for a game, competition, or talent show. Those hundreds of hours over our four years here have allowed us to see that we are part of something much bigger and a part of a history that spans longer than any of our lifetimes. Here is God revealing Himself to you individually and calling you to go out with what you have learned.” n

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Class of 2012 AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONSValedictorian Jonathan Higgins Salutatorian John KennedyJohn J. Henninger Christian Service Award Jonathan Higgins2012 Academic All Star Award Leeann Sausser2012 Eastside Optimist Club “Good Citizenship Award” Emily BeckerMost Outstanding Senior Girl Award Olivia BellesMost Outstanding Senior Boy Award Jonathan Higgins

Department AwardsAdvanced Placement AP Scholars with Honor Jonathan Higgins, Jade Humble-Schimmel, Yicheng “Ethan” ShaoAP Scholars John Kennedy, Carlee Montgomery, Jessica Toney

AthleticsAthletic Scholastic Achievement Award (Male) Jonathan HigginsAthletic Scholastic Achievement Award (Female) Leeann Sausser and Carlee Montgomery William Bevan Award (Highest Scholar Athlete GPA, Female) Leeann SausserAthletic Mental Attitude Award (Male) Mitch SingletonAthletic Mental Attitude Award (Female) Delaney MossCarole J. Hamilton Award Katie Null and Alison HicksMichael C. McGarvey Award John KennedySister Lavonne Long Outstanding Female Athlete Award Kimberly StrattmanKenneth Leffler Outstanding Male Athlete Award Matthew DeeringIndiana Crossroads Conference Honor Awards Kimberly Strattman and Logan Delaney

Business Jonathan Lutes*, Sebastian Dancler, Billy Durham, Daniel Kirk

Catholic Theology Jackie Doyle*, Jonathan Higgins, Jackson Stanton, T. J. Walters, David Bishop

Drama McKennah Brown*, Jonathan Higgins, Billy Durham, Sarah Fowler, Katie Null, Olivia Belles, Jackson Stanton, Jackie Doyle

English Olivia Belles*, Sebastian Dancler, Megan Erlenbaugh, Carlee Montgomery, Leeann Sausser

Mathematics Olivia Belles*, Emily Becker, Jonathan Higgins, John Kennedy, Carlee Montgomery, Yicheng “Ethan” Shao

Music (Band)John Phillip Sousa Award Nicholas Nevins Patrick S. Gilmore Award Leeann SausserDirector’s Award Rebecka Harney

Music (Choir)National School Choral Award Olivia BellesFred Waring Director’s Award David Bishop

National Honor Society Carlee Montgomery*, Abby Hicks, Shelby Hughbanks, Audrey Peters, Leeann Sausser, Jessica Toney

Publications TV Productions Robert Tandy*, Billy Durham, Ryan Frain, Abby Hicks, Allison Hicks, Lauren Smith

Yearbook Emily Gibbons*, Jackie Doyle, Pat Gedig, Abby Okerson, Audrey Peters, Robert Tandy

Science Jonathan Higgins*Human Anatomy & Physiology Carlee Montgomery; Chemistry II Olivia Belles;AP Physics Jonathan Higgins; AP Environmental Science Emma Hagist

Social Studies Leeann Sausser*, Abby Hicks, Jonathan Higgins, Jade Humble-Schimmel, John Kennedy, Jackson Stanton

World LanguagesFrench Jessica Toney*, Kiley Budreau, Dominic Coffey, Kayla Craft, Rebecka Harney, Ryan Stockman; Latin Jonathan Higgins*; Spanish Logan Delaney, Kristopher Housley, Delaney Moss, Yicheng “Ethan” Shao

* Plaque recipient for Outstanding Performance in designated subject area.

Class of 2012 COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY AND MILITARY ACCEPTANCES Ball State University, Bellarmine University, Brescia University, Butler University, Denison University, DePaul University, DePauw University, Franklin College, Georgia Institute of Technology, Hanover College, Indiana Tech, Indiana State University, Indiana University-Bloomington, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, Ivy Tech Community College, Manchester College, Marian University, Marquette University, Miami University, Michigan State University, Morehead State University, Purdue University-West Lafayette, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Saint Joseph’s College, St. Mary of the Woods College, Saint Mary’s College, Trine University, United States Air Force, University of Cincinnati, University of Dayton, University of Houston, University of Illinois, University of Indianapolis, University of Kentucky, University of Michigan, University of Southern Indiana, Valparaiso University, Vincennes University, Wabash College, Western Kentucky University, Western Michigan University, Wittenberg University, Xavier University

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Nowland News

President’s Academic Excellence AwardsOn April 23, students with outstanding academic performance and qualifying grade point averages from each grade were recognized at the annual President’s Academic Excellence Awards. The award ceremony provided an evening for President Joe Therber, Principal John Hegarty, administrators, and faculty to honor the Top 10 students in every class. Daniel Elsener, President of Marian University, provided a keynote address to the students and their families.

Senior Award recipients also had the opportunity to recognize an educator or other role model who had a significant and positive influence on their academic success, commitment to service, or life values and goals. Carlee Montgomery ’12 recognized Dr. Brian Lamishaw, science faculty, for his influence in the classroom. Mentors were also invited to recognize their mentees. “It is an honor to be chosen by Carlee as an educator who inspired and motivated her,” said Dr. Lamishaw. “Perhaps less recognized is how teachers can be inspired and motivated by their students. Knowing that Carlee was always listening, always thinking, always learning motivated me to use our class time together to its maximum effect. Moreover, she inspired me to enjoy the experience and appreciate the rewards of teaching.” n

Class of 2014 Honorees (Front Row L-R) Michael Kennedy, David McCarthy, Megan Whisler, Samantha Smith, Austin Shrum; (Back Row L-R) Patrick Kenney, Galen Monroe, Alex Card, Sam Myren, Sarah Elam.

Class of 2015 Honorees (Front Row L-R) Kennedy Bouvier, Ben Hilcz, Caroline Sausser, Erin Flynn, Bo Leszcynski; (Back Row L-R) Connor Griffin, Jacob Marshall, Nick Newhart, Jacob Okerson, Nick Barth, Chris Wilson.

Class of 2012 Honorees (Front Row L-R) Shelby Hughbanks, Leeann Sausser, Alison Hicks, Jessica Toney, Jaclyn Clegg, Carlee Montgomery; (Back Row L-R) Audrey Peters, Jonathan Higgins, Logan Delaney, Olivia Belles, Suzannah Therber, and John Kennedy.

Class of 2013 Honorees (Front Row L-R) Kayla Wagoner, Jennifer Montgomery, Grace Newhart, Betsy Griffin, Elizabeth Cunningham, Emma Flick; (Back Row L-R) Sam Elmore, Lewis Bauer, Connor Tooley, Lauren Stark, Raymond Riley.

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Nowland News

2012 Spring Musical

The WizAudience members donned their emerald city glasses to catch the colorful spectacle of the 2012 Scecina Memorial High School Spring Musical The Wiz. Adapted from The Wonderful World of Oz by L. Frank Baum, The Wiz was performed the weekend of March 9 and 10 in the Scecina gymnasium, including a special Friday morning performance for East Deanery grade schools.

With a lively upbeat mixture of rock, gospel, and soul music, Scecina’s The Wiz fancifully captured Dorothy (played by Mary Davis ’14) and her adventures through the Land of Oz with the Tin Man (Jonathan Higgins ’12), the Scarecrow (Nick Nevins’12), the Lion (Jackson Stanton ’12), Glinda (Abby Okerson ’12), the Wiz (Bo Leszcynski ’15), Addaperle (Emilie McLaughlin ’12), and the Wicked Witch (Kyla Davidson ’13). This year’s large ensemble cast dazzled in their colorful costumes and brought individual talents to stage. “This year’s cast was made up of nearly 100 students who just wanted to have fun on stage. The Wiz was the perfect show for us to highlight their talent and have a great time while doing it!” said co-director Leslie Zimmerman Young ’99. This year’s musical marked an end of a nine-year directing run for co-directors Young and Margaret Zeh, theology faculty member. Their Scecina musical collaborations included Annie (2004), Annie Get Your Gun (2005), Bye Bye Birdie (2006), Thoroughly Modern Millie (2007), Peter Pan (2008), Alice In Wonderland (2009), Hello Dolly (2010), All Shook Up (2011), and The Wiz (2012). “It is bittersweet to say goodbye to directing, but the seniors in The Wiz were a great group to ‘graduate’ alongside,” said Zeh. “Every show and cast we worked with have a special place in our hearts. We hope all of our Scecina musical alumni have cherished, and will continue to cherish, their opportunity to be on stage, just as we have cherished the opportunity to direct.” n


C A M P U S C R U S D E1 , 0 0 0 M I L E S F O R E A C H O T H E R

5K for 14K

On May 18, 2012, Scecina students and staff walked a combined 1,000 miles to raise over $14,000 for Need-based Tuition Assistance at Scecina. The Campus Crusade encourages students and staff to join together in raising funds that benefit the entire school community. Students appealed to family, friends, neighbors, and teachers to sponsor their 5K portion of the walk, with many exceeding their individual goals. Students who reached their goals were eligible for a drawing to receive prizes, including the grand prize of a new iPad. n

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Softball Captures 9th Consecutive City ChampionshipThe Lady Crusaders Softball team captured their ninth-consecutive City Championship when they defeated Cathedral High School with a score of 8-5. After a five-run deficit, the team rallied with six runs in the bottom of the fifth inning and two runs in the sixth. The team went on to defeat Cardinal Ritter to win its 9th consecutive Sectional Championship but ended their season with a 1-0 loss to South Putnam in the Class 2A Regional Championship. n

Coach Moorman wins Neidlinger AwardSoftball Coach Tom Moorman ’66 received the 2012 Larry Neidlinger “We Care” Award from Judy Neidlinger (left). The award honors individuals who have continuously shown the same love and dedication to Scecina as was exemplified by former teacher, coach, principal, leader, and friend, Larry Neidlinger. n

Coaches Moorman and Joyce Retire After 20 Years of Crusader Softball Success

Strattman Signs with St. Mary of the WoodsKimberly Strattman ’12 (center), with parents Stephen and Lisa Strattman, signed her letter of intent to play for the St. Mary of the Woods Softball program. n

On June 16, the Scecina Softball community celebrated the legacy created by coaches Tom Moorman ’66 and assistant coach Kevin Joyce ’72 as they retired from an incredible coaching era. Moorman’s coaching career with Scecina began in 1992 and included the 2007 Class 2A State Championship, 12 city championships, 11 sectional championships, five regional championships, nine conference championships, City Coach of the Year for ten years and the 2007 District Coach of the Year. Coach Joyce shares in those accomplishments as Moorman’s Assistant Coach for 16 of the last 20 years. Both coaches built the skills and confidence of Crusader softball players and influenced many to continue to play at the collegiate level. “Tom was very loyal to Scecina and the Softball program. He and his staff built a program that is one of the best in the state,” said Scecina Athletic Director Jason Kehrer ’88. n

Nowland News

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Advancement News

Mark Your Calendar for 2012-13 Scecina Events!The Scecina Office of Advancement announces a new event schedule for the 2012-13 academic year. One important change to the schedule is the merging of the fall Athletic Reverse Raffle into the spring Club 53 Auction and Raffle. Plans for a new event to replace the Evening of Sharing event traditionally held in the fall will be announced at a later date.

The changes in the schedule support important initiatives of the school. “As Scecina embarks on a comprehensive Strategic Growth Planning process, it is vital that all resources—finances, materials, staff—are efficiently allocated,” said President Joe Therber. “Some of our traditional events will change dates, while others will be combined.” Stay tuned for more information about Scecina events as details become available. n

SAVE THE DATE!Saturday, September 8, 2012 Alumni and Friends Homecoming Celebration

Thursday, November 8, 2012Open House, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

February - March 2013NEW! Strategic Growth Plan Convocation

Saturday, March 9, 2013Club 53 Auction and Raffle

Thursday, June 6, 2013Legends Dinner

Friday, June 28, 2013Alumni Golf Classic

Board of Directors Congratulates Outgoing, Welcomes Incoming ChairThe Scecina Memorial Board of Directors congratulates and thanks Jim Joven ’85 for his service as Chair. “I want to sincerely thank Jim for his ten years of service on the Board of Directors, including his successful two-year term as Chair,” said President Joe Therber. “During Jim’s time as Chair, he led the Board in overseeing several key initiatives that have impacted our mission tremendously. The recent growth of our school in terms of mission integration, enrollment, facilities, and finances is a testament to his leadership.”

After serving as the Judge in Lawrence Township for nearly 6 years, Joven was appointed a Master Commissioner in the Marion Superior Court in November 2011. He is on the ballot in November 2012 to be elected as a Judge of the Marion Superior Court. “I’m honored and grateful to serve on the Board and as Board Chair. I welcome the opportunity to give back to Scecina in a way that will help the school prosper and grow in the coming years,” said Joven. “When I was a student at Scecina, my teachers helped me grow as a servant leader, and I’m pleased that I can continue to grow in that role while contributing to Scecina’s progress.”

Remaining a Board member, Jim plans to continue devoting his time, talent, and treasure to Scecina. “If I can help the Guidance Department with Career Day, or share some guitar playing tips with the Guitar Club, I’m available!”

Barry Schneider succeeded Joven as Chair as of July 1, 2012. Schneider, son of John Schneider ‘61, has served on the Board of Directors since 2006 and is the Chairman of the Board at Schneider Corporation. n

Barry Schneider, Chair Jim Joven ’85, Immediate Past Chair Kevin Johnson ’77, Vice ChairMike Delaney ’83, Treasurer Father Bob Gilday, Secretary Sr. Jean Marie Cleveland, OSF ’59 John Duffy ’86 Steve Hodgson ’74Jerry Jones ’68

John Kennedy Nancy Leming ’85 John Manley ’85 Mike McCaslin ’76 Jim Moloy ’77Rick Pfleger Martin Pierce ’77Jim Roe ’68


Board of Directors

EX OFFICIO MEMBERSMonsignor Paul Koetter, East Deanery DeanJoe Therber, President

HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSChristopher Felts ’87Tim Jeffers ’83Phil Wilhelm ’59 (Deceased)Lou Zimmerman

Jim Joven ’85 and his wife, Carol, cheer on the Crusaders at the 2011 State Championship Football game.

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Raffle Tickets Now On SaleThe Annual Booster Club Ticket Raffle is now underway to benefit Scecina’s Athletic and Student Life programs. The Booster Club Raffle will begin with a $500 drawing at halftime of the Homecoming Football Game on Saturday, September 8, 2012. Subsequent drawings will occur on the 1st of each month for $100 and on the 15th of each month for $300. The final drawing of $1,000 will be on May 15, 2013. Tickets are $50, and you are eligible to win multiple drawings. Winners will be posted on www.scecina.org throughout the school year. If you have any questions please contact Gia Spaulding at [email protected]. n

Stewardship of our campus includes ensuring the long-term safety, appearance, and health of our school building. Over the summer, work to repair and improve the east, west, and north sections of the school exterior was done by Wells Masonry Restoration, Inc. From July 2 through August 10, work crews occupied the west parking lot next to the baseball field and parts of the east parking lot to restore the exterior.

The repairs came as a result of a 2011 study of areas of the school building that may need repairs or improvements in the near future for long-term benefit. The study was conducted by Arsee Engineers, an experienced and respected engineering firm that was involved in 2005 when Scecina completed substantial school building infrastructure projects. Arsee Engineers presented the results of their study with recommendations to the Facilities Committee of the Scecina

Board of Directors in January 2012. Since January, the Facilities Committee, Board of Directors, school administration, and archdiocesan officials collaborated to develop a scope and implementation plan for this project. Funding sources for the project were the Scecina Fund for Future Needs and a capital improvement loan from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis that will be paid back through school operations during the next few years.

This masonry project is the latest in a series of capital improvements to classrooms, exterior areas, and building infrastructure that total $3,000,000 during recent years. We thank every financial donor, volunteer, business partner, and archdiocesan official who has worked with Scecina to make these improvements possible for our students. n

Campus Repairs Made During Summer Masonry Project

Join Us For Homecoming 2012!Tailgating and Door Prizes before Kick-Off!

First Booster Club Raffle Drawing!

Scecina vs. Beech GroveKey Stadium at the University of Indianapolis

Saturday, September 8 at 7:00 p.m.

Advancement News

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As we begin the 2012-13 school year, I take a moment to reflect on the academic and athletic successes of 2011-12. We had a great year with gains on all three of the End of Course Assessment (ECA) tests with a 6% gain in Algebra 1, a 6% gain in English 10, and a 10% gain in Biology. Over 96% of our graduates are going on to a college or university or to the military. Our sports teams had a great year too, with our football team reaching the state final and our softball team winning their ninth-consecutive City Championship. These accomplishments make me proud of our students and school.

We have several new faculty and staff for the 2012-13 school year. Our faculty and staff continue to maintain the great standards we have at Scecina and, in some areas, raise the bar to even greater heights. Their teaching experience ranges from 30 years to first-year teachers. They have been educated at colleges and universities such as Wabash College, University of Notre Dame, Princeton University, Marian University, Florida State University, George Mason University, Butler University, and Xavier University. Their classroom experiences range from teaching in local high schools and universities to teaching English in China. We look forward to introducing you to this impressive faculty and staff group in the near future.

We hosted a record number of student shadows—170 —during the 2011-12 school year and look to host even more as we recruit for the Class of 2017. Our Open House is scheduled for Thursday, November 8, 2012, from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. For more information about our Open House, please contact Beth Leszcynski, Director of Enrollment Management, at 356.6377 or [email protected].

We are also excited to add innovative ways of integrating technology into the classroom curriculum. A select group of faculty members attended an archdiocesan training in August to learn how to incorporate iPad applications into their classroom curriculums. We are excited to see how the teachers and students will interact with and educate each other through this additional teaching tool.

I am excited to be starting my second year as principal. Our administration, faculty and staff, and students are integral to making our school a great in-stitution. I thank our current families and our alumni who allow us to exist, and God for the opportunity He has given us to serve you and Him.

John HegartyPrincipal Scecina Memorial High School

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FATHER ScEcinA MAgAzinE | SuMMER 2012

Alumni News

Dave ’59 and Joyce Duncan Johnson ’59 have traveled the US before but in the Spring of 2011, they decided to see the country and its neighbor to the north from a different perspective—the water. In August 2010, they bought their first large boat, a 39 foot Mainship trawler they named Joysea, and cruised it down from Maine to Marathon in the Florida Keys to begin their “Great Loop” adventure. Comprised of the Atlantic and Gulf Intracoastal Waterways, the Great Lakes, the Canadian Heritage Canals, and the inland river systems, the Great Loop is a unique and rewarding trip for cruisers to explore the US and Canada from the water’s edge.

Most “Loopers” head north in the spring to avoid summer hurricanes and winter ice. They spend the summer in the Great Lakes region before heading south in the fall to take advantage of downstream river currents. Their Loop ends upon arriving in Florida in early November.

Captain Dave and Admiral ‘Joycie’ set-out in the Spring of 2011, leaving Marathon and heading north on the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) along the Eastern Seaboard, into the Chesapeake Bay, and on through Delaware, New Jersey, and New York. A highlight for the Johnsons’ trip was cruising by the Statue of Liberty (above photo). “It was an awesome sight!” said Dave. “From New York Harbor, we took the Hudson River to Waterford and the Erie Canal to Lake Ontario. After crossing Lake Ontario, we took the Trent Canal from Trenton, Ontario to Port Severn on the Georgian Bay … only Joyce didn’t make it that far.”

Joyce fell while in Ontario and broke her hip. After an operation in Peterborough, Joyce flew home to Greencastle (IN) for rehab. “Since this was the northernmost part of the trip, cold weather would soon arrive,” said Dave. “We managed to get various crew members on board to move Joysea in the Admiral’s absence.” The rest of the trip took Joysea through the Georgian Bay, the North Channel, Lake Michigan, down the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers, and up the Ohio and Tennessee Rivers. They then went down the Tennessee- Tombigbee Waterway to Joe Wheeler State Park/Marina where Dave left Joysea and drove back to get Joyce. “Once the Admiral was back on board, I was a happy Captain and we continued on to Mobile,” said Dave. The Johnsons completed the Great Loop in Marathon on December 1, 2011.

For the Johnsons, the Great Loop introduced them to boaters from around the world. “The most incredible part of the trip was not the places visited, but the people met and learned from,” said Dave. Joysea has now been sold but Dave and Joyce plan to share their nautical knowledge and Great Loop experience by assisting boaters who need help moving their boats. The Captain and his Admiral are grateful for their trip of a lifetime. “2011 was a significant year for us—we both turned 70, we completed the Loop, and best of all, we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary,” said Dave. A big Crusader congratulations to Dave and Joyce on all of their milestones!

For more information about the Johnson’s Great Loop adventure, visit their blog at www.johnsonandjohnson.net/GreatLoop. n

Crusader Alumni Couple Travel

The Great Loop

Photos courtesy of Dave Johnson ’59

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Andrew Bujna ’11Class of 2011 Valedictorian and National AP Scholar Andrew Bujna will enter his second year at Purdue University in the Fall of 2012. He attends Purdue on a Trustee Scholarship and is majoring in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering with a focus on Propulsion. He credits Scecina for preparing him for his first year at Purdue. “Scecina was an environment that was conducive to learning and achieving,” said Bujna. His achievements continue to flourish at Purdue, where he volunteers with the Purdue chapter of Timmy Global Health, an organization that helps provide access to quality health-care in poorer regions. “I was elected to the Director of Community Service for the Purdue Chapter, through which I can help organize local volunteer opportunities and service trips during breaks, and coordinate with other local organizations,” said Bujna.

“One activity I became involved in last year was assisting another campus group with setting up science experiments for children at a local church on Sunday evenings.” He continues to “give that little extra” through his involvement in a national co-ed service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega and the Purdue Academic Team. Andrew is still unsure what his post-graduate plans will be after his time at Purdue but is interested in working with spacecraft and spaceflight. With a year of college under his belt, Bujna provides some advice for the Scecina Class of 2012 as they embark on their next chapter. “Try new things to see what you will like,” he said. “You won’t have the best college experience unless you are doing things you really love to do.” n

Young Alumni Profile

1950s The Class of ‘57 meets for lunch on the first Wednesday of every month in April-December at 11:30 a.m. at the Milano Inn, 231 S. College. Anne Griffin Blackburn ’57, June Nally Jorgenson ’57, Joe Lyons ’57, Patsy Love Seats ’57, Kathy Lyons, Larry Johnson ’57, David Felts ’57, Elizabeth Jones Vannoy ’57, Barbara Seal Welch ’57, Sandy Reed Duvall ’57, Joanie McAtee Johnson ’57 and Jeanie Pohlman Fentz ’57 (not pictured) attended the July lunch (photo below). Contact Joe Lyons ’57 at [email protected] for more information.

1960s Chuck Damler ’60 and his wife Tricia celebrated their 50th anniversary on June 23 with their three children and their spouses, and nine grandchildren.

Sue Bower Grap ’60 reports that her mother Winifred M. Bower died in January 2012. Winifred was also the mother of Michael J. Bower ’62, Margaret Bower Baase ’65 (dec.), Patrick W. Bower ’66, Ann Bower Holmes ’70, and John Fred Bower ’74.

Theresa Blanford Hedrick and her husband George celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on August.1

Class Notes Congratulations to Nathan Adrian, son of Jim Adrian’65, who won a gold medal at the 2012 Olympic games in London! Adrian made headlines when he won the men’s 100 meter freestyle in a dramatic finish, beating the reigning world champion, James Magnussen, from Australia by one-hundredth of a second.

Sheila Quill Ludwig ’69 reports that her mother, Catherine M. Quill, died on February 29, 2012. She was also the mother of Cathy Quill White ’66 and John Quill ’67.

1970s Julie Nelis Burns ’75 reports the death of her father, Don Nelis, who passed away on April 19, 2012. He was also the father of Steve Nelis ’76. Julie thanks the Class of ’75 for their kindness and beautiful flowers they sent.

Mary McAllen ’76 welcomed her first grandchild, Gavin Michael Chambers, on January 20, 2011.

Santina “Tina” Corsaro Sullivan ‘76 joined the Indiana State Museum and Indiana State Museum Foundation as Vice President of Development and Marketing.

Tom Davis ’79 will serve as Master Teacher at Perry Meridian High School for the 2012-13 academic year. Tom previously served as a member of the Scecina Board of Directors, and as Principal and Academic Dean at Scecina.

Angela Grigsby Espada ’79 announces that her daughter Maya Espada graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard University in May 2012. Maya is the recipient of a post-baccalaureate travel fellowship and is currently with the Peace Corps and a non-governmental health organization in the Dominican Republic.

Tom LaFave ’79 enjoyed the 50th anniversary of Ball State University’s Sigma Chi Fraternity this summer with Chris Catton ’78.

1980s Dale Brown ’83 and Laura Keith ’85 celebrated their 25th Anniversary on Sunday, July 22 at a surprise party hosted by Dale’s parents. They were married July 25, 1987 and have two daughters, Autumn, age 17, and Taylor, age 12.

John Duffy ’86 has accepted a position of Senior Vice President-Investments with Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Inc.

1990s Jeremiah Jett ’90 announces that his oldest daughter Erin got married on July 20, 2012.

Joseph “Cory” Moyars ’91 started a new job in May 2012 as the Information Packaging Brand Manager for Eckhart & Company in Indianapolis.

Trisha Logan Cordova ’99 accepted a new position at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Preservation, and Planning as the Assistant Director of Historic Preservation and Urban Planning.

2000s Brian Rosswurm ’05 joined Valeo Financial Advisors, LLC as a Financial Advisor.

Stephanie Wendel Sponsel ’06 graduated from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business and works for cmcglobal meeting event consultants in Indianapolis.

Clifford Copass ’07 graduated from Indiana State University in May 2012 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Special Education and Elementary Education and is a volunteer coach for Special Olympics.

Michael Key ’08 graduated from Ball State University in May 2012 with a degree in Construction Management and works for Turner Construction Company.

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Reunion News Upcoming Scecina Class ReunionsThe Advancement Office has received notification of the following Class Reunions for 2012. If your class does not have event information listed and you are interested in coordinating the reunion, please contact Gia Spaulding in the Advancement Office at 317.356.6377, x 1308, or [email protected].

Class of 1957 55th AnniversarySeptember 22, 2012, 5:00 p.m., Maple Creek Golf Club. For more information, contact Jeanie Fentz ’57 at [email protected], Dave Felts ’57 at [email protected], or Joe Lyons ’57 at [email protected].

Class of 1962 50th AnniversaryFriday, September 21 through Sunday, September 23, 2012 Informal social on Friday; Mass and dinner at the Indianapolis Marriott East on Saturday; and a brunch on Sunday, September 23. For more information, contact Connie Lovell Heneghan ’62 at [email protected] or Kathy Kelly Kaplan ’62 at [email protected].

Class of 1972 40th Anniversary Saturday, September 15, 2012, Northside K of C Includes a Mass celebrated by Father George Henninger, Cocktail Reception, Buffet Dinner and Dancing and Reminiscing. Other weekend activities include a Friday evening Meet & Mingle, and a Golf Scramble and Bike Ride on Saturday morning. Additional information can be found on our website, smhs72classreunion.weebly.com or Facebook page, Scecina Memorial Class of 1972.

Class of 1982 30th Anniversary Saturday, November 10, 2012, 7:00 p.m., Rock Bottom Brewery, Downtown Indianapolis “UNDER THE ROCK,” $40.00 per person For more information, please contact [email protected].

In Memoriam Dan Lintner ’69 July 8, 2012

Born May 3, 1951, in South Bend, Dan was an accomplished athlete both on an amateur and professional level. He was a graduate of St. Simon where he began his career as “Athlete of the Year.” While at Scecina, he excelled in four sports. In football, he was “All-City”, “All-State,” and selected to the Indiana “All-Star” Team. In basketball, he was “All-City” and “All-Sectional.” In baseball, he was “All-City,” and in track, he was the City and State champion in the long jump. He was named the 1969 Indianapolis City Athlete of the Year. Dan continued to play football and run track at Indiana University and was drafted by the Philadelphia Eagles. In 2005, he was inducted into the Scecina Memorial Crusader Wall of Honor. In June 2012, he was inducted into the Indiana Football Hall of Fame.

Eric Becker ’85 April 20, 2012Always proud of his eastside roots, Eric kept a fond place in his heart for Scecina and the influence its teachers and coaches had on him during his years as a Crusader. “Eric never forgot what Scecina and his friends from the eastside had done for him. He always gave back by coaching youth teams and being one of the biggest cheerleaders that Scecina has ever had,” said classmate Angie Leffler Therber ’84. “He was very proud of the fact that up until he died, he was still in possession of the spirit stick his class won as seniors.” A graduate of Our Lady of Lourdes and Scecina, Eric earned a B.S. in Public Affairs from Indiana University, and an M.A. in Natural Resources and Environmental Management from Ball State University. Eric served as a Project Analyst for the City of Westfield for the past eight years. A Certified Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Professional, Eric was an accomplished presenter and author on the subject. An active community volunteer in youth coaching and in raising funds for cancer prevention, he led the City of Westfield’s Relay for Life team and was a huge advocate for living a healthy lifestyle. He was the Westfield Chamber of Commerce’s 2010 Lantern Award recipient for Volunteer of the Year—an award he dedicated to his Scecina Football Coach Kenneth Leffler, who had been one of the most influential mentors in his life.

Class Notes, Reunion News, and In Memoriam reflect notices received on or before August 1, 2012. To update your information, submit a class note, or report an alumni death, please contact Gia Spaulding, Advancement Coordinator, at [email protected], or submit information via the online form at www.scecina.org under the “Alumni and Friends“ section.

Donna G. Kelly Knuckles ’61 Mary Elizabeth Horton ’64Susan Brown Keefer ’64John Thomas Fitzgerald ’69James F. Lee ’82Mary Helen Goebes Sr. Therese de Lourdes Galm

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2012 Alumni Golf Classic (L-R) 2012 Kenneth R. Leffler Scholarship recipient Connor Tooley ’13 was on hand for a ceremonial tee shot (Photos 1 and 2); Jay Huser ’66, Terry Rodgers ’63, Sam Jenkins ’63, Doreene Dolnics ‘66, Mike Piggott ’66, Rob Young ’66 (Photo 3); Jerry Lathrop, Larry Lathrop ’59, Jeff Lathrop ’96, and Mel Lathrop ’68 (Photo 4); Tom Tooley ‘81, Cheryl Tooley, Angie Greiner McNelis’81, and Mike McNelis ‘81 (Photo 5); (front row) Ott Hurrle ’70, Ken LaRose, Steve Hurrle, Jerry Ross ’78 and (back row) Frank Sergi, Ed Tinder, Duffy Hagist ’63, and Bill Bevan ’63 (Photo 6); Bill Cadick ’71, Nick Bozelli ’95, JR Jordan ’03, and Jason Bledsoe (Photo 7);The Entheos group on the green (Photo 8); Winning foursome Gary Kahl ’78, Mike Scaringe, Phil Catton ’80, and Joe Smith ’83 (Photo 9); Bernie Shepherd ’60, Mike Thompson ’68, and Mike Berlier ’66 (Photo 10).

Over 160 golfers attended the 2012 Alumni Golf Classic at Ironwood Golf Club on Friday, June 22. The annual golf classic benefits the Kenneth R. Leffler student scholarship, which was awarded to Connor Tooley ’13 for the 2012-13 academic year. Gary Kahl ’78, Mike Scaringe, Phil Catton ’80, and Joe Smith ’83 were the winning foursome. Special thanks to Committee members Mike Bewsey ’82, Brian Lyons ’83, Jeff Lathrop ’96, Brian Rosswurm ’05, and Frank Therber ‘08.

Scec naA L U M N I G O L F C L A S S I C


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5000 Nowland AvenueIndianapolis, IN 46201

Date/Time Opponent/Event LocationAug 10, 7:30 p.m. vs. New Palestine Scrimmage New Palestine

Aug 17, 7:00 p.m. vs. Elwood Elwood

Aug 25, 7:30 p.m. vs. Speedway Lucas Oil Stadium

Aug 31, 7:00 p.m. vs. Park Tudor Park Tudor

Sept 8, 7:00 p.m. vs. Beech Grove Homecoming Key Stadium, UIndy Special recognition of the 1962 Football team!Sept 14, 7:30 p.m. vs. Roncalli Roncalli

Sept 21, 7:00 p.m. vs. Lapel Lapel

Sept 29, 7:00 p.m. vs. Triton Central CYO Night Key Stadium, UIndy

Oct 5, 7:00 p.m. vs. Cardinal Ritter St. Vincent Health Field, Marian University

Oct 13, 7:00 p.m. vs. Lutheran Senior Night TBD

Oct 19 Sectionals TBD

scecina memorial high school

2012 Football Schedule
