ftepma ; f^dvertisemen b ^hipping...

girths, IjYCorrioges , ||1 ' h deaths. MM i Births! Marriages , and Deaths charged It; Id. i for five lines. Every additional tin* Id- : . i i : MARRIAGES ' ¦ ' ! UAKltt l uml HEARX K—July 21M . lill.V ' al . SI . Patrick' s Clnircl) . Southampton (w>Ui S' u' i ' itial Ma.ss) , by \\w Rirv . Maurice Hoiiruo (brother; of the bride) , assisted l.v [ib' o Rrv. Michael Kirwan , B.A.. K.I).. Waii-rfwril—Frederick C. Baker, of Bris- l«l .[tp Kitty, oldest daughter of AUler- m:ui; Richard Ht'arne . Watcrford . ; ro ' tt'ER^HEEHT prOn Thursday. ; 15tii insti. ', [at Faithleig Church' , by the ltev. ,r. Casey, P.P., ] with Nuptial ;Mass. WJljiam . ' son of Nicholas Power. £beek- I'Oifjtj to Margaret , daughter of the late Tv ivHuiah Sheeny, ex-«Ster f5eaut U.I.C., . •iridliSIrsl Sheehy, Checkpoint. ;!] , ' . DEATH ' M. 'l. 'j 1 i!iHL-lN—GUaTlcs MvLou . liim. ' .<: .V> | T ihnstown , Jdied :his mommi:. lv- i\i:iiiis will be removed to Si. John s C M i'tfl to-mornAv (Saturday) pvniiiii. and j interred at| St. Mary ' - *. BaUyqiin- :ir oii Sunday at, 1 o' clock. —R.I.!' . I IS 11 ' - - ¦ I . •WREATHS. —You get economy and punctuality by Beiiding your orders to 27- H ; Barronstrand j St. Large stock of Wreatha , Crosses, etc., from: to £5. J. Q. MtCaul , successor to W. .Power. Tele- trim * :iMcCau! , Ironmonger/ Waterford. ;. ||i ii ' I - ¦ : ' ¦ HARRINGTON'S ' I i ' RENOWNED IRISH ¦: j PAINTS, i ENAMELS, - ; DISTEMPER , j ! VARNISHES. IJ _j l ili i .,J _ - - - | I EVERY iVARIETY. . ll.j j f you cannot procure locally, write ||j :i Manufacturers:— Harringtons, ; Ltd SHANDON COLOR, PAINT, AND |VARNISH WORKS , CORK. Contractors to Admiralty and Ijj ' il - War Office , etc. I Illl ¦HIM. I. i ¦ - ¦ Aid for [ j| ; the I Ailing - | !. II ?oiir, jxace Is .threatened, by ' •ny oi the enemies of heaitb ; luch M dyspepsia , bllibusneu , j constipation, sick headache, lots of || | energy, and consequent •» depression , —you will find m fl useful and reliable ally In R Beccham' s Pills. These will . jl assist you to fight your, way H back! to di gestive health In the ; most I satisfactory way and In 8: he] shortest time. When your ;one Is quite restored by a course ^ if j| this excellent medicine an \ [ occasional ' dose will keep you S ht;and well , and you will loin I the) ranks of those thousands I Who 'heed no other remedy than I ¦wrW l ¦ ¦ •• , I PCHAMS S| j PrtpmdonfybT r rti OHAS BEKHAM, SL Httou, Ltaaullrt. J m j ; ScUmrrvlxn lB basa, f » ! iTtc«iiiH« p<m)fc2rt(it«piii.) i I f I \ ! : ¦ D THE | ^TATraiFORD NEWB fat g|g| J FREE ftl UU INSURANCE | DMDERTAEKrt BX XHC Ocean Accident and Guaran tee Corporanon (Et. fiwld by Sp*ci>l Act of Vulimmnl) LTD j \ Principal Office : 36 to 4i; Moortate St., Londoa, t.C: | r Caaptg Insurance-Tlckr" aatt | j |j sot ke deiicbed. ; ' ' JJl!«& *k wlu *• MU »J TDK •8 I H HH OCEAN ACCIPXS I B SB II AND ' OUARANTCB I S B MB CORPORATION , Llall**. I;Q9 KS Principal Office , 1 Hex. llta Mil l « Moor-rate Street,Lo«d«n. K.C1, to tht Ujll |«inul rcpr*iajtlii? •! U* IM fdt tuXdtr!* 1 thil Coopon.IoiaraiK*-Tleka< II holder ihaU bo clU.d or (aliUy Isijurad by an MtMnt uithln Ibl Unltid Kin(dom to »OT lUUwar ba> Piay> Biuraor-tnlnlo which VubMttttcntOt >• a (tektt-bt»rta| at fxi»-pijlo| >UMO(R. rri)t:<»d ,4it tit abott nndtrtaldaf U Kl)M I* Ik. fallowing IBKI,! cailUomt , «U»k Wll li cm.it. of , tht contract . Tit., ]. - . . . . . («) «>»t o - tatkrnultwithin tWrrt iayi attar n* wcldiot t (») that tht holder akall , aritrkl Caa ¦eddrat. hit. written hit (ar *¦-?—1 - " i*iintw i —T I *—w V V H B.^ V**" '.HVU ll II.. a). ataMa4. A * ¦»¦ laT^lm a»«lca of U. aeddrat bt «l»e« to tha OanaraBts at Ita rrindpal OtCcc to Condon wtthla IrattM t *yt tlttr lit oocumnca ; (d) that mrtial aarO- tc.ta ui other UformaUoa bt «nntaka4 kTflti ftnpa dtlmliif Bpon rrqntjt lot tht tuvt trtkt C<n»o<atloa ; ini(«) (hat thla lotmaaM apitat ¦MUJ to! ptraoot oter twtlTt and undar amatr Ilaraof aft . UilmltU U cit Conpon-Inmraaoa ifckat fer aay oMhoMtr. ami kalit <Md far tkt cwraat |mak .Iluw aar>. a . - .* . Tilt lntaraact anUUat tht kalte t. tW HMI) al. .nd la nhjact , tht candlUtnt ?( lit •• Ocaam Accident and Qtxarantee CootDaav LM Acldrtja;- , I JUak, NS, 1 * wkn ato '' in\Saf lactnHUkla wtth tat ts«ial aaaiiUou abm tUML rht satttaloa aj tin CaaMa>IUBramca.T1aiM wjwavs? nSSESSS •i uirt<adf|u oacf ii ifa ctt>wauw. - ¦ If! I'i , .. »¦ ¦ . •IlWitar* •{»»!.» - M . I FB1DAY. JULY.23. 1915 Tons Page wrries a Free Insurance of £100 , FtepmA ; f^dvertisemen b PREPAID ADVERTISEMENT , | SCAUB , ' . WEEKLY NEWS. 12 WORDS] 4d. p«r insertion IB .. Bd 1 .. Qd 30 lOd ,. Is. Qd ! f a .j is. 2d I *a .J is. «d I I . CsiSSSS© , 1 jBcssa a g 1 PLEiSE J OTE- , ' . I B Advertisements in this space S B : MITST be prepaid! Accounts 3 Es ' cannot be opened for them. 5 §i¦ ¦ ¦ - •¦ ¦! i ; r. _ _. e g ^^ SO Hi ^ GS^34 i ) . i : I ¦ AGRICULTURE, DAIRY , MARKET, I CARDEN. &c. DUTGKilRSl Farmers and pothers will J5 find! good Market, (or Hldei, Skins , uild all oiassel of Metal. Rags . Bones , lldpes . Bottk's ' Hair ond Bags . Prompt iitiention l by post . Address : M. Kut-ks. Patrick rilreet, Waterford. . IJ L T J> \RGA 1 INS in Iri3h Honey at Gco. J3¦ Whilio and Sons , Ltd., OX' onnell Slroet. Good| sections clearing ut tkl ai/d 4)dJ JatB . -Id. and 7d. Much cheaper tli ' an (jutter. f ABBAGK PU^NTP for Sale. 4s. I. OOd; V- 6d. per 100. Apply to J. J. Br. -en , Br dge House- , IWaterford . ' /TlRAlB (APPLES WANTED at E Den- ,VJ nelly ' a, '0 Mayor ' s W»lk. Higlipst price given. IjTIOR SALE— rimlicr , Coolnagow« 'r . Dun. IJjj garyan ; t 'irwood , 2s. Od. u load Catew, Hliine Villa , Lismore. I Jl ' I iTJlEESH ECK5S all the year round by J3 using our Waterglass. Tins . 4d.. 7dl , la., and li. 6d. G. White and Sons , iLtil., Chemi Bt^, Wote rford. tllTANTED IB to 25 Gallons 'New Mi'lki YV daily, delivered in the Ciiy ; higli- ;s' price given. Apply to 0OS3 this ofliic i j U T) TR.\CTI0N ENGINE for 0 XltJT t S»le , with Finishing Thrash- in" Machine ,' ilroost new ; cash or hire pit chase syste n. Thompson . Neptmiir We rks , Waterf >rd. . ! 1 I ¦ ¦[ | ARTICLES FOR OALO. T7 0R SALE-fTwo Biiliard Tables (a. -< JD good! as new). Ono is a full-Mzrd TaMe arid- thel othex is 11 x 5J. App ly 1543 office of this paper. | ARTICLES WANTED Fi M POTS . wanted by H. White und Co. Quay. I I ' 17ANTED—A Stanley Stove in ?K«I *V order' and moderate. App l y. W)9o . is office. I r ipj&RTMENl 0? CITY or 0UBURO0. 1>ED anc Sitt ng-roora to Let. Also i-> | Yard and StabUng. ¦ App l y. 6009. lu\ office. : T jirRNISHED Bedroom and Kitchen to if Let ; 4hea] . Owner leaving. App l y UTOO this office. /iHNTIJJMAN and his Daughter want vjf .to go| as: Pay ing Guests to South K is of Ireland ; late dinner and ganige wfuiled ; if Icomro rtable might be rem""«- er [t-j-K 472,|"Ir|sh Times, " Dublin. T(i LET-pUnfurnished , one nio<> airy Roomland . Kitchen. Central. App ly, (R«G, this office. | 1 ' ' I I ! ¦ ' 1 n rr . j i " OICYCLE9 AND MOTORS. I I 1 ' cl— > Horse Budgc-Wlntworth M<.l <ir t)j UBicycle. w|th Side-car or Motor sold sopa ate ; very Uttle used. Apply, Rudge- WJiii worth , |HenHett-a . Street. EMPlloYMENT WANtED. T> IJ SPECT VVBLE Young .Lady wislu-s to Ri hear o^ Vafancy in FirsT Class B;ir ur l!ir and |<jroecry. Capable of taking (June; higl ly recommended. Apply ' GI01 tk(* >fiice. : I I "VTCi UNG Lady desires poshion in H»t<-1 -I! >r Select Bar. Experienced" and first- :las3 references. App ly 6074 tins office, i I I i M 9USES, Sic , FOR 0ALB OR WANTED. I70\l SALE—Small Cottage Residcm-i- Held in [Fee-Simple , at Owning, near I'll o\ln , C<£ Kilkenny ; pictuwsqiu- l y sitiiat . <l. Neat , Substantial' Cottagi '. in ¦ ''i«3l repair;|four! Apartments on . ground floor i«d upper Room ; alsd small Fowl House and PlggqiW. Spring ^ater at door. 1 ;\ <jre 1 rood 13 pjrehes of excellent land. Purcluse Agreem int signed on Be^bom ' l^stiitd . Annuity, 17s. 6d. Apply to .1 .1 <)" >) K ; and Co., ' Solicitors , Carricktin- y> »r I ; HO USE to ' Let. containing 6 Laru-e :\iry Rooms , 'Kitchen , rw.c. App l y R. F. Phelap. 49[ and 43. Quay TO LET—Iiandsdown HouHe. JMiwti.wn i fKilfiera), al present bcciip ied by A. M. iHurpcrl Esq., R.M. Apply to H. K. ¦Hwiiu* . Trambre (or Savings Bank ; \\ at o r- . ' »»V- 1 I TO k^ET—House, Yard and Garden j -VVply John iFlynn, Geprgc ' s stn*t. . TXT"ANTED I Five-roomed House •.! ¦ . '*; Konr Kooms , immedinMy. App l y I>HM. I lis offi<^. ' . HOR8ES, VEHICLES, HARN^SS.&c i 1 L_L nt)R SAU:--Raleigh Trap ; in ^.loniliil L condition ; rubber tyres ; n >t quiie new ; rest of Car as good as new Apply. B09 1 . thw office. ^ ] FOR isAI.E-A bay Mare . 4. y ars old ; quirt in ull work Apply. G HXi . this FOR SALE—Two Trap Cart . O le Druy ( art . and Four Sets of T vckling. Appl y 6.068 Uiis Office. j rBE SOLD—A Side Car; a:lmnst ne4; newl y rubber-tyred. App \\ 609i, this offioe. f I eiTUATIONO VACANT^ ; ACiENTS canvassing harmcrs (nrn i " 5 . £14 « t-ek. W HIP " Irelat (I , " 3(1. \\';utL»n Ktl , StralforU . London. ' : / lOU'HPAISTKRSr—WajiXe d Tv «> poojl V. -' Mt-nd y Workmen . constant rnip loy- mrnt. \Valsli ' . < Coucli Factory . TiA jHTti ry. D01JERTSO>< " . Ledlie, Ft-rtruion and S\ Co. require respectable G rls as Apprentices to Dressmaking. W LVNTE1)-A Junior Lady fH^rk- for Drapery Counting House. \ . -inart liirl . quick and accurate at figures ^mall Salary to commence. Apply in 01A1 hnnd- writingjonly to G093, this office. j \A. T ANTED-A Junior Lady OI TU for VV Drapery Counting House- . 'A smart (iirl . quick and accurate at figures tjmall Salary to commence. Apply in OH n hand- w ritingionl y to G093. this office. : W f ANTED—A good strong young Girl V\ to «ire one child. Apply. &jfO7 , tins offuv; It-tUr onl y, with copy of rojfercnce. WANTED—Youns Lady for the Grocery and Spirit Business. Apply by L'tter only, No. 6384. [ THB 8EA01DU AND COUfi TRY- HOU0E8, APARTMBNTO, &c. DL' -xa\NN'0N-Furnished Hous e to lilt for August ; 3 Bedrooms ; Sitting- room ; Garden ; etc. Terms nr ideratS. \pply. L. Hcery, Duncannon. : 1 HOUSE to Let at Priest' s fioa d . TnJ- inore for month of August; 2 Sitting Rooms , ' , 5 Bedrooms , hot and col watc? bath , gas , garden , etc. Apply 6tel tliis office. ! 1 TT IKG ' STOWN-Enjoy ypur l| liday ' s XV here ; unrivalled attraction 1; two miles -of promenade piers ; Jifteeh minutes: from Dublin; boating. Jshini, g:olfln>. : etc. Guide free. Uep . Y] , town Clerk. | TO BE LET—For the Season, Covp House , containing 5 Bedroor us, Sit- ting-room and Dining-rooriu w.c i...«!«. ' Apply, I?. Kiely. Cove. Tramore. WOODVILLE , The Cove . Tr.am< r<y - T be LP' Furnished for August and Si?f tembcr ;Apply 4 Beresford Street . Vati >r ford. I i MIQCELLANaOUO. . 1 _ j ALL shades in the Cottage Dis empc for I walls , both cheap ant durable. | 7 lb. tins . Is. Gd. Age at—HI Bell , Quay. | A wonderfu l restorative in all ci ses o weakness and exhauatio i: VITAFER, the Tonic Food. Boxe 1 from Is. 3d. ' each from Geo. White and Sons, Ltd., Waterford. A RUSTIC Picture Framing is Lie ol xV the specialities of George Whi e and Sons , Ltd] Great variety of moun s and mouldings to select from. .Work pr< uiptly 1 done on the premises. ' p A Boon ! to Housekeepers. Bell 3 Is. Bottles of Glacier Varnish Stain ruakes old furniture, floors , etc. . look .ike newv 62, ' Quay. AN excellent Cloth and Carpet Ci oaner "Glacier " brand. Sold at Bell's, 02 and 89. Quay, in Is. and 6d. Billies. A broken Pane of Glass replaced at short jnotice by Bell' s, 62, Quay. BOOK »ARGAINS-A large sellction of 6s; Novels by the best authors at Is. each ; also new 2s. Novels at 6d.| each at Poole' s ' Stores and Library, 134, Quay Waterford. F pHILDRfcN 'S foots Soled 11ml jAi'li'd L' from li- . O'Shea . t' entra l Boot House. /CRITICAL cases most sueces- fully V operuttKl on at O' Shea' s (Infiriiary) tVntrnl Bout House DRAW I NG—Fretwork Drawinp- -ooni Tiniep ieci". Number of Winning Ticket . 1777 . Holder . John Morri isey, Carrick-oM -Suir Sold by Mr Frank Hurley. Carrickbce tiX I'WKT. Repairers only are onifij n-ocl i :it O'HIn-a s Central IV.ot Houst/No li.nulv men. FOR Stomach and Liver Troi bles don 't; forget White s Antibi ious 1'iils (sugur'-coated). 6d. and Is . wr l<>x from Geo. White and Sons, Ltd.. \V i' .er- furd. ] ILLUSTKATCD GI'IDK to Wnteifor. ! 1 The lilla edition contains much new insittrr. '' Quite remarkablo Talue fur Sixp«'iH.'< > . "' Says the Frreman ' t ¦Imi itul. Published Ijy " Waterford News . " Ltd. . and on . «ale at ull Newsagent* iind Sin- I ioiifrs ' I LvniKS'ilSoots soled and heel. -.! ir i». : Cu-nts ' 2a. ad. O'Shea . t'01 tral Hnot Hou. -m. MKNDING , Tailoring and Drcssnm ' :in» done by Miss Oscar, 4 , Scotch Q lay, Winlerford. < I^ 'OHEA , Central Boot House , uso V/ kJ Bc«t-I*ather and Materials. PI >ase nut« * bt-fnre- s< i nding your repnir^ < ls;- irln * riv ' . ^hipping fSQT^p&^teg, Clyde Shipping Company 9 Ltd. BEST imd OHEAPEST ROUTE for Curgo and Live Stack to and frojn all parU ol ENGLAND , SCOTLAND, and NORTH OF IRELAN D . DUBLIN, and CORK IXTKNDED SAILINGS FRO M WATERFORD. To LIVERPOOL—Every Monday, Wed- nesday, and Saturday (direct). To GLASGOW-Every Monday (direct). To BRISTOL—Every Tuesday (direct). To CARDIFF-F.very alternate Tuesdav. To LONDON--(Rt, Katherlne Dock , Ewf>- Saturday (via Southampton , nnd r nov«r ' ' ... 4 p.m. l.ood* also carried to London -by nil Sailings via Liverpool , Bristol , and " ¦ Southampton, ¦ ' ¦ To I'LYMOUtH-Every Monday (direct). T,. SOIITHAA^TON-Every Saturday : (direct) ' r ' .. 4 p ni To Dover—Every Saturday ... 4 pn i To Bel fast—Rvory Thur. <day via Cork To Cork-diiroi -tffevcry Thursday, fi 'iun. To Dublin- Kvery Thursday via Cork and "t'liuM ... 6 pm. CUNARD _ LINE TO UNITED OtATEQ. LIVEBP00I. TO NEW Y0BK. From Liverpool at 2.30 p.m. CAMERON r A Sat., July 24 ORDUNA Sat., Aug. 7 ¦ TUSCANIA . Sat, , Aug. 14 •SAXONIA. Sat.. Aug. 21 * Cabin and Third Class passengers only. TO CANADA, ; From LONDON and LIVERPOOL. CUNARD UNE, Cunard jWhari , Queenstowrj;. 61 Bishopagate; !¦¦ E.C., 29-31 Coclcspur street , S.W., London; 8 and 12 Water street , Liverpool. . Agents: Ward Brothers and Harvey and 8dn, Wa- terford; Miss M. ' Bolger , BallyduS; Klchsel Foley and P. Evans, Dangarvan; Miohael F. Walsh, Cappoquin ; James iheirne or J OB . Geary . Lismore; James UoOraih, Carriek-on-Sttir. Shanties A Church must be Built in honour of St. Anthony of [Padua. FATHER GRAY'S wonderful efforts to plant the •• JFaith once' delivered to toe Saints " in the Non-Catholio Town of Fakenham, have been regarded. The Wilderness "has blossomed as the rose " r men. women , and childrun l aro dow earnestly aeeking for Truth. -longine to be fed with | the Bread of I Life. (The Temporary Sacristy-Church is now Tar tot small to accommodate the increasing congregation; therefore Father Gray prays daily before God s Holy Altar that kind, generous BOUI S may be touched to assist m building a House of Prayer for all people. What a blessing to Fakenhairi—a Tabernacle in which pm , dear Be- deemer ever resideal " Behold ,. tia Tabetnada of God is with men. Many will appreciate the following indisputable facto ol tha great work already * C °° 1 I n I 'Four years over 160 OonvertB have been received, each lecemU not less lh«n Nine Months' Instruction. A Magnificent Site (secured . Presbytery and Sacristy completed (Bacristy now used as 4 Temporary Church), also 8pacious Club and Lecture HaU . All this haB been accomplished and p&id for by the (enerosity of Benefactors. I ' ' The Church must now bo Built. Do not begin a Work and then Neglect it ! From this little " seodling " Mission of St. Anthony of Padua another! Mission na ' a been started at East Dereham-il3 miles from Fakenham; a good site has been obtained for a Church when the one at Fakenham is! completed. Yet , still fur- ther good news! A third JMission is in contemplation in another portion of Father Gray' s huge district. . . I v I . Have you, dear reader, the Conversion! of England really at heartr If so. Give Freely and Generously, for this Great Work is Solely Depbndeni on the Alms of the Faitifnl. . I „... - ,„ If Catholics could only realise fpr themaelveB the facts relating to : this strug- gling Mission, both for what is being done|and what could be dond, and what 11 not done it is certain they would bs more alive to. the real and urgent neces- lity of completing the Church in Fakeahara. Whether the Gift be Great 01 8m&li. ?end It to us before tie sun goes down, on your good jntantion. Address-FATHER H W. QRAV . ' BT. ANTHONY 'S CHUBCH . FAKENHAM , NOBFOLK . ENGLAND. P.8. —All Donation* promptly acknowledged, and a 'Beautiful Picture of the Sacred Heart and St. Anthony of Padua sent to each Benefactor. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS (Continued) For lta!<- > of KA-ight and other infornm CLYDE SHIPPING CO.. L Toll-grains— " Cumbrae. " Telephones—Uenoral Offioe , 204 (Glasgnw . (Liverpool . Bristol . Cardiff). Goods FAST LINE TO CANADA : AT^D UNITED 8TATE8 LARGE PASSENGER AND MAIL 8TEAMER8 FROM LIVERPOOL. METAC.AMA, Fri.. July 23 MIS8ANABIE . Fri.. Aug. 20 , METAUAMA . Fri.. Aug. 27 At present the Belfast call has been discontinued but will bo resumed at a future date. IJnsurparwd accommodation. Wireless Telegraphy. - Cheap Through Tickets to all inland destinations in Canada and United 8tates. Pamphlets, information, etc., free from O.P.B., 41 4 43 VictorivSt., or P. Nugent tnd Son, 75 O'Connell street , Clonmel ; Margaret Manning, High street , Kil- kenny ; John Simkin and Co., Emigration Agents, Youghal ; Harvey and Son, Vi Gladstone street , Waterford ; Patrick Kealy, Kilkenny; Wart) Bros., 2 Barron- *trand street. Waterford. /"VQUIEA . CentrnH J5oot House, lor Vx>st \J ij class Hand Sewn Repairs. OFFICIAL GU I DE to Wate rford (for IMS). Illustrated . Published under ihe auspice? of the C orporation. Price Sixpence. Published at the offices of the Vaterford News , O'Connell Street. ¦p EMEMBER. O Shea, Central Boot JA' House , execute and fiend homo same •vetting Repairs sent in before 2 p.m. XJIT-HEN requiring Repairs don 't, liuve VV your best B00U spoiled. Send them 11 O'Sihpa. Central Boot House. WHITESONS- Cloudy lavender Am- monia, cleans Clothes , Silver , Paitit , i>te/ Invaluable for Toilet and Honse- hold purposes. 6<1.. 1B .. and Is. 9d. per liottlc from George White . O'Connoll Street. Guarantee undertaken by the Ocsan INTENDF.D SAILMG? 1O WATERFORD. From LIVERPOOL 4EI ery Monday Wednesday, and Friday (direct) . From ! QLA SGOW—Every Thursday (direct) anil Friday (via Belfast) From BRISTOL—Every Thursday. From CARDIFF—Every alte rnate Friday From LONDON (St. Katferine Dock)— E\"ery [Thursday. | (ioods also carried from London by all Ssilirifis via Liverrool and.Bristol. From DUBLIN-(Direct) Every Wednes- day 1 I ... 6 p.m. From BELFAST—(Vi a Dublin) .Every Tuesday ' ! ... 7 p.m. From CORK—Every Saturday (via Belfast and DUblin). | From Plyihouth—Indirect Service. From Southampton—Intlir ¦ct Service From Dov«jr—Indirect i* er ice. inn appl y to:— !D., Custom House Quay . U' aterford. Bc-lfiist . I ^ ondi/n). Oo>d» Ofli^e. 10 )«ice. , 3^. AM ERICA N LINEJ LIVERPOOL TO NIW YORK. (DIRECT)^-EVERY SATURDAY , BY O.S. MAIL STEAMERS Sailing undor tho American Flaa^ Apply to American j L oe, Liverpool, qi to Waterford—Harvey and B<Ju, 12 Gladstone i street. Waterford—Waid Bros , ! Barronstrand ; street. Tipperary—John Carrigan , 61 Main street. Carrick-on-Suir— Jas. McG 'ath. Clonmel—P. Nugent, 16 O Connell street. Dungarvan—James Daly, The Square. Graigue—Michael MurphyJ Grocer. New Boas—Patrick Hoot, 15 Quay, and : W. G. WOUaroi. ! | Tallow—TUnothy O'Leary, ¦ fatlonal 8chool Thomsstown—M. Westerman, Church-st. Wexford—W. Tinipgon , 1 19 South Maln-st Kilmscthomas—W. O'Doni ghue. Kilmeaderi—-John C. Smitl . - Queenstowh—Scott and po (Q'town) Ltd . THE PENNY GUI DE PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT THE OFFICE OF THE ," WATER- FOR D NEWS . " CONTAINS FULL PARTICULARS ABOljT LOCAL STEAMSHIP AND kAILWAY SERVICES FOR i THE LAU «DRY. (j TQ)L fctl * , 0D OUICK ^ EASY—KE J.IBLE . TABLETS—2d., 2^., 3d M j 3id ^ and I D : Csrfont everywhere. HARRINGTON , DUBLIN Important ! to - I- : ¦ L I ¦ .! ! !. i I. ' : il :i : ¦ THE GITY AND COTJNTRJf LOAN CO., LIMITED, jf O' CONNEtt! ' BTBEET, WATBBPOBD, | ' . j; : ; ' Uake Cash Adranota dailj to ; L»di*s, G«nU«m«n , t FdnxM, gb opttt y ra, ^^ l i ^^^ i ^ l ^ Qomnnilcat 0&aUi*J mad all * T*r/v'Hh J T I m ~ mmm ~^Tt m *rZ *M ^^^ m ~ m i P«»on»; iln aiy pirt of | liel»ad, pu I LOANS ! Apprerred P«r«on»l | Boaaxiij— note «t jr>iA HDUi/Abne h * nd *l°ot , and inthon* prubllcitf. 1 £10 UPWARDS. BepavnMWta O »Q b. niade bj iartilmtnli , m~m *m^m~mmi^~mm*^—.^ ^ ox u nj*T be, »jT»aged. Iboa* rwjuiriat 1 vaapm txj adTaoots itiJH find the •.bora . th» ben ^ad | most! TcHabl* £&iai«d*r» I ftdvanoinf on pertonal tecnrltr. Call or inrii* fox t«rin« aDdl)«ffti«mJ*r» , irblc8» I ' ¦ ¦] |- -wfll be fttnri»h«t . on ~*Ait*. ¦ Ouk mit .hj port ¦ | : ; . \. IRISH CWIL 8EKWCB ! BUILDING SOCIElhr , (Open to the General Public)] 25 WESTMJ3RELAND i STREET, i DUBLIN, i ' ' ' ' i : Established IBM. Incorporated 1874 * LOANS GRANTED ON THE MOST FAVOURABLE : TERMS TO ENABLE PERSON S TO BUILD OB PURCHASE HOUSES IN 1 TOWNS OR TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES THEREON. ] | PAID UP (CAPITAL £124 ,650. Annual Incomej » Quarter of a Million Sterling. i RE8ERVE FUNDS £22,500. Deposits received at the following-, rates of interest:— ; | I At Call j 2 per Cent; per Annum For One or Two Years 3 ' For Three Years 3$ Current Accounts Opened , and interest allowed on the minimum monthly balance. For Prospectus and all -information apply to | ! ! I ALFRED A.iMEBCER , Secretary. ' ¦ I ¦ ; .i i "I " ' r ~ \ MOWBYI MOnOYI MONEY! Xotels £20 TO £5 ,000 ADVANCED. By Private |Lender on Blmplt I ' Promissory Note.i NO BilU of;eele taken, and Absolut* ¦ Privacy guaranteed. First letter o 1 application receives prompt attention , and intendlilg borrowers are waited npon br a representative , who is empowered to complete transaction on terms mutu*flj arranged , NO CHABGE beinz. toad* nnloM BoiineM ACTUALLY COM- PLETED. Bperdtl Quotations (or Short Loans. Write in! eonfldene* to C. WELLS, 81 IXCHBQUKR.OT., DUDL h. Head Offl&a: Corridor ChambenXeliect*! THE WATERFORD LOAN ; COMPANY j , : O » JOHII OTRKST f : j' ' 'j ; ' : j rfake» CAOH Advances from £5 UPWABD8 on yonr own Approved PBnooriAi: O«tCURITY. BElPAYMENTS-WeeVry. Monthly, orlas miy' be ariangedjtb enlt oon Venience of Borrowers. AU applicaUona wlU receive immediate attention Wd will be treated confidentially and with courtesy. 6PECIAL TEBM8 .TO FABMEB8. | Apply. THE MANAGES . 8 JOSNl 8TBEEX . WATEBFOBD ! , L l ' I : " : ' li - ' ill- i|-f!|j . ; I - . FOUR COURTS H^)TE L, KMS OIJAY , DUBLIN. ^AM1£.Y AND 1 COMMERCIAL. -«taa 1 100 Bedroom s tram 2(- pec Night. j LADIES' 7 COFFEE ROOM., l iRestaura rtt—Popolar Price* Special Low Tariff for Boarders. I ¦ ' ' ' ' Banqnets and Club Diane rs catered fot Bpoolal Accommodation tor Wedding * |Parti68. ! ! Smoking Concerts. Henry G. Kilhcy . TcUDHoni rjjS | Uaflidne Dinotor. ! ' Wires : ' . 'Excel , Dnblln." ! COMFORT \e* CONVKNIBNOn CERTAIN. The 'Wicklow' stands for all that that* Words convey. Btanding In the b<ul- ness centre of Dublin, the HoUl U NEAR EVERYWHERE of interest to the Traveller. Its table and room are as good as Itrtining, care , «ad I knowledge ' can make them. | WICKLOW HOTEL WICKLOW bTBEET, DUBLIN. I | ^.IMAHON , Manafta. Phone Numbers 1B58—186» : , r n i I Hotel Metropole, Bridge Stroot, WATERFORD. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL ACCOMMODA- TION. ' . - ! VISITORS and others can be supplied witH Luncheons of Hot Joint from 12 to 3 froni Is. Exccllehtj Cooking, Private Sifc- tihg[ Rooms , Cofleo , Commercial. (Com- fortable Smoke-Boom and Private Bar and Supper Room recently added.) Cen- tral Homely, UP-TO-DATE. PERFECT SANITATION. No I dissatisfied clients . . i . i l"Jotorford | TURKISH BATHS, ' , ¦ i L i ¦ ¦ : I Also Cabinet, Eeclining and Shower ¦ **} »¦ \\ ' .I | 0 Kn ior LadieB-1-Ev ery Week Day. 0 :en for Gentlemen—Every Week Day. "~ Oleanllness (tuaranteed. | ' | : . : I ' Accident Corporation , Farmers & Others AflA TO «5|ooq LOANS cranled by dOriXj poet; Money lent without seruritj. Ladies of Gentlemen can have their own aceeptanM* ' discounted | or posti-dated ehoques cashed (without any : i securlUel . ¦uraue ' i , or iatarview. - i 11 : i | Clergrmen , Merohai^tt . M '^dical FnoU<> iioners . Farmer! , Bbopkeepen; : and mil Besponsible Perftntji. , iNo , Feet or B«»or«- hand Charger «i^* mads, ond no Bailwar Faros. | j. ; : -\ ^ |[' ; !) || . | i , Borruweri dealing with othn flrmi eta have their Loarii paid oO or inoreaaed; and those who are about to borrow ahonld write for j roll Information to j ¦ THE 8TANDAED PBXVATE FINANCE 00. OF 1KELAND , ITD* . JAMES 6 V7AL8HEJ See., : i 15 ANJGLESEA STREET, j DUBLIN. i I ¦ i Money to Farmers 0~\ f\ I and upwards lent : by post o b iy j | Tvithdut any; Becunty to Farmers, Merchants , ^Clergymen, Medical iPractitioners , 6chool Teach- ers, and, all other private Ladies and . Gentlemen; I No . foes ¦ or : charges whatsoever. I «asy [repayments ar- ranged to suit borrower* conveni- ence no personal in ervie\y required! All -business done by post in strictest! privacy, and e»ery ar>r plication rece vee immediate atten- tion. |-! ¦ - ; ,| I; Apply. ; .::¦ !! :• ; The British Discount {Co., Ltd. 42aJ SOUTH MALL ' , COBK. , i LOANS! | lioANSI LCANSI } JMONSY) -i AriVANbED . .irom ' J : <S5 ! UPWARDS, io farmers and !all Respect-: able Persons on their Own : Approved ' Security. F i: - 1 ' - ' \' ADDRESB:- |" J . ,: !; ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' |R. 8MDEIlIAN|, Financier, 5 PABNELL 8JTBEET (Near Town Hall), i I WATEBFOBD/ f- . ' I' M I ' M . insurance. ; THE ^TjRIOTIC ASSURANCE C6. f i ii i ! ' '\ i i IAD . i FIBE, I ACCIDENT . WOBKMXN'B ; COMPENSATION & BUBGLAB7. OAPITAL rtiLLi PAID, \ fi10O,OOD i ! |: : ¦ \ —I i j | ! . . . Registered And Head Office, « : * COLLEGE (SHEEN . f i VBUS. 1 i i : : ¦ DlrectoM: ! ' : i ¦ ! JOHN MOONET/ Eifl.; C.V.6., J.Pi . ' ¦ ¦ Chairman; ' : I ¦ ;| I ' ¦ I ¦¦ i O'CONOB DON, H.M.li ! ! i LAUBENCB W. MARTIN, Esi. PHILIP H.;GB1EBSON . fei qf 10HN 8INCLAIBL Esq.! (BelrasH. BEKWAKU H. O'EEILLY, 1 Esi., : | I Managing : Dire . ctor. I : i| ! ! ; ¦ | i |—; | i_ i lj j ¦ ¦ i Low Bates , of Premium |and Prompt ' and I ; Liberal Settlement of Claims. I The Position of the Company! is Amply j ! Becured I Independent of CapiUl. I : Proposal Forms and all information on tpplicatkurto Company' s Agents, or to I W. COOTE, Manager A ' Seoretarj. WAR } INSURAPJCE CROSS j CHANNEL Cattle, Horses] Cargoes LLOYD'S L0WE8T BATES. ¦ fl ii i-i :l ¦ ' JAMES WBttTTY , 42 QUAY] WATERFORD! ¦:!¦ ' II -I. ! ! ' ! DB im &m ¦ i I'M I ; !| : i Accident ; and Quarantoo , Corporation , Limited/ i > ¦ ' ¦ r ! i I: M i .I ' i 0FFEB8 (TO . PBOPESSIONAL AUD- BU8INES8 |. MEK. THBO0GH ITfh UP-TO-DATE I POUCTEB .j COM- PLETE PBOTECTION AC AIN81 THE MANY EI8K8 |OF ACCI- ; DENX |AND I eiCKKESS TO - KHICH ALL ! A! B 1 rx^bsBto.; ' Headj Offlcei:: ! . Moorgate Street^ London ' ' : !- : l ¦ |- : - : . Llmtt^ ! . . . . . h - . I . :

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Page 1: FtepmA ; f^dvertisemen b ^hipping fSQT^p&^teg,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · luch M dyspepsia, bllibusneu, j constipation , sick headache lots of || | energy,

girths, IjYCorrioges,|| 1 'h deaths.MM i

Births! Marriages, and Deaths chargedIt; Id. i for five lines. Every additionaltin* Id- : . i



UAKltt l uml HEARX K—July 21M . lill.V ' al.SI .Patrick's Clnircl). Southampton (w>U iS'u'i'itial Ma.ss), by \\w Rirv . MauriceHoiiruo (brother; of the bride) , assistedl.v [ ib 'o Rrv. Michael Kirwan , B.A.. K.I) ..Waii-rfwril—Frederick C. Baker, of Bris-l«l .[tp Kitty, oldest daughter of AUler-m:ui; Richard Ht'arne. Watcrford . ;

ro'tt'ER^HEEHTprOn Thursday. ; 15tiiinsti. ', [at Faithleig Church', by the ltev.,r. Casey, P.P., ] with Nuptial ;Mass.WJlj iam .'son of Nicholas Power. £beek-I ' Oi fj tj to Margaret, daughter of the lateTvivHuiah Sheeny, ex-«Sterf5eaut U.I.C.,.•iridli SIrsl Sheehy, Checkpoint.

; ! ] , ' . • DEATH 'M. 'l. 'j 1 i!iHL-lN—GUaTlcs MvLou.liim. ' .< :

.V> | T ihnstown , Jdied :his mommi:.lv- i\i:iiiis will be removed to Si. John sC M i'tfl to-mornAv (Saturday) pvniiiii .and j interred at| St. Mary '-*. BaUyqiin-: i r oii Sunday at, 1 o'clock.—R.I.! ' .

I IS 1 1 ' - - ¦ I .•WREATHS.—You get economy and

punctuality by Beiiding your orders to 27-H ; Barronstrand j St. Large stock ofWreatha, Crosses, etc., from: 5« to £5. J.Q. MtCaul, successor to W. .Power. Tele-trim* :iMcCau!, Ironmonger/ Waterford.

;. ||i i i ' I - ¦ : ' ¦



IJ _j

l i l i i .,J_ - - -| I EVERY iVARIETY.

. l l . j j f you cannot procure locally, write

| |j : i Manufacturers:—


|VARNISH WORKS , CORK.Contractors to Admiralty andIjj 'i l - • War Office, etc.

I I l l l¦ H I M . I . i ¦ - ¦

Aid for[ j| ; the I Ailing- |!.

II ?oiir, jxace Is .threatened, by '•ny oi the enemies of heaitb ;luch M dyspepsia, bllibusneu, jconstipation, sick headache, lotsof || | energy, and consequent

•» depression,—you will find mfl useful • and reliable ally InR Beccham's Pills. These will .jl assist you to fight your, wayH back! to digestive health In the; most I satisfactory way • and In

8 : he] shortest time. When your;one Is quite restored by a course

if j| this excellent medicine an \[ occasional ' dose will keep you S

ht;and well , and you will loin Ithe) ranks of those thousands IWho 'heed no other remedy than I¦wrW l • ¦ ¦ •• , I


j PrtpmdonfybT rrti OHAS BEKHAM, SL Httou, Ltaaullrt. J

m j ; ScUmrrvlxn lB basa, f» !iTtc«iiiH« p<m)fc2rt(it«piii.) iIf I \ ! : ¦ D



Ocean Accident andGuarantee Corporanon(Et. f i wl d by Sp*ci>l Act of Vulimmnl) LTD

j \ Principal Office :36 to 4i; Moortate St., Londoa, t.C: |

r Caaptg Insurance-Tlckr" aatt| j | j sot ke deiicbed. ; ' '

JJl!«& *k wlu *• MU »J TDK•8 I H HH O C E A N ACCIPX S IB SB II AND ' O U A R A N T C BI SB MB CORPORATION, Llall**.I;Q9 KS Principal Office ,1 Hex. lltaM i l l « Moor-rate Street,Lo«d«n.

K.C1, to tht Ujll |«inul rcpr*iajtlii? • •! U* IMf d t tuXdtr!*1 thil Coopon.IoiaraiK*-Tleka< II U»holder ihaU bo clU.d or (aliUy Isijurad by an MtMntuithln Ibl Unltid Kin(dom to »OT lUUwar ba>Piay> Biuraor-tnlnlo which VubMttttcntOt>• a (tektt-bt»rta| at fxi»-pijlo | >UMO(R.

rri)t:<»d ,4it tit abott nndtrtaldaf U Kl)M I*Ik. fallowing IBKI,! cailUomt, «U»k Wll licm.it. of, tht contract. Tit., ] . -. . . ..(«) «>»t o-tatkrnultwithin tWrrt iayi attar n*wcldiot t (») that tht holder akall, aritrkl Caa¦eddrat. hit. written hit (ar *¦-?—1-"i*iintw i—T I *—w VVHB. V**" '.HVU ll II.. a). ataMa4.A * ¦»¦ laT lma»«lca of U. aeddrat bt «l»e« to tha OanaraBtsat Ita rrindpal OtCcc to Condon wtthla IrattMt *yt tlttr lit oocumnca ; (d) that mrtial aarO-tc.ta ui other UformaUoa bt «nntaka4 kTfltiftnpa dtlmliif Bpon rrqntjt lot tht tuvt trtktC<n»o<atloa ; ini(«) (hat thla lotmaaM apitat¦MUJ to! ptraoot oter twtlTt and undar amatrIlaraof aft.UilmltU U cit Conpon-Inmraaoaifckat fer aay oMhoMtr. ami kalit <Md far tktcwraat |mak .Iluw aar>. a . - .* .

Tilt lntaraact anUUat tht kalte t. tW HMI)al. .nd la nhjact t», tht candlUtnt ?( lit •• OcaamAccident and Qtxarantee CootDaav LMAcldrtja;-, I JUak, NS,1* • wkn ato''in\SaflactnHUkla wtth tat ts«ial aaaiiUou abm tUML

rht satttaloa aj tin CaaMa>IUBramca.T1aiMwjwavs? nSSESSS•i uirt<adf|uoacf ii ifa ctt>wauw. -¦ I f ! I' i , • . . » ¦ ¦ • .

•IlWitar* •{»»!.» - M.

I FB1DAY. JULY.23. 1915

Tons Page wrries a Free Insurance of £100,

FtepmA ; f^dvertisemen bPREPAID ADVERTISEMENT


12 WORDS] 4d. p«r insertionIB .. Bd

1 3« .. Qd 30 „ lOd &« ,. Is. Qd

! f a • .j is. 2d I *a .J is. «d

I I .

CsiSSSS© , 1 jBcssaag1 PLEiSE J OTE- , '. IB Advertisements in this space SB : MITST be prepaid! Accounts 3Es ' cannot be opened for them. 5§i¦¦¦- • •¦¦ ! i ; r . _ _ . eg^ SO Hi GS 34i ) . i :

I • ¦


DUTGKilRSl Farmers and pothers willJ5 find! good Market, (or Hldei, Skins ,uild all oiassel of Metal. Rags. Bones ,lldpes. Bottk's' Hair ond Bags . Promptiitiention l by post . Address : M. Kut-ks.Patrick rilreet, Waterford. .IJ L TJ> \RGA 1INS in Iri3h Honey at Gco.J3¦ Whilio and Sons, Ltd., OX'onnellSlroet. Good| sections clearing ut tklai/d 4)dJ JatB . -Id. and 7d. Muchcheaper tli'an (jutter.

f ABBA GK PU^NTP for Sale. 4s. I. OOd;V- 6d. per 100. Apply to J. J . Br. -en ,Br dge House-, IWaterford .

'/TlRAlB (APPLES WANTED at E Den-,VJ nelly 'a, '0 Mayor 's W»lk. Higlipstprice given.

IjTIOR SALE— rimlicr , Coolnagow« 'r . Dun.IJjj garyan ; t'irwood , 2s. Od. u loadCatew, Hliine Villa, Lismore.

I Jl ' I iTJlEESH ECK5S all the year round byJ3 using our Waterglass. Tins . 4d..7dl , la., and li. 6d. G. White and Sons,iLtil., ChemiBt^, Woterford.

tllTANTED IB to 25 Gallons 'New Mi 'lkiYV daily, delivered in the Ciiy ; higli-;s' price given. Apply to 0OS3 this ofliic

ij U T) TR.\CTI0N ENGINE for0 XltJT t S»le , with Finishing Thrash-in" Machine,' ilroost new ; cash or hirepit chase syste n. Thompson. NeptmiirWe rks, Waterf >rd.. ! 1 I ¦¦[


T7 0R SALE-fTwo Biiliard Tables (a.-<JD good! as new). Ono is a full-MzrdTaMe arid- thel othex is 11 x 5J . App ly1543 office of this paper.


F i M POTS .wanted by H. White undCo. Quay.

I I ' 17ANTED—A Stanley Stove in ?K«I

*V order' and moderate. Apply. W)9o.is office. I r

ipj&RTMENl 0? CITY or 0UBURO0.

1>ED anc Sitt ng-roora to Let. Alsoi-> | Yard and StabUng. ¦ Appl y. 6009.lu\ office. :

TjirRNISHED Bedroom and Kitchen toif Let ; 4hea] . Owner leaving. App ly

UTOO this office.

/ iHNTIJ JMAN and his Daughter wantvjf .to go| as: Pay ing Guests to SouthK is of Ireland ; late dinner and ganigewfuiled ; if Icomrortable might be rem""«-er[t-j-K 472,|"Ir|sh Times," Dublin.

T(i LET-pUnfurnished, one nio<> airyRoomland .Kitchen. Central. App ly,

(R«G , this office.| 1' ' I I ! ¦ '

1 n rr . j i "OICYCLE9 AND MOTORS.I I 1 '

cl— > Horse Budgc-Wlntworth M<.l <irt)j UBicycle. w|th Side-car or Motor soldsopa ate ; very Uttle used. Apply, Rudge-WJ iii worth , |HenHett-a. Street.


T> IJ SPECTVVBLE Young .Lady wislu-s toRi hear o^ Vafancy in FirsT Class B;irur l!ir and |<jroecry. Capable of taking(June; higl ly recommended. Apply' GI01tk( * >fiice. :

I I"VTCi UNG Lady desires poshion in H»t<-1-I! >r Select Bar. Experienced" and

first- :las3 references. Apply 6074 tinsoffice , i

I I i


I 70\l SALE—Small Cottage Residcm-i-Held in [Fee-Simple, at Owning, near

I'll o\ln , C<£ Kilkenny ; pictuwsqiu- l ysitiiat .<l. Neat , Substantial' Cottagi '. in¦''i«3l repair;|four! Apartments on . groundfloor i«d upper Room ; alsd small FowlHouse and PlggqiW. Spring ^ater at door.1 ;\<jre 1 rood 13 pjrehes of excellent land.Purcluse Agreem int signed on Be^bom'l^stiitd . Annuity, 17s. 6d. Apply to .1 .1< ) " >) K ; and Co.,' Solicitors, Carricktin-y> »r I ;HO USE to' Let. containing 6 Laru-e

:\iry Rooms, 'Kitchen, rw.c. App lyR. F. Phelap. 49[ and 43. Quay

TO LET—Iiandsdown HouHe. JM iwti.wni fKilfiera), al present bcciip ied by

A. M. iHurpcrl Esq., R.M. Apply to H. K.¦Hwiiu*. Trambre (or Savings Bank ; \\ ato r-. '•»»V- 1 I TO k^ET—House, Yard and Garden

j -VVply John iFlynn, Geprgc's stn*t.

.TXT"ANTED I Five-roomed House •.!¦ . '*; Konr Kooms, immedinMy. App lyI>HM. I lis offi< . ' .


nt)R SAU:--Raleigh Trap ; in .loniliilL condition ; rubber tyres ; n >t quiie

new ; rest of Car as good as new Apply .B091 . thw office.

^ ]

FOR isAI.E-A bay Mare . 4. y ars old ;quirt in ull work Apply. G HXi . this

FOR SALE—Two Trap Cart . O le Druy( art . and Four Sets of T vckling.Appl y 6.068 Uiis Office. j

rBE SOLD—A Side Car; a:lmnst ne4;newl y rubber-tyred. App \\ 609i,

this offioe. f I


ACiENTS canvassing harmcrs ( nrn i" 5 .£14 « t-ek. W H I P " Irelat (I , " 3(1.

\\';utL»n Ktl , StralforU . London. ':

/ lOU'HPAISTKRSr—WajiXed Tv «> poojlV.-' Mt-ndy Workmen . constant rnip loy-mrnt. \Valsli '.< Coucli Factory . TiA jHTti ry.

D01JERTSO><" . Ledlie, Ft-rtruion andS\ Co. require respectable G rls asApprentices to Dressmaking.

WLVNTE1)-A Junior Lady fH^rk- for

Drapery Counting House. \ .-inartli ir l . quick and accurate at figures ^mallSalary to commence. Apply in 01A1 hnnd-writing j only to G093, this office. j

\A.TANTED-A Junior Lady OI TU forVV Drapery Counting House-.'A smart

(iirl . quick and accurate at figures tjmallSalary to commence. Apply in OH n hand-w ritingionl y to G093. this office. :

Wf ANTED—A good strong young GirlV\ to «ire one child. Apply. &jf O7 , tins

offuv; It-tUr only, with copy of rojfercnce.

WANTED—Youns Lady for the Groceryand Spirit Business. Apply by

L'tter only, No. 6384. [


DL'-xa\NN'0N-Furnished Hous e to liltfor August ; 3 Bedrooms ; Sitting-

room ; Garden ; etc. Terms nrideratS.\pply. L. Hcery, Duncannon. : 1

HOUSE to Let at Priest's fioa d. TnJ-inore for month of August; 2 Sitting

Rooms, ',5 Bedrooms, hot and col watc?bath, gas, garden, etc. Apply 6tel tliisoffice. ! 1

TT IKG'STOWN-Enjoy ypur l| liday'sXV here ; unrivalled attraction 1; twomiles -of promenade piers ; Jifteehminutes: from Dublin; boating. Jshini,g:olfln>. : etc. Guide free. • Uep . Y] ,town Clerk. |

TO BE LET—For the Season, CovpHouse, containing 5 Bedroor us, Sit-

ting-room and Dining-rooriu w.c i..•.«!«.'Apply, I?. Kiely. Cove. Tramore.

WOODVILLE, The Cove. Tr.am< r<y -Tbe LP' Furnished for August and Si?f

tembcr ;Apply 4 Beresford Street . Vati>rford. I

i MIQCELLANaOUO.. 1 _ jALL shades in the Cottage Dis empc

for I walls , both cheap antdurable. | 7 lb. tins. Is. Gd. Age at—HIBell , Quay. |

A wonderfu l restorative in all ci ses oweakness and exhauatio i:

VITAFER, the Tonic Food. Boxe 1 fromIs. 3d.' each from Geo. White and Sons,Ltd., Waterford.

A RUSTIC Picture Framing is Lie olxV the specialities of George Whi e andSons , Ltd] Great variety of moun s andmouldings to select from. .Work pr< uiptly1done on the premises.

' pA

Boon ! to Housekeepers. Bell 3 Is.Bottles of Glacier Varnish Stain

ruakes old furniture, floors , etc. . look.ike newv 62,' Quay.

AN excellent Cloth and Carpet Ci oaner"Glacier" brand. Sold at Bell's,

02 and 89. Quay, in Is. and 6d. Billies.

A broken Pane of Glass replaced atshort jnotice by Bell's, 62, Quay.

BOOK »ARGAINS-A large sellctionof 6s; Novels by the best authors at

Is. each ; also new 2s. Novels at 6d.| eachat Poole's' Stores and Library, 134, QuayWaterford. F

pHILDRfcN 'S foots Soled 11ml jAi'li'dL' from li- . O'Shea . t'entra l Boot House./CRITICA L cases most sueces- fullyV operuttKl on at O'Shea's (Infiriiary)

tVntrnl Bout House

DRAW I NG—Fretwork Drawinp- -ooniTiniepieci". • Number of Winning

Ticket . 1777 . Holder . John Morri isey,Carrick-oM -Suir Sold by Mr FrankHurley. Carrickbce

tiX I'WKT. Repairers only are onifij n-ocli :it O'HIn-a s Central IV.ot Houst/No

li.nulv men.

FOR Stomach and Liver Troi blesdon 't ; forget White s Antibi ious

1'iils (sugur'-coated). 6d. and Is . wr l<>xfrom Geo. White and Sons, Ltd.. \V i'.er-furd. ]

ILLU STKATCD G I ' I D K to Wnteifor. !1 The lilla edition contains much new

insittrr. '' Quite remarkablo Talue furSixp«'iH.'<> ."' Says the Frreman 't ¦Imi itul.Published Ijy " Waterford News ." Ltd. .and on .«ale at ull Newsagent* iind Sin-I ioiifrs ' ILvniKS 'ilSoots soled and heel. -.! i r

i». : Cu-nts' 2a. ad. O'Shea . t'01 tralHnot Hou.-m.

MKNDING , Tailoring and Drcssnm' :in»done by Miss Oscar, 4, Scotch Q lay,

Winlerford. <

I 'OHEA , Central Boot House, usoV/ kJ Bc«t-I*ather and Materials. PI >asenut« * bt- fnre- s<inding your repnir^ < ls;-irln*riv '.

^hipping fSQT^p&^teg,Clyde Shipping Company9 Ltd.BEST imd OHEAPEST ROUTE for Curgo and Live Stack to and frojn all parU ol



To LIVERPOOL—Every Monday, Wed-nesday, and Saturday (direct).

To GLASGOW-Every Monday (direct).To BRISTOL—Every Tuesday (direct).To CARDIFF-F.very alternate Tuesdav.To LONDON--(Rt, Katherlne Dock, Ewf>-Saturday (via Southampton, nndr nov«r '' ... 4 p.m.l.ood* also carried to London -by nil

Sailings via Liverpool , Bristol , and" ¦ Southampton, ¦ ' ¦To I'LYMOUtH-Every Monday (direct).T,. SOIITHAA^TON-Every Saturday• : (direct) ' • r ' .. 4 p niTo Dover—Every Saturday .. . 4 p n iTo Bel fast—Rvory Thur.<day via CorkTo Cork-diiroi-tffevcry Thursday, fi 'iun.To Dublin- Kvery Thursday via Cork and"t'liuM .. . 6 pm.


LIVEBP00I. TO NEW Y0BK.From Liverpool at 2.30 p.m.

CAMERON rA Sat., July 24ORDUNA Sat., Aug. 7¦ TUSCANIA . Sat,, Aug. 14•SAXONIA. Sat.. Aug. 21

* Cabin and Third Class passengers only.TO CANADA, ;


Queenstowrj ;. 61 Bishopagate; !¦¦ E.C.,29-31 Coclcspur street, S.W., London; 8and 12 Water street, Liverpool. . Agents:Ward Brothers and Harvey and 8dn, Wa-terford; Miss M. ' Bolger, BallyduS;Klchsel Foley and P. Evans, Dangarvan;Miohael F. Walsh, Cappoquin ; Jamesiheirne or JOB. Geary. Lismore; JamesUoOraih, Carriek-on-Sttir.

ShantiesA Church must be Built in honour

of St. Anthony of [Padua.FATHER GRAY'S wonderful efforts to plant the •• JFaith once' delivered to toe

Saints " in the Non-Catholio Town of Fakenham, have been regarded. TheWilderness "has blossomed as the rose "rmen. women, and childrun l aro dow

earnestly aeeking for Truth.-longine to be fed with | the Bread of I Life. (TheTemporary Sacristy-Church is now Tar tot small to accommodate the increasingcongregation; therefore Father Gray prays daily before God s Holy Altar thatkind, generous BOUIS may be touched to assist m building a House of Prayer forall people. What a blessing to Fakenhairi—a Tabernacle in which pm ,dear Be-deemer ever resideal " Behold,. tia Tabetnada of God is with men.

Many will appreciate the following indisputable facto ol tha great work already*C°°1InI

'Four years over 160 OonvertB have been received, each lecemU not lesslh«n Nine Months' Instruction. A Magnificent Site (secured. Presbytery andSacristy completed (Bacristy now used as 4 Temporary Church), also • 8paciousClub and Lecture HaU. All this haB been accomplished and p&id for by the(enerosity of Benefactors. I ' '

The Church must now bo Built.Do not begin a Work and then Neglect it !From this little " seodling " Mission of St. Anthony of Padua another! Mission

na'a been started at East Dereham-il3 miles from Fakenham; a good site has beenobtained for a Church when the one at Fakenham is! completed. Yet, still fur-ther good news! A third JMission is in contemplation in another portion ofFather Gray's huge district. . . I v I .

Have you, dear reader, the Conversion! of England really at heartr If so.Give Freely and Generously, for this Great Work is Solely Depbndeni on theAlms of the Faitifnl. . I „ . . . - , „

If Catholics could only realise fpr themaelveB the facts relating to: this strug-gling Mission, both for what is being done|and what could be dond, and what 11not done it is certain they would bs more alive to. the real and urgent neces-lity of completing the Church in Fakeahara. Whether the Gift be Great 01 8m&li.?end It to us before tie sun goes down, on your good jntantion.


P.8.—All Donation* promptly acknowledged, and a 'Beautiful Picture of theSacred Heart and St. Anthony of Padua sent to each Benefactor.


For lta!<- > of KA-ight and other infornmCLYDE SHIPPING CO.. L

Toll-grains— " Cumbrae. "Telephones—Uenoral Offioe , 204 (Glasgnw .

(Liverpool. Bristol . Cardiff). Goods



METAC.AMA, Fri.. July 23MIS8ANABIE . Fri.. Aug. 20

, METAUAMA . Fri.. Aug. 27At present the Belfast call has been

discontinued but will bo resumed at afuture date.

IJnsurparwd accommodation. WirelessTelegraphy. -

Cheap Through Tickets to all inlanddestinations in Canada and United 8tates.

Pamphlets, information, etc., free fromO.P.B., 41 4 43 VictorivSt., or P. Nugenttnd Son, 75 O'Connell street, Clonmel ;Margaret Manning, High street, Kil-kenny ; John Simkin and Co., EmigrationAgents, Youghal; Harvey and Son, ViGladstone street, Waterford ; PatrickKealy, Kilkenny; Wart) Bros., 2 Barron-*trand street. Waterford.

/"VQUIEA . CentrnH J5oot House, lor Vx>st\J ij class Hand Sewn Repairs.

OFFICIAL GU I DE to Waterford (forIMS) . Illustrated . Published under

ihe auspice? of the Corporation. PriceSixpence. Published at the offices of theVaterford News , O'Connell Street.

¦p EMEMBER. O Shea, Central BootJA' House , execute and fiend homo same•vetting Repairs sent in before 2 p.m.

XJIT-HEN requiring Repairs don 't, liuveVV your best B00U spoiled. Send them11 O'Sihpa. Central Boot House.

WHITESONS- Cloudy lavender Am-monia, cleans Clothes, Silver, Paitit ,

i>te/ Invaluable for Toilet and Honse-hold purposes. 6<1.. 1B .. and Is. 9d. perliottlc from George White. O'ConnollStreet.

Guarantee undertaken by the Ocsan


From LIVERPOOL4EI ery MondayWednesday, and Friday (direct) .

From ! QLA SGOW—Every Thursday(direct) anil Friday (via Belfast)

From BRISTOL—Every Thursday.From CARDIFF—Every alternate FridayFrom LONDON (St. Katferine Dock)—

E\"ery [Thursday. |(ioods also carried from London by all

Ssilirifis via Liverrool and.Bristol.From DUBLIN-(Direct) Every Wednes-

day 1 I ... 6 p.m.From BELFAST—(Vi a Dublin) .Every

Tuesday • ' ! . .. 7 p.m.From CORK—Every Saturday (via Belfast

and DUblin). |From Plyihouth—Indirect Service.From Southampton—Intlir ¦ct ServiceFrom Dov«jr—Indirect i*er ice.

inn apply to:—!D., Custom House Quay . U'aterford.

Bc-lfiist . I^ondi/n). Oo>d» Ofli^e. 10)«ice., 3 .



Sailing undor tho AmericanFlaa^

Apply to American j L oe, Liverpool,qi toWaterford—Harvey and B<Ju, 12 Gladstone

i street.Waterford—Waid Bros , ! Barronstrand

; street.Tipperary—John Carrigan, 61 Main street.Carrick-on-Suir— Jas. McG 'ath.Clonmel—P. Nugent, 16 O Connell street.Dungarvan—James Daly, The Square.Graigue—Michael MurphyJ Grocer.New Boas—Patrick Hoot, 15 Quay, and

: W. G. WOUaroi. ! |Tallow—TUnothy O'Leary, ¦ fatlonal 8choolThomsstown—M. Westerman, Church-st.Wexford—W. Tinipgon,1 19 South Maln-stKilmscthomas—W. O'Doni ghue.Kilmeaderi—-John C. Smitl .-Queenstowh—Scott and po (Q'town) Ltd.




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jrfake» CAOH Advances from £5 UPWABD8 on yonr own Approved PBnooriAi:O«tCURITY. BElPAYMENTS-WeeVry. Monthly, orlas miy'be ariangedjtb enlt oonVenience of Borrowers. AU applicaUona wlU receive immediate attention Wd will betreated confidentially and with courtesy. 6PECIAL TEBM8 .TO FABMEB8. |


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rx^ bs Bto . ; '

Headj Offlcei:: ! .Moorgate Street London

' ' : !- : l ¦ | - : - : •.Llmtt !. . . . . h -. I . :

Page 2: FtepmA ; f^dvertisemen b ^hipping fSQT^p&^teg,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · luch M dyspepsia, bllibusneu, j constipation , sick headache lots of || | energy,

War Hews of theWfeek


LONDON . -Monday.¦In the H.u .-i1 pf Cuiuiiu u> u-Juy ihi

Prmiu '.Minister sail :hat i n> total of tiniBritisli and naval a id mil i ary <-asuai;:f >a: The Dardanelles up tu tin' < 'ii<l .it . luiuwere as follows:—I tticers-rKilled, 6+1 ;wounded , '1 ,267 ; >ni3.sinjr, 1J5. Mm—KilW d , 7,0«; wojiiiu.it.-J , 2: ,JJ7 , !ii i .-.s.iu7.41) 1. :


i SOFIA , Monday .According to priv. ite advices from Con-

stantinople a Uritis t submarine lias tor-pedoed and sunk tin steamer " ftisya " »fthe Marsousseh Co at Mudania in tin-Sea of Al-armora, :al ;o two lighters and asusimpr disi-haryij i^ i-lothim; in Haidar-I'aslui harbour. ¦

A torpedo was al ;o fired at a steamerloading at Topliai ieii Quay but Uie pro-jectile .struck' lluj uid ot Lhe quay andpan oi lliv; 1 I M >I:1 UI -!i U lu rt . The dam-age caused by ihe, i: (p losion to (he iiuay s<• .\. i .-nds lor ti ' -n ht !:i .ti 'ed metres, from thoTopiianeh \ VJiurf ; tu the Customs died.


The Paris newspapers pi blisli a letterfrom a private sdurte rece ved in Koine ,according to which he Kai ;er is reportedto be in a very p're :arious Jfinaneiai situ-ation. The war i.as already coijt him ahundred milliuii ui rks , arid other Ger-man Princes are a. to verjj embarrassing

pecuniarily. [DYI NG ) TRADE

AilkllERDAM . Monday. 'Tho SJwenanr Icdrre-spordent of the

" Telegraaf" calls! attention to the recentfalling of the imports oi piece goodsfrom Germany to .Jjilland. This may bepartly attributabl e to the use of the rail-ways for moving troops , bat he contend*that , apart from i{ii: , impek-ti from Ger-uiauy nre generall y coming to a stanil-siiil. He fays thdi by August l^t all tin-weaving mill* in G ;rmany | will ' be idle.He spoke to a man from Emmerich wh .>stated that :lie lqrpjest hoiises jure nowbuying tile crudest cotton scuffs at doublethe cost price , While the Iwu-rst y. Howcotton, which is eoinrjionly splJ al; twenty-four pfennigs perjmetre noW clmimaudsthe wholesale price of foriy-fivd to lii typfennigs per metre. IALLIE8' CO-ORDINATED PLANS

-i I 'i ROME, Ifpnday.The "Giorlule d'l alia " io-day says:—

General Parro 's visit to the i Frenj ch fronthas given immediate practical rifsult.-f. Ithas enabled the-basas to be |laid for a co-ordinated programing between the Allieswhich is destined to producela great effectin tho European co lQict. pincq his re-turn. General Parjo has conferred atlength with. Signor|SalandraJ the Premier ,and Signor Bar^ ilai . the new Ministe rwithout a portfolio, who expressed theirgreat eatisiaetion \v th thej rcsu t .of hismission: The .paper adds (hat he hourhas now come whec manifold' :e5ourc.esposeessod by the liberal Powers, and theentente existing between them, aie boundto triumph over Germany 's! reactionaryviolence. ' I . ¦


According to a telegram (pmr Rome tothe " .Journal ," a ire ugee from Ifola whohas arrived in , the I -alian capital , statesthat two Austrian | si bmarincs ,v)hieh re-cently left Pola for; a reconnaissarice alongthe Italian coast, did not return ^nd hav ,been given up "as los . - j


: NEJIV YORK , Monday.The " World ," in an editorial Wtkle on

the "Orduna" outrage (the|"OWuna" re-ported yesterday oh arriving at New Yorkthat it had been {ineffectively torpedoedand shelled on July.Sth), declare^ that forsome time there had been reason to sup-pose that Germany fcad realised {the follyof thug offending neutral I natiins, andsays if this attack] p oves to be a calcula-ted act, emanating rom a naval controlwhich eubmiti t o : n > restraint <f states-manship on policy, it must gre itly in-crease tho difficulties of reaching i in agree-ment with Germany upon the question ntissue. | | [ j l

The " Sun "i says it Li unnecessary todiscuss the situatio l of tlio "Orduna."No-nxitter how ' she was laden , tr whereshe.was destined, she was ehttilod, underlav to a warning and to be hailed. If de-prived of the- right ,I the attack ' vas law-less and unjustifiable. i

The " Philadelphia Public Ledger "says :—This is no |unfortunate iccident.None of the excuses hitherto given forGerman acts ' of .piracy will servo in thoease. Even irthe [Girmans are -willing todisavow tne > commander 's! act , I the dis-avowal -will be futile. There is one- con-clusion to be drawn : Germany I will notdiscontinue her subijnarine ( warfare andwill not make it more humane. Washing-ton 's Notes might as well not have beenwritten. The issue fcetweert' Gen lany andthe United Statesj re liain s the s: me as inthe beginning, and the issue is one thatconcerns the honiju i , the welfare , and thosafety of these domi lions. ! jTho " St. Louis Republic " decj ares thatthe case presents 'in its mo3t critical formthe aspects of the submarine! I blockadeagainst which thti X nited States j lias mustvigorously and most specifically protested.HOW AN ARMV WAS ROUNDED>7_


i pvARIDIB , Sunday .

General Brits , who has arrived here bymotor-car in adv'anfce of liis Jonimand ,gives interesting :de ails oflthft inarch onNamutoni of the lit Mounted .' Hrigndeduring the final rbu >d-up of the (ierinnns.

The column left the nlUin force atPmaruru on June 20th. iiiakini off intopractically unknown country , Somewhatsimilar in cliaracte r to that experiencedfurther south, but, often dvvoi<j of gra^sand water ' for long and very L anxinu >jperiods. • ¦ ' '

At one point , at !3tanio . on tlje conclu-sion of an exhausting march, jtwo wellswere found , which only yielded a smallquantity of water. J One wns so brackishand the other so] bitter that tho majorityof the animals, although piirchijd , dcclin-vd to drink. The next waW ,was under-stood to be at Omktyene, 126 miles east-wnrds, but here|again tho supply foundwas disappointing,] being insxifftcirnt for..n I ;

A fwrther forced |trek wji s necessitatedten miles on tolOtjitasu , where GeneralItoUia with the maih force was' Ramped atthe bu.se darri. Thdre the animals rushedheadlong to Hie water, onel muli drinkinp:itself to death. Afttr a dav 'a r« spite, thesurrounding eouhtijy providing; excellentgrazing. General I Brits retreked his force ,as before forming Itho left Ha ik of thegeneral advance; He reached Antjn . :<5miles off , on June 3trth. This \v is h .-mallmilitary post, but 1 ad been evacuated bythe Germans.' So lar there had been nosijjii of the enerhy A mountain yiin

!ininii3 'it<t breach' block, wbiclv waa fouiulin the barrackg,! xvas believed 1 to hareboon captured from! the Portuguese. Themarch, was resutneo through tj iick hushinto the-game refcerive. a gpn section pro-ceeding ahead as an ndvanre screen.. The column, on July 3rll in< ved - ixtyniilert northwards, where Mie ij f the offi-cerR laconically reords: '" Water fair : noSrass." On!July 4th it ]arr |vJed at thepolice post, of Okahu>^a, only i i l fow milesoB the great Etoscha pan. | ¦

Here a large quantity of tlyuuuj ite was

: uud and destroyed. iUnforti in. i tcly a marhine gunner, for-

getful for t in inonienl , inquisitively leaned¦ tver. u bu l'.et oi exp losives smoking apipe, lie sustained terrible injuries Iromwhii 'li he sucuiuiibed. The force pushedonward aluti;,' the sonth-ern shore of thel'".t . i<cl ui pun . which being now dry. afford-ed (.'nod t'oing all t in- «ay towards Nainu-!') iu. Tl i ' - u h i ' l . - < - : l ! t i > r«>ute may be i l f ->cr ib iHl a*^ a ipurtM i ian 's paradise , ( iatn-Ix.k . -prin^ bcik , blue Mildebeost andciraff . > « i n- .THomitercd in I KTI I S . ami:!ieri H <• .-.• ul-^o ! 'n, i : 'ne able Mnal ler huek .wild! ostric hes mid fowl. Frequently" wildi'hei >>t " m:i | ':.'b iLf actually ran.UT. I SS tin. j . a t h !i > - ! w e e i i - the motor-cars .mvuMunall)' iij ::i|n. i l i n g 'a halt to allowi!ie ]Hi .->aLr ¦ of t l i r ^r a n i m a l .- suddenly• ¦. i n t ^ i n ' ' ' .- u l i n ' bu^h; Tlic next out-span was I'almi< . :i"iitem. a sinull water-hole on tin- edge ol I lie dam . where a ju iu-tiorr wa> effected with the ri'jht wing abrigade uiuli- r l.em.'iier and Dclarev.

This nmi had harl a try ing experienceIlirou^'li virj f in t e r r i t o r y ; w i th no tracksof any description , boasting only of aninterminable thorn bush.' For days theyprticeed.nl t or tu o n - l y to ( Palmit 'tfontcinguided snU- ' y by a native bnsliinan. l!yJul y nth '. l > iier:il Brits ' force bad arrivedut Hiet f o nte in . u 'k' re ontj oi Ihe burgherswas shot 'l'h.' Oo ' i inini was new fortytnil is from Na.ni iU j n i . The fir:- ! indica -tion of thi ' enemy occurred when theforce ei.me up to a German soldier ineharpc of u. small convoy with natives and2oO cattle. This was followed by the cap-ture of four more Germans with moretransports and cattle, (."apt. Wolmaranswas "Bent with a inaehine;gun and motorsto. the1 next water hole . SFringbokfontein .where, .shortly after his -arival , the Ger-man Commandant of Nanmtoni appearedwith a white flag and a letter surrenderingthe fort. General Brits , .with the princi-pal officers of his brigade , motored toNamutoni . where they received the Mir-render of 170 German officers and men .92 wa;.'!Xnus , 2.000 draught animals , andf)50 cases of artill ery ammunition , over nmillion rounds of ritle ammunition andhujje quantities of supp lies , rmiirhly > 'sti-matod as enough to last! the whole Ger-man forces for three months. The motorears of the Governor . I'K Seitz and ColFranke . the German Commander , werealso captured. Forty-t«o| of nur offlcN»r5 .w i t h G4 i i i t ii arnl p o l i l i t -a l prisonrr* . worereleased The rmnniK ': j i n - o i i e t > u-«.reoverjoyed At tht- unexput-trd nrr ivn l of re-lief and many wer> -o ovrn w i l l ,.Miiotinn as to be < ^-ar^r! y a!>lr t^ >p. 'ak"l'he rei-ei pt of t)- o IK-» .- of j n a t e wa .- cde-bratt;d w i t h sahn s i i a r t i l b - i y anil ma-chine guns The rcleiRt'd nini it .int -d un-restrainedly ir the leneral e b u l l i t i o n .

;!oneral Both iiuittirci l over from Otavion July 11th . and . after exi lainin? tinterms of surrender , heartily congratulatedGeneral Brits , his officers and men . oncheir fine record , w 'nii - h. lie said , had ma-terially aff'-ctrd the :ihinjaU> decision olthe enemy *udd« nl y to abandon furtherresistance.


AMSTERD A M . Tue.-,layThe foll iwinp communique »n s pub-

lished in Berlin to-day :—¦In. the district of Souchez . afti-r n

convparative '.y quiet day . tthtinj : be-came more lively during! the ni^ht \French attack against Snuchez was re-pulsed. Attack, south of 'Souchei werestopped by our fire. i

On the front, between the Oise andArgonne at several places there wasvigorous artillery and i mine warfare.There were weak enemy ^attacks in theArgonne -rood without importance.

On the Meuse heights south-west oftEparpe * 'French fighting is proceedingwith alternating successes. Our troopslost the minor loca l advantages whichthey had gained on July 17th.

In the Eastern war theatre ilie fi rmmitroops occupied Tukkuin and Sehwxt.Windau was captured in' the pursuit ofthe enemy who was defeated at Albany.Our troops yesterday reached the dis-trict: of Hopuwberg and north-west o4'Mitaii , where the enemy j had previouslyprepared a position. East of Poin-'banyand ; Kust£an& fi ghting is prngressinc.Between the Pissa and the Selilcva theRussians hav* evacuated a position whichat several point* hasi been brokenthr<>a^h b> our troops, and are retreat-in? towards the Xarew. The German re-serve tandwehr is fightin g in this dis-trict , the wooded and marshy ground ofwhich is extremely favourable to theenemy 's resistance. Tjie! army of Gene-ral Gallwiu made s further advance andi* now standin* with all the troops onthe Sarew line south-west of O-tr< '>!enkaand Novogeoreiew Tht^ RUSM SII .S . whodid riui find any protection in their l.iriili-cations and bridseheaff positions, havealready retreated across the Narew Thenumber of prisoners has increased to 101officers and 28,760 men j In Poland b?-tween the Vistula and |th« Pilitza theRussians are retreatinc eastward .

In. tlie south-easieni war theatre thienemy on July 17th defeated by thearmy of General WVyrseh nortb-wo?t ofSienho attempted to arrest our pursuit inhis previously prepared positions behindthe Ilzanka sector. Yesterday afternoonSilcsian Landwehr slormed the enemy'sadvanced position* near : Giepilow. Thesame troops during the niiht enten'd theline near Kasanow and iBarancw whichwas aH ¦ wave in?. A decision is im-minent between thd Upper Vistula andthe Bu? The battle of the Allied Ircpsunder Genera l Von Miackensen is pro-ceeding with unabated violence. At thepoint where the line was broken , nearPilaszkowico and KTasnostaw , the Rus-sians made desperate Jettons. Freshtroops sent again:>t our3 were defeated.Further east in the district of Grabowicethe Allied' liroops " fofleor] a crossing ofthe IWolitzac The Austro ^HnnKariantroops advanced across ithe Bug to thenorth oi Sokal. Under .pressure nf ourpursuit the enemy during the nicht re-trated on the entire front between theVistula and the Bus, only at the pointabove indicated (near Krasnostaw) didiii<» enemy attempt any resistance , nnd hesuffered severe defeat. ¦' The GermanHoops and the corps under thn command

<>f Field Marshal Von Arz capturetl fromJuly lGth to the 18th 1G.250 prisoners andi't machine Runs. lAceordinu to writtenortlors discovered tlie enemy staff wasy..4,i ived . reyardl ¦-.* o! lo'sses to main-t:i:n the poitions we have now con-iMHTed. - !

I That jiassage of tlie above messape <le-sc ribing the position nf Uie army of Gen-eral ( ial lwitz on the Xarew front appearsto 1* mutilated , as it is difficult to reemi-eiit : Avitli Die ^eoi:raplt|cal position- o f t t i t '|"lavrs iiipntioned ] :

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Two Aionth> ago some three hundredpolicembn were sent to the front , whereihey ar , : doing their duty bravt l y. AMV .'. II I contingent . of two huudrcd w i l l-1 , -i : i y iiin the army


PRESS BURKAK. L> 10 |. »Ti . " i. Mi/ Wing clfioial F r e n e l, . ¦ . u n n r i, -

g iiu I . as been received -\ -t i n i d r o n of six aerop 'an. - - ¦» ' M -

.11..mini (if tho 2Uth b .mb ¦¦ •¦ "I ' !'¦ •

station hi Colmar.¦K ia i i t - l ieils ofUjD alid 30) wore I n i i n c l ; -

ed u | . i i i i tlie buildings , the ra . i- and thet r a i 'i s . The main station ami t i n - ¦.¦¦n«l»station must have been danniiied. N ¦ <shell w: is dropped on the t . > « n Th. -French machines returned undauiu-.; d

F .or leroplanes on the -19th dr.ipped+» - l i i - l i . on the junction stat ion "I Cha •Ifran-j f in the south of Vullzui 1 - .


Y. '-ki lay morning eigh t Italian , rin- . i -ami t w i l v e torpedo boats appeared oilKiurnyn , Ve<!cliia and Gravo-o and opfin - ilfire aenmst the railway and the ra i lwaystation < f Gravosa and some v i l l a '.'.- .- an.Ia l iemlit near Ragusa Vcechia . tinnj; alto-gether .-imie thousand shots . Sonu- \m-vat< > iiooses were slightl y daniat 'tMl . hutthern wa!s no loss of life and no wountledAt .r).4 f> thi .-. morning tlio cruiser "( iu io | piGariliaiii i " ivas torpedoed , whereupon tinItalian squadron hurriedly left our coast-waters.CALLING UP MORE GERMANS

AMSTERDAM .. Tucday.A teluj ruin from Vienna states that tin

examiuR ion of men belonging to thoIj uidstiiiin , born between l&ib and lx ~'land lK7i and 1874. who were dismissi-dbefore tl t-ir tinie , will take place bctw «• n. lu lv anil and August 30th.


AMSTERDAM , Tue.-dnv( ' . . innit ntiug on the " LusiUnia " )u « l -.'-

meiit pr iiinunced by Lord Mersey, the" l.okala lzeiger " says: " For us tin- mumpoint is ifmt the " LusiUinia " had '.Tt-atipii int it it 's of ammunition on boanl "ln. liit it bad reached Kritish or K m u l i troop- ,would h ive cost the lives of th. i i -nn.l-of iierilii /i soldiers. The destruction ofthat ainr ninition ship was therefore tum-pletel y justified by military reasons

The j. irnal concludes : "We then lurecan have no objection if the Hughs- h rourtculls ii istified act of sclf-defenc' acrime By inaking such a |ireten.-i < m tin-judge |>n nit's judgment on himself, .-how-ing that ie lias not had the necessary mi-partialltj to find out the details and factsof t l i i ' case and to pronounce a ) M i * i t i \ '»*jud hiMcii i on them."


AMSTERU.W1. Tu.-day.T!;> ' .lu.-trian official comiiniir < i ii i -

say- —•' The 'iicccsses of the ' Al':ie> ' on July

lr*tli a!. II '_' the entire front hivr :-li akciithe rirer x'.h of the Russians.' risi-t snceTlioiijzh he enemy during tlie last fewdays br. u^ht up all his reinforcementswithin r^ach he was unable to

maintainhi* position, and began .to retreat on theni^ht ofl July IBtn and evacuated thebattlefiel 'd irj "West Gulicla."GREATIAIR8HIP REPELS ATTACK

¦ 'P-ETHOGBAJ) , Tuesday.A report has just been publishrd of a

ren'iirkanle fight in the air betwee n out'oi the Russian giant lilia Mournouretzaeroplnni and throe Gorman machinesThe IlialMotimouritz was carrying out areconnaissance in tlie vicinity ol Cliolmat a height of nearly eight thousand fivlwhen it ivas attacked by the German uir-craft , which flew ubovo and below theMouninu itz , nsin); their machine guns.The latkr fom;ht heroically, although ata disadv intage, not being able to bringtlu.- full weifht of I KT artillery to bear.She . tievirthelcBS ,, was iible to indict seri-ous diinvige on one of the enemy 's nero-plums w lich ventured to approach t-ome-whnt cluiely. The other two were morepmdent ind kept their distance t)no ofthe Russian aviators WIIK wounded TheMouninu itz lierst'lf was. struck so oftenand rece ived such injuries that in anyother aeioplane they would have provedits ruin . but. her several motors kept herairworthy, and she- was able to ronch her«hed in lafcfy. In fact, no less than six-teen -ho s hod pierced her petrol tanks


JX>NDON. Tuexluy.An ula ming fire occurred on Yarmouth

qiiaysidi: at midnight last nigh t , when iiwaivhoiv e thirty yards long was burnedto the g. nuiid. A disastrous fire , uccom-panied t y alarming explosions , occurredlast nip it in the benzol deuartmeut. ofLoitch 's Chemical Works, Milnsbridgc ,Huddcrf Tield. Six large shed» and offioe?were coripletely destroyed. The opera-tions of tho firemen were fraught withdanger. One workman was b lown by unexplosion from the roof of the building.He nreiVed severe injuries. The inhabi-tants in he vicinity walked the streets allnight in fear.


PRF.SS BUREAU, Tuesday. 11.20 a. m.In vi ij v of the large number of Church

of Knglii nd chaplains now Hervinp withthe troo is under Field-Marshal Sir JohnFrench'; command and of the increaseswhich a e in course of being made to theBritish l orces 5n France, tho Secretary ofState for War, with the concurrence ofth Archbishop of Cantrbury, has ap| oin-ted the Bishop of Khartum to representthe Cha ilain-Gcneral at the front. , and tobo his *! eputy there for all purpose.- con-nected vith ^'Inireh of England chap lainsand Cli irch of England troops. - -WarOffice. .Puly 20th.


PARIS . Wednesday.Ti i i s . fti'rnonn 's ofTicial < 'o in in i inu | i i i '

say- —Thirty-one aviators yesterday hiiiubiird-

ed tin- 'airway station of Conflans inJ s irny. in important junct ion Threeshells i 155 niilimetres and four of 9Gmilimet en were observed to Imve hernneatl y ro|iped on the station. Tho en-gine sh- rd was struck by a shell of 155milimet es. Three aviators were put toflight by our niirsuine acroplmies whichaccompa nied the squadron. One avm '-kwas coi ipellcd to land rapidl y Tw»aeiopiniies yesterday afternoo n nL'ainohnibarc ed the railway station Ht Colmarmid fmiT shells of 155 millimiMrr - ii andfour "i pOO inilimctres fell on the imes.


AMSTERDAM , Wednesday .According to a telegram received by the" Tt»l«?r uif " from Ghent, German tor-

licdo lio its are now at Zeebrugge . Theyarrived I here from Hoboken, travelling bythe rou a of the Upper Scheldt, passingthrough Rupelnionde, Dendermondc andGhent, i long canals to the coast. Whilethese v(4is<.jR were enjroute for Zeebruggeno othe • shipping was allowed betweenGhent ; iul Bruges.


LONDON . Tuesday.In Iho House of Commons this after-

noon Mr. APf|iiith. in moving a voto ofcredit , ft r £150,000.000, said this wouldmake" tli i> total for the financial year Comill ion , and the total since the oufbreakot war 1, )I2 million. For the first seven-t.vn da\ s of July the war exiw rnliturphad lic. 'iJ K'i4 .1!K) .llO(). The total ixpendi-n.i 1"- fur 'Jie linancial year wa- t.'> »i , '.M \ ,<W) .


AMSTERDAM, Uyednesday.According to fho Ghent (correspondent

of the " Telegraaf ,"..; German soldiersreturning from the front admit the heavylosses , they are buffering near Arrus , andespecially on the front in North France.The former high spirit W'tho) Germanmilitary has disappeared. Even victoriou|news from the east is regarded with in-difference.


A communique received from the RUB -Mini lleadquartejrs and published here to-day says that prisoners belonging to the16th Austrian Army Corps who were cap-tured near Kholjn state thaj, according toinformation given by Boldiers belongingin the Austrian reinforcements , the Ger-mans shot five thousand Russian prisonersat Rava Russka! They add, that the sol-diers who arrivejd as reinforcements sawa large cemetery in which these martyrshad been buriedl i


PRETORIA. WednesdayIt :s officially announced that the main

j>* » rt i--u - if the South African. Oversea Ex-pediii u iuiry .Forj/i; w ill be ' organised asinfantry brii.idei?, but there will be ot-i:i .- !i« -J to it such smaller units .if auxil-iary services as the Imperial Governmentmay require or vL it is possible to raise inthe Uni . -n In addition to ;the. heavy ar-Ullery batteries Iwhich are|to be raised ,auxiliary units | will probably includeengineers, cyclists, elgnullera, antbul-

iinces and possib.y also -a[ general hos-pita l Facilitiek which tlie Union Go-vt rnment is prepared tb' jrive membersof the rublic services and! emnlovps ofthe Stati railway* and hartiours who aroallowed to volunteer will be announcedlater. The corlt'inpent will be an Im-perini unit with the .&arno statu.4 ns

British regular jtroops. Thl> nge for en-listment will be lfroiD .18 to 40, preferencebt-ins given to those who hjivo served inHie campaign in South Africa and afterthem to those who have previously donemilitary service [or who have undergone,•onu) form of military training Theicrms <if enlistment are fdr ' the war andIMX months afte r its termination. Pay.separation allowance , and peusi 'tis areM be at Imperial! ralo.


PARIS. Wednesday.The "Figaro " ijublishes tho followi ns ' —" Our territor ial engineers have just

erected a monument in coinineniorationof the battle of| the Marne and of thememory of the French soldiers who feliat a moment wllen victory due to theirbravery was on the point of being realised.The monument will mark exactly tlie spotot which Von Kltiek 's army was checkedand turned backj "


PETROGRAD. Wednesday.To-day 's official communiquo regarding

the campaign in] the Caucasus L'ives thefollowing particulars of the o|>eralions onthe 18th inst:— |

In the coast district there was only arifle fusilade. Olur torpedo boats destroy-ed sixty-nine sailing sliipi laden withHour. One of our patrols .captured a Bail-ing ship with a big cargo of maize.

In Olty district there was fiQe-firing. Inthe Mush region the fighting continues.Our troopn havej captured tike village ofNazyk. On the xcat of front ^tete i» nochange. |


According to information received frommilitary circles in Munich, the new Ger-man offensive inl the East will ul t ima telyfai l through lacklof ro -inforcefiinets. Thesecould onl y lx> ^btained

by witlu lrawing

troops from the western front , which , how-ever, is absolutely impossible, and it isconsequentl y thought that Marshal vonHindenburg can only do one lof two things—either he must complete ;his offensivoon a line proportionate to the number ofhis troops , or continue , his offensive on aconstantly extending nnd therefore con-stantly weakening line, thereby risking al.most inevitable defeat from the concentra-ted Russian arniy. As tlier1© have beenno movements of] troops in Germany sincethe concentration of five army corps atThorn , it is considered certain that theGerman s at present have not troops avail-able for such a great offensive as is need-ed against the Russians.

Of fifteen new larmy corps.rniscd at thoend of June ten were sent to the westernfront , where they were quickly absorbedfil l ing gaps in the fighting line and replac-ing troops who liad been exhausted in thecampaign and for whom resj , was impera-tive* These newl troops ore| there fore in-sufficient for any new offensive , and theother five corps which were sent to Thornhave now attacked the Russians in ihenorthern front. I


AMSTERDAM . Wednesday.The Ghent correspondent pf the " Tele-graaf " confirms! the recent ireport of ex-ecutions of German soldiers] Tlie discip-line of young Gidrman recruits, he says,is not very good , and many minor pun-ishmen ts are inflicted. It is]report *d thatsome twenty soldiers have been executedat ,st. Peters' Barracks.


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The kidneys lie beneath 1 the small oftho back—they j*$i. the bloi^d filters, andwh#n in health remove frorp it all poison-ous , wastes which if left ip the systemcause backache lnmbago, pravel , stone,dropsy, sciatica and rheumatism

Weak kidneys cannot do the work yourhealth requires 'You feel; drowsy anddepressed—your) head aches! . and yourlimbs ncho—dropsical swellings may ap-pear in the ankles or umlerj tlie eyes, themuscles and joijnts bo stiff [ and rheuma-tic , and sediment or discoloration may benoticed in the urine .

All these are minor symptpms of serious•troubles still to leome, if the kidney s' callfor help is disregarded. i

Doan 's Backiche iKidnoy Pi:Is havejust the healing properties: required byweak kidneys—they act directl y uponthose organs, giving tone an'l vigour , sndassisting them to throw off fiom thosystem the poisons that aro spiting updisease. | ¦ ¦ |One tiu only, ?». 9d. a hot. 6 bnxn ISt.94. ; of alt 4eah\r, or from. f oAltr- itcOM-Ian Co., S , Wtlh Strf f t . OzforM Shif t . Lon-don. IF. Dnn't art for laridchr. nr tidntypUU- uk itWvrily for DOAN'S HAC K-Anna K I D N E Y PJ T.LsAnui UAKBSUHE thr vnme I DOAN'S U on if , ' bo*ij tm h l l lj . I t r f u y {/ l lb 'f i l t l t ' '- 1 .


' FLANDERS j [iiEIHAVRE, Wednesday.

! At a meeting |held on July 11th at Bris-8im , near Amsterdam, a number of Flem-ish journalists I addressed a telegram toKing Albert asking him to guarantee theautonomy of. Wanders in an indepedentBelgium. The King has just replied, thathe considers Out when the nation' has re-covered the free ; exercise of her sover-eignty the authorUlc* will be able| to takeoil necessary measures to safeguard theaspirations and interest of the people-In the meantime, tlie King makea a press-ing appeal to all Belgians, that in facoof the enemy, they should have no otheruirn and no other Jhought than the libera-tion of their country. !


At the Miners ' iDelegate Conference inCory Hall . Cardiff , to-day, the; terms asagreed upon bjn the Executive ; yesterdaywere accepted by an overwhelming major-ity. Instructions to the delegates to ap-prove the settlement had been issued una-nimously by tHe men 's lodges at massnieetinifs. I ;

Mr. IJoyd George, addressing the dele-gates , afte r the [decision had her n made,Congratulated the 'miners and all interes-ted in the coal field—the community and(ho Empire—on. the" satisfactory I settle-ment of this terrible dispute. . We wereengaged in the most colossa l struggle anycountry had ev^r taken part in , and hewas not sure it was not even now realisedhow tremendous the issues were. Hebegged the miners . to make up for losttime and show France that we | were pre-pared to assist them in the common strug-«\a for the frecifom of the world. Mr.Lloyd George added that he was Fick atheart at having1, constantly to call atten-tion t« the gravity of the j Hisition. Thesituation waa sufficiently serious j to callfor the united i nd concentrated and en-tire action and s trength of every Wan andwoman throughout the whole, of ;this land." We have." h< concluded . " pent thesemen to the front. Support them bnd weshall win a victory for European I libertywhich shall resound throughout the agesof the world. :v. uic nuilU.

JMr. Ilunciman and Mr. Arthur Hender-son also addressed the ('onferenco i whichpassed a heart)j voto of thank s to Mr.Lloyd George ami !his two colleagues , andthen dispersed amidst scenes oi" enlhv-sinsm. '1 Tlu 1 decision has b?en accepted withrejoicings throughout the coalfield , undInstructions will be given for the men toresume work to-night.I Me. Lloyd George and his party left forl.oi'ilon by tho 1.3U train.


LONDON , Thursday.All the collieries in South Wales Coal-

ield are in full swing to-day. jAnswering instructions , tne nu;qit men:radically in full strength resumed workmd the day men tyave descended the pits.Che workmen 's jtrainB to the collieriesvcre crowded , and tlie men seemed de-ightod to be at wjj rk again. Thejj clinib-.(I the inoiintain sides singing gail}% Theres no anticipation |of furtner trouble.The fact that non-Unionists are| not to

>en*tit .under the new agreement eeerruj> have had a wonderful effect on thiswdy of men. : ' ! •


General Cli«rfil» writes in the' People":— ; jThe recrudesce nee of partial offensives ,

Eliminating in he Crown Prince'B futile•ffort in the Argonne. which has markedh<i past week , seems to be graduallyizzling out This is not surprising cqn-•idering that every one of these Ipartia lpffensives by die enemy has ended ini check. At a few isolated poinfs theGermans succeeded in momentarily gaill-ng possession Of a few hundred (metresif our lirst line, trenches , but Uiese' chemical voct^ries"—they were (nearly

Slways the result of a ra'in of asphyxatingas shells—were |quickl y nullifie d by our.jOimter-attcks , and have led to no re-r.ilts of any consequence. ' IAn tibservatio n which seems to domin-

ate all 'the lessons of this war is the facthat all these paj rtlal attacks ,-eem[doom-d to failure. None of the partial a:-acks launched Dy the Germans, evenrhen they were carried out with strongorcc.s and in mt ssed formation , have ledo any decisive result. Yet the Uerma l.n. laiiglu on tlu British , French andlelgiun fronts o i the Yser and irj frontf Y[ires in Oclober and Novemb'r histvcrc carried out with a consic erableuperiority of numbers and under mater-al conditions which were greatly inavnur of the enpmy.

On tlie westerh front several ofj the.- ¦nc:il offensives were successful , /is th?.l ij i innl German offensive in East) P'.is-• in . tlien in Pnlfjnd, and twice in Galio :i .he last-named being the most importanti! all But in each euse the result ".asiniih d . and the success was quickly pie. -.¦nU'd from atl lining its object. | In nnMIM ! did these local successes give • :inylecisive trend to the progress ol opcr-it i /ns . It is trt e .that the Gernmila .laveiivun another " thrust " for Warsaw ronihe north , but with the scant infnrmir.ionii our dis]>osal , as to the strength] of the•ni'niy 'n forces ind the arrangements theitnisiam have nade to meet them , i" isno early to forrii any opinion jas j . i o 11 eirnbalde .nitconie of the new move. i'in:ilow has been tltiUvered/m tKc y..' iiiiyii Pra.-uysz, which is the point whpre the.iennans met *ith disaster at-| the..t.711cif v«">n Hindenbufrg's att*Miipted xu'nuii"noveiuent fromi Bast Prussia. Tlie Cn r-naiis ' claim haying captured IViisnysz ,vliieli town changed hands .several t :?i;csdni 'in ,' the previous iierman attji .'k inhis region , (iiia)ly remainiUi» |.n '.hemuds of the Russians. As \6 the > i.t-

L'ome of the latest (jerinan move in thisquarter we can only wait and see.On the Western front the French mdpt ritish armies tarried out several offen-sives during the winter and Spri'lij; illInlanders , at Hill 60, at Heausejoilr . andkm tho Hurlus crest in Champajciu . .Mori:Recently were made attacks at Hebutcnie..in Alsace , and (n .Artois against tlie Ger-jnail defensive «irvranisa iion al. iNotre-i)ame-de-LorelU5 and the "cliff j of ; Vimy.\\ 'c. can elnim tha,t these l<X'al j off piisivotwere successful ' fijom a laeti cat point ofview inasmuch as! we .-tieeeeded in break-up down the facajl e ol ilie enejnyU frontline positions. Rut dYspiie tfii 'iij I 'phe-iiii -rai success Uiese attacks failed intheir essential object, which vj as l to ji u;the eneniv to flight and pursue him.

I I will not dwell , upon the at(.ie£ madeliy the French on the Aisne north of Sois-Kons . because it! v,'&s badly concjeiVcd andJmdly engaged , and was condemned fromJhe outset to end in failure. Ifj we gopack to tho very outset of th'p war weuoto also that our partial attacks sit £ar-i-ebourg and Moriange. in Lorra)ne; atjV'irton and Neufchatcau . in Belgiiui Lux-piiiburg, and at Charleroi . carrjed out asthese attacks were by isolated, armieswithout any solid liaison , endedi in bloodyellJHjk!* . ,

J The great victory of our arm es . wus atthe Battle of the j Marne , when .vfe sud-denly took the offensive with ail ourforces , perfectly connected up, inq deliv-ered a general attack which r. suited inthe rout of tlie en?my. From 110 direfulstudy of 11 months ofi war we can-onlyconclude therefore) thai partial offensiveshave all failed both on the German sideand on the side of the Allies. We also seetlmt the only German offensive that suc-ceeded on flio Western front wn}s the gen-era l offensive at:the end of August, andthe only Allied ! offensive that tiicceededWas the general ntack at the !Rattle oftill! 5111010. 1 ICELEBRATED ' FRENCH BOXERKILLED I„.. PAR J :=< Wcdii ftsi lnvIl ie - Auto " ailmiuiic.s the |de|ith »lhi- trout of the vwll-k ivtnn Krpnt-1) ibo.ver

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.-. Tile ii*e of alcohol U terribly! seductive/especially to tbosi who fly; t( tlie side-board for ltyUe sips of .alcohol ibecausi? the^ 'are , intengel^. \ miterablej . . Ihegreatest want ot tn«' age |haa Vwn a siiti-iving iion-alcohollc; beverage, ind [allast; we havi it in Colemans' ft.T.B. j

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According to Constantinople advices re;-•cived througli a diplomatic channel, thtactivity of the Allies ' submarined in thi;Sea of Marmora is causing anxiety whichofficial circles ind it difficult to conceal, j

The irritntio i of the people ol Gre^eat the continued persecution of the Greeksin Twrkvy is f owing intense, ami the lie?which the Turkish Legation <ind|ita Ger-man accompli, se are spreading otily heliito embitter thi» feeling against Turkey.; f'¦ : ; ¦ • I ' : i


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" nioiloway's PmfT*"are cf priceteis j value In *Mpine;-the bloc4 I "ee Ifrofti (mpuriUcs ' ndth« Livir. Stomach 2nd Ki<Uej* Inproper functional activiiy. \ Theygil t speedy r<J'M 'n caie of iHead-»che, HiliouintM^Nansea.pttVinrt*,«m] euro the 4'o st cases '

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, 27852* £j 5\f 60fcK£ £p7a.¦__ *;* WUWMD A BUWJ,Sgl »» to SS X«Waln Mrttt.£kl_ I I tovBonr. ¦. ; :

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Peaches and Pine. Apple?. 1?. t in ; :Al "' -coks . Mil . ; Kin, ^di; Table [j eiliefJ Apri -co:, 1'ine , Raspberry, Strawberry, Oran ;*-Vi nilla , 2Jd. : Now Season 's Grape •!• ¦!>'.

Cd: p-r put , a delicious nove ty. :

H.- Wlilte 5 Co.iM Quay, \Y,aterford.

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CUTT.BRT.-For »nw.v«r q^ ..T»bl» Cutlsry. Baxors. 8ci«p». Pc<*fKnives, fry WaUer ;Walih !|«n<l 600*.BarroDBtraud Street, I Wtteriord. !

Page 3: FtepmA ; f^dvertisemen b ^hipping fSQT^p&^teg,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · luch M dyspepsia, bllibusneu, j constipation , sick headache lots of || | energy,

! WATERFORDBOARD OF buARDIANS! f \ - - !Mr Davj(l:Hy laml.fl\(^ Chairman . p ix>-

. • . V .,t j t iu- weekly meeting ol tl«- ttaler-: il BSiRlot Guardians hold in the bnartl-,"m df the Workhoj .se on Wednesday .

4 wore- also present-Mrs. Poo.e,.,, \lJ.' rs. K. Wal sh . T.C. (City Highv .-iiff T V W. K .-nnv . J.1V : AM. I Hae-I .' t If VWni. Kit^rald . T.r. K. »<m-;.iu M(\ : ; Thomas" Whittl e .1.1' .: H.

IV -i l'-h Uil' .:' Patrick , Shortis . .la ., \oung.I i' , Will- Gallwey. lD -I . ; J'a lk - KlyifH .l ) , v i , l !P<>wcr. Michael RionUn. Jaino.,l' ,,»or '[.Raheeiist . Thiis. Power. I I" . C»l-h 'litmfciiJai iics MaiUloek . N irlmla.- t he-i r"! W lii (ininl) le . .TOlin O 'Neil l . Mu-hacllleanui .iM . Cassin . TiC. ; Thos. Hold' -n . ».ll -illevl EuWaril I'helan. J.I* .. I" O loolo.l , . l-n 'Po\ver. llallygjinn er fa-- .li.- -- Laur-,.IBt KlvhnJ Ni ciuila f Hearne . Uannctl'..«er James KarrelU ,U'. ; John Diuip hyII I AVard] .lohn Murp hy. Il .allygunne r -l-'.il -A ii rd iDunpliy. Thos. Pholan . m.l W i n!'..« .-r.j j :

! STATE OK THE HOI SKV.\.< Clerk 1 stated that there were in the

ll .,n.-e|cm last Saturday night 001. boing'•J le»J llian at the I'lirrosponding period .i:7-i yia'f: there were admitted 'ti: theni iml ">.jr|ldischarged was 106. anil there\AMY Ulfec deaths. The cost or provi-»icn> way JC142 Ins.. ivtupared w i t h CD'.l -2s.Iwelvi - l months ajiii . . The cost ..f ¦mtdoo rreliel was. £31 17*. Gd: . against CM 12s. 6d.Tiie cii ,sumption "( stimulant-- was-—14ula.-M-s hf .wine, against S; 29 aliases of .whi>koj y l! against I*, laud 4J ptni.-- »f por-ter . against|21.

Mr- .| fj oole—The ..'nsl of > '. i rMi i lan t> isI-: I !! rij nhing- up.

l, (Ji li. j IXSPKCTOR 'S RKI'Uli 'L.Tiie jtoll ' iwiug report by Mr. V .1. Mc-

Cuiliyi |l..( !.H. lnsjn'etor , consequent onIn- rrJvpt iii?i 'vetioii of the workhouse ,»- a- n-|id:—, i

A ; tlj ij l otimiiu'iieenu 'iit -of tin- t i n a m i a lwar i ilrc was JI debit balaiu-e m t rt\a--- i i i r . 's ;|.vount against iho l^nion i>f overt :I.'K>- i. j Uwmg to the heavy exp i - i i ' l i t i i i e .« h i i - ii :i |s fal len uppu the I'ni' .n in wu-ih' i i i i .M with the scarlatina, opid. -. i . ie and¦in- i::.j r iased cost of provision:- . H I - an-l i - i p.it-ec 'that there w i l l be a considerableli.-i l ane 1 against the : l*nion ui l lu- clo-iue-• ii :he :i ian'cial year;

l>u r i l J the past- year an anm-xi - Fia.-ln-eii e instructed at t he fem.cle -i . l ' - •¦» t in-i n f i rm; . ry . corresponding lo Mir one al-.--ady provided at t he male -id.- and theu.'.-essirj - pluinbi l iv ' t t i i r k w i l l I udcr-M'i e n- inniedia t f ly . Improveni . n t .- haveii ' i - n < {tectc<l in 'I "- draiaaai' i-onnei tedvvi ih I iis portion <>i t ! ie i i i ^ t i t u t u m . thel iir l i t i i ij p i ind ven t i l a t ion of -oiu, - ol theintiniiiiry

1 wards liav« :l)ecn i i i i pv o .ed . Rood

l.o-|. i :ory]uce()iiiinnij atiiin ha> l>-t : i p invid-¦•ii |in the girls ' x 'hocj lyard -. r\ m-w builer-l:ii»>e has been t -onftructed and a nowiii ih pfossiire boiler iuistalled Sune of( •'¦¦ '.vards iii the fever hospital are under.-..i n-.' renovation ; a [new entraiu- . * JiasI I-JII nihde for the admission oi in t 'eetiouso-J's in 'tiie ambulance aj id additionalicon IBIS been ji rovij led for oflievrs.

I amj ii'ad to observe that ;be sanitaryiiiitii 'iri liles !of the Union have .-oiiibined.'•¦r. tM ijurpo se of providing n nua-h-iicidi 'd Idisinfeetin ': apparatus.

The (j ii 'i'ardians.' olerk of worLs Ins beenm^nic |i-J-to..provide some Kuitabl«< ao-i>ini:iiii <l ;.linn at the | probationary ward s.•-¦¦ ;huti >cr?ons. upon admission or di-i-¦i-har.s.'.| tiiay be enabled to rf inuai- thei ri- 1'iUiinj ; in j private.

(>win ;^j to; th« unsatisfactory tiimncial|i'«itioii of | tiie Oimrdians and lh« hiihprii ' f oj f'iinaterials . tlie..ro Are some worksoi improvement in 'ponnectii)!! with thein-.:iiati(>i i jwhich cannot be up.dertakenju -'i at! 'resent; but |l -would xotoramendIhai th<- |(.)llowing matters , involving littleoutlay , should be attended to at once:—(11iJie heating and repair of tho- store inwhii -h (he private olot'ninir of inm.ites andp:> ;ientt ]U kept. (lt :is obviousl y dHURer-<»i. :<> (he health of the inmates , and par-tii iilarl y.'j of patients; upon leaving theworkhouse to be obliged to dress in clothesIski -n from; a damp store.) (C) The im-provrnie iil of the ventilation of rhe sick•> ar () s 2H . 16 and 11,,by having tjie lowerliortion pf ^the windows mad-- tu open.Ifmnc pf ] the branches of the tn-es inl:i. neighbourhood of ward No. lt> shouldbe <-ut {down. . (3) The opening of u com-iniiiiii -aiij in i door between wards Nos. IUmil 11|; ;at | present the latti-.r ward cs»n'"¦':-' 1 approached by going throush the>MrJ . 4) The cortstruetion of a fence fortin- ;>:i •fiose of providing a separate on-<-li-mo for ! female lunatics in order that"icy in iV be kept apart from eoiivitle.seent¦'¦ .t lit \.y UVJ .W|Jl- tLj iai L 11UIU tUII V IHPJ>l.Tllb .du'ldre i ;'imd other hospital patient.-. (5)Tile hditing of the dining hall;-an d (G)The fii losing of the chimney flues in cer-tain ofj |!he infirinary wards.

Thi- liuardians have already expressedtheir vjj llingness to carry out most of:he.—'• -v fj rks. I am also of opinion thatlii 't ter aiea'sureg should be adopted by thoGuard ans. for coping with an outbreakt i f ¦ f i r e ] should such unfortunately occurat the! workhouse.

Owirlglto the absence of able-bodied in-mate? , j there ha.s been some diff iculty inhaving; some of the necessary work of thein-:itu|ipn! carried out. I consider thatall inon [capable of working, even thoughnut ablej -bodied . should be required toa- .-ist- iri 'scrubb ing the floora at the malo.-id.- n\ the house. !It wpuld ! he desirnble that -it.-ns slinn ld, " '' i,1? l9 r"><l suitable foster:parents forthe .allowing children , who appear to bonr Phans or de?flrt< .d:-\Vin. Fiddis. Win .'i? rirP10,»d AWri <l!-'»'. Michrn- 1 O'Haire ..MatthH- Pholan . John Power, MnggieiJpmp.iey Willie DOJ-I ,,. Marj. Q,iall n > ^ldMaegib |Condon. The Local OovernmeJitl.o:ird are -advised that a child i.- "<loser-tct"., ,- rf,"»" the meaning n: t!,,- l';1iiperl-nildij en Acts . 1«!W and 1902. when thoreihas been a wilfu l omission to take W'ar"eof thr lchild on the riart of a person le"alh-bnnnd to do so. Sohio of th.> externalwnl l s .) fj;this buildin gs need plastering androil '.'!) dashing. Individua l guardiansvi fit tj hb House froin time , to time , hutthu requirements of Article 59 of th e Work-IK.IISO [Rule's* are not observed.

AVith reference to that portion of thereport! dealing- with the heating und re-pair of the store in * which the priva te.¦iothinR ' of. iumate? iind pa.titr.t= is kepi ..Air. |Riordan said i that was a very oldand reasonuble com|>laint to make.

On (.lii? motion of |Mr. 'Whittle, socond->:'l bylMr. j' Tlionms 1,'ower , it was decidedilia; tli<> . Clerk of. Works prepa re an e.-;i-niaio jfoir heating tlie:stofe.

Tho remaining .st iirgpstions were refer-red to a;committe e of the guardian ^ ;'or areport ; ; I


'I he Tjoca l (luvernmcnt Board wroteforwarding to be laid before the ;uard-i»ns tjh ^ i accompanying encloiuri'S to¦ •nminunications whiel i they had receivediron) tht> Commissioners of Nati onal Edu-cation relating to their District Inspec-tor 's |Ia=t reports I on the workhouseii-ilooJB. I I :

Trio !following are ' tlio reports referred: iG-irls 'f School—A fair , standard of in-trtructioh has been reached generallyThe reading is very! good on the whole;and there has been progress in tl:m>tJierbranches of oral Knulisli .

i ¦poyj i' l School-JBpth dlvi.-inn s l,ilVebeen (effectively tauglrt, and the re-lations jbctween pup ils and toichers urnpleasan^. '.A higher standard in penman-ship ij hmild be aimed at.

I Infanti , School-,The teacher takesmuch | pains.with excellent result. The|nsiruot}on and traininc r of the childrenHie vij r.y creditable. |I Ciiafrmnn—1 jh ink ihose n.-e very u-oodr.-j uirts . They reflk't very great crediton the teachers. j

Mrs. Poole said all Hie report* werey.>ry *a isfactory, t.lVe last one more par-i iculaHy. . ; | ¦; C:lerki-Yes ; it i.s k-ery satisfactory.1 lioCTOR'S 3\i"TLia«iION.

Or. Ti. &.. Kellerier . •Modieai Ofiieer;vnuc applying f )r - four wek?' anminli'-ui-c lot absence from-A-ugr^ I s '.. Di,

—I . i |


¦Alabe! a:

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tor! 1eolle,to |kseliei'OL1 t

DrTilercatr..¦a ,!..-vat i .I' e:i?aii.dim

M>it :.

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Br< .- ..vl apuiin

•Th .h- 1taw ;

Mrappi :.lay.-do . h. Th.ASS

Tinattou'H earMrf 1creasseryiwhie¦he ihsalar' %itoldin hi

in? iIn :trof 23unioiyear,latio:sistaiwithin tl:positterEodoorKernthe1 -(Mr.caticOfficweretheyhis |thissrrvfserviduceunioadd: MrI ill

plna.'of Uithanwiihrightficiirerai<-rt-afesimildcrshiu^•re'n?

•Miplcj a;suchof !mceptian] eRXCCI/»kK<jn iIwi'ctimefaith!o6k.aftera petiij ielookyehrceptcatirleastini <x.;y.thf irit. '





Thith<> : ti

Xo96 pepi .irCo,U-num.

N'nfrnj nMrcend


•Notw«j )reoeibeincide

liviin was willing to act i- loeiimI

Hackett suggested ilia; I>r. Wlut eked toj aet as substitute.Clerk | said I that could n .-i In- d .me. White had a perinaneiil app .:n '. -already.th? motion of 'Mr. Robert Wal -h .

ded byi Mrs. .Poole . Dr U 'Su I I V M Uippoinfed.

;HLIEV1XO OPKK'EU'S .v r i ' l . l -I CATION

J MoGrath . R.O . « rot.- app l y i n gis annual month '.* hol iday.-. Hisigue . Mr. Uelahunty. was preparedok after his dutie> d u r i n g h i - nU-at the! usual terms , vi / . . .'X's u » . i - k

ivo wotj ks of the t ime1 app lication was g r u u t n l . .

iFKVBR HOSPITAL KKl 'OtUl)r J J. H. J acknmn . M O.. iT( .i .r:i-l--ler ; are ijn lllis h u s p i M i ..n I ¦>-. I .I > M\H- u: =t a r i a t i n a . 1 r.i- •¦ : t > p i- u... 1J-i- . - - var;iviUi 1 i-a-« - u :i . : i .-. r-

it i . u u i i r ii . A d m i t t e d . t i r m, • : - i . , ke:i •• ¦ I Se a r l t i i i n a : I > • .- • c i • i .-. r -

i t i t u. Ki 've *•!¦> <• : .-iM .- , I . - | M v . i ':n .-. .1 • l i i img t h e -A" kM r V I " . . .ile - W i l l we i-w r - - . . • ¦i | . , ¦ ..., t ?

i . i 'k- a> i f w.l v . :H n- \ - M .- l r . i ¦¦: i - .M l T l'c it t e r —V o n w n . n i 'v e r - t a n poo ;M i \V Fitzgerald—Y..u .mi .- -, i. -av, - :I' l /ovu lenoe t t v . -r y t h . nj i : : . i ; . . i I . . -

ni' l i .-i - bp en done.

;FISH SUPPLY .\l i.-t «|r reported thai the n - .i ,-u|.-i>y tl)e L'oat rac t r, Ml.-j.- . .- K r ' e¦ lur inj .' tho week had t>"en nj . - t -

:-i -i suppiy got v. -i-v : :.M .¦ it : -d .i

\la-~lor in reply t.i tI i ."• l i . t aid s a i lu uot i tWil ihc coir.ru'.-i . 'i - i.i '¦'¦><•

I.EAVK OF ABSKM 'K.laiuei Sul l ivan . b ..n. r -uiai i . « i ¦. !. •

in-.' rorj iiis annua l toruuu ' lu - ii o ' i-He stated that Mr. Si . C.uu v . .u l |

? t'-iity I as the usual renuiut-ra: i ¦!;application was. trran t e-.l


Thi next business was Uie ronsider -Jtiou of the motipn standing in Mr JohnHe^r ie , T.C.'s name , that ill.- r n la ry ..tMr. P. Kennedy, ' Assistant C:. rlc . U- ni-:re;is ;d by £30 a !year in view oi h - long3ervi "e and! the satisfactory uiauiu-r infthie he had discharged his duties , andlie !h mng received no iner- ase ni IILJsalar r for the last 13 yeurs.

•M.r Donn'eily Isaid i5r. HeariK hadtold him to! move the motion standingin hi 1 name las he could not be ihrre thaiday wing to having to attend to soiiieprivate business] He (Mr Douiie ' l y ihad j rreat Ipleasure in doinL' .-o. Hethdutht no belter deserving official cvulJget| an increase than Mr. Kenned y whowas*la. most! open-speaking man andwhose abilitv called for reconin. 'ii:- '' . H ^had iiot looked !for in inerea-e (or theIast,_ i3 years, and comparing his dutieswith|those of other unionj lie was . verymuchl underpaid. He had! i- j t .1 IL-1. oftho salariesl of men in similar positionsin otiar unions , and he thought its read-in .™ would Have its eflect on the BoardIn ;tl e Fernioy Union with a populationof 2-31 on the reiiief list and of 61 in thounio'n the Assiitanl Clerk drew £lflu ayear. In Armagh with a relief popu-lation of 66'and .iU9 in the union the Assistant Clerk got'£145 a year In -Carlowwith 818 in |the former category and 337in tl: e latter the man in ilr. Kennedy 'sposit on got X150 a year. There in Wa-terfo d they ) had to deal with 7H7 on out-door relief and iOo in the h lu- .- . and Mr.Kenr edy sol only £120 a year. Tnkins

vhote facts | into account it was hisDonnelly 's) opinion that the app liu should be, unanimously accecifd t.>als dealing i with a lessor populationnetting £100 a year , and the le.*?tcould do,Sir. Kennedy considering

last good services would be to giveincrease without a division: H. - de-d it. He was a pood and Jai th lulnt . a man I who did his best to re-the rates i ar.d do iH<n eflt in the

i at large. iHe did not think ' hr cf .uljanything to his character.. Maddock4-N o. you could not.. W. Fitzgerald said h.- had crcature in | seconding tlu.' motion Som 1cm knew Mr. Kennedy much betterhe didl but in his acquaintanceshiphim he always found him- as an up-

and | trustworthy official. The>s which th'cy had just heard enuni-i it was ' jliain ihat :Mr. ;Kennedynot paid as] well as those occupyingar positions in other unions. I.'ti-ne circumstances lie thought theyd be unanunoua in granting the in-e. j. Wh-itlle said .it. was not a verying thing to stand up and supporta propositi on, considering the cost

fiterinl jandi other things at. th is ex-!>unl time. I However , the case w:ucceptional <j >ne—one of the ; groate>t>tions they lad had for many a day.ing at 'the record as it ^tood Mr ,ledv had been in that inst i tut ion be-i 3o and •« years, and during tha the had b ^en an honourable and

fill servant. They found when tlievd around that many other peop le20 years ' services or less retired onision. l.Mr. Kennedy *-a> double that

with them] and he was only nown;; lot |an increase . It wa.s thir teeni since [he l 'ust applied—truly an ex-.->n as jn other piaees these nppl i -us. were made alter S, ft . or at the10 years. .Mr. Kennedy w;i- d.'S(>rv.

ii it—his long and f a i t h f u l .service ofars wi'Jioutlbeing sick or compellingto pay a substitute entitled him to

• Chairman: then put the r .'solu-which jvas passed ununiinoiis .y. andnectinc -adj ourned .

ER.FORD IUJRA L DIH TIMCTOI;NCIL NO . i.• adjourned Quarterly ineetini; of t h erfo rd Xo. 1 Rura l I) . : i i < t «¦ .. i liesday in the Workhouse pi i .n :o :' :¦•ng of tlie.Bpard of {i im n l i a n - \ls Maddock provided , and th. -a-u -ier9 w^re ip attnu laj mi ' ai- a-

t : . ¦ians meeting, in a.|dition to M rn , Countvf {surveyor, and Mr. < ¦ Hion , lAsfistaift Co. Survey..i ..meetips had nmU -r c, n-:J. - .-i ' i..n

allowing items.--^\ ^^ _ i 1- — . ._L I ii *- .- » . « * ¦ !- l- .l 1 k i ' .. " i r _2-To l keep in repair i..i ~ > vvar-

¦ches ot the road between - the newat Chciekpo'int and tin- west endlot to exceed lCd. per perd) per ui - -

3.—To malie n gu'.ie\ on the roadCorbalj y lo iBroi vnstovvn Hkul . n.ai -ioencerfs hciu.se. the co-t not in ex-E4.4.—To concrete anil [once; the newon tre promenade , to grout then^ of the new slip with concrete .0 placl- rubble fi l l ing b .'hind the•ay at -Trani^ re . Co?t not toj exceed

tenders were received for j tiie firstterns. iFo* [the third a. tender wasred from • Mr. P. .Costen . jbut thisr considered] too high tiie Council de.1 to relcr it to the Countv Council

^ake a leaf from&n experts iijbooh.Ask . any expert cyclist which are -ithe most reliable tyres, \yhich givethe easiest i running, and which arethe best value for money, j Then fit

on his recommendation. :


Th.- in 'ir.hly uiet -tin ti oi Un Wai i r lon lHarbour Board was held -Monday. .\ r. H.J Ford.- .! .1.1' . presided , and tiie othermeinbiTs pr. ' j. . :•! wen>—v\ld. -W. •) S nith ,.\id. Karr .-l! . and Messrs John S Jrangrman .- .I C; Mi 'l'u i lnL 'h. Ii. White . WilliamI'ooie , M. <Wm . T.C: Willia m I> . 'NCaher .T C : A. E. Grave... .1.1' . Jolm X. White ,J.I' :

Mr. Austin K i r re l l , Secretary ; Mr. Wjn.fnel . Kngmrrr . an.l Mr. Thornton . ?olr.,vert- in a tu-iiflanee


Mr Tht.*rnton . so!r. . submi t t ed for seal-iii -' ¦* l. itst grat i i .'d by Mr . Huber t Powerlu l h e B..ird lor OS) >var> at 2d. a y < ar ofA M;. ' ut Faithless; .' for a pole l ight

Th.; C h a i r m a n ..-ml it was very ; ,'ner-.u- ..:' Mr Hi.»- .T • ( . meet llielll i l th '<

v . i \ :i. iiti .l di .nt. , nul :hrv u .c e tmoh¦ihl i u ed 'J h IU Mr 1'<.V,.T rec.v_- iiisedhe «a- he; !1 ii - -i . ¦' ni.- i t t . - r of sirea ; pub-lic iin.nu 'iii

Tlii- Seer . -ta iy \v».- ,l :rrrt t ' .l tu > r :•• toMr. p..»- .T t h n n k i i i L ' h 'u i Jci the tu nnerin u r i i i -h h < > m,,l T h . . R n a nl


1'ap ' K a r r . . HiuJ. - u r M a ^ '.ev , rt \u rt-ed t imi iht li i ioy i. . li .L'lits and m .wr i n g swi 're in if."id eoi i i l i '. i u n . 'He v i - i t . l theI ) i i i i i o . . r t " ar..i I' a.-^T.'t.. pil . it s t a l l . m^ dur-ing the month ani l found t h e m in goodw. - rk in:- eondit iou.

M r \V ' Kriel , K i n i i n i f i - . report .-d t h a id u r i n g ;ne past n i . - i u l i ihe dredj iet hadb.'.'ii la i . l |up nnd u.i d redgii iL ' hl i . l beeni-lfrrrnil u:. Tho c.st if repair- I., in l k sa n , I st sg.-s d u r i n g trn; moii'l i « a - C! los.0.1 ;

Tiie r.'port. ij err adupted . anJ af te rt r a n s a c t i n g r ou t i n e b i i-inc . the til. ' i ingii.li ' >u rn"d;


Inquest and Verdict

As reporied iu the "livening Nt>*' " onTuesday, a young fellow nanietl JolinGrant , a labourer employed by Mr I avis,RiugaJieen, BallycoijU-y, met his deal 3 un-der tragic circumstance,* last Sunda) . Hewas one of an excursion party fromBallycog ley district who chose (he Sal-tee.-> as their trysting p\ace. 'Hi vingarrived aiKiimore Quay, about noor . theexcursionists proceeded in a boai tu thelarger island , the craft being in cl largeof Mr. Blake. It appears that .sr ortlyafter their landing .•» number of the >artyengaged in a football i-onii-st , whiie cithersproceeded j aloni: th.- cliffs on the outhsid e of thf i.sian.1. Quite a sens j t ionwa.s caused when a boy named JohnDoyle alarmed the crowd by informingthem that Grant had accidentally top-Died over! one ol the steep cliffs. Hiscomrades ,rushed to the place , but therewas no trace of the missing youth andas the rocks at the point overlmn r thesoa it was considered dangerous to ap-proach the edse of the precipice. MrJoseph Byrne , shop assistant in Mr. JohnO'Connor 's. No t th Main-street . Weiford ,who was ; one of the excursionists wasthe first to venture a descent of therocky coast , n short distance ir<>m thespot where <irant disappeared Withconsiderable difficulty -ind at great riskhe succeeded in teaching the botloi n ofthe cliff nnd passing over t-li. - riggedstrand he found the unfor tunate polingfellow impaled on some sharp hou ders,having fallen about seventy feet. Hishead and! face were bidly ' cut . u r d hewas then idead The adventurous t( sk ofdescending the cliffs at the least danger-ous pointiwas also undertaken by > icho-las Connick and the boatman Blake , andin a shon time they were on th.' spot.The thr eeimen carried the body (or somedistancp aJonj .' tho strand until , (wit i theaid of ropes ,- it was hoisted to t h ; topof the cliff , and curried acros s lllie l 'landto the boat-landing stage , when it wasconveyed in a b^iat ;» Kilm.vre Qua; andhanded to the notice , whe had it pllacudin the boathouse. Cram , who was bbiut 17years oi age. was one of a nntnbtr ofyoung fellows , who about seveil wearsago were j sent - from the North IxliblinUnion to i'Diplnyment >. farm labourersin South jWexford. li,- wor kjedlwi thfarmer , in Piercestown and Killij iic ' ; dis-tricts , and was in the eniploymen . ofMr. Davis for the past three tnojitl s.

On Monday at the 'Woodenliousli- h ote l .Kilinore Quay, an inquest was tiel 1 be-fore Mr. Peter Kfr. neii . M l ' . , and a jury ,the foreman ol which wus Mr. F. Box-Wp l l . :

John lUoylc . Si"i-d:iif h . ;;iv. - .'viclenceof i d e nt i f i f a t i . u i . nnd .- ta t'-d t h a t ft hen.n the i s land I).' saw C r a n t s i a ndi r g on

ihe b r ink i ' i f the hi-.'li cl i f f and ia« himiiccidci i tal ly toppling over

This s ta tement \vu.. L-O I lobo i r i ;^ . ! hy aboy named 'Stafford

Josep h [Byme d.- |.n«od t " -"'in.-.' luwnl 'ne cliff and t ind inp the i.ojy in ;}ie stated'- ^(-ribeH ¦ !

In h i * ev i i l imi - . \ [i Bl -i l.i - . boalman ,-a:.| th " plaot- where !'ne f a t a l nccident¦ecurred wa.- k n o w n us :he " D 'vil' s

Hole . " bolii inl th " pni -t iou , .f t in* i - landJ l o l e. non¦¦¦' I t h" pni- i iou ¦• ! t i n - i - l a n dknnwn as the " Boar 's Back ." and i' waathe most dangerou? part of ' l i e cuf s.

The medical evitfence ..f Dr. .i .glimv.n - to th e effect that death wa* dli e toih . ln cn l ion ni the neck caused by .the fall ,and a verdict was accordingly returned.

S-r '.'.-ant Bnrkc . Kilniore Quay.1 saidi " ;it t reat cn' .lit wns due lo Mr. Byrne;in ,| tlu- other men who at zrcnC ri -k to• :i. :r nwn: lives , -le.cended the cl iff - and- ., ureil t l io b^dy

Tin- < %- .r "iier nn < : m .-nihers "f f h . - juryexpressed ; themselves iu l ik ' te f in ; and

i i der wa- nddei . Ut the verdict r . enrd-¦n/ t h e .'rest plm -k md brav. -rl - . f tin: - - e nt en in the , 'i i -ennis "ine . f

1 •MB- %

Poijambalatf s. I Barronstrand

,/ s A

VT Street, JW


Continued Progress


fifty-ninth half-yearly meeting ofthe directors and shareholders of theMinister and l^ttin st er Bank was held onMonday at 1 o 'clock at the bank premises ,South Mall , Cork. Mr. Charle .- EustueeMurphy (-resided

• Tlu "report and slat.-m. 't 't of accountss-.ibniitted showexl th .it the profit , of thebank , after deductin g expenses , providingfor interest on deposits , rebate on bills ,aiid for all bad and doubtful debts , unioun-U'd to £21),49a tis. 10d. . to which wus addedthe balance from the last account .£14,870 l"s. Id. , making a total ofX44i306 5s. lid. The directors proposedto pay a dividend for the halt-year at therate of 1G per cent per annum , less incometax , £14.333 6s. cd. , to transfer to reservefund , £1U ,IRNI , to apply in reduction ofpremises uceount , £5,000, and to carry tonext account £l.'i ,032 IDs. 3d.—£44 ,306 5slid. To make full j revision for tho fur-ther deprec i ation in investments , the dir-ectors transferred .£4U .(KKI from reservefund , which, when tho present addition ol£10,00(1 was made it would stand at£320,000.

The Secretary (Mr . S. ( i . Harris) havingread the notice convening the meeting,

The Chairman rose to move , the adop-tion of the report nnd stntvuieut of uc-couuts. He said—In the first place youwill allow me . gentlemen , to welcome youinto your new bank building in which to-day for the first time we ure enabled tohold bur general meeting. The entirepremises as you can see , are rapidl yapproaching completion , and they will , Iexpect, in a very few weeks be handedover to us in a finished state. Tho reportand balance sheet have been in your handsfor some days past , and I assume you willas usual take them as read. The liet pro-fits of the half-year ure £29.49f> , und ex-ceed the record tigure of the corresi ond-ing period lu.-t year by C4t*l With thesum of i;i4. 'i71 brou ght from the lust ac-count tin v g ive us £44 .366 with which todeal . We recommend the payment of thousuul dividend at t h - rate oi IS per cent ,per annum , I lit ; udditiou of CIO .IKHJ toHeservo Fund- an allocation increased by£2.500—the p lacing of £5,IK)(i in reductionof Premises Account , with n.'i .'ift! lo becarried forward A s t r ik ing feature iuthe balance phcet i.- the increase nt£05(1.035 which has taken p lace .luring the.past year in dep...iu ntnJ current ac-counts. It i.- much greater tlum the. aver-age annual inere iLv which we have hudto note , und is indeed the largest sum bywhich our resources have grown in anyyear of the bank ' s history The exp lana-tion of the unusual in.-omim; is no doubtto be found iu the hi gh price ., obtainabletor cattle and the increased number ex-ported. It should also be rememberedthat owing to existini; Stock Kxchunceconditions investment business has beengreatly cheeked if not practic ally sus-pended. The first item on '.he assets sideof the hheel is cash on hand and withour banker- This figure sUmds utCW1.277 or £276.110 higher tluui last year.As wa3 exp lained by the chairman /it ourmeeting last January , we consider it amatter of high importance to maintainthe cash at u figure of unusual strengthduring the times, through which we arenow passing, even though a reduction inprofits must follow as a consequence.When to this is added money at call andshort notice and the investment ,figure ,we Teach a total ,of Teadily .convertiblefunS* amounting to £3,843,883, represent-ing a proportion of 52 cent, of bur de-posits and current accounts. The totalof liquid assets a year ago was C3.139.643,and it will thus be seeji that » hnvosince increased this amount by £704,240.The amount of advances under the headof bills and overdrafts at £;{,945.303shows a decrease on lust year 's figure of£7<!,947, and an increase on the amountin December by £170.357. \\V. iu com-mon with all bank- , have been againfaced with the unp leasant n.-eesi-itv ofmaking provision for Ui<; fu r ther fall inall first-class securities . This fn il has. olcourse , been accentuated by the issue utpar of the 4J per cent War Ixiun. Inves-tors will no longer be prepared to buystocks and share* at a, price which docsnot yield them n retur n nt least equal t.iwhat they can obtain in the stock whichin the vital matter., of security and real-is-ibility hold? premier place. All stocks ,therefore , in which free dealings are per-mitted , and which are hot sti l l sub-ject to the restriction of tt\<> .lminima , have dropp«d severely in ad-justing them selves to th.- n.-w standurd .We have accordin gly, as we hav e at alltimes done , provided full y tor tin * depre-ciation ; und your investments , taken atthe reduced prices n..» curren t , are valuefor more than tbe amount they stand atin your books. After effwUnv " this opt-r-ation and adding the .urn of £10,000 fromcurrent profits , your .Reserve Fund standsintact at C320.000. or £l-J0,000 larger thanyour paid -up capital. Il w i l l " int-ere .-t.you to know that we have taken on thehank's behaif £l .I00.OJ0 of War LoanStock , count ing this present issue andthe previous one put out lost December.This sum does dot , of course, include thewry numerou, applications , large andsmall , made for clients , which reached usfrom al, parts of our system and fromevery cla?3 of peop le . N'.>r does it in-cludn the amount of War lA>an whichwill be issued to us in exchange f<* Con-sols converted under terms of the pros-poctUK I should also like to say thatof our officials who are *iicible in ageaniLyUier respects for military service »substantial proportion has joined thecolours. They cont inue to he membersof our staff , their po sitions are Icpptnpi 'iifor them und they an- in recei pt of hali-pay from Uie bank . Wj th onl y a few ex-eeptfons . they hove ali ji. mni Irish re-gimi'nts . In some dn-tru -ts pa.uirc andmeadows have been somewhat injured bydrought , and the re .-uut rain? are there-fore very welcome Th.- /ram harvestpromises -well , nnd in th : - connection iiis ' satisfactory to note t har this sen,™the area of lauds uinl< - -»t i lhur .- has »ub-tantially increased The end of the trreutwar , in which w» ure en./aj .- .l ;- not yetin sight; but 1 th ink you wii l agree withme that we have goo.l ' rrason to be Coli-tent

^ that our bank ha. pu.-scd so suc-

cessiiily through a T.-:i r -f unex ampledpolitical 'and financial ..t rn in cipplause).J now beg to rnovi—That the rep ort undbnlaiico -s-hect now taken as r t.a,|. I), - re-ceived, adopted , and entered upon theminutes : that a . dividend at the rate of.16 per cent, per annum be paid for thehalf-year ended v'Wth .him- , l'JIj, less In-come Tux . upon £200.000 the pa id-upcapital oi the bank to those shareholder swhose nanies are now upon the register.

Mr. Liliis seeond.Hi Ih e adoption of tlu-repnrt

b i rj ohn Scot! sunl he had no th ing butCongratulations- for the director , on thereport an:l balance .Jieet presented tothem. It showed the confidence of thepublic in the way in which the businessof that ..lui- t u.efu! it i. - ; i t u t i ' , i i iva- cur-ried on-

The report an .l ^n .ciiieni *v ncciui iswere -then ndi>pi < -J and the dividend

passed.-Mr. Sutton moved that the best ;lmnks

of the meeting be j iven 1c> the directorsand officials of Ihi* Bank for th e i r *ffi-eleht services during the half year. Theyhad a most competent Board of Direc-tors, and ah equally rompeu-nt stuff. Hereterred to the wonderful progress of the.Bank , its marvellous popularity, and itsincreased dividends year after year. iMostof them, he said , knew that stone afterstone has been put on an edifice tin-foundation of which had been so well andtruly laid by the late Mr. James ] Mur-phy and the late Mr. Fit7.gibb.in.

iMr. iD. St. John Sheehan seconded thevote and congratuiat.-d the din-dors onthe fact thit. they had now so manybranches all over the connti 'V .

The motion having been carried .The Chairman returned thanks , on be-

half o,f the directors.Mr.' (Harris acknowiedi.'. l :ln- v..to ,.n

belialf of the staff.The proceeding? th«n endtd.

erfieant ivtic



.; Noi >ince Mr lohn R< 'dlli0nd, the leaderof the Irish Party , visited our city for thepin pose of opening the bridge which bearsnix name, ha,ve such scene!) been witnessedin our mid..t as those associated with thearrival of Sergeant Michael O'Leary , V.C..^n Sat u rday. The hero of the hour WHSdue to arrivx.' at 4.30 . Long before thatpeople had begun to congregate nl ^n .r thebrid ge , und us time went b>" the.precinctsin the railway station became uncomfort -ably congested . A lit t le after (our o'clockSevera l members of the Corporation ar-r ived on the (scene in ipotor-cars kindl ylent for thii occasion by Messrs. 'eare .The first contained the City High SheriffMr K. Walsh) who was accompanied byhe Assistant Town Clerk mid two of the¦iereeant-at-Arins The corporate paityilso included Aldermen Hackett. Siiiit h.

SERGEANT MICHAEL O'LEARY¦ I: - vx> ¦". ' i i

a lie aliove portrai t wasi taKen oyMessrs. A.III. I'onle find Son. last i-atur-

av while the V.C. hero was in Waterford

nd Dr. O'ijullivan ; Councillors Mrs .^oole, IJr. Mary Stranguiau , E. Donnellyand Win, FitegerAld. II being now lialf-pa«t foiif . and there being as yet no signof the guest},, the party 'iuolored out theClonniel roads. When tlvey came toCj ranagh thej - found that the car in whichQXenr.v was'trj ivelling,from Clonniel hadFiad a Might, mijhap. Sergeant O'Learytjook his seat in the City High Sheriff' smotor, and a move was made toward s the<j ity. By thj s time it was after 5 o'clock ,and the expectant crowd on the bridgewas getting father restive. About tenminutes past five the leading car came in>j ight , and algreat shout of welcome wentup, the ehetj ring growing ui intensity as.•jnon os the gallant Guardsman was recog-nised sitting between the City High Sheriffand Assistant Town Clerk. Sergt. O'l^earyfilled very l much toucli ed; by the greet-UIRS extcndetl to him which ho repeated lyacknowledged. On arrival ut the bridgeSergeant O'Leary was welcomed by theHon. (". Ansbn and Captain (loMiiu , andafter shakini li.indu with numbers of en-thusiastic admirers the procession startedfor the City flail , with the Barrack streetBand and the Erin 's Hope * Prize FluteBand i»t its |iead. Business was tempor-aril y suspended in the city durins ; thepassage, and the route was lined withspectators. The scene along the Quaywas a truly inspiring one, shipping in thenarbour being decked with bunting, while.a crowd thnj e. four , at some places five ,deep lined both sides of the [thoroughfare.Cheers were repeatedly raised for SergeantG'l^eary, whj le many ladiefj waved theirgreetings. On turning into the Mall atrue idea could be got of the size of thop' roeession. The people here hiftl beenwaiting for well over an hour. All the. teps and vantage point* hap been appro-priated. A ' roar of welcome arose asO'Leary was recognised which continuedUntil the cars drew up at the pity Hall andthe gallant Guardsman entered the build-ing


The Hon. Claude Anson proposed , andS- ir .lames Power seconded, tjhat the High!¦ heriff take the chair at the meeting.


Mr. .1. J. ,O'Shee. M.P.. jwrote as fol-lows:—1 regret I shall be j umble to at-tend the meeting of the Comity Kecruit-iii|5 Committee on Saturday next. Ithink recruit iing Among the | agriculturalpopulation iriust be carried on under thelimitations indicatfd by Mr. 'Wise , J.P.,iii his sj iecch on Uie 3rd in.it. Tiie in-cVeasi in tillage this year , as shown bythe returns Just j )ublisht?d , |Wis lK'en (il-ij iost insignificant, and the furmins |>opu-li t tin n , particularly tiie small fanners andtlietr families , should be urged not toaj lliiw the princi pal ammunition oi wnr -food—to run short, next year.

I Mr. B. McEniry. Ballynmciirbry. wrote-}-I shall , if at all possible , !go to Water-ford to-nthrrow . as I would j ike to assistill honourin g the hero of the war whosellmvery has- brou ght such 'glory to ourbenighted country About a) or .'ill haveleft this pluck for the front , including myson who is out since August!.| Mr. E. Winston Uarro n kelegraplied from

Dublin as follows —Regret tillable to at-tend recruiting meeting to-<lay.| Mr. Usshet Robert s wrote regretting his

inability to attend. jI Mr. John \yalsh. President; of the Cham-

ber of Commerce, telegraphed ifrom Dun-g'.irvun that he was unavoidably preventedfrom attending and wishing the meeting(Kcry success. ]| Messrs. N. Harvey and Co wrote:—Inrep ly to your circular as to tiie re-employ-ment of our Jnen and boy? ai the termina-tion of the war , onl y a 'few 'of our peoplehave joined Uie army so fiir.| We have nohesitation in giving an undertaking tofind room fot any that prose it themselveswhen the war is over.

The High Sheriff (Mr. K. Walsh) thenaddressed the meeting. He expressed hisiliarlks for bbing called on to preside , andsaid he never felt prouder ;of his nativecity than heldid that evening for the mag-nificent reception they had accorded to<he gallant youmr Irishman. SergeantMichael O'Leary, V.C. They had, in com-mon with th6 Irish race nil the worldover , noted with joy and pride the recep-lion given him through tho; country , andparticularly ni London , whereJhe received,as T. P. O'Connor said , a ! welcome pro-bably such as no king or Emperor everhad in the streets of the capital. This was\only as it should be. for he had by hi»daring upheld the best traditions of theold Irish Brigad e who " oh tar foreignfields from Dunkirk to Belgrade " madethe name of Irishmen synonymous withgallantry and bravery. In honouringSergeant O'Leary thev were only doing

ael Q'Leary

what had been done through] all the longages to men like) him whose name anj lwhosd deeds would live when; the empiresthat they had helped to make and to un-make were but u! memory. The speakerthen rWounted what had been, done in an-cient Home to perpetuate tho name qfHoratius who wi|h the dauntlesB j th reeheld the bridge in the brave |days qf 0I4.Perhaps , too, there wan no chapter in theirsphoof books moij e interest-ing than thatwhich[ described a Roman triumph.! Thewelcome aeeord i-'dj to a hero returning frombattle was sucf! that lest he should ithinkHimself a god a slpvtf preceded his chariot4hispbring now and again inj hi3 car " re-member that thoil are a man1." Well , hethought that they would all agree thatthis reminder, wqs not necessary in thecase of their gallant young friend there,lleeau&e no matter what honour j theyijould confer on Ihim he- would still re-member he was Mike O'Leary ofIhchiieela. Hej (the Chairman) wouldnow 110 longer [ stand between .themand the other speakers, especially betweenthem nnd the hero of the day. He hopedahd he believed that his gallant cchievci-riienl jvould be an [incentive to other youngIrishmen, for, as the poet said: ; I

"Dfeds' of brave men all remind us\\v can make our lives sublime.Arid departing leave b«hind _ us; jFootprints on the sands of time " j(applause). • ' '

I CAPT. McMANC^ . ; !Ciip l. McManus nex t ;uldressed the

lneeting . He sa'jd that Capt. RedmondWas : unavoidably I prevented Irom beingij resent and he asked him (the speaker)tJj come in his stfj ud , an invitation whichlie was only too qelighted to accept as heg adly took the opportunity of welcomingt icir giillant felli |w-countrynian , Michael( 'I,«iry . Tho hitter 's action; ought to l»n 1 incentive to alt men able to carrj - armfl.l.e l-efe.ried to recruiting in the Jiorlh of1 -eland and gave detailn of Ulster 's con-t ibution t.i the llri .=h Division. ;Theyvaute fl a lot of liiore men in the latter,a id he knew that Watcr ford , men madevpry fin. - .-oldiers i and tlu-t- wanted j nior ;of them. , ;

THE RKV. W. '15. O'DONN'ELL. P.P.!The Rev. W. lij . O'Donnell , P.P.;, S

Patrick 's , next ad lressed the jmcctin g. Hf-kid he was prow 1 to vec the tremendougutheriiiL ' there tiat«lay of the men and

.viuincn of Waterfird to welcome and coij -glatulat " their frrpat Irish hero, MichaelO'Lcnry . He had been ask«| by CaptainWm. Redmond to read for them his Icttef:

I in response to or invitation !sent to himjo 1 Friday to be present on that occasion,ll waa a^ follows:|— \

j Kilworth Camp,:I I Fermoy.

Dear Father O'iDonnell—I regret ; ver; rmuch I am unable to attend I the meeting

i and to join in giving Mike OXeory a Wel-.come such as he| deserves, j His heroic-conduct has reflected honour on the-Irishrace. Caj it. McManus of our regimentwill attend in my, place, and [will be abl£to assure Sergeant O'Leary how much his

' gallant action has been appreciated by thellrish Brigade.1 ' I i I

>vnn Dest• -msiips.—lours tray, 1WM. EEDMOND.

Conliniting, Father O'Donnell said thai.by their ¦presence there they had accordeda real welcomo Jo Mike O'Leiiry and hailshown their appreciation of tiie gTeatnesbof his action . Mike O'Leary's conductwas a shining ligllt and insp iration to thtyouth of Ireland] In this great crisisevery man was cabled on to do his bit. amihe (Father O'Donnell) would like to kno\ rwho had done more than Michael O'Leary .He had aurely done more than his bit .The war which wap now raginjj was a'crue 1\var -, it was a war opainst inoffensive n:-tions; it was a war of aggression ; none cfthe nations that j vere now engaged; in :twanted war except Germanj-j ; ' even- Aus-tria did not want war : onh: one natio 1wanted war, Geruiany, and it was a warof greed, a war conducted in the most bar-barous fashion. Al this moment Belgiumwas a corpse on the dissecting table.! Shehod been despoiled of the wealth of herfair land and her great citiesj and magni-ficent cathedrals had been levelled to th |;dust. Belgium would rise up again andfro m the- ashes of|to-day would bring lifeand loveliness once again into the world.and in her wakin ; morn she | wouldibleSsIrish hearts and ] rish handsifor the partthat Irishmen ha 1 taken in jher defence(loud applause). In conclusion , ho said•Sergeant O'Leery'f; action was an inspirri -tion to the young men of Ireland to go•nnd do likewise. | I ' '


i IThe City High Sheriff said the i next

speaker would ba Lieutenant Lynch, ayoung Waterford man , the worthy son ofa worthy father. j |

Lieutenant Pat r ck Lynch , who receiveda hearty reception said—Had anyone tolc:X ae a year ago th at I would be to-day trj" -ing to induce any jnan to do a thing whiclho had no mind jto do. I would Ibavolaughed him to scorn. But also had, nnyljohe told me that io-day liberty in Europewould ;bu fighting for its life, I, too, wouldhave laughed hiin to .«corn. I To-day thiliberty of Europej is in danger of dcatiiThe sooner we realise that tho right of tnation ; to live is measured by the blow;which it strikes for frj edorri the better iwill be for us. To-day Europe, all that ist=uuu in European or western civilisationis'th reatened by a| barbarous, savage, un-manl y, nation -n-l iich will - not play i thaparne-r(hear. hear^a nation Which Ltopjat nothing providexl it gains its ends.'Maijor God aiatter notj to it. If the Germansge,t the ruling of Kurope. where do' vicome in , where <. 00?' Ireland andj hernationhood come n? Too oftfn have we1.Irishmen, in recr-iit yenrs t,-ill<ed glibly ofliberty! Now w have a chance to "nctlNine months ago some of u.sl enlisted idthe first flush of recruiting. Welweriwise in our generation, j We 'realised in-tiutively. perhapJ rat ionallyj what- thikwdr means , not (o the Briti sh Empire]but to Ireland. That holds good to-day. Ayear hencr- if this (vnr continues it is quitepiissiblc that if we don 't recruit, if w«don 't ight betterj if we don 't get shellsand ai lmunition , Germany may threatenour 0W11 shores (Hear, hear). ; f hofe1 whhhuve 4fawn backj will be sorry then foji-their wives and sitters. Their homes willbu thriatene4 by barbarous hordes. Manj rmen hbve come to me and said " So yoiih:(ve join ed the army." Ye.*, I havef.They iaid " You lhavc. join ed the army\V« wil l wait unti! we are called." If thiswar does not eonip to a hasty conclusion!or if Germany-succeeds further in her a'. '.tacks on the wrstt-rj front , I.don 't clainto I* ji prophet , lint I say that canscrir -lion wil l have: to tome, and I further savthat those men \jrho come as conscripteand not 11s volunleers will get a terribletime , ficnn the men (chci-n?). I am anofficer in a company of "-> Leinfter iRcn' -nit ' iit . The funct ion of that company "isto supply officer* to tlic Irish llrigadc." Wehave already got 3) or more fellows froniWaterford. It may. interest you to .kno vtlj at at an insneotion of the Irish Brigad eMM at Fermoy lakt -week General Parsortssaid that in the inarch-oast the best compiny in the IrisW Brigade, was the Caditcdmpany of the Leinster Regiment. « Thitcompany includcslWaterford men (clieers).I£ there are any j men in Waterford wbj ohave not played up it is the middle claisto which you and] I belong. We have gptroom for more;Waterford men. You'm^eg<^od soldiers andl perhaps it is not rightfor me to say; it, good officers. We waiitmjo re of them. ' Mv"colonel told me to tellyou that as many] as come will be taken.You can keep together and go out as 'a

Wntcrford platoon!or Wat-eifotd counpanV

of the Leinater ftegiment as the ease maj^be. If yob don]t joinitli«n|you can jointhe Irish ! Ouaids ¦ to \vhj ch MichaelO'l-cary i? sneh ian honour, fcut , for God'spake , join '.' You will all haye to come inthe end , 'don 't worry about that. Whowill cnnici back with; me ;tp|Kilworth to-night? I jhave gTeaV pleasure in comingTiere—it is the fitut tinj e I spoke aVa pub-tic meeting. I fas sent hero to welcomeO'Leary. [As a jWatorford itian I appealto you to ]come ji nd-j oin.! Lord Robertow.v» the last Waterford man who held thoV.C. There is Michael QXeary. who hasgot one. Who is going i to do better?(Cheew.) ¦ •

I I : ;

• ¦ SIB JAMES.A. POTOKR. -Sir J. A. Powtr said he mt«v had tho

honour of. bcini; present -at! meetings inWaterfo rd ; In previous: yearsl but he hadnever great«r pleasure .than ha felt incoming ther» and , in his ownihumble way,welcoming the hero of Ith q hour, 8ejgeantMichael O.'Learyl. Tiie; question had beenoften asked, " Why doe's Irelind take euchan interest in Shi* warf ' ,' and tho questionwas easily ansWered. | True I IrelantE hadhad her trouble*; she; had been for cen-turies the] striclien sister' at th© foot ofnations. | Howuver , '] successive Govem-nicnta , recognising the cruel wrongs of thopast, had I done| their] bet-t ' jb y ju st andremedial legislation tpjatone lor it ' Goodand groat lActa had* been I paBsed by Par-liament and wer^ at present on the StatuteBook, and when '.that cruel and disastrous•war would 1 speedily., h jhoped , bo tormina^ted a new; era ol peace!, and proeperilywoiild come to their country by these Actsbecoming operative. IWaterfprd had conitributed nobly to thi fi] campaign. ; .Thenames ot many (treat Irishmen have beenmentioned for heroic] deeds. , The IrishGuard s, of which theihero of tho : hour,Sergeant O'LearV, was\an honoured; mem-ber had shed lustre not 'alone on Irish.rcgimenta such «s the! Dublin; Munstcr,and Inniskilling! Fusiliers , but oh thename of Irishman tlie; world over (cheers).Ireland had plaied lier riart in the suc-cesses and glorias of the British Empire.The naij R-3 of het|sons llad been-afsociatcdwith the great victories on land and sea.They never looked with jea lous eyes onthe greatness of England ,. Scotland, orWales, but rather rejoiced at :seeing* somany of Uieir f<j llow-countrymen partici-pating in their successes, i In that hour oftrouble their interests \vere identical. Thiswar was Ireland'* war. l Most of the prwitnations of, the world weru engaged in it.Italy, the! latest! ally, ihad been greetedwith great joy, ind it|is !meeti for Italy,with her gloriouk history] the cradle of.Christianity. ' tliej homej ofi learning, tholand of Homer , Virgil ahd : Raphael, toshun the jiuispeakable lTurk and to joi nEngland and^ierlallies in crushing the dis-reputable Toe. \Vhen|the!g!6ribu3 eun ofvictory shall]shine on the banners of Eng-land and her allies , mayj the1 Irish haveSustained thp proud traditiona 'of the an-cient raceand mAy theij - deeds ol daah anddaring b?. again! recorded in song andstory as at Waterloo arid Fontenoy. Maythe safe return jof the | brave soldier boyhome bring ;in its train peace, lastingpeace , and proei>erity 'to | their good oldionoure/1 country (cheers). ] •

SERG KA'NJT' O'LF.A'RY, ^V.C'¦ Sergeant Michael O'Leary, ;V.C, whoreceived ah |entl(usiastic ovation , eaid—Iwish to thank you- very sincerely for myiind reception Here to-day. It' was morethan what] I]expected. 11 have only donemy duty (is]a Bbldier should do. I feelverj' proud; at having rendered such ser-vices to my Kingf and country. ; I ask youto respond to th$ noble; call: " Your kingand country needa you." If you don 'teome youj wjll liave to comc,.,OT take itone way or the {other, i Come, come, youwill have jtolconie {cheers) . i ;' MR. oI'LOUGltLIN. :

Mr. O'Loughlin; of the Recruiting Com-mittee, said I they were! very glad of theopportunity of bringing the Irish hero tothat city j whichl was the last place jnIreland bo would be in before leavinragain for i the fr'ont. 'He had ; been toldhow well \Vaterfprd had done in-sendingmen to tho front, but did they think itright th at la lmari like their guest-shouldhave to go back! to the firing line whileable-bodied men stayed at home ' doingnothing?. I - I . ; :' Answering a heckler the speaker saidthat he hid asked thelWat Office to lethim go to I the front and they told him hecould do so when he had got every cowardout of Ireland. It was men like his inter-rupter who was keeping' him there. Theywanted more: men. O'Leary had'jiist saidKO, and so had Lbrd Kitchener, . They didnot know how soon the Germans mightcome to Ireland, j There was not a chanceof winning the war un^il they got everyman they wanted. The men who Joinedthe army iii the- greatest majority weremarried nj erl. t/he young men. with nodependent^ stayed at home. That wasnot fair , 'and , ai a bbsine6a proposition ,they oughi to remember that at tho pre-sent moment they were paying £32,000,000a year to keep the dependents of marriedmen, and j ail that would be saved if theyoung men "would go".f I


The Hon. iClaude Anson proposed ahearty vote of thanks to the City HighSheriff for] presiding, i j :

.- Captain .(Sethib seconded the motion.: The HonJ Claude Afison then : appeared

nt the window and called for cheers forSergeant Michael O'Leary, which wereheartily given. I I |; In reply j to the'vote of thanks , tho High

Sheriff said ho iiad only -dono- his dutyas representative'of the !citiiens of Water-ford who' by; theiir vastj and -enthusiasticassembly that eviening; had set the seal ofapproval upon fhe movement in whichthey wore 'engaged. TIIETO waa ono thingtluit they had reason! to be grateful forthough they weri living! in the. shadow ofa great war. It was 'that they had seejithe day when m£n like Meagher-Condon ,to whom they gave a groat reception therea few year(>' ago, la man |who had 6tood inthe dock at Manchester viUi Allen , Larkinand O'Brien, and O'Donovan Koasa, ap-proved of llrelany 's attitude in th© war.That was lenough for^any Irisliman andindicated clearly] the right course to take.! This con!clude<! tho nroceedinffs.! - i | • " I , V :SERGEANT O'LEARY'S DEPARTURE.

After the] .meeting at Uie City Hall Ser-geant O'Leary was entertained to dinnerat the Imperial jHotel, land he remainedthere up ; jo the time of his leaving tocatch the Rosslare express. It wus in-tended that his (departure should be asquiet as possible1, and for that reason nomnds wtra requisitioned. However alarge crow<l waited on the Mall and whenhe sergeant-left (with a few friends in thewtel 'busj he was heartily cheerod. Atthe station an immense thron" had con-gregated, ' and it Kvas wifh gTcat difficultythat accest could b8 got to the platfornvnotwithstahding the efforts of the policeUp to the' time I of the I departure of thetrain at about 11 o'clock the seen© wasone of great enthusiasm.


, 'What might buye b(><;n a shocking andperhaps fatal accident jwas averted by asailor s pluck and presence of mind atUie Tramdre Rajrwa y Station on gundaynight. It appears that as the J> o'clocktrain froni Wattrford Was drawing into'Jhx; platform vsonrfcwhere about QXX) alittle boy ]was rioticed to ;have got on tothe permanent ivay by, abme means orother right in the path <sl the inoominr :vehicles. : | Those in the | vicinity -wereterror-stricken , but fprtunately AustinTinstin , 'second mate on I the Norwegianbarque V Sara " at present lying at ourport retained h s presence of mind andrealising!the gra'vity ofj thft hoy 's position'immedialcly j ikmped tb"his rescue anddesp ite tlic great risk j was happily auc-ce=siul. - 1 1 i " i !

Success upon jtuccess-J-MACKINTOSH'STOFFEE UE LUXE is breaking all ro.cords. ¦• ¦ |: j ; ] - - | • • :

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(i "

V I ' I ' ¦ ' i ' • r l i i ' (%

I i<>]ani l. ' I t consist* of about 40 Acres} Also a FRIvand it. s united about. 45 miles from Water--fe rd (st "li ij i rolled road), 3 miles from theBt usidi refort and fishing village of Dunf _--more I". iW,-4 miles from Tramure , I mile UN 1UUf r > m U ijodstown Village (Telegraph «nd :P ist ( flit 1*.1) and Strand. , Perfectly safe ;bi thin glliiiid sand? over 1 mile in length On t ic BES

The "RESIDENCE) stands in a fictur i (ij y |ie Kiie: quel • planted high lawn well sheltered ' Be.ssbib: tn> ¦' ! and is approached by two longs avel I rive entrances (cut limestone)finm i Win road. If! commands a magnij Pr r.e& itriivceut- .N iew of Wuterford Harbour, coast • jjor ,s> T,\\°f w<r ?"!• and surrounding country. It competitionit mat iively built. I.The main walls ar<i ( J, Honejro,ver 2 feet thick , and it is two-storeyed V . T '

kiidsA; >ric<

theW ood!excel l<Sl eep

Thevu-ysi lerafused.He rfed

rhe \\^TER SCPPLY U never-failing. • •<>Ittautmil spring wells and a tmuf -tream ;rit is through the hind*. There .ire also : ; jtwo mtrirature lakcs and waterf all. "KTif T T A WTVl BV' n- yiiimHY ALNUEM BN TH .n. R^I4KW!bru» rf*>ef. [All niriii*' j lnH tlipro T = n f^ l l ^« i

IN : ! ¦ ; ¦

! ; i ' ! i * J

M. , i i i ! i . 1


i GLEN.BOWER Iyi RK FARMING SOCIETYj j (Near Wondstown), ; ke|a|bliihcd I-S20.




.Sl 'KOVKRTYI is wrf l knowri as.one I SHO VV

. f JtHe pretty ipots in the South of I | !iii ; It consists of about 40 Acresj Also a FRIUTiHHQW in <onn<v:tion withsluaited aboui 45 miles from Water- ;¦ t 'lin' i. rolled riad), 3 miles from the it , will be held,! report and fishing village of Duni

TOTlBCnAV 1 Of I. CPPT]•: iK ti,-4- miles froiii Trauiore , i nnle ON TtlUKSDAY, lStll S£r f<\ i?odstown Village (Telegraph «nd : I .i.,flic1) and Strand. .Perfectly safe ; : i I V I O

iglliiml sand? pv«r 1 mile in length On t ic BESSBORO" DEilESNE, Piltown"Ri:SIDEN'CE| stands in a fictur i (lj y |ie Kind jj ermission of the Earl ofplanted high lawn well sheltered Be.ssboro', K.P.. C.Vj f) . C.B.)ii and is approached by two longI rive cntrantes (cut limestone) • (in road. Itj commands a magni-J ^> /es (j nd (>aps wi u ^c grfvi-n tmi.'W of Wuterford Harbour, coast' j ii) T ,s> Xwo Jumping and Two Drivingor<l , and surrounding country. It competitions. Cattle. SJiusp. Swiiio . Poul-lively built. The main walls ar<i ,Sl, vnn K\, nll^ ¦

>ntair ing 7 bedrooins (18 s 14 x 10 feet ! i . !i d - lj j x 14 x 9 feet)!; Drawing Room (20 k , BEE DEMONSTRATION! x 12 feet) ; Reception Room (20 x 1G si : j I '! feeh ;: Dining Room (1G x 16 x 0 feet) 1 j ! :itcbin!i(ao x IG x la - fcet) ; 2 octagoimtf j h ¦ lust day |for ' recrivinp Kntries foroaq? £rffa .s e 8sf a$6. ±h 1%%^

:;l M . : :— THE i'OUTOFFICES aro situated about Iyatj ds from the Residence in icnrlowlj | j ,-,,, ,,,., zc ; _ , „, ,, , .,,, K..rn..« . a, .] . lvved yard ;1 4 Loose Box Stallsj 1 Largd ' l0' _ . ¦

ose h£all ,(Cattle House, Boiler Housol I „, „,.,„.Irriaj- i Ho ise or Garaso, HarnJss Ron Il) HN H OPKIN S s.-.T.'t«ry .re), tj brn . ind Hay Loit. 1 i i Pil town ,

Fhe GARDEN, one of the eafli«.*t in ~ H r ' - . . .-.:lan iflfacing souOi , is over 1 acre ; allick *j»Uii; I Vegetables, Flowersl and allids W|:Fruit Trees, including [Peaches] ¦ I .>ricots|:»Walnuts, Filberts, et<J. J , ; j I

I. Jl .U-D . oxcep ing about . j3 AcreJ CONFRATERNITYoodf . is I all Prime Fattening PastureJ : I T I |T . i I Icelldrit alike for Horn's, Cattle, and , ; TXXrf *YTT*C1TS\1%.T»p | ; ftXCUKoIUWI ; ¦ ' r M I ¦

The WOODS, aboiit 12 AcreP , contain j ¦ ¦ | J ry •»»I i iahle Tiinbi ir . lor which a con- ' ; ]leral ) ' i> offer was [twice made and re- ; '¦led. They an- wi-l l [iltinted and inter- . ruV&T> , 1?YPIlPQTO1M

riec.l.lail pipms. Una there is a fall onch «id<j <j f the residence. ()XIII Mineral . (;am|>. and Timber ri"hU I \

^{te, . Pa,a,y^f sinkay, AiJgqst 22nd , L915

SverytliiiiC is in first-class order und !rfeetj Idbndition . and money was not ,aredj in the buildings and laying out ofi wdddsland garden. The locality isect. |Himtins can' be had with 3 packs f \y . abov« Y.iU- a "j PKrlAj l. FAST W>\-Fojj hoiind?r Golf . 2 links. Waterford \) STOP TRAIN ] "ill li- ive Waterford,

d Tnlmore : Shooting. Fisl)irj<; sea and nUi.h a.m. 5or Kjllarn< !y . liirriving tlu -mland ;| Tennis Court us in fron t of hall nt |.12 o'clock, nioh. and returning fromor' v'^-JThe climate is mild but brae- Killnmey at|7.45 p.in., arriy ing in Water-X. cc mhining both l countrj- and soa air. ford it H piin., thus givinp neuHy oighthisp'Hion can be firranfj ed . mid .further lioiirs to visit tin- fii.r-fiuiwl lirouly Sputsrtici lars can be had from. . inhh ! vicinity .-MWsrs'. 1. THORNTON and SON. „ , . . I I , . , ,

'¦ , , ,Sftlicilnrs . Cathedral Pqua-e Water- . T2' 'rn **"' ¦ lirl • ' l"|llri>" '""li r l2f pri l ipr to Half- are. ' ;¦ f fl ; I :• *. I i

™TN»^S; WALSH' AND SON, ' Tie ;et» run b.l lui'l fnmi » nnnibor ofiictij )pee.rs.; lite-.. The-Mall . Wnterford . M0>"0ers of ho Cnnfrat enii l if ".' I • • ;

¦ &(y;?r.5:r-;:U'g3»'- ? J



M. F. | MURPHY, C oal I erchant,43J & 44, High Stre et, Kilkenny. J





thereabouts, Statute, at.Ballyden|io<l y andArdnahow; Fee-Simple; subject to LandPurchase I Annuity of £61 Is. 2d-; £ .L.V.,£95 15s Od.

Also, of|Fann adjoining the forj egi ine atBullyaduui . 51 Acre.*, Statute; Ytjarl V Ten-ancy, at ill" 12s. Od. per anmi iri ; I .L.V.,£22. IExcellent and suitable Buildint * onKiillyderitiody. Lands well kpov n forfatteninfj properties. ":

Also, entire Stock of Cattle, j I :orfes,Farm Machinery and Implemeij ts , FarmProdm-e-4inclnding Oats, Hay, etc., etc.

Sale on] day to be fixed in AugustFull Particulars in future advertise-

ments; or from—HENRY D. KEANE, Solicit s for

Vendor. O'C^rinell St., Waterford;Or | ,

\ ¦

JOHN MURPHY AND koN,11. 0'Connell Street, WateJfori.


In the Goods of JOHN POWER ate ofBallydermody, Fejj or, in the poi nty ofWaterfbrd . Farmer, deceased.I

\TOTICE IS HEREBY GIIVK«,, pur-i> s-uant to the. Statute 22n <Tl nnd 23rdViet. , Cap. 3.') . that all persons! ol limingto be ert'ditors of or otherwise to haveany claim.-* or demands uguiiist Uie assetsof the. said deceased who died orj oi aboutthe 23rd 'day of June . VJ15. are hereby re-quired on or before the 7th day <; f Se|>-t*>mber . 1915. tn furnish (in wrj tir g) theparticulars of such claims or danmnds tollw iinder-iimed Solieitor for Kutc Rock->'l t . ol Islaiullarsncy. Tramore. i i theCounty of Waterf ord . to whom l^eUer* ofAiiministT Htiiu i ol ihe personal ostn te andeffects of t lif -aid deceased wete >n the22nd daw of .Inly. 1915. granted f< rth ofthe Waterford District (Probate) R gistrytor the u>e and benefit "f the iufar t chil-dren nf the •iaid docpasod.

A N D NOTICK IS HF.REBY K I It i l V K N . j i l i n l af1«- r t l ie said 70iSeptcinbfr . 1915 . the said A d n i j n hw i l l | r(»C' 'i'«l to d i st r i b u t e the asthe s H i dj d e i v ay e d h a v i ng repa rtithe c la ims ami demands of whichsha l l have btn-n j iven n* above re

DaUsf th i s 23rd" day of Ju ly , 1915HK.N'RY 1> K F A N E. S..iieitbr

V d i i i i n i s l n i t r i x , 21, OColmWat' rlnrrt .

W A T E R K O R D AC i RK TI T i l: MiCIKTY . LTD.

MKADOW For Sale. Ab..ut latino r u h Meadow on foot at

ford Agricult ural ConimittevGrounds.I Tenders for Purchase Hoaddressed to the Chairman , ConjmManagement , at iwoiinp to b<> IiCourt Hquiie . Waterford , at noun cinst. I

Purchaser will bo required to ba\'e Hayremoved [by 27th August , 1915.


ai. i p.m. ' «.m.3.6 3.45 2.33 i


ot^ jH lsteriorlr |toFRIDAY . JULY 23. lflliT"

i 1 1

LAST FJMTIf iKL -mm^m ^ ¦ '¦ ^ ^^ mm a w ^ m ^ 0 p ^




A sppciaii y convened n i fe t i i i f ; ( ( xheCouncil <•; t h e County Buroiijilj o l Wa-te r fu rd w i l l !»• hi -ld at noon uii Ti i sdayii> -xt in ill' 1 O-uiif i! Chiiinber . Tnu n Hall ,10 receive and <-onsider applicaj tio is forthe Rate Collector for the 'South bin WestWard *, pursuant to and in acioor lanecwith the jterni.-t 0'. adverus- inent .

THE C.\Ji J)l a\TKS.Th e (ol'- ow i n L ' ai *'1 t in 1 a f >j> l u - an i - for

tile vacancy —Messrs P. J. Colllin . theQuay ; John Delahun '.v . R.O.,, .owerNewtown ; Daniel (Hawe. Suiimierlii 1; R.A Ki 'ily. U i e 'urn- 's-MiriN'U -lanie-, , Ktrwoii ,Mall Lane ; A. P. O'Brien . /P.

cy Ter-

race. Thomas CMnrsi . ( Ir a t u i n Q111¦ >• ; V.I'oole . Thi- M a i l ; M. Wa lsh r . Man ir-st. ;Jox'pii Wlir .v. Bruad- .- :r> -< 1 . ami J o h nW h i i . t i . " I.nmbard-s:r"e!.

NATION.i -L TIvW-H-ER?.A. meeuns of llw C HUI '.V Vfal i f o r d

Nat ional fTeachers *i!l he h< .<! \\ St.Patr ick '^ iNationa! Schonl . Wi ' .'t i 'or onSalurdav.i iM th inst

(I LKARVi StKK WATKia-ORl) A( A I N .Scrueant Mi i iia.'l O'Li-ury . V (.' .. who

ri-eeived such u s t i r r i n g welooinV- i 1 ourcity on Saturday and subsequentl y leftfor London en route (< T tin- fron hasWeen granted an rxtensiwi of Ij i s h'aveu n t i l aloiiday nex t H- ' lias ava i l -d o(the re.-pi tp t < - r < - !n rn io h i ^ \\ -i »e inLnchisi'iia' snd passed ihrough In- e onUl .1 I t'r^- j i r i - \p r . t- ¦¦!! Tu.'- i lj y t v i-n -

SKIM iK.WT O I . K \ K V \ N I > l U ' R( f i ii)>:.

On thf { oOf:ir;'.ll ol hi* V i -11 1 » i j 10Co'inoil <Tharnhrr S''T*:«-ant 4 ) ' I . « -pr y was|.r.'sent.>d |hy Mr . P Hi -.'L' in». J .J' . . withn copy ( . fj i i u r I!!ustralc'd G u i d r :|, V :iter-forcl The! V (' li. ro -i»ne,l h i s 11a - iniiiiniluT <'cpy "• t. .- ¦ ¦ • < ;» i d > > p r e - ij -w i l byM r -H i .viii".

A (1 H A N N I A I . K.\< TT!Sm\The a n n u a l ^x i ' iir - ion of the W u t .

\ < > .H. w i l l t a k e f , l n < .- to J ) i i n i i | > i r iSun iluy . Aue i ist »<tU . Tlie DMIIC:1steamtr li-i> * been c h a r t Ted f u r ;hrat ion Th«- bout wi l l It - av , * \V:i "nat I I a . i n ! , ' i i l i i n '.- nt I l u i u a n n - i i ia stay < , f | t w c i I n i i i r . « i l l hi- mi i . l .par ty af t e i w a r r U prnepi-ilmi' '.« DunThe Barra: k Street Bra.-.- and K. '.dwil l aec>nip)iti y the excursinnis:: -t 'Xcursioi i j is o|»-n - o j m-n i lnTs a.ndfami l ies 'fiekets i n n bn had nilcat ion to (PiviHon SecrelTI"(> « ||!-li>H a l l . ()° 1'6 I I I I < ' I I - .<II > < I ' I .

I V1RKT-AI1) fKl :TTKH "ATI - : .S

\n i : i ;« 'r r s l rn^ (n n e t i o n w i l i i n k ,at ihe H \li»-mi«ii HaM . o'C.tmi.ili--• •n Tue-dny i -v i -n in s n i -x t « iirn t|i, -U-r.j of i l l - +". r « t - \ n l 0'ass «, r 1,,.st-nted w i t h t h" ,-er i i l l , a'es -.1 t l¦Patrick' s U i n l n i l a n m A --"-'H -i»r-i -* ii 1were uo i i j hy t l iem at t h e f \ a t i i i Mheld some months ai ;>> l>y l) i i . ,U'-SuHivanl Nim- l»di>- 'w 'r i l liepientR of (¦iTt i f icHtt^ This i< . \v(- u."¦'.and . tin! !ar.'rfl iwro'nlaL'i" d |iachWv. d bv a n y Ki r s t - .\id C'las- ill?•ity The -necussi i i l candidaii 'st r .-i'ined l'\vl)r M. IV CoL'hlan. \ i vp r e s r n i a r i o n reri 'i t ionv a r u n - ( ,i!¦'rumnu- will be zone Uiruueh


At 11 meeting of the Sub-Ci i in i i i i t lthe County Borouch Ine i i rnm-e Crmirheld on Tiiesday last . Aid . l> I: I Il ivan , on )he motion of Mrs r<)<>Uconded by' Mr . Kitzp .itriek. w a s 11niously apr 'Ointed eh i i i r inan of i j i rCuii inii t t< <d tor a tliird t ime .

P(H,ICEMi-VN'S I'R( )AfOTI< INHi- many f r iend" w i l l '>¦¦ d - l q i t . .1 t..

h "ar t l iaL ! Ae *ini:-Si i r£:i-un: I l i l L . t i . .t theManor Strr i ' S' : i t i . . i . has be.-n pi. . ' intedto I lie rank nml i . av '.1 P,T'.'ean l .

ler* ofte and>n therth of"gistryt chil-

THERlay of(j atrixets ofn ly tonotice|iim>d.

or theII St..


Ac/esA »fer-jAhoxt* senttee ofM atn 27th




11 n 1111¦ oc-rtnrdhere

. theni *rp .Hand

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ilacereel ,nem-pre-

e Sthi ehition


theuvrer thepro-

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inni -Sub-


Intimation was received from the WarOffice ycsU'rdny of the death from wound9received in action of Private MichaelCondon, 2nd Royal ^Dublin Fusiliers, anative of this city. lie fallen soldier,who had barely reached his nineteenthyear, was a son of Mr. Patrick Condon ,Water-street , mid prior to jo ining thearmy four months aso was a foreman inthe employment of Mr. Graves, timbermerchant , William-s treet. He hod beenthree weekd in iho trenelies in Flandersand participated iu the heavy fightingwhich marked the beginning of thismouth. 'He was wounded on the 7thinst., and died in hospital '" somewherein France" on the following day. Hismother had nvoiivd u letter a short timeapq from a comrade In the sanjo bat-talion tellini her that her son had beenslightly woiindi ' l Subsequently -file re-ceived another mes/.a^c trom the sameindividual saying that Private Condonwa3 more seriously wounded than heliked to tell her . nnd then came the offi-cial news of his death. To the bereavedparents , brothers , sister"and friends thesympathy oi >,\\ w\\\ be extended in thecruel blow ;hey have sustained


A j cnernl meeting of the local corpsof the Irish Volunteers is being held thisevening at •* .*> in 112 The Quay. A fulLattendance oi members is requested asarran gements wi l l be made fnr attendingtho funerul of O'Donovon Ro^sa whichtakes place in Dublin on Sunday, August1st.


Waterford athletes were nuicJi to thelore at the Banteer tCo Cork) sports onSunday. The cmt K t and in s performanceat that ineetin ^ was that of Mr. V. Brit-ton , Munster and l.i instcr Rank . Water-ford , who won the lone jump and the120 yard- * hurd.e . and sroured secondplace m thr hi > ; h ju mp. «Mr. M . r'rah er .Dunga rvau i ¦ .k MVII -I \>- :n -> .n r b i - iu: t _'juni| i .

UNION OFKIOIU. CONT.IWTUI.ATIED.•Mr. Patrick K en n . -i iy. A.-swan t ( l i - ik

oi the I' nion . hu < be'-n i tn ind .'ilcd w i t i iuie.ssaief cunpra iu '.at ing h i m mi t in 1 we l l -deserved und long-Ji'Iayed i iu- r r a - i - i . f.-al'ary iirmntcil u< .'inn ul t h e . M n n l

meeting on AVVdri 'sday. T in - u n u i i i M i i t yof the gu a r d i a n s apparent l y n-fleot> thelet f l ing "f t h»- put iV - i' ni '.aru'o

THE KILBfi l KN HAZAARThe Baxaar in aid of tie Funds tor

KHbrien Chap. I (.' ¦ Wator ford . w i l l heht-l d in ¦D n n g a i v a n IMI Tiu irsday. Fridayand Sa tu rday iu *xt w«'ek Passi-ir-'ersiravellim by the 2 4j p tn t rain f romWaterlord on T i m r - l»y wil l b«- elmrgedonly, single far . '.

Father C i i H i n n u . who is in charge ofthe 'Bazaar , beys M acknowledge w i t hthanks the f ol l o w u i '.' gnu:— A hand-em-broidered I n > h in iMi b<-d-sprrad f rom\fe3fi's 'Hoarn*- and CO. . H i iand-enihr t i - i -ered I r f -h l iw . u - ;.|.-l>o:ml eluth fromRobertson Bro- . a posial older !.>r 10- .from Robertson . 1,,-d ' i e . I' .'-.'iiscn andCo.rr fnr.Missifi v KOK AN i fiisii

NOVELIST .-- SliN.Early in tih u y-ear on bis roturn to

.England from enirineering work m SmithAmerica, David Dowliug, only sun of lliolate Richard Howling, enli-ted in theRoyal Field Arti l lery Las! week he wasappointed ' an In.»p»!Ct<>r of Maehini'ry<3rd classi in the Army OTdnaiiie wii l ithe. tank >>f I j euteruuit.

Lieutenan: Dolling haa j -.ad a varii '.lexperience as «n Ea^ineer He

com-menced his career at the City and SouthLondon Rai lway under the aegis of MrP. V. 'MaeMahon. A fterwards he servedfor many yean as an electrical engineerwith the P and O l onipiny. and duruigthe Soutli African War be was busily en-gaged in connection wi th the ca rrying oltroops backwards and iorwards fromIndia to the Cap>- Ho was for *«,meycari; t?ng«eed on railway work in Indiaand subsequently ;n \-arn»us nar ^ s ofSouth America.

ST. URSULA S A N M ' A l .Reviewing ai I r-ula s A n n u a l f.ir 101.V

which has just biN-n issued irum Uie" Waterfo rd N i « - ." Priirtine Works , the" Irish Cath o .u " -n > 0 t h a t thr A n n u a lis "much more than a mere record ofschool c v r n t - because it conta ins manyliterary I 'm t n l n i t ^n s by past and pre-sent a lumni uf th r f an inu ; n -n t r t - of t -du-cation <il ie l i 'u i i n i - Conveni . Waierfurd iwhich Wi >u ii l dt> crodi" ;o n i n n y iiior i * pr , --tentious publ i c a t ion .- . Where allthe contr ibut ions ure exe^' l l ^nt it -eenuinvidious Vo -elivt any (or special men-tion. . I t on ly remain.- to udd t h a tth" pl i ^t ' c r a j i l i i c " .up.- "f t i n variousgrades of studen t s attest in convincingfashion that ^'> io< J nko are not ext inc tamong the (u t i i rM womanhood of HolyIreland. The . di to i of ' Si fr su l a s An-nual' is entitled to De felicitated on iVadmirable ninnner in which -lie ha- di--chamed her r<- -n ' i:> :h.r du l i i -


The lwal eonmini'v who ioi \\i? posifew months ha\> been sending food ofail sorts to the 'Waterford men prisonersnf war .n Ge rmany is badl y in nefd oifundc or \ > i c M y l O n l r i b u t y o i i s ¦>! lea ,sugar, oakf - . n n i k fiowder . cheese,sweets, rocoa i-i^aret tes . and t,'hacc« ».There are now 60 'Waterford men receiv-ing parrels—3n being dr^p-itched everyweek. Traders and others w i l l i n g to con-tr ibute any *'i i n , i ihoVi- inent ioned a r t i -cles are r-uiiesied to M>nil th . 'm In t h rCourt Misuse , ' i v f v Tii i sdii V a t t . •unionnddriMse .l t . M:,- Ht cve i i sj n . Hon. Sec.Prisoners ¦»[ 'War Ccnu i i i i t e e . and sub-scription* .ihnii .d 'JC sent to tile lionfeasurcr. .Mr T W. (H D i v u s . 6 Quay

Since p u b l i i a t i " ' i . f l;i.-,t h - i uf subscriptinns t i n ' in ' i . ' U I I U ; have been re-ceived :— Profi ' oi. i ••noi ri (per Rev. .1JacksoiO. £10 7< M. conci rt t i cke l i< <p e r¦Mrs. Fordni. Cl 9- Mr.- H . W D ( '.off,12s ; 'Mr W A H r . . « n . •»- Mr? l tarronNewell , t l . M r - F. .\ C. ibbon. tl ; Mr.T. J. M u r p h y . J- l id . . Air— M i ',m,TWCiiapman, l.id . Cl . • N a p . " in? : .MrCpr.-ild l>illi!j - :iii .'»

RAiPID PK O M u T l oNThe only son of Surycu Touin . of S;< 'i>-

hen 's Green . D u b l m . ha.s expeJ ii-nced n--markably rapi ' i p romot ion H (; nn -b f u ngazetted tn i lo- r a n k of Captain in t in7th B a t t a l i o n .. • t h . 1(...V H I D u l i h n 1' tfs iHers. Oiptam Tohm is on ly iwenty-"ii . 'years n f n•_¦•• Hi i . - f : f .>r France smnitime a"o w i t h the 10'Ji Division .

NEW COMMIsSIONKR FOR n \ T H ^In the Chiincery Division . Dnl i l in . to-

day, before the I.oi-d Chancellor , on theapplication of Mr FK-I V . in.«irwct<Kl byMessrs. Kenny. Slephenson nnd Connolly.Mr. J. Verriiigton , Town Clerk . Ciirrirk-on-Suir, was appointed a <'oininis-ioncr toadminister oaths for Co. Ti ppenu y


Tho deatli-nite in Waterford lust weeKwas 7.6 per l .OOt) , tlio lowest in I reland :the highest registe red being that for Lon-donderry- which was H .tt. The uveragefor the princi pal u r b a n d i s t r i c ts was Iti.li .

OLEAKAXCE SAI.F,.On Tuesday and Wednesday a cii 'ar-

nnce ?alc of -.W> >|,v k of ihe premisesNo. 12 m i l I'! H . i r i . . M - i i : i n i l - - t i , - . - : andLittle iP ; i ; iKk -s : r ivt !-nok piac Theauct ioneer- wero Mi—-i> Thomas Walshmid -Son . llu Sfa l ' The a t t i-ndance onboth day? »i- l a p-'e . t he h idd in^ br iskand eood nr i . c - «. •!, ¦ ir a i i .-ed.

BHENOMKNA I. AVKATHKR.The weath'-r t . -day w a> ¦¦< a ni- .si

peculiar r h a n ut i -r Rain /« •¦ I now andthen , bill in lJu in t i T v u i H t he -nn ^ honcwith ext r iuml'.n i ry power . As the a f t e r -noon won 1 on t in " atino.-ph i re Ijtvauicpositively i n > : . n - ~- i v»' . and about U u i f -past tw.> ¦¦.!¦!. p 'H i . i - i f ihu . ide i A - ! 'l ienrd. ^


On Tuesday evening a ;iiieeUui; washeld in the City iHatT , Dublin , to con-sider the question of conscription. Alder-tnan Thomas Kelly acted us secretary to^he meeting, and among the recipients ofinvitations sent out by him 'was theMayor of Waterford who, in ^ reply, thank-ed Alderman Kelly for his intimation ofso important and necessary a meeting.He regretted bis inability to attend , sndi aid his views were that ho was entirelyimposed to any measure of oonserirn ionlicins applied to Ireland. He believed;hat Ireland had already borne far morehan her slinre of the brunt of the [ire-

;ient . conflii-t.

THE NATIO^n.VL BANK.The National Bank held its half-yenry

Jeneral meeting in Dublin .yesterday.Sirlohn Purcell presiding. In niovim; thefidoptioi* <>C the Directors' report theChairma n said that die \Bnnk mid nxpustomws had be<-n allotted upward? of£2,500,000 in the War 'Loan. !From everypoint of view he considered the bus ioessposition of the National Bank eminentlysaxiMaetory. T\i e mull! dividend •_•• V>per cent, is to be paid , and ll'iri.HJ isfarricd fonvard as airainst :£21.6S1 at thecorresponding period of. last year ;X40.000 is brought to roli bringing thereserve up to £500,000.


Mr. David IMacDonaid . , ,I.P. . /> f Tin *fity , vaiid the Bank had enjoyed a pros-perous year. The shareholders were notgetting the benefit of increased pros-perity. They expected to ?<^e their sharesreach Uie value they had paid for them.Mr. MaoDonald said ha considered thatin view ot tho iucrea«ed enst of l ivingit would be only right that members ufthe staff of the Brink ill receipt of C20Oa year and less should receive a bonusuf 10 per cent He also thought as anIrish Bank thr National ' s head officesShould be ill Collece Green . n»l in ten-don.I The -Cha i rman , r e p ly i n g to Mr MacDonald , .said t h a t t h r d l n c t o i' i- 'i.ni .!¦¦ iepretty fair ly by t h e »t»ff . W i t h rw . i rHto the remoyul ol the hea i nffic- ',¦¦ i) i i l >J in he Uious)it it r iL 'h t :o -ay t h a t i 1 :h- vhad not their London bu-iut -s i>nd I >• .'l.ondon office lin y w/-.uld not h n vr hadheir dividend It was in London t h e vnode their monuy. As tu t h e CGO ."1"!aken from the profits and pier iM-d -:i thesrse Mini d'J>- :u denoiii"rs In.' couid a- -nire Mr. Mac-D ',i iuld ii was us «» '- :i- ¦'ie had ii in hi* n o c k- l .

WEDDING BELLSThe marriage took place «t Faithlesg

t'lhurcli, on J u l y IMh . (if Miss MadgeSheehy and Mr. Wil l iam Power , both ofCheckpoint. The ceremony was perform-ed by the Rev .1 Casey , P.P The brideyvos attended by her cousin , Miss Power ,and Mr. Cummins , Cumpile. cousin ofbridegroom , acted as best mad. A Inrg "gathering <u t i ie friends of both partiswere present, at break fast afterwards. Inthe Afternoon thr happy coii|Jr left , w i t i iQiatiy expri'Ssiou- from those presrnt » >i^on^ratulut iui i

and zood luck , for Watcr-j ord to catch the train en rntifr for Dub-Cm , where the honeymoon is bring >- |ieiii .HoUi were recipients nf many beau t i fu lAnd <xisth' presents on the occasion.

HIGH COURT SALES.I At Uie sale by auction conducted byMessrs. John Murihy and Sou on the21st inst. by |dirrction of tho Ri. Hon. thrMaster of thf ROHR, of two' farm* in theComerairh district , the highest bid for lotOne was 1670 and for lot two. £175. Mr.Henry D. Kpane. solicitor , had carriageof th*» «ilp i

IARB0UR BOARDAt Monday 's meeting of Ihe Harbour

Joard amont ; the committee minutes read•as one ordering the Secretary to pre-iare a report showing the number of per-ons at present receiving pensions fromhe Commissioners , fhe lengt h of the timehey have been in receipt of same, andhe positions they at present occupy, and11 other deti ils necessary


A convention <if !!,»¦ City and Conhtyf iWatcrford -,vill he held on Monday.

23rd August. Mr John Redniand. M P .and Mr. Joseph Duvl in , U.P. . wil : a;-tj t'ii.i , nnd it In expected that the conven-tion will be on." m' th larse.-t. and ino-1representative evrr held in the ci ty .



MENTS.Live stock -h i p.nents Ircm Irel and f>^r

ie week ni li'ig 17th Ju ly wwr sli gh t i yi-avier than for some wrek.4 previou sly

The week' s s lu p n n n t s were 3J.G21 . t n a k -i fitr a. total f r .nu J a n u a r y 1st of 742 .7!'iauimais.

Freirt "WaterfiM-J ivore shi pped 912 st orrdiitle, 278 milch cows, 248 sheep. 1.187l imbs. 2S3 pigs , and -10 horses. Thri- ort* of debarkation were Bristol . .Fish-Aiard , Grecnock . and I.ivi <rj )oi>l


J The farms and >wk fur <tile by M, - s r-J-olin llu iphy :ind Son , ol wh ich pre-l iminary notice is ^ i v m iimons our a I-\ |e.rtifemti nt.'> to-day. wiTl no doubt a t :^n 'very close attention.

IfKCRUIOTNG COM!MITTEE.¦A meeting of the County Watertord R -

<»iritirj g Committee will be held in t in< |uiirthouse, Dungarvan , on Saturday, the4tfh inst., at 4 o'clock p.m.

.|o.H. EXCURSION TO TRA.MORR.An excursion from Tij ipcra ry to Tra-

nlore under the ausp ice of the Ti pperaryij own Division of the Aiu'ient Order otHibernians, takes place, on Sunday. Alarge number are expected til participateTihe train will arrive in \Vatij r ford at10.20, and the excursionists 'will proceed1<i Tramore by (ho 11.15 tra in. Tho C. •'Kickham Baud wi l l be in attendance andwj ill discourse a pleasi ng ^election ofmusic at Tramore during Uie evening.Ipib return train lrnves Wuttuforil at >< 4.'iij raniore should In- prepare d for a largrirj tlux of visitors , a.- , in addition , excur -sions are being run from Arklow and Athyalso under the aegin of the A.O.H organ-iijution in these towns. RoKtmirants .Intels , and such places should be especi-» ly forewarned as th eir entering «bilit i i - sWill be put to a sevpi-c test

1 O.RSF. J ir MPIN lt AT N.BW ROSS.The. jumping ci >inpet i t iu i i 4 at the Nr»

Iioss Show Were very keenly contesud .a|id s ome Sfi iendid exhibitions weirgiven , in which the lady riders figuredl«roininently and came iu Tor hearty ap-plause from the spectators. The gener-ality of the prizes were woh l>y Mr. JMurphy, Munster Hotel. Waterford.[Class 2A—The 'Ballynnue Cup (special

phze). jiresented by Mr. Albert H. Tyn-#11, .I .P.—Mr. J. iMurp hy ' li Bubbles . 1 .5lr. J. Miirphy 's Terrible .Dote , 2; Mr . T.App le 's 'Souvenir , 3.

Class 29.—For an ima l s that never wona first prize at any jumping competition.-[Mr. J. iMurph y 'p Mks Greon . 1: Mr. T.Aj sple's Souvenir , 2 , Mr ;I Murphy 'sTtrrible Dote, 8.

iLaaies' Jumping Comi iriition — Mr. J.Murphy 's IMiss Green , l ; Miis R. Dcane'«Sveep and Mr J. .Murphy 's TerribleCote and Bubbles tired for .¦i'rei .nd p lace

OfTH'ER .PRIZES "WON.Other Waterford prize-winner were as

fe llows:—Mr J. Murphy. Minister iHotel ,w in first prize in a Foiir Year Old Hur -d es special class with "v ni |liUle« ." andh s " Miss Green " was re i- 'i iiiiiiended intl e same class.

Mr. Dick Cro t ty . B a h i n n H o u i 'M . »onfi[st. in a .Fiv.; Year Old H u n t e r c'.:i>>wpth "Waterproof "

'.Mr IM. J. M u r p h y . M.P .. w, .n t i r - ru a- Five Year Oi j H u n t u r mi - - . Mr'D.ick Crolty 's "The Bra; ' ' wus recom-mended. iMr J. Mii rph y w >\\ w i t i i 'Mi - .(Jrecii " the solid silver '('iiaileir.'e Cu ;>

Sesented for l ikel y hnntt-r s ! by li ie ..i 1 '-

'¦>hn P'veiian . h.Mi : i> be u

' n ¦':«• ¦

t i Ties).

ToldayW |War Telegrams


says :—The night was i

severa l points of Ithe neigh bourhooda violent cannoning. Between thethe region of Yiplntrai ) of Nouroithe Aisnc near Sopagne j front, sevealso reported.

In the Argonnefiring in the dintone of lour compled , by occupying iin altering the IPon t a Mousson wafl subjected to an intermittunt bonibardment during the night.

In the region tit Arracourtj a Btirongenemy reconnaissance, supported by artill ery lire , was repulsed before our iiifantry and artillery fire. \ I jIn the Vosges na attempted German attack against our positions to ihe south oFaye w easily j ;ep.ulsed. ' On tlie crestiof the Linge and the Barrenkopf the positionR we had won to tlir- east of Midzera'wero nubiectcd; k>! very violent bombardmenu The enemy, after having mojnentarily penetrated !part of our; lines, j waidriven out by an energetic countec-attaclon our part . : !

THE EASTERNIhe struggle loriWars aw is approaching

its crisis. Thr» Russians, to; the west,have retreated to | the fortress of I^van^gorod . which is now closely invested:; t<tlie north . Von Hindenburg is) attemj)tin(to cross the NaxcW ; Uy the-south . GeneraMmkri i sen is still; advancing on the Lub-lin nwl. | [~i— i : iCOAL FOK THE ALLIbi

J. ! ' ¦

M ^ Run< iman Jtated in the House of( <> II .imiis this afternoon that the (iqvcni-nii fiii were prepared to give the French(iovernrru 'nt the Fame benefits that |our(¦•overnment had obtained froin the Welsh,iwilowners for tin supp ly of coal to j thenuvv and railway; . They were also jpre-|i:ir«-<i to do tlie Jiine with Italy vind|{tii--ia if t in- circi niHtaiicc * required it.


["• i- " i lm rn a leNiizi .'nttlc ' publicuf tn-di(y« date In

D u r i n g thi? Inst^; I I L * v ssrls fromt.wrrn Solum andTurkish ofTicers, aeral Herman officeanimumtion. A Turko-Uernian cara.vanhxs set out for thi interior of j Cyrenaica.

The " Oiornals d'ltalia " says this! re-port is confirmed | by information fromprivate sources, pirkey,. it tjays. |ha?Uius openly-joinet th* war against Italyand is multiplyintt her provocAtions. [Themeasure' is hill1. TJie moment; has ebineto put an end to thure administeringlie npinion has hnliope that the Govsiiri*s as early apevery means ourteresLs which the icoiu 'iiittoe of uniyr;tnd bribed by AnI K ','11 v io la t ing f/n*violating for too long. M J •'


N r u - has beenHissolati. the wellnnty. Mas been wotiii* iien to the chaa splinter of HhrajJofr thi gh. Payitwound , he eontimi' Kviva 11-iilia ! " b

however , noticedrecommended him tscratch. " He con tuntil the position 1,<icrupie <l and tho the con$ellt"d to Ii amp hospital.


A <tinc <n the Public Health Com-rmtt ' - was held nt iioqn to-da)j , the Mayorprc-iding. Thero l were also present:—Aid. I. Hackett. Mrs. Poole, CouncillorsM Kirwiin . T. Fittgerold, E. Walsh , Wm,Fitzgerald , J. Young, and H. 1>. Deniiy.

Mr. P. Higgins. Executive Sanitary Offi-.-er ; Dr. D. Kenno<ly; M.f|.O.Hl, and Mr..1 P. Fleming. Brfrough Surveyor , w'erenis i ui attendance I j i

Tin usual pnyiTH nts were passed, jIt IVJS divided t< recominorid that £700IK1 paid to Mr. fi . Solan , being the secondinstalment on ace< unt of the erection ofcm la-j et* for the wo 'king classes, and thato sum of £500 be[frame aJid So.-fot

Thr plan« lodgesfhe en-otion oi proMi -sis . Henrne ;inrtHTiiily burned wwl t< > the additioicommended hy thealso suhjn t to a ripassage from t in; <In ing approved ofvr>y«ir nnd I-^w Ad

I'lftns for the «1pliy 's house in BaMessrs. John Heai[ roved of as ainel

The K'iroiigh Sirf-rs Jt iid expensesel.'ctn.'ftl engineerthe Kloctnc Lightyig schemel hinounlj ngto KH72 , and alro a bill of costs of theparliainent nry agei ts amountiilg to £200.riiese »rre li-f . -ried to the Liiw Advi.-:.-rn:id the Public Li?

Tin* Rorough SnMr . Ki. -lu.rd Whit lings at Ballybiicklodging plans , andbe called up on tos:ime un t i l the plans are lodged. ;

The Secretary of the Department i ofAgr icul tu re wrote, ifor the ; in formation ofthe L.M-j il Authori ty, tliat an officer of thoDepartment . :utinjj on instructions underthe Kond and Drugs Act , purchased fivefinip les of butte r it shops irJ 'Waterfordon the IMh ult . a id six samples at theWaterford butter i larket on 'the 19th iiltThe onmr . lot were duly submitted to ihepublic anal yst. «¦ IO certified I that theyproved to b# pure ', 1 | |The Committee looked on Uiis as satis-factory , ns it was in the tiatair'ii 'of a detec-tive insiirrtinn. | I iMr Un/s application, for permissionto kei-p cowt, and j )igs nt John jstroet vns,r.-fern-d to Mr . Dobbyn and DrL Kennedyfor « ri 'imrt. I I j j "Ap| di<-utin ns tfl !orei:i tbrei ! sky-signswen- referred to the Borough !• lirveyor for

u r .Miur t . ! '

_ M - . MJH 'Rcdmpnjl rcporteil j l iat al l 'ihcCorj orat icm cottars were occupied.It M-II* ordered that the proprietors ofIK. - <km ami hidii factory it iiiO'Connellnrn t ho ordered t<> comply w th the bye-laws , ami Unit the tanit«ry suU-ofllcer andDr. Ki ii ix ily 1M; instructed ti> visit the|ir.-inise* frequent ly. j | :Mr \. D.ibbyn.j V.S. . reported tliat 1 heIm.l nM|,e,:te;l on* dairy and j .six eows.TT-1.A- v.er- <-l,ian taid heilth.vj He dlsoviM t .. I -.-.-eral milt shops in flip city andTi'im.l th eiii all o.kW [i ;


» official conimumquf

fensativcly distu rbed aiIhe front. In Artois, in(1 of Souchez, there ! wasi ide and grenade tight-- Oise and the Aisne, iniienneveires, and of theiii on the! right ban,k o:unir,.and on the Cliam> ai artillery j aetmn s1 ar<

t there was rifle andlgu rtrict of bagatelle, whereanies yesterday succeedjjart of an enemy trenchfront to; our! advantage


» gang-of crimmaU khoTurkey. Italian pub-

1 enough of it, ami weAliment will take mea-pbssible to defend' byionest prestige and in-nscrupulou'sness of j theand prbgrij s? suborned

strMiermans has iiow

ROME Friday.Vltiilia " and " Ideab the following reportin Cairo :— !few days Turkish sail-Syria have landed | be-Tobruk abiut thirty

tid it appears also sevrs. as well as arms and

received that Signor•known Socialist ;De-nded. He iwas leadingge a second Itime whennel struck | him in [theg no attention to I the

led to advance, crying:ut one of his| corporals ,lie was bleeding, endlo return. "| Nonsense,"jinued to lead his riienpey were attacking waslustri&ns, retired , whenDP attended j fo in [the

¦ i


paid to Messrs. Johnthe Kame jmrpog e.1by Mr. (I . | Nolan for

niscs on the Quay ford Co.. to replace thoseere approvj ed of . 'sub-s and amendmentsl ro-Borough Surveyor and[ht-of-way th rough 'theuay to |(;«lirge's streetby the Borough Sur-'iser. • I . !Iteration nt] Mrs'. Xtnr-

rrack streel . lodged! byijne and: Son were ap-U>d. . | } ^l veyor .snbniitted the¦• of Mr. E.| SI. I^acey,, in connection with

iiting Committee. |rveyor reported tjiatla was erecting build-?n witliout! iireviouslyit was ordered Uvafc1 hestop the erection ! of

^mtmm ^^ m I ^ «B »MAM« ¦ tfte^B^M tf«^^^ A«t AM

¦¦¦ ¦ ;

1 4-4 ]¦ •- ¦¦¦¦ • ¦• - i -

Tlie magistrate! • adjudicating nt the.City Petty 'I Sessions; to-day were thr'Mayor'(in[tie cbiilr). \Aid; ¦ W. R. 'Ward .Aid. J.vHa!ckett, WCB*TSI\J iNelson , DX. ;William OtrJ Rj il.;.James Voung, ^Wm.Kill, and £dwar<J Phelan;¦ APIPBOA'CKISG HER CENTURY .i j i ; : i

: < I.A woman inamb d. Bridget Houlihan ,

against whom there were ieventy-six pT«vvious conv|ction?,l was fined 5s. and costsor the usual alternative,! for hein^ drunkin John-attest , ! ! '


James Coukhlaa , of Greyfriars. iPcn-sion OfucerT prosecuted j Mnry AnneHayes. 39 Thonj as-streptf f?r makingfalse representations by! ; which she ob-tained iheioid age pensjoh. !

•Mr. J. illcCoy, solr., pn : behalf of ilr.P. R.;Bugify> sol .. applied for ariji ad-journment. ! ; ' I [ i

Thete beinc nul objection on the '.partof the Crown uieed. r :


| f ; •

Head Cqn^tabl e O'Connor applied tohave the !recognisances'; of >fary ; HCT-nijssy. Laurence Hennessy, and He.nryRus&cl estreated , i I | j ' jIt appeared that Ihe female1 defendant

was fined t>n that day: fortnight for; an-sault, she being Uien under rule of bail

¦>Ir.: Orr-j -Ypu M \\ hgye to provfl ' thobreach cor^mitted, by the [woman. •; j •• Head Cop3tab!o!—I. anx^ going to.do that,your worship . . \- \ -\ . .. l .j .

•Molly Day ; was then ! sworn , and in ie-ply to ¦ Head C mstable |O'Connor j.thqsaid she yip s Kvi ig al Robinson 's llano.'On Sunday], the ittli of July, she was inher own Ihquse an'd shp Wcollected MaryHennessy ; coming1' in to her and callingIflr names : ; | | I

ME. OrTrtWas she prfsrj rit when tlie wo-roan was c<}iivictc at thi; Petty Sessions?,(Head Constable O'Oonnor—I «m lead-

ing up to jhah i ||i 1 •(Further replying to [Head Constable

O'Connor : fhe wilncss sidled that Mrs.Hennessy asMuIt td her on the occasionmentioned. |Witne is' brou rht' her to couilthat day font nigh I for |al i)fe nnd ' .iMS'iltand she Was fined £2 2s. f pr the assault.

Head ConstabK O'Connor—The PettySessions oiider book w II show the ;ium-¦ber of corivictionst

Henry Russell , [who was the only! oneof j the part je s chai-ged ' i<jj appesr . sa/ci JieJi^d nothing to say abuiit tile assault 'ashq knevf tiotJiinj.' kbout i]. 'He went 'bailfor the wnmah of ccurfe

Mr. Hill-r-I suppo-so yuu ntt- -iorrt youwent ball for 1 her?—T j imi sir

Head Constable O.'CJninortMourlit itj righlcased's hqshandlast four monthsher conduct

Thiv magistrateances in ihp sunparty and n thother two |

•HACKNEY- Ciaiatnuc :Hennessy I summoned thrc.oj rothow ilanicd Tiiomal . James and\ViiIiam fo ey for assault. ' \ <Ull . the partif. ? Were hacktiey-iardrivers . - | .j . j ¦ ! , .Tlie compfainanl askrdJto have the cosoadjourned ,as; a wiines3 |wIiQ had prormswlir>! attend iharl fai ed to Urn tip. I i

. .MJ- J Me€cy. j olr., jw ho appeared '<&¦f l e three defendants, sa.

•wiling to! agree tJo onj icomplainaBt paid his e^day. Otherwise ill would:iif clients who wiinconveniencn in .

The ;conip|ainanlfte ense. and 1 swotubs to 12 oh !Mon"more IRailway Stilendant* -w^re al^rival of thel train.on hi-i car, I ran iiiout ot a Rentlema,

Mayor-Did1 he -Yes. sir ' ! '¦

Wayor—I ithtucl«¦• ¦ T i ~

The witness eoiseeing that 'he »ab» done therej wasing there. On thetriiu at B» 'niinuti¦were again I there,stely came bp amalso used bad Ianne« down ' off thegrips with 1 him bitoileave ihej place.

Cross-examinedJ'01' ft'er ^oi ""*¦ particu ar gentlemanon Thomas [Fpley' i car! b fore ?—Nolou-did hot cs.ll Tho us? Foley wiy?ftiTeS^~No:J on i>' iaid '("' if that 'Vaswlbe done there [was ye y little u«e inother people .bein^ there. I was firs} tnthe rank ' ¦

| j ¦'You did not challenge liim to fieh ?—

AO . ¦ I ¦ ; v-

You did n|ot snybreak hi* -kull b—No

Did you nieet Thomasbridge sometime during t

And you deny th'reateni03 ' I •_ J ,-u.egest to yoi that

Foley oaiiiL". up tJtrain all hei *aid 1break 'my <kull hihe : came up apd s!car. . i

JJid you jrive hit—No IJDo yeu sfje the

if Tiot from [a kic)Did you , hit liii

WUien I M iu hiwhin round] U> g<bit him but ; 1 amwant nobr<ly <m tselves. Thev arc £¦Mr . McCoy ! saidliam and Jamessay to the tran.-ac ion at all cxcept1h.ititiey were present. This Was nractiihllvborne out by the c mpkina 'nt ',.- Mi,rvi !(Howanted to take a4lvan(n3e ! of that' facttok-all them as v?itnei #"e;s: i

James iKoJcy was then examined , land."•lid that on; the d y inl < ue^.ion hej s.iwthe gentlfm«n meationec , ; who ¦wa< MrPwer of Tramore Mr , Power a H-ay«cu^pinyitl ^)iie of tli e r famil y. >,Vit-ne.>-s '> brothor . Thomas Kent up :o iv rPower and took 1 is *o f I bag and ||-.u;-gujre . It WMS not trc] o f;1y th: i ;.! . hoMIUK -I ICI ] •tlinn f om Ii ni. The nextth[ng be heard v, s HerinKssy chal' erv-ing him (witness) ind aski 'ii;; him ;o godown on the square to fight ' him. iHodid not rwpond t thelinvi tation. Com-plainant also used a niiisty expression to-wards hi* brother1,. Tlloinaa did -rio-J d.»orj .-ay anything... [\l ai minutes to 2; !iii¦brother told ; Henne.s.^ that if he weslookin'' ior i : him Ihe \iak there Wm.nepy t ook j up thd whip and struck :iisblS}her- '*j;i> - lW»? !sot upl ou the car..rMr .McCoy—Did yin keo 'liim iirkyour brother ; -In the fdc< ?—Ye* 'Ch.rLstopher. Faulkner. 3iead p.jrt.- r at

£r. TrRDlotc Station , Mid he knew Thos*rtley clp?e ;on H5 years and he nlv»rgaye '.ronbla at thA RtaticJi l TcleyV ,har-acj crcould not be better] iHe krj ew 5iimJOT 1» ynan>.; Jafaies jFi>Vy ' had i*MXcone recently, but :aa i'arT |s he kiiew hoWis alright , : Hel had fepson to -know ,H-nmwsv and had r-etj eived complaintsJr. rn r^;dentu of the place about aim .-V) ? '"i'.Vy Q£ fac*:P*opl? had to tako intheir children off the streets, close!thedobrs .-ind shut the! windows when he.1 gotexl'itod. Jn! fact h'e (witiiei«> did noi re.-cojfnv- ;e h!mi on the stand.

[The complainant : sii iil nie never r*.'--offered a job by tie last1 witness. ¦he C:IM- was diiini^col on the iv. •• '-co np l.iinan t to pi<y . _10g. ctsts.PRm.FStlNAnlY APElAcATION

"he Rc-v. FaUier tlV. 15. jO,'Donnell . P..P,•St, •I'.itriek'fi , made a pre liminary | u;-plj eaiuiu that two children named .T^vinanjd William iGleeson. New-street. b.>; ad-mhtM to ao induitrial Sih'ool.

i This fj licludetl (the j li iir iinM.- '.f ".liej C-ur r . | I ]

application was gran>• )• j


rlifht to mention>and vias in the army for Oicintli." i nd k'ntfuf nothing abouttrates estreated tiie recogrif-¦ sum of 2.1 foj - tho prin cinaln the ncmlndl ' of Is. id- Dm


re nutomingdecide

e thatlay, heKiionJ •p therThoma

and tJi 's haizo Int<

t that


car \t ev{>nby ¦[•¦>

to - l i i ifore I

• nt* v ^n i i i i n n im^you Jn the 25- t > avas i" .1, you want tove rl ry now"'—>Io -ruck1, i: iy car withCbiB

I ' 'l a ki 'k in tli s i-u-o}


.-aid! hothat: ao

p he woutdib*djournment: itbenses for: ' thenot be fair toto. expense and¦there. .; : .d to .go on withabout 25 mlnu-was. «t the Tra-rhe -tiree '; i rfc-'.| On the 1 ; ar-i fFolcy jumped

and t )re the luggageI'S hai ds. ]zo Ink ihe station?—t that was not «;h)w-ltinuin ,; said thajj ond thatTif that van iovery, Ii tie use in com-arnvalj of the TrarooTe3 .to 2 1the <iefcnd.u>Usand Thomas deiiber-

! striiet [his car. p JHoguage hnd pulled wit-car I WitiK'ss pot intot even tia lly managedby ¦ l.\ r McCov—Did

that you \vc uldojday waf : ut?

Foley on thoi^ day?—No .i« to beat Kim?

inarkj (n . the face '— I t: from me. |« with, your whi pr^-indizp ibs I swiped ;th o•t cieai. j I may havonot j rdre. These rhenie staij d on!y iiieni-wayp 6u to pie. '\U C:I.M> |v,-as that \Vil-roli'y] had nothing ioion at all cxceptlh.it

This was pnu-tioiillv

Page 6: FtepmA ; f^dvertisemen b ^hipping fSQT^p&^teg,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · luch M dyspepsia, bllibusneu, j constipation , sick headache lots of || | energy,

© HB'S'SSSSge* OaSssSsfrg ¦ frfrggg frfi

SeAUtiA «A ctAtse mpme. A© © 0 ' Ii siui-o tnonso T) f l t iA t i4 v$ 111

t>o ScmoO

. | ¦Otapmuvo na SoiUfe ' T)' Aircnis!

CdlOU ll a Vi f iClt) .

¥ Siof I6i , an tMtu rcai$pe gupWinig j>i 50 I oci unUp eite. Po Ofput) beig i)e 'otup an lae 4nnr>o .<iiciaCc b<v6 T>&A§ 6. t)i it ige<vo 6, £115n F6 -ttT)ed(ia[ 5° p<siD. cudtj; n-ttiOparm 5tir fe^ nruHgCe oswp P<Jipjfit)e.dp 54(l| capOi t>l. jOo 6i An Cu<sifCimCeAlt ceu^ cpoijy an

lette-at), aCct>o 01 polt| njflp mi wn 5U|* t>p t)icap-in CimCeAl ap Orti afc an ptnllcoip rial ttFi&lUMtfe. T)jo Ci An CAiUnoe<i5 45 cabai||\c nA h-4ii:e p6 noeApA50 cputnn A'

SU' < citie pet CAinc tug r'

Ap An c<iois 'tAl L T>e"n CUA r> po-Connaicf> peAp CAO L & in 'n<S jfeAjkarii 1 bpOippeAnn, ACC ¦60 ' oi An | poj.1 mOn vatp 1AK«r 6. i I : ¦Asu'r^. i . ! [ [ l

" tlUAlp T)o' Connate W An pe^pCSinig eA5tA iippi ,—j-ajj port n& FACAf 6 f—A5UJ1 jtdi n»S V' *ni0 f A" fCAiSpeipip Asu'r A6AI ,e Corn1 trie dp Asup 6A*foitJip jjfii. j tl op leJs r ; wapa utjiniAP peAti cupl A ti ACc •oo ti p6 ASveunAriilc CpAiin tii , 11ft) i^C lonsnAti,map x >o Jitpijj f I cp^Cc Ap in,Clj5eapnat>etC imi$te JAS irx)o p|iot 'es 'iei surutb6 T>o-Conn.aVc r i pa 5C11411*. 1 t!1 jp rmpein niop .'tiiAi t Ifii |AQ^ cpific TOO«eunAm i Ap |Ar put) T>Or6onnAic rKfteA5tA 50 npe infra* !j"6' Aon vio$b<iil•O'A mAi^ipcpe. ip. •Apujat) mt)6 tioCutpeA* lie Ice sCcjtpeACc 615m I 50¦ocf An l-At<s p Seilsn. ! <5it<i aiCnematt AS JA

'H raj Ape Apj &n InspappCAiletoeAS mAji ij*] <S in &\t pn ii Agup nukip¦00-ConnAic f 6 i t>o Ai'tin |p6 uippe 50pAi D put) 6151 n Ag T)eunAtti.puAt>AptA¦61. "Do fiAppui; ; f 6 *f| CAT) t)jo Of uippiASUI* -oo innj r ti' in rceulj Ap FAT) xx),•otpeAC niApi its 1*6 intjirce i»5AmOuic-pe Anoif. ' ;

" Asup CAT) if TJdig leip iAn AtAi pSeiAn T)6'n j>ce ul ? " AppA fpAinc.

" til feAt>Ap r6 c !° 'P TIAI C r) 6 ApAt> nA A tVeui lArii . JOo. buip p6 plopopm-rA tnt)4 j euCAinc 6&0 AT>eup-FAinn teip. 'Ai leip p sup txng l 'PSup jnnip Ah ;eApp-6Atle eA5 janpipinne.''! \ I I !

" •ASUP CAT) ACA ttJ-pA CU1TI AtieunAtfi ij " iApi A fpAinc, " ji6 An TSOlAppACC Ap An gCUAI f ACA CM Ag TJUlAnoif ?" I , i ' l l i

" IS eAt>. I t}o pi06 r liom gupifiAiC An puo Ian iic tiq CI|AP>OAC 1 S'AOfiof Tio nil CApt AJ§. fli Ccut^ttinn j&nS<i<5 t)o tieunAm im' AOnAjj Agup ATIU-bAipc mej j Uom p6in 50 jtVibjvt)-fedppt)Am cu-pA tAO. ipe Uom (i A AOinneACeite! ITIA ACA An CigeA ini Ann |nfmifoe 'Ouinn Be t &S coinn > le bUAlitim6p T)o feApArfi te hA CAp iAifc. t)AT)F6it)ip nip tiiAic leAcj-p cu pfim x >ocup 1 sconncABAipc \.e6." : | j. " <J, nil tiim'-pe A5 ti^unArii Apnimpniorfi ibuic," AppA tppAinq. " tt\iACA Aonjj riiAit te Tieu' tJiAift AsimPACAiti me ie>c Asup p it!|e." |" T)Ap jfiAt), mAtt in eAp ! ACcemmms 56 nibe 0 cu Jp6m' fmACc-rAgo ¦DciocFAirniT AITIAC AW ah gcuAi pAgup cibe 'pub AoeuppAitijme leAC vo•OeunArii, iT)ein e. tii h-e peo Anceut) UAijt A'SA « Ag I/Du'i. ipceAC p^SCUAtp pelo Ag t Aile An o iOr Aig, A 5Cni AtJeuppAinn go BputL |;H com mftpAgup AT>e't'p An jgeAppicA^i.e beAg IAso Opuit Ifi coji FAT>A irpeic pe kncAlArii i'Hjgo mbeAt) jjl p

An T>eApA<.

IS AnArii teigeUnn AOinneAii ipceACAnn. IS jmd| bliAtiAi n oj Oi me painHT15 Ann 'Anojp.i X)A mbeji: t > . n flop kkgAn AtAip SeiAti go |mbj itinn At)1

CABAtpc-pe tpce^c Ann ni'tt IOJ I CAT) 100-geunAti pfi{ Uomj tl14 TJofgerDrnft) AnCtgeApnA IpomAiph Ann b^m

An pceuL

'nA cogAtiroeAps Ag nA CApCAig AgipASAinn p6i|i."! j I ' l-" niApAJ jbert, ' APPA pp| nc, " ACciTiunA Bpuit ao 1 put) x>e IHCA Af Anc-flige ACA, |n. C cumA j t>6it>. "Do{lACAttm in upp. tt)eACC A( An feAn-txiine getjIpeAn mAOincA '< .'(t" tliA WCC4J,' AppA tjaajiiiJ, " -oopACAinn in uppA beACc J AP iSobnAic.'1

"Go *&ipg jpijAtnc UA|f go bun nAgciuAp nujatpj T) cn&cc Art peAp eiteAp gobna'ic ACI niop|tuj tjeApAl percoeApA J p< WoxjAp teAt-pVi^ecpeApnA 4tt CUAI n Ap An Ain pn , Agopn( pAiB bUt) nA 4pCpAC eiLe le peic-pine ACA ACC !AO \ ApttvAC deAg AriiAm•DO Bi Arnii $ 1 n beul n& p ippse.

" tlAC c um n uy 6 ? >' AppA UA-pAi. " pe it !An c-Ap't|\A6' pin Amuig.1S Ap eig n J AI A Uh| An c-peoa tie§AOC Aicii !1£ T>eAp, •DJAbail An



a^ ?.1S%iSUs?ll*airt': and ena on **p Xeh m" Olir "-...rthid^fer/r

ln ihC


OVen>a wU1 be Sivon a share ,„ tb, s,,vlll | U ,,I K,U .! . ! ,


' niCTIOX 'T toa l bij"e'f ct0'-s in taus ; ?r,!At work . tl«- AP OSIH l l. H MKX K-

\ .h. R^te I'ouS 1 'iS °f °Ur Udy of 1'4- «'-'•

>"-'-'!Send youj- p !titions (senkd) .ind donations to— I

! ji j(RBV .) (PATRICK BOYLE. H^ndesford. Staff , . i;,, ?l,,,, lI ,1 N*"BJrt !) ^D ,1'lus.iK?tc4 ''O011121 °4 Lourdc* will, Novena Prayers is .,,1 to illi lira., enabling a 1 to join m these. NovWas j,, their own homes ! '

{'J) *uthej; I»yle wi^I s^iid ;(0.cver^ (Jathulic Soldier and Sailor \Wrosi- name onstamped flf ldros: id envelop^ i»] sent U) hiui .ja I/)iird|s Mcdal -nlso to ••nrh Itenufau-tor who aesitvs one. fhc^ Medals , procupwl Ironj Beniadot tf 's brother , WITOB!p#i-e<l atl tlie ( ixotto ut LbiiroW, and touchod the ' Rock on which Our Hlessedi.ad>- stock, j ) . j J ; : . ' j

" THE N/ TIOJ> ALIST " G £> MEL.j" The Nat: onalii t" is pub ished (our

time3 every Sreek. It hai the la: gest andfullest Local,. Tel 'graphic, aid SportingNews of all toatte rs of public interest Inthe Premier, and 1 djoimrig C< uStiea. TEabest possible Adv :rtising| Alec iura in thebeet .part of |Irela; id. Quotatwni and illftirtber iDformatioi from-r- 1 1

} W, J. MURPp, !Mln»g*r.


C-ApCpAC 1, Cibli fO|tC i 6'1 me 0:£iAnAtB gup b&v lApCAipeACc i . ACc n(n-eAt). ACA pi pcJ m<)p Agup ACA vsCpAnn uippi. AcA t)A cpAinn go h-j ic'uippi Veip. ScpAnnpeip eism \f e&X) i

;DI ti-eol t)Am Aon |A pcpAC m^p i beiCI*A scuAn fo, nS 1 gcuAtt popclAipge.An gcuipeAnn cu j Aon puim m Apt-jiAiSe ?¦ '' i>rA pe le FPAIIIC.; " IS beAg e,1' AppA JTpAinc. '' bjbtfiAiC liom Bete AS peuCdinc oppA Agpioc riiip, ACC TjpocJ-rhaipneuLaC ipeat> me.1'I An peAp bocc ! t)l Ap An ApcnACT)o BI pe AS peucAinc ACC AP t)Aile ant)pUnAtg AgUp Ap tuipc All C-SolUlf.ACc T> A mbeAt) A If iof Aige C(? x>6 CIip An ApCpAC pin, j T)o cuipFeA* pepjtm innce nip cuip pe in Aon ApcpACptAm potme pn. !

CAibiT>a A ti-Aon A> t)A f ICI -O

; CimCeAll An T)is UAIP t)eus x>oppoiceATJAp An pAill in A PAI O <\n Cuap.Po Bi pa 1 nsioppAcic uAtpe An ClingXJO criAig riiApA Ap jn Am p". ACCAT)uBAipc leapaf nJA oeAt) AOn rhAiCt)Oit) Beie Ann nio'r luAice niAp nAF. uig'TMp T)ul ipceAC rA 5cuair SolrA5<3C«t) an CAOtt)e. tii Opuije^t)Aon BAt) T)ul ipceivc ami nuAip t>oBeAT) r Un mApA. pott mop bAt)eAt) beul nA cuAife , pco' cpoij; A ^\tfetceAt) Agup op cionn T> A t-iCit> cpoic

|Ap AoipTje, Agup t)o|Bi An c-utrce tiJpieAt) Ap T)otmneACcJ 1)0 Bi 'on cAoit>ego lAnoip Ann Agur; cus pe A t) OCAin

1 le veunAm t)on n5eAp ICAC AM 0S X>no lompA* 1 scoinne win gAip^-ipceAC leo ceAnn Up AgAit) . t)o Oi

pblup mAit ACA Ap' peAt) LeAC-CeuDptAC no mAp pin gup e.AngAOAp got)d tompot) T)0 01 1 Ann , ACC A r V nA vriAt TJO 01 pe corfi t)opCAt) A'P T> AI irjbA* e AD rrieAtip'n oiOCe t>o OeAt)

F^nn. * I! " HI m<5p t>uinn ! AipeACjp "ijic

tAtlAipc T)uinn jr6in dnoir-, ' AppAleAflAi. " IS cuimin Uom go mAit Anc-iompot) po. Aci |An CUAP 1 BJ:AT)niop mo Agup nfop letce Ap po ipceAc.AcA An pope gotpit) T>uinn Ap CAO Ot)0 Uim «eir Agup p|AgpAim!t) an bAT)Ann Aguj* UppAtrnfT) An polAp. ACAroillreAjj 4nnpo irjp An eux>AC poAgAm. IJAC JongAncAC ttopcAti ACAr« ? " Atirrpn -DO cutp y & Uug Ap t>oOiin geic Ap pnAinc. " CAIU hcJ I' 1Af ^A pe t>e Apo A Cinn cpl ti.uAipe 1nTHAitk A Ceiie ACC niop ppeAgAipAoimiftac e. X ^o cuip f6 Uug eile ApAgup TJO gUoit) pe \AH Ainm Agur ,»pfloinne ni g-CAptAC. "OipcimirAtioip Ap peAt) CAmAitt peuCAinc AnAtpedCAimfp AomneAC," AppA re.

i" DAT) p6iT)ip nA puilmi-o PA gcuAipCeApc,1' AppA ppAinc]'

i " IS Tioig uom s° BpuiimiT). ACAAtcne rhAiC AgAm-pA Ap nA pAillcpeA6At*o Agup ni 'l Aon CUAP eile Ann ACC epeo. AcA An gAipe An-tpeun 1 gcom-nuitie. til poU4t p jio ACA ppuC peCAlArii Annpo. Tii tieAt) A fiop AgACnic AmAC Annpo ACU <jn c-uipce AgceACC 6 toe HA niUipeupAC. 'V6Cuip ni puil cu Ag CAinc nO An eAglAACA ope ?'' I

! " 1S T)(3lg Uom gUpB' AIC AM put)•owinn OeiC Ag T>AIIACAI I mAp peo pA¦oopCAVAp. T)A mbuAilpeAt) An binAp Aon pu-o Asup go n-iomp6t>AC piCAT) T)o-geunAimlr ? 'f

|" 6 ni bAOgAt nuinn. ACA An popegAipiT) T)uinn. tTlAP ipin pein ni mipT>et)6inn An polup T> O IAPAT) ¦ Anoip,peuCAinc CAT)6 An !AIC ip pe«.(pp AHbio t)0 ceAngAl." Ij" IS t)Olg liom gup T>ic-ceille AnobAip T>uinn ceACC Annpo Ap Aon copt>AT) peioip gup in Lip gcup 1 mugAT)o Bi An pcibin geAppCAile pin. tl!fBATJAp CU T1AC AftlUrt) T)0 COipeAt)ruAp Cmse J." IpUAi; c«se \.'' I' j" til ii-eat). TH 4nnedpFAt> r> •&"pceul Tw'n AcAip Seiun meipeAC gap^Kpjt e. Hi leigpeAti] eAgU vl optiug•00 innptnc T>o'nj fAgApc. VApmeAicp go BpeicpimiT) CA tipuilmiT)Atioip. Aci An roiUpein ^vnnpiii lec'ktp." jj tiUAlp T)O lApAT)Ap An rotup CUgA-t>Ap pe rroeApA 501 pAiB An CAnAilen(pf CAoile nA mAp t>o 61 p<> Ag beutnA cuAipe, Agup go fAib iompO-0 eileAnn t ngtoppACc "oeici piriminpe T>otb."Op bi pope gAipbeii g.Mpit) coiO ApSAC CAOO.

(leAnpAt\ T>e Seo.)

Motor Cars for Hire.Charges Mo derate. Careful Dri7 ar<.

Address ; j-' 124, The Quay, and; ToWer 8t., Tho Mall ,WATERFORD

T. J. SHERIDAN , froprietor.



H10 annual: Aeridheactu under ilie un>-pk' .-s of the Kill iiranch Giu-lic LcugiifH" 1 held on Sunday last bwf'j ro u bi^

:J.'H; u'rinj.' of Gaels from various di-uirlsin Mid-W'aterford. Tht* litu-nilttncf in-¦clu Ini a number of Irish *i»nkiT * wlm;i i> > ; u keen interest 111 tin - proceedings., Ni> 'nithManding the mp>a «l.i Ang iicis-lai i i ii has made in Uiii and , i l i ' i dis tricts)> \ lu- Dttisse much ul llic >>U1 irailuion --- t i i l ive on; and the re.-nl i Miio h»vi- rt-knu on ii deep " grudh" for ln.-h inii»ii ' .?•¦>n : and dunce as "a- t. -i ;ti ^l by th«)mi onaai- oxtunded I" ilir ( l i i f l i r i i ^l i-V i : i ' .< oiLMiiisud evt' iv }'"<jr . There «;i.- .Imuever . .ill element «f sttj nesa ubuultin- year 's festival i^r i-h.- t.Miia '. presi-nccj .i ' l i c ea l O'lUomiuIj tiiiin t l iw innai -ht DIVr 1 Anmn '; f ihe populiu ln-h leaeiuT ,H U -. ini.-seil.' Mioeu; i"«'k ;i lendinj: panIn npj iinisin^ li\c K i i l Aen.i i ii aclu fcr!-> •> ¦ -ral years past . (His " smdliniar "Hun iier and'kindly oispu.- t i i o i . niailr him4 l>v rsimu gratu " » i ih tin* liaels "'K lul Waterford ; and hein-e Un- -unse of|uti. line.-s and regret , de .-r. nii- j • •y lu l sur-r< > i i tni in y .s thui aecotnptuiica ilie io.-:> i^f adear! friend. A touching tribute to Uienieitiory of the deceased ^va ^ I >URI by K»"v .J . i h i i O'Doniu'll. P .P . . who pr.-.-ided Ib"|» that the sterling (jaels ul Ki i l wi l ltjuki 1 up the work of the lan^uu^'e eausi **h. e Miceal O'Oonnuhhaln led 11 . for{lii 'N cuiild not perpetuate his memory inA mire fittincr way Uian by udvaitcuij; Uieidea s for wllich lie nobl y spent bis l i f e .\ U a t u f e of Sunday'.- coneerl thai callsn>r : 4ime comment vu- tile >ingm^ of an£11;,' isli son r (no* Munre 's Melodies) ofO IH pupped scale variety thai wuuld noln.-nd in elevate the standard .>! lrisJi en-UTIH i i in i i ' i i ts . I do liul give the name o<t } i i ^ pr*M.'iotis musie-hui! \ l i t ty a> ih- - t i t i r-Im.' ' • - !- t h a t class of di'dxere l rhyme that\d' n-ar .»un<j in tht- s ireut. ^ hy mniai-iien : . i>n " Pancake Nitrlu 1 h«>pc¦ li.Tt w i l t be more .- i i p e r v i - 1 - n m the• 11 » in ¦- iv. r the " c aa ' on ; i n - pan ¦¦'': l i - - - i \. Im draw up i l l - - p . r ^ i i i n i . i n '

T : • priieeeiliil 'S W e r - fn ' iv - n . ' l l» \ \ i . < -I l i i n l i i 1 Fife anil Dru m Biiml u i i K - h p l a t¦ 0 - -u .•! t.n^ nf l r : - ! - u l ' - . i n i in.; l !n. v. 'itn^

\ : i . i . l i i n - - in I n - . . » ¦' v . i : - H l> >M r ' l lret i

\ 1 ¦ nl M ji raise i- doe : ¦ M r i . . -.. f t i ' >I lur i i i i i .- who £A\ 'v ui i io b V d i n n l i U h''' ! ['; ¦. in i k e the Aeridheii . - iu i -u. ¦¦¦-< .-

9 9 91111: IMUWIUMI M K .I !; ' t ' l l lowini l lire * M I '- 1 :; I :. - T I I -

¦ ¦n ¦! ¦ prouranime• — I ) > i n « • . i ; ' > - i - t i ini 'lr.!.- : . i.h, iMis^es K i l y . Mno. l . - im I \ l . n - >-Krar i> . Waterforn ; .- ¦MU'. " ?') ¦' H larr r i . c n t in- Land. ' Mis- H n d u - t i n f i i n .honv ii pe . Krt ty Crrifti n . dm- . . ' Swi-< - l.<t> 'l. t . . - r«rn ." tfir V\i*t- M -tml K r.,«-K .r> :. ¦ . dinibif ;;L'. Mi .» .« K u i . ntlin an.lM!M I - I - K.'ariH; four-hiin.l r. - , - i the Mi ^-e-\ . <i >u- l i . .K Kicl y. T U :ih .n an.l M.\i '.1111. Keiiur; Irifii >uti '. Mr M Kol.-y .l. 'ir u ip. - . -Miss Annie Tu. k. r i";/.e w i n -.- ¦•': ei .- Carm. in i ; lmri ipM" ' . ¦!' . M i sst-.--M ii id R Kelly. Water f i . r . l . - ed i t i o n ofl n - h :nr> on baj;-r>iper. M r . l . i h n Hem-ht|y . Purt lnw: reel. Mr Miehael Power=i tS.I Kridie 'Flynn , Fen >r . ilmibie j itr.Mass Kitty Griffin and Miss Annie Tuck-er, , h i inpipe , Mr. Thomas Power . Kenor;sjn;.' Mi si Ito- Ktiick- ; hornpipe , theNIi.- .-i s Bridie Griffin . Mai - ie Kearns . I tsK rl l i and -M. Kelly.

Th. 1 music for the dances was excellent-l y pii.yud by Mr. J. cHenobry \baK-|H))t'S)and U Ir. M. Haniey -(violin).

(At the conclusion of the prnnraramplUv. Futhcr O'Uoiinell on behalf of thep(r,iii iters thanked tin1 artistf-. wliok'«|i»'r >u.iiy gave their services nnj |>ro-viiled such an enjoyable tr- »to c eTHK r.A.VGt*A<>E FUND .

A list x>f dubscriptjons publi- hed inil:5 < \ - eek's " Claidhniinh S-j lui.-" showjtl i l i i lie contributions to the LansuaccVilnd -incc March amount- tn over xa.nOH.< ) ( t-1 i* amount £700 has be- 'ii contri-l»«. -il liy friends in America. Ii is suj;-oi-H e- that the Ard-Fliei» delej a'.es con-

"»t<l- r the advisability of rais ine n special¦evy n the autumn and of e . i l leminidis-lr : iM- that lia\e not yei be. 11 ,-ollec teJ.

9 Q 9THK UiD-FMElii.Tlif Ard-Fheis (annual C . M .- . U l.eii '.'u. 'Cuirj T -a .-) will be held in l) undn !k next

we.ek when a number of matters , ur vitaliiuiporlance 10 the lanj-'iiaae mneuienrwill hje discussed It is Ihe earnest w i s hof every Gaelic Leaguer that the deliber-atl.uh .jf U10 delegates may be conduciveLo tin 1 general advancement ni the in-Wriest . of Irish-Ireland On the upends1 hot ce resolutions rega rding a chansrcin th« " Constitution " of U:e League. I',is proposed that County Couniiillcf* be^'iVeti power to elect rcpr.- Nenuiiive s onthe CoisQp Gnotha—a proposa l wi thwhich 1 thoroughly a^re.- The presentmelhi d of election is v*ry uii.-nusluctoryai ninny delegates vote ior can.li'iates 01vvhos r record3 as Gaelic Leaguers theyhave no knowledge. The propped met -h.id would give' tilt* workers in eachcount • an opportunity of selecting nneiierj fftic and practienl repr.- .-e i i at ive .Now v ith regard to . the b l . - . e i l w ;rd" Coii 'tllution " about uhic-h s i muchlifts heel' written lately, ml naumim . 111the 1° e»3 I would like to state that the¦iltera ion of rules, constitutions or ui-.'t-hods i<f election does not ab-<>rt> muchof mj attention, ll am onl y ei<nec;rncdwilli fules or constitutor* 111 ?n fur usthey i rrpede ihc efforts ni the workers IDthe <. aelic ILeaaie ranis. Tliere ar^ amimbi 'r of drawbacks such n- tin- " or-sanisi is syotem" that could b? remediedby ha ring a direct representation on theCoisda Gnotha; but the majority of theworkers can never hope to have plarin ^^¦rievnpici's redres.ied as lonn a- ill* |>re-•cut. lame ©5 b&Ulodoor nul simttlei-oi kis bi'i ijr played. I believe thnl CountyC't imnii ttees should -not only have a repre-sentat ive on the CoUrie Gnoihn but theyslviili also hava control 01 :!i. - ¦ .r^unis-ini; of each comity. In the inruui i i i i c tin-cry .1 the Gilelic Lrasue ,- l i .11IJ h. - - -" Woijkers and still more worker - . " Iii« so Imucli waste of time to t» w r i t i n gHbou tldules and const itution.- it ih . . ranksare nit well recruited. l.et u- huve byall tin ans a strong Central «u ;h . .r i ty wpush forward the policy . . f the Gaelicl.engu ¦ always rcniciobeniiir i h n t thereare "i. id men. and1 many 01 th. m thrnu irh-utt tl c country "doins their bi'. " in theiancjui jri> movement. To hel p tlm-i- uni' --of th( language > forces -liquid he tie

aim 0 all members of the C« i-de-< ;n . i t l i i iand 1: 0! to meet for nnitu-i > < i n - - r i : : ' nuiul -If- uloriflcnt lon.


The e is no body of men « ; i l i an ¦> . -eupat -m o exacting a? the truv e i i u i i ;teache rs of Irish. They have to ejvlelonj; j iiirneys ill all kinds of weathe r U I Mtheir ;«laries (jn 1 not (it aJ e < ic i i ' ne i i -suruti ' with the strenuous Jhbnnr theyhnve to uiidcrso. lit i^ t l iAv v i l , , , arokeepii 2 the Gaelic Lcairne ¦«J• •- . in runnyparts 1/ tLe country, ami :i 1- inn.- thaton ef urt was ' mndc to i n < i ' - a .-t* thet rsmall yearl y alhiwauc- ' Til.- t ravellingtenclmrs arc in my opini.01 tht *•««/ (Jai-lic I.ta^ue Oriianiiiers . And *n I notewi th pleasure the foihivviu ^ i.-eouiiiienii -Htion m the Ard-Fhei.- u^eiKla >i - i in theA i h i l l J{mncli Gaelic -league :— ' Cilicetravel l i i iL- teachers have to ..i' ^»ni-« < fora part of ihe year and e.iliv. i inuney a-ofL'nni ers , we ask this Anl-Kli . i- to n-eonimi nd strongly to the n. -n Coi-.l.-(inotli 1 U> raise meir salaih ". i . . tincj -.<year , or it is our opinion thai th. y arenoi ali i . - to support tht'ti iM -i v , - . .1 , :!i . - i» -Hi . sel l salnries . "

WATr/BFORiD -DELEGATKS Til THK.VBD-.PHE1-3.The Waterford Branch O n . I . . I . ¦•acne

w i i l bi 1 represented at the Ard-FheU byltev M. Doivlcy, C.C. cBon. ?!¦<¦ Waterfo rd Iiranch Gaelic U'ai:ii< ' . ScnnO'iFlyi .n will represent tile Cai 'in.k^on-Suir Jljrauch : Mr. p. Brett (meinhirr oi

Coisde<Gn< tha) will represent the ColsteCeanntair Na ivDeise; and Sean O'Kiely,Drogheda, will represent Ring, College.


Tlie purtlose of the OaeVie ¦League is tomade the Irish language , Irish literatureand histow. the basis of Irish educationand thu sources of national inspiration.It is a necessary and great work toi en-able the succeeding generations to l^arnof and assirnilate the literature , the Ihifi-tory, the ncble traditions of the race anijnotion. In Portlairge Hie local branchu doing its share to encourage the child-ren in the sehools of the city anii -dis-trict to leatn the language and historyof tlieir eoonlry— thr inspiring force iofwhich makers a peop le great in industryand social happiness. AH our hopes axeset on the lonildren in the schools, foron them wljl unainly depend the 'filialdecay or reL'encrntioii of Ireland. .It Iliapleasine to hiote from the results of therecent FeLs Hhat ninny of the teac^hen !jnour local schools are helping our natloh-hiiildii! ? policy by preparing pupils forthe language and history examinattarUAlthough gc o<l work has been accom-plished by 111 the schools that presentedpupils tins year I think special mentionshould be n ado of one school that scoredbrilliant sue ceases in almost every de-partment of I the Feis. I refe r to the Pre-sentation Co ivent School , VJIooncoin. Thelist of wins secured by tiiafitilented pupilsof this sclu ol is quite uni que. Noschool , I bilievo. ever won so matlyprizes at our Feis. They won 1st prizein Recitation, Dialogue . Story-telling,Choral-Singi if ; 2nd in Irish his-tory and Solo-Singing. In the Indus-trial section [they were successful in Sew-ing and Knitting. When one considersthat the tM opncoin School is situated ina more or le:s isolated district it is verycreditable to the teachers that tho pupilsshould be « well versexl in the languageand history of tlieir county. I miahtmention that the 'Mooncoin School j-«-

cure.l the lushest marks for the Irighr.xnininntion |s (<-onilned to .*< hooliii thatwere hei.l prlcviuus to the Ken


The American liner , " i?\. P. cul " wliic ^iJ .-ft New York on Saturday, under tlieStars and Stripes , carries tin- body of0 Donovan IJosj-a back to his native land,where just fifty years ag» he was sen-tenced to penal servitude for l i fe . Aftertuc - years of] prison . Rossa was releasedand deported to the United -States, whorehe arrived just 4"> years ago. and w)iercpractically all the remainder of his lifewu t- spent ltos.-in return s to hi* coun-try as he left! it--for his last words nbiHj tI reland werei .1 reafTirmation of the na-tional creed |h.> had projessed and prac-ti.-ed all Ins (ifc. Mra. O'Uonovan Rqssa.who arrived in Ireland this week , had re-quested Mr.J 'f .1. Clarko. an old friendof Rossu 's, President of the Wolfe ToneMemorial Col it fee, to | 1;>k.- charge dfall the funenil arrangements The funeralwill take place on Sunday. August 1st, toGlilsnevin where Rossa will be laid torest beside Stephens andl O'Leary. O*Mft-hony and " Leo " and the other gallantIrishmen , hisj comrades, who through theFenian movement preserved Ireland fromnational destruction , ana guve her cour-age and hopa in a futurej of freedom nndequality among tho nations of the world.

11 PUNCH. " I jThis week 's|issue of " Punch " contdinijcartoons dealing with General Botba'iiClean Sweep, (and with Tirpitz as the OldMan of the Sea; sketches and articles. Inprose and vetjse , on Moro Sorrows of thaSultan ; how to make a boom in War-LoajiVouchers ; a chance at the Front for comicstatesmen ; cajering for the mess; my Con;-sol ; tlie Pessimist and the duration of tlieWar ; musketry instructions ; Rosie's rets*p irator; a sleeping Sentry ; guns in aBelgian Garden ; examining arms; amouth-organ at tho Front ; Lady X' R viewion thrift; thd War-time Farm-assistant jthe JCew Infefno; Scenes in Parliament ;Anthony Trollope; the War Hospita l Sup*ply Depot in Kensington .Square; books olthe day and dthe.r topic-" of universal in-ii«rivm.. I


ti JOHN 8IHEET. WATEBF0BD,BEGS to girls Notice to hl» Friend* ant. ',

the PublJo that the .CHIMNKT 1CLEANING BualnMa of the l»te Vinoant!Hogan is noW transferred to Mr.1 XJ ;PHELAN. 271 JOHN 8X.. WATEBFOKD] 1,[n future alt buftlnesi communl»»tlo3/ihonld b« addreiuied :— ' ;


Boot Polishes —Brown and Black tinaId. and 0}d. Cherry Blossom . Nu$j<»p(Polish , Mitro . Miiias, Dazzlit . RoniicK ,B.E.A.. Rapidol Xlagi'c Standard Ink , thnbest ink for Typewriting tDachincs , Cd.jnr.

H. White fi Co.,50 .Quay, Waterford



On Gold, 8Uver, Jewellery, Watches,Gent's Bicycles, Harness, Clothing, Fur-niture, and Valuable Property of everydescription. I !

Goods by Post or Rail attended to«ame day as received and money forwarded.

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' I nn<l AXDRKWS ' I .IVI -I R SALT IHthe Ue.st I t-ir ?et. I n«e it frequentlynwaiiH . nnd e'v e it. to the mothers. 1 getgood result.*. " Ho writes a DistrictNurse at Ilniii fonl. and from oil partscomes similar testimony. Every mothershould keep a supply of ANDREWS'UVER SALT handy. Of Chemista andOrocers Tins 4}fl . und 8Jd. -Dublin De-pot , (Jfeat Ship Street.

War and Photography.—In aplta b|the huge advance in pne* ol materials,we have deciiddd to do All photograph* atspecially xedtfted prices during {he prejenlcrisis. A. H: Poolo and Cow ArtlsU aadPhotofT*phen.| W UaU, WaUrtord.

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I ' j

wiT^RFbfeD nJ50 YEARS 1 AGO(From the " News " File of July 21st, '15.)

Arrival o! troops.—On Friday last, incompliance with a request from the ma--gistrates, the left ,wing of I tlie 53rd regi-ment from the Cuiragh, nubibering 329men and seventeen: officors/arrived in thiscity and will be Btationcd here for thiswinter. The men proceeded to the :In-:fantry Barracks, and th<s officers put up'at Dobbyn 's Hotel.. Tlie righ( wing of thoregiment, 459 men and 24 officerB, with,the headquarters and band , have arrivedat Kilkenny, where they will lie stationed.'The wing stationed at Waterford is under!the command of Majors Q'uiiike, Dalzellyand Honkins. tlio latter of |whom is aiKilkenny man and served with the regi-jment in the Sutley campaign in 1846, in-|eluding tlie affair of Buddiwall and ac-jtkm.- of Al iwall and Sobraon (medal and;clasp) ; campaign of 1851-C Kgainst the!Hill tribes On the Peshawur ijrontier; In-dian campaign of 1857-8, including the ac- jtion of Khujwah , relief of l ucknow bylLord Clyde. , battlo of Cawniore on 6th ;DceenTTTer. and pursuit of t ie fiwalcor-eontinsent to Serai Ghat; actio > of Khoda- 'gvmse, and entry into -Fut-teb jhur, affai rof Shumshabad , storm nnd yipture ofMenn^'unce. hiege and capture :>f Lucknow—severe ly wounded (mention ed in des-

iKitehe s), brevet of major, medal with two< la.-ps and ;i year 's service fo ¦ LucknowiThe regiment kmuin as ttie ihropshireshave the highest character: f( r j gallantryand distinguished itself eminently throughthe campaigns of tlu* Peninsu ar and theIndian wars. The corps was ' ommandexias lieutenant-colonel by tlie Wnllant SirHenry Havelock when last ne '- left thiscountry for India to make for himself animierij iahle name. The re ;inient hasred facingR. which is by no niMiis a pecu-liar mark , as they xharo tho 11 rangementwith the 33rd and the 76tH , both dis-tinguished regiments , and the 'ormer par-ticularl y w>. " The Puke of Wellington'sOwn . " This distinction, inst* id of beinga mark of degradation , ps it is vulgarlybelieved, is a signal of valour, as'the tra-dition i« that in the hard-fou ;ht battlesof India , (lie cufM of , tlie nen's coatswere so dyed, with blood that no colourbut the red could bo seen, 'and,.in com-memoration of this circumstance, redTcaa- opted jior the facings fjom henoo-Torth. They bear on their colours, Nieu-port , Toyruay. St. Lucia. Toulouse, Penin-snra. Aliwa l , Sobraon , Punjab GoogerBt ,l-iichnow. I

A company of the 4th Dragoon Guard;*from Cahir hnve arrived -at thi> ArtilleryIt-. rraplf Q fnr Ih* l^'tinn I

VeXaX Accident on the New Ross Car.—Ojf Monday afternoon , as tlie iday carfrom Wexfo rd to Rqss was goijig down acst-eep hill near flovoy, the breast-chain ofone of the horses gave way, which causedhim and the other horses to become un-manageable, and ended in an almost com-plete wreck of tlie vehicle, one ffeinale pas-senger receiving such injuries <|sito causeher death. A i?cntlernan named! Giles alsoreceived considerable bruises , but it isthotizhl they are not fatal.

Fashionable New*,—Sir H. Vy. Barron,Bart.. M.P. . left town on Tuesday evenim,'for his residence in London. I John A.Blakt>. Esq.. M.P.. after tlii nomination!al Kilkenny on Tuesday, proceeded toDublin. P. Stephanfion , Esq., nlnd family,Fairbrook . Kilmeadgn, have left their re-sidence* for Da I key, Co. Dublin. Capt.Esiuondc . M.P.. left this city on Tuesdayto support tlw LilJ^ral (Mndidates iorWaterford . George Bryan, Esq., candi-date for the Co. Kilkenny, was in townon vosterday. ! -

• • • •• • IThe Elections.—Our account it from the

Co. Kilkenny place the chosen of thepi-ople . the hwh-spiritod andl patrioticGeorge Bryan, at, tho head 0| the polleverywhere , and L. A. Ellis next, both; ofwluiiu are returned. ' The poll it Piltownat« a quarter to four stood thus—Bryan.375 ; Ellis . 146; Green . -159. . In Thomas;to« n and Kilkenny Bryjin and Ellis wereahead. The 'fiprxTary <electionj has beengoing nn all day, and the Tcsiilt is, Mooreand Pillon. We regret jto heuif from tl«5Co Dublin that Die return of Uie gallantWhite is hopeless. :i» he vas

so tar behindat four o'clock as to make tho electionuver I, • * • * * • I

Ship Neu.- — The barque " Phoenix "fro m Liverpool for the West I idies, puton board a fishing boat pfl Dun ;arvan onSunday last hir steward , a mall of colour,a native of Si. John 's. New I nuiswick ,who wns acifMring from fractu e.s in hinhead reeeived ; in the great gu e at Cal-cutta when his nhip, the "Comet ," wascompletel y lost. Sambo, whonppear«l agreat object 0f pity, n)tH9 to this city,and through tljo interference of U\e Mayor ,was conveyed ! by the \Vaterfo d Steam-ship Co. on Wednesday to Liverpool ,where he intends (,'oing iinto h< spital formedicHl tr iiiLnie cct

Sudden Death. —A yoitng man , nged 23yours , limned .John Casey, of Bft lyciiimer,who was w ith others drinking nt tho- IIOUF O-of John Mullowne .r. publican, C illaghaixi ,on Sunday night, fell qown in tho tap-room und wns carried dutside, where liedied immediately. A report wi s currenton Monday tliat he had 'been k l!ed by-ablow on tin- lu-ad in a row, bi I the evi-dence at the Coroner's inqucrt showedthat he died of disease of the eart. andthe evidence was found on yesterday inaccordant. - with that fact . !

COOP NEWS FOR GOt>D.HOrSKKREP RBS , you can n-Jw get oneof the Wonderful I

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A il Dys! Gjosfecp! • ' ! ¦ Jl!; 1= Mil ¦

"WOMEN'S WAR WOjRK. I I J . | ;Thi; Colonies, rno?ol especially!Canada;

hayei set the Mother ]Countjfy A splendidexamine j in (the mailer! of instruction ofthe raostipracticAl kinld.j not linly f o r inen,but for v^omen, on all|subjodts relating toagriculture. ; Jn the jCnited fatatosf manyfarmers hiive- atteiidnd. wit 1 tlieir sonsand ilaughters, the laoricult mil cpjleges.so valuable and ujr-tojilate- it the teachinggiven. Thatl ogriculturtt is 0 highly tech-nical! industry is only begin ling to dawnupon] us,{but tlu? Colcnies h ive foj- jjcarsfarmed scientifically. !Woi ien; have al-ways] been nioreor lev .s jfasci mted by}gar-dening and fa rmini;, jut nu ny wllo tookup these: industries of, 'careers failed forlack Iof traiiiinK. TJie Woknen's | F.annand Garden Union , which hai the Duchessiof Argyll for its president , 'offers (expertadvicv and practical 1 bupine^.-i; knowledge ,and it also hritiiis together tin ' \vo.iien |whowant! work anil the farmers who! rpcuiieheir.. 1, ; : '; ' ¦ _ ' j '

Woineti are replacinsr men 11 cverv ;pro-fis.-ioii j ^i i i l industry. jThe tl catres (joni-inittei- ol theiL.C.C. Injvj ; <lit|ided;to raiseno objection j to; their i>mplo}|nient-^wihcncompetent— «R rinemn! : loprrfttori«. |Bntsuch [work deniajids cj^ilsiderahloj techni-cal kti.:wledi ,'e and loiic^ traminji , for aprofii-icnt , operator is | not made; in | amonth. (Women , however, tan do) any-thing j now adays, and il youiig yi'-l ihji.sbeaten the Hie i> of 'hjs-i yeaj" and tokenthe Jacob jlleU scholarship for! pharmaceu-tica l HuJ fiils . (he lirst tjime thj scholar-ship has been awarded! to a v omun.| pascompanies are. employing in ipectoresses,railway companies, colk'ctores.^s; hotels .pnu-ehpyesses; and so 1 !)!!} A woniaii hassuggested : thiit ielderly members Iof hersex nhoiild offer—now j that lliij NatjionalResisler is dt hand—|o I serve] as! jurprs.and thus relitjve businefs 'men from ajdiitythat presses lianl upon them n. war litne.

A War Society that does its Ivork qnietlyand Unobtrusively is ihe S ir^ical] Re-quisites Associ.'kliou , whibh works in con-nection wit-hjQue-Jn IJaty 'o Needlework(iitildj and hao its heajdq' uartfers at 'Chel-sea. It wa» formed iome tiif^ ago withtho object of nieetincrl the tore needl ofdressing? of UU j kinds Biioh ^ bahdajres,swabsl pine-drcf.-ings, splint&J andlaiiti-oeptie] field i dressings, |Th« <xk ! ofj -pre-paring thase j requisites, inxjuires-i . muelipatience and |not a lit^ljp/ slriilj 'for it .piuitbe carried,out .with preci-'iohfitnd exacti-tude to be of: u.-^e , coniequently the soci-ety liis engaged 'a qualified' I instructor,who tieachea ] new niembjers sow .tol 'rollbandages and make swabd find ' splintpads. I Minj i women lack tile! physicalstrength 1 ecessary for 'fnursin' ', or; itherstrenuous wiu- work , arid to these, '' ifl pos-sessed jof iiiinble ifingcrij , the (Vbject of thesociety should appeal. I ; I I !A PROBLEM ! OF ETIQUETTKi " I |

The [war-ought to solve tile ' problemwhether ajman should !<alute br rajs^ hishat when Jh^luieeU a lady friend of ao-quaintanc* in! the fitn-lt. Elery .winterobjections are raised ti> i th* jnecustq'nledf ractice, Idrt Son e poorluiflii should catchcold in- hislhead , nnd the war is tendiriglto-install |the : milita ry salute! in lacc of thehat-raisin:;; recognition.j j In France!' th?womanl waits to be ackuciwledged, and shei* troubled how ito 'show , her I regard forher wounded countrymen)p-hoiA she nic4ts

I in the] streets.. ! It is strange1 to FrenchetiqueUe for her to bow first , ai i* tliejeiis-jtom in; this country, anjl he raan cannot;of hi« own accord <rre*'t A J«dy lo whbib fieI is a stran?i-r.|. A 'Paris Inewspiper is try-:ing to|solve the 1 problem, wliich in, theearly stages of tho wnr presented no diffi-

!' oulty to a well-known lady in Brighton.!Seeing| a man in mufti| walki ig 'with astick anil a crutch , ."ha went up to] himnnd said: " You 1 are a] brav>e andinoble

; fellow- here is a! packet:of ci ;aret(ea foryou." ! The jninn . thanked her ; and tookthem, but he was ,not a returned wou ndedsoldier; from the front ; giinply a vict m ofn bicycle accident. I !HOLIDAY , OUTFITS. || |

Holidays will jbe both circumscribedand restricted injduratibii tlii- ytfar.j Butas, according!to (lie oUH pro ie: b. all workantl no playj ' makes Jack a ' dull 1 1 hipy.chanw ami recreation r soroe! kind . 'wiillbo even more; nccei'Saryi fjiis j ear th|m|rntimes bf pp^icc. since ¦ never before haveworrrenj of all 'elusse-i worked «1 strenuous-ly as during! this last |year, Hencfe thenecessity for holiday outfits , whicli , jihconiinrin w'itl j. ihls jea yn's nodes; :are

'more than ii.-j i .-.Dy ' piHi^kal and eenpibje..T7tiJer | t)ii> hitter 1 category come thf| lail-oierl »uits ol !-cotton :corrturoy, . ca&omwiVcloth , cotourcjl pK|i|e|, and , of dourse thinblack 4r navy! sorpe. Tlje first- mentioned,

' in some dark colours', iiiaki s d smart andnseful Suit tlii'it will Istuhd a obnsjderableiimount of hard wcai. The sa ne may be«iid ofjciuiOincnt cloth, w'hich. in additionto beitltr sub^tiintial , ajwayti llooks cool .Pique, |like good Srine, requirjs no: lush ,its sterling qualities liavo stoid the testof time;, with die result that it is as! .opu-lar as ever. 'Chew threo meiuioned niji-terials are to IM' hail in! bcauttfitl &hadesof blue , tan , grey, colderi brown, pink andgreen , as well as in dark tone>. H 1

• NORFOLK COATS . j !! ' -. . ! ' '

¦ : I Ii ! White casement clotlJ maies'a i mosti satisfactory holiday suit or ub f ock.Perluvpjs the modified Norfol k scat if themost suitable design , as well als the! nostpractical, for suits of pique, tottoii cor-

! duroy . or c;useiueiit clotiJ. But to be sue-jcessful j '.'ooil tail (irin » is csse itial.t Theipinaior c style 3 X [ I U the tub frocks admir-ably. A very ' pretty mbdel iri easementcloth with a lovely slmdo of pink I wasI worn uj idiir ;i bloti-e of white Organdiimuslin .; Large pockets of the ulit va-iely¦truly adorned :the; pinafore, for theyl wele

; heavily | and lic-iutifullylenibrdid ert 't ini white «ilk . The holiday : suit often! poh-!; SiMs of |fl plah, skiit .and plaid chec c> <|r[Striped coat ." or vice versal and cotton ma-itenals of .ill kindii ans fo| be had thi.s iiini-imcr. lnj tlie 'giv'Htejit variety of desipi and,;eolourms. Any cotton «ait majf bv fi iinl>-[ed by touches 'of-black. 1 Nothirtg is s' uiaf-iter for a Xnrfolk coat tliaj i a nnhwv b!hick|.leathor jbelt , slipped tlirouch f-i ots of thernl:it^ri:il . 1 ,

.CRKTOjN'NK O.\RJ)KXl ^(i VJl'UGK^. [i ; Tliv.- vojttc for cretonne, may probablylie triicixJ indim'tly to tlie wnr. Not 'pnlyare wohien lakins' .iip fmideninj seriousl yiis A cn'ri-er. but many jimatei r.-< iiij thecountry Are filial?! the plfico of gardaner?Kvho have joined' the colours. Perforce1 ,therefore, dainty outfits Ifor tli'is alwayginteresting Nobby bad to he designed,1 andunionc Ht iitu hhi nmtcrialij : cretonne : lia)>|>een jriven theifi r.st platiJ.; It ii > inexpen-sive, artistic , durable, and it i'ill standjv coa?idcnible 'aniiiiiiit of hard wear, !ahdalso wasliea fairly well. The fidwereij de-sifeTis are the morej popular for feardeningfrocks, 'situ* theyi Juirnioniso feest -withthe occupation land surrmrodinis of their

course. Jed^dah, Abp^S Tn'd IB - ' olinetta in thi Derby ' , "fi 0™-

! • ¦ : j : I • •, • • •• I ¦

I .The death ig announced femi V- 'York of :Mi .; JolmTlI " Herre frH*famotii, blinb yacht desbulrl STi? | or ,7.7 He became totany hlindf.i l T

lite"MranH bUiLd'S^ :rsiin WW*>&'

^«or of^t tt « n ow«4 » wr

In tlie Add Cross Handicap !at BtJdorUlast SaturdaV DepSt ;w«S Iconfldeotlyexpected lo core, but:«bmit ir fiSSSfrom he home coUideJl^ with the rail* «Sfelb while « me diiitabce . further oij Cra-becn plaited his leg^ and caine down .; - • • • i * • ; J - l l . ' '. deposit1 nn^asl severely siaied in ihechest and:kiped. but|j . Hart" Vhl%S«him and Vvalso on St. Cuimin| Wnthe.latter {fell in % Irish¦ Derby1

,l£l eaped unhu't, John Doyle, the Ikfeyof Crubeon. 3UsUia3d a i pirtiafl dillocatiop of tie neck. }We learn. hoVeverhe was ropdrttd to 1>e goini on Uatis-I faetorily. Mllp u in i priva* hotpt tvtaenod to St. Vjncent s Hospltkl . il>ublin

After.the Maddens* own -I»Iaic ij theCiirraiih -trti Tuesday :he Sieirards calledupon V. Mo -gan, tie rider ol Knock,robin , and i lMr.jJ. C< sebouni<| the | rider1 of iFair AfacJ to exn ain whvltW: w«n<Uie wrongico irse; 'HjiTing iictjrri the «-planation of Morgan to the effect ihht hitho'r.ae followt d Fair Mac the .wrong I sideof a post 'th • ' I Stew irds ; accepted . 'Mor-gsn '.-> explans tion am severely; cautjonfd. Mr.; <Xisabo lrne jfoi not hayinc marie:himself 'acqu liiited v ith the;cotir« be-ifore.;«etting ip'io rid?. ' : ; j ' ¦ j !

At a meeting of the creditor* ot Mr] R.•W. Oray. flatlj« of Geffrge Gray, to iteU-knoffri billiard professional , on Tuesday. 'the Jiabilitie^ Tyere s ated to!jbe £1 (». :and Ihe ay-3ilsb|e as? ?ts nil. | Dehior it.tributes hii failure- tc the adverse judj-ment in an 'acfioh by i,-hich Join Robert*obtained Zl'M > damage and cost? agtiaslhim.; and to loss of income owing to thsstoppage of. I113 '.son's earpinglsiccel UMwar ! I [ . I - :; . ll \ !.!"!

' !| •'¦ ' :: - ! i I !c ireful observation of | tiet f rop i tv as decided b\ the

IWillard management to take;jon iRcichas a- starter and) work up a matchlwitnCoffey later '<!>n I To boost thi* Willard-Beich matcli P *» loc&i nwry-Vfeight] hisbeen bookeil tor I five iiatches ,whicij wiilt4ke-!place:injih|e Weit in ihe order a»-nounced by 'Reich's manager, "'Jlaxu;"Bluementhal :4-I'red jfu-ltori at , Minne-sota , George ' 3ox at J|opjin, T ed Nesserat Columbus, Carl <Mocris at SapuIpa.'and

I winding up with iWillini at Denver I ji" ; ¦

I 11 ' . I t ¦;¦ 1 1 1i "«i* * 'J1# i : I IM ¦

. handball match fcas beeh arrangedbetween P:!LVons <Dut>lin> and P. Cpyu«<Carlow), ex-t hainpion ! of Irpland. l torthe Leinstflr Championship. | The! tn\half of the (match! will- be played at psr-low on .August Jst. ann the- second' por-tion ot The Boot ilnn. Dublin , om AajustJjth. • I , f

¦ :| 1: : y i t * ¦ !"' ¦ i "' I :A party of nine]turned out for the Irish

Onks on Wednesday lasj . Courtly Lass,Fair Wind fill^ and Lady 'ITim -we e; theprineipil fancxeaj but ¦ the wiuner; wasforthcoming in Jjathama, ¦who;be»t i E?-retta after a desperate finish by a jshonhead, 1 but in another stride, the veriiicswould have; bqert reveried^; Xhe' wiriiieris the property! of Sir T. uixon; wa» rwden by W. iBajrett, and is trained j>J J-iHun;er , TJanyri^ham Lodfe , Thu Currajh.

. . Or*. Wednesday 'before a bi? crowd, «t•the Aniient Corrwrt .Roftiu s, Uuhlin, jPv.O'Shea, the Jundefeatcd/'Dublin boxer,

•got the verdlnt- ! over J m Xloyd (Liver-pool) in a twenty ihrec-riiiiiute round con-test. ! Although a« a': disadvanta&e I inreach and height, Lloyd was well servedby his superior rJ flgcra'f. and Rreaterjex-peritnec. iHe Confined 1 imself iiiainljr toinfi^hfinrr. and in this iVay sccjred miinypoints ' In tbc e|arly slag'ejs, Q'Sliea's i bodyshowing marks of purii hmentl Shortlyafter tlio half-nay stage O'Shoa! kept]theLancashire mia away .: Tbe jatter iwastlien not seen tdj much advantage, landcould not prc rent O'Sbea'j from 1 gcttinshome; ,thc tipht, Yrequen lyJ ¦: Ir* Ihe lartfour rounds Lloyd fought on tlie delfn-

. sivc; I Air. J, Shaw <Belf 1st) gave thiMver-did to the IriihmSn. but Uie margir) inhis favour mudt liavc bt 'ii a vcy narrow

' on* ; ' ' '! ¦ ij . ¦ . i

' ! i ¦. •!

, tDurkin Wai-h! (Water ord) * t the (ver-diet over Vat Muteahy in^ tttt fevnUhround on a f< u|J Th( lo.-cr| wan P *"ahead on p6in *\ but he was a; ;.iod dealheavier and slronger. ; • ' i

' Medicine 'Shortage Causes PiseI i : :Jn Prlc :s!j | :' Onci of the ean««qufinc s of th ; war ha?been ito roducd consideiably trjo importof certain 'medicines kno rnias sj nth^tfi"—that i.s artificia - lrugsj and na

.Urall .v toraise prices. T iw happi y does] lot applyin any way to t u- wall-ki own re i uedy.ll'r.Cassejl's Table si ! The j incrw icnls | ofthese jTableto.are natura prodii .ts deriv-«l -frdm our OHiiicolonieiland from Arrn^rica, and ho ahoHage-iaiu ucipatiM. Price*rerhaiM the tirne.1 viz.. 10 ,d.; 1/1J. and 2, 3.at all] chemists] j| . ¦ ¦ i i |J . | I ¦

For .the nerveUtnin wijcl i this terriblewar entails , tlieri ; is no better!jsiistaiiiirthan Dr. Cassell'fi' Table i . \ Thijy should

. be taken for all run dow i conditions, ,!"*loss of energy Jslecples.-a Jss. irritability,and other indications of n :rve di.-ilurbonee.

BE DSTEUDSi - - ' I h - i l H II '

i l ; : j | ¦:• ¦ j ' f j jjjt Jbmnrtmstrand \ Q

~~ ~\ !; -. . ;| IP |i I I•wearers. Garden ng frocks are ui"r'- "f'Tj-of the pinafore ypc than any other, aq",are liberally proiidjd. witl cupacibus tf f ' \ketg.| The hat. oV sunboni rt:; tlmi; » "<!•] >•[paniesjthe frock is often of|cretp nn<'| y |match.iand dainty bass fir ordinary i ii<- ,are wad* of thtvl fiiscinatv ig fabnx-. \ I

Page 7: FtepmA ; f^dvertisemen b ^hipping fSQT^p&^teg,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · luch M dyspepsia, bllibusneu, j constipation , sick headache lots of || | energy,


;<>t wiluo o{ Yew Troes , etc.—atir «x'i' t.'irotijrh your correspond-

i>:ii ;;ii|--H'l ,1 -U shore any marketor yew trees abpiil l 14 feet high?o.-i-Ai iy L-ouid b'e|uansplamod at.¦iihf. }iVJn>" woildj be likely buy-;s " \vj li li is the proper kind of ironat riWs of bhie hydran geas? Willriij if li up ;Jo? Caiyyou give themoh l it ? VTheri is tho right time? u i i\ri - etchings by "G. 'Mor-SCi. ' !»)! luny great value? They.11! 1J inches by] a inches.—-<1)oes [4 ifeoi high are too large to bo::int ¦qi |02) iKusti from old ironme 'Ijz in the proportion of half a

< a. ; :atloii of .water. (3) Morland's:* are!! of | -'considerable value , butt siieirii: j liieui i l j i s difficult toiic vdluc: 'Mi. to 40» is iboul the

I i f I 'hi (J)als.—Could lyou t«>l l mo the

<>t .-Stijat i}r hii i ihtj in oats? 1 huve-"'• •- j l '.lVnit e i'otut") crown fromarxi id sivd. and I the halt ot itU Ibe'! blighted. 1* there any ro-

i.>r i\,?-,—--'tliis disease is caused bytin j iiji nsi affected jwish the niimitvki ores.' dark brown bodies , niicro.*-

< ulidlenter into the V'luni; root or .1 espcfciallrf on low-lying, moor}'] soils. At¦ thl bin 'plant ", and Ultimately pro- ;.2Oth Juno in son|e districts , and in OII KTSi:iuil»l'*i>«)res aaain in the oats . To nt- j the |22id aiidj 35th. a change to rainy:. nijiiry to the oai ' ctop. the spore* eon|liti .bn<) set in. ;iij d tho bent-fit of tinsI. - kj i '.j od.j This isidone. by steep ing has; betn j very much! felt by alt erops.ed |i;h)in In toiulaiin solution— I - . I !sufiita'.l- would do also , but for- , CEREAlj CROP,

is ekj .ii>:. and do** its work well. o|f tile I liive. leadih'g "cereal erups. wheatone mil oi formalin , costing about. ^^K j :o. have

suffered least from ttielolS fi in 38 gallons of water, and iotf e draught, andTbarley liKewise-.i has:s iakaim of 3> bushels of iced. b(ax uttk affeclwl. I Autun.n-4own fields1'U -J the j oais into a bap, and dip 0^^,, look sfecia

iiy promikinp. l and;he |%inalm solution for ten imnu-

^n pllAs> ev<,n on hooI.isll ^^ ar0 sur..vmir-n about so lliat all the grains p r ifei nglj3good ak thif stage of the season.¦"..•d.||-Mire.id out| the seed to dry, j ^ u *al[. autumn .Jr winter-sown wheat:.< ih«K. ready to be sown. XO t.,| Wchi superior ,ti spring-sown fields ...«omoj. w|ihe weaker pains of oats wh cu !ari indiuixl tci he pat<-hy. The oat,• dos.Ui.ycd by the formalin, foT ,, 1,, „¦„ j iir|,, ,„;,,) ~,«..J.. , . ...V.—i.. ,

. . .. . . . . . . - . - U I I inuvMui IUUIV spwiauy uruuilhtu^, ; aliathe itymalm solution for ten unnu- sln jiU pi,As ev<,n on hoorish soils, aro sur-ovins.u abou t, so lliat all the grains p r jj ,iiigly good at thif stage of fhe season.?".r(l.|J-M|re.id out| the seed to dry, <^u tuX \> mlw[m t;r winteKsOwn wheati '"'I '-^Vi'" y lr S01l™- < ,° i^ l imuch superior ,ti spring-sown fields ...«.\rMtf Ji («|[Jie weaker grains of oats w|,icii !arfc ineliuled tf he pat<-hy. The oat.. destroyed by the formaj m , for crbp oil ight land sliffered s,.verely froml.ial have beeujUimaged in thresh- . d^J ught and of(ecl o{ this haS i bcenu .i ti)lo to such mjury ; but then , to'tause i premature shootin ff . The crop as! Y

; '5.,an

^. iu 8,r?'?i 5? are «. Ittulo ! W 11 be oWdingly lighl in straw,¦ed W|tbreshmg would hardly ger- tliough s >mo grdwUi may be expected as ar ' !?'!> case, aW, besides, you a 1 ,,),. f r the rfvnt rains. Tliere are <*-.['' a l) o , "lor<T , ?3*d. Vl' com PJr ns"0 ciiaional i cood fiilds after l«i on rielv landU OJy [ Vpick ' in'E the seed oatt ^.ir J ,l)oist ^.tsoii: fk-lds afto r manurei way I you sitould have no smut , or. I a '<} ^ thin l.,,,d ,sIlort . riw crop has.v.-j it;... %'-ry '.itt'J n«i year. I n]0 ..p^Lanc,. A ( ripenin ? enily. hi wne..•mug *>ui1,-<l) Kind :y -nv in.:a vmintu'si churlo<Ik ha, infoted thc ' cn.p•..r1. fnubarb j amj ; ulso lor a. mix- ¦ mor0 ugj re^i Vely than usual. Hurl ey i*: oi rhubarb and gooseberry. PJra*c ,|t^

or jboc «s a fair crop. Imt as in the ex*;,. iiSj ( queries nrn.-xt w«-k .- issue (1,,oat r l le rJlln (..:irl!c x<>0 \ate for a h(.avr vA.ual yo paper.] I have ,.!„• rruit st^ttw lreturn .Tor ort 'itirvina . fi) Kind.v i;»v me M 1j u- jot! si osoberryljaui 1 find tliei.'rry iniii wiifoh I |h«ve made rather•ik-K and solid. I would prefer itlij u lidj Do you recoiniiMid the ripein jlri ferbiice to the unri pe? ¥ OTrb jai; :)ie fullowin g recipe should|s.-i,].-fbc!ar;ly:—Tike 4 lbs. of redib . 4 lihs of prestj rvin? sutrar . thef :u.i|!ei lor.A andj t>e juioe of one.

, oz. (if e ioyes. ' \Spsh the rhubarb,|t ¦ s i:u!!i pieces, .but do not peel it: ve: >'|]ofd . and but int. the pre-•z panj with just a^ much hot water

II k. Ai it from burninj r. When iti lii ; iiij the Misar, inince the thinly-mi •'! ' the ';o:ncn>land uut i t -wi th, i.e |of| o'p o into the pan , together,-.icvojs ;m a little nlnslin bog. whichJ tt> ijimbve-J when, the jam seemsfumciijnj ry fiavblired. Boil fortlirt]e juarters of an hour, stiiring

.kim^iirig| carefully. When done,n:o ji«fjl-scalded . pots, coyer whenm.l labeT;- 'For gocjseberry "jam taker-d L'dosebemes and pick off stemsI'.o-.-f&M Bruise lightly, and thennickiyiaor eight to iten minutes) stir-i.l! t^itime. Theu add f lb. loaf. puithded' and sieved', boil quicklyJt'. HWlill l VttK W.-X1 £ , [ eUlVYl I I ^ St'UIU

rise-j jWTien done put into pots, aa? ••a^e'!of |rhubarb ,l -and, -when coldan df :ie down securely. Ripe fruit

iVi;abIj - |if !Jit can be obtained , and it•".- 'lh*=>i sweetening. PreservesI he kept) carefully from the air in

I'lao ^ - if left, in !a damp position

will [become moulij y. ' They shouldli.'iiiih 'd {wo or th ree times in thetwo |months, and , I if they are not¦) ¦; »Vej' . they should be gently boii-;3in. pvdthjng but the very best sugarij b/ ilsed. ]lie DOB,1 V|nfit.—I have a coilie dojr,

eichtj year.s eld. He has not beenoil I e{a!th lately. Last autumn he.fsy ili 1. pe got \ ,ery thin, and ateli : t l ' .|!He very seldom went out ,

¦V3s i i;le.-!s. His voice became quite, an i l ine cculi hardly hear him

. H( t:asV::nc6 rcj overt-d s'unieA'hat.'-<¦ \i IK< nearly well. His hind-;ar<. Jc-ls'nijvery stiff , and- he is "aath-UII " aKont the middle. His voice is;:oar.t<j.i 1 eave him areca nut oncei.'; i.'ar 'you pive me a fpw hints!i"«{ to ;reatr}iim-j He is pure-bred.IO IJ M tj j i" j lii.-.tory yiu give of the caseiinp(>=3ibl«' . for u a l to ' sive a definite¦..II a.s.1 o|th e causa of the collie's, ill-bui. j r ojv that helhas somewhat re-

e l . Kvt jM-.'iuld advise you to givei f- .tir.-i' ? pf .'Blhuil 'd pilis or Berbow 'aare. | ifjeed him ] liberally with aI -li ' ru wi beef , {iive two pills Uiriocat; -c fij od , and f you perfer the

ire. jrSv ft accord in ; to directions seto:i '.hV hotile. ]

kin; ^Vaierproof Cover—Kindly giveri-i1' po for making waterproof cover.

'h • olj r.jviii!! recipe should give your.-.-ii lT}i :i-To j -atiier more than three' "Mlmsoo/l oil add 1 oz. oi susar of

iiiu j j4 <(/.*. resin .l (trind tin; sti2ar¦¦'ad 5i) la |siniin quantity of oil ; thenth. 'lij y iiniiKl er wiili the resin. Boilwh.i fi £i:ntl y f-ir a ^nihute or two, andy if. loi.uio canvas ;while hot. IfIVIS 11 to, make th<} covers hlack inur -AM a. lampblack.!

- \

Mar: Kind!;

iMIiV 'valu e

; 1 si'l'ltha t IiT.*? I

; to I"''¦ :V

si <.

\ (4,< mi¦I i i ¦

¦ '«

. I J l i t -a:.' •'!

, VL-W t! truis;1 wil l ¦!¦i pint t

| eleninI »'I :IIM

j ju a.-eprw

sn::tJ i-.ui->1

I ; » " a<¦viir-y

i <t fi ll 's; lle.iyli i i e sri


iv -.>pic \n sikelj'which germinate along with11 he iwj -itell l <j . l l l .'.' !i pivivii must, i! the s,!-r;'e.'. ina imj £'::r ui: Is. U.-1: :!-e t ^; oui^ .. a '.l in: :i'.-. :il

^•e: wHii- 1 i.fi.i b;wi l l IJ l i . -se

. ini: a ion ;hda:na-.mnia:ouii nf..r t!:n ",i'.ia: ui.

I'r.-r*v ;i,t\l j:i:r M ,, Y

o! yoirea.l ya r.-egooseioo ;morefrui irhubcri-.-;i.';rhnbSr:r..l .v v i r ;ii-u . -IUllle i-oervitas w:b.d?or. r•th^ jwith

lo boab-m!and

co.d1 lb.andhcil ir:ivj -su ;."a>ai'3)';;-is itin t":ie-nvri.- pr.rinpiishot i!a inthov "be e:firstkeepied a;riioul

Colgb- .U1

in ;:.wis'verva-_d-¦x- i Ib.'.rvbu:<]U2re-ls;ill.or i.vas ;o

*it isopirunesi.CliVi <lliimmix;ratiodaiiyrnixtfortl i

SI,nil' d

JOC;pintlea-:.'.f !,><], )theappyoucoic

#ss»sssdTdjmake a jperfect |self-raising flour 1well jmix.dry,one |part of "Paisley gflour "| with ei ght parts of 1orain'ary flour — 2 or. to 1 lb. — s|antl run through <a sieve td' Mperfect the mixing, j |[

You jwill know] that this mix- Sturej will be certain 'in its action ||because it is freshl y Iniade. i

|pslej |f urlf The SURE raitiruj powd* 1

als^ tnables you to make perfect ^•SwisffRoll and Jam Sandwich |&

fromjhome ingredients. >S&V ' ^Madij iy 'J3rntin& 'Pj !scii, jf elF 'j rf aJktf dor 'n Flour fame,ih7tt.. f t "' ^^uSsSlAMnklj / tacieti. \ \- ^NQ ADVANCE Xf

' " ¦ ^i N i P R i d E . $r**y"i l l- t >. J*T *L /

NOTICE TO] BJU1LDERSAll Materials forBuilding a Housefrom Bricks and

! ! Cement ito Wall:j Paper and Paint

^ROOkS,T)lo r co

^xfTT ¦< . ¦< ¦¦ ¦

¦ - ¦


ment is Second ReportDepar

Tl<e De.p)irtment. "f Agrioulture s secondciopi repo: t for 1915 , dated the 16Uj ofJuly, states that the cold, dry weather ofMnyf wajs continued (hiring June , andl theextended drought proved a great cheekto the growth of all I rops. In .someidis-trictls. novwithskuidiili;. imtably in Cork ,Waitbrfo rd , and ^>thef southern eounties ,raiiv fell lit interval:) during May. 'andfhesie diRt: icts wuh> it°t jn such a i>arehedcondition ! at &e peRintiing of June. Con-Peqijently ! complain^ about thp burnedstflte ot pasture undltho lightnjess of thohay ! ercjp jliave niit been so general fromthiiti quarter. On the other hand. ' theyields of Ito be oveiwhij Oi watr>-j jdurin;(lie 'teni{.'|kep t uusi!pprience<lnij ihts of.luhfe. ''Ttly i f elti iriable trim;

ay of all dcscriptionslare ftatedavera^i'. Heside* Oi,e drought ,general over, most o| the obun-

: the, first th ree weeks of June,rature ldiinng the sii'ine jieriodisonabj y lowi and frost was ox-in variouB districts ' on i thethe 19th. 20th, 24th, and jSP th: effect) of:this was nijost severe-the midlands, wlierir eoiisidcr-y was jd onis to the ptitato orop,on low-lyj rip. mooryi soils. Atin son|e districts, ami in othersd aiidj "i5th. a change to rainyset in. aild the benefit of t)n-

struw Ireturn.I ' ¦

'j U YK.Rve'luii^ be«-n j r&^n on >niaU p ;iich<\^ ,priliei paily on [eat where the dump na-

ture of the soil enabled the crop (u goallflad Idijj ring th • dry weatl i - r . .iiid is ii| >to ' average.

! ; 1 »K.\XS.liei:<irtf regarding the field l>can <T"|ifrom (poi! nt jV Wexfo nl «tat<- t l iu t there isev'ejry pre mise o| « irood yield. The erup

in! County Antrim i> suited to lonk verywell , an<t a full j rcturu is anticipated.

i It I¦! POTATOES.T,he |p( tato crop as a rule looks excep-

tionally pealthyJ and so far little appear-ance, of b ight has been reported. In somedistricts >f the midlands the frost duringMay and likewise inj June gave a severecheek to ields on Iduj-lyiug situations, butit'is expected that the recent roinsi wil lpromote umpid growth asnin. ^"rom somedistricts [[there are complaints tii.-it fieldsore! exceptionally, patchy this season andtkis iri most oa.- s islattributcdi to the useofjeutteead. ""Alriody spraying iis-verj gen-eral, tnopgh in ."jome |coiinties it >M said tobe jlest powmg lto ,vanced ifall avjiiljhat vestinmo reovofor; begthe cropgives pr

; i ; T()wing

June griyear innip's anso 'n |caof theselate inriidst castwo or <effect of klrought JW well as of fros t and flyattacK 1 ave given growers great troublein gettit g the crop1 started. Hy far thelargest proportion of the crop is verybabkwar l for inid-,Iulv , but the rains ofthi pas fortnight, wil'l lie of great hel ptoj reyiy ; it and promote growth. Man-gels, W-h ch were mostly sown ienrly; Jiavodope '.well, and |tields look pr 'iniisin^ ; .nthe who o, the crop shows proii li-e of beinu 'gbbd/ai d. while benefited con siderabl y bythe rectj :it rainl it JIOW refiuire." hi»t.

! GABIU CiKS.. Cabb;l ;es whcn> sown early lire good ,

though rom solne districL« therv are corn.plaint* ! nS an ixcHptionull y hiph ji ero n-tiige of i he. plants funnin s to s-eod. ¦ ,

: ' : ! 0 FI.AX.: Kepor s show th.^t tlie flax crop gener-

ally i 'p wry uneveniand r-alchy. and manyfields' we verv slwrt . Fields on heavycliiy bobtoms look best , while tiioso on drysihiatiiltis are I ligt t and uneven. - T'neciiop.' a a whnlo ,by the ains of [th ofields n e now in fshort ii! stalk at tl:

M l I l\ Exce, t in some *

W Tejes wciall>] favtl er! daring the pnwtis pet eral o l|itl(l» o iirst croji. 1eipti'ou1 illy lipj it.crop'j in ! the earl id¦» ived >eforc : heJiine; "onside abl,periencj 'd in si vincut M i \ c. and in fncerii it uch damngAs a rjjle cuttingilsuol nn ordei tothe iicfft'Cts of thewhit'liljwere vtry

j ti) ttieij niddlo of ,1:rtinct' tli i- ra in fel:ro cutilan av,- -ai?« -

; ..liID 1 1 e

the j sovr-jr." efff 'and (-ariiii 'd very

Hie l a i n llcnelit.'d

^howidrolls 'Hock.ierhaheh:noistiiliortiuive

betteri i fui .

» inoi ij ihshowed) inn

conditioness olhrivensinmiDairy


at early .lunr r.re a-rMinThe comi>liiiiit is P »¦

?attle liavo boon 111111:1fly " ; -hejcp '..ave a'.-t)iiyiial f i n i i i .'i iasKofir t '

ielcl IJ-onsidcfablj at early .lunr r.re .vrMinjivina full supplyl The complaint is „¦• n.jral tliat graziriRJcattle liavo bcin muchimioyVd by j " t|i<j. fly " ; -)ni«-p '..ave ;i:-o;uffet)'-.l inord thaii usual (:»in .'uasgovirtr.

1 i ' T RICES.Pri| os for bw.f cattle :u;,i shee p a re ex-

t reiiiiny hi?l) i; lai ib^ iare aUi' wiling well .and 11 soni(l distriv fs havel fetcheil 3 ^ .ca<ih on the] far n.'j ! Wool is C[iiot«d atlsJi'Jt . per II). fp^ K-M lidj.'pM-. and Is . 61I.peir I' 1. is a) giinernl value. I'ork pricesluiyel dropped a: (ittle within the 'Jan (ort-ni^h but are st^illl

high nnd

likely to re-mairi firm. ))onha{nS or young piss are inkej'nj demand ! tlwo |to tiir<* months oldbonh ims ar^ fetfhin?

£U 'Jit. to |.C2 .'is. in

County Clare aha in ; County; Cavan youngsiu-kliiig piers iix to eight weeks old firefetemng from £lt Ss. to £3 JS. 'per pairSu|i;l;1inir ca|vep ar«: also exceptionallyd«Nir 'J and in some rloces are sjiid to beieteli imr as high as 6T» ;'is. Prices for storeeiLttl ' -sliickendd off somewhat duringJij ni owing lto the siliortagft of ifrass . buta|v |kely tri bccj iimi firm u;rfcin iino' rainhiU j alien, j ^p'riiigers and inilch cows ;uvf^lli

ig o.\reptioniil)y n-oil ; Sj-ycar-old

s rii me is :irje fi-t eliin? ;i« m'.k'h as C'J) perhjj' ai! . Strpni k'oiikii.' iii .r^s '.,i do fu r tn\\j) irl an 1 Mj inHnri i) iii -a ; 1 iS-ycir-olfi ani-

^tuaVa ol \\«» cVa. a-te \n some cises Icwli-> ) b»V/> to £S&) /

^actised tliap usual at this stage[the cnlji bejng insnmcieiitly ad-

1 growt]i . as well as the fact thatble farni Mbour is required torg the hay <(rop; many grower > ., are wilting for drier weather bc-nning j o cpray. On the whole ,looks exceedingly v,(;or'iiis, undmise 01 sodd yield.'RN1P? AND MANC.ELS.to the [natiire of May nnd earl yit difficulty was experienced thistecuriiig healthy brairds of tur-I maj igels. As a rule turni ps:Iy in May did !>cst , and manyare now singled out ; those ; sownMay OT! early in June failed in5S, and|.sowing had to be repeatedyen three times. Tht) combineddrought JW well as of fros t and flyave given growers great troubleig the crop started. By far the

j vill be much beneliied' past fortnight. ¦ M«nyill flower , though vvryis Moge.IAY.3Ut!iern eo.imie-. whichourjd hy sliow"' !1}' w«a-riod when the droughthe rest of the country ,lay urc Mated to: be ex-A small portion of tlic

cr,untii s »ss cut findrain cume «t the 20t h>' trpuli le luis been < - x -r filds which hav< > beenomo case- the crop lias?d by exposure to wcivas det. rred later t.' i aJilet the < rop benelit byrain. Old me.id<i«-.

iglit in aj ipeararice t i ninf . art, improving 'a-1. .'Hid' :¦¦¦<¦ ;-¦' ••spi" l'"lcrop.

STfKKSof J U M P • i a - i i i r< <s U i ' i' i-

. of *n | i l inuedl i l ' l i - ~K< -( |) '"t

the zrnt * l an i l sn any other <Tf,p. mullediate r.'S |nj ii* ii !.• 1 In. No twi t l i «t a> i < l ing il»*. cAttl,d are s(a(<^| t<ibut. are fXpwtod to 'In

ha* bDC citiie more pkn-which went off in mi l k

I ' " ¦'! •

We Guarantiee all our IndianMeal is ground from PRISV3ESTLa Plata Msil z eOIL IS EXTRAC


1 • 1

0 bnnell


X meeting oj the West Waterford Ex-cutiv.' . L" 1,1 J, was lield in the TowHall , DungarVRii . on Sunday cveninla- t . "Mr. Patrick **. Walsh , Tallov

I ' l i H i r i n a n . pri'»ide.l , and the foHoft i i :L-miil- 'inen w ere anionvsl the large 111111ber present—Mussr» J. J O'Shee. M .IA l e x . He-km .1 Sec. ; Denis Ryan , J . IMi . 'hii. -! Uyan . Patrick Ryan . 1'. M vi-a l i y . Win . •Hburijwn, Win . Mulealiy. 1C\> r e run . T F^ley. T. Morri>sey, J . R01i i y i i r . T. l i i ady , 1) Fruiter. M. Power .Xiu i i . - r . M i . 'ha'vl Haye- , Win. Knley, 1Ki. ' i i i i u f . Michael O^Brion , .I .P: T lionitF l y n n . J 1', j S1.CC; J. BniOk.-i t . IU r en n y . I'n i r i fk Oreany. IVm. Power , IHrr. M..rd . .I J. \V:i:*h .

"M C.f : J r h n Mooiii -y . < " . O 'C-cnuiir. Tlumas Veale , IJ.II. n n r iy . I . :-t i ioi - . arul M is- ' Snmliin .

'I I,,' ('i iuirnlan s« : , i - - l t i> ."..iiif l i i n.- . Hi '., A . h n v< had a i m vl i n -j .ii ,, iu < ¦L- ;I JI ,--J I,.II . anJ y -Mi are ji . l nii .'ire of I)r i rv ' i i u i ^ t H u c - ' K J u lilt h 1,-J up 10 the holinit' <>: u Oiuotuii: t ,, -<lay. We have /,l l i n i ^ Rule ,>il t lu ' St.Hut' ' Kook. and fnI UU M I U i l ia ', . f,r rn i l i 'T immediately pr< -,*li ;i> : 11 . \i f |h«v<- n lii'lit made for ,"•¦xis ' i iu e in the Kuropeai i cinintr ie s . \\i i av r tn -r , - .vr l les.- d i u i n c Llie exc i t f .u t ' i,.1 :ht .-,• t imes lei ¦ ur organisation laps ,ami .»¦• have ii\'. to n certain decier s've¦ ¦i n ,'. ,n«id ,-ration and sympathy to ill.ne can*.- - t h e .-nine of the Al l i e s At: .

a im, -- : ,1 y i - n r j ^ f this terrible cornbai wtin ,I 1: 's v.'ry essential for our own !•:l.-t, ni -,- - 1 won 't say for the exi>t «'nci ' (our K X.H,'II !; V ,-J Hltu^vtiu-r—lhal we <.houlnot .'¦¦rci 'Hir; orcanisation of the Kxeet: ive ,, i We.-t jWaterforj ; tJiat we slnuilkeep up our organisation as we did in 1)1pa-t . nnd iha l we should d<"> ail we cuill our own pa!Tislie-» li> k*fp the pa t r i m iNa. i - i iHl i - t a t ,>-r'etlj iT iii a body n-lnc;> a.-.-oc iau<l |wilh the central oruaui:»tion in Dublin for the purpose of beinready (•->' a call to arms ou any day tluwe may be assailed by any enemy whoevi -r. Bei'ire J go any further 3 may .-*that this id {he primary objeot of oiimeeting to-day _pur business is nhorbnt we wtj l "rwar our 'Member of 1'arli:imrt it. Mr . O'Shec. who will eive. the ruater more ven{ila-tion tlian I can. Theii- on, ' mnt tor j however , and that is iliaI ii- n il ask you for an expression nr -iii,vri feein g* of reerp ; .>n the demise (Mr 'M'.eha, 'l 1.1 Kenny, vf Capponiii iI i w - a l i i i i , s ' | i i T i i ' X p e i'tt 'd . be.'.iiise he -:- id" by » id> * jwi ih us here at our la ;in>', ' i ir-' He was n nivinher of the Cot intp< V u r U ' i : nnd yice-Pivsident of Ih i - Kx •,u : i \ . - ior a number of years , and situ 1• 11 r i a - : nieeiing lie has gone \<J hi.- r vu a ' ,1. 1 beg *o propel- ,1 the fo l lowing i >- > ! u ! \nv ¦ - ' That w-e t cn f l e r to Uie w i d n viinc l 'Hin i ly of the la;e Mr . M. J Kenn •Cappoou'.n. Vioe-PresidenT of our Kxcv ' if ive . ,«ir .cinci- re sympathy w i t h I l iem ¦ 1hi - u n i i n i r l yj death , ami reeorl < ¦ L 1sense ', 1 t he io"« thereby sus ta ined ;n t l 1Nat ional movement in W est Wnte r to i ITha t \\<: also I 'nder to Mr. Tlmni r1',-vvei . Ciidirpiai i ';( the County C<>iine Iour deep ay n i p a t h y on the death of Id• Idest -on . cabled to-day from far-off X, \<Zealand. " i

Chairman—To the f a m i l i o - "t1

\ r.Kenny and Mr . Puwer , wiih wliom I ha ¦>been assov iaj ed since T came in to t i cC - ' i i r t y Watej forJ . wo tender our -yt 1-pnthy I knew Mr. Kenny !or :i n u m b Tof years , nnd! it is cer ta in ly sad tu recu dt h e ,|, a th t nf two yinng men.

D i . Dt -n j i ' -oy—Take me. please , n- .e-oci i idini * ;•>' ¦ vn te of condolence.

The ni .l ioij was passod in -ileiicr .Mr f l e r k i n . Sec . Mid tha t h < - lia.l !¦¦

rrpr ,;t t h a t lie hud received a conmmi i-,->H;ti,-> n fr^ irn ; U10 U.J .'T*. in O'Conne 1-- t ne t . Dubl i t j . and having had some e< r-r.- - |»,uJence i«:ih Mr. O'Shee. lie -e it.• i r e u i a .-i to t)v branches in West Wat r-f,.nl a ik i n z them to re-affiliate. Sini'ethen he had- received notification f r : rnthe ? i i i i , ln i' i C 'l tn in i t te e of the I' .1.1, , oft h ' ' i f l i l i n t i ' i n of the branches of Tallow3 '0 K -^ ' i biiie!. Prior to that Dunj nrv inbran / .i was I affi l iated , ir.d B a l l i n v i dw a - affi.lined since March last. So tl a!w i t h the exception of these four branc *' est 'ne re st were out of aff i l ia t i , n. The Se-c ic ta ry ;lien |re!id the circular Irom I) b-"in TeVrrvdj to. It was stated then ini: , .i: t-he Staiidir.K 'Commitlc of the I' . ' .I.iiren k"l tioldin " County Conferenc 's .ami rp^ue-;'|,l lhal such a ira t l ier i\\:i i i i a l i t be enlivened in a central part oft l i - County Watur fnrd . Prominent .-pe k-,r > w.uld .ittend with a view (0 in-|>ir n?brunches with fu r the r vi ta l i ty . OonUin-poru iv w i t h l i h a t the Secretary in t i i na ¦ eAt '.iat hi> iia.l iearned from Mr. O'S eelhal il was 'decided lo hold such a c >n-\ ei r i > i r i ai Waterford in the nea>- fu t i reM r O 'S''n 'e [would exp lain that i i vvil be:iece .—ary foT them to. be up and do ngand to have ) the -branches iti proper t r imHe expected that the branches nf Win-- I 'eh,".'. Grange , and Old Parish wouldIi , a f f i l i a t e d w i t h i n a for tu izh t . [He¦ li -f i. -d i ' i.it at the convention there w Aildii.i t be 1 |i4 n»" in West Wuteriord I hut¦¦> u ' ¦! in, ; l invc repi ..£entaiion .

\ l , o'Siioc . M P.. saiJ—I mii-t ( i.i > nf:i :: VL expression of my condolence 1 i th¦.::, !u in i l i , '|. L'i - .ur line Virc-I'resi , enta 1.1 M r . Power. Mr . Kenny , ilie ate\ 1, ,-l' r.\-i ,lcj :n "I this Kxeclilive . wa 1- a111,1-; i iojuiliir man w i t h everybody \ h < >knew h im . j No man in the Irish i i i i t i inaliiiov. nieiit uas more staunch :uul truetiian )»\ Y ' U will also allow me u,J ex-[i re .-.- to the Chairman 0; tho CodmyCounc il , M!r. Thomas Power , my -n i- , i rosympa thy in the death of hU oldi-rt -nn ,•.he new .- of which has been cabled nunWw Zealuhd. The Chairman of the Co.Cooiieii vivid no doubt , be wi th 11 in-• l n y w. re it n> ,t for tUis< sail news. 11 i(i Ij J in t.his meeting of the Kxeeu tiv , ' it therxpresaioii j nf «yinpa.thy whiuh had justbeen adopted. As the secretary ha- an-nounced , ii Convention of the City andComity of I WaterforO is to be held 111 sdut«! that J have iearned by; a tele, :ramT received Ilo-day in Dungarvfin. has beenlixed :'^r I Monday . August iOrd. Tlie

place ni t}ie holding of the Conve it iui iwas not stated to me, but proba ly itwill bo i n j t n e City of .Waterfo rd . anc thi.-mi'i'tiuj: of the Executive was < idled 1nr inmri '-y j with a view to reor?nn1«i( e theiiranclie i! of the U.I.I, in West. \ aler-ford. It] is essential that ihoy ,- muldhiiv i ! representation at the Conve iti on ,where Mr. John Redmond and Mr. Dev-lin will attend , and 'I have no donb thatilie Nationalists of "Waterford t'itj andCounty will send their represent itivesand wil l be glad to h?a r oni-e aqai 1 thuw ,rds of] guidance which their I ¦iu'l«'t ,Mr. Rodnpond, and Mr. Devlin , w 11 uViiver to them The primary ubieei. as Iwiiil . "f tj iis mcetinij is to r i ' iaruani i' tliebran c hes |in West AVa^rford , lovai <e; as:' i , - Ci 'Mir inan has so well <-xp l lined,- in , ' ' :.i^ war began and .-inee the HuniuI > nie A . i j w a s pif.ccd on the Staiutt HOOK

'¦ last, S«pt«aiber , there was a iull in theiti)y ') iy |p) SOD 'toaJifiDra & s\vt <*s«;\*


trset jKills,

ntion. The war 1- no: jr oing lo be soshort altogether a;- many of us believe ,but however long that war may last uemust as Irish Nationalist 's keep tlie or-ganisation intact , and must preserve thebackbone ot tlie organisation at least , scthat whenever the oreanisation is re-quired to take an active pan in the.affairs of the country it wi l l be ready andprepared to. do so. This morning on myway to Duhsarvun i mldrio»ed a meetingat Touranieena with a view Ui organisethe branch there , and 1 am ready andwilling to go to any branch in ilie con-stituency from now un l i l the 23ril ofAugust , because it wiil be important ibatWest Waterford will be prepared to showthe leader of Die Irish people ou thatday that their urb anisation is sii'.l healthyand strong. Mr. Redimmd hiw tuid lh«people of Ireland i,hat they have twoduties t<> perf i>rni—one , ;s to mainta intheir politica l crgaui.-uiiuii , and i.he otherto maintain the Ir ish National Volun-teers That body, as *•¦ all know , hasbeen depleted by the number of men whohave joined the arfii y " for the purpose offighting tor Ireland on Ihe battlefields ofEurope. .Because U not this * tiijht fur¦Ireland? lAnd l Jon 'i th ink that the Irishpeople—young meu of Ireland—would

have responded in such large numbers ifthey did not consider it such.. A man 'sfirst duty is to his own land , nnd unlessthe young men of 'Ireland were at thefront to-day, or preparing to so t.here—unless those men were making a litr l it forIreland we should not approve their ac-tion and the course they are taking , withdie same intense interest si we do ap-prove of it This war is a very expen-sive war. It is iioini; to cos: the peopleof Ireland ten millions a year in tax-atiou This is almost double the taxationthat hti.'i beer, imposed on Ireland form-erly. Undoubtedly our interests ore in-volved because Ireland ia rinkin? thebest of. its young men . and it is riskinga vast expenditure in money. Mr. Wal-ter Long declared that there h an alarm-inff shortage of agricultural labour—hewas speaking of .England and Wale*. Thesame remark applies to Ireland. The-in-crease- in tillage this year is absolutelyinsignificant Unless there is an in-crease of,tillage there will be an alarm-ing shortace of food. We !iv« onforeign wheat and flour , and the price ofinent is fixed by the price of foreign meat ,although ;we don 't consume a gr?at dealof foreign meat, and it will not surpriseany of us to find the price of meat doubledthis timeinext year. It in absolutely es-sential that we should retain on the landin Ireland all tlie men who arc workingon the land. But those men stay ing onthe land ,:if they are to do their duty totlie country, must increase the tillage. Isay to-day that they who don 't do theirduty on the land . 1 will not have the leantpity for thorn if they are taken by com-pulsion to do their duty in the trenchesin Flanders. It is more important tor thewelfare of the people , because , as Napo-leon said: " An arm y marches on itsstomach." He expressed in that verypicturesque phrase that a soldier who ishungry for a day or two is no good forfighting. There are four millions of menof the French army in the field to-day.Kngland had 3 millions , making 7 mil-lions, and 2 millions preparing to go onthe field from Italy. The latter countryis second next to England as an importerof wheat. Then France , and then Ger-many. Italy has a large population, nndit is not a wheat growing country, irres-pective of the north. "^And if that armyof 9 millions of men cannot be suppliedwith food—and they want food—they can-not fight. Food is the pr inr ip li muni t ionof war. Without it men cannot fire ushell , bccittise they wil l not have theenergy to fire the gun 'that holds it Wein Ireland can do our part by raising thoprinciple munition of war . namely , food.The military experts are. of opinionthat it will last another two years! Theunexpected may happen. Expert opmionshave been falsified. But . making the bestcalculations as reasonable men. I th inkit m;iy be regarded as <ertais that thiswar wil l last another twelve months attlia least. You must face th«- possibilityof developments in submarine warfare.The submarine has proved more than amatch for any warship. If tlie submarine•rets within a mile of it the big warshipgoes down. No one knew - what (iennanywould do next. She mi ght .send her sub-marines against the Heel in lh -.> NorthSea—send 50 submarine.- and risk 4I> "> fIheni out of the 50 if th ey could sink allthe English warships in _ the North SeaBut supposing they can 't do that theywill send them against the ships. Whyave they not doing t h a t ? Because theyhave, not got oil enough. They Imvt- re-cently captured a country called (ialicia .where there me great oil fields , but be-fore the Russian* left they destroyed thewells, and if will take them some time be-fore th;y can get those wells workin gagain to rep lenish their nil supp lies. Theiraeroplanes alone require IU .IIOO tons ofoil each week, und the submarine liveson oil. According to Kng li-h naval ex-perts they have been buildin g larger andmoixj powerful subuinr ine s . and of tinsnew class only 3 or 4 have heen noticedactive 'as yet. This subject may svem alittle "away from the position of Ireland ,but when you analyst- it you find t-liat ithas raised the price of almost everything.of coal especially, and now tli/ » Welshminers nre engaged in puttin g "|> theprice still higher,, by going on strik e . Tlieduty of Ir i-limc 'i i in cuuneetiou with thewar criiut-riis the fooil supp l y. I t is anagricultural country . We have » , ¦> •> • fewilj tlii xtrii' s in tbt country ;it all I I , landI KI M got very leu of ihose enotv ious ,-on-tracfs given out as a result o< the war .to the c-xtent of £»O0,(l0O.000 in mun i t ion- .Munition s arc not maclo in Ireland . Thereis a factory in Arklow ./where they inak.iexplosives, workin g night nnd duy -inec| the war began. Tins count ry only -uc>-plie.-i agricultural product *, and therefore.we are not getting nr slianng. -n tnr astlwsc things are eoiuecned . in tin- abun-dance and Kiiper-nhu ndance in which the

I Kilglish workmen are sharinz - -Oiue ofthem getting EU n week for one manalone. All wages hove 'zone up (loublo,but- that pouUI not he the cn-e in I iel iuuLbocati fo we are not emp loyed in il i e mak-ing of munition .- . There may Ue a bit'increive, and 1 hope there will H ngrteul -tura-1 prices uo uj - . They have heeu in-creased to some extfi it alrcH ily. and Ihoy>« that they will increase st-ili more, mtliat in this false war prosperity «<• mayat- least get our share We can only dealwith the question oi food |>rcidiu -ti<m be-cause it is the iii ".-t serious one beton-treluncl ill the pre -viit 1111.1n. 11i a ' icl :liebranches of tlie I ' niteil In -h League

; eould not do boi ler l l ian • ¦ i ie -ni ,HU '- ' illlli>'ir branch meetings an iiiei. ~ :i- ing 'if l iU

• lagB. There is a great iucicu.-o 111 thus ^SsKi oV Iwxi^ ni\<5i I otv\ ^ \n-cdicl \.h&t \t

..„ J __ , ._ . , .. , .win uucuuic iui gicuic r , uuu , uicreiure . ithink) that it would be a wise thing fqr thebrandies of our organisation to developtliis uidiiBtry to the best of tlieir ability.It is la question that will be vital nextyear. I As regards other topics I mightdwell on to-day, I do not like to detainthe meeting too Jong. I hope the btttfr-ches bf the organisation will bii re-affilia-ted. I Even since Mr. HJeskin wrote tosome of them two brunelies have beenaffiliated , nnd I think every branch shoulddo likewise , and be sure of representa-tion it the Convention on August 23rd tojoin ill giving a welcome to Mr. Hedmond.He i^ the subject of discussion in niu»yquarters, and we know those quarters.When there is ony suggestion of uneasi-ness in the political situation the " Iri.<hInderiendent" comes out with a. leadingarticle. It is ofen in denouncing Mr .Redmond.—at least there is a ivory nar-row margin between open denunciationand Mr. Redmond. They cerjainly de-nounce his policy whenever they think ildoesJnot answer themselves. As regardsthe Coalition (iovernment , I \yil! : give youmy own view . The formation of thisGovernment- and the inclusion in it ofSir Edward Carson—that does nbt mattera bit! cut the inclusion of the Tory leader?does [matter a great deal It was a case,wherfe Mr. Bonar Law insisted that theyshould be included. Ho has broughtEnglish opinion to the Hide of Sir EdwardCarson; it is the leading meil who areignored. Sir_ Edward Carson is voicingthe real opinions of men of the North, whoare divided from us and regard, us withsuspicion and distrust. Mr. Law was soanimated by the sentiments of our fellow-counirymen' in the North of Ireland. Ourgreatpst desire is that those men shouldstand side by side with us, and' let it befor tbe wel fare of our common : country.We do not hate these men; we want themto joi 1 with us iis brothers in the! commoncause of our country, and I . therefore,don "I regard the inclusion of Sir EdwardCar.-K n in this Cabinet as anything of aserious nature. Mr. Law was entitled tonamq him amongst the men Jie; wanted.The war issue is in tho balance, and nostigma should be.nttnched to a Liberal .io-vernment- for any failure on their ]Kirt orthe part of their people. Both. Englishparties must rise together if they iw vic-torious , and fall together if they are not .and it would have uttached and broughtdanger to the liberal Party is this warwas a disastrous wur , and tlie Libera lParty! would be held responsible. Thiswar is a national war , for all parties infire.itj Britain and Ireland. And it is.onl yri ght [that that war should be confrontedby what they call a National Government ,representing all parties in Great Britain.Mr. Itediiiond was ihvitod to join , but hes(«ud aloof, and rightly stood Uloof , be-cause he felt he could not depart fromthe tradit ional policy of his parly, nnd Ith ink his standing aloof lias been endorsedby the Nutioifuli sta of Ireland

Mr. Patrick Mulcahy, Town Clerk .Dungirvan , proposed a vote of thanks toMr CV&heer for his eloquent oljdress.MrJ John Oreene . J.P. . Kecbnded in asuitable and stirring speech, a&d the. pro-ceediigs terminated.


Inl y 17—180 firkins. 1-bJs. tu 130*.•Inly 21— 83 firkins . TI2*. to Uus.July 22-- 27 firkins, 1Kb . to 130= .Vumber of flrkina corresponding we.-klast year, 337; price , *4s. to 107d.I G-ENEHAL PKODDCB.

Hay (n(?w), per ton, 50B: to Gos.Oaten Straw, SOs. lo 80s. '.Msjngolds. 1&.Potatoes (new) , 5d. to lOd. per stone.

I GRAIN.Indian Meal , ais. 3dIndian Meal , ?ls. Od..

Wli5te. Bran , 9sv 3d per cwtRed 'Bra n, (4;. 6d. peT cwt.White Pollard, IO3. 9d. per cwt.ReH Pollard , Os. per ewtKlobr (Best), 46a.

I FISH.Turbot . Is. 8d. per lb.SaUnon (retail) . Is . lOd per ,b.Cod, 8d. per lb.Sole, Is. 8d. per lb.Hake, 8d. per lb.Pliice, Ud. pnr Ih.Haddock, 8d. per lb.Ma|ckerel, 3d. to -so. each.Duninore mackerel , ljd. oach.Herrings , Is. 6d. a dozen.

I POULTRY.Best Chickens, 6s. 10 7*. per pair

EGGS. .I I J per 120 for Dufilti nnd HcnS

PUBCellar Report—Top price, 73s- (up

1c. 3q. OlbB).I <V>AU

34A to 35s. per t-on .



Good Mewsfar FarriersT: ie important discovery ofa suije cure for White Scouriq Calves I is excellent Uews.'Bell's "White Scoui powder'hks saved thousands 6f calvesand gained the reputation of

the kind that neyer fails.A few of many users say :

Cnptaln C H. DLOOMFIlb , Kowpark,IVatorford, vvrltos .—"I havo such con-fidonce in ' Coil's White Scour Curo ' thatItltakan In tlrrie, I shall have no objectiontoj bjy a calf ' dftootett wltli White Scouras I fee) absolutely oonfidont ot! curing It."W[ COHNbR Y , VthltfteUl, FonorJ 8ays:-"lwpu!d liavo loit my 20 ca^Gs|but fortheexcellent 'Votbrino Whlto ,€cour, l^owtjor 'which I consider worth I nrly money."rev. P. POWER, nathkecpii, :; Clonmel,writes:-- "I hauo used your ' 'ScourCordial' on many occaslqnal nnd havenever known It to fait" W. OOHOJTY, Cam-piio, Co. Woxfqrd, says : -"toonsbfor yaur•Votorino 8cour Cure ' tho but that ttotworld can produce." ' I , I i •

sold in Bottles, 3/6 pw:t frao. SmallerSiro V- , by HEHRY BEii;f VaterlnaryChemist, 62 Quay, Watorfbrd. '• Note—Toeuro ourd In calves (symp onia, grindlnstenth,[stretching neck and jboOy), "glvt','Curoox," a» oxoBllont IrestoraUve.3/6 a tjottlo, post froo, 8m»ll6r Size t/-.H. BEll. I - T~ I - .. ' 1 I ' /I ! . [ I


Greedily eat' HaniBon'i ' Reliable" RatPoison. Cats and dogs will] not touch it.Vermin dry up and leave jnol smell. Prieeitd, la, 2s 3d, and 3s 8d.| Post—2d. - G.W. HARBISON, Chemist!, Beading. Boldby Chemists. Agents forl Waterfordi—White and Sons, Ltd".,: O'CJonneN street;Bell, ¦¦ 62 Quay. Carrlck-onjSuir—I. I.Turner,: 1? Main street. I Dungsrvan—D.9. Nugent, Bridrp street ; VR J. Nolaa andCo. Li»nici«-Tame» Berry.

Stockowriers &¦ 1 . 1 . 1 1

¦ ¦ ' - H i . 1 •¦ 1



Pays' HIGHEST) PBICES for DEAD AND DISABLED HCATTLE i same removed from any place within a reai onablfrom Waterford. [| I I

All AnimaltO'KIOr b;



ff<« *trv—•:HT?TJ5=g=?i?=^ r-ei':»-«:»(r»a.:«-«>a-4a=. *

¦- . ¦¦-. :' :. ' i^%—>^r *t *».i *i J ^^wm

'mL- A. ' FORfSALt O» HIRE Iv RI K| COVERSr ¦ ¦ fistea.^: *[ WAyERPROOF COVERS.; - ff fe «tt • jk.) A a'^La^r ii l i Factoriei in Dublin 'J\1 S HK? .1! i PEI|E1OS|SI!

' -I ¦ ¦ - I : . ' i ¦ I ¦• I M hh |^ h i ' - ¦

I I i I i • ¦ ! ! ¦ ¦Supportj Home Industry.


MADE IlJ QDB OWN W0BK9.I i ¦ A \ -

Supplied en Special i' 1 - Jasy Instalment Sy| atom or Cash

Write for Particulars, ii i :


Special , Cash Frice orJ EasyExtended layments


,S ga » - - • - r

it s2a««*s''S*: co 3 00 ri rt if*

j ^«: = .:5

"* a-*

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13 &s : : i r t r{* C too

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sa i.—j .

I ** -S ^Oka xi £.S J S JS,? S^SKce JSj S¦ 5 1"ifcj . ........

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la ?$££ *££$,•

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gi : «of |:4 * - I'sz< °u r:¦.50 *Em ,.b1 toy!

2 EfeWooSo


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Thr idt -Jkl Mil t Tdftct— MACKINTOSH'SH I N T l.f : iLIJKE.i I { ¦

' i : : | - ¦ ! ;

¦ i [

KITCOTN UTENSILSfHODSEHOUAND STABLES BBUBHEB-Ewy !kin*:u fto«4 WwU* Walter W»Uh and EoB»««C»M4«d ISttifA, SatmotOi I

; ' Airo SON, LTD/Neptune works,; WaterfordMATERIALS DELTVESED BY 'MOTOB. f: I " ' I !

\BR VANT , I \1/ Co.ichbuilder,lion; Waterford. *3 OF CARRIAGES j CABS,ADE AND BEPAIBED.B: TYBINQ ON THK

PREMISES. ' M i ..




i ' OBDES.- r ¦ \]


Data f ictd |Sy th* (hunty \ Council ofWattrfotd] f o r' holding of QuarterlyMeet ings f o r year mding ! Slit May,1910. ' i i


» ' S L 'J,a S!f -{S

i! "S's -2 £,1 "r gl li^~^"°d!= ¦ - I1; a m

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' t •¦ 3 S " -a ;;3^5 p oi s f i ii.i l l i \; *iMlmm

H OdOl




Tt. 1 ^ fi ^^n ^s^

It has come loj ouiTraders are offering 1Section File purnortinifacture that is not!

Alt -Genuine NiagFites bear our "IndiMark on the Handle,genuine. !

¦ ! i I " I J : " J <Write us for parjticutars. j ' ICARBORUf<pUrU COMPANY,


¦ t'

¦-( '

¦¦ - -


Iriih Ajency. Oa, Bnrsp. Quay. DUBLIN

ij i -h£

&mf t I TEL /YIj |g |il O8CO

|*y| GAPES, 1

. i : l I I - ¦ 11 -J - r - l :h ¦ , ; ¦ • .

MADE |] JY THEl OVELLE BPICE CO..- I h JNEWBY. i r , | . i ¦Agehts I—WaterfordJpoole>nd Co, Ltd

George White and Son!; Henry Bell, QuayRobert J: Parker, MW. Ji 3<fnoB, Quay.Tyrie Turner, ChtmlsDrag I Stores. XismChemist. M l¦ I 1 •

IM IPOBTANT I \> MOTH'EBS.: I if l iL-LH-N " ¦ :; ¦Every, mother Who values tbe health kod

cleanliness o( her Child should use HAB-RISON>S i "BELIABLE" NDfiSEBY PO-MADE.N 1 One! appUe tion kills sU NIUand Vermin, beautifies and streagtbeoithe Hair. In Tins, 4Jd. and Sd: Post, Id.GEO1 W. HARBISON, Chemist. Beading.Bold by Cheml«t«, Arfants for Waterford—White snd sonB.i Ltd], O'ConneU St. ; B.Bell,| 62 ( Quay ; B. Ppole sad| Co.. Ltd:,Michael-St. parrickfon-8uir—J. -T. Tur-ner .i Dungarvan—D. J. Niigent, Bridjte-St.; (W. J. Nolan ind 06. Litmore-

1/-I GIVEi OHIOKS akdl dr

ditessed.- I ! " |' | : ' ¦ i ' ; : .] When TtTK CETS are diowsy FOW1have! scour. M ' | | : ::.. In I fact' giv.i .SHU J always and MVCtrouble; ¦ ; . I I " | ; j¦ Made

1 by. , | : ¦¦¦ I [• : ¦ -

THE; OVELL:3 !8PICE COYI, NEWRY.Agents—Wai erford-LR. Poole and Son;

OeoTge White and! Son;I Henry BeJ],Qn»y : Robert jj. Parker, (Michael'Streel;»nd |Wi J. Jojies, Qiiay. | • |' \ '

j CirricVon-Suir, J. Tyrib Turner.{ ! •; I . ' 1 I i iI M)J

TO IA'¦ : :a- iJJ " !j , EDWARD WAtSH,Hid!6, Skin, obl and Tallow Merchant,, j Horse ind Cattle Slaughterer, ;|THOMA8 JTREKT, WATERFORD,I* prepared to remove D ad and DisabledHorses and Cattle uom any I plaoe within» radius of [Fitted MiT*»! /if OT.«-.»-.JI am prepariny other FiBemoyed on


I . I • WATiBFOBDj j i • '

Telegiam.i : " Walsh, j Thomas Streetwff*•"[• ¦ I ; I I I -I .

\ l r- : '¦ • ¦ 1L-1I - ' ! - ' '



¦ '

I'BSES &!distarrce1

legrams :


1 iR FIRM! . -

¦ I j

1 -' I I


notice that somen inferior Reaper,to be of our manu-

ra Carborundumin Hcad f, Trademd none other are

tP OK?¦¦ ¦¦. ¦

s., 2s.Js. Tins

chael street; aoaI Carrick-on-Suir—J,. Dungarran—T2M

bra—F. C. Guest.

HtfK l/ping ¦ HEN9 ': K


->,w« mwa, ui rruivriorc .d to pay Higher Prices tb&am. Alii Animals1 ImmediatelyReceipt of j Postcard, Letter,ior Pcstcardt | '

B .' AddreM:.]- |. ¦ . I ¦

Page 8: FtepmA ; f^dvertisemen b ^hipping fSQT^p&^teg,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · luch M dyspepsia, bllibusneu, j constipation , sick headache lots of || | energy,

©ui: katbolic ChronicleTH.K: nisi OP . I

His Lore ship tho Buhuj i i> m luo-t-ut-iay iiu^ j ilt' Souviilt - , Tramore.rATUE'DTUI. 1\XRIE >H .

TJ'j * nsi al monthly niei -inv.: <>f tin-MehU iju j ifralen iily oi the Cuthedra lpiri.sh 1alc >s place this evening at 7.30.All the m. nbers bre requested to be fire-sent Avilh ' their guilds. General Com-Miuniim \vi I take place on Sunday morn-rnir at the 8 o'clock Mass.CONilf RAT* RXJTY Ji\Cr»SK»>.

Fatiieq <! 'Donnell . P.P.. St. Patr ick' s.is uUi-udy niakinfe active preparation ;)tor < the Ui nual Confraternity excursion.The. venue st\U y i&r it, KUl&tney . and thedate Hit d nf Au»lisi . ;A11 Uiat is need-•d Ui 'm i i k i tile oij iu ij.' if not superior ati«kst to p i i. i: oil u. par witl i previou sventure.? i.-. the advent of more prop itiousweaSlnyr thi n hail |bei >n .-u fur as.-ocnui-d"itlt Uie 'p e.-ent month.

( IN l ju i HAYS.Wry L\. i- < U . Caiujii Furlong i-?. making

* bri 'it sin) at J,i<|Jooiivsrna.Tin'! AJJtaiii.- tratbr Of th.- Cathedral.

the il{f»v.| A \ J. OfConnoll . left the citylust. 'M,niU: l lor al .-lion holiday.

Tlii'i t Ui John Dowley, Chaplain-Mount S 01 . Wati-Honl , is at present onholidays- ki his native place. Kill . He<v!ebru ;i>(l Uie **| n 'elock .Mas- iii thepa.-UlJ chut :h on Buad-.iy last. It hap-peti<d to Kh ' tir >t |iueoting oi iho Men'sBranch of : t ie Confraternity ' of the Saoriid¦Hear;,' und addres^ins the lar.w colurrc-Raiion| Vuf hi T -Dowll'y coinpliuieiited Uipriion suc-h a >is number approaching theattar , iailk It showed ithat Uie Coufra-¦«?ru.it) | wiii- in a flourishing condition andleitifiixl to he beneficent results of thececrnl ' mUs on. It |aWo ipflputiii th<- ut-most trodit on thpir .spiritual director ,the Rtj v. .). Nugent , C.C-

MISSIpXjjA tr QLO^-KA.A Mibcrj iM il mission is brine eomtiuien

n '- the Clbn ;>. parish church thi.- weekby tlii'J lU'di upturi^ Father.-* fruin l,hue-¦f k . . B<.t'i the innrnin? »nd i vpniuy

< 'Vrci«;.-> »rv bvinc |«eU attended , and nla r'j.- niimV of comnmiiifant- i- i -\p-'ci-i-d a. - T j Iii ' 't-a ly Mo.-j - nil Svun - . i> Nextweek tjti p ' j ii ' .-sii>n p i> wi i l e.>:i. .-m - i !io_-.JI] wl.rli. al Iintli ^orina-c

CLERICAL VOLUNTEERS Afl Ki 'Ttu. -We -Lave I con infornled that the Rovl

father llesk ill , clniplain , Ursuline Con-\vnt. tile Her. Fatlier Crotty, Carr|glea ,<'ou?in j f tj ie Bishop's secretary, and tlitjlle%-. Fatlnir Morrisaey, Abbeystde, Dun-gan-ahj who at the lannual Synod of thoclergy of tlic dioccsp of Waterford andTranior^, lii-'l I reoenfly itf Uie Oathedral,volunt«<"rcd. i s chaplains, to the army;have b^en||a < L'eptcd.| and leave for theirrespective ae itinations on Monday. Weunderstand tl at tho Rev. Father Kirwan .DiocPMn In-Wctor {son of Mr. M. Kir-wnn. T.y.i.l 'w] \o was ^he (Jtst to

volunteer,has been info mod bv the Bishop that hiswrvieeslaro i idi^pen.*ab!<3 to the dioceseand he canno be altowod go.


The •B'i.-ihpp of Riitiini liar reeeived aletter frpni tin : Pope. |in which His Holi-ness says Uiat from the beginning' of theItal ian.warj | h ; has been inueh pre-occu-pied by the!!di nar of the |Adriittic cities ,and that| he.j 'M Tou- on, tlicisubject to theAustriani Einpi -ror . expresiins hi.> cqnfi-<lence th/it !th ; war would be conduitedin conformity with International Lawand theisentjmynts of "humanity, and t^hatopen arid undefended citiei in particularwou:d bij r^?[ ected. Thi air raid • onT>4.ri, notified in Sa .urday'j . " EveningSews." shows n what spirit the AustrianEmperor |ha3, received tie Pope'* appeal.

OE\TH '. |»';'ld SH BREIiiTE. •

Tho Kil-'ht11 Rev. 'Monsienor McFaul.P.P., Wat^rsiid . Loridoiiqerry, Vicar-(rouerai oi.t tlije atholi^ iDioeces of Derry,died on ; ilotidi y. ayed 80. ! He was <hesenior cltr?}'m in of j iny, Idenominationin Londonderrj , and' was!Highly esteem-ed by claWs. He was 33 k-eors. in the

ministry ) and after I beitfj r in severalcountry Idistric i in the :diocei-e. w<>ut10 Waterside.:!H years ago. Until a coupleof years i a^o,1 v hen on] returning from afuneral he fell and broke j his arm , heoccupied' f poj it; on» o^i j everat localboards. 'He too t no part iri politics , andhis death retnp :es a cler^man of the011 nioderkteij tj pe. jI i! I


I I¦<¦ iM etinir was W-Id on Tue^-diij". iMr. "Mr. |\Y)l.sh prtsidits, and thcie«>rre also •prestnt—'Meksrs. IFlynn. J.P ,Si«ck .and |C\iTi!in.

! S'CMPATHY .Mr. P T. Gu ran moved.! and Mr. T

flvnn , ] :&.. Seconded khe followini: re-¦olution oi sy!m: >athy :-!¦" Ttiat we bei1o extend louij fepest feymrlathy to Mr.Thomas 'P<}wer . j tj hairman Oounty Coun-cil , and a jf orine ¦ chair |of this board , onthe death 'of his son . Miehakl Power, inNew Zealand ;' that w^ ottir our col-league. Mr| Joh i Cnrr3ii , icjur heartfeltregret on tho occ asion o^ the (death oi hissiattf , Mri. Kate Fitzgrral jtl. Ball yciirrecj i , arid ,t!hat |wt extencl our condolenci'to Mr. Join O'Sullivari, Jf-P., Scavivw.on the death |hik niecel Q)pie> to bo.sent to 'Meisrs fcomas Powct, John Cur-ran and John p'onllivan "

Passed iri ailenbp I

i HOLIDAYS i¦Mr. Michael I t f lynn. Afesis-Wnt Cleri; qithe Cnion .l appli ed, for land was unani -mously snt'iteu ,i fortniph i 's holidays,the Plerk to dci d.ity in hi.- aj sence.Tho -Boaril the > resolved llsi-lf into avommitteei to cot sider the report of Mr .M'-Canhy. ; jLocal Govern'm«n( Ins|iei -i->r ,

it.\STE S RHPOIWCost 01 pr)Visio: is received . IcW 1-.. 7.1 .;

ilo. consuifi 'd , -f i 3j . Id. ; yilm -r.il nver-ajr* cost, -)s lid. ; infirmity , (it. Id.; f-L1 ,£0 12s. lid. ; rehe : ordered by' th ' - board ,£15 ia<. 6d. provisiona l! Irclit 't . IKs. lod ;total . £1G 1 3. 4d. I |

I be^' to rieport lhai six pii'i were «•>!')to-day lor £3i Qs. 6d.. ami I reenminendilm six store pin - be Tuirc liased. —Ap-proved ol ; ! IA questloct aro s ¦ as in ihe Miiail puce 1rffciveil for] the' lix pigs , and a? theMa.-ter is Orj holidays it I was decided toiawait until fie. resumes duty A . raise theau' slior. I I

NO K JKL'SA'I..LT FlyiiM. 1 'Kilci nney, wmu.-' s:;itins he

never i\ rii.-eji t(> ,- i^r. tlm 're<)i ii ;-ilion forThomas Ho'well; 1 ut he sot rjo in.-irm-tions from the boa rd to do .«nj He en-closed iJie iequ'isi ion dily stcned , andrequested th.it OH maltrr b e p lace.l inthi: hand? of a coit petent <ur> r ( i -nl in-iru-iiic-u ; maker. ' ;

L C'- !iiiinn in— ^Dr ; f ' vnn i u • -.-Mi avin . ' rv-¦tn^-i : :

Cl"rk—Tiii iwce sary requis!Ui"n wasI'iqned here ;it: the reqiies'. of Mr. Dun-ford and iMrj Kirv au . Dr. - Klynn had«mi ^ivi'ii aiiy part icnlur.-.j anil lie «oii!d:i.->k the bciurcl to; ni ike an |iirdi-)r refer 'iii i;buck th<- mil t'tvq t > iDr. Flyiyn t" havetlie fu ll particuidrj inswried. I: A.- to the Arici . IJ H - Ixicj i l (5|ivernnn-ntRunnl in iinother Jasr liad fixed £4 a^bein? suffieieht. I I I ¦, An order : in <i i-cor<lam-i- w .i li ihe

<!U>rk'a suggestion Mas made.' 'Mr. Stack- So pm could knre the p;in.i-

<!uli»rs betterla-s j to what is \v»,ited than¦pr. Flynn . ni hq Knows tTiem very urilliimself. i ' | :[(Sir. F-lynn ¦ thotigot the rJoctor V lellor

«iiotild be *ent to Mr. Dunfora ! and -Mr.Kirwan :l I

; ' ¦ \Tbcp I

Uously' appftinted pur>m siib^-1-i to TJIC

ftinctton ol fJxeLocW 'Sovernmebt Board.

CARRICK-ON-SUIK UNION.Mr T V. ilforrissey presided at I be

weeklv meeting', of tho above Board •>»Saturday Also present—iMej .irs TO'drady, W. F.I IMvin , M. V. Power. I'FitZg<!Cal(i (Raliwnl . P Brazil , 11. 11 ¦¦den , (i Morns .i J . W.ii. -h (Teiiip lem-.i. •¦ .J. Walsh <Kilj no?iie i . J. J. Quinlmi , ,1 I'J. Ot iinu. J. Ddvle (Har risto wn ) .DR HALPIN APPUES FOR IXCKKA M-:


The Clerk read the following:—JJall yhest Htmse, Carrick-oi i-buir.

I Wth Jul y. l'Jl '<u 'nll ,' inen- -l 'jrt- ^rt *i very much to U-oblijjoj i i lay befure y- ' ti -otne il i itenii . i i .sthai 1 am sure you w i l l t ruly endorse n.->to Uie urgent tiei-e^.- i ty f ' r an iinprj'V.-ni. nt in my i n i t i a l - . l i a r v . In <.1<.i ii^;

»> I

am alread y .- ii> ib]r of your ki inl favourin imikiiii: iii '- fe«- ! cxniioriable ?.inei- 1onnie Lo Ilie di .-inet . but I cann. 't hel pfeeling that (in j initial salary of £I-J5would never maintain n married niaawith servants and fami ly , in addition tothe en-; "f kt fuiii^ a hor.-e ami ear whu 'l iis indispensable lot Uie doctor in the di>-trict. You are aware that since the p re-sent .salary of &U5 was fixed the ei*-i ofliving: ha* increased tenfold , and Uielabour market arid the labour which hn >pone up leaps arid bounds , and all puli-lic bodies arc coiriinj; iurw .nxl to meet theemergency day by day Any eiili^'htein dbody o( n\en. as1, you are . will acknow-ledge that unles.- a man pets a fair salu ry 'the outlook is not very hopeful , and lu-cannot be content , especially when high-er .salaries are bcinjr offered all round h imin much poorer ujnlons than yours. Theprinci pal of giving annual increments isall very pood , bui to a man of my ser-vice—em-ering in -such exceptional time*—thoy afford no material advantage , andwere 1 to mention the district wouldn,ever repay me for the initial labour \\m{espense entailed. I Unless then a fair im-provement in the, initial salary is forth-coming it is doubtful if you can retainthe service* of any good man Sm libeing the case. 1 gentlemen, and thesebeing xhe facts , I hope that in justice youwill remedy this by eiving me an init ialsalary of £120 a y^ar and tint? retain theservice* of one who i- anxious t/> So yourwork fa i thf ul ly and well. Otherwise Iregret tha t it wotiid !>¦¦ an iinpo- .-ib i l r yfor me to remain in the service oi n Iwarawith whom I haw had even in -ni b «!>lwn time suchj au lionouruble i - - n -noetioii. —Faithfully yours ,

CORN' KLICg J. iHAL I ' IX . M.-i:All . 1'oyie said some liinc ago « in-n i ¦¦

propo>ed the motion tor increasing I li - -dociors salaries he: suggt-sted u* a !i, r ti i» .-£123 ior Ralligormack di.-trict to Li b) alwhich figure tiuiy liAd alrea tiy advi-rtised .but a: Ihv sugprstioii ui .-nme o! theguanlian s he ail -Wi-J it to r emain i- rwas. I

Tile C'hairmar said .Dr. Hal pin toi.ihim that he did tK-t .-e>. the guardian *' ad-vertisement offering Xl-W a yea r for Uudijrtriot. 1

Jlr. G. Morris .-all it «-s» ;iine IT thejruardians to cry ha t with regard to th<granting o( incteasii- o! salary. They ba.ialready g< ne far enoug h , and in the opin-ion of some they had gone loo i;ir ingramme mere&si-s . j Tin.-- ymr hi.i liall-year - rates vanictc £2U. Thai was £40a yeur — t h e rent < >fj h is f u r m Tlu-y iiidnot km™ how iux.Hthon in connectionwith the war would co up, and theyshould cease gilding to the burthen ofthe ratepayers 'Hv pr ipos.-d tha t i -omore tlicreases of Salary be given u u i i ifl ft»r thrt venr i

Mr. J. J. yuinhin seconded Mr M r-ris " proposition . I

iMessrs J. Sexton', R. (Holde/i . June;Wal?!i and other (.mardians eipressidthemselves in Javotir of the proposition.

Mr. Doyle 6aid wiiile he waj , in fnvnurof ilr. ilorns' proposition he mu ;ht pointout thai its adopter) would not preventany guardian who r-o wished from l.iin i'in? in s notice of ibotion to jrive :t n i.i-crease and to rescind Mr llorrm ' motion.; Mr. Power said what Mr Doyle hndistaied was quite true. He was m favour'ol Mr. Morris ' motion , and he hoped theywould have no more increase,-, for --onietime However , tliey should n-crj ^nisethat Mr. Morris ' motion does »¦•; h iti aany future board. jj 'Mr Quinlan—n wi l l show wha: ;!ucnirit of ih*» honrrl l i nn tlie tnnT1i»r

iM r . James \Yalslij <Teiup l«-uruun .-.-ii 1when Dr. -Hal pin caine to the disinot afew week* ago he Icriew what the -ulsr vWas , and the cost of iivinp was then pretlymuch ihe same an it is now. If Dr. H H I-pin wi.-hed to resign lie c.iuld do sn . HIK Iit wxnild be rime enough IOT ibe sviatii-^ans lo consider tho[ef?ect oi his resign-ation when he resigns. It fta< t ime forthe board to ceaie (itamm e iin r.-a-¦ s .»Salary. . 1: The ChtirniAB .-aid as nom- of theCounly iWaterford puanl iun> were pr.->eillthat diiv he thouaht ii would be <li u tv>them as the cuardiaits of Dr Halp:n 'sdistrict that they should get a ehaiu .- oidealing with bis application. He -n ,1-^ested tlia: a copy of the letter !>.- M I Uto each guardian , and flia t the cnii si.n .p-ation t.\ tlie matter be adjourned lor nweek Although hej made thi t pr.>-

pJDsituui in justice to l the Counljr 'Watvr-fiird guardians he vfisheil lo "?5rr tliai ti apropo sithin is made to cive an incr . -j i .-vhe wil l oppose it. i

After some furtln-i disc vi s=ion Mr Mor-ris 's proposition »«' utianii noiu -ly ailopt -cd. >i ?uardiin hariuVd in n - n ' ¦ • •- ¦ 'increi-'' Dr. Hali>in '.->j salary


Th.- aW.ve Re.ssions were held on Mnnday before Messrs J \Y. Orub b (in i l lchairs. SV Orr . U .M.; Al . Pow.-r J I I .I .1 JOuinlan i

J)AAL\fi E TO A HOUSKMr. Th-iinas Morriswy, I.micl:-.-^ i.-. :t ,AU'inmoneol Johu Hcal y for daoui c i i t ^ ahouse, his property, in which .Mi n.bntresided as a tenant for |somn 1ini .\!Mr. Mon!iss><y stated th a t w n e n .le-

fondanl left the huua<> ( hp found t int In-had destroyed sorti.- sh(-lves and ra i l s bycuttiiiL ' them i)way The . lam:i ^ i- i lo i i i -¦wits about X2 worth. |'Deiendint denied hayin g d;nmieil t 1 '. 1house , and said in* damage \MI.. .ion.- b\tinkers who livd th'-rb befo'e h im

Mr Morrissey .sai.J 1 the pei -ou v l i . »lived in tlie l ouse before tlie defeiidimiwns a respectable woman.

(Defe ndant was fined Is. and oplcrej tnpay 'Mr. Morrissey 33s.lcom]»-n~a 'j i.n iorth>! damage done to thtf hou^e

PROSEtTTIOX BY TUE «1' =\K 1) 1AXS.The tf i inrdiaiis of Carric'k-on-Sinr C' nicn

summoned Frank Houlihan for iillinrini ;hi s iwife and children toj become u cruir ^von 'the rnie f j(Sir. 'Michnel Quirks . |« - . i r . uppi - iueilfnr 'tlu. f>tmrHin n^ 1

¦Mr. James Walsh deposed t h a t i l l . - H.-fendan t 's wiff olid children had been ii>th t ' workhouse, for sometime H< - «.is ri 1-peaWlv warned lo talcel t i l . c l i i l c l i e n .10;but ihe iailed to do so |

Defendant suid he was w o r k i n g n . l l i nfarmer in the country niid could M..I w'ta chance to lake his wife out \\ lien | i> -will! set a cottav'e he will laUe V- n i i eout !oi tlii- «-<>rkhouse j

Mr. Quj kc faid deieiiiliiiu «l i . . i .UI u .ibe allowed to luivi- his wi fe nod cn i 'd i . nsuur>ort«l bv the ra tepayers w h i l e In- 1•joinp around .tlie country .

The case wa'« adj uunied f. -r .-¦ f . i r t i i i ^ h ito jrive. the defendant .ij ch, in<v :. . i nk . -his wi f. - iind children .)iH of :hc \ \ "r ^ -Itnos'p s t

MBMORKAI. SBHV/CI-: A T PT i < r | | \ <CHURCH. !A memorial service f-T tin - lu te U i l 'n.tin

Hodgo. one-time bandmiisier of t»« • - ICrin '-Hope Prize Flute j Bund . w a sheldUt St. John 's Churcli ut 12 o'clockSunday. The Mass was attended by n||the membens. of the band who subse-quently vuit«d Knockaen and placed awreath on fhej grave of the deceased. TheJatc Mr. 'Hodge met his dehth mirier tr.-^-iicircum^tanoes ai Tramor<( cvclvi; monthsaeo. *, ¦'¦ '- * I -


Grocery and Licensed Premisesfintted

Damages Estimated at £1.000

A lire which iH|UalleJ m i n u n - i i v . butoi course not in Vxtont , tin- nionster coii-Iluaration o/ Messrs Hearnc- s in the earlydays of lust Apr il , occurrej m Ihe crtjyest«'rdHV morninp shor tly after one¦• 'clock.

The premises involved « .> ¦¦ the grocery•lud licensed esiabii shiuein oi Mr.Michael 'llocketl . a three-storey bui ldin g ,situate in 'Putrick-streel.

Ii is not known how the fire originatedi>r at. wliii t time exactly it sUrted. butib ..ut twenty ininutei ' iu i w » Humes werenoticed issuing fro m tlie building , ln-lination was brought to Dr. Vincent

iVliit t ; wh:> immeilNitel y calied the Fireiiat ioti and the brigade uudur Mrloseph 'Walsh repaired wi th the utmostir.uiintitu ile.

On arrival it was seen lha t Uie cou-l«i-ratioii had got u>» firm a ho.ld to ad-uit of any chance of saving Uie building.lames rose . in the air . licking all thn

i , -oid-wnrk cast ins a red plow over tho: ky. The fire-fightera accordingl y directed\lieir effi>r!s to saving tihe adjoiningI ouscs and confining tlie outbreak to itsr la.ee of origin. They laid on four lines ofI j se from various points and a copious*:reau\ of -watear was soon playins on th»sl-etlt ing mass. In this work they wereGreatly assisted by many willing volun-furs, by about twenty policemen, whov er» present under Head Constables

< Connor sfnd .McKay, while tlie able-bodied members of the houses on theI ft and hight-hand sides laboured bsro-i rtllv to save thcit Droperty. Owinj; totj ie congested nafifre of the locality theIi re-fl','htcrs carried out their arduousd ities under very diffieuTT and dangerousc indttioiis , and Fireman Loncrsan WJJs! ielitl y iiijureJ by a fal l ing s'.ate.

By half-past thre» their efforts were re.war ded as by that t ime , despiie a sironx1n irt.h-westerly breeze . Ihr t ire was ^-ntu i.ier iimtloi and no dmnise h-id beendune to file atijoininu house? nth > r tha nt.r H! ciiused oy the faHing rcxi t \c the <hnpi.i the risht-liand side Tin- outbreakw.i< iils-o prevented from reaching soni.'oi [nouses of Jtr. Rockett s i tuated at the\>: ck. A-s for the bui ld i i iL ' i tself it wasei lire l y suited , only the .-hell now re-in l iu i i ie , and of course ail rh i ;it.>c k « n-destroyed. IJy four o'ci 'xk th . - li re «;isII ticticiillv extiii! iiii.- lieil.

\ redeeming.' feature of the n iiole thin?i< that thore Was no loss .<f l i f e Imnii-di lely tho .outbreak wns diseos-ered Uiein uibitnnts of the neighbourin g house*w< re warned to pet out of p ,.--ible dun-xc There was fo r tuna te ly nobody int h doomed building it . -e!f as Mr *II i-kei t is at present staying ar Train..r. .mi I lier liusbanil had goin- on; to joinhei by Uie 10 o'clock t r a i n

'I he irreatcst credit is due to nil •MiEa.jp.lf. .r the ski l ful manner in wh i rb the ..o ' -b r i n k was dealt with . anJ we be.ieve t h a tin - inel inj out 'Fireman flanaj nu fov e—[i.'i ia) prsise we are doing h im no uiort -thn u justice. The assistance , . f t h e Con-si ii Hilary was mrtst valuable mid helpedt. . imooth out muny of tlie diBiculties

T ii<- dumasio done is estimated ut ab.'o;t l"I. an.i is , we understand, cnvrcd by


lt i> *\mv e sessionf- were h .-ul - > i i I u».-• I..yh..-fore 'Messrs J. K. C rubb lui tliie lMtn . \V. tlrr . R.M : Wal i.-t \S»l - l i . .1ssiiellmn . 'Mnithias \Va':.-h . and \). Hald


Ti t- rii-p of Thomas Brown v ThomasI'h.- H O nrisinj .' out of a di i -pu.e -iver nU'tK 1 - ut:d trespass of entile W H S airainbt - f ' i -e ;he Court. The case lias alreadybi .'i fu l ly gone into on two or three »<-i-a sii Ii? and was adjourned U% .-liable ihrpun n iu carry out an u in le r t ak i i i i .' t"I t u i l i l . t i n - tenc?

M i . ' .M. J, CunnoUy. r <jlr . ;i|n>.- at . - -l :oi .c -j i i i i i l i i i t i i i n t .

Bul l i parties stated tha i l l i t -y l .a.l i .-n -ri. -.l .n i t their u n d e i t n k i n ? t " r . | . n i r :heiemi -

Mi Walt or Walsh said in (l.cortlanee*\ 11h the arrun ^einei iL mad.- lu - i f->u i*tdny lie visite'd the panic -- ' land- to secw l i j t had been done and he \wi^ told UyMr. I 'lieian that he hud no Internet llu-r^ -

1)(- t-ndarit again undertook tu repa 'it in - l eiices before r.ext 'Ses.-i .-n- .HI. I t in-ea-i »ii iiL'flin ndionnipil

ASSAi i/r.l;u iv- filT.patrick v . TI MHUI - HI o w nM r Peier O'Connor , .-oir . \\ .i te r fonl .

a i ip i - i r i- l for complainuut , and M i M .1C . i M t i i l i y , M>lr., Carrick-..n-i5u11 . o.r d - -i. i n I n i ] i

Mr. O'Connor having riven a l in . - f .,ot-I I I I .' ( i ivhat led UP to the a.~ 9a u ; i ,

Jim IP- 'FitzpatricK was oxnmined i iml'i« .p< 's >d . in reply to Mr. O'Connor . :h:iiuu .l it lv 7tb he was s°in? uji a lum- nearBr-.w I 'S placo for milk The Inner said" Yci wil l not be much iotiper t-ounnt ; foim i l k ' After some words l>etv\eeii tbcJiiHrnw spnt in his face and s tn uU him¦wi th nU fist. Me also kicked him on theh i p M itness did not raise n l iun d t (iK i u w iy iBruwn 's wile mid du u g i rn -r irieiit i . hold h im back. Broun a p p a r e n t l yWii \ la|d witness. djTown 's w i f . i- v v : t -

< ' r.,J . Kinninod by M r Conn. . ' l y — \\ ' ¦.:¦ni- - - t eniet l that he broke I I I - s is ter -tuoth HI the day in *)iiv>\u>iv 11.- w : i -not in hid sister 's' yard on the day in. | ios t i i i. He knew tha i Thonui - tln.«-nand Mr.-. Brown had a cross c:i-e u-.'iuiis 'h im . I n t if they swore Ui .-it lie i u ' i t nc - .<s truck Mrs. Brown or knocked out hc it - M i t l i hey would be comnii t t inc p i - r j u r y .Wi tne ¦< <lid not say to Brown tha t he »¦-

" an n i l hum."'Witness did not my a n y -t i l in g <• 'Brown about i'lalieny 's ^ra .MHe dii i not siiy ho would make r"a 'i , 'i- iy ' -i/ rii .ss < enr on him or that be vv. .u id putthe Bi iwiis in * the poorho iisr t )efn ie sixIU«Utll!

Tu ) I r . O'Connor—'Willies- u - .d ;¦,he lp h - hrolbcr-iii-law prior io t hi is i ic-on.- ion and he had n« obje cfoii •. . - \u .-cettinj: Kiaiierty '.s grass

Mich iri Drett w]io u«s nenr th , - -<-. n, -<if the illeired ussnult stated ilia: h- <lulimt see ihe two men fighting bin In- sa»Jiimes i - ' itzpatrick 's forehead s lu i l i i .y cutuud i ln re wa.t .blood on it and In - : l n-hWtt- MM >lll'fl.

'N -r?i4 nt Dnlton. CVirnckli , - .- . simcdUnit mi the following day Jn in i ' .* Filz-pa t r i ek t-anie to the barrack W i t n e - .*ii - i i .eeil his forehead sht-luly cm. mid hetulil h i i i t ha t .Thomas Bruiv n had k ick -ed hiu)Mrs. B t iwn . wife of Thomas Bm v vn . d.>-l>o-ed . n repl y to Mr. Coiilioily. t h n t.lame .-. I ' i tzpatrick cliallenneri her .nils-hand |< fight , spat in his face, and al -teniplr il to strike him. Her husband dirlnot si iii) e .Fitzpatrick till the la t ter f irststruck i l e r husband. 'James Kitzp -uricknf t erwriTjs nttempted to strike her hus-band ii I he j 'ard later on. nnd whenslu- v^f t ry ing tn cet .lame-1 > ' i t7 .putr ick•n :¦¦ ¦>> I lie struck her anil hn -ke ln -r

l .u v t l .

Cr.>-s.,f ,-iinined by Mr. O'Connor—Wn.i n--- .in.l her linsbaiid wore in O.-irriek onlin- dny in question. 'Her huslinud tonkOIKV two -Mottles o/ stout that day in Cnr-rick. \V tuosi nor her h'.isband gave noplovru 'ili in t< i her brother on the day in<l iu-siioi i He ha? been anuoyma hersince t in y took Flaherty 's grass Wit-nes* don ied that , the tooth she alleged.lames V tzpatriek knocked out lwd beenout for .n lon g time past.

Thi- fj .o ncli bound Thomas Br .no. \ l r -Ifriuvn bid James 'Fitzpatrick in th epeace i$a tKerva months ii\ SM each andtiro soctijitiea.o/ Xa -«acb.


Rev. Daniel.Morrissey. C.C, Abpeysj dc,and Rtv. J. Crotty , Chnplain , ChrrigleaCoiivcrlt , left , Dimgnrvun on Monday lastfor Ritiou , Yorkshire . «n route ior the.Continent, us army chaplains. Both ofthose zealoug young clergymen ire; ex-tremelj popula r in Dungarvan aid dis-trict , and bear away with them tihe hear-tiest good wishes of their many friends.A WEI L-DESERVED TRIBUT.2. I I

Thi! vellum certificate awardf d by! theN.S.l' .C.A. was piesented to &erge'aiit ,R.'IVistrari nt tho Dungdrvan Pettj Sessionson Sail, rduy last. The people Of thetiiwn have reason to be prou i of the(,'eniul ^ergeants efforts in tlie defectionand peij vuntion of cruelly to t iel| dumbnniinal s and he iuis merited nnd receivedmany congratulations on receiving thi9honour. :

Mfl'ROVKME MT. S MOCESSARll !The lobal con|ructor for tho cleansing of

th" streets of the town will lost his re-putation for tho faithfu l performance ofiiis duti'8 if hj ! allows refuse to remainou the s rests and mud in the gutters upto nine ¦ /clock -on Sunday mornings. Itis rather unsi ghtly to see shop sweepingson the roads as people come from divineservice on Sundays. j ;

6>oine plains ought to be procured toprevent pedestrians taking an unexpecteddip in tlie briny over Uie quay iail. Atpresent fhe place is dangerous] moreespecially on the nights of an dbRcuredmoon, when this, local gas lamps i}eed uotbe burning. And then, should the unex-pected happen , and one of the larbourlifebuoys|-a few of which are Binpendedat the quay side—be thrown to a. per»nin the wdter, the rope's attached lo theseantiquated life-savers would not bi- strongenough—is they have braved the o etneiltdfor yenr-s4-to render a rescue pra< tlcablo.

The netv spring-boara at the aathihgplace is out of order and could be epairedfor sixpence. These are minor tiiatters,but ©vcrv! little counts. Anrl th«J IOOAIlegislatorfl might look to those UiibgS. Alot of talk lately has been heard aboutlarge unexpended balances of funnta ofsocieties t)i)w defunct. What price e rect-ing o town clock in the centre oi the:Square ai^d tlius chime out the hour; byday and by night. The post office < lockennnot bel seen at. twenty yards wit louta pcriscopp. This is the time for utin ¦ upthese funds in some way toward s Jhe im-provement! of tlie town without butdo lingDie- ratepayers too -muchCAM0GIE MATCHES.

At the ShandoniGr ounds on Sunday lastDungarvan camogie team defeated ort-law, ufter -ii greati contest, by the iiaij iowuiaxgi n of | one goal to nil , in theiri tiein the Caniogio Tournament for i sf( ofgold Tnra j>rooeh^s. Misses Kraher. Lan-non. Stokes and Connors played bl-stl forthe winners. Mr. Sean Hogan. Wattrfprd .held the wKistle and gave entire satisfac-tion. The second; tie ¦ between Klilmac-tliomas anp Kinsalebeg was won (»' the.hitter on the score! 2 goals 2 points jto hil.Mr. Walsh referetj d most capabl y. : ilienext , round of this |tournament takes! placeat tb« sj im venue] on Sunday wcek| next.Ballimnnul : will try conclusions with tliecrack Waterford dozen , mid the localladi«s will pl»y Kinsalebej; Th<i finalwill ivst tetweeii tile winn ers ot t hjc-.<i>two znmesAN " F.LECTj ION.

The position oi instructress in lloni ;s-tic Economfy under the Depart merit ofAgricultureland Technical Instructioh v ilibe filled at- iieoct Monday 's meeting of IheCo. VVaterford "Nchnical Committw lo beheld in Dungurrari Coiirthousi! jj t no'clock on Monday next.RAPID PKi)MOT;lt>N.

Heartiest [congratulations to BerreantThomas Stojkes , ,<6th B.I. Regiment^ bnhaving jpbts ined a commission in j theEssex ^tegh rcnt. "Tom " Stokes jpintdthe army a: a private Rome six monthsa%o , and by sheer ability «»d soldicrty in-stinct raisci himself to the rank of 2ndlieutenant. At present ha is enjoyibgj ftwell-«'urned lurlough and is looking fit aadwell. He is youngest 6011 of the U»«j Mr.(iconre Stokes, Tlie Square. Dungai)v.ij i.ami one of the family of Stokes Brother^ ., -<iiitm/t |/>rQ I

DEATH OF [MR. MICHAEL P0WEK. ]Sewn camp by cablegram on Sundayfrum New Zealand that- Mr. MicliaclPower , son of Mr. Thomas Power . Chair-man o! Waterford. County Council , holddied near Mpunt Egremont. He was at-tended in his last illness by bin uoc(e,the Very Rdv. D. Power, pnstor ofi tliodiHtrlct in vibich deceased lived. TheL'reutest sympathy, ii« felt for Mr. ThoniBlsPower in tlia sad Ions of his eldest fcori ,nhb «\is onl y twenty-seven years old. .

Postponement of MunicipalI Elections

\ Hill will be introduced to Purl ianienhv Mr. Walter I.oug1 froposin g that , allocal elections—for Countv CouncilsBorough Council *, District Councils, etc-shall be p<itpon('d( for a ytar. Milant ime the present bodies are to remaii^ iioffice . j

It is also to w proposed thnt there slial !be DO .revision- this yeiu of voters' linti.

lit tlie ordinarj- course a general elec-tion for parliamentary representationwould take place next January - It i» ex.rwcted that tlVc general election will alsobe iJostponed , but the matter wil l notJlK>brought up far consideration unti l Piar-linmcnt re-astiembles next Septcmberj.

In the case of municipal bodies it IKtn be (. resumej l that Mr. Lon g's Bill uj illnot inter fere w-itj i th<! custom of milki:n < ;annual elections of mayors , chuirnien . ej e .

Social I anD personal\lr . K. \V. Bi rr.ni . D.I... travelled s| e( i-a l ly to Wuterf< rd to preside ut Monday 'sAir r icu l turn l .SI ow Committee meetini.-. tc-i n i i i iii!.' to Dul> in tin: snme eveningl.ady Cmirtoi -n presided at a largel y :)t -lended uieetinp ih Wexford , when it »¦«.*dreided to form « branch of the Red ( rok-.S.n iely. and «,is appointed Presidriitfin ' Vice-I'residenis are I (ady Mamie*-l - i izdf -rald. Latly Carew , Lady Tem|H|;-uior i ... I^idy ICsmondc. «nd Ludy Power. IA pproval has bei?i! fi ven Mr the appoint-ment of tempora ry Lieutenti tit W. A. Red-mond from the) 7th (Service) HattAlionRoyal lnniaki ilin s Fusiliers , to a comniii--i .ui in the -Special Reserve Officers . 3rdKii t t u l inn Roy; I Dublin Fusiliers- , njsl.ieut«mint.

I.udy Carbery has arrived ai Kin^stowtit- ¦ -in EnKlaii d4 • • • ? •

TRISH LIFEj-The High-cias» IrisiL Pictorial. Best for Social and Sportji ML .- News nnd Pictures.

IMPORTA NT WpHCE: TO WOKKMU NIIi should be ijbserved by n l i workint -'men wlio are infiireab lc nndei Part 'J <i{t.l'c In.-urance Act thnt their ini.-iiip lov-jnii -iii books slioij ld be exchanged duri i i aI lie current weckl The Lahou r Ex<-haiii ,'e!in l,i\fi y I.nne i ¦ op(?n each night un'ti lf0 o 'cloc k for til.! purpose of affnr.lin viw -rkers nil op loi tu nity oT oxel .on#in .!:|i t licir books.

LECTURE IN' TAE TOWN HALL.. Dr. Mary Strangman , T.C.. will delivera lectuic on " \yar on tlie Fly " in thoTown Hall at eight o'clock this evening.People are At last beginning to realisethe danger of the] hoiu-e-fly, and thereforethe subject fs al most appropriate one.The lecture will Be illustrated by lanternslides, and Mr. Pi Higgins. J.P., will pre-side. Admission i? free.' . but a collectionwil l b;- made to'defray:expenses.'and thebalance, -wili be jbanded' over <o a war¦charity. I :

. ¦

• i ¦

- i l l V: ¦ i ¦ ¦ ¦ - | ; ! ' ¦

iML.Jon.iHiW vn«.r i ju!(Co.l WATERFORD)

; - | J V \ ': ' | i ¦ | |

A Grand Bazaarn wi^r - ITI ?DRAWI NG OF PRIZES


kk THE ; v \ ] \ ;

Christian Brothers' Schools,DUcjlGAR^AN { '! 1«P - . :P ¦ 1 - iThursday, Friday S Saturday,

29th, 30th 5 31st JULY, 1915Thn Razaar will be lotwned by tho;Bev.

J. (ileeROn , C.C.J Cappoqilin. , J j ! :Tho Bazaar wil be opened on Thursday

and Friday at 2 ri.mli ahd on Saturdayat 12 o'clock- . 1 jf i ¦ M l - !

Prizes will"be o lexedjor ihe folloWing:—(a) For the bea "made 1? ate of Scones.(b) For the be it I maile' Loaf of Brown

Bread. , - II : - J j ;

(e) For the best nj adi Fr lit Cake, 1 1 ',(d) For the bes made J: adeira i ;ak*. ;For tho Best-dr< ased |Dol! (of fairly largio

size) sent in for opening (1 »y of Bazaar. :A Special PrizcTvlill bu given for each

Competition in 'p oppr ion to the dumberof Compctilors. , ; , I 'J :

The Prizes sent in will become the pro-perty |0f the Baza iij Cbmiiiittec. i . 11 :

Adrnission to Bi|ziar|esc.n: day,.6d. .{ 1 :Admission to concerts nnct uaacosj tsa.

each. T l |i .' : Hi I IMotor drives, ki idly Rive l by Mr Matt

Walsh, Main Street, Dun^arvan, at I areasonable price, tcpording to dist-nce. |

Trains at single fare |eav. s Watertofdj at2.45 p.m. on !T1 n+sday, retumii g iat9.30 p.m. ¦ |; : ¦ I IACKNOWliEDGMENT. I ]TUTHEH CUIiL mNihof receivHlthe-C ' following i ift JAid of the KilbrieriBazaur, for the Iri U Stall, knd he wishesto have them acknowledged in! ||the-"Waterford News ": A Hanti-embroj deredIrish Linen Bed spread rom Meat-rH.Heame and Co. ; A| Han i-embroideredIrish Linen Side^b< aj d Clot) from Eobert-

: son Bros.; a PoBtfil Orjier for lOs.l frpinRobertson. Lodlie, 'Kjj rgiison and CIJJ. ! i

LIMERl 'jCk RACri ^.THIKSDAY. t!9th Jl'llv. 1015


On ntyove dat^ <j li'eari TiikeU wiU beissued to Limerick! from Waterford ahclIntermedwto Stations by ypcciaJ '' ritibleaving Waterford 4t P.W a,ni. j ]Tickets available: for retu rn on date 'ofissuo only by Special Train peaving [Lim-erick at 6.10 p.m. i I i I

For further pacticu larj , see poster}*, ,brapply at Stations. i ; 1

E. A. J4EALF.. i i ¦,Geru'ijal Man|icor.

Kinusbridge -Statiotx. j iDublin . July. 19J5i ', I

: i , . , I I I

An Explanation I . j ] 'T» Mia Editor of th^ I'WatCitord Neksj 'f

Dear .Sir—Referring^ W t1ii! : report] a»last week's " Waterford New: ¦' of a. Passal Tramore Petty Session , itil which 'J \ ap-1ix-ared as a witness 4 •slioiild like to ppintout Uiat a reading of tlic rof ort in quefe-jtion (though in itself, fcUbsUntially ! tor-reel) is likely, in the absence] of explana-tion , to produce an entirely erroneou s ni-pression. i ! . -I IIt may therefore tj e jnet eiiiiry to 8' atojthat the article in question »ba t«kcx \ mlpUnige by me at a merel/i noa inal pricq.land thai, in doing sol, I was flu ting in ar>;enrdance with instructions to that «f ec't |which I had previously receivj ^ from Uie!polici'.—i remain , yours faithfully, ,

MICHAEL 10'GORM A'N .v o Dawson 's. ! 1G and 7 Peter St-. ' uJy 22. ' 5. ' j

IVlvRK FARMING SOCIETY. I - j iThe S9th annual A«icuTfnr«J Show ' iin.-j

d<-r 4he auspices of this old-?st»bliplied .Society will be held \m tlie Kith of e^pfjU'uibiT on the Bessborduprh I dcmewic,!•Piltrm-ii . by kind perjnip.'inn oi, the Earliof Besjboroujh , K.r . CV-O.. C.B. , |Ajf ru i t show will also be hij ld i I connect-itUi ii with it, and there will alfo be| a!Bee demonstration. Prizes anc cups .will!bi> given for horses , two j utupii " and two;drivins competitinna , 'cattle, shocp. swine«nd poultry. The entries j fot j the jvirapr jiiiii and drivinp competitions close ' 911(Monday, the i|3th September , While thofc tfor the others close on. the 4(h of Scti--teoibiT. ¦ i

WATERFORD AGRICULTURALSOCIETY. 1 : .A meeting of the Coriimittee of Mah-

DgeniPiit oi the Waterford Agri<-ultural So-ciety wai\ held on Monday. A statement: pfaccounts presented for the bast year wasconsidered satisfactory. A| goi d balancewas shown to'be at trie bank. Tlie priti-cij >ttl subject of discussion |»aH the hold-in.!? of tlie Show this year, and Ihe generalopinion was against tire fixt'uro - The un-nunl general nipctiii f ! 1 was |nrr insed furAugust 7th . ' ' I

WATERWORKS CUMKlITTiEK.j jA nii-i 'tine of the 'Waterworks Currl-mitu>e of the Corporation Wa.-i |held oilMonday The member? pre«en.t wcre:4-C'Hincillors Kr.nny \\n \\\o\ chiir) . Mri|.l'o.i li- anJ Mr. j niiirs Itowerj 'ill. I'. HiK-(.'ins . Assistant Town Clerk) ali i .Mr. .1.f'li' iniiiK . Borough Surveyor , wi.'/o in ati-VIII I IUKV. Tho caretakers ut ' IKIMCIUI-di'rry and Tycor were poth grnrted theirusual leave of absi'iicc|. Tf)e 'eport oftlii' carotaUot at Tycot st-at<;d ihal tin)brick wnrk and masonr [v' wa? in good re-piiir nnd the valves in ?ood. woi kinj; or-di -r The height of j water ii thi' rciscrvnii was 31-j inches^ wider U fir n«conipuicil with 43i incites unil i'r|wcir fortin- 1 orros|)oiidirj (.' week lasi yew . Tlu^t ' l ia! rai n fa l l for the wtook «"aj US.

WATKRFORD AND NEW R0?S ll'OHT i¦ SANITARY AUTHORITY. : |A meeting of the Waterford nlid New

Ross Port Sanitfiry Auj hori ty was heldbu Wotlnesduy morning. The Mayor(presided , and there ivcrfe also -pnoscnl:—j[ Aj dernien Dr. J. J. 0 SiillWaii and R.|JVard, 'Messrs. J. J. Egan, Boley, County;Wexford ; P. Shortis, DiC; M. xirwan.ir<; . . ' '¦

llr Patrick Higgins , Secretary , ind Dr.:I' . .A. Kelli &er , Teinporaxj : Port UcdivaliOluci.'i , were also in attendant>e> ' IMr. .I11I111 Macliey, Clerk ; of !|he Uni 'pli. 1,A-VOI I ? stating tliat any irecommc idutioii [I heir medical advisor the Bocij -d lad or-( 1'red that the delicate children in the |uoikhoust " bo sent to Pa.ssag i as

usualIlii s yeni- . and asking the ,Vott SanitaryAuthori ty for permission for the i use ofthr hospital . . i • ||The Secretary explained that when hereceived the letter it w6uld lwve 'beenU10 long U> wait to present it- to 1 tlii- niiN^t-;ing. Accordingly, lie consulted thi- Chnir- jnlnn , who authorised hini | to give permls- 5nioii pending sanction. i 1 |'|0n the motion of, Dt. O'SnUivali . second- icd by Aid. Ward, tho action of lUii -i Chair- |ni;in was approved of. 1 ' IDr. Kelleher reported iJiat the fol- 1

Iqwing vessels had orriyed sinclr the last,.meeting—ss. " Darwin "• from San iNicho- 11»», and "The Borgin Suu " from Mir«- :,miclii. The health; of the crews yra ' good, jThp usual reports of the Sanitary Afticerswere read, . ,. , , ; jThi' Secretary reported that th*ro was a 1credit ¦balance of £314 Iic. ' 5d. in bank. |

\ - i :| ¦

i r-p4s.r - : . 'i ¦ . iLggi . '! !¦ I ¦' I

i' i . ; ; - \ i ; ' . v£s£/\ Q \ \ . -- \ ; l B ¦ ;¦ j - : ; , ;

[¦ ' ¦ ! i j I 1 ' ) ' BREWED B'r :. j : : i - :

(THOMAS ^RP IrlftCo,I " - :: ¦ i coNwiEL. ! • ; : ¦



: ;. : . p0JLP 'EVERYJVHEIE. : i " 'I !i' | |"Ication to the *. Sole Agent foi Wa'terfoW'District '•i'. j'il l *L ± i«..' ¦¦ • '. ! ! l ij . i _ '¦

M fnces on Application |to the , Sole Agent foj WaterfrJrd Dhirict :- 1 1RflljR. Wilshi 10, iThiiyi s's Hil ,';|-i ; ; : . ^ATWFpRb.11 ,; j .

1 ¦ ' ! - i - . ' - I - il ¦ ! : ¦ fT^Tr rr f ¦ ¦ ¦ . ; ^"T^ 1

; . |. I QREAt' sAuE pr piANOs J . > it '!FOR OWE fekK Oltar ENDING iwEXT jsATURliity '



'l : i93 OIJAY i WflTFRFn Rn !' i l l TTt ii ; - 'i¦ 1 . 1 ¦

;M j - i ¦ .

EDUCATIONAL.: i i : i ; l Iii -

M'n v"rv. ! T"'i : ! l i l


1 NATIONAt UNiyERSlTY OF" l: j IRELAND. ¦:': I j,

FULI. Pttrticu ars^s .'to the .AdvantnsoiI oflercd j by thi3 Colleg^; Degrees oh-

tainable. Scholarships,' Fees;, etc., ate con;tained in the Handbook oi j the Collegejwhich, witliVany other , | information , 1 re-quired, may ; be. obtained gratis from1 tlwsecrtuiry. : j : i 1 . , ¦:

. . ; j ; . j| ' ,-



' . 'SESSION 1915-10. ' . I '

THE follownng ;reRUla.1ions | for tlie <"<>!•jlege Courses, etc., rnaj i be obtained

on application:— |/- I j ¦ | '¦!,i 1. General : Rcgulatiens—Scholarships,Feea.l : , ] . \ \ < j ! '. |. 1• 2. Coursea for. Degrees in Art , Philos-

ophy .1 Celtic Studied i |: : ;i3. Courses fij r Degrees ' in Sfcienwj . ; .

. 4. Courses for Degrees': in iJaw. |5. Courses for Degrees !in Medicine and

Dentistry. : , } { ' '. :;' ' (J , L '16. Courses for Degrees' in Engineering

and Architectu re . ¦! I j ¦ | i;;7. Courses for Degrees in Corhmercc. i .iKntrJance and Arts , Scienoe nnd Engin-

eering] Scholarships Examina :ions,i Octo-ber lsf, 1915. I j : ' :: ; ' ; . ; FIntroductory (Course irt Me< icinei andScholarship Examin ation ill : Medicine,Octobur 5Ui , 1915: ! . ' . !;. ! i | |: 'Lectures in Arts, Science, : Medipinc,Dentistry, lEngincerihg and AVchitccturc,and CdmmerceJ October ]2th , j lftlS. ! | •'; Lectiirea in La-w and Scholarship Exam-ination: in Law l begin October B5Ui, (1315.; Apply to i thej College, 86 StT: Stephen'sGrecn.ior the. School of MediclvA CeciliaStreet, lor by letter .addressed w the Regis-trar, University College, Dubl n. ¦ I

I . I ¦ ! • • : ! ; : -I ' - M .1 I . ! AiM.D:G.!: 'i i | . IM0NGRET COLLEGE. S.J.

i ' SCHOOLS RE-OPEN WEDNES1JAY\ [ . SEPTEMBER |Ut. ',; j I1 i Tiiis ColIege.l conductcU: by (hi: JtJsii tI-Fatherg, coruprises— 'i i| j I !i I I. PREPARATORY SCHOOLlfFor ' fJoj s[ about tho age of Jl- : -' i : '1 ; 2. HIGHER .|SCHOOL-lj -For Boy* bre-j paring for Professional J Agricu: rural J piUlj CommerciaKcarcera. Preparat An forj t l i rj Matriculation j F<xamination j i rccj -iNxsSpecial lutteation. i '; ] '" ji. | j \' ; j The Agricultural ;Deparinient provide*si sound general education ilneliidiug|Coiirses| in Agricultural Science) suitable:for : Boys preparing;for, ah A^rfmil fij ra li-urccr. I 1 ' : i II is! ECCLESIASTICAL or APOSTOIVIC.SCHOOLS-ForjBoys iJ rcparin.r for| tin1

' Priesthood in the . Foreign Missions. 5«vioral Bourses,' varying in value from £18to £31 a1 year, folmded by hene nctors [in-torostcd in the Foreign Missions are ayaiUible for|Boys of this dbpartme it. I' •1 :For terni.-i , etc, apply, to '<;¦ i| . . HE RECTOR. "'

I BLACKROCK toLL^GE|. ! i i lUBL U f . ; ; UFIFTEEN" S-CHOLARSHIPS ) V fAl I\\ \ ¦ ea-i:. f I :

I At : tlic jre-opening ,on 1 >t Soptt uber tlieabove -scholarships are offered 1 to liciwpupils over 13 and iuide ¦ 17. yea ¦» on j l>t.linie. Blackrock successfully preparp8tudcnta ifor all liberal darecrs. j its longroll iof brilliant successes in tllo ' Iniur-nicdiate, the University, tho Civil! Servicj f.the Professions, etc.; plaqe'il in the frontniiik; among iIrish I Collgos. JSpliindidafotiiids, buildings and cquipiuenlUand ?u>ideal, seaside : position , ]unrivalled f(j rhe.Utl). beauty and 'convenienct'j i'ivi'. Itunique advantages. I ! | ; j \- \ \1'or Scholarships, Successes, Pivspfctil-of ; (1) College, (2) University and I- CivilService College, (3) Day Pupils. (4)ICI*riit;(lStiidentA , C.S.Sp..|«apply to : ; ! I IREV: N. .n BRENNAN, c.s.sP.. r <-?ide «<M ' i I'll I M |i I It : : 1 • • . ¦ 1

¦ 1 i ;

¦ " ¦' j(Royal Veterinary Coll erie

I I i j (of Ireland) ; ! .i BAr.LSBRIDGE, 'DUBI.IXii'iincipal—Profr. A. E; METTA M K.S .! :|| i I M.R.C.V.S.1! '- . j i I¦i The', Sixteenth Session ^vill : coi: lincurton I Wednesday,'September, 29th. j " |

I 1 A ' Preliminary Ent»ance Exam nationwill [be held on September 2nd, 3rd , awj W! i I

¦ '¦ : i i - ¦ ; ; ' i ' ! |1 •] For i Prospec'ux and alii ; Particn ars ofCourse, apply to i ) ¦ r :,: T I ': i GEO. E. HAINE8,l ! -. ¦ . . : •l] |!M - : - L: r'"fTr>



j i ]QUOTATIONS are ir vited for the «up?lj !:

I of the following:- : ' M l i2 ivd.,Butter (J 'cwt. ireekly); 36 doi otiEggs (!) doz. weekly) ; 1 ton Flaked (hWraeiil ; 6 cwt) White fiugar; 10 cwt SoftSugiir^l cwt. Shell Cicoa; 6 Ilw.iCote*;:.'JOOilbs. Lentilfti. f .' ; i |" l I jTenders to] reach tHs Office not] later;than 10 d'clocki a.m. 6 Tuesday, the 3rdAugust, 1915] ¦;• ¦-;' • : -'

¦¦¦* r ' 1¦ .Orders placed- imniedJately on the ac-ceptance of f«ldeT: ' : . ' "' * ': -1{By Order)-1 '" ¦ 'V- : ', I THOMAS F. CASEY.' - i : , . h !' : :¦' ¦

:' :- &**¦»' Asyliim OfBoe, . 17th Jf f \y; 1915. i . | |


¦¦ FAT] PIGS F(|>R SALE. ; i

THE Board of Guardians herehy inriteTendersi for the purchase ol four

I fat Pigsi which1 in»y be seen on «fplica-tion to the Workhouse! . ! 1 | '. Tlua Tender^, which should bo addresudto : the " Prej iiding- Chairman of j theBoard,'.' and (endorsed; j" Tender forj FatPigs," will ba.reeeivcd

^ by rneiup toj thehour of Eleverl o'clc^ck on. 33th Inst.l I I; Terms—CaaH. ¦; I :| , j ' j ' I I J -.i The Purchaijer. m,ust 'remove the PIJWfrom tbe Workhous« within Two [ Days¦from the time]of Sflle; ,| : ' < '¦ \1 (By Order ofl the Board) v : :i ;• - I -

¦ . JOHNiMACKEY.i ' . ) I |Clerfc of the Unioo.

Board^Room , Workhouse. : j !\ ,22nd Ju\y, |l915.j ; :| '/ ' : j j j

j MASTAKEEM JiAKEEM,! Cast Indian iatnniny Ocnllst and lu] . : ; |SpeetaiiBtt ¦. . 1 . ||1 ' ¦

1 ' * C»n be ^msulicU al j > |¦ 8| LADY LANEJ Waterfori,

; ! llallyJoaotaini.Keirj+aiik. WJttrhti.i ¦ : ' ' I i: I .- .Joly i«h.iv j' I tterel>7 ctrtifv. l« the .Ka %l ndian Oculist and EarSpectalol. llavlatcem Hat'ctm. I bare fuITcrc4 ,«iUideafness : for o«<r slxtr y«ar» ; mv left ear w***«»-plctely deal. I consulted tee KM Indian Oculist. I I amverv pleated to u\- 1 \am hc-triiig now all ri;bt: »b& Jhare suffered with bu^h my <^e>. I am ce1Un£ crtal lift! pfovenieillwithiuy ej« byliistm Ifflent. { l !¦ i ¦ 1 ; ' I JtlttUliH ClUlU.

; i | , t. Sir\|lh'ijLinc, Bailyfcrlcim II hrtcbv tertj fy Ihkl I, nicliarj Sinuoll, o< tke'rtOTt

u^tlltu, tt-M miKciind lr<)Tn my eye* fur the putd nKiand lor mree roomiti <tatk. lltaiiag nf the lodiaaOci.l-«t. lUrtateem (ijlitcin. 1 el rmin«l lo Uj tilifcFor (he 6utfiiTdars lllludio be edlolilm. I cuwiRO hy niyseif . and r Jm all ;right ao»- by tu> treatme*aiiilntiodn uy uvj. :-.' t KlcllAHO StXKOtr. I¦! : - 1 '17. P"lebeVrr,Water(o»d, io!h/iJr. liij¦

: tor Ihe fm: t treaty^u j -jf j I lu,t uaknd wilh (Slie»ei«llhKrwlascatitj<.tai;d hEiTy inlLuninaUon,Miueannebjuetto^sJl ll.c liiu'c I 1 am elad l»say:»oirI am all rlEht. »od .-aa- ttad aAd. *Tile wKtooui mrliniil i e, pv the treatment I ha.c reccltcd fcoa the Ea4lodian Otg!l.l >nd Eai SpecUIIsl. Uat'akectn Haleemn

j - ;.- . . ; r : • . i M«ST MCNAJI«».¦ i ' i

¦ 19. Oilelloe's lanc.tr. YeitowRoii.¦ ' ¦ '

¦- ¦• I i - WMalt tA. July i cth. ion.¦;l have h«e» ilc.lt in I ) h elrs jtu^e I wal'ayountcJiUd.aod one CJI 1 Is no* .. .mplel.ly cured .- the other e« *>improviaii very rauthj 1 am elirt In lii-ine tnls tesliJmi.nial tn. tlie E.-»i Indian Oadis M A ti SpecialsMaslakeentHakee m.:' . . PATIUCK Uoux. •

: ¦

. ¦ . ': > ¦ ¦ • ¦

¦ , l l


I ' K VH.WAYL ; ' ; ¦ i |

Ti 'ESDAY AXI) WEDMO^OAV . '.Tth a id'

28lh IULY. -l»la. ¦ ¦ ] | j

| CORK'CABK "RACE?. ' j i !

'On ;%bo\f date Cheap Tickets jwi l l ! e Iisiuetl Irom Wat :rford im ? Intermedi.lje- 1.SKitionsT to Cork by Spec allTralu lear- 1in? Wattrlord (it » n.in. • ( :! ' .I ;

Tickets! ayail.ibl^ f<ir return OK eitlurdnte by Train lcaVin? Cork af 6.-t'x p.mil

These Ticket? are 'nof-available hy Rolf"lare Express im*r nhy ciTcuiiiKUimv.y

tor further piirtj culars. WN? PIM I.TS ilrapp ly atlS't .-ition.'J . i . ¦ i ¦ •: ' ' ; i!-. i ,.: " i • ;. 1 ' B/ A ! NKALK. !,,. i : .!: ' (ieiter.-il ifiinai-vi .Kiuxsbridse Station' I ¦ • ¦ ' (. |Dubltn ,;.IiiV. 10Ij.

¦•-. ' j - j

: ' ;i : - ¦ • l;' - ' i

' -. ¦ i i i l; Wires— ' \ Tclephoner" SVivell'a, DublinK i ' 67^.. !I SEWELL S, DUBLIN. |"- . 1 IMPORTAN". NOTIC 5 QFJ A i

BLOODSTOCK & HUN TJJB,' SALE,; I ' ; , . ;!; To be leld in i le ' '; '-J


\ (Pay after O'lonmel Show), j - j; Entry Fornis on applicatiin. '. • i jEarly application necessarj' 'to w"n

good places. -. . . ' . . ; vt : ' : '; ¦? Entry Fee, 5/-. to! be sent .Vith Entry, j- Several Important Entricj already re-,ceived. : ¦ f .1 ¦•' ' ll , . :: ,6EWELL. | SON- AND SIMPSON, I.T«-.!.; , I ¦]' . '; Auctj loneew. ;| ;: ¦ ; ,

WATEBFORD—Pripteii SDd ^nWished byWaterford Ne*«.7btd.,' at the WATER-PORD NEW8 Machine Printing, Book-

.: binding, and Machine Rulinz Establish-

.: meht. 40 and SO, O'Coonell Street, is tba"i-F»riib «t Trinity "Within, j ; : . .