fu zhen and turtle

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Post on 29-Oct-2015




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AbstractThe use of Abdominal Acupuncture to treat illness, harmonize the Zang Fu, and strengthening the Yuan qi is based on ancient theories of Daoism, TCM, Ba Gua and the Five Elements. This technique is based on the system of the regularization of the navel as the central nucleus that has been neglected for centuries. The formation of the embryo is regularized by the umbilical system and this system controls the whole organism during the period of pregnancy. This is considered to be the first system of regulation and the basis of the meridian system and the distribution of qi and blood of the whole body forming a macroscopic control. The development of the umbilical regulation system is divided into two different systems: one is located in the superficial layer and is called the peripheral system (musculoskeletal) and represented by the Sacred Turtle which includes the meridian system, the other one is located at a deeper layer of the abdomen and is called the visceral or Zang Fu system represented by the Ba Gua map.In the abdominal region, the zone above the umbilicus is considered Yang and relates to the Fire Element, the region bellow the umbilicus is Yin and Water Element. The right side is Yang and relates to the Wood Element, and the left is Yin and relates to the Metal Element. One can regulate the equilibrium of Yin Yang, through the abdomen forming one of the fundamental concepts in Abdominal Acupuncture.Yuan QI is the Original Energy. Its meaning is bound up with following the beginning and ending of heaven and earth. Thus the origin is the root of all things and the origin of the human beings lies within it. Yuan Qi originates in the Kidneys and Ming Men and distributed through the Dan Tian in the abdominal area. The basic theory and treatment of Abdominal Acupuncture is to strengthen the Yuan QI in order to balance Yin-Yang, treat the Zang Fu and nourish Jing, Qi and Shen. Map of the Sacred Turtle Luo Shu (Winn 2003)Dao births One,

One births Two,

Two births Three,

Three births the ten thousand things.

The ten thousand beings carry yin on their backs,

Embrace yang to their chest,

And by mixing the two qi achieve harmony.

Daodejing, v. 42 Laozis famous verse 42, dated to about 360 b.c., is likely referring to a much older Chinese cosmic number diagram known as the Hetu (Ho Tu), the Dragon Writing that according to legend first appeared in 2200 b.c. on the back of a Dragon-horse. This diagram maps out the unfolding pattern of the first ten celestial numbers as a series of white (odd) and black (even) dots (fig.1). They were arranged in opposing pairs where they could copulate and generate a spiral both inward and outward from the central number five. Five represented the human adept and the all pervading power of the Five Phases (wuxing). In the oral tradition of inner alchemy, the numbers 1 through 5 represent the formless stage of primal energy generation known as Early Heaven, the numbers 5 through 9 the cycle of qi manifesting in the physical plane or Later Heaven. The number 10 (sharing the center with number 5) is the number of completion.

Fig.1 The ten celestial numbersThe Dragon diagram had a terrestrial companion, the Luoshu , known as the Turtle Writing (fig.2), according to legend found atop the back of a turtle in the Luo River by the ruler Yu the Great. It is famous as the oldest magic square diagram known to man, with nine numbers shown as similar dots, in which the three numbers of any line add up to fifteen.

Fig.2 Luo Shu Sacred Turtle

These cosmic number diagrams were later converted into the Early Heaven (xiantian) and Later Heaven (houtian) sets of eight trigrams of the Yijing (I Ching). The two Cosmic Number diagrams and their two trigram successors (Fu Xi and King Wen arrangements) are the cornerstones of Chinese spiritual culture. These number patterns (fig.3) have offered a common foundation to areas as diverse as philosophy, divination, astrology, feng shui, medicine, calendrical calculation, political ruler ship, military strategy, martial arts, and alchemical meditation.

Fig.2 Magic Square

We must remember that this diagram was not seen as numbers resting on a flat plane, but a turtle shell with the domed top of the turtle back representing heaven. The turtles four limbs, head and tail represented man, and the square bottom of the turtles carapace was earth.

The vertical axis connecting these three realms was shared by three Numbers: 9, 5, and 1, the central column of the luoshu.The highest point of the Turtles shell, representing heaven and the Fire Element, was the Number 9. In the middle of the Turtle ruling Earth element and the Human soul, was the Number 5. At the base of the Turtle, where an imaginary umbilicus or womb would be found, was the Number 1, suggesting the deep watery origins and Water Element.

This Turtle Chart was thus a map of the macrocosm, but its nine numbers were simultaneously placed within the microcosm of the human body. This interiorization of macrocosm inside the microcosm is a central Daoist alchemical practice. The adepts consciousness slides up and down the vertical axis pole of the Turtle-cosmos as necessary during his alchemical work of gathering and balancing the horizontal forces of the other numbers.

The earliest written record of the complete 9 Numbers of the Turtle chart being placed inside the body dates to the sixth century, where the Daoist Chen Luan, quotes the Classic of 9 Halls Calculation of the Yellow Emperor:2 and 4 makes the shoulders,

6 and 8 makes the feet.

3 is at the left, 7 is at the right,

9 is worn in the head.1 is underfoot,

5 dwells in the center. Abdominal Meridian SystemThere is an abdominal holography that looks like a sacred turtle which has a regulating function for the peripheral (musculoskeletal) system (fig.4) and is based on the Magic Square. The navel forms the central point of the body of the turtle (No. 5), the head at the top (No.9) at RN-12 (Zhong wan) and the tail (No.1) ending at RN-4 (lumber spine). The upper limbs bilaterally (No. 2 and 6) begin at ST-24 (Hua rou men)) that correspond to the shoulder. The lower limbs bilaterally (No.6 and 8) begin at ST-26 (Wailing) that correspond to the hip. The point KID-17 (Shang qu) corresponds to the neck and the point ST-25 (Tian shu) corresponds to the waist (No. 3 and 7).


Fig.4 Map of Turtle and acupuncture points.

Case History 1

A 68 year woman had been suffering for several years from shoulder problems. She was diagnosed with tear of the supraspinatus ligament on her right shoulder and was recommended on having surgery. She was not interested in having surgery at this point so she decided to treat her problem with physiotherapy which gave no results. She then was referred to acupuncture treatments. After having 12 treatments of electro-acupuncture there was much improvement. After 3 months the pain in her shoulder returned so she went back to get more electro-acupuncture treatments. This time, after 8 treatments no improvement was seen. She was quite desperate because she could not sleep or do daily activities and was seriously considering surgery.

She was advised by one of her friends that before having surgery to try Abdominal Acupuncture that helped her very much with her back problems.

She came to my clinic and had a physical assessment. She was unable to rise her right arm more than 70 and her pain scale was 4 during wrest and 6 during daily activities. I started treating her with abdominal acupuncture at the following points: RN-12 (Zhong wan) head area, REN-4 (Guan yuan) tonify Yuan qi, KID-17 ( Shang qu) on the left side to move qi in neck and shoulder, and three needles (star needle) at ST-24 (Hua rou men) on the right side which is the anatomical location of the shoulder. Immediately after the insertion of the needles she was able to lift her arm to a 90. After 3 treatments she was not awakened any more by the pain and her pain scale went down to 3 during daily activities. After 8 treatments her pain scale was between 1 and 2 and she was able to lift her arm to a 120. On follow up after 5 months she still was enjoying the benefits of Abdominal Acupuncture.

Map of the Ba Gua

There is a system that controls the function of the Zang-Fu organs and is called the Ba Gua or octagon system (fig. 4). According to this system the site Li corresponds to the Heart (RN-12 Zhong wan), the site Kun corresponds to the Spleen (Ext. AB-1 left), the site Dui corresponds to the Large Intestine (SP-15 Da heng left), the site Qian corresponds to the Lungs (Ext. AB-4 left), the site Kan corresponds to the Kidney (RN-4 Guan yuan), the site Gen corresponds to the Stomach (AB-4 right), the site Zhen corresponds to the Liver (SP-15 Da heng right) and the site Xun corresponds to the Gall Bladder (Ext. AB-1 right). Each point has its specific therapeutic function for the Zang Fu.

Fig. 4 Ba Gua Map

Case Study 2

A 48 year old woman came to my clinic because of migraine headaches. She had been suffering from migraines for more than 20 years, but it had become worse in the past years. When she arrived at my clinic she was receiving voltaren injections at least once a week because the headaches were so strong she could not function properly in her daily activities. Occasionally pills gave good results. Her headaches occurred between once or twice a week behind her eyes and occipital area, and she always got a headache on the day before menstruation. Her periods are usually short, occasionally had slight dizziness, and her neck muscles were very tense. Her physical built is thin and she is very active person. Her pulse was slightly rapid and thin. Her tongue coating was thin and body slightly red. According to TCM her diagnosis was Liver Blood Def. causing Liver Yang Rising.

She received Abdominal Acupuncture at the following points; RN-12 (Zhong wan) for head area with the addition of three more needles surrounding RN-12 in order to strongly move the QI in the head area: RN-4 (Guan yuan) to tonify Kid Yin, Jing and Blood: KID-13 (Qi xue) to tonify the Kidneys and bring Yin to the head area: SP-15 (Da heng) on the right to harmonize the Liver (according to the Ba Gua abdominal map): ST-24 (Hua rou men) to move Qi in upper body, and KID-17 (Shan qu) to promote the flow of Qi in the neck and head. She started to receive treatments twice a week. She also received a basic formula of Chinese Herbs to tonify Liver Blood. After two weeks of treatment she experienced only one headache during this time. In order to avoid a headache during her menstruation, one day before I applied magnets in the ear at the points sympathetic, shenmen, tranquilizer and liver.

After 6 treatments she only experienced once a slight headache after a long day of work with almost not food and water. At this point she started to receive treatments only once a week. After 10 treatments no more headaches were reported. On follow up after 4 months no headaches were reported. Strengthening Yuan Qi and balancing Water and Fire

According to Daoist alchemy the prolongation of physical and mental health is to balance between Water (Kan) and Fire (Li). There are many techniques to accomplish this balance, especially meditation and Qi gong, but we can also achieve so with the help of Abdominal Acupuncture. By balancing Water and Fire and by strengthening Yuan Qi we can treat difficult and chronic diseases.According to the Ba gua map and the location of points in the abdominal area,

the points RN-12 (zhong wan) and RN-10 (Xia wan) correspond to the Fire Element and can tonify the Post Heaven Qi and the Spleen and Stomach. The points RN-6 (qi hai) and RN-4 (Guan yuan) correspond to the Water Element and can tonify Pre Heaven Qi and the Kidneys. By using this basic point combination we can help in several difficult and complicated health problems.

Case History 3

A 35 years old female patient who was having gynecological problems came to my clinic. 15 years before she was diagnosed with lymph gland cancer. The treatments she received caused hormonal disorders and also affected her fertility. When she came to my clinic she had already gone through 6 IVF treatments accompanied by acupuncture. Her menstrual cycle was irregular having her periods once every two or three months and lasting one and a half to two days. On the months she had no period she would have hot flushes. When she had her periods ovum was collect having only one ovum and sometimes non at all. Other symptoms included headaches before her period, insomnia, ostopenia and constipation. Her pulse was rapid, thin and weak and her tongue was red without a coating. According to TCM her diagnosis was Kidney Yin and Jing Def with Empty Heat.Her treatments consisted of Abdominal Acupuncture and a Chinese Herb Formula for Kidney Yin Deficiency with modifications.

The Abdominal Acupuncture treatments consisted of: RN-12 and RN-10 to tonify Post Heaven Qi and balance Fire; RN-4 and RN-6 to tonify Pre Heaven Qi and balance Water; KID-13 to reinforce the Water Element, Kidneys and help infertility. Occasionally SP-6 (san yin jiao) and Ren Mai (LU-7 Lie que and KID-6 shao hai) was added. After two treatments she received her period. The next time she had ovum removed there were three of them. Unfortunately there was no fertilization. She decided to wait for at least three more months before having IVF again and continued to come for Abdominal Acupuncture treatments. During this time her periods became regular every 28 days. She reported no more headaches or insomnia, her bowel movements improved and her pulse became stronger. The next time she had ovum collected there were 4, one became fertilized and the IVF was successful. Even though the points used in Abdominal Acupuncture are well known to all acupuncture practitioners the therapeutic results of Abdominal Acupuncture can only be obtained through the various depths levels of the abdominal wall (Heaven, Man, Earth) and by stimulating the different systems with knowledge and deep understanding of the theory, philosophy and technique which is unique to this method of acupuncture.