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Non-profit organization

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Non-profit organization

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Full Force History

• Full Force Basketball was founded by Michael Gayle and Ib Belou.

• Its main location is in Montrose, CA.

• This non-profit organization has their members take part in the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU).

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Their Mission

• Full Force Basketball’s mission is to provide an environment that fosters leadership, sportsmanship, honesty, and integrity with a strong focus on teamwork and family.

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Personal Basketball Connection

• My connection with basketball is that I used to play basketball all 4 years at Canyon high school. I started at the bottom not knowing how to play, soon loving the sport and improving each year making it to varsity. I’ve been an athlete all my life and I know each child can be too. I believe ever child can accomplish their dreams like I did, to set your goals high and strive to be the best.

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Community Need

• Each year 20 million kids register for sports such as hockey, baseball, football, basketball and more.

• The National sports Alliance reports that about 70 percent of all kids by the age of 13, quit playing sports and don’t play again.

• The number one reason is because the sport is not fun to them anymore.

• The community needs sports that we watch and play everyday to be enjoyable to kids and to motivate them to exercise.

• Awareness needs to be shown through the coaches and parents of the accomplishments they can meet by developing emotionally, socially, physically, and intellectually.

• Full Force Basketball can meet all these needs by their mission to make their sessions enjoyable and provide a good environment for the athletes to d5evelop these skills completely.

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Get Involved in Basketball!

• Come to our clinics where kids of all ages can join to improve and develop their individual skills.

• If the kids are more advanced they can tryout for the travel teams that compete in local, regional and national tournaments throughout the year. The travel teams are provided with uniformity of black, white and gold colors at each game and tournament they compete in.

• People can also donate money to support Full Force Basketball online or by mailing in your donation.

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Michael Gayle and Ib Belou have a passion to provide great basketball instructions to the players the appropriate training based on the levels to aspiring young athletes.

Inspiring and talented coaching staff that make up Full Force Academy were high school alumni, college athletes or former coaches of high school or college teams.

They help young athletes improve as people, students and basketball players to be the best they can be by their clinics, programs, and simple instructions.

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• Full Force Basketball has many programs and resources that develop this organization like…

• Michael Gayle is the founder of Full Force Basketball that teaches the players in clinics and its travel teams.

• Ib Belou, he is the head clinician who engages actively in the clinics throughout the year.

• Athletic Amateur Union (AAU) is one of the top, largest non-profit organization for volunteer sports in the U.S. today that supports Full Force Academy.

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Full Force Basketball Academy offers clinics all year around for kids ages 5-17.

• All of the clinics have beginner, intermediate and advanced levels with talented staff to lead players for success.

• Advanced players can have “One on One” private lessons or group sessions that are available for up to 15 players.

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• Athletes will learn the fundamental skills of basketball at any level even if they are beginners.

• Players must start by being fair-mindedness as they can achieve the highest level of personal success when placed in the right level based on their skills.

• In the sessions athletes will focus, seek meaning in what they do and become more advanced on passing the ball, shooting, ball handling, rebounding, agility, defensive positions, play based on positions, lifting to produce strength and conditioning.

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Specific Full Force Programs…

• “Nothin’ But Net” is a clinic that focuses on shooting for all grade levels.

• “Triple Threat” is the second clinic that focuses on the basics like shooting, passing and ball handling skills. Beginning players must evaluate, analyze and understand each concept to know how to do it correctly and improve as a person and player.

• “Future Stars” is the last clinic Full Force offers to 1-4 grade levels that focus on the basic and beginning basketball skills.

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Critical Thinking Critical Action

• Full Force resembles critical thinking by how the players learn the basic basketball skills and how they perform them by using their bodies.

• Critical thinking is also used by designing plays in a game, coaches to have a strategy on how to get the basket and score points to win the game.

• Coaches use critical thinking in making and developing drills for players to practice certain skills to help them improve in different ways.

• Full Force presents critical action by how players perform those basic skills, plays they are taught for the games, and succeed to their potential as a basketball player.

• Players also use critical action in their tournament games as they make and perform plays to make a score at the basket.

• Coaches use critical action by showing players the correct way to play and the original fundamental skills that partake in being a basketball player in their clinics, academy and one on one’s.

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The Foundation for Critical Thinking/ Full Force Basketball

• The Foundation for Critical Thinking mission is to promote change in education, society and educational reform through the cultivation of fair minded critical thinking.

• Foundation for Critical Thinking wants to improve education through elementary school, colleges, universities, etc.

• They include workshops, development programs, standards, strategies based on instructions, assessments for higher critical thinking and more.

• Full Force Basketball provides its programs, sessions and clinics for kids to establish skills that make up a team and develop their individual identities as justifying results to becoming or being more advanced basketball players.

• The experienced and talented staff are dedicated to produce excellence in academics and athleticism. They want to help players discover your own mind with strengths and weaknesses because players can always use improvements to be better players.

• Learning the fundamental skills and provided informative sessions are important to help the players learn and succeed to the fullest.

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The Foundation for Critical Thinking/Full Force Basketball continued…

• This foundation every year travels to multiple universities to give lectures for people who are new or support their foundation.

• The Foundation for Critical Thinking creates events and resources designed to help educators improve their instruction.

• The International Center for the Assessment of Higher Order Thinking (ICAT) is a center to help universities ways to help students critical thinking abilities.

• Full Force Basketball has many year-round clinics that explicate their available programs that are very informative to parents and basketball players who want to join the basketball academy.

• This organization provides one on one sessions by their experienced instructors to help advanced players and other specific programs to help new players with fundamental or practice skills they need to improve on. The instructors also help with players dispositions by showing discipline and support by pushing them to their potential.

• The foundations one on one program or the specific programs help players think critically about what they are doing, to improve in their playing and aggrandize their movements to become more advanced.

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