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P11bn,1i..t I '143 ly •nd For tM Off"ICM •ncf Enlirt.d ,.......,,., of

GOODFELLOW FIELD s..a. .......... k. .... t . ...... ......

.............. . ........ 1..a....

* • •

* * * * •

• * * *

....,......_ .......... .. __ .... - ........ ~ _ .. Nrrrr and Navy Publishing

Company of Louisiana ....... _ ........._ __ - --


- SAN A N GEL 0 , TEXA S t 17 I



0of)d(ellov Field.. ~ a.uto.c \be clo• e ot tts th.1r' 7~ ot • erTlct . 11 &.he oldu' baste ttUot. • obool la tht Ce:ii.ral ?lyt~ TralD.1.AC Co-.t.. I D the CO:jz• e o! it.e llrlt! 90tU.h 1 of •xis ten.c10 lt h&a w.ilt a prood &a4 n rtablt -record.. A.a.d. wt G;Jltot. N \he -.r contl.a:u•. th.at. th.11 rHOr• vtll a.ot oft].7 "be M1-oi.ah.1M. but lmpN• tid U!JIO••

The record l\tel!' 1• a re1\llt. ot oont c tMt1o\U e!for' born ot i.l:a.t t•ltb tbi.l~ ve <U't 1tru.cclln~ t~ kte;> &.nd to !"J.l't her the tnter11&e of d.eo~OTt Juttloe 3.Qll bollor. ll11oe Aatrl~n1. Aad born loto \J\a,; rlgbt u4 vith • · ~•• ot a.pprocla,lon tor \tuJ.l•l4Uo!'l And collective libertl11 • ..,, ba•t bad. a.o otbu deal.re but t o p r111J'Yt th• rlpt aa4 htlp 'b-rlng lt 'o oth•• 1111 fort.1U1&t1.

!hu Ooodttllov 7leld. N e 001 of the bl,tj:leat 1fflclu.q rattn1-1 Md M!et.7 l'&OU'd.6 1a. \bl• tr&tntoe o~d~ It baa o~lad a keJ' poetttoa la the t.nl.Al.n.;: of a\l" .. a , "-' vell "• ot:b.•r• ot Ute go~ pertoa.a.el. TbotuM.4• ot T>U4 -.a. ha•• 'btn #•.m.tH tro• lt1 tllR\t 11u• a:od cla..t• rooae: -.q ha•• Yt'-lt;• \heir .._, la 1.oke u4 tlr• and •tMl ac:ro.sa the •Ntt l ..t 1.k:.111 ~ th• worl 4.

1 aa C4a.!1d•\ \baL t.b-t oo•t.a.g .:ii.Atha vtl! tlod the eftorl• or all w..faltartac., ~ lo r•L1ll"a 1 v ·\ 1.b lo •ntod. -r ~114fS\lll.atioa• nAd \ Mr.Aka tor J'OV ~Aal>le ;iart la b • \piac L-0 \ntc ""-=."'\ 9Q1tlp thouuod.I Of otJ&.ars. 3-a vell ... 7our1t l •••· to ... , the •utf o.:i m-re tba.tr .,. .. t•"" 00 &11¥ 1-L.tlt f'rio.o.\ .

* *


Commanding Officer, Goodfellow Field

c.a-.1 $1..u L D•v-ad,er who ..,,,._.dMf Colo••f l4"v• 0. ,.,.._Ci as C.....m•~9 Offictt of GoocffeBo., Ft.Id. April I. llMJ •••~Mer 11. 1901, •t FOti1t1te;,., Ru.n. Ktntwc:ly.

A '---• .,...... o{ Westetfl Kefthu.\y Ta•chtn' Colle9e, he •u u A.m.1 f,.ld det\- from l•lt to 1921 , and ftom 1921 to ttn .,. ·•• • Or·"9 c•~•'*·

He rwce .. ~ '11 c.-o-kMot1 •• a S•cond Ueulel'ltl'lt in the Ait CorPt Wti 1'241 S...tJ....ci.,. .. t p.tf'l\el'ltnt r•"'-' •.re •• foHows~ F-irs1 l.iKf-•-"• S. ... •Nr 14 l•lO· Cepfai"• Atu)11rt t, 19)5; Mefor. J.- as lt40 0. O.C..Mt S, lt4t. M ettel .. ad t~ tempore.ry rt"'l of I,;.,-••..,•• ~ .~ .,. M.,ch I, 1,..2 tie we• promoted to.,.... t~potary ,._,., of ColOJ1al

ColoA•l Oe••~~ ••• lf•t~l'l•d at Carlstrom Fleld, Florida, end l(ely Field, Tttes, •• a n,.-"'9 ttcltt ;n 1921 and 1922. He t"°k­the Ob1tr11teli011 Co~ at Kellv Field in 1'25, From lele 1925

u•t;f 1921 he ••• at '•st Field, fwt S* OUUo.me, perfonw<1 "9 tq11.droe cfvt•el. from 1927 to 19) t h• w•• •f Bl'Dob Ft.Id •• Ffyi"'t IMtntclor •"cl efto was AtW'l•m•11t Offteet. F'°'"' 19)1 lhro4.19f, •tl7 11• w•t 1tetio"•d •t lttotdolp~ Fi•ld es A.di&1t•11•, N••f h• ••l'lt to M••well Field to the Air Corps l•cticel Schoof thro119lrri 1~38 wh•n he w•s: tr•nd•rr•d lo the Comm•nd 111d 6e11tr•1 St•ff SGhool •' Fort l+•¥tnworth, Ken$6i. ~rom 19)9 to 1941 h• w•1 •t S•lfrid9• Field, Mtc.lrril9•ft. -.t

Adivtettt eftd Co""''•Mlitt9 Ofrk•t of th. 49th Pv.rwit Group. '" ••-41 he wei; tre•sfttted to th. He•dqverte« of tfte A•t Corps T•cfr.,,K.el Tra~'-i•9 CofflON•d •t Qe•vf• F,.f.d. lli•111 oa Meteh 14 ft•?. he -we1 1tetio11•d et th. Heedqwer+eti Anny Atr Fotcn W•dti.J'19"k1n. 0. C .. •• Chj•f. T•c.hnKel Trei11in9 Oivisto,., Oir•c.•or•t• of lndiYtdv•I lral11in9.

C·olon•I Oev•s'her holds th• ratrn4 of • Coml'l'l•nd Pilot.

A.pptOP• ••t y Gooolt low field r~t1ved its ria"'• fron1 O"• of t"'9 Mreel of W d War l-l. .. ~t ,.,.. Joh" J. Good~ltlk>w, Jr. 909 e.· Joh.a J . Goo<iftl!ow So" A"Ot6 Tesa,1., U......~•"•"t Gooci W2ow •h<o ... , • fftef'f'bef of t._,~ fe...,.O ?4th "4t0 Squod•'°"" ~kn ••• fom.•d ,.,_i ,. y 1 1917 ot k•lly F.ed Te>..$,, ...... , ,hot dow11 in •ction .... tn •"•"".,. ai1c.rafl over !ho St. M~liiel Solieroi .. ctor o.f F1on.c:t ~"e ef1or"oo" of Soptombtr 17, 1'18.

Ot.q-iul y how•¥or the field -.os •l\own limply o tho S." All .. elo Alt CotP\ Sade: Fl.,.inq S-:loi~ Tho irMH For the qroul'd Oh9~!Jr' c.ora.ui nq ot 0"'9 M<"fto.n of lal'ld (MO t(re-1J ••1 or. ,."9"0 Cft AyqilP 1940. On S.ott'Tlbtr S q10C1r.d ••• bre,•n •rrd th• b&rllci ll.9 of th• f ,.Id ~on.

Th. pOe"• ~hel'I c•lled for 75 bwildil'lq 1 bu• ,.,.fiich flovt be.en tM1Ms.ed wn11I '""Y no'W i-otol tr101• ~~en 200--WHli ebo111 7S on he 1 qht llno ihtlf n.. 54" Al'lqe&o Ait Corpi 8etJc Flvi"CJ Schoo' wo1 offcially ~eO on Jaft"'°"" •S 1''4t witfl tfle fin.I c•.aj,i ef 111 .,,.;atio" ~!\a mt.e4 on h-b,r\o.sry I , 1~'41

0..-t c' tfo•• Ot~~"• cleu of "°"""' f1ier~ C1eo •I E- 5'a ... • ..,...roed a ""'"bt' .... no ~a..,e b.eomt •trial M~oe• on •h"o't 9'/ll"V bettl• f-ol\i of ~k-t! 111otld, C.pt-0111 Ancfrow J, R•yrtold~. one of !ho loodtttq 11~01 In. the So\lth'Motf Potiflr:: li~fJ••nonh Thc>moa K. '•rlot and Jom•t A, Isbell 'Mho •or• wi~h Gen•rel Ooolittlo durit19 ·~ '""• '" al Nortfi Altke bo,i. of .... ~ , .. 9had Air Uoaa s. •o;r •Cf •k&t pa-rt"" 1ir p~ie of "lCJ"''. ,..q •nd Li•u· hftel'lt Wifr .. m G Farrow wl!o a!.o f..,.. w>•h G•"•w•I (\....., ''~ e •90 P'l'n T~yo '#•' -"ot do-., e11cf }Mr..ei.<ed lo i.i ..... hff,, ••.cvted.

Ott Februorv 20, t~o pod th•aht wt!I' ope11e-d and oHii;;oh beq:O!'\ looVil\q (or Jttes ror OVllifloty lendln9 fitfdt. 1h•M tUl.il:ery :.s11d ~ fi<tki1 whkh todey iota• ,i, ._..,, pio'feerecl by Goodftllo..., f".-!0 U ed (.,, bo•h t1'9ht on.d d•y f'!y·Aq t~y 'M,.,t to rt ..,... • att'ic conq.altlO" a• the "°""'• f;•ld al"od et t"'e s.a!"'e t~• ~be tht oerM)l'H' .. 1 t~ t•o•• moro ,:.lob••"-. qf'OO'itr ~fe~y.

O" Apt. 26. the "'•w flyif'9 f1•ld Qfeduoto<I fft firti cltiu of oir'"io:tl.t>n c.11dot

1 til'IG '°" A1.111v1t 11 1q41, tht hat dr.,h•t' errived

{~"' CeMp l••· \llrqinia.

The fr.Id beqa" to qrow, avie~:O" cedtl c~uot btqtl' to b•eome .. ,tler '""• ~..,·,~·td pe."°'"11.91 e'po,,cfed a"'Cf 50 cf.d '~• f;.ld j,.

~· A bowt.111 • "" wo1- oc:kted • (Of":bff.o.eci 001t e•t.h.~• af'ld c.efe '#61 bwDt. s;l'te rheft tt-• ceft ha• ~ mov..d I~ ""' Ho>11dt1#ortw" to "'H' tf<le -Ai91't Ii~ .... ith t'ie ~"' pl•'-e tbovt •~'" t ""'°" ~e or:4;nal '~ tind t"'9 po•t t•< .. •~• 'imi~A., ••pandect

011 M•y ?4, I '141 San Anq•lo ,o\i, Corps &tsk Ffyin<J School Mc-0 ,..e off;,.·.11y ll'lown ~u1 GcodfellOtt¥ F<•ld it1 ~ot1or o( lie1,1. t•"'•fJt Good'• !ow And Of" Jvf., .. 1,11tO.,- 4 ro.t•frlq .6fl0.P'I of • • ·r-q t'oifll!JO\ Goodfa low f,etQ wef efficio .,. d.O<:-otod

Oumtg ~i5 t·l'l'lt fr~ ~e.,.btr "11 , 1'4() ..r.e .. Col " A. M. ~e •1-o fittt Co"'rno,.dl ... 9 Offit:•r ..-el'ifed b«.aliM of poet

~. t+, Colon•I G. M P•'l"'l•r wat ComtNndinQ Offitar. H• •1t11•iried at l.,i, po-i.t \11tti1 Ju"• I 1'142. when h• wa1 1•ll•vad by Colo"'"' Htl\tV R. Bodtr and euumed COt't'IMctMd or •h• IHtW

bombo•d •' t.Chool 10u•l-l•esi of S." Al'lqtlo. Col "'ti S1u1er was lilCCe.o.d b'I' Cok.rtt lfli.,s 0. fr.d.,,K r °"' Nows-.b... I. llJ47,

~ •"'• t Meo t ... ~ CO<O"'..l F•.Oa,·ct 'W6l ift CC<'Jl""•l\CI ..,...,.

..., rw 91 wt•• p;orr.ned loo Gooctfo, ow Fleld. A ,,.., ~.,.~ •

.. "'" w ,~ an e>•1t1e i lel\g~I\ of I~ Jeet and a ~•"'i!H;I ~ eo.city of •J:l!PtO• "'•••Iv ~ 100. and two tftw hanqan 011 rftt fl!1ht liM, •• ,. •"l'IOftQ lho\t ln~kitJ.~d in lho 91tpo1ulon of •h• nold. A new post opereli<H'll buildin'9 also w•i huill m the sprit1g af 1q43

On A~ I Colo"'-' Gle..,n. l. O."eU.tr w1'o fo~·l'f' htd ~•" O .. I T.c~.C• Trtil'l·nq [);., iot- Dir•<'<>r••e of l'Hi v•dve Tt.o n

•t ht.edqu.t!srt of Hle /\t'ffty A• for<es '" W~st•.,q'~ 0. C .. ..:mn".O CO!'!\~l'!d c. • Gooa:f.iiow fit d

U de"ll' h s (O"\lflertci, w.tn l evttt1•n.t Colo11el (no• Coion•I)


Htt0ld A. Gunn oJ Oirt<t<>t of Troil'l~"9 the M11111·,H~ Tob:. ••• pu't tll~ •lEect_ l>i• Ma""'"~ T1.ble ••\ • p.t••rn or tta'tt1ttq .,,cf 0P9'•• Oflt ,.hi,c.h vt'> <t.0 ~ .s.r4;\obW ,_ • ., IO I .... ~cn1 '"UI

•Ii"""•' 119 erte-s.s.•ve ,.,."po_.., 0-na te ie"'~~ tNI"' fnr ot~ .. dvt •a. 011r t1q 1hiJ time Gooctf•HQw Fi.id was .,..j,,foc; by o n~be1 of

di9t1itor10~ ond fol'l'Out flit1~. i1'Cl1,1d•n9 Colo~el Ftonci1co C. lope'I ln1pt(tor Generol •"d ••to"d In comn't4t'ld of the Portuquoi• l\tmy Air Fotees, on ,o\pril 30. ot'ld Mtrijor G•-:•r•I Pinq· Hun9 Who.n'9 ••r eHo ·~• of t~ Chirre'- f1"b.JW o"' May 2•

°"'"'9 •foi.e ill'"~" U S Marino Corer_ Ma ~ Fo"- A"1e~;,. 9rNfaa1 oce vtsi•ed tM field bf-~1\y. A IO Yo!Or Johl'I W. M.t,f.t,U alld C.pfe·~ Tf..0'"61 Lenp-er, P-18 pilou c.f the AAF f·'OM Ike So1,1thwett Pe,1fi<;, ..,Jt)\ ei9ht and i.ven r~npetf;.,e.Jy, Jep fll'IOMI Z•ros to their cred;1, and Jimmie Mottorl\, fornou~ locktlo•d l•~I pilot. visited Goodftltow Field.

Ot1 Jurie I 194). tht poU r&e•i.,.d •h f111• e~i"9•"' of WAAC 1. wh.kh ~~er b.::.t~ the W°"°e,,' A,,,,., Cotps • .A~ vt 2S ..,...""b•r,. w~rre i"" ii.. f rs• 9'°""P. which ft•J bMn 'teedily 9•-0-•"(f ..

lft Jvne. l~-4l, Goodftt ow fit.Id i"'a1,19-.irt•~ d rfie fltSt Aerial lntre~vra ;" th. C•,,trel Fl..,.inq r,o,nin-g Co"''"-tnd, ond pos.s!blr tht fiBI in •ho Armv Afr Forces. A ilyinq co,.teo of int.r.sq1,1o<frot1 'ivolry, the Afrlo' ll'lh•Mv1ols provl'Jd w 14,1cc•"f"'I tho+ they no* art ~ et tht cl.ow. of tr9i111i1t9 foe Nth q1edve•inq d'9-u. 1-. • .,. con 1• of h1.1-'"d.e uer;t 1a11d .IUJS. P'« 'l'I e11d1t19s 4crobot.c1. b nd role cif ond forf!'tttOtl 1 y\iiq.

Goodfelfow Ftotd CNttd to be ce ed A'""Y 14.,, Fcme• S.ttc. f:lyil'l9 S(.hoo\' on A1,1-CJ1,1•f 10, 194). when 19 wo• officially ch•nqed to "Army Air Fo.rcos Piloi School l&sicj."

Oudl\9 th.,e two it111\d o "olr ye&r-s t:!nc..t GoodfoUow fiald c.emt Into tA<jttnce "Pon tfii9 fa.;a of e rolling pralhe lel'd tflet l'tflCt l'lurtwr.d t~e white'•t• and re..,bov · et wncounted au..,,..bera of orec116on.,,.. •. ned .rr..n.., h•...-~ f1om t"s f 19~i 11i-.. , io foro1qft +ti '!) fftarl "P J.•to < ,., rd1 <n _.he erint' f W011d W•r If

el'IO ,.,. Goodfellow F"eld 'H•"9"" of ~•"'•· T '1ttt i• l•outenont Chorl•1 J. Pblr1111 of Clan 41 I, who;.e ioml

~pr4t&d oround tlie world ot tho pilo' or the Rylt19 forlr•u, "Phyllit, .. rh•t ••• fX"01;tf,olly demol1 h•d in tht i•·•• o..er hoiw;e bv -40 of G•'"'ony'• b.•t '·q~l•'l t•t wot londed \ofrtfy irt &t<j end by

L •"'•"•"'' Pa·,... C."''" ;,,..._ A. Wt•t M. Oau 41 G N• 11 J4p pio,.,., ,.,,

l'llS ,,~,, c.p.111 Jt;io'°1fl F. 1!1-..~e Oou •I F .. ld1 '"'- 0. F. c. for bro~ry in •cfion duri11q 22 locfK.tl miuiorit. Copto~n Jo~n F Tolt, Clo'' 41·1. h111 beon owo..-d"ed 1~e D. F, C .. "'ir Medol tnd nine Oa~ loaf Cludo"·

Nomos of othff g•od\leftt i" the Goodfellow F19td •·Han~at of Fo""t tre i.qiol'I. A,,.,,.,tt1oq t'l•rn are Capte11' S'°';"t'I M. lhtd 42 f A' M~··· ii.,. Oo'- L .. • c, .. ,.&f"S, r-<t(Qrl'JM0"0ed for o. F- c o"d "•ti.oft~ Leute."''"' W •"" it Rosi, -41 E A.r M•cal· Ctpf••" Jo.,n F. ?rnn. 41·F, Ait Mtdtl Oel Le.of Clu 1tr Lieu+enent W .. m H, Cempbell, 42·0, 0. F-. C.; L:eute.nant R•lf)k G. Stevw'ls, 42°0. Alt Mtd'•I; lie\ltot1ont Jo~ooh M. W4,1ndorl. 41 I, Air Medel: C.p toi1t Cllftton W. 8t••d1nq, 42-B, Air M•del Oo~ Leof Cf1,r5l•r: lieW't•n•Ar Willi.om A '•'•'~" 42·0 0. F. C.

NN "9 •I-.. en ts-tied ftl•fl a1 Goocl;• · '.)W fj.eld were tN tw., Mei ., bro-•"'ers. '-4.e•l e<\d Jet• w"O •'•' wtre COl'\l'l·s~ntd •• l •wtont ... '1- of~tt CJ'•dv.o• ~ f~a.tn OOl'flbat'Q .. , ff•· 111ttq. t•e.nenaflt Je• l M•tl'lis. was. awa,dtd !ho Con9tlm~no · Mod•I of Ho~t pot! h\lrftOu•ly. lieute'l•"I Merl tooi. hi., brolhtr t ploco in tho n~ of tho bombet. 111ld w111 reported mlniftg G lew .,..et\a. ~nHH.

B1i1r tl\e 1;" i"I ql'Owi"q tl'ldltu. Every doy • ...,.,., wee\. •v•rv ~nq to ttfi """°"''°' see1 '"Ot• •"<I mQtt GoocHtUow F,e.!d tnef\ o"•' Fra'Kt Geffftet.:'ly. e:tosi tlo.e v.oµ"ess of H•• Souttt o"d Sovth•t•I Ptc. f.c. A11d 01 ~o •tt proqreu.l ~·ndily 11111 ft~r of tlo.e AJl;t1 t"'•r •H• ?U"C"'"'1 htrd .. ,,;. tht det1rtt1·1'\0,>0n1 11-iet Ame-r.a;.bll tl\d WOf d liberty will be pttMl""Od,





WILLIS M. GOOCH u ..... .m Coto.t1 bit<vtl.,. Of'k•r


l09£lf I. DULIN& M-tl01

Po'I l11telllq.,1Ct Ofnc.,

lOllll C. SC.HAUFF Sf<Mct ll•IA•M"I ,.,..,.11•1 Offic;•r




s p

FIA·NCIS P. Fl\Y M•ior

fto\f S\lr,g•on

E c I


P~t &c..ha1119• Officer


LORtN C. McMUll£N Hot U•ule.ti~"t

J111bH< ~.1 .. tl011t OffkH



L s

JOHN V. ~ANN Coptaf11

AnUt•11t Pott &!4ltletr

rEtGY e. ARTHUR C.otofn

Dfrec.tor of Pfl't"k'11l Tt.inii'lq

WAYNE W. VfOOOWAJtO Fiot Ut-111-.n•l'lt

Po.it Col'M'l\lrtkatl0!.'1• Olfket



PtOVOlt Menlwll

ltOBER'I I\, MAR.SHAU Copt41n

A4"1lnbttei1"• 111~p•cto1

tEN I. MILAM Captatll

P0t1 En91A"' a~ R,. Ma,.I

JAMES t-i. ttU8tEll Flrd lie11h~ot

P.oJI Ch•mtc.J Otff«t


CHAlllS J [ LOWNDES C.pt.111> l111tr.c:tor

fin' fr••~119 SqwdfO&

HllSCHEL 0 . MAfotON C.$11•'"

~INJ!dlNf Sirt\ ft•;•''"I Sqi&.dtoa

JACtt W DICKElllS ,,,,., u ............ . .... ~ f>ft\ , ,. •i .. So_d,_

lllflAM I llOWN-~TflN f.ird lleut-•t1f

ll!ftnK:tOof' Pitot

Secoed h.-iai&f Sq~

tAfllCIC M, ElllS f,,.., U.wt.w"' ,,..._..,

So'- ,,.i.,"'9 Sq~


ALTON fo4 , IANNOWSK't Rm Ue.t•fll•M

~ftltlut Aig,M co ... N11dM. Strth lf•r..•119 Sq:u..-011

WILLIAM It. CAMPIE:ll flfJt lfwtt-f!•t1t

l11s.tAJ«Of f t,ti Tr•l..t11QJ Sq-.i, ..


IURT C . POWE.U Jln.t Uelfte11aat

S.-11101 l.(ltttllCtOT 1'1rcf Tr•IJtiftQ SqNdfoA

JOHNSTON: M. HA-1' First u.~.,..,.t

AJ..lil••I FIJ91lt Co1"1tNIMt•1 SKoed T1.4li:lrl119 Sq.Udtoa


CHARl£S R. PRATT Rnt UevteMnt

fo1tr11<tot Flfttt Tr.;:nt.19 Sq.iMldro.


A~.MIN ~ VA~ OAlf R14t lf•.ot•~•o•t

l.Mlt~tot 01lrd Tt~l1tlr19 Squ.dro11

MYRON J. $NELL Ant Uellf•n.t-11.f $•"'°' 1~1.tr1>dor

~irtll Tr•Ynifl9 $q~d'OO

Sl'ANlEY C, UGOUKY Rn't Li•llt9ll•t1I

A»fll•n' RIQ.ht Comm•n..d•r Third lf•lfil"9 SqG6dtOC'



ltOIU..T T ALt•ECHl $ec_~d l l•t1l•N 111

lM-tflfCJM Tfl,!rtl Tr•l1ll.114 $4\wdrol'I

HAN'Cts M. CAllO..L-, J l S.c-OMll t.l..-t•11ot11t

l.Mttlll(..,. Shtti T'••t1lfl9 S11w.tdron

PAS¢Al J_ COlllTO•I S.c.W u..,,.._,.._.

111.tltv<,O.t nfttil lr•''"'Mf ~,..

W A.llEH L CHlUC S.COf'd liwt-.. ... t

hnh"1Ct6f S<vtil T'•'-l1tt S~llH«>f'

J(EITH L COWDIN S.-d U..,t .. •ltf s. .... lftof+ntc:t.t

Sim ,,.....,.. SqM41,..

IEl~Ollf N, CIA.HO Secoad li-t••-'

l11.1trwct~ Flnt Tt•Inl119 Sqv•dt4NI


lOIE:ltl W. IOYCE s~orid liaek.it•ol Sto11l<M' lfl•h'V<f<I"

Tlt!td lri11f11r119 $4Md"a

MOltltS C. CLEMMONS, J I ~liwt ..... "~

h11ll'UCfOJ Fl'fth ll'<ll•fnt SqvMirofl

GflAt.0 F, llA0£-N hoc•'ld llfll1•••el

la,hwtor S.c111td 1'r•l11litg S~roa

10M l~ CONNOR S.C.-' Uell't.nant

'"''""'°" flnt fffl.n11'11J Squ.dron

JA"'U l IOUP a S.C..-4 L ... __,

J#I, .... .., S.C•'MI fr _., ......_

JACIC H COOK.l s.c ..... .. :._.,,__. '•lot 1111~

S:.Co"ll ff•l111"9 J.q~

IL.Mil f. ,.l,Sl .s.c.~ 1,. ..........

'41.t.••.­~tr • .,._..,.,,.....


H(_ ... , c ., ••• ~U .. tef'I•"' .........

'--""- :, ........ s.-''"

JOHN P. FORD S•col!d Ll•t.rt•11•11I

l•dnidOf Fifth lt•l1thlt "'*''°"

MAUIOCI L, $•1fflTH Se.cot1cl 1.1•\lt•i.•ftl

'"•'rv<'°' J;o.i.nh l••'"'"9 Sq11•thO'I


fHOMAS F. H4£1E-tl-E S•co11.<1 Uewt.ii•11t s.. nJof I Mf il'CIOI'

Third Tr•htl"f Sq_u.dro1t

HAltOlO W HAaltlS S.c04\d Utwt""•"'

IMWlf<tor F.nt J141i111t11t S.i.edt•

QIO•Qt. R, HA.tVl1' iK•114I lft•l•fl•ftf


OTICE ?_ t4ElMfl S.cond Ll•:ut•ll•"'


'ME.«.MAH A, HIGDON hco11d l.lfllfeft•l"'I


GEOA6E S. HOlSOMIACK Seco·11d Ll•irlf*'•nl


LEON M. HOWAa.D '•<•~ Ll•!itl•ll•flf

l11ur.c:tot ~.,.._ Tt•l11J,.9 Sci.i•41011 Flftfll Tr•l11l"M Sq:u•d,.,. Slrtll lt•l111<et Sqv•dl'Oll Ftn.t fr•t11t119 SCll~drv F...(ttri Tt•l11·f'O Sr;ivMtOOI

fOID W. HUllEtf ~L-.... '•"•"t

~·CM" ...,.,,....~,...

HA~OlD I . H .. MAN Secolld Ue11t~•t1t

lriJ.tructQf kc""4 Tr.tl'lll89 $q11~d1on

)0>1N: t , L(MAHE Sec.o!MI LlevM.11..o1111i

IM!tuctor S.Ot•lrl tt•f.it19 Sq1HdroJ1

lUTHEk l . JOSLIN ~Ufft•Nnl

4Ntr'9(tOt S!.rth lr•tftl1110 So11•dro11

cuanl l , LO.SOON S•c:9illd Uwt."'•"'

lfl•hllCtflf SJ,-th lt•l11ia, ~v•d,.._

JOHN E. KAJ.OUS St<O<ild u • ._-t"•et S..nlof tn.ttMIC:•ot

S.i1th THlt1"'9 $.q .. drott

FllDllCtl J. Mc.ANALLY H<Mll Lftvltll•l'lf

l1utt11<IOt' Tiitltd ,,., ...... , hti1•dt0fl

lllOOllE LASkO St<o11d Ut\lt"41•'1f

l111tr~•<1-r $11!11 ft•ittMl9 S4ufft•

JOHN I.. MOltllSON. JI SK011d f.J.tot41••M

lf!.ltfUCtor FIMi r,.1,.s,.e Squ•droa


JOHH H. JllA.JF-Cf s.c .. d U.11i•1Mt111

lflJ,tfll('.IOr S• COfl4 lt•o•f"'9 S<11tUdt01t

CAaot. •· Noar.,.cun .S.C.0.4 Ufff•N.flt

r"' 'Nf'04' 5"o~ Tr•1•lilt Sq...,d10.fl

IOW1N H . NOWAJt, JI S.C.-4 1.r-..... .,

ffl•lrwc:tor Sl1th Tr•fttltu) Sq.,ff1M

H.A.10.,0 • T.Y..l.MAH .H JH...-l ........ 1'11 ..... .,. ...

S•d'i ft•l"I M Soi..tdr•l'I


HENlY A '°"lfY # s.c.-• u ...... ""'""

ll'Ur.c hH' $flllk lf•llllf'lt S...tdtio-11

aO...LA 6 fHOM"50f'f S.C... l•··~ ... '-"-...,.

,~ .. ,,.·-·"'9 ~" ... "°" H(~t:C:. .. ._ ......... -~ i. ..... '-'


)A.,lf$ A- llND£lWOOD Secellod Uevl9t'lt11t

l11ttft1Ctof 1'\ltd f1el•f11ot S.w•dt1t1t

VICl'Oa ' Wl&.UAMS S.coltd Llevl•ll•flf ... ..., l11t1rll( .. r

1t•l•i11' Sq!Ndto1t

G R 0

UHCOLN H. UPfOH H<or-d u • .,,.""'"'

lnitTllCw Fl.tit tr•lo.l.n9 Sq11•d'°"

WILLlAM C. WOLCOTT s.c..11<1 u.111.111.111

(iuftlKtor f.hircl TN1i11l11..9 SqNdte1t

u N

EDWAAO & VAN SC-HAtCK S.col'd ll•uten,1111

l1ulrvOO# Rnt Tt•h1h!1 Sq••dto"

IUOO l . WOLFE St<Ollld Lffft•111•ftt

'!llth"v«O' Fourth 1ttl11l110 $civedro<t

D s


OlllON M. WlllANkS S.CoM Uo1JI•"-"''

lmfhldOf Flnt lt•fl;"'9 S4iMdJOll

IUCHAllD ' · WOlL.Hfll fo9¢01\d Llevt9flt.t1t

1111tn1c.Jot kvrih tr1l•lt19 Sq1M1df01t

c H

IOLAN E WILE'f S.ullld Lltvteiw11t

•111ttrf('t0f F;ltti f tt•11:,.. ~ddto11

GOlOOH J. ZOGG S.co11d l.l1wi•N11t

'•'" l11ft1tl(fOr

,,.,.,,.. S.C.o1M!toe

0 0 L

llVll W. IENTI.iY Rn1 U-.s ... lf


Cl\'Ol V HINO•ICI(, fittt LI•••"'"' l..tt.Ct-

Lt<>fr'AAO Hill Fint uw...m


IOSA• F IHllSOllf Fi"' 1..iet1••,...,.,


lOY IWl Rnt U••M.!'t


---·- .......... . .. ........ ,

li H u u N u n u u L

JAMES W $.lllNt ~u ... ~, .......... tlVING l. l.ANl

Sec:.d u. ..... ,,,. l11rtnl<:t.

Q.AOSJOMf I. MOTHIASEAO S«o..f u ........ ...........

IOIUT A. tOIJlUU ~Mdu. ...... ,.,_ ..- lTO-. • 1•1'1~


t4Afl1AN AlMSTIONG S.Cood lM'1fM•flf

Au \ffft S.ln OHicff

WILUA'4 N kl.OVE C.pteJ.


WALfll K CLARK S.co11d ll•llf•Mflt Sel¥•9• Offlc•r

CHAI.LES J $USTOF Capt••• ~--.~

CHESTEil A lNl..OW S•con4 l.l•wt.,.•111

Auil't•11t Dlr.Ctor 1f Ml~ket Tt•lftlnt

ll£NE t LAMOE$MAN S.COl\d UHte'*'t ......,., .... ~,_ .. -- -

AllHUI l MAYO Fini liMlf•~ .....

IEe.giAtoetilMJ Offic.e1


fDgit.Hrl!WJ Offl<•r


00- t •AISONS -""""-' e.-. ........ ...a. s.a.. .. V•lt

,lAWll I 't'Mt0£R1Ul• ~ 'W.rtMf O'foc.tf '" 1 r "'*~;:111 Olhc•



Fato w. WIMl(t.£tl, Jl ~l\.9.,.U#t

~--· ( ..... -. Offittt

CHESTfa l COlL YE.l w._,..~.,t OH~er (~

cw .. d.r-~ f:...111tt ~

u B

HA.t•Y t.. lE'tNOlDS SKOl!l4 Lf.t"'1t"'111~t

A.u.i1d .. t Enf-i11t 0.flcw

t.tOHAlO • co•D•EY CW.I Wttftat Oftl<.•r

'oat St<r.-t•rt

COV£ .. G M<CLUU Werftfll Olfket fl 9 )

Ab"•"' bcJi:ftMr1~ OHi.cw


tOOWlY 'I. MANIS Jl s.,,.ty Offic.tt Rnt U t 11ftMlll


JAMlS '· RlLEY St<Md LTt\lt..-.M

s ... .,.1 M•n Offket

DAVID EGXUf ~ ti Wtn+11t Offi(;llt

Sft,.otl Co I d fttii.-1 ·-

CHAlllS J. ,OULTE-R Wt''•"' OHt<..- fl-t) "°"•rtr Offic-~


M\'lt IOGUS Jut:t UwttlWM

fol4ol.t1teriD, Offl.Cff

HUIE•T , SCt1UMANN k-" u.",,...,.,, hd9er •"'4 F .u1 OOk.,-

WllUAM H lANCIU Ott•f w.,,. ,,. Offl¢.e.r

Wtt a...cll Of~u

FIED C. $TAJlk w.,., •• t Of•~., ll&J. AMlt111I t.t·,...~· "f ><P

p 0

Mll'JON l;Al1NOW1rz S.C.e4 L•t .. ft ... 11t

5i9Ml OHie.,

NATHAN F. SCHWA•t"l s~d li•1i1~ ..... SP« .. I s.t.. < ..

CHAll.U 0 'l~S .... ~ Dflil• .. s..d W-..lc• OMc.t



s T A T I


0 N


Cbl•f Su'g_"" St"k•

H 0 s p I T A

llCHAIO A. SNIO~ Cept•lti

A.u!sta11.r Oe.nta.I $ur~­,



....... V.ffH PIERCE E. tULLY ltlCHAAO A. WESlSMfTH KElf.t-1 N. LAµ~HlOf'I OONAl1> l. TENHAUH


$-ird~"""' ... Firli U•to11•Ml'l.f Fln.t LI•vt•oeM S.Coad U•\ltet>•al S.1co.d U•~t•M•I _ .. Offl<4f Apltltflf 0.l'.'lt•I $ur4Mft C.h;•f EE~T Mt.die.ti Adtn.ft1ldr4f!V• Corp• Ge11M•I Stipply Offlc•t


NOllNl C. $WANSON Anr U•llft~nt

Cltlef HuNe

MARYNEl..L 4 , HOl:FS S.copd Lle•t•f\•1't


u R

FUNCIS M. IA~NES St<Ofld li1'llf1t1a~t





HllEN E. CONOlff SttolWI LJ1.ntNnf


MILOltED O. SCHMIDT Second lievt•r.•ld


E s

F~ANC£S M, HIGGINS SoteOCld Lkwltflof('lf


l •A TlllEtY S-eeo1$d Lle\lt11M~I



c A D


60IDON A. MOLSTAD ~...;L•llf-11-i

... "' Offic.r

A v I

E T D £

00,,,AlO l. ~UOH fintUMl .... t

C.-.."4 .. 1 el AvW6-C.0. ..

a.AYMOH O 0 PAlSSOH, JI '.U4d ltHi .. ••i

Swt1ply Off~..-


ClAl(HCf J. Cf4AUAN6 SK-4 lt_t .. • llf Y.c•~.el ()Ir,(_.,

Hl-YWOOG. W PlllCE S~ L••vt.,..6.llt IWic•l Off'te•f

* 0 N



H.UlY A GUINfll s.c-.1 UM.-i•"'

l•c•:C.I Offlol:.r

WIUIAM M STONI, JI ~1,_ • .,,,.~llt

~·· ,, ... ,... O#f".,-•f

c A D


JOSll'H 'S. ~AHlY ~u.va.~1 lti(t>uJ Off.c:•f

E T s .... , J A - r .... AM

A v I A T I 0 N c A D E T s CLASS 43-

"'•IM9 A A»-'" • Jr

•lda•td 0 ... ,,."

* * * L l l.t•ot1 w ........ .

A v

G.Wqe L l..::dloe

'*-'"'41t w ,..,,,..,,


Ci\orlet L tu11fl•ll Ol•rlti ~re-hard, Jt,

M•rfot1 E. tum.H Johll "· l11rrh1glo11

0 N CLASS -43-!

-. ' Wlll<•m $. Sqrd•tt•

Jec-l i1;1"°"'9ht

c A .... 5 ......

Edw•td T, •~rli:•

Xed W. L C.rl$08-

Arillw O. Chrhtl•t1


i\-' # •

CJM;rl•t W , lor9

Wllll•"' M. lto~it

H•'old I l11t~her

Ito.bed A. C.~~

T s

,,._,._ ...... ...._

A v

C.'4._ H Cri• t.rd

A•YmOMI E Oevh


J.ct M c,.....iJ

Cl•wd• S. o.,

ct.Ir I l:dti

Jfl'llet H, lppht•tt•


C...ld G o.":' Victor l. D•C.S•'"

W•!'•' fillMri. Jr

$ti•""°" 6. &tUI

u CLASS -4

te_..11<ttt.H ~t

Do11itld /II., E1c1ll


G.11. 0 o,. .. ;,

John 0, Oow11•r

aow- T (kfWr'-. ~

- oMtt G. Fel'1\•

u t

- .. c:.,

~ .. L 0..•1t

1.,utd Do'(l•

"°"""' &Md. Don•ld J f11t1ft


,,.""'" If ......

Welfff I Fl ..

A v I A T I 0 c A D E T s CLASS 43-K

....,.. I A '-• • - -''-

l11tt E. Hv.itt

A v I A

Ctl•tl .. t . M<lA"fM;~

0.,..19 M H..,_


0.¥"lci C M•ed

A1Mft J No.,r\

u CLASS 4 -· ......

We-..HI. I IC..11"

l•1ptl L. K~~

MMry H- M•Ytt

JroM w o· ";"


Je~ C Kutl.t

t oMI l Kll•Mft.-, Jf

u t

o-. t C.11 .............

l••fl M. G, lrr,Oc~t1h

P•lll G. Orw•o



...... .._

A v I A

r1.d C. 1.w«

.kc-l 1 S Aob:".-

Alb•ft A, Sd1l'.dfet

W1lt•r I Shamb4ot91t

T I l l ,...,

Cleytoft H, khroeder

Werr111 D, SlbJ1r;


Oo11•ld O. klrl~,,

J.,!\,, •· Sll•tt, Jr.

c A

Cec.I J. s,ott

All11t N Slott1

D E ~-' ...

Jt.,.....;1 L Ii.ct.

.... ft L- """""

lt•t C. S11iw19

flo,d v • .Sfl'lholdo

T s

Arl~U# E. Sellefl.

J'"'" I. SfJlhll

A v I A T I 0 N c A D E T s CLASS <I 3-'<

C11tll M. Tkf'l'p:too C'h.r(Ot l . lr\99 ~· l •.t.t-•

* * *


A v I A T I 0 N c A D E T s CLASS 44-A

........ , ..... y;.._ ... l .... ,

* * *

• .-. J .... tf . ...... (. c., ....

--- "--"' . ,._.,. CahJN~t


Herold V. C.rbie

O.•id s a-•·~

J•tob E. Dfefrlcb

K•"neth "'· O.wbchr

v I A

''•ncl• S OJe11•td•

Oollofld A. Dvffer

T I 0 N CLASS 4-4-A

ldw•td M, C ... 9,.lff. Jr MJfto11 f c-1 .... Jr

•• .,. H 0. .. ""Y 0.le C O•t1.-.

GNt•• F 1Ntdle1t lu~•rd J Doctor

J•m•' C E•fOf'I J.met F &-.tic ..

c A D E T s -·~ --

W•m• Q,HCllll K.ct11Mtft D CW'Pt••r

ltkMtd 0 0. ·~....... Do-rl• 0 ()j:.; ....

ltoberl L Dowall Midu11el J, D•l'lfO(<'

Qa..-91 V, lhey lob.rt l. l,tt4Jl•bt•IMHI


~.:If Fte 1 .t9

tlif~ J A 6•!tflt

v I A

How•rd ti $oldduck•r

J•c• I. H•'"''

- - .. .. u


(fw.ood f h.,.

cr,.d• M, 6-tf!l-ry

Wllll111n 0 , Go,1111

JAi"'* £, H•ll. Jf,

0 N CLASS 44-A

.&. ..... o. kttb

·~lil•nl c Qfftllf

Lttli• l , ~CK'

Horftt I.. H•'"'"

....... ~ • .......... k

c A D E

"°'"~ E kUH A'l41e"" J $•dWrf

Job A. G1tfenf Cll••'•' G 5 ;11, Jt

Robert E. Go111ctt.t • fdOM E G1ov•

St•"l•'f C ti111nso11 lmtrr H. Hubt''

T s

Delbert I , G11.d11rho111

lto11trd G. H•lc9rl

A v

( .... 1 C:. Hol~!MI. Jt

"'""*' W H ... ht, h


A h•1- I .........

c A D E T s --


...... o ....... -tL-


• ., ' k l'•ottd

.,...., .. ""'•~

'W ft1•M J_ l.tlley

lot (i_ l•t<04.lrfl••"

v I A

O•n•ll L L•n'I'"

st.pti.ia a t.•w•~Y"


K1e1!1t Llndh

Joh.n J , Up~rl

0 N CLASS 4-4-A

c...u..w c...

lmU J Un•"

Jtr9"'1• M Up.d111lb

c A

A.-tltoay a K.u .. t

Clwrt..$ E.. kahl-n

W•f'f•ll J , l.4C:telr

Jo~ti. tt Llovd

D E ..... ~

l:•lptl L. L•F••n

fdm1.1i.d V l•IWI

T s


Dv.4t1• C. M•ybay

H.trry C. Mtttln

v I A

Janit\ i.. M,c(:vty

W•rr•n l. MHritt


Jot.• It. McCo1111efl

Gtoc9• M•trq•r

0 N c A CLASS ..._A

O"o~1d E. Mc.Cullocft Clt•rt.s a, Mclt•.fl

l.e'1'1'1•n<• F. M.,1.rollt Oon.eld E. M••••


Le.lt<i., c. Mcl'Mnoft

Jo1eph M•r•r

T s

Jwn.io-t L ..,.,,..,..

CJ.t1•11ql. ..,,~


H•~ t lobr'

S...t• l lo!l1e1mtl

v I A T I

U:• O. L ,_~pile

&.que J_ Robfftt

ll:obMI Q. Jlollhn

fau.I D l11bltt

°""'"' A O.O.OM11

0 N CLASS 44-A

•oMrt W, loo

Ht11ry i litdthuW

c A

Jot~ ft. Roslo

Roymond F. R.UAll•


,,....,,.. A I i ..

,,,..... H t oi.•t1Mfl

C!Pt•• t H Wile•• ..

T s

llkht1d 'YI Jlou

Jot fo . SMdg1•1



L A l\J E s

""" 7~ei1-

F L I E R s

7~e~ Keep J

For ...,.,., '"-•" I• th. •• :, . ....,._ •Te

fifte•ll' "''" on th• 91ou•d. whoa• f\1nc.· tlo111 .,. to ~••P ·em Flyin9 At Sood­

fdow Fi•lcl both c;..,if"'.,.a •11d •nf·st•d

persot111el er• p.ert of thh w•ll-lnit or-

9•f\.i.utHt" of ••P'trt'" Tr.uch, J•ept, tr•ctori, plel'leJ-ell 9et

~eir "b•ths:" et r•guC., i1d•,.•fl. for

la•pin9 tirt•w ntK~•t1ltm1 cl.ea ;, ,..ri of the lob, E..ch Mtifor. with ftt infrlcete

.~ •• 1.!M:I ,.,., 8"tri ~ .... e • ,, ....

job fte"\lerrlly, too. In lht p.iftf 'hop

trucls:. i••P'· •k.. •t• 9N•n • 11ew

·fK•"' to Hip Pf•Mrw• tlii•it eder'°'"'·

E•el'I bteycJet corfle '" for their sh•re of

c•re. e"d r•,,.ir. •• a-e of th. eccoll'I·

pe&yin9 p:Ctv1e1 i~1cates.

Slhell or 'ilftimporfenl •• 111et1y of

th"" fW9"'•rrfio11s tn•J -..m, aoH it

so in1!9l'llfkent •• to be overfooltd.

Eack pl.in• th..t ... ..,.,. IN 91ou.,cf """'* be tk0t0119hfy cl.tckd •l'ld r.chec.l.d

belc11•. Whtn U•e piJot ...... he.r dowa,••

...... entjr• pc-~•... is ,..,..t.d. th•

t9aln, • btforo th. P••n• 90•1 into f~e

• I. •"d to OA. Ev.ry c.ed•t 0# ,. ..

h•• t~e 9~•t•d r••p.ed for th• 9rc». ~

ct•w"' H• loow• thet h~ ••ry li'• pt11d.i vpo• the •<CWtty with wliidi pion• op•r•tes whit• in the elr, e"4

welt perl•c.tion ol tl.. '4•••·1 •••t fWrh ;, in tvrn d•P."dent 1i1pon th• ,...... who m•il'lftift th.in,

ra.... ,.," ceft 1.\. • p1... .,. .. from o.. ftot"o to the ••ii end P"''

b.c~ tog•tker •t••• iA A·f ord•r •

fi•9•rs •111til _,., \•y.d to •" i"'•• do9r•• of ••n.sitf•lfy. Th•y •re tt•f,.H to r..o troubJ•. ...,... tit• p,,., •• , •moul'lt, e11d t•mo•• a.

la $pltt ol th• led t~et pt.,,.,. et•

--.peno •• t. fl'WC."••i1.d ""'h: ti.., ....... not 011ly become • chell•"9• to ttl• t•cbnkel mind• of the m.a ""ho ~ttP

tlt.M il'I 1111•che111tc..ly perfect cottd1t.ot1

hut •Jso • perwnlfltd wor\ of ort. E•c.\t

9tound Ct._, f.els •bovt th. pl:e"• f

do.ea meit1feaetK• 011 •• jf it wen e

perso1t•I ltle11J. E•c:h P1•t1 111 the cttw

leek "*'P'Of'libl. fo, th. p1 ..... , 18(.Cen

01 failut• •n.d wifl cl•im ih ,.,,,..,forJfy

O'ltt •ny offt•t pjen• 011 th• ft.let Tli's

fe•lt.9 of d•wotion •od r•tpo11sib ·ty

'r••1•s • bond btfwoen ••c:.l. 9rou"d

CteW m•mbet •nd the pl.11e·s paot •"d

CAW l«il eS &.tilff 011Jy o.tw .. .fl m..-~

ben oJ t femlly or • deep ft1•"d•hip.

°'9e to ~ u-111t.ri-.9 wo1\ •"'d •i9L"Ct

011 th. pert of tl<te mai .. ttl'l•1tc• t;t••t.

Goo,df~low R.Jd'' r•cord of eccidt"h

•• 11nnu•lly low. It teht COGp*fet;o..

011d J\ itftd knowftd9• +o ''K•ep 'Em




lJiewiH'} tAe Of (iceJ

Ch•ifi•11 la:e dops: at 01e 9•t• •t &oodfellow Ftetd. Wititi" go•• o" d•y e"d !Ug~t th• bwJlf\e1t o( tr•i11i"t ftyers. S.rvic:e i• 11.e w•fc1'woul with MOiterf Polic.•, •11d the r•1po".tibl1ititt th.t go with 1t •r• cortespo.,cU,,gly gr•et. Memb•n ot th• Milittry PoHce must h. Hwl"t

•••Mples of the high ~li~ipline, eHici•1tcy •"d e.owrt••y th1t ch•1acterire1 the Amtrl<.el\ Army.

Code i1uftwctiol'I.

* *

P l-l 0 .. f 0 G R J.\ P l-l Y


'J&!?~ ~ti1 ~ft Im fl lt~ff.

1Jf!) rt (fJ ~'/)u@l}l

\ .

. .-


1 I

* (Reoding from Left to Riqht)

First Row: Stoff Ser9eonts Mei&, M.ory: Otte Helen M.; Ser9eanl> flemin9, Ollie M.; Fronkel, Miriam; teporis. Louise; McNaughton. Doris 8.

S•cond Row: Sef9eonts Mull, Claro /'v Richardson, !no M.; Velazquez. Ce io· Vydnol, Emma; Corporols 8e<1n Mary V.: Elrod, Pe;irl R.

Third Ro"': Corporal$ Go"zynski, C.ssimiro K.; Karna. Senjo C.: Leon­ard Lessie L.: Maclennan, Adelaide E. · McCool, Marjorie J.; Montague, Do"1 M.

Fourth Row: Corporals • Peironio. Josephine W.; Reed, HilcM, Steidle. Hon.oh E.: Sugg, Rita G.- Weiss· berg. Agnes; White, Mildred L.

Fifth Row: Corporals Williams, Sarah l.; Winofeld, Sadie M.; Zim­"''"mon. Foy E.: Privates First- Closs S..oren. Mory E.: Gulick. Anno D.; Hog1und Setty H.

Sixth Row: Privates Firs~ Class Humphrey, Mildred G.; Jernigan, Lero E.· Jividen, Pearl F.: Maitland, Marion S.- Postoor, Rttlh: Senchuk, re,,e E.

Seventh Row: Privates First Closs Tonner Adele; Weisz, Frances; Wil. son Florence R.; Zowado. Sarah T.; 1>,;.,<fles Adams, Mory M.: Beker, Ruth.

Eighth Row: Privoies Bowgren. Ruth H. Cobb. Fern C.; Giddens, Normo; Go•ey Moe L· McGlohn, Janie.

T w


GUY W , SNIVELY C.P.1•1111 ~ ....

I '31


* !Reao;ng from Leh to Riqht)

Finl Row: Fir<t Ser9eont Bu "" Philip E.; Moster Sergeants Nimitz Louis R.: Ridling Horry C.· Taylor Blaine. Jr.; T khnicol St fQ ofl•s Ado"''· Don N.- Coo~ Gle"" E.

Second Row: Technical Ser9eentl Cottingham, M. H., Jr.: CNlchf1elcl. Jamin R.- Faulkner, R .. ymond H · Grohom, Kennerh 8.- Ma'on•y fd. word J.: Sowder H. V.

Third Row: Technical Se•9Hnl Spooner Guy E.: Stoff Serqeonh Abramowitz. Mordecai· Artnur Horry E. · Bo ey G"'''" M. Bo lcom Jome< R.: Berney. S..muel 11.

Fourth f\o.,: Steff Sergeant• Behr. in9er Bil~e J.- Bell, Chomp C.: Bo.r. goyne. Joseph A.- Co~;H Thoma• f.· Cooper W: ·e C. Dunn, Cho..J.,. H

Fifth Row: Stoff Sergeants Estes. Oscar J.; Foul~ner, Cecil R.: Grin. steod Jomes F.- Huff 8ertice C. McCrumb, A•bert S.

Si.th Row: Staff Sergeants Melcher Erhard H.; Odom, Charles E.: Plum, Herbert R.: Prob•I, Howord L· Roach Edgor F.- Smith, Leo R.


* R~4d· ng from Left lo R.:ght)

fir>t Row: $t4fl Sergeant St•rl;e, Eo" L. Stephen•. Wi i4m A. Jr · Sw4m, Edw4•d C.· We ch. Oyde R.· Y a<:ovino Oan'el N.• Sergeant An dfb Ftanr

Second Row: Sergeonh 814lely. ~4f Jr.: Bold. G.orge A.: Brown. Tolber!· Coldwell, Edmund T .. Jr.: C4mpbe I Pot rid G.: Cornfori , Jo· ..,pi, J.

Third Rowi Serge4nls Drole, Alvin 0. Dure}. Poul R.: Eove<. Ben H.: Edm. M•rtin P.: Ericson. Everolt G.: t;eldt. Morion T.

Fourth Row: Sergeants Fornodel, Peler P.: French, Erne<t S.: Holp, Horry 0.: Jochon, Arlie A.: Kummer, Lowrance A.: Lonco.ter, Oougl•s.

fifth Row: Sergeants Longerholc, La"'rence: Loyd, Oonold A.: M4ng• · ne o, Joseph C.· McF•ll, P•rler T.: McMi on. Regnol L.: Mercer, Jeuy w.

Sixt!. Row: Sergeants Mitche Perry L. · Nelson, Jene T. ; Ni•on. J.omes B .. PovH Aiphon<e J.; Payne. Jolin I.: Petty Clarence V.

Si.th Row: Sergeonls Pointer. Cu"" C. · Rog.dole, Oyde B. • Ries, Lawrence P.: Rodgers. Virg I D.· Scot' Heme W. · Seppenen. Ame T.

Seventh Row: Sergeant; Sewell, Geo<ge F. Stemper. Warren l.: Thorn•• Jomes A.: Truby, Denys J .; • umbos N;cl P, · Viclers. Pierce W.

Eighth Row: Sergeants Whitmire. Frederick T.; Wiencel. Wolter F.: C-orporols Bearden, Ovello R.: Ber· runger Rutherford B.: Blonlenship, Jomes H.

I '4 I



* {Reading from left to R,9M)

first Row: Corpo<a s S..'1orl Roy. mood J.; Compbe Roberl• Cathey G. S.: Donohoo Euge•o F OuM Joseph E.: Ellett, Edgar A.

Se.:ond Row: Corporo , Fedler Raymond W Fi1he . Edd E.· Fit .. Bill J.; Fletem'*r Mon"" 0.: Fouche Ridqewoy R.; Gabect. Robert E.

Third Row: Corporals G II, Everett P.: Goodmon. Corlos l.: Hon...,_ /v. thur E.: Hearn, Wy ie E.. Hormo Julien R.· Hidey, a· y J.

Fourth Row: Corporals Hollqreve Walter C.; Johnson. Emmett O.; Kru· bed, fioyd E. · Krupelo, Edw;n 0. Ma 'kove. Howard H. • Morron. Thomes F.

Fifth Ro1o1: Corporals Mcelroy Robert 0.: Palmer. Howard G.; Pou ler George /\. Ramsey, Sicfoey L Robinson, Oovid W .; Roe, /\rne1• 0.

Sixth Row: Corporals Rusler. Jo"!cs W.: Rutherford. T. C.; Soltimon, Elmer J.; Settlemoyer. Williom E.· Sharpe, Thomes W. · Sheer Kenneih F.

Seventh Row: Corporals Snow, F.,,. rest E.; Thalenleld, David R.: Thorno1 Mo,.holl V. · Trimble, Poul L · Troll or "''d's H. · Wetzel Jomes W.

Eighth Row: Corpora's w; Wil­liam C.; Wooley. Jome• M.: Pr votes First Closs Allen, Jomes E.: Cameroo William O.; Cleveland, Weldon 0 Clinton. Alton L

Ninth Row: Privates First O.u COlC, Lawrence S.; Eaton, Charles H · Foy, Jomes W .. J r.: Feldman Solo. mon; Fjellond, Byron G.


* Read;ng from Left lo Righ t)

First Ro"': Privates First Closs "n>im Horry; Furiosi, Albert f'..: G•o.e Fred R., Jr.· Hudspeth, Clin· "''' G. · Koellhoffer, Leonord l.; Lee, to, c.

Sec;ond Row: Privates First Class .wbo-.¥itl Morris; Mortin, Ec!9M E.: 4<(inney Will;om J.; Miller, Donald

L. · M"1Jen Claude D.: Nudols, Jo»nnr W.

Third Row: Privates First Coss •adotd Donald E.: Perdue, Robert < Perry John 8.; Riffel, Joseph J.; 1"liom4s John H.: Urbon, Roynold E.

Fourth Row: Privates Fil'$! Closs Wol- Albert- ZeomM, Gerold C.; P1 volas Anderson, Axel R.; Arm­••ron9 Chester E.; Boss, Jod R.: B<o,e Fronds E.

Fiflft Row: Privotes Blumenlrifl, "'4"'<n V,• Bonm!r, Austin, Jr.; Brod. ,.,:,,, Ric ho rd F.: Brown, Doniel W.: C.rli.e, Eu9ene; Cunningham, John '-I

Sixth Row: Privates Dittmar, Arnold J.- Frederick, Cloyton L; Friedel, Raio~ E.: Gorlond, Theodore A.; Gol·sh John J. ; Hall. Oris R.

Seventh Row: Privates Helm, James v Joxtheimer, Howard E.; Jeanneret, ~otond A.: Kenison, Clarence: Kober, "redericJ C.; Leoch, Fred M.

Eighth Row: Privoles Lunn, Rollo B. Mc.Mahon, Donald J.; McMurrian, Du"""' L.; Metcalf, Roy: Moore, HoroM:! It: Poul, Charles A.

Ninth Row: P~ivotes Peters. Hugh E.· Prropulos-. Pericles W.; Phaneuf, Fr9derid R.· Powell, Beeler G.; 'Rob. •-!sot> Arthur G.; Rushln9, Thomes F.

T..,th Row: Privates Sltome, Rich­K. · T esle. Chrles 0.; Thompson,

C •'*ion T.: Thornton, 0. 8.; T rombfy, Clare"°' L; Wooton, Thomes F.


* '"'

* (Reoding from Lett ro R'9htl

First Row: Mosler Sergeont Jennings, Joi'" B Stoff Sergeants Berdan, George C · GrOW9> Morion: Sergeants Cuttino. George A.· Kes:!er

Jomes F.

Second Row: Sergeants Moss;•, Ho-,..,, 8 Overstreel. Je.,e K.: Corporols Asp, Alfred L Downs Herbert A.: Prior Hugh 8.

Third Row: Corporal• Rost. J0<0 M.: Sl'innor

Leo W.: Topley Adoell T.- PrivohK Fittt Clou

Keet Searl· Rolston, 0.erles E.

Fourth Row: Pri~te First C!au Kirby H••o ~

W. Privates Burnett Hermon l. · Dey C~

E.- Hamilton, Cecil W.: Letulle, Poul V.

(Reading from Lefr to Rlg~t)

Stoff Sergeont o;Silvestro. Mario R. Co- re

No•hette, Moraholl J.. Jr.; Privote First C "

Hendr:doen, Robert R.

* Reod n9 from le~ lo Ri91rll

Fm Row: Me1•er Se'9eent Gre9ory, W' ,.,..

C TKhnical Se'9eont Hyde. Sidney; Stoll Ser.

9'• ts H~·ton J0teph G. · Vicario, Anthony f. · S..CJMn· <Arrol Jol-n E.

Second Row: S.rgeonls Cutntning. Wil em P.

G •...., •~pll 8. · Corpo<ais Lethom.

Chertes G · L=ford. E. W O'Hara. Fren~ J .

Tl>;..d R-: C<Yp<>rals r ,dt•n. Harold J.· Art .. y · Pf..,4tes f·r--t Oass Armendo,:1

M-· O.Hay, J<>h., C .. Jr.: Feris. William H.

fo,.t+i. Ro"': Privates First Class Gusiaf.ot> R.

F Marano. Geor<Je· Rupe Geo<ge W.

F'kli Row Attached: Stoff Sergeants Kohara ,

E "' • Ev " E. 5.<g94n1 Con•e. /\ ,,.rt L *

~J1T H ~ I~ NAl [ ~ M r ANY (AVN) *

(Reod:ng from Left to Ri9hl)

Serqean'• Co.oy, Esche< Ha,.,·d Robert: ai. f..rs1 O.ss S."C"et J010 G.

* 1711



l 7' I

* IR.,.d "CJ fr- Ltt 1., R ltit First Row: Matier S.r9eont Senter Wi

R .. Jr.· Technicol Sergeant Fo.e, Robert R • S•e I Sergeonts Bo9donsl· An:thony A.: 8u"• Morr E. • Greene. Rono!d P

See<>nd Row: Tech" ciao Tn rd G•aoo ...,. moM Werner Tech•:c:ons Fo.;nh Gr..O. Be.re •rnith, Morce1 ;.,.., T. • Hembv, Jol.n T • N ollroy Albert l.: Wolfson. f'h;tf,p J .

Third Row: T echnicions Fifth Grode Bed. LOU!) V.: Corler, Williom A.· Goodwin, Poul 0 • Ha Jomes C .. Jr.

Fourth Row: Techn..:ions Fifih Grode Harvey John· Qu:senberry, Fronk M. S,.,ith Ph' p H Private Fim Closs Huettol, John G

* Fini Row: Stefl S..•geMt FC!r-oter Ro,-..d

I. Sergeo"t Go•in. Georqe· Spl •el Fro J Corporals A..hley Jolm C. : Hin: Ah.on E.

SKond Row: Co<poro • Hurne Roder I I' Kehoe Jo,... E. Krems, M""'oy; p,,. .... fi Clou Evans Ooude E. · fochett Rocco R

Third Row: Pri,.; te• FHsl Clou Flono90n Po

W.: Glauser. Rudolf· Levine, Bornord· Mutheno

Chor1e< J.





~~T H BA~I[ flIIN~ TRAININ~ ~~ijA~R~N

* fint Row: fim Ser9oonl• ,<.Ivey

)l.e O Owen. Ra:ph F. · Mo•ter Setgobnts C.nter. John C.· Hoybook. Henry I.• Kieschnid, Edwin L.: Lind

, Rufus N.

Socond Row: Moster Ser9eonh !IA Roy L.: Price, Robert G.: Ron. Le. G Technical Ser9eonh Borbee Robert L; Daily. Stonley ,<.. • Horri•. 11 ..,...,cf A.

Third Ro w: Ted>nieal Serqoonk I-' q>.e" Leonore:! F.: Jen~in•, Robert L., Johonsen, Julian R.; Kin9. Robort 0. Monroe, Raymond L.; Polmor, Gerold W.

Fourth Row: Teehnicol Sergeants ono Anion F.; Ronne. Jock ,<.,;

:.dK.'.eld JOl8ph R_. Smith Clol>d e L 5,.,,., Chester· Wore:!, J. 8.

Firth Row: Technicol Sergeant Wil­keMon, John l.; Stoff Sergeants Boler Lester T.: Bim, Henry F.: Be'ermonn, Glenn· Berglin, Herman A 8 ng1, Emmett G.

Sixth Row: Stoff Sergoonts Bing ~ ., E L.· Boul&n Clifford L.: oow1>~n Robe11 M.' Bowmen. Ho,.ord L B"uheer Woyne W.- Brown, Weyne 8,

180 I




* !Reading from Left lo Rig1>•)

First Row: St~ff Sergeenh s.rt!er Kermit W.; Buttafoc:o. &,..,,, R Chapman, Ralph S.; Churchwell, L 8.; Collins. Jo,,_ E.: Copl>la"<I. S.... fort N.

Second Row: Staff !ie<oea'IU Crane, Merle W.; Darby, Wifil.tr, A .· Dean, l\ly R.: Dellinger, Wed. L· Detorn, Neil P.: Drummond Ro)""On<l H. ,

Third Row: Stoff Ser<)eonk Ou1-Clarence 0.; Eoton, Ernerl L: Ensley Arthur J.; Fawcett, Chariet P Franci<, Glenn R.: Gon~lo, lo1"' A

Fourth Row: Staff Sergeanrs Ho "' Raymond P.; Hourihan, J..mes C. Howie, Mansel H.: Ihm, .L.mos c: • Jones, John D.; Kemmetlng, Edwo<d c.

Fifth Row: Staff Serqeonts Kre' "9 Qifford R.: Kurows~i, C..simir J · Kurreft, Edward E.: loPove, Sam..el• lewis, Glyn H. : Mandarin, WiUiorr. J

Sirih Row: Slaff Sergeants Me•+oa Gray~on A. : Moore, Ashby W. Moyer, Moc M., Jr.; McCorrnac;, Thomas C.: NeinM1, Auda V.· Nk], ols. Ezra D.

Seventh Row: Stoff Sar~nn O'Malley. Daniel G.; Poy~d Jo•el'h F.; Peace, Jomes W.; R•ndo1f, G.,. A.; Sorzoto, Joe M.: Sherrer Ja.,,to, R.

Eighth Row: Stoff Sergeants Shoe­m<1ke, Charles M.; Sinl, Lew:S J Smith, Dee W .; Smith, Delberl C Swan, Luther M.: Taylor, HorLe

Ninth Row: Stoff Ser9eants Ttttry Samuel E.: Todd WiOiom R.· Tree Thomas T.; Vick, Joe E.; Voe,, Wo !er V.; Wallace, Bill F.



* Finl Row: Stoff Sorgoonls Worner,

0.. bflrl P.; Werns;ng, Stonley A.; w •e e<i<I A. en K.: w.u·,, Avery: W'. 'ord, Donald E. • Wilson, Clifton E.

Second Row: StoH Serqeants Woo~ Auory E. Wri9ht. ·Eorl W.· Y ..Oro. Fronlr G.; Ser9eonts Adams, Virqil C .. Bolmer Fronk H.; Be rnard, Dovd W

Third Row: Sergeants Broden. Mil· ton L. • 8.-dford. George W.; Bur hbnt Floyd A.· Corroll, Willie O.; Oarl Porcy· Corn.iius Albert G.

fourth Row: Ser9eonl> Coulter. Harl) L Curtis. Rolph R.; Dorland ....,, "' Earnest, Homer A: forth­"'"" A ber L · E' .ott &rbee.

fiftfi Row: Sergean ts Freldmon. "°'"" · fin~. Robert L.: Rock. Rob. er (. fled1ler. Ber1>ard A.· Forgione. E"' o J .. Gefls. Arihur E.

Si.th Row: Serqeonts Goodwin. Eor1 T Haa9, Geor9e M.: Ho ~omtt. H.: Haupt Gerhard R.: Hoz· ,,,....; Joseph P.: Heed, ErNtst.

Seventh Row: Sergeant< H•inz. G"'O'-. L. He1vey Lester D. · Hemp­hr , Thomas K.: Henry, Joseph J. · H"d Dedrick C.: Higdon. Rober! l.

Eic)hth Row: Sergftonts H Elberi 5. H John 0. House, W illiom B.: Huoer Mortin P.; Irving, Williom F,; Jome-. Cl:Hord M

Ninth Row: Sergeants Jeffords. W om A. Jr.; Jensen, Arthur It: Jon~ Howord H.; Kool>, Woller C.: K .. rhrud Raymond l. · Kncip. Edgar L

112 I

, .. ,



* ,Read·nq from Leh to R ght)

Fin l R<>w: Ser9e4nls Ko•«o Lew A.: Kowo'sl:, We fer P.· KoilowU" Martin J.: Kuhorske. Shenna~ G lone. Howard T. le81ot>e Aclney P

Second Row: Sergeor.11 le09-~ty Afv;n L.: Little. Poul E.; LivenS1'4'90' Poul G.; Lolken. Lawrence A.• Lynch S;las 0. · Moddo<, Jobe W.

Third Row: Sergeonh Modenfo)fd John R. Merritt, Morgon T.; M'1ler William F.; Mloker, Joseph F.; Mont gomery, Norman L.: Moshonko. AIOA, Jr.

Fourth Row: Sergeant5 McConnel Robert L.: McCoy, Francis L.: Mc Kee, Gerold L.; Nolley, Elg,n L • Oriono, William J.: Perrott, Rolph H

Fifth Row: Sergeonfs Pavlick, Ed word J.· Peel•, William C. · Perfint, John, Jr.: Phillips, John E.: P~iot• Tracey: Priest Lynn A.

Sixth Row: Ser9eonh Proctc>< W a. l'om R.; Ramirez, Arthur; Rhord Oonold O.; Rohm Willerd W.; Roller John U. · Rosenber9. Hermon.

Seventh Row: Sergeants Setht.o Ooude H. · Selmon, Nolen L. Schollet. Lawrence F.• Scnwortz Gronvi e J.: Smah. Hamden C Smolorel John.

E9hth Row: Ser9eonts Sievert John E. · Stracener, Jewell L.; Sturm, Leo F. · Sumner, Joseph D.: Slemrej Ston ley F.: Todd Clyde L.

Ninth Row: Ser9eonls Underwood John L,; Underwood, John W. Ussery, Lee R. ; Vi9liotti. Michael J.· Wakhol, Geor9e; Waldron. Roy mond.



* (R..,ding from left lo Right)

Firtl Row: Sergeants Walsh, Roy· mond J.; Wolt, Horry E.: Womeke, Arthur W.; Walkins, Arthur l.; Wa•· m·nsky Joseph J.: Wehe.-. J~ph E.

S.COnd Row: Sergeants W ilk. JG­;eph E. Winnoug e, Frank M.: Wirth, Har ow• O.; Woclvarka Richard C.: Woolfolk Rob.rt D.: Corpor"I &I­t "' Hervie H.

Third Row: Corporals Ball, Lemuel 0. S.oty. George O.; Berry, Luther H,. 81oir, Moel ; Booth, Eugene: Boyn· Ion, Henry C .. Jr.

Fourth Row: Corporals Brock. Lon­nie L.: Bunner. Audroy C.; Carni­vale. Anthony J. · Colahan, Thomas J.: Conowoy Corter H.; Conaway. John M., Jr.

Fifth Row: Corporals Cross. James Iv Eyley Hershel E.: Franke. Robert A. Go lord, O.nnie F.: Ga:, Joseph W. Gould Wi iam F.

Sixth Row: Corpora1s Guajardo. Frank G.: Guenlner, Norman W.: Hole. James H.: Hanson, George L.: Hartmann, Ervin F.: Helms, Edwin J,

Seventh Row: Corporals Henson, Don H.; lngoglia, John J.; Jackson, Charles E.: Jackson, Floyd S.: Jorecli, Thomas· Kauiluch, Alvin A.

Elght!. Row: Corpora1s Kelly, Har­-V L. • Larson. Cfffe<d J.; Linn, Jam• R.: L<>ol. Bonnie H.; MacOou­g• Jame> R.; Molone B; l.

Ninth Row: Ce<pora's Maricle, Marvin/\,; Marinello, Alfred; Master­'°" Frank M.; Malt, Edward J.; Motuk, Nick, Jr.: Montgomery. Sam­uel W.

1 MJ

( ••1



* (Reeding from L.,ft to Righi)

Firot Row: Corporols MonlOf\e Joe M.: Moorman. Grody M.; North Joe E.: Novok, Henry G.· PadoYOQO Stephen G.: Pedel'1on. Normon J.

Second Row: Corporols P!tilr.po Worren G. H. · Pittmon, Huqn H.· Powel'1. Horry D.· Pruitr, Curt .. G • Ouirom, Eldon J.: Rich•er, Georq.o ~

Third Row: Corporols Rid~v Williom J.: Rowiond, Cl>orles A. Soter, J. 8. Schieler. Robert A .. Jr Schneider, Stephen, Jr.' Sefc-. Johnnie L.

Fourth Row: Corporals Shorp Johnnye E.: Shirley, Cloude A.: Sk'6 thitis. Arthur A. : Smith, G. w_. Snyder, Orrin K.: Sobied, Jocob D.

Fifth Row: Corporols Strough, John F.: Stutev~le, Floyd w,. Sumro J. Roy· mond w_. Toylor Jed A.' Toylor Leo P.· Teoque, Wilbur H.

Sixth Row: Corporols ThomP'O" Floyd A.. Tolbert Micheal E. · T .,,. nel!, Stepl>en A.: Turnmeyer Oon4id F.: Umberger, Jomes w_. VO$$, Voo ner J.

Seventh Row: Corporols Wort. Clyde: Wonioto, George W.; w..i. lins, John P.; While, John W.: Wil liomson. Jack C.; Wohlford, Malvin H.

Eighth Row: Corporals Worsham Merv:n o,. Wreqe . Wo .ace E.· Y oiid Groqory A.· Ze'enok. l>ou J Z.e.insl, Zeno A.: p,;vote Fim Oas. Adomek Jerry E.

Ninth Row: Privotes fil'11 O.si Andrews, Fronl J.' Borrell. Chor es W.: Berrett, Jomes M.' 8orrnore Lemon E.: 8oyslon. Owoyne 8.; Beck­hom, Eulos N.



* (Re4ding from Left to Right)

First Row: Privotes First Class 8"'vins, George W.; Bolin. Robert L.· Brown, James H.; Brown, Nothon: Br<>"'n. Sidoey A.: Chandler, Leonord.

Seeond Row: Prlvotl!s First Clo,. Deppe, Willlom B.; Doolittle, Wolt& O.; Douglas. Howord M.: Doyle, John D. · Eades, Moses H.: Eorm!•+, Re• A.

Third Row: Privates First Class Foiloon, John N.; Fil\dley. Samuel L.: Flores, Felipe M,; Grubbs, John l<.: Hart, '-11try B.; Hof>kins, Glen R.

Fourth Row: Privates First Class .ollnson, Miles E.; Jones, John l.; Joolin. lemuel G,; Kers,ey, RuHord D. · Knorr, Donald A.: Lamour. Geor91t H.

Fifth Row: Privates First Clo" lothom. Raymond: Ma9by. Willi• D.: Miller. Robert l.; Morrison, John E.: Mounce, Glenn W.; McAnolly, Byron


Sixll> Row: Privates First Closs McKinney, Robert B.: McKinney. Charles, Jr.; McKinney, Herbert W.; Mcleon, leooord J.; Nobe', Wolter D.: Nelso.n, Robert E.

Seventh Row: Privates First Closs Nerove, Jock: Norris. Jomes E.: Poyne, James R.; Peelt, Henry J.: Peoner Earl; Reynolds, Robert T.

Eighth Row: Privoles First Ct.m Roberts, Harvey T.: Robinson, Wil­t.am E.: Roth, Edword J.; Sellers. Clev•n .J., Jr.: Shirley. Joyce M. · Specl. Ad<ian D.

Ninth Row: Privates First Class Taylor, Jasper N.: Taylor, HO"ward C. Turner, Marcus D.; Van Der Veen, Conrad: Ve•t. Paul L.: Wrig~t. Lewi• C .. Jr.

, .. ,

I 971



* !Readinq from Leh •o RoC,llit)

Firtt Row: Privates. A titer Ed9dr K.: Aihey J. 8.· 8. z Glor. H Barne.. C~or'•• M.· &r...,s, Gene W 8oumgorfen Paul W

Second Row: Privoles Beaver• Georg. H. · Beel w· bvr C. • 8..eden Aud;e C.· Brewer, Robby 0 • Btown Julian T .. Jr.; Browning, Edmond 0 .

Third Row: Privates Bunon Jo_, V • Corr Rau R.: Ca<Wn. Serth.l l Chey•• Lyle W Chr•temon Nea¢n R.; Clepp&r, Horace U.

Fourth Row: Private< CepP r leo W. · Conowoy Joe 8. Coo~ OWen W. · CordeTo. Dion cio R. · Cn.: Jo.e J.: Curlis, Williem G.

fifth Row: Privora. Doe Hotl4ft R.· D'Angelo, Wmiom J.; Diene._ Georg• L· E l&n. Gordon H.· E bon\s Ester 0.· Ferris. Morns 0

Si.th Row: Pr;vates Frdd e J.,l:

W.: Fuente•, Marcelo F.: Gorc.o Manuel G. · Gholson CoMer W Gish, Frank; Goerge. Herold.

Seventh Row: ProvofH G,..,,.._ Reese L.; Holl, Georg& T.: He!Hi James R.: Hell;n O•ho 0. He!"E' Lowrence C. · Hoffmon , Jerome M.

Ninth Row: P,,va!es Hofiaoa Jo!fteS F.; Hovorka, Victor J. · Howard Elmer C.· Huett, Ore W.: Hug-._ Forre•I E. · Hutson. Cec3 L

Tenth Row: Pr vale Jar.,,.. • ~ liom L. · Lejeune, Cren M. • L nclley Theodore· Lybrond Spencer; Lymo Normon P.



* IReod,nq from left to Righi)

fin! Row: Privotes Molon.. Donald ~ Marona Jerry J.: McConn, Oor· enc• 0.; McKelvey, Jesse 8.- Mc· K'ozit. Thomas B. : McMullan, Sylvon R

S,eond Row: Privoles McReovey R. hord D.: Messore, Thomo• A.­Metts. Worren V.; Miller. Oonold E.· M er Ouone R.; Milchell, Joe G.

Third Row: Private$ Morrison. W iJ.. rd L: Mosier. Floyd P.: Nelson .

Oei<t E.: Nichols, Harold 0.: Pe'°' loui• S.· Pewitt, Raymond 0.

Fourth Row: Priva tes Rokowski, Fronl A.: Robbins, Jomes J.; Rob· rl• Robert R.: Role•. Trovis E.: ~o-berg Benjamin I· Scarborough W'" iam H.

fiflh Row: Privates Schump, Elmer J. ScoH Jad L: Smith, Rondolph J. Solo!, Ernest J .; Spicer, Charle• L.: Stewart, Cecil.

Siith Row: Private• Stigoll Jethro M Stilwell Aubrey E.: Strackbein, Bob O.; Toie, Marvin R.: Terrozas Vi.;enro Z.- Timm. Alvin E.

Seventh Row: Private• W olloce, ~eymOt1d M.: Williams, Joseph F. W' lioms, Wayne C.: Wilson, Jack H.: Wise, Stanley A.: Wolchin, lro A.

Ei9hth Row: Privates Yori. George R.· Youn9 William H.- Zapato , Juan M Additional PersoMel: S.rqeanl Th ""'I"""· John l.: Corporok Guion, W A.· Pattison R. E.

Ninth Row: Private F.,.1 Clo" Po<SOt11, P. W.; Privates Chitwood, ••m•• A.; Volen!y, Robert G.

* , ...


C:•pt• tn C•fl'l1M11dint

'ftU P )(lY$UKI W•n•"i 04fi~.r (( .• . )




JAMlS I;, YOU-H$ w.,, ... , Offk•r H·•)

$.vppl., Oftlcw


First Row: First Serqeoot Te<iq.ro Jam&s W.: Teehni<:<1I Serqeao< Mc Gibeny Jomes L. Stall Seroeo IJ Benedell Robe<' J. Jr.· Bte•11<1 Raymond F.· Corrol Oo<>o><i H Collins, Williom H.

Second Row: Staff Serqearcrs Ho wood. Loy T. • Hea ey Josep• F Hedgepeth, Myrick V. · Hose.I> Po,ca H. · Levine, Edgar A. McCvllou9h James T

Third Row: Staff S.rqeontt Pa~ niok, Anton J .. Jr.: Skorupa Pau J. Terry. James T., Jr.· Sargeant• Ber ""rd Charles F.: Conard Frattk V. A.· Craven, Edward J .

Fourth Row: Sergeants Deloughety Edward M. · Edenb4um. Herbert l Fitzgerald. Homer L. Hamer John E.; Hunt, Lewi< W.· Huorer Ro pi, W

Fifth Row: SergeMll luno Afld,.,.., E. · Ked;on. Bernord J. Keef 8bert W.· Lobanow Wo ter J.· Lo.,cronf Charle< E.: Levo, Robert F.


1Read·n9 from Left lo Ri9htl

Finl Row: Fi11t Ser9eont Hodges. George W.: T echnicol Sergeant Orrill, J. B.: Stoff Sergeant Roach, Albert l.: Sergeants " rthur. Gordon M.· G< I Carroll V.: Jeffrom, Jomes.

Second Row: Sergeants John50n. T~omos R.: Madison, Leroy C.: Sh;f­el Hugh C.; Walker. Edward F.: Corporals Boussermon, William F.; Bennett. Siephen E.

Third Row: Corporals 8ro ... n. Ken. n..ih S. · Brown, Wayne M.; Calhoun. Roscoe: Hammad. Hunter M.; Heath Henry A ; McMullen, Thomas F

Fourth Row: Corporal Wagner. Marvin E. · Privates First Class " •hley, Oooglass l.: Bonder, Fred W. : Bender. Roman J.: Bla.,ingame, "rthur V.: 8rooscum. Jomes E.

Fifth Row: Privates First Class 8rodr.u. Kenneth G.: Brooh, Roy<;e l.: Brown, Edwin "·' Corter, Joelson G.- Cassani. " lbert B.; Cosco, Jo•eph

Sirili Row: Privates Fi11t Class OriM:Oi John J.: Feldsloin, Joe: Flowers, Everett E.; Ga.,away, Tom e_


tHOM..U H At.COCK C.pt•""'




* (Reodinq from left •o R· ghtl

Finl Row: P6votes Finl CJou Jone.. Geor9e L · K;pp Herold C • locro;>. Gerard A. J.; left,. id\ Thomos J .: Parkes. Arthur R.

Second Rowi Privohts f1rJI Clan Pocker, Mervin; Polond, Coy J.: Ruf lini, Ernst F.; Skorsten, Jolin ; Vi<~f\ Stephen R. · p,;,,ate Adams, Roymond E.

Third Ro"': Privates B<i ey, &ne:.t J.: Blevins Clarence A.· Brendan, Horoce R.: <Ammod Dewey W. Corqill, William B.: C..rl<on Do" H.

Fourth Row: Pri,,ates Corter Sher mon D. • Chombers, Roy- Coble, Per<y A.: Dolley, Robert C.; Do~ter C!ar ence. Jr.: Duke, Lowell C.

Fifth Row: Privates Dunn Royrnot>d W. · Emerson, Ruue: M.: Go•d1.., Re• C.: Horris, Robert D.· Hoe scloer Fred J. · Hotowaty, Nichole<

Si.th Row: Privates Horo, Geor9e A.: John.ton, Hugh M.: Kniffen Oscar J.; Kowske, Edward V.; KrouMt Ernest W.: leile, Williom J.

Seventh Row: Privates lucos Roy· mond T · Mouney Edqor W.; Mc· Dono Id Wil ·om C. Jr.: MclOtri< ir Horry A.: McMil on Jes<e 8 · Moore Roy H.

Eighth Row: Privates Nelson, Mo1o vin C.: Oliver. Edward F.; Pechort, Horbert W.; Peek. Jomes F.: Puriloy Jomes A.· Richards. Howord T.

Ninth Row: Privates Ro.... An­drew J. Jr.· Rowel, Ston •y C.· Schwortt. Jock J.· Stovel, Jo<epi A • Smith AJoert l.: Stoples Ai" y C.

Tenth Ro"': Privates Toth. Jolin Jr.: Townsend, Garold L .. Wil• "'· William P.; Wood, Williom N.

I .., I


!Reading from Left to Right)

Firit Row: first Sergeonl Clark. John H.; Mos·

fer Sergeant Garrett, Glen C.: Technical Ser·

geant Ellermonn, Harry F.: Stoff Sergeants Bettler, Raymond N.; Conrad, Henry C.

Second Row: St..,ff Sergeants Lenz, Herber!

F.: O'Flinn, Roy; Shields, Joseph F.; Technician

Third Grode Williams. William J .: Sergeant

Franco, Som.

Third Row: Sergeont• Fulenwiper, David H.: Haynes, Oliver W .; Wilks, Nolton; Technicians

Fourth Grode &iley, Winifred W.: Baines, John


Fourth Row: T echnic:iens Fourth Gra<:fe ~se.

Charles E.: Dorman, Raymond C.; Dutko. Mike: Huffman. Aulby L. ; Leo, Rolph.

Fifth Row: Technicians Fourth Grode New­

mon. Morris 0.: Watkins, Charles D.; Yearago,

Frank: Corpora1 DeMarco, Arlhur.

LAW•~CE a. ao•E•TS R,.,,f Liiwt•IMint Oom.m.111drno



M E D I c A L D E T

* *


* IReodinq from Left lo R;ghi)

First Row: Corporol1 Our~e. Wolt&r J.; 1:4·­

Bernhard· Lon9 Delma /\.: Murray Cac;f J • Murray, Robert W.

Second Row: Corpora: Toy><>r Edward ~ Techni6ons Fif<h Grode Ale<onder JamM C Carroll, Guy; Coder, Edward l.: Cole, Roy H.

Third Row: Technicians Fifth Grode Oavilb

Antonio C.: Davi1, Joseph W.; Jordon, Corl W Lowry. Oaude M.· Moe, John D.

Fourth Row: Technic"ans Filth Grade Pa~ James H .• Smith, Jol>n W.· Trahan, JoM A Wagster, William L; Welch, Barney E.

Fifth Row: Privotes first Class Aucoin. Alen 8.; Hardy, Rolf W.; Hill, Orville l.: Mar!lll,

Delbert C.; Moore, Edward A.

Sixth Row: Privates First Closs Nanney, Vere!· Peters. Som F.; Salomon Guodolupe E.· S'roup

Cloude V.: Taylor. Euqene P.

Se•enlh Row: Privote Achor W: ;,,,,, C.; Vet. erinary Detacl1ment Attached: Stoff SergMM Von Ouzeo, Lowell G.: Sergeont G,...enfe. Get hart W.

(Reodin9 from lefi to Right) First Row: Moster Sergeant "-tlison. George

Stoff Sergeonls Johnston. Robert F Mionis M.-•·· A· Sergeant Boyd. Kenneth G; BurneH. • Jma11 L

Second Row: Ser9eont Portion, Robert E. · Cor POrols Boker, John R.: Follon, Jomes; McGuire. Edword: Russell, Winford l.

Third Row: Corporals Shaheen, Fred K.: Shore, R-chord S.: Trainer, LO\lie l.: Wheel, Ronold H.: Pr vote Fir$! Oos' Alfieri Roymood V.

Fourth Row: Privates First Oass Cop1e, Som­"" · Ch,,pmon Rolph E. OeOrio, Anthony J.: L<>c>l"is. li;o R. Niblo, Potrid.

Fifih Row: Privates Arnold, Horry H., Jr,: Bon. Reuben S.; Blockislon, John F.: Meek. Chor'es A : Thiffault, William J

(Reading Ir°"' Left to Righi) First Row: T echnicol Ser9eanh

Meno, Carlos: Miller, w·mom R. · Staff Sergeant Redmon, Leo R.: Ser genol's Ashton, Horton W.; Audo, W:lliom J.

Second Row: Ser9eMh Conont ..d S · Scruggs. Horace W.; Swoy

Tom W. Tomb, Henry D .. Jr. Woch1er. Poul· Corporal SlonceH Richard P.

Third Row: Corporals Kusper. Le. Roy F.: Neiqhbors, Eugene W.: Oliv•· doti, Roy J .: Pohl, Melvin F. : Rey­

.ds Richard E.: Stockdale, John M. Fourth Row: Corporal Waliams

Vr.e'o' M. · Privatu F:"t Cass Setts M.orio" K. Jr.- B ela<~y. Henry B. · C Cb Stan ey S.- Oimarowia, Ed

·-d .. Hunler, Horoce D. Fifth Row: Privates First Class

'"·1 Edwio G.: Rink, James M.; w~·•e Gt.y H.- Priva te Com. Porter M Jt.

+ _J

* (Reading from le fl to Rig!, ti FiNt Row: T echnicol Setrqeoot

Goodrich, Jomes; Serqeonll Cheot hom. Horry B.· Lonq John E.: Tech nicions Fifth Grode Dykes, Bonne Green, Tommie L.: Holloncl. Jomes M

Second Row: Technicioo. F fth Grode Hunter, Roy L.: Lewis. Loe E McG!own, Welford; Milcholl, John D.; Philson, Thomes R.· Singleton Diuie L.

Third Row: Technicions Filth Gredo S•mmers, Grover G.: Whatley, J, C • Privotes fost Closs Dovi" Nothon o Frederick. Clevelond I.· H~nder.on Samuel· Holmos. Fronk W.

Fourth Row: Privoles Firl' Oess Joelson, Melvin: Lee. Merv'n· Lov• lody. Alvin· Moqor John E.: Muon George H.: Nidorson, Joct

fifth Row: P6votes F rsl C'4u Powe' Arts P. · Puritt, Jeu;e· Scott Curt«· Spikes. Ors L. · Wosh "'Jlon Wi :e C. · Privote Bun T oi,;e

Sirth Row: Prvotes C.ntel\O lu 8.: Oark. lee R.· Dov$, W '°m Dunn•ng Peter- Greer, Lois l.: Ha Wi io J.

Seventh Row: Privoles Ho"" '.of! Lonnie, Jr.; Horrison. Aihfey H nes Ravmond· Howell. Bennie· Hudson John· Jodson, Preston C.

Eighth Row: Privates Jone• Ceaser Jooes. Leroy· Jones, Simm'e D · K•mmons. Willie: Miller, Jeuoe J. Jr. Revnolds. Mork.

Ninth Row: Privoles Russow, Mon roe ; Snell, lsooc B. Steward, Johnn e Tensley, Hermon L.: Vodon, Lee, Jr.

l .,, J



fllDttfA.HD l . THUMS C.pt.ia ~ .. ;.g

(Reodinq frO(l'l Le~ to Righi)

Rrtl Row: Fir.1 Sergeant Mo•on. A 'red P S.rqean1$ JonM 0. 0. u ·cne JoM H. · Peorson. Jod· 1400 Wolter; T~omos, Chorlie M.

S&concl Row: Sergeanl Young Jol>n 8. · Corporols Anderson Leroy­~"'Y · Wil<on McCoWl>n, Mitche

. Mdhd~ Henry G.; Polton C'eo.

Third Row: Corporols Pow., Jul" us J Rivero. John•e: Smith. Somuel; Woller Stoey L.: Wesley, Zebbie 0 .: Woods. Dav;d.

fourth Row: Privotes Fir<t Ciou a.,,._, Morvon Bean. Menry Berry lsooc H. • B uitt, Bernice; Christopher, Bossi~ 8. Corley. Leroy.

Fifth Row: Privates Firot Cl..u Co• Joe L · Don•son, Farris: Everrett, No.an H. Ferguson Robert T. · f;ekls, lw"a' J f:le Ezra.

Sixth Row: Privates First Cle.s GrAce, Odis T.: Grenville. Cherlie: Hompton, Janell: H•ckmon. Arthu" ..iock>on, Roy· Johnson, Monuol.

$lOkGE It M•cCOH~llt w.,.,.,.. Offlc., Cl t) -·


NA.THAtc !(AHN. Jl. Fhct L wt.-'l"l S..PtWr ()ffk.,

* •

7 7 T H AV I AT I O


* llltl


first Row: p,· •• 1.. F'rs! CW..s Johnson, Murry Jone<. Edl'llOl'ld Jone•, lorenz.,r. U.ws MottMw l°'I ett, Jimm·e; Mooy H ton.

Second Row: p,..voies F "' Co Morri1on, t\rchie: Moselav Auciley L · Neo Cotez; Ot phn! ha:­

Oweni. Leon: Pippins, Boob e J.

Third Row: Privote~ Fi"I 0., Pollard, Herber.. P<><•e<> Alben Rooerson. Chester- RobiruOft Eu gene: Rolland. Eddie· Roflond Thomos J.

Fourth Row: Pr vo•.. F.111 Oas. Rundles, Lucy 8.; Scott Johnnie Sims. John H. Taylor, Fred Taylor Fred: Taylor. Roberl T.

Fifth Row: Privat*' Fi'lt Odil Tyler Roosevelt; Walker A"K>r L Welh Raymond· W8'tbroo<t Jo.i-.a Wilhite, Vergie L.; Williams. John l

Sirih Row: Privates firs! Co William> C. 0. Wooten Ro .. E Wrighl, Leon E.· Privores 1v:,.,, Jome• A.; 8techheor. C .,.,m,. Bowens t\leronder.

Seventh A.ow: Private.- Boyl Georgo T.; Brazit, Victor· Brewington. John t\. · Br""'1>, t\ndrew· Bro" Rot> er!; Bursey, Major D.

Eighth Row: Privates Butter s..­H.; Campbell Henry· Cool Rot­L.: Covington Morcus. Davit J..,., 0.


First Row: Pflvotes O'ckens, Chorl" Garner Eddie R.: Elf;,, Ed · d;,, Godfrey Melvin • Goqqono Loma•· Gner, Edw n.

Second Row: Pr1vbtes HorrilOn Mcleon Howl.M. L H.: H gntower ..._mos: Humphr;es C arence· Ja""i.

·son, Oov;d; Jeffery, Robert l.

Third Row: Pr>vote• Jonti, Morvin , July. Russell; Kenney. Johnnie B.· Kirlpotrid , Jome> J.: Lind•ey, 1. C . Maddox, Wesley W,

Fourth Row: Privates Mollory, Cor­son L.: Monigui1, Jocob: Morri. weather, Johnnie: Mitchell, Albert N. · Murry. Cloude U.: Odom. Chorlie.

Fifth Row: Priv<>les Osborne, Som. uel· Perry, Jomes· Rodgers, Honsum U.: Russell. Vernon L.: Scott, Emmett J.· Scott, Horden.

Sixtft Row: Prjvot•s Sims, Mi ton: s·ms, Theodio. Smith loRuth: Sm:th Leroy· Smith, Perey J .: Str;cllond George, Jr,

S.vent+. Row: Private T oylor, Hu· bert L., Corporal Teyle<. Loura R.· Privafes Tomlin, Jomer Vaden, L. 0.: Watts, Emory: Wilco-. i'lrthur.

Eighth Row: Privote• Willioms, Luther; Wills, Lewi• A.; Wright. Willie J.; Privote Fil'lt Closs Robertson, Cloude: Private Gaines, Clovln.
