fulton county women's journal - media kit

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  • 8/13/2019 Fulton County Women's Journal - Media Kit


    The Womens Journal publications are part ofa nationally syndicated publication that hasbeen rated the #1 Educational Newspaperfor Women in the United States, according toa survey by U.S. World and Review. We arepublished bi-monthly and distributed free ofcharge throughout Fulton County, Ga.

    The Womens Journal seeks to educate andinform women and their families in meaningfulways. We challenge our contributors to

    demonstrate their expertise, insight, andenthusiasm for their professions and businessesby writing objective and educational articles.

    Our contributors become known as experts intheir eld, while providing the readership withvalued information about products, servicesand resources available to them a hugebenet from a free publication!

    Our publication format allows readers to gainan understanding of who the contributor

    is prior to making the rst phone call. This isparamount to businesses that rely on thepersonal touch. In addition to our readersbeing able to make educated and informedchoices, our contributors benet by havingaccess to a savvy and discerning readership the afuent, higher-educated women of FultonCounty.

    Our Mission:The mission of the Womens Journal is to be theobjective and educational resource for thewomen of each county in which we publish.Our focus is on high-quality articles that are ofinterest to women of all ages, background, an


    A publication dedicated toeducating women

    For information on advertisingin The Fulton County Womens

    Journal contact usat 678-250-3319



    TheFultonCountyWomen s J ournal

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    The Fulton CountyW o m e n s J o u r n a l

  • 8/13/2019 Fulton County Women's Journal - Media Kit


    This is what our advertisers say aboutThe Womens Journals:

    Without question, an outstanding way to educatepatients.

    ~ Vincent Perrottta, M.D. Peninsula Plastic Surgery

    We have built our business on the readership of theWomens Journal: I cannot believe the amount ofbusiness we receive from our articles.

    ~ Fred Winward, President, Resort Landscaping

    The Womens Journal is the most successful

    advertising we have ever done.~ Focal Point Opticians

    A priceless educational vehicle to allow patientsquality, objective information about our variousprocedures.

    ~ Andreus V. Strauss, M.D. Director of Oncology BeebeMedical Center

    The Womens Journal is the best advertising I haveever done, I cant believe I waited so long to trythem. They are the only advertising I am doing now.

    ~ Carmella, Permanent Cosmetics

    Magnifcent response to our advertising.~ Dave Crowley, President, Bethany Bay Resorts

    A review of your restaurant in the Womens Journalcan mean a 30% increase in your business.

    ~ Robert Cirelli, Owner, La Rosa Negra

    We receive 10 times the amount of new business andexposure from the Womens Newspapers than anyother advertising.

    ~ Richard Horgan, President, Richard Horgan Insurance

    Womens Buying Power 94% Home Furnishings 93% OTC Pharmaceuticals

    93% Food 92% Vacations 91% of New Homes 89% Bank Accounts 85% Auto Purchases 81% Riding Lawn Mowers 80% Healthcare

    66% PCs

    Women account for 85%of all consumer purchases. Women carry 76 million credit cards

    8 million more than men. In 2001, U.S. womens purchasing

    power constituted the number 3market in the world; the collectivebuying power exceeded the entireeconomy of Japan.

    By 2010, women are expectedto control $1 trillion, or 60% of thecountrys wealth, according toresearch conducted by Business

    Week and Gallup.(Sources: The Business and Professional Womens Founda

    Trendsight, Business Wome

    Editorials are more effective than placement ads. Not only do people give more credibility editorials; but they also are far more likely to catch the readers eye than a placement a

    The test coverage on editorials is worth something abovand beyond regular advertising

    ~ P.J. Boatwright V.P. Custom Projecfor Fortune Grou

    Why should you advertisyour business i

    The Fulton County Womens Journa

  • 8/13/2019 Fulton County Women's Journal - Media Kit


    As a contributing writer, you benet from severalunique features in our publication, including a targetaudience, exclusivity, testimonials, and widespread

    distribution of our free paper in key locations.

    Target audienceThe FCWJ has become a primary resource for thewomen of Georgia. Furthermore, based on oursyndicated journals, the Womens Journals will ndour readership to be 3.46 per copy with an averagelifespan of 8 weeks. This above-average readershipis due to current information being referred tofriends and family who directly benet from our

    contributing articles and editorials.

    Exclusivity*How would you like to eliminate your competitionby being the only professional with your specialtyanywhere in our publication? Heres your chanceto distinguish yourself as the authority in your eldby taking the information you discuss with eachclient and making it available to more than 40,000readers in waiting rooms, hospitals, libraries, and inthe comfort of their homes.

    *(Based on a 6-issue commitment.)

    Web exposureAll articles will be featured on our websitewith a linkto your website. With a virtual paper and the latesttechnologies, you will get optimal exposure with ourwell-rounded media package.

    ReferencesInside each issue you will see readership responsesand professional testimonials from our contributingwriters and advertisers. Establish yourself as theprimary source of information in your specialty in

    The Fulton County Womens Journal.

    DistributionThe FCWJ distribution is extensive with numerous

    direct drops (and growing). Free papers areprovided at different locations where women will bin their everyday lives, as well as through targeted

    home delivery.

    What we are notWe do not print anything political or controversial.

    We do not cover local news or events.

    The Fulton County Womens Journal is yourdirect link to the target market of women iFulton County. It has been proven nationall

    to increase your advertising power and getyour message through.

    Join the family of over 20,000 other professionals

    nationally and educate the women of your county

    This successful combination of education and

    advertising creates community awareness for you

    business and offers tremendous growth potential.

    To explore the advertising and editorial

    opportunities offered by The Fulton County

    Womens Journal call us today

    at 678-250-3319 or1-877-394-3964

    QuestionsContact Obren at 678-250-331Or email [email protected]

    The Fulton CountyW o m e n s J o u r n a l

  • 8/13/2019 Fulton County Women's Journal - Media Kit


    Watch your business growThe readership of The Fulton County Womens Journal is over 20,000. Distribution is targeted to areas wherewomen shop, exercise, work, and live. The Womens Journal distribution is extensive and county wide withthousands of locations throughout each county.

    The Womens Journal is distributed at select locations including: Medical Buildings, Health Clubs, SpecialtyGrocery Stores, Private Learning Centers, Ofce Buildings, Bank Lobbies, Doctors Ofces, Libraries,Pharmacies, Retail Stores, Restaurants/Cafes, Coffee Shoppes, Fitness Studios, Automotive

    Centers, Lawyers Ofces, Hospitals, Dance Studios, Community Centers,Hair and Nail Salons, Spas, Business Parks, Rehabilitation Centers,Information Centers, AND MANY MORE!


    Please keep in mind that your editorial is tobe written in an unbiased, educational, andinformative format. This means the informationcould be taken to any professional in your particulareld for use. You might want to consider answeringdifferent questions that are asked of your facility

    or doctor each time you schedule a new client.We have found that when you educate andinform perspective clients on different areas ofyour particular type of business, it will result in thebest return on your advertising dollar. The WomensJournal editorial is a proven format that has workedwell for our contributors for over 33 years.

    Title:Please let us know how you want to titleyour article. It should include words that grab thereaders attention. 30 characters or less includingspaces.

    Headshot:Send your professional takenheadshot as an attachment via e-mail. JPEG, TIFF,or PDF format and at least 300 dpi. Identify who is inthe photo. No photos off of websites please.

    Author:Indicate whether the editorial is writtenby you (if you wrote it yourself) or presented by you(if supplied by your association). Be sure to includecredentials (MD, PhD, etc).

    Bio:Here is your chance to provide your personalcredentials. This is a biographical sketch of you andyour business and/or generic company details. No

    contact information here please, that should be inthe ad itself.

    Editorial:Articles need to be e-mailed [email protected] as soon as possibleso they can be edited for grammar. Please useMicrosoft Word, and send as an attachment. Pleasedo not put articles in columns or format it in anyway.If you imbed your pictures in your word doc to showset up, please also attach them.

    Testimonials:You may also include (2) smalltestimonials from your clients or patients. Though

    optional, testimonials have been proven to be a

    very effective marketing tool. The testimonials areincluded in your editorial word count.

    Display Ad:Send your camera-readyadvertisements to us as attachments via e-mailin PDF. They must be at least 300 dpi. Please note

    that photos extracted from a website are not highquality, and cannot be used. Phone, address, emaand website should be in your ad.

    Deadline:All editorials, ads and photos are dueby the 1st of the month prior to publication (2/1,4/1, 6/1, 8/1, 10/1, and 12/1). If for any reason youcant make this deadline, you need to notify youraccount representative immediately. If we do notreceive all information by deadline or if you havenot made arrangements for extra time, a previous

    article will be used.

    The article will beprinted as written.

    We do not changethe content but

    will edit forgrammar andformatting, as well

    as space limitationsif necessary. Pleasecall Obren at678-250-3319

    or [email protected] youhave anyquestions.

  • 8/13/2019 Fulton County Women's Journal - Media Kit


    page #

    Article. should be about 750-850 words (including a coupletestimonials if desired) whenan ad is provided that takesup about 1/4 of the page,

    please adjust the text providedaccordingly to a larger orsmaller ad. If supplementalpictures are provided for thepage, subtract about 50-70words per picture that youwish to be included. Standardsfor amount of text are due toadvertorial style of this magazineand the desire to have all thepages have the same text sizefor consistency and congruencyas well as basic charm andappeal of the book. Pages canhave different looks and set-ups but these size/word countstandards remain consistent.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing

    elit. Curabitur diam quam,varius vitae dapibus vitae,euismod sed massa. Phasellusblandit libero sit amet metuslaoreet vitae euismod diamcondimentum. Maecenasnec turpis tellus, laoreet luctusorci. Quisque et risus at tortorpharetra vulputate vel ut eros.Etiam euismod ipsum id maurislacinia adipiscing tinciduntlibero congue. Vivamus nonplacerat elit. Curabitur dapibuselementum interdum. Nunceleifend arcu non est sagittisin dignissim massa auctor. Invulputate est non elit faucibusaliquam. Suspendisse accumsanvestibulum est, a dignissimlacus fringilla eu. Donec quam

    est, suscipit id blandit at,consectetur at elit.

    Sed eros elit, bibendum etvulputate id, adipiscing nonlectus. Morbi vulputate portanisl, vitae tincidunt magnabibendum sit amet. Sed auguelorem, dignissim nec adipiscingnec, consequat sed nibh. Namet libero eros. Suspendissemetus sem, vestibulum a facilisisin, cursus eget dolor. Quisquejusto mauris, pellentesquenon eleifend eget, volutpatquis leo. Proin vulputate,metus sed pretium feugiat,

    orci purus eleifend odio, veltristique enim lectus vel neque.Aliquam aliquam placerat nisieu iaculis. Suspendisse potenti.In iaculis urna eu leo hendrerit

    eu scelerisque neque semper.Quisque bibendum nunc quisturpis facilisis eu tincidunt leopulvinar. Sed posuere tinciduntrhoncus. Sed fringilla interdumullamcorper. Maecenas ornareaugue eu nisl laoreet porttitorfeugiat ligula hendrerit. Crasquis est dolor, id fermentum felis.Fusce sodales tortor sit ametlorem tristique vel imperdietenim varius.

    Ut venenatis lectus sed ligulalobortis et facilisis sem vehicula.Aliquam bibendum quamin turpis congue hendrerit.Aenean auctor facilisis metus,id elementum ante feugiat ut.Morbi turpis nisl, tincidunt non

    gravida sed, congue in nunc.Morbi luctus tincidunt erat, atrutrum massa luctus tristique.Maecenas libero est, vulputateposuere rhoncus aliquet,malesuada in quam. Morbipellentesque commodo eratvulputate hendrerit. Vestibulumin nisi a odio blandit auctor eteu massa. Duis sit amet felis orci,convallis laoreet lectus. Duis quisjusto et ligula volutpat venenatiset quis lacus.

    Ut tempus fermentum massa insagittis. Sed elit sapien, rutrumnec aliquam id, consequat nonfelis. Fusce sollicitudin orci necsem pulvinar nec tempor urnavestibulum. Mauris accumsanelementum sem, vel porta ligulaullamcorper sed. Nam viverra,nisl nec suscipit consectetur,purus mi blandit augue, eucursus diam augue ac nibh.Vivamus ut justo eget augueconsequat placerat eleifendquis turpis. Duis feugiat justo atvelit eleifend tristique in quis leo.Mauris sit amet purus massa.Vestibulum id erat non nisialiquet adipiscing et imperdietelit. Curabitur pharetra facilisisnulla, a mollis mi scelerisqueid. Vivamus at metus purus, idaliquet quam. Nam id erat eros,fringilla congue ante.

    Nam eu condimentum ante. Utposuere blandit dui eu volutpat.Suspendisse vel mi eget ipsumhendrerit blandit quis et metus.Sed venenatis turpis ac lorem

    venenatis egestas. Maecenasurna mi, consectetur egetfeugiat eget, vehicula quisquam. Fusce quis nisi ipsum, aconsectetur nisl. Cras magnaneque, viverra eget dictum non,tempor quis sem. Integer atdui a dolor sollicitudin molestiehendrerit vitae neque. In dolornisl, cursus vitae consectetursit amet, pretium id mauris.Vestibulum facilisis dignissim sem,at aliquet nulla posuere nec.

    malesuada luctus. Quisque duimetus, rutrum vel imperdietnon, rutrum eu odio. Fusce ataliquet augue. Proin consecteturfaucibus augue, non vulputatenunc dignissim et. Cras aliquet,

    metus eu cursus elementum,dui erat cursus nisl, sed conguepurus ipsum eu dui. Nulla acmi urna, in molestie lectus. Insit amet odio in erat tinciduntgravida vitae id sem. Phasellusaugue arcu, aliquet sed

    faucibus id, lacinia et massa.Aliquam bibendum fringillaultricies. Ut tincidunt blandit urnain molestie. Nunc pharetra liberonec lectus eleifend tincidunt

    dignissim risus accumsan.Phasellus rutrum eleifend mattis.Nunc augue sem, rhoncusquis iaculis a, auctor dignissimmauris. Nulla non felis in liberomollis pellentesque in eget risus.Nulla hendrerit odio vel lectusaliquam sit amet ullamcorpernunc suscipit. Suspendisse erateros, imperdiet vel molestie eu,consectetur vel leo.

    Ut tempus fermentum massa insagittis. Sed elit sapien, rutrumnec aliquam id, consequat nonfelis. Fusce sollicitudin orci necsem pulvinar nec tempor urnavestibulum. Mauris accumsanelementum sem, vel porta ligulaullamcorper sed. Nam viverra,

    nisl nec suscipit consectetur,purus mi blandit augue, eucursus diam augue ac nibh.Vivamus ut justo eget augueconsequat placerat eleifend.quis turpis. Duis feugiat justo atvelit eleifend tristique in quis leo.

    Article Title (30 Characters Or Less

    By Authors NameAuthors bio here. (75-125 words) Sed eros elit, bibendum et vulputate id, adipiscing non lectus.Morbi vulputate porta nisl, vitae tincidunt magna bibendum sit amet. Sed augue lorem, dignissimnec adipiscing nec, consequat sed nibh. Nam et libero eros. Suspendisse metus sem, vestibuluma facilisis in, cursus eget dolor. Quisque justo mauris, pellentesque non eleifend eget, volutpat quisleo. Proin vulputate, metus sed pretium feugiat, orci purus eleifend odio, vel tristique enim lectus velneque. Aliquam aliquam placerat nisi eu iaculis. Suspendisse potenti. In iaculis urna eu leo hendreriteu scelerisque neque semper. Quisque bibendum nunc quis turpis facilisis eu tincidunt leo pulvinar.Sed posuere tincidunt rhoncus. Sed fringilla interdum ullamcorper. Maecenas ornare augue eu ligula

    Health Medical and




































    Basic page set up and requirements at a glance...You will be sent a pdf proof of your page via email for your review between the 10th and the 14th. Pleaserespond with your approval or changes by the 17th. Absolutely no changes can be made after that date

  • 8/13/2019 Fulton County Women's Journal - Media Kit


    Full Page10 x 14.5 (live area 9.5 x 12.75

    Article & testimonials 750 - 850 words,

    biography 75-125 words, headshot and display ad.

    (add 1/4 bleeds if submitting camera ready page)

    Introductory Half Page9.5 x 6.25

    300-400 words and display ad.

    Issues are as follows: Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar, Apr/May, Jun/Jul, Aug/Sept, Oct/Nov.

    Reserve your space today!

    The Fulton County Womens Journal is a bi-monthmagazine that is a primary educational resour

    publication for the women of Georg

    Advertising Specifications

    The Fulton CountyW o m e n s J o u r n a l

    To Reserve Your Ad Space

    Call 678-250-3319 Or email [email protected]

    Ful l Page

    Half Page