funcargs & other fun with pytest

PyCon AU 2012 Brianna Laugher funcargs & other fun with pytest

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Video - Code - Pytest is a mature and comprehensive testing suite for Python projects, but it can be a little intimidating for newcomers. Where do these mysterious funcargs come from, how do parametrised tests work, and where are my xUnit-style setUp and tearDown methods? Pytest lives by "convention over configuration" - which is great once you know what the conventions are. This talk will look at real examples of pytest in use, emphasising the features that differentiate it from nose.


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PyCon AU 2012Brianna Laugher

funcargs & other fun

with pytest

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pytest – all the good stuff✔ all test styles: unittest, doctest, nose✔ boilerplate-free style – natural asserts✔ support for running tests distributed, boxed✔ generate JUnit-style XML for Jenkins CI✔ informative error reporting✔ extensible plugins, useful builtins✔ skip, xfail, custom markers✔ parametrize, generate tests✔ monkeypatch✔ funcargs!

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my background

● using pytest seriously for ~18 months at work● really enjoying it!● how it feels to use pytest: →

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Graphical Forecast Editor

● client/server desktop application used by forecasters to generate the (text & graphical) forecasts

● pilot in VIC, funding to roll out nationally, ~5 year project, 20+ new devs/testers

● existing codebase of Python and C++ (used operationally in US)● home-grown test suite and runner (via GUI)

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informative error reporting

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informative error reporting

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● e.g. add in unittest assert methods

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● e.g. add hook for winpdb

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custom markers

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generate tests● defined once per module● list/generate data to supply to 1+ tests● way more flexible cf. py.test.mark.parametrize

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generate generators!

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funcargs – idealised db example

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funcargs – trivial django example

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funcargs – trivial GAE examples

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funcargs – trivial GAE examples

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funcargs – why?

● dependency injection, aka inversion of control● works a treat with TDD● very natural with mocking● encourages modular design

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funcargs – a real DB example

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funcargs – a real DB example

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funcargs – to express prereq's

● for when a decorator is not powerful enough

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funcargs – to hide monkeypatch :)

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generate + funcarg - anypython

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pytest – the future

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test evolution -v0

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test evolution - v1

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test evolution - v2

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test evolution – v3

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test evolution - v4

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pytest – all the good stuff✔ all test styles: unittest, doctest, nose✔ boilerplate-free style – natural asserts✔ support for running tests distributed, boxed✔ generate JUnit-style XML for Jenkins CI✔ informative error reporting✔ extensible plugins, useful builtins✔ skip, xfail, custom markers✔ parametrize, generate tests✔ monkeypatch✔ funcargs!

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●● testing-in-python mailing list● Stack Overflow● lead developer Holger Krekel is very


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credits, thanks, contactComic panels from

Bureau of Meteorology● In particular, Darius Powell introduced pytest to our


Code examples:

[email protected] / [email protected]
