functional assessment interview and observation

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  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation



    (adapted from O’Neill, R., Horner, R., Albin, R., Sprague, J. R., Storey, K., and Newton, J. S. 1!."#un$tional A%%e%%ment &nter'iew. &n #un$tional A%%e%%ment and )rogram *e'elopment+ A )ra$ti$al

    Handboo, -nd  dition. )a$ifi$ /ro'e+ 0roo%2ole )ubli%3ing 2ompany4

    Student Name 23ild 0 Age ! Se5 6ale

    *ate of &nter'iew -nd No'ember -718 &nter'iewer 9ea$3er

    Re%pondent% 9ea$3er

    I. Student Behavior

    A. List the strengths and o!"etenies o# the student in eah o# the do!ains$


    • Able to re%pond to familiar %o$ial a$tion% (eg. Hi:;, %3ae 3and%, a$$epting item%4

    • Able to %tay in a %mall group wit3 3i% peer% during group wor %e%%ion%

    • Able to demon%trate le'el of awarene%% by taing toy% from 3i% peer% w3en t3ey tae t3em

    away from 3im

    A$ademi$ 2ogniti'e+

    • 6at$3ing ob

  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation



    • 2urrently on )i$ture 5$3ange 2ommuni$ation Sy%tem ()2S4

    • Able to $omplete )3a%e & of )2S = %imple 1 to 1 e5$3ange wit3 different reinfor$er%

    • 2urrently woring on )3a%e && and &&& of )2S = waling a$ro%% t3e room to $omplete t3e

    e5$3ange and di%$riminating between two different )2S $ard%

    a% &esri'e the 'ehaviors o# onern$

    1.Behaviour &esri"tion Fre(uen) &uration Intensit)

    1. #looring 23ild will drop to t3e

    ground (%ometime% roll

    on t3e floor4 and begin

    to purpo%ely mae 3im

    feel 3ea'y %o t3at

    ot3er% are not able to

    $arry 3im.

    >3ene'er 3e doe% not

    want to do %omet3ing

    t3at t3e tea$3er dire$t%

    3im to.

    ?min% = 17 min%

    (depending on w3at

    t3e tea$3er re@uire%

    3im to do4

    Hig3 = 23ild

    %truggle w3en tea

    trie% to $arry 3im

    %tand up.

    -. 0iting S3irt 23ild will bite 3i% %3irt$on%tantly and t3at

    would $au%e many

    3ole% on 3i% %3irt%.

    >3ene'er 3e get%up%et, angry or o'erly


    O'er ?7 min% w3entea$3er doe% not

     prompt 3im to %top

     biting 3i% %3irt.

    ; %e$ond% w3en

    tea$3er prompt% 3imto %top biting 3i% %3irt.

    ow = 23ild doe%%3ow fru%tration w

    3e i% prompted to

     biting 3i% %3irt. A

    3e doe% not tri

    ot3er $3ildren in$la%% wit3


    ?. Ki$ing and


    23ild will lie down on

    t3e floorB u%e 3i% 3and%

    to $o'er 3i% ear% and

    $ry, i$ing w3ate'er 

    tea$3er, peer or toy%around 3im.

    >3ene'er 3e i% put in

    a %etting t3at 3e i% not

    $omfortable wit3.

    O'er 1; min% for 

    e'ery meltdown.

    Hig3 = 23ild

    %3out and $au%e%

    noi%e% t3at w

    di%rupt t3e o

    $3ildren in t3e $Some $3ildren wi

    triggered and

    meltdown% a% due to t3e loud no

    8. 93rowing t3ing% 23ild will t3row t3ing%wit3 a lot of for$e

    (toy%, food4 onto t3e


    >3ene'er 3e i% %i$ of t3e food or gi'en

    toy% t3at 3e doe% not


    - %e$ond% for  t3rowing, at mo%t 1

    min of t3rowing all

    t3e t3ing% on t3e


    Hig3 = t3rowt3ing% may 3it o

    $3ildren and

    $au%e a lot of tea$

    to $lean up after 3

    -. >3i$3 of t3e be3a'ior% de%$ribed abo'e are liely to o$$ur toget3er in %ome wayC

    93rowing t3ing% and biting %3irt

    #looring, i$ing and $rying

    ?. >3at do you now about t3e 3i%tory of t3e unde%irable be3a'ior%, t3e program% t3at 3a'e been attempted

    de$rea%e or eliminate t3em, and t3e effe$t% of t3o%e program%C

    Behaviour *o+ ,ong has this 'een a


    rogra!s E##ets

  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    1. #looring 23ild 3a% alway% been

    flooring but 3a% %tarted

     be$oming be3a'iour %in$e !

    mont3% ago.

    23ild will be gi'en %na$%

    (eg. oreo4 to pa$ify 3im and

    moti'ate 3im to wal.

    )rogram 3a% been effe$ti'e to a

    $ertain e5tend a% $3ild will get up

    from t3e floor mo%t of t3e time.

    -. 0iting S3irt 23ild 3a% been biting 3i%

    %3irt %in$e 3e wa% ; year%


    23ild will be gi'en fruit%

    %u$3 a% orange% (for t3e

    %our ta%te4 and apple% (for 

    t3e $run$34 for 3i% %en%ory


    )rogram 3a% been effe$ti'e in

     beginning w3en 3e 3ad

  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    ?. *e%$ribe %leep pattern% and po%%ible relation%3ip to be3a'ior+

    23ild %leep% regular 3our% and doe% not 3a'e any po%%ible relation to 3i% be3a'iour

    8. *e%$ribe eating routine% and diet and po%%ible relation%3ip to be3a'ior+

    23ild eat% ba%i$ t3ree meal% a day but al%o %na$% alot t3roug3out t3e day. #ood i% u%ed a% a

    %trategy to pa$ify 3im w3en 3e mi%be3a'e%.

    ;. Student’% daily %$3edule (&ndi$ate w3et3er t3ey are a$ti'itie% 3e%3e en

  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation




    #urt3er detail%+ Inable to fill up t3e %$3edule for $3ild 0 before 3e attend% $la%% due to t3e parent% di%$retion

    . How many other 'ersons are typi$ally around t3e %tudentC *oe% t3e %tudent typi$ally %eem bot3ered in

    %ituation% t3at are more $rowded and noi%yC

    S$3ool Home

    9ea$3er Helper

    9ea$3er Aide )arent%

    9ea$3er Aide Sibling%

    23ild %eem% to be more bot3ered in $rowded and noi%y %ituation% lie in %$3ool w3en t3ere are more %tudent%

    around 3im.

    !. >3at i% t3e pattern of %taffing %upport t3e %tudent re$ei'e%C *o you belie'e t3at t3e n(mber  of %taff, t3etraining  of %taff, or t3eir social interactions with the st(dent  affe$t t3e de%irable or target be3a'iorC

    S$3ool Home9ea$3er Helper : 3a% been wit3 $3ild e'er %in$e 3e

    wa% born

    9ea$3er Aide : trained in 3andling $3ildren

    wit3 %e'ere AS*, proa$ti'e in $la%%room



    9ea$3er Aide : trained in 3andling $3ildren

    wit3 %e'ere AS*, proa$ti'e in $la%% %etting%

    and trained in toileting


    )attern or %taff and training of %taff are %uffi$ient for t3e $la%% $3ild 0 i% in. Student% are all diagno%ed wit3 AS

    %imilar to $3ild 0.

    . >3at agen$ie% are in'ol'ed wit3 t3e %tudentC


     5f there is any social agency in&ol&ement 'lease see %gency 5n&ol&ement (estionnaire 3 %ttachment ".

    C. &e#ine s"ei#i i!!ediate anteedent events that "redit +hen the 'ehaviors are likely and not 

    likely to our.

    1. 9ime% of *ay+ When are t3e be3a'ior% mo%t and lea%t liely to 3appenC

     4esirable 2arget  ,ost i-ely >3en $3ild i% a%ed to mo'e from one

    %etting to anot3er 


    >3en $3ild doe% not get w3at 3e want%  

    >3en $3ild i% a%ed to parti$ipate in

    anyt3ing t3at i% tea$3er dire$ted

     east i-ely >3en $3ild i% able to %ele$t 3i% $3oi$e of



  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation



    -. Setting%+ Where are t3e be3a'ior% mo%t and lea%t liely to 3appenC

     4esirable 2arget  ,ost i-ely *uring $ir$le time %etting

    *uring group a$ti'ity %etting 

     east i-ely  

    ?. )eople+ With whom are t3e be3a'ior% mo%t and lea%t liely to 3appenC

     4esirable 2arget 

     ,ost i-ely  

     east i-ely  

    8. A$ti'ity+ What acti&ities are mo%t and lea%t liely to produ$e t3e be3a'iorC

     4esirable 2arget  ,ost i-ely  

     east i-ely  

    ;. Are t3ere parti$ular or idio%yn$rati$ %ituation% or e'ent% not li%ted abo'e t3at %ometime% %eem to

    "%et off t3e be3a'ior%, %u$3 a% parti$ular demand%, noi%e%, lig3t%, $lot3ingC


    . >3at one thing  $ould you do t3at would mo%t liely mae t3e be3a'ior% o$$urC

     4esirable 2arget 


    !. 0riefly de%$ribe 3ow t3e target be3a'ior would be affe$ted if. . .

    a4 ou a%ed 3im or 3er to perform a diffi$ult ta%+

    23ild 0 will floor and %truggle w3en being p3y%i$ally broug3t to perform a ta%.

     b4 ou interrupted an en

  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    23ild will floor and %truggle, not wanting to mo'e from one area to anot3er if t3e routine i%

    di%rupted. Inle%% it i% to bring 3im to an a$ti'ity t3at 3e prefer% (eg. water play4, $3ild will

     parti$iapte and will not %3ow be3a'iour

    d4 93e %tudent wanted %omet3ing but wa% unable to get it+

    23ild will pu%3 tea$3er% out of t3e way in order to get %omet3ing t3at 3e prefer%

    e4 ou didn’t pay attention to t3e %tudent or left t3e %tudent alone for aw3ile (e.g., 1; minute%4.

    &f $3ild i% engaged in 3i% preferred a$ti'ity (eg. playing wit3 3i% preferred toy%4, $3ild will not

    %3ow any be3a'iour. Howe'er, after aw3ile, 3e will %tart to run around t3e $la%%room and

    t3row t3ing% on t3e floor. 

    &. Identi#) the onse(uenes or outo!es o# the "ro',e! 'ehaviors that !a) 'e !aintaining the!

    /i.e.0 the #untions the) serve #or the student in "artiu,ar situations%. 93in of t3e be3a'ior% li%ted in Se$tion 0,

    and identify t3e %pe$ifi$ $on%e@uen$e% or out$ome% t3e per%on get% w3en t3e be3a'ior% o$$ur in different %ituation%.

    0e3a'ior )arti$ular Situation% >3at e5a$tly doe% t3e

    %tudent getC

    >3at doe% t3e %tudent a'






    E. Consider the overa,, efficiency o# the "ro',e! 'ehaviors. E##iien) i# the o!'ined resu,t o# /A% ho+

    !uh "h)sia, e##ort is re(uired0 /B% ho+ o#ten the 'ehavior is "er#or!ed 'e#ore it is re+arded0 and /C%

    ho+ ,ong the student !ust +ait to get the re+ard.






      1 - ? 8 ;

      1 - ? 8 ;

      1 - ? 8 ;

      1 - ? 8 ;

      1 - ? 8 ;

    F. What functional alternative 'ehaviors does the student a,read) 1no+ ho+ to do- />3at %o$ially appropri

     be3a'ior% or %ill% $an t3e per%on already perform t3at may generate t3e %ame out$ome% or reinfor$e% produ$e

    t3e problem be3a'ior%C4 2See Setion A #or strengths and o!"etenies.


    3. What are the "ri!ar) +a)s the student o!!uniates +ith other "eo",e-

    1. >3at are t3e general e5pre%%i'e $ommuni$ation %trategie% u%ed by or a'ailable to t3e %tudentC 93e%e mig3t

    in$lude 'o$al %pee$3, %ign%ge%ture%, $ommuni$ation board%boo%, or ele$troni$ de'i$e%.

  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    -. How $on%i%tently are t3e %trategie% u%edC


    ?. On t3e following $3art, indi$ate t3e be3a'ior% t3e per%on u%e% to a$3ie'e t3e $ommuni$ati'e out$ome% li%te



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      u   ,   t   i  "   ,  e  2  +  o  r   d  "   h  r  a  s  e  s

       O  n  e  2  +  o  r   d  u   t   t  e  r  a  n    e  s

       E     h  o   ,  a   ,   i  a

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       C  o  !  "   ,  e  4  s   i  g  n   i  n  g

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       .  o   i  n   t   i  n  g

       L  e  a   d   i  n  g

       S   h  a   1  e  s   h  e  a   d

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       M  o  v  e  s     ,  o  s  e   t  o  )  o  u

       M  o  v  e  s  a  +  a  )  o  r   ,  e  a  v  e  s

       F   i  4  e   d  g  a  5  e

       F  a     i  a   ,  e  4  "  r  e  s  s   i  o


       A  g  g  r  e  s  s   i  o  n

       S  e   ,   #  2   i  n   7  u  r  )

       O   t   h  e  r

    Re(uest attention

    Re(uest he,"

    Re(uest "re#erred

    #ood2o'7ets ativities

    Re(uest 'rea1 

    Sho+ )ou so!ething

    or so!e ",ae

    Indiate "h)sia, "ain

    /headahe0 i,,ness%

    Indiate on#usion

    or unha""iness

    rotest or re7et a

    situation or ativit)

    8. >it3 regard to t3e %tudent’% re$epti'e $ommuni$ation, or ability to under%tand ot3er per%on%. (#or ea$3

    item, li%t if only a few4.

    a4 *oe% t3e %tudent follow %poen re@ue%t or in%tru$tion%C &f %o, appro5imately 3ow manyC

     b4 *oe% t3e %tudent re%pond to %igned or ge%tural re@ue%t% or in%tru$tion%C &f %o, appro5imately 3ow manyC

    $4 &% t3e %tudent able to imitate if you pro'ide p3y%i$al model% for 'ariou% ta%% or a$ti'itie%C


    How doe% t3e %tudent typi$ally indi$ate yes or no w3en a%ed if 3e or %3e want% %omet3ing, want% to go

    %omew3ere, and %o onC


    I. What are the things )ou shou,d do and things )ou shou,d avoid in +or1ing +ith and su""orting this


    1. >3at t3ing% $an you do to impro'e t3e lieli3ood t3at a tea$3ing %e%%ion or ot3er a$ti'ity will go well

  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    wit3 t3i% %tudentC

    -. >3at t3ing% %3ould you a'oid t3at mig3t interfere wit3 or di%rupt a tea$3ing %e%%ion or a$ti'ity wit3

    t3i% %tudentC

    8. What are things the student ,i1es and are rein#oring #or hi! or her-

    1. A$ti'itie% in %$3ool+

    -. A$ti'itie% at 3ome+

    ?. A$ti'itie% in $ommunity+

    8. Ob

  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    Attah!ent 9

      :uestions to as1 i# a student is in #oster are$

    1. >3o 3a% $u%tody of t3e $3ildC &% t3i% a parentfo%ter parent relati'e friendC 2omment%Note%



    -. &f t3e $3ild i% in publi$ $u%tody, w3o i% t3e $3ild’% $a%e worerC  

    a. 93e $a%e worer a$t% a% $u%todian.

     b. 93ere i% a %pe$ifi$ group of $3ildren w3o are being %er'ed by a 23ildren’%

    Home. 93e%e $3ildren are all eligible for adoption, and awaiting familie%. &n

    t3e%e $a%e%, t3e %taff per%on from 23ildren’% Home a$t% a% t3e $u%todian.

    ?. &n w3at type of fo%ter 3ome i% t3e $3ild pla$edC  

    8. >3o i% t3e $3ild’% /uardian Ad item 2ourt Appointed Spe$ial Ad'o$ateC  

    a. 93e /uardian Ad item (/A4 i% a per%on appointed by a magi%trate in

     3at %er'i$e% i% t3e $3ild re$ei'ingC  



    . *oe% t3e $3ild 3a'e an a$ti'e $a%e wit3 a mental 3ealt3 agen$y or pro'iderC  

    a. A $3ild in'ol'ed wit3 mental 3ealt3 %er'i$e% will 3a'e an 5ndi&id(ali8ed

    1er&ice Plan) 51P/ t3at delineate% t3e goal% t3e $3ild i% woring on in t3erapy.

    &S)% and &)% %3ould be $oordinated. b. Some t3erapi%t% $an be a'ailable to attend %$3ool meeting%.

  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    Attah!ent ;

    Funtiona, Assess!ent O'servation For!


    Starting *ate+   nding *ate+  

    )er$ei'ed #un$tion% A$tual

    2on%[email protected]'ior% )redi$tor% %$apeA'oid /etObtain Sen%ory


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    (if not3ing

    3appened in

     period, write












    !! 1


    ?.?7pm 8 8 8 8 8 8  

    8pm - -






























    'ent%+ 1 - ? 8 ; ! 17 11 1- 1? 18 1; 1 1! 1 1 -7 -1 -- -? -8 -;


  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    Student < &ireted Funtiona, Assess!ent Intervie+

    Student Name+   &nter'iewer+  

    Referring 9ea$3er+   *ate+  

    I. O"ening.  9We are meeting today to find ways to change school so that yo( li-e it more. 2his inter&iew will ta-e abo(t $0 min(tes. 5 can hel' yo( best if yo( answer

    honestly. o( will not be as-ed anything that might get yo( in tro(ble.;


  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    Mou will u%e t3e number% to t3e left a% $ode% for t3e identified be3a'ior% a% you $omplete t3e re%t of t3e inter'iew.

    Su!!ar) State!ent For!

    A$ti'ity or 'ent >3at Happen% 0efore 0e3a'ior(%4 >3at Happen% After  


    ; 9 >

    2omplete t3e diagram following t3e numbered %e@uen$e (0e3a'ior(%4 fir%t, t3en )redi$tor%, et$.4. 2on%ider t3e item% below a% po%%ible element% for in$lu%ion in t3e

    diagram. 2omplete a different diagram for ea$3 new $on%e@uen$e.

    >3at important e'ent% or a$ti'itie%

    tend to %et up t3e be3a'iorC >3at appear% to %et off problem be3a'iorC >3at do t3e problem be3a'ior% loo lieC

    >3at do you gain from t3e

     problem be3a'ior%Ca$ of %leep 2la%% demand% t3at are+ ate to $la%% %$ape or A'oid

    &llne%% 9oo 3ard 9al out in $la%% 9ea$3er demand%

    )3y%i$al pain 0oring *i%ruption% 9ea$3er reprimand% $orre$tion

    Hunger In$lear &nappropriate language )eer %o$ial $onta$t (tea%ing4

    9rouble at 3ome ong *i%re%pe$ti'e be3a'ior 9a%% (3ard, long4

    #ig3t$onfli$t wit3 peer% 9ea$3er reprimand% )roperty de%tru$tion /et Attention

     Noi%edi%tra$tion% )eer tea%ing 2arrying weapon% #rom peer%

    A$ti'ity$la%% )eer en$ouragement #idget #rom tea$3eradult

      (%eating arrangement%4 Ot3er Not $ompleting wor /et A$ti'ity or &tem

      (tea$3er error $orre$tion4 Steal A$$e%% to game93reaten A$$e%% to toy

    Fandali%m A$$e%% to food

    Ot3er A$$e%% to money

      (looing around and waling4 A$$e%% to ta%  


    )3y%i$al gratifi$ation


    Student < &ireted Funtiona, Assess!ent Intervie+0 ".>

    Student &ai,) Shedu,e

  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    )lea%e pla$e an "E in ea$3 $olumn to %3ow t3e time% and $la%%e% w3ere you 3a'e diffi$ulty wit3 t3e be3a'ior% we taled about. &f you 3a'e a lot of diffi$ulty during a

     period, pla$e an "E on or near t3e . &f you 3a'e a little diffi$ulty during t3e $la%% or 3all time, pla$e t3e "E on or near t3e 1. >e $an pra$ti$e on a $ouple toget3er

     before we %tart.





    *a,, ;nd


    *a,, >rd


    *a,, ?th


    Lunh @th


    *a,, th


    *a,, th


    *a,, th





    Teaher None None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None










    Ta',e 9

    *)"othesis Su!!ar) State!ent Wor1sheet

  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    Setting andor Hi%tory 'ent or A$ti'ity


    )redi$tor or 9rigger (Ante$edent4


    9arget 0e3a'ior 


    6aintaining 2on%e@uen$e(/oal of t3e 0e3a'ior4


    Setting andor Hi%tory 'ent or A$ti'ity


    )redi$tor or 9rigger (Ante$edent4


    9arget 0e3a'ior 


    6aintaining 2on%e@uen$e(/oal of t3e 0e3a'ior4


    Setting andor Hi%tory 'ent or A$ti'ity


    )redi$tor or 9rigger (Ante$edent4


    9arget 0e3a'ior 


    6aintaining 2on%e@uen$e(/oal of t3e 0e3a'ior4


  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    Ta',e ;

    Su!!ar) State!ent o# Re",ae!ent Behavior Strategies Wor1sheet

    Setting andor Hi%tory

    'ent or A$ti'ity


    )redi$tor or 9rigger 



    Repla$ement 0e3a'ior 

    (tae% t3e pla$e of t3eunde%ired be3a'ior4


    *e%ired 0e3a'ior Re%ult


    6aintaining $on%e@uen$e


    Setting andor Hi%tory'ent or A$ti'ity


    )redi$tor or 9rigger (Ante$edent4


    Repla$ement 0e3a'ior (tae% t3e pla$e of t3eunde%ired be3a'ior4


    *e%ired 0e3a'ior Re%ult


    6aintaining $on%e@uen$e


    Setting andor Hi%tory'ent or A$ti'ity


    )redi$tor or 9rigger (Ante$edent4


    Repla$ement 0e3a'ior (tae% t3e pla$e of t3eunde%ired be3a'ior4


    *e%ired 0e3a'ior Re%ult


    6aintaining $on%e@uen$e


  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    List Strategies that Ma1e the ro',e! Behavior Irre,evant0 Ine##etive0 D Ine##iient


    Setting Event








  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    Bui,ding a Su""ort ,an

    *e%ired 0e3a'ior 2on%e@uen$e%


    Setting 'ent% )redi$tor% )roblem 0e3a'ior  


    Repla$ement 0e3a'ior 6aintaining 2on%e@uen$e%


    )re'ention )re'ention &nter'ention>3at are way% to $3ange t3e

    $onte5t to mae t3e problem

     be3a'ior unne$e%%aryC

    >3at are way% to pre'ent t3e problem


    >3at $an be done to in$rea%e

    e5pe$ted be3a'ior% or to tea$3 a

    repla$ement be3a'iorC

    >3at %3ould 3appen w3en

    de%ired or repla$ement

     be3a'ior o$$ur%C

    >3at %3ould 3appen w3en a problem be3a'ior

    o$$ur%C (>3at %trategie% from t3e pre'iou%

     page would you u%e w3en t3e be3a'ior o$$ur%2larify rule% and e5pe$ted Reminder% about be3a'ior )ra$ti$e e5pe$ted be3a'ior in $la%% Reward programC


     be3a'ior for w3ole $la%% w3en problem be3a'ior i% liely Self:management program )rai%e from tea$3er 

    >ritten $ontra$t wit3 t3e Student% )ro'ide e5tra a%%i%tan$e Ot3er gi&e 'rom'ts for eA'ected beha&ior/ Ot3er 

    Student %elf:manipulator %3eet 6odify a%%ignment% to mat$3 %tudent %il l%  

    23ange %eating arrangement%

    23ange %$3edule 


    Ot3er e.g.B more slee' at home/  Ot3er e.g.B shorter assignments) more time/  

  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    Behavior Su""ort ,an

    Student Name+ 


    *ate of )lan+ 



    9. Target Behavior/s% /state the "ro',e! 'ehavior in o'serva',e and !easura',e ter!s%$


    ;. Media, *istor)6Mediation6Menta, *ea,th &iagnosis$


    >. *)"othesis/es% /re#er to Ta',e 9%$


    ?. Current Leve, o# Funtioning /state the #re(uen)0 intensit)0 and duration o# the 'ehavior 'ased

    @. 3oa,s D O'7etives /in,ude state!ent o# Re",ae!ent Behaviors and &esired Behavior Resu,ts%$


    . &ata Co,,etion Method$


    . revention Ativities /re#er to Bui,ding a Su""ort ,an%$


    . Intervention Ativities /re#er to Bui,ding a Su""ort ,an%$


    . Crisis Manage!ent roedures$


    9. Res"onsi'i,ities$93e following %taff will be managing t3e o'erall implementation of t3e plan+


    >3o notifie% ot3er %taff of t3eir re%pon%ibilitie%C


    i%t pre'ention and inter'ention %tep% and t3o%e indi'idual% re%pon%ible for ea$3+

    )re'ention Step Re%pon%ible )er%on &nter'ention Step Re%pon%ible )er%on


  • 8/17/2019 Functional Assessment Interview and Observation


    99. Re(uired !ateria,s0 training0 and sta## to i!",e!ent ",an$

    a. 6aterial%+ 

     b. 9raining+ 

    $. Staff+ 

    9;. Fo,,o+2u" ,ans$

    >3o will meet again and w3en+ 

    our %ignature indi$ate% you are aware of and are in agreement wit3 t3e implementation of t3i% plan.

    )arent /uardianSurrogate 9ea$3er  

    Student 9ea$3er  

    S$3ool )%y$3ologi%t )rin$ipal

    Agen$y Repre%entati'e Agen$y Repre%entati'e

    Ot3er :9itle Ot3er :9itle